Detention w Dumbledore: Halloween [Eng+ sub]

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H - Too bad about all of the food, though. D - Yeah. H - What were you looking forward to the most? D - I think, maybe mashed potatoes. H - Really? I wouldn't have taken you for a 'mashed guy'. D - What are you looking forward to the most? H - Dessert. D - Any dessert? H - Yeah, okay well ... H - No, I mean treacle tart's my favourite. D - Yeah, your favourite obsession with the treacle tart. H - What? You know what my favourite dessert is? D - You know you have a fan club, right? H - I didn't, actually. D - Yeah. Well, now you do. H - How do you know that I have a fan club? D - I've ... ... caught them trying to sneak into Gryffindor tower a couple of times. H - When you kept them away. D - I wonder why. H - Yeah, I mean, it's too bad about the feast but ... H - I suppose, I don't mind that much if I get to spend it being alone with you. D - We get a pumpkin, at least. H - What are we gonna do with this? H - Okay, what is this? D - Bla bla bla. D - Away on business. D - We're going to carve pumpkins. H - I'm supposing without wands? D - Yeah. It's a 'Dumbledore detention'. H - Okay, is that it? That's all? D - "Carve ... D - "Carve the pumpkin in any form you want without magic". D - Yeah. H - Okay. D - That's all. H - Have you ever carved a pumpkin before? D - Yes. With magic. H - This is gonna be fun. D - Yeah. D - Fun. H - So do you know how to start or ...? D - Like that, obviously. H - Yeah. Smarty pants. H - Are they ripe? They don't feel ripe. D - I don't know. D - They feel like wax. D - Is this really a pumpkin? D - Or is he just tricking us? H - We'll see. It might be that he's transfigured something. H - He used to be the transfigure teacher back in the day. D - Yeah. D - My dad told me about that. H - Before McGonagall! H - Imagine following that act. D - I can't really ... ... see Hogwarts without McGonagall as a teacher. H - She wasn't always ... H - It feels like she is built into the walls here. D - Oh yeah. D - Kind of. H - It's coming out. There you go. Come on, come on. D - Why are you so fast at this? H - Well, I'm used to doing things without magic. D - I think you're cheating. H - No! I'm not cheating. That would be you. H - I don't cheat, I don't need to cheat. D - You're the Headmaster's favourite boy or something so ... H - Oh, it doesn't smell bad, actually. D - It smells kind of like lemon. Not lemon. I mean ... H - Melon. D - Melon. H - Yeah. D - Sorry. H - Who knows. H - Okay. D - Of course you didn't. H -There's a lot of meat in this. D - Do you need help? D - No! D - I can do this. It's just a pumpkin. H - It's very thick so there's a lot of meat to remove. D - Aren't we supposed to keep the top? H - Maybe. D - To close it again? H - Okay, let's keep the top. D - Ha. I knew more than you. H - What? Is that an accomplishment? I feel like everybody always knows things before me. D - It's not hard to do. H - Ha ha! H - Maybe you should use your note-sending to help me out in class instead of mocking me and getting me detention. D - Maybe I wanted some alone time. H - Without sneaking out in the evenings? D - Yeah. D - I mean, I can justify sneaking out a couple of times. H - You're a prefect. You're allowed to be outside after curfew. D - Yeah. But I have a route. H - That's true, okay. H - What are you making? D - It's a secret. H - Is it? Is it a surprise? D - Yeah, it's a surprise. D - I'm going to be very artistic. My mother always said that I have an artistic flair. H - I think that's no secret at all. Most people know about your ... ... artistic flair. H - My relatives at home, the Dursleys, think they didn't used to carve these, they just bought them ... ... finished because they tried to make it a holiday tradition but my cousin always got tired of it before ... ... he finished carving and then my aunt had to be the one to finish all of his pumpkins. D - Yeah. D - Our house elves usually finished our pumpkins. H - Was it when you threw an tantrum because it didn't turn out the way you wanted? D - No! D - My pumpkins were perfect. It's just my dad didn't like them. D - It didn't look good ... ... outside the house. H - Was that really important though? D - Yeah, when you have like the Minister of Magic over for dinner, it has to look good. H - How old were you? D - Maybe 6. H - I don't think it matters when the six-year-old carves an imperfect pumpkin. D - Mum always said the same. D - But it was really important to Dad. D - So ... D - I mean it's the Malfoy name, so I guess I kind of understand. H - But the Malfoy reputation isn't dependent on your six-year-old ability to carve pumpkins. D - I'm the Malfoy heir. D - They have to be perfect. H - It sounds like a lot of pressure. D - Yeah, because you don't know what pressure feels like. H - Touché. H - Do you have, like any special way of celebrating holidays in the Wizarding World? H - I mean we've got Christmas and we've got Halloween but ... H - I read about - well not me. H - Hermione read about, like Samhein, I think. H - In the winter solstice about old traditions that witches and wizards do. Those traditions? D - Yeah, like some older families do. H - Well your family is pretty old, right? D - We don't really celebrate holidays so ... D - But I think like Crabbe and Goyle's families do. H - Why don't you celebrate holidays? D - Never really been a thing. I mean, Dad works all the time and ... H - Does he have a job? D - Yeah. He tends to the family fortune. H - Is that a job? D - Yeah. H - How is that a job? I mean ... (sound drowned out) you're just rich. D - It's not like we ... D - Money runs out. You have to, like, invest in stuff. H - So, is it all about politics all the time? D - Mostly. Like, most of the pure-blood families are into politics. H - Are you gonna get into running the family estate? D - Who is going to do it otherwise? H - I don't know. D - It's not like I have any siblings. H - There's your mum. D - Yeah, but she doesn't - she's not supposed to run the estate. H - Okay. D - She probably could but it's not like that common. H - I don't get it at all. D - Well if you haven't been a part of it since you were small then I get it. D - Okay, but is that what you want to do? D - I don't know. I guess. H - You guess. H - Don't you know what it is you ...? We had our career speeches like talks last year, right? H - What did you tell, I guess, Snape that you want to do? D - Snape knows my family so we didn't really have a talk. H - Isn't that obligatory? H - Like, I went to one with McGonagall and Umbridge was there. H - That's weird. It should be the same for everyone. D - I already know what I'm going to do so ... H - Is that one what you want to do, then? D - I don't know. I don't think I have much of a choice. H - Of course you do. D - No, I don't. H - Why wouldn't you have a choice? D - Because it's my family. H - Okay, but if you had a choice, then what would you do? D - I don't know. I don't have one so why speculate?' H - I thought Slytherins were supposed to be ambitious. Can't you do both? H - The thing that you want to do and running the estate? H - I mean, your dad seems to have a lot of time for extracurricular activities. D - What do you mean by that? D - I know what you mean by that. H - You done? D - I guess so. H - I'm done. H - Wow, it's a snitch. H - Cool. D - Looks more like a tentacle monster. H - No, no. I saw that it was a snitch right away. That's very nice. H - Mine's very boring in comparison. H - I didn't go quite as crazy. D - Maybe I have more of a flourish. H - Yeah, well. Okay. H - It kind of broke, a little bit. D - You're a big sap. H - Maybe I am. H - It would be pretty nice if you stopped calling my best friends names. D - I'm trying. D - It's harder than you think. H - Why is it hard? D - It's just ... H - Being decent. It's not that difficult. D - It's kind of like, ever since all of this ... D - I mean, my world turned upside down. H - So? H - My world turned upside down when I found out that I was a wizard and ... ... I mean that wasn't ... what is difficult about understanding ... H - What's so difficult to understand? H - People aren't less of worth because ... they aren't worth less just because they're muggle-born. D - I know that in theory. H - In theory? D - I mean, I've grown up with thinking that because of my heritage, I'm better than everyone. D - And to just have that confronted and turned out to be wrong, it's hard. D - Especially when you have to return, every time and still hear ... H - Draco? H - Being better than other people ... H - If that's important, then you have so many other things that are ... ... actual real things about you that make you better than other people. H - Like your heritage is not the reason I like you, right? You know that right? D - Yeah. D - And you hated me because of my heritage. H - You were kind of a git because of your heritage, and you still kind of are. H - So I need you to try harder. H - Because I don't really have a heritage. H - And if I did ... if anything like if I were to sit down and think about who is my family and ... ... then it's Ron and Hermione. H - I can't compromise their happiness for this, I can't do that. H - And it's also, it's just not right. D - Yeah, I know. D - It's going to take time. D - It's a habit, most of the time. H - So maybe try and not blow up and beat each other up when you are corrected. D - I guess I can try that. But I have to keep some of it up. D - I live in the Slytherin common room. H - I suppose I can talk to them about appearances. H - If that's the case. H - But ... I need to know that you don't think that way about people. D - Sometimes I catch myself still thinking it. H - But you catch yourself, right? D - Yeah. H - It's a start. D - It's a slow start, but yeah. H - Come one, let's go. H - That's good enough for now. Subtitles by Niamh Spencer
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 299,771
Rating: 4.9864445 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, drarry, drarry cosplay
Id: eyjmDzUnS7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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