Destroying America By Turning It Into A Giant Sewage Lake in Cities Skylines

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do you hear it in the background if you listen really carefully just and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do like one of those jump-scare things at you right now just listen really carefully you're the nice calming sound of the wind through the trees the water the waves maybe some bald eagles this the cry of freedom that's right that's right we got ourselves a little bit of America here except for this little part of Maine like some reason we couldn't buy that part and over here in like Washington there's there's nothing there my personal favorite thing about this map is the great Trans Pacific Railroad and highway like that's amazing you imagine driving what is it twelve thousand miles to Hawaii no gas stations don't worry about that we just have like a long roadway and I know you meemers out there that evidently the build a wall meme is still is still alive and well but this game doesn't really have faults we do have some fences like amusement park vents there's a Nature Reserve fence whoop-dee-doo a zoo fence forestry fence farm fence like we could build a farm fence here but that's boring what we need is the great canal yeah we do the great canal this one that's the perfect one so much for the Great Lakes we are not allowing any of the mooses to cross the border no they're illegal Oh little little Dingley partner on Minnesota's gun don't worry I got you fam we'll be good probably good we got that Minnesotan Minnesotan spirit up in here there might be like eight people that live in the Dingley part but that's okay we need it oh wow that's we did okay we're gonna we're gonna forget that even we're gonna forget it happened and it looks fantastic okay it's like the oceans like oh we found a new home let's just keep filling it up with unlimited water and then there's a tsunami here too hey that's a good idea we'll just do like a small-scale tsunami here like a like a 2.0 just to help it go in yeah like right there we are having the great flood of Montana happening too evidently the waters finally reached the sides the tsunami hasn't showed up either I guess they really did call this flyover country didn't they just from seeing a shining sea nothing in between except a boat out here where are you bringing that cargo we don't even have a city yet and here in the year of 2019 we have the great flood of the United States we're literally everything is underwater and except the trees really aren't because they're tall yep all right we're gonna fill up the Gulf of Mexico it's like the Mississippi River going down beautiful well I guess the good news is none of the moose can cross over now and I don't know if they'd want to because there's nothing left inside so I guess it's time to create maybe like a plateau or something I don't know maybe the Midwestern Plateau let's do that like right here oh yeah that's one gigantic brush and this part of the video is brought to you by Microsoft PowerPoint where we get three frames per second while playing video games the good news is is kind of nice and dry up here I mean there's no no water it's beautiful I've isolated the entirety of the farmland country except for like California and created a brand new plateau do I really have to click every tree individually I got bigger tries it's like sliding that doesn't work and I can't like grab him maybe I think that's what mods or for if we do that and then are they selected they are and if I click here yes I didn't have to click everyone all these poor trees here it looks sad they're dead we didn't really need that part of Minnesota anyway it's gone now this looks good we got like the East Coast here everyone's going on their typical life you got the transatlantic railroad that goes off to like Africa and then you've got this it's amazing so far I love it California's like yeah what about that climate change and I'm like nope we'll just do like geography change instead now what I thought would be fun is if we created a little lake in the middle we gotta get the right size brush here well it looks pretty good problem is finding the center now nothing is square here so I don't know that could be kind of the center ish like right in there something like that and then down oh it's glorious it's beautiful yeah the game doesn't even know what to think of it what happens if I delete these No oh nice you just big stars a little bit of the old smoothing and it looks perfect oh that's so nice that's beautiful it's almost it looks pretty close to the center I think yeah it looks good now what I'd like to do is make like an outlet here tell you what making a tunnel like this is I mean it's a lot of work I didn't realize how hard I was gonna be to make a stupid slope like okay then a slopes there uh-huh and then if I do the same thing again like that see it doesn't it doesn't work understand this mod here we go finally you can finally make an outlet and it's looking good it's looking real good just need to have like a little waterfall over here something like that I like it that might be okay then we must massage the terrain must make it beautiful and nice I was so pleasant to look at how upset something happen to Southern California that's fine that was the earthquake part that was the earthquake okay so we got a donut with an outlet here this is where the waters gonna come down now I thought there was some mods that would tide to rain to roads I couldn't find them or I didn't know how to use them if I did find him so we'll just have to play with what we've got here now I thought would be fun is to block this off with a little hydroelectric power plant sort of maybe is that the right way I don't know I don't think it matters yeah we'll do another one on this side because reasons I think we got to start filling up our tunnel - how do we do this okay and then turn you a little bit so ten ten should work that should be pretty good all right color pipes like man will just go up you know a thousand miles in this guy it'll be perfect we got to be clean right environmentally clean I don't know is that gonna be enough how much these take oh there it goes yes yes the oh not quite enough well don't worry we'll get real power coming pretty soon I just want these things to work not operating of course not nobody heat our roads to go up top that's beautiful oh man I actually did something cool for once okay and then we put the road up here oh it's gonna it's not gonna be a regular road that's fine uh what happened what happened to it it's very drunk that's okay I think I've done it I've hooked up the great mountain of roadway and it looks amazing now I need to make a road that goes around here so I'm not sure why I've never used them before but our hydropower plants are not working I'm wondering I don't I don't I don't have any idea so it's time to delete them there we don't need the trends American North American power plants we don't need those they're against the rules we need to find a beautiful place to lay waste to where should we go let's do you know what we have a road over here a fusion power plant must be placed roadside where's that wrote it come on that's a road I think nope that's a rail line over here well place it down in Sacramento it'll be glorious ah beautiful beautiful drainpipe aha that one's not working no no we also need to figure out where place to dump um Detroit an option maybe yeah what what's it gonna do I put a road all away what ok wait under yeah I mean that's that's good to know um sure we got now a road that goes way over here Detroit's de troyes just a little mean we can we can do that somewhere in here yeah that'll be perfect garbage dump in whatever wherever middle of Michigan Detroit's in Michigan right yep look at the garbage trucks are like yes yes I finally get to go to work and then they're through here and then they have to drive like in that tunnel all the way across to the other side of poop land oh this is not gonna be a good place for this because all the poop water coming from in here is gonna have to flow through this thing that's a bad place for our tunnel oh my god always says shoreline recommended like yeah I think I would know that but we need a few more heroes complaining about garbage like seriously I mean we're building your house around a giant poop lagoon and you're worried about garbage these guys are worried about more than that they have lots of problems I would think that fresh water is basic stuff but new how long you are away for working water pipes Joe this is full I guess taking a little bit of time to fill up I keep yelling at me because I don't have enough power and I think all my power is going to power these things oh it's amazing Elsa looks like they're not getting enough water hmm we have to we have to pump it up we gotta get these numbers up Louisiana is now turned into the world's largest export for water no longer crayfish boat water and so is Texas Texas has got a lot too maybe Florida will pretty soon as well cuz we need we need to translate it into poop water put it in the hole but everyone abandon my town why why are you abandoned things oh there's a weird smell coming from the apartment next door what's dead smell like blackout oh I bet things are turned around a little bit if I gave him like a bouncy castle I think that would work everyone needs bouncy castles no there's still a lot of nobody living here I don't think I can't increased my poop production at all oh I guess I can make more people but I don't know if that's how these things work okay I don't have any idea I mean every one of them's running are they running on max capacity who knows I mean it's operating normal sure trains release water into lakes it is brown looks like poop tell you what that melty castle really did the trick people love living here play this we're getting like a lots of people moving in it's amazing are they need garbage dumps I thought we had to try it for that like seriously Detroit's not working very good oh it's 23% full maybe it is working pretty well I think that'll work a little better we got we got garbage trucks for years in here and Michigan never looked better I just love how there's a traffic jam of garbage trucks coming out of the turned volcano yes it's time to go clean up all the garbage and they just and then there's other people that drive in there I'm not sure why oh yeah because they haven't outlet here they're allowed to leave the city from that way yeah maybe not best daddy we'll see hopefully the turd water flows into it it's tart it feels like it's getting there yeah there's a you know a lot I got it I got to do this and clicking click and click yes we have a star now in the it's that kind of middle okay let's put it in the middle of better better there we go beautiful it looks great I think that'll help out a little bit I like to call it the star it looks looks good there's lots more poop coming in now this might be one of my favorite things in the game right now we have Charles Thompson the educated adult works at the Sterling resident or he's works at the quiet corner shop and he's currently at home but his SUV is parked down here where is this darling residence it is right there okay and he's works at the quiet corner shop which is right over here this so like kids just you know parked his car right over here some way I I don't understand maybe it was maybe out of vacation he's like oh you know what I forgot that lottery ticket it was a winner and now I gotta go dig through Detroit and then he's like well yeah I didn't find it in Detroit and then he doesn't know anymore because that's just weird I'll be done talking about whatever his name was oh he's God no he went and picked it I wonder if I can find his car uh I know I can but check it out our surgical goon is kind of filling up I like it it's working pretty well I really need more but I don't know how to make more this is my favorite I absolutely love it I mean the giant line the huge line of garbage trucks everyone's trying to get to the city and they can I better make him more roads can I get there we go a giant rodent evidently you can make a bridge that turns like that I didn't realize that was an option it's going though yes you know works okay so we avoided a little traffic this is amazing it's working except where'd they all that garbage trucks go not sure I also don't have any cemeteries and there's some dead people probably need to increase my medical coverage to guys like we don't have much we must have more bouncy castles too nobody's happy they're bouncy castle free oh yes that makes everyone super happy actually that wasn't very good they don't like bouncy castles too much weight do they want bouncy castles in the industrial section I guess well I mean it's not a bouncy castle and hardly makes a dent here have a bouncy castle they like it they need that's what they need their work break time to make a bouncy castle and there's like nobody who will ever were or go here it'll be great look at this the turn waters ball ready to splash over the edge - I might I might have like raised up the bottom of the pond it's just a little bit cuz it's been a long time and there is a ton of water getting dumped into here like a buttload of it like a bunch of butt loads of it like 11,000 but loads of it well this is good news duck truck got filled of poop oh man it's going the first slog of water has gotten down I gotta see if it actually makes it I've been doing some work reworking on this thing oh nice that grass again it gets so fertilizer with human waste hay and all the cars driving down the new embankment I just made oh it's gorgeous it's gorgeous the first slug is here come on down turn water my favorite part is when it's gonna get oh yeah it's gonna hit these trees this would be good oh maybe I should remove the trees like this one okay that's fine oh the trees didn't matter it's picking up speed we got white water poop now go go go it'll be it'll be glorious just a little bit further Wow just a long ways further until it makes it okay here comes down the hill oh dude we got more coming nope not quite it must have been just a wave or something ah yes come on down oh it's gorgeous and now what happens is it gonna spread out and just turn into like a nasty thing oh not too bad not too terribly bad it does spread out a little bit but it's gonna plug this watch to go a brown water here ah it's beautiful okay it it's so close it is so close to be permanently going over now oh it's splashing we need a bridge that's what we need Oh if there goes another splash okay hold up wait a minute yeah that's what we need beautiful bridge in the way that'll be so much better nice scenic view of the waste water detention pond tell you what this is always my dream in life via the orchard residents they love living here it's amazing cuz in the background they got this nice view he imagined the smell oh it's glorious and love it I do really wanted to do is I really want to drain this thing yes the seminar that the garbage truck bypass has worked out fantastically we got a nice little stoplight here for only the landfill oh man look at all the ground pollution it's amazing so if we've done a decent job turning the entire United States and to like like it a septic tank I think so I mean we're dead pretty good I really want to go in and remove this little land bridge right here we have to open the dam and flood California well I guess what's left of California I gotta be careful because we don't want to flood everything so I'm just gonna turn it will make the oops wrong one well target the height right here and it will just pop a hole in yeah it's gonna flood it's flooding the turd flood is upon us oh that's amazing it's glorious I love it look at that America how do you like those apples I like like horse apples oh there it is I wonder now my question is what's the flow gonna be like at the end like cuz we want a constant flow coming down here I kind of wish I could go faster wish there was maybe there is a mod where I can go like eight times faster or something oh I figured we'd have problems in here with it splashing down oh sorry Utah we're getting it are getting a good flood it's looking good it's looking fantastic oh that's it's actually really nice there - that's a good stream of poop can I love the the turd tsunami is just like Oh someone had corn now is it gonna flood this reel or this roadway - I hope not oh maybe a little nope maybe no yeah we're flushing the cars oh no um when you did would see this I need to brush strength a little bit lower up bra button Rock button that's bad news how did that happen bro strength was easy there that's better I'm actually surprised I got a road to go up on this side it looks good I love it this might be one of the favorite things that have done in this game in a long time anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video I hope you've enjoyed our adventure in pollution if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,334,265
Rating: 4.7390246 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, cities skylines, cities skylines industries, cities skylines homeless, cities skylines change, cities skylines game, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines funny, cities skylines funny moments, dec2018, cities skylines sewage, cities skylines america, cities skylines flood, cities skylines funny city
Id: 6_KOS9m63Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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