Destroying $200 in Warhammer to Create a CUSTOM MODEL

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yep this defiler will be perfect for my night lords army hope the model is pretty cool [Music] hello again hobby friends you know we always come across models that strike our eye as being something that we really are drawn to we must purchase it we must paint it but on the other side of that coin there are always those models that we look at and say that is hideous but what if there's a model that we really dislike the look of but we also want to use it in our gaming for our army list i recently came across that exact issue when building out my warhammer 40k army list for my nightlords army you see the defiler would be the perfect heavy support for my baddie boys as they descend from the skies and it rains down hellfire and pinches things with creepy claws and that's just it i want to use this model but i i can't it's so friggin ugly so instead of buying that ugly hunk of junk i decided to spend my money on a couple other kits that i had a vision would come together and make a better version of the defiler and i grabbed my old bits boxes and see if i could find anything else in those to help along the way now i've never done a big kit bash or a major conversion before sure i've replaced a head or i've put on different weapons or slightly different pose or added wings to models that didn't have wings but this is kind of a whole different animal you really are forced to design from scratch and try to refine your vision as you go and it can be a bit daunting to start i wanted to avoid focusing on specific details rather try to figure out how to create the main big sections of the model and i wanted to stick with this arachnid style mechanical legs that the defiler model is kind of known for the nectron tri-arc stalker has some pretty awesome spidery legs so that was the first kit i knew i wanted to use for this and i got building those legs first today's sponsor is broken anvil miniatures and their new venture broken anvil monthly a monthly patreon where each month you get epic offbeat miniatures for your gaming needs and for some painting enjoyment each month we'll introduce a new theme of minis for you to 3d print at home in april the theme was barconians some epically fantasy inspired doggos that you can print out and use in your games or just adore them for being such a good boy and i'm super pumped for may in june where the epic theme is too massively awesome to be held in one month alone and it's called the graveyard shift where we have some awesome vampire hunters storming the castle and going up against the legions of undead led by the vampires and i think we could probably use these awesome minis for an existing board game that uh just came out maybe you've heard of it who knows so check it out head on over there the link is in the description below for the broken anvil miniatures patreon and broken anvils monthly thank you broken anvil for supporting the channel let's get back to the video games workshop adds a lot of specific details for their models really to tie them in with their own faction so on the table you can tell that these models all belong together and are in the same army but this can cause a bit of an issue when i'm using some necron bits or different factions bits it's not really going to look like a chaos army so we're gonna have to find a way to deal with that my cordless dremel became a very valuable tool in this project especially when trying to deface some of this detail that makes a model appear to be a part of a different faction i went through with the grinding tip first to try to get rid of this weird robot alien alphabet stuff and while it did grind it away it was very imprecise and pretty nasty on the plastic i could see trying to get through really large hunks of a project with this but for finer detail work i found that a small diamond tip drill would work perfect it gave me a lot more precision and i could get right up to some edges and keep them fairly clean and all i needed was a quick sand with some sandpaper afterwards to fully smooth that surface now that we've got some legs let's worry about the body of our defiler and the second main kit i used for this job was the venom crawler which comes in the start collecting box which i was gonna buy for this army anyway so i had the model there's a couple reasons why i really like the idea of using the venom crawler in this kit bash first of all it's got a big old spider butt and this spider butt works really really well with the arachnid style legs already used thus far and i think we can kind of lean into that spider aesthetic secondly it's a chaos model innately so it's going to have more of that chaos look chaos details and then we can use all the little spare parts of this kit to really get our money's worth and use those all over for the chaos feel my plan was to take these two main separate parts get them put together and then just kind of hold them up next to each other and try to find the best position or pose that they would work together in i think there needs to be another section of body added for this kit it just seems like there's not enough meat here and i looked at the hell drake kit and i thought maybe there'd be a body section that i could grab there and use but they all felt a little bit awkward and not quite the right shape but i did pull out this dark eldar talos engine kit it has this really cool back armor plate and i think i want to use this i don't know where yet but i'm going to put it together and we'll figure that out later looks like i still need more to fill out the body and find a head for this piece so i dug out my bits bins and started to dig through there with some desperation that i might find something useful in addition to finding some guns and some chains and some interesting details that i think i can add later i did find a big old zombie dragon head and this buggy looking thorax thing from abner girl plague drone it's great to dry fit pieces to find out what fits where and what looks good together that's exactly what i did with this zombie dragon head and that dark eldar armor piece it looks like they were meant to go together so i'm not gonna fight it now i just need something to connect this head and neck region to the spider butt we still have a gap between our spider butt and our dragon head and i decided i was just gonna hack off the nurgle drone thorax thingy so now i got a bug butt next to a nurgle butt and squished together with the head and that's that's a lot of butts for one video but sorry youtube and i've always liked this little saw for doing stuff with terrain and base building but it actually is great for just hacking through kits like this relatively smoothly and i'll put a link to it in the video description below like i always do for stuff that i use how i deal with connecting plastic model parts that weren't designed to be connected and don't fit together flushly i use a two-part process with plastic cement the first bottle has just turned into what i call spruegu a thick substance you can make by taking a half full bottle of plastic cement and filling it up with plastic bits of sprue that you don't need you can always go as thick or as thin with this goo as you like but i prefer it a nice thick consistency i use the thick stuff as my primary glue and run an extra line of it where the pieces meet if they're not flush i then take the pure plastic cement from the bottle and smooth out the transitions of where the goo meets the model until it becomes a nice smooth seamless surface the defiler has a big gun called the battle cannon i am having a hard time saying the word defiler and not using arnold's voice i am the defiler the gun that i found for my battle cannon is a little bit too small for my liking so i decided to increase the size by adding a plastic card tube that i cut to add a longer barrel to get proper length and girth to our battle cannon i decided that there was a good chance i was going to need some coils or tentacles or something so i grabbed my green stuff and these green stuff world tentacle and coil rollers and i just rolled out a bunch and put them in different shapes since they're going to need to cure overnight i just made a whole bunch and i'll deal with them later that is a problem for future john to solve [Music] as long as my green stuff is out i decided to smooth the transition between the spider butt and the nurgle bug butt to make sure that they're nice and smooth and i also want to adhere a stronger connection between the top of the model that i've created and the bottom so i reinforce with a little ring of green stuff and smooth that out as well so we have a nice firm connection there to make sure that the model keeps that chaos feel and to make best use of the venom crawler i hacked up to make this model i tried to use as many of its bits as i could i made some of the front grabby claws and i hacked up other legs to look like mechanical supports that give the model a little bit more weight overall the underside of our beast looks a little bit barren at this point but to ensure that no primaris is safe underneath our defiler i decided to use these cool tentacles from that dark eldar talos kit kind of flaying out towards the enemies and a quick patch job with spackle makes additions like these feel like they were sculpted into the model from the get-go and a little trick i use is to like add a little water to my tool or brush and smooth over that still wet spackle for a nice smooth finish and since our spackle is still wet i decided to push some of our coils into it and gluing the other side of the coil to the underside of the model this gives us a nice cool little detail with that biomechanical feel now and then i'd bring the dremel back out and deface those parts that didn't feel too chaosy and i have an idea of how i'll further cover these later with some grime so i'm just making sure that i get away the obvious lines and symbology at this point the guns that are supposed to be used on this big spider butt kit seemed a little bit too wimpy for my tastes so i dug around in my bits box and found some nice hefty barrels and with a little hack in a little plastic glue they look like they belonged right in this kit unless you accidentally put your gun barrel on upside down uh whoops luckily i caught it while the glue was still wet and i just pulled it off and fixed it good as new i attached the battle cannon to the top of the spider butt and then i looked around for areas that looked like they needed a little bit more detail and i use these cool little chassis wing dinger things that come with the raptors kit and i put those everywhere that they look like they needed to go and i took one final pass on adding more details trying to use things that i had hacked up in the process thus far like this little armor spiky bit that fits well on the dark eldar armor kit as well as some old oceanic bone reaper spearheads that i use for my prior video on painting that army in a rare moment of intelligence i actually went back and checked the data sheet on the defiler to make sure i didn't miss any weapons that i needed to have on here and i realized it has a really nasty melee weapon known as the scourge and i have no idea what a scourge is but it's an excuse to add the sweet whippy tail to the model and while i'm creating this sweet whippy tail i want to take a moment to thank all the beautiful brush ninjas out there that have chosen to support me on patreon especially those new to the samurai and shogun tears your names are on the screen your support means the world to me and i enjoy chatting with you all on discord and sharing with you each week on my weekly vlog and now that our defiler is properly bedazzled and bojangled there is one more step to really bring the grim dark funk in here and that is for us to use some texture pace all over not only can this hide the seams and areas and gaps that we don't want to draw attention to but it also will build up a natural dirty gritty texture i use two stuff i use a regular red oxide paste by vallejo to give us a nice really fine gritty texture when it dries and then i use the texture of ghrelin earth by games workshop any crackle medium paint will do here so we get a variety of textures all over [Music] our beautiful defiler here is now battle ready and excited to hit the field but there's one more thing she needs and that's a name and that's where you come in i need some help coming up with her name that i will call her on the table for every game so in the comments below give me your ideas tell me your best name for her and after a week or so i'll pin in the comment section my choice based all on your names yeah i gotta say i had a ton of fun on this project it was just freeing to just hack stuff up and be creative almost like you were sculpting something from clay and the best feeling was at the end i realized that i had a one-of-a-kind model no one else has one like this and i think you might enjoy that process as well and then when you paint it up you'll be so proud of the unique piece that only you have oh and i bet you're wondering if i'm gonna paint this beautiful sheila up for a video on the channel and i guess you're just gonna have to subscribe to find out see what i did there yeah i'm gonna paint the whole army for a video at the end of may i'm terrible keeping secrets stood out as being a round the right i had no it was an amazing feeling when i started to properly be de-bazzled de-bazzled get into the chopper get down who is your daddy and what does he do
Channel: Ninjon
Views: 507,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, space marines, warhammer chaos, warhammer defiler, night lords, chaos space marines, painting warhammer, kitbash, custom model, kit bash, painting 40k, painting age of sigmar, miniature painting, mini painting, beginner miniature painting, 40k conversion, warhammer conversion, miniac, black magic craft, miniature painting tutorial, mini painting 101, warhammer lore, custom warhammer, custom 40k army, warhammer kitbash
Id: KsBxfTh-hSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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