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the dread the final shapes new enemy race has an interesting backstory some are shaped from disciples through blueprints others are members of conquered species but all are reshaped by the evil minds of the witness today we discuss their lore and backstory The Dread are Destiny's first enemy race added in a while and today we discuss what we know about their story the witness is inside the traveler to enact the final shape or was we see it with the environment as it cuts subjects and rearrange them in strange ways but it also began to shape its own Army The Dread feature many new variants the Grim husk attendant Weaver subjugator and tormentor in the new exotic warlock chess piece the Mato doxia we see how the creates a grim and it's pretty terrifying the moment when wings and limbs are held on tentor hooks and the pin enters the thorax the witness has made an old friend of Darkness it knows intimately the language of warp and weft how to weave a spider silk notion or slip a needle of intrusive thought into the fabric of another's mind in its hands the light should be alien and inelegant the hammer and chisel so unlike its customary tools but though the witness has never wielded light like this before parts of it recall a time when they made The Gardener's tools their own but now that power is not freely given now every stroke of the Chisel is accompanied by a distant whale a minor annoyance at most the raw material is mediocre but a true artist can paint on any canvas the witness has far more more Vision than the factless sphere it has superseded a in to our final work it works in Broad Strokes first Cuts away the excess peels back the integument and lays bare the Shivering raw meat of it in it the witness sees a glimpse of the sculpture trapped inside waiting to be freed by its hand one assistant places the pins another wipes away the aluia a formed to teach our enemy fear a shadow they will dread the ru grows restless it thrashes threatening to upset the delicate work done so far the witness spares it a sharp quelling look and it Stills nothing May distract the UR from its work onward it refines the form tearing wings of muscle away from bone carving down down until exposed marrow streams in the cold air it's Tempo increases its motions grow sharper until it's slashing wildly at its canvas its assistants tremble they do not see that its expression is Frozen in absolute Serenity it is as calm and cleare eyed as it has ever been discarding yards of still living trip to reveal Perfection so in that card the witness is crafting what it believes is a perfect being it says it uses the light recalls it from a Tim long past likely when members of the precursor species use the light to terraform worlds and create Gardens minions assist as it tears away flesh and tortures this creature Cuts away the excess and creates a new form of the enemy will fear and dread nice wording there it mentions Wings multiple times in the lore and flavor text so this makes me believe it's talking about the creation of a grim the Grim at least what they were before this transformation were believed to be a conquered species by the witness had found them somewhere out there in the universe Servants of the witness they must be remant from a conquered species previous lore from Pantheon text in the weekly updates detailed the witness and its Corruption of some species how it may use its disciples its most devoted followers as blueprints the witness made contact with roal on his home World lubre restored him and empowered him as the first disciple here with you my witness and what do you feel now devoid of family devoid of the regime to devoid of Lu what do you feel here in our embrace now that they are gone and you are left Rock opens his eyes crawls forth with the blackened solution that engulfed him all this time emerges from the wall of obsidian like miasma to find his luster to find ruin taking them he rises to his feet what do you feel my child relief nzar nzar was created from Rock's blue print Rock's blueprint was used to create Nezar or alter him from his original species he underwent some transformation just like rock did then to go a step further nzar was used to create tormentors and we know that tormentors are a part of the dread so the witness is using blueprints from its disciples to create this new species it would appear tormentors are the biggest of them all they first appeared in lightfall alongside Nezar and are an exact blueprint or copy of him in lightfall we had characters question tormentors like Osiris wondering if Call's cloning technology had a part to play in their creation maybe that's why the witness partnered with callus what was that the fruits of an Unholy alliance between the witness and gas I feel they'll have more surprises in store regardless these imprints are terrifying and are at the top of the chain in terms of power and sometimes command they have giant scythes can leap in the air and drain your light abilities and supers from nearby Guardians oh yeah they can also grab you and Crush you in the palm of its hand subjugators can be very dangerous and have a couple of different variants the Omens who use stasis and the harbingers who use strand these units are often found around the pale heart and act as the leader of the pack other enemies will swarm to their position and regroup if the subjugator moves around retreats to certain destinations subjugators also appear like rock so while we don't have confirmation it's possible they are also based off of his blueprint Rock was often referred to as the subjugator himself conqueror many called me again and again I heard this word lobed my direction not with admiration but with malice and as I walked away their Fountain Head in tow I could hear them whisper with respect subjugator and a cool fact about subjugators most of them appear to be female the Weavers and attendants these are Scion units that have been reshaped by the witness with Darkness abilities we know that some Scions were loyal to callus in the darkness like seen in the Vox obscura witch Queen missions so it is possible either they join the witness and it reshapes them callus had Scion clones created or the witness just took Scions in its own and made them part of its Dark Army they can get pretty annoying with their stasis and strand Powers sometimes launching strand at you and pulling you like a rubber band across the map Guardian I'm not sure what that that creature is it breeds like a Scion but its genetics are scram change agents of the black Fleet Nezar rol even callus they were just the beginning the husk are very cool and unique they wield giant blades on their arms and appear to look very similar to Hive in some aspects like an acolyte the witness basically created The Hive long ago so this might be its perfected shape ape of that species like the hive who have a worm inside them the husk have a Guist inside its body that will track the player after its host has been destroyed we then have the Grim which we explained a little bit earlier or their creation the Grim are one of the coolest dread enemies in my opinion ghost tells us that they were shaped from a species conquered by the witness which is pretty cool we know the witness conquers and destroys many species but like its disciples the fact that it pulls some of those out to become members of its own Darkness force is very intriguing really further cements it as that evil villain the Grim have their own weapons and resonance blasts which can stun the Guardians and although they're easy to take down can be quite difficult in groups and higher difficulty activities IGN has their own destiny show called fire team chat and in it recently just a couple of days ago they talked about the dread the video is almost an hour long but here are some important tidbits we picked out apparently prototyping for the dread began a long time ago some people think hey bunge delayed the expansion and just somehow magically made the dread but it looks like the entire species has been in development since around shadowkeep building upon work of past expansions and ideas and eventually releasing them from the top down Tormentor first the most scary one and then build upon those early prototypes something I find cool is the enrage mechanic it's in game but some people may not even notice it when a unit reaches half Health like the subjugator here it'll become more aggressive you can see the way its face lights up in a darker reddish color the Grim were referred to as gargoyles in early development which we actually saw in some of the trailers and Bungie wants to expand upon the dread in the future hopefully in lore but also in game play there's potential for the faction to be included in other activities in the game Onslaught would be pretty crazy I'm not sure how fun that would be but just a random thought so those are just some cool facts if you'd like to see more definitely check out fire team chat so there you have a Guardians the current lore and backstory of the dread I wish there were some more lore tabs like the Exotic chess piece that would go more in depth but for now this is all we got if you know any dialogue lore entries or tidbits from the final shape that EXP explain some of this further be sure to tell us down below if You' like to see some more Destiny lur and Mysteries just like this video please be sure to subscribe to the channel and thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you all in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Evaze
Views: 36,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 lore, destiny story, destiny 2, destiny 2 episodes, destiny 2 the final shape, the final shape, final shape expansion, destiny 2 final shape campaign, destiny 2 dread, destiny dread story, destiny dread lore, destiny dread, what are the dread, destiny dread enemies, destiny grim, destiny subjugators, destiny tormentors, destiny the witness, destiny story explained, destiny secrets, destiny lore, destiny dread enemy, dread enemy species
Id: 93RmuzPoB78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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