Detention w Dumbledore: SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE

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R: Professor Dumbledore? We're here. H: And it seems to be empty. R: What is all this? H: I don't know. R: And what are you doing? Seriously? D: Detention! H: Right, because ... because he started it so he clearly has to have detention as well. R: Yeah, well maybe you should have it, instead of us ... ... considering it was your fault. D: Yeah, because I was the one who was yelling, across the hall. R: Well, it takes two to tango, and I was yelling at someone who was across the hall and that was you so ... (interrupted). H: Ron, we have a note. R: Is it from Dumbledore or...? H: I don't know. H: "Dear students, during this detention, you will play 'Smoothie Roulette'." R: What's a smoothie? H: "Spin the wheel..." H: Here's the wheel. Here? H: "Spin the wheel and add whatever number it stops on to your smoothie. R: Has he been taking notes from Lockhart? H: What is this? R: This is just like signing his pictures all day. D: Yeah, but what is a smoothie? R: What is a smoothie though? H: Apparently something combined with ... R: Is it a potion? Is it a muggle potion or...? H: I think it's some kind of health drink thing?. H: It says here - "Because I am too busy to supervise your detention, I have installed a recording device." H: There. H: So he's not here? H: "And I will ..." (interrupted). D: Well, I think that's obvious. H: "And I will view the footage after. Behave. Sincerly Headmaster Professor Dumbledore." R: But who has strawberries and tuna? Is that the punishment part? H: Maybe that's the punishment. R: Well, I think you should start, (H: Yeah.) as someone started it last time so... H: You got us into this situation. D: I'll play nice, ... ... since none of you are. R: Spin the wheel. H: You don't know what 'nice' means. D: Ten. H: Ten? D: It's caramelized milk. H: That's not pretty disgusting, is it? R: No. Of course, it isn't. R: Of course he got that one. H: Okay? So my turn. H: Three. D: This is number three. R: You got mayo! H: That's not funny, Ron! R: But you like mayo so... H: Not in combination with all of these things. R: You don't know. Have you had ...? H: Thanks. H: Ew! I'm not sure how much I have to take. H: A full spoon? D: All of it. H: You can have all of it. R: I got six. What's that? H: It smells ... (interrupted). R: Oh strawberries. Well, I don't mind if I do. H: Well, that's not funny at all. D: It kind of is. R: It kind of is, Harry. I'm sorry. H: It's the worst detention ever. H: Okay. It's Malfoy's turn. H: Sixteen. H: Haha! Ketchup. D: At least it's eco-friendly. R: Since when do you care? H: What snobbery is this? H: Okay. Umm, is that eight or a seven? R: Spin it again. H: Spin it again. Okay. R: It didn't say anything about taking ... (interrupted). H: Fifteen. H: No! R: See, you're getting a whole meal. You're getting garlic sauce. H: This is ... H: Okay, so this is some kind of garlish ... garlic cheese? H: How much do I need to...? Eurgh! H: Ahhh! H: Ew! H: That looks absolutely disgusting. D: Yeah. R: Eleven. H: Did I...? I didn't cross out fifteen. R: Eleven. H: *laughs* Did you get strawb- D: This is rigged. H: It's a banana. R: See? The wheel knows I'm innocent. That's why. H: What? Does that mean everything's my fault? Because I get the worst deal. H: That's thirteen. D: Thirteen. H: What's thirteen? H: Where's thirteen? R: Where's thirteen? H&R: Haha! D: Tuna. H: Too bad. Too bad, Malfoy. Too bad. D: I don't even like tuna. H: Especially not with caram ... Ew! R: Gross! H: Be careful, would you? H: That is tort- horrible. H: Ew! You should get some of the water too. R: That's so nasty! That's so bloody nasty! H: I don't like tuna. R: That will go great with your ketchup. D: No-one likes tuna. D: You're not special. R: You should probably clean that up. H: You should clean that up. D: Yeah. H&R: Five. H: Ah, an orange. Do I have to peel this ... myself? Okay H: I mean it's all sticky. R: I think you get to peel it later. H: Yeah. R: Yeah. H: Ew! H: You got twelve. R: No. You ruined it. R: Tomato ... H: Tomato Mash. H: You're eating your ... you're eating the banana. D: It is fruit. H: This is how you open a can. A muggle can. H: For some reason, he knew how. H: There you go. Just ... (breathes in) enjoy. Haha! R: That's so gross. R: Oh! It smells so bad. H: All of the smells combining just ... H: Hmm. H: Because it's like it's an ... I don't want that. H: It's like an assault on your senses because it just keeps coming at different ... Ew! R: Ruined! H: Yep. That's not gonna be tasty anymore. R: Could be worse. H: That's a nine. D: What is this? H: Well ... What is it? R: It's like yogurt? H: It's some kind of yogurt with berries. That's probably gonna go well with your juvenile ketchup. H: No! H: Malfoy! Don't cheat. Or you'll get another detention. H: That looks disgusting. R: Yeah. H: Here. H: All right, nine is gone. That means it's number four, right? R: Yeah, we can go with that. Yeah. H: Because it's close to four. H: Where's four? There's the ... No. H: Corn. R: Corn. H: Now we've all got a can. Each. R: Yeah. H: Pour the corn into the ... H: So many smells. D: Good job, Potter. R: I got two. H: The glass broke. D: Yeah. R: Whoa! R: Dude. R: Here. You can transfer it into this one. H: Yeah. Okay. It's because this one's ... I don't want to touch it. H: Eurgh! H: I hope these glasses didn't cost anything. Sorry, Dumbledore. H: What did you get? R: Honey. H: Honey? Oh, now you're not gonna be able to taste the tomatoes anymore. H: Nobody has gotten the hot sauce yet. R: I think Malfoy just did. H: Yeah. Great! Congratulations. D: Oh god. H: What? You can't open it yourself? D: I don't want to. H: Have you've got no muscle mass at all? R: Probably not, considering he just gets people to do his stuff all the time. H: That's strong. H: You should add a little bit more, I think. H: I have number eight. H: Oh, Nutella. H: That's chocolate. I don't imagine that will go well ... R: With your corn and the garlic. H: With the garlic and my mayo. H: Ew! H&R: [inaudible] H: I'm gonna go for it. H: This isn't gonna blend well. We should ... do we need to add something? H: Oh. Whoops. It says we should have started with soy milk. So we'll just add that later, I suppose. R: I got between nine and eight so that means it's closest to a seven. R: Oooh. Soy sauce. H: That's soy sauce. H: A full spoon of it. R: I'm just gonna pour some out. H: So how are you with strong ... ... strong stuff, Malfoy? D: Better than you. H: Do we go all at once or one at a time? R: I don't know. H: You're still eating. H: This looks horrible. R: Smells like soy sauce. H: What? I don't know what this smells like. R: How about yours, Malfoy? Is it bad? D: Smells like tuna. H: This is worse than polyjuice potion. Not that I've ever tried polyjuice potion. H: Okay, let's ... H: There's just so (R: much going on) many flavours. Oh, the aftertaste. R: I can taste the honey and the soy sauce and they do not go well together. D: This just tastes like ... like sweet spicy tuna. H: Well, that's good for you. Mine tastes like barf completely, that's vomit. That is vomit, that's horrible. That's karma H: Can I hex him? Will I get another detention if I accidently ... H: We turn off the camera first. R: Yeah. How do you turn it off? H: That is so disgusting! H: I feel like I'm gonna ... D: Yeah, I'm done. R: Yeah. For once, we agree. Let's just leave. Subtitles by Niamh Spencer
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 381,352
Rating: 4.9841866 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, draco, draco malfoy, ron weasley, harry draco, draco malfoy cosplay, draco cosplay, smoothie, smoothie challenge, golden trio, the golden trio
Id: dAK06qo9NiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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