Destiny 2 - NEW NIGHTMARE POWER! New Subclass and Nezarec's Return

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nightmare power and the return of a final God of pain the final shape mentions this and today we break down everything you need to know is another Darkness power on the way and will Nezar return and lead a new Army he is alive so let's discuss nightmares we learned about them in Shadow key on the moon and how they torment their subjects they were defense mechanisms and darkness Abominations created to feed on fear and pain this was further explored aboard the derel Leviathan in season of The Haunted but in the final shave we get an update on nightmare power and the leader who is most notorious for using it micen has a bunch of missions where you go out there and retrieve ghosts around the system bring them back to the traveler so they can help heal in one of her missions we search for a ghost named link and as we go through the moon and the hellmouth we get some more info on nightmares ghost tells Cade what we learned about them since shadowkeep and Beyond and they're not really a threat anymore but other dialogue is interesting listen to this oh man this guy come on Guardian put one in his belly for me I'm up signs that L was here it looks like he was examining the nightmares scanning them maybe he was trying to figure out where they come from oh we already know that Kate we figured that out years ago they're not much of a threat anymore oh yeah I right no that makes sense that's uh good work everybody we then he defined a scholar ghost named Bazar who goes lost on the moon as well who had some data that Micah found strange Bazar went to nazar's Pyramid Guardian I have telemetric data for the ghost Bazar he's an old friend of peach the first ghost you recruited Bazar is a scholar ghost like anoir but usually not as daring in fieldwork which makes my discovery of his telemetric data on the moon all the more concerning I was afraid of this the reason I was unable to Pinpoint bazaar's location is because it is smothered in darkness he's in the pyramid isn't he unfortunately yes you'll need to fight through the hive to get to the pyramid then Brave its security system nightmares I thought after we killed Nezar that they go away but they haven't the pyramid must be partially responsible for them too Harris wrote extensive documentation on nightmares after her last encounter with them she and I believe that they are a yet untapped power of the darkness one that nazare coopted for himself a w into the fabric of his pyramid so even after his death they persist which raises a larger question is Nazar truly dead can something that exists as an idea ever be destroyed one nightmare at a time Micah please the last time we entered the pyramid like this the witness spoke through me now I don't feel it at all it's strange I once felt the witness's presence so overwhelming here but now it's hardly a whisper the y feels different abandoned hungry or no yearning like it has a mind of its own and it misses having a master the witness's presence in the pale heart has made our actions go unseen it is vulnerable and perhaps that is what Balthazar was exploiting Ghost suggests that nightmares that remain may be connected to the pyramid here and darkness is itself makes sense when you think about it Nezar had the power of nightmares but he got it from somewhere else somehow Aris and Micah believe that Nazar was one of the first to discover or acquire this nightmare power they also wonder if nzar is still alive the pyramid is said to have a mind of its own through darkness and Longs for a new leader we also see a recorded message from long ago from the witness to Nez R learning about how the final God of pain tormented the Scions in the distant past and how the veil seemed to be involved the SS KNE their faith is shattered they will look to you for guidance gu for truth truth no h how is it here I wait s the seeds of Discord will pave the way for our Victory preach under their greatest the truth of the darkness so they may see Beyond the Veil this isn't now this is some kind of recording a memory go forth me and show them the power of the veale the Dark of the deep the edge of the this must be what balazar was trying to find information on the witness recorded in an artifact I can sense balthazar's location I don't think he's far let's get out of here and go get him and maybe something in this archival sphere will be of use to there's also the matter of the archive alar found I've only just started to examine it but it fills dense with information nothing in the archive is recorded as words more experiences and emotions is going to take a long time to investigate Excel War Guardian nzar was the main disciple of the witness that led the first collapse on Earth sabath betrayed him cursed his remains in his pyramid C flashed on the moon parts of his Essence would still exist though through remains scattered across relics in Space the Guardians came close to many of these back in season of plunder mithrax also got cursed by the remains of nzar we'll probably see that explored in a future episode but just before lightfall the witness acquired nz's head and when the traveler blasted that pyramid in lightfall it revived narak who instantly began to torture the neomon in the digital cloud ARS of Neptune oh so much pain and fear within the darkness here it's so satisfying I will consume it once more did you both hear that was that the voice the citizens have been mentioning this is far too similar to the nightmares we encountered on the Leviathan I know it's a lot but in the raid for that expans we then fought through to Cobble his body back together and defeat him but it likely wasn't enough so Nezar found nightmare power and shared it with his lunar pyramid we killed him but he still exists just not physically he talked to us after his death and as long as thoughts of him are in people's minds haunting them he'll still exist the big question just is what's the next form he might emerge in will he return with nightmare power as a true and all powerful final God of pain instead of what we saw in that raid his imprint was used to create tormentors and maybe even some other dread so maybe they go that route nightmare dread leader if I had a modum of my original Power I'd have killed one or three of those citizens to expedite your arrival instead I suffer from the incompetence of the new recruits the power of nightmares seems to exist in multiple places though Beyond nzar in lightfall collector's edition lore we learn that the europan pyramid also manifested nightmares characters like Zavala Crow kidle experienced nightmares back in haunted but also do in the final shape inside the traveler those nightmares still pulling on the heartstrings of characters like saala I used to think I'd give anything to bring you back but when the witness offered me an eternity here with you with our son I know you understand why I refused so the power is definitely out there Nazar is known for using it but interesting considering it was also on Europa and ghost described pyramids as having a mind of their own or did it was believed the witness's Consciousness seemed to connect to pyramids that weren't piloted by disciples allowing for control but now some of them long for a new leader like the one on the moon in haunted callus tried to connect his Leviathan to the lunar pyramid and what happened Nightmares on the Leviathan arys called callus the harbinger of the second collapse back then he was binding to dark Ness to the witness and if he succeeded there on the moon might have taken the role Nezar was supposed to have in the first collapse even some of his lunar power it is no mere curiosity that Drew him to the lunar pyramid he is a Consciousness that spreads out like a vascular system and he is attempting to become one with the pyramid so that he may control it so that he may wield its power worse it appears as though callus is not doing so of his own valtion he is doing it at the behest of another our true enemy The Voice in the darkness the witness so most of these mic missions set up interesting plot lines for future stories some may be used some not but bringing back up nightmares and a new untapped power of Darkness will definitely get the community thinking ESP especially since we have Prismatic now would they introduce a Darkness power again after the apparent conclusion of the light and darkness Saga the darkness then is revealed in many facets Dreams and Nightmares emotions pain memory I can't remember where but I believe recently I heard a Bungie Dev mentioned that that leaked subclass video from last year was apparently fake question is what part of it was fake because I thought a bunge employee posted it themselves maybe it was fake as in it wasn't a new subass just testing for early Prismatic builds maybe a third Darkness subass does exist that just wasn't it or maybe it doesn't exist at all nothing may happen with these nightmares but speculation is part of the fun especially when they add new missions like this anyway Guardians that's all we got for today's video if you'd like to see some more Destiny Lord Mysteries just like it please be sure to subscribe to the Channel I thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: Evaze
Views: 236,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 lore, destiny story, destiny 2, destiny episodes, destiny 2 episodes, destiny 2 the final shape, the final shape, final shape expansion, destiny 2 new subclass, red subclass, lust subclass, destiny 2 final shape subclass, new darkness subclass, darkness subclass, siva, destiny secrets, nightmare subclass, destiny nightmare subclass, destiny nezarec returns, destiny nezarec, new destiny subclass
Id: GWG_QF0sM1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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