Destiny 2 Lore - The Euphony Raid Exotic and The Dread Language. A Rosetta's Stone or a Dead End?

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hey everyone just a quick little reminder before  this video starts on July 15th at 12:00 p.m.   Eastern Standard time I'll be live on the gcx  charity Marathon for 4 hours helping raise money   alongside the rest of the marathon attendees for  St Jude Children's Research Hospital if you want   to give generously to a cause that I'm sure all of  you know and support in your hearts then you can   go ahead and check out gcx marathon and  you can find us over on Twitch at twitch. tv/ gcx   event thanks in advance to all of those of you who  are going to show up I really appreciate [Music] it greetings Guardians my name is B here  so back in the pre-release window for final   shape we had this clip from one of the bunge  vids talking about the dread take a listen   the new dread units they're using a new  language collaborating with narrative   we went through and used this constructed  language tool to generate different phrases   and figure out like grammar structures and  and other things the pyramid language that   the new uh dread units speak is actually  translatable so players if they're really   interested in figuring out what the the  pyramid units are saying could decipher these in hindsight this only makes me laugh and  cry a little because one of the top comments is   a joke reaction about how I'm never going to  sleep again thanks to trying to figure out the   dread language Lord knows what's going on with  that right now let's be real I'm not a linguist   I am not someone who is in a position to even  contemplate trying to figure this out so I think   it is well worth putting that out there before I  say anything and to talk about the process that   went through my brain as I was making this video  you see I'm off script for just a moment but I   wanted to go ahead and make this video today and  as I was writing it I was realizing that this was   not necessarily going to lead to the same kind of  concrete answers that I hoped it would this was   something where I picked apart my own Theory or my  own initial assumption as I often do in videos and   I just realized that deciphering the language of  the dread is something that will take a long long   time and it will need to be done in a Terri  terrifyingly manual process of gathering each   individual phrase getting them on record and then  trying to figure out what each part of each word   or each phrase or each sentence whatever it may  be means I looked at things initially and found   myself attracted to one particular Theory which on  further examination I'm now calling the bad ethany   Theory and to put it really simply whilst it  does have a really tantalizing possibility at its   core which I'm still going to explain and which  today's video is still about I think on reflection   there are so many problems with this that it's  likely never going to lead us anywhere towards   deciphering the language of the dread so I figured  I'd give you that disclaimer first but regardless   this is still something that's pretty fascinating  as far as the lore is concerned and I want to   go ahead and address this because I've stated  this Theory a few times in the past and there   are a bunch of different holes in this Theory  so if I'm going to go ahead and talk about it   I might as well talk about it in the full  context of further examination so with that   in mind today's video is not going to provide  concrete answers on the language of the dread   instead I wanted to address euphony also before  we begin I did want to go ahead and Shout out   someone on YouTube who has been making some  concrete work towards dread language stuff   in particular they're making what they're calling  the dread language archive this is a shout out to   P Nar on YouTube they've made some steps towards  upload loing and showing some of the key phrases   used by certain dread enemies currently they've  uploaded the subjugator lines they've been able to   isolate individual phrases and they're working on  tormental lines as we go still early days and I'm   sure there are other people who have highlighted  other phrases but this is the immediate thing that   comes up on YouTube and I would like to encourage  people generally that if you are interested in the   dread language you can go ahead and do some of  this for yourself all you need is to go ahead   and record those lines collect some of the  voice lines for for yourself especially if   you're on a PC and have something like Shadow  play it's really not too hard to do so if you   are interested in unraveling some of those little  bits and pieces of Destiny's next mystery yeah you   can take part in this one and I'm sure you'll be  able to find a Discord or a group of people that   is looking around within the Linguistics of the  dread and is trying to translate them properly   anyway let's talk about this euphony thing to put  it really simply translating the language of the   dread is going to be really tough because we have  no context with which to guide us we need a key   of sorts and this has been the same for some real  life languages and it brings me to what I think   is our closest analog to what I'm going to talk  about today which is the Rosetta Stone I'm sure   some of you know what this is but for those who  don't the Rosetta Stone is the reason we're able   to understand hieroglyphics from ancient Egypt  coherently but what is the Rosetta Stone well   it's a massive granite slab but it's important  because it has a decree carved into it a decree   from the time of King tmy V this is important  because the decree needed to be understood by   all the residents of Egypt at the time and as a  result it's written in three different languages   one on top of the other and the translations  are pretty close as a result this is one of   the few moments where we see ancient Greek and  hieroglyphic written right next to each other in a   near one toone translation and so it's one of the  only sources we have in the modern era that allows   us to understand Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics  thus it means that people from the modern day at   very least can read that ancient language which is  pretty awesome all things considered the Rosetta   Stone isn't perfect there are large chunks of  it missing but it does still represent one of   the greatest linguistic Assets in history so what  if I told you that the law seems to indicate that   there is another kind of Rosetta Stone for  some other language that exists in Destiny   enter the raid exotic from salvation's Edge  euphony this is a stacker inly powerful weapon   all on its own and it has a boatload of potential  law implications tied in with it stuff that I will   hopefully be able to explain in time but I wanted  to read the first couple of lines in its LW tab   so you can understand why I'm saying that there  is potentially a Rosetta Stone for the dread out there the following text was found recessed into a  stone W within the pale Heart translation protocol   has done its best to equate the text to a modern  language transcription with nominal confidence   words or phrases with 85% translation confidence  within the transcript are contained in Brackets   values for bracketed words or phrases are listed  after the transcript with percentages indicated in   parentheses so supposedly in the pale heart there  is a wall which can sort of act as our Rosette   Stone this Theory sounds awesome at first if  we have this little bit of text in euphony that   follows on from what I've just read and then we  can just go ahead and find that wall suddenly we   see the dread language written in front of us but  that makes a few massive assumptions and it has   a few massive problems so let's talk about those  before we actually dive into the text first of all   I don't know if I'm forgetting something obvious  or if I've missed something but thus far I've   personally been unable to find anything within  the pale heart that resembles the quote recessed   wall of text the text was apparently written into  the wall but in all my time looking around in the   raid and the pale heart as a destination I don't  think I've seen anything that equates to that it's   entirely possible that I just didn't check in all  the right places and even as I type this there are   some spaces that I certainly know I haven't  had a chance to check again think of certain   sections of the arcona clast mission where you're  fighting the witness or various raid encounters   and transitional spaces within salvation's Edge  but still to the best of my knowledge the closest   thing I found that has anything even equating to  text in the pale heart is these no not the granite   jars in the foreground but those small pillars  behind them I'll be completely honest this is   something we looked at in the live stream where  we went through the strike liminality and this is   actually where that footage is taken from these  well I don't think they're it yes they have text   recessed into them but it's not necessarily the  case that it's got enough text there to actually   give us the full euphony LW tab it's just too  small more importantly the text itself often is   very low poly which makes me think that this is  just someone making fun texture work as opposed   to someone actually trying to write out a message  and then of course there is the further problem   which is that these same objects can be found  within vow of the disciple indicating that this   is a reused asset and not a bespoke Rosetta Stone  type situation furthermore you have the issues   implied in the law the translation of what was  discovered on the wall isn't completely accurate   with some words being completely unknown and with  some phrases being made up only of guesswork which   is approximated you also have the issues that  arise when you actually want to translate the   transcript of the euphony law tab that supposedly  came from the wall given that we don't actually   get a full alphabet from that translation we do  get a lot of letters but we're still missing J q   and Zed so even if we wanted to make a one to1  alphabet and we found this wall it would still   be incomplete a basic word such as question would  be something we'd never be able to write because   we don't have a que and then there were the three  biggest problems of all which well arise from the   fact that the language of the dread is something  that we hear spoken in game and not written   firstly there is the assumption that the language  on the wall described in euphan is the same as the   dread language which is not guaranteed to be the  case whilst there is a chance for it if this wall   does exist this could be a language used by the  precursors long ago that the witness also uses   the dread language could be something completely  different secondly there's the assumption that   the language of the dread that we would find on  this recessed stone is using a typical alphabet   that we would find nowadays if this is something  like the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs then we   might have a concrete idea of how to translate  the written parts of the dread language if it   is dread but we'd still have no clue of how to say  it thirdly even if it is written in a close analog   to English as an alphabet we'd then be making  the Bold assumption that the spoken phrases are   matching the written language perfectly as far  as phonetics are concerned in other words when   the dreads say something along the lines ofen it  get we'd be assuming that the textt used to write   that phrase actually looks like what it sounds  like in our alphabet in other words what you see   on screen sounds like what I've said as for how  big of a problem that last one is I would simply   remind you that I've used the word big there but  if I changed the word big to something as simple   as large you'll start to realize that there are  tons of words even in English which we spell in   a different way from how we actually pronounce  them see the word large written there and how   you actually say large yeah you're starting to get  my drift I also think this Theory suffers from the   big issue again of the wall because the community  is so utterly vast that at this point if the wall   does exist it's either hidden in plain sight with  a remarkable degree of efficacy or it's just not   in the game the community of Destiny is known  for untangling Secrets like someone pulling on   loose threads of a scarf Secrets do not tend  to persist in Destiny's Community for a long   time we mapped the corridors of time I would  remind you and I think that some of the more   prolific secret Hunters at this point people  like Scarrow would have already found a wall   like this if it exists but then again who knows  maybe it does exist and we just haven't looked   at it still the possibility that it has been  missed does exist I'm never going to say never   on that particular front of things not until  we have a definitive translation in our hand   so I guess whilst we shouldn't stop to try  doing the manual process of un knitting the   language of the dread to find out individual  verbs nouns adjectives Etc we should still be   looking at every other route we can possibly  take so with all of that said let's go ahead   and read the rest of the euphony L tap this  is supposedly what was found on the recessed   wall within the pale heart this gives us the quote  unquote top half of our Rosetta Stone it reads as follows transcription starts we speak so often of  knives and violence but perhaps you would come to   understand something softer perhaps beingness is  instead a Golden Harp forged tenderly a complex   sweeping beautiful shape with graceful curves and  infinite potential the ex exemplary unknown across   its two florid buttresses the strings of time have  been pulled tort tightened and tuned to a delicate   balance of distress if wound much further would  lead to rupture and sting most unpleasantly pluck   at any stretched string and vibration reverberates  wavelengths move through atmosphere producing   pleasing audible experience es they Crest then  fade if plucked at regular intervals the waves   rise and fall with such charm this predictability  is perfection it is unmatched we will compose such   sweet music we will control the EB and flow the  final shape is the Golden Harp and we are the   hand that plucks transcription ends confidence  percentages softer 72% beingness 84% Golden Harp   25% unknown 0% buttresses 46% tuned 77% balance of  distress 4% rupture 68% vibration reverberates 18%   atmosphere 15% they Crest then fade 9% plucked   34% sweet music 37% Golden Harp  25% we are the hand that plucks 2% euphan translation potentially gives  us something to work with for certain and   I can't help but feel like the translation  percentages at the very end Also Serve to   add a bit of necessary context but this is all  contingent and US finding the stone in the first   place and well the Myriad different problems I  mentioned above not getting in the way of what   would potentially be a translation from English  to The Dread language and for that matter this   translation would only work for one language  back and forth remember that the euphan laab   is translated into all the different languages  the destiny is Loc localized into so unless   you're literally sitting there and translating  across perfectly for each one the language of the   dread might have different interpretations if you  read euphan in French or Spanish or Portuguese or   German it's just it's very messy the whole ethany  theory behind this requires a lot of propping up   which is why I wanted to show it to you all today  and to recognize that it is technically speaking   a pretty bad Theory it's something which requires  holes to be poked in it and hopefully that's what   you guys and gals in the comments section can  do today because this thing is either going to   fall apart as the puzzle pieces needed to support  it don't fall into place or alternatively those   puzzle pieces are going to arise and it's going  to be clear that despite all the problems it is   actually just a straight shot regardless of which  of these happens the community at large is slowly   making progress towards unlocking more of the  dread language there are whole discords out   there getting this sorted on their own slowly but  surely building up different networks of phrases   and finding out how they translate and how they  are equivalents of what might be said in English   someone will eventually Crack the Code whether  the euphony is even tangentially involved or not   it's worth keeping an eye on this if we do manage  to fully translate The Dread language and it's   confirmed by a Bungie developer I will see about  getting a a full list of different phrases and   translating them all for you that's my promise to  you for now I am not going to go ahead and touch   this myself I'm going to let someone who is far  better at Linguistics figure that out look out for   the rest of the members of the law Community they  may have their own perspectives and takes and in   something such as this I think perspectives are  valuable but for now tell me can you poke holes   in the euphony theory I think it's pretty easy  to do so with that in mind go ahead give us that   context show us why it's not necessarily perfect  or if miraculously the wall exists and you found   it go ahead and let me know in the comments  section as well that'll be fun to see either   way that brings us to the end of the video and if  you enjoyed the video today go ahead and leave a   like and if you have your own thoughts Down Below  in the comment section I will be looking through   them also go ahead and hit subscribe and the bell  next to subscribe if you want more Destiny law   content and as per usual know that your viewers  ship as always is quite enough for me and that   in the meantime my name has been my name is  Basia arastra I'll see you starside [Music]
Channel: My name is Byf
Views: 67,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my name is Byf, Destiny, Destiny Lore, Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Lore, Final Shape, Final Shape Lore, Final Shape Exotic, Euphony, Euphony Exotic, Salvation's Edge, The Dread, Destiny The Dread, Dread Language, Destiny Dread Language, Final Shape Dread Language, Euphony Dread Language, Euphony Lore, Final Shape Euphony Lore, Salvation's Edge Euphony, Salvation's Edge Euphony Lore, Salvation's Edge Euphony Exotic, Dread Language Translation, Destiny Dread Language Translation
Id: UW6Jqw45bbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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