Destery Smith "responds" a month later

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be doing a follow-up video now i believe my video that i've made on this topic before on the topic of destree smith i'll link that down below in case you aren't caught up with everything that has been occurring in relation basically the tldr is that this person is an og youtuber who has been on the platform for a decade at least about a month ago or so he was accused of grooming though he was accused of very very severe crimes he took a very long time to respond and only a couple days ago he did respond if you can call what he posted a response which you'll see and i kind of wanted to react to it because the the genre on youtube of apologies has always been really interesting to me especially when it's an og youtuber because you'd think they've been on the platform for long enough to see so many people have to apologize for a variety of things and yet this in my opinion was just we weren't really far from the gray hoodie no makeup let's just put it that way so i took some time away from the internet to try to assess how to handle everything going on right now in the hopes that what i say will reach an actual audience and not just people that want to see me fall so first off i just want to say uh i am aware of accusations being made against me and what i can say is while i can't agree with some of the things being said about me i'm also not completely innocent in everything i will say that nothing is completely black and white there are obviously two sides to every story uh and especially the ones that i can personally take accountability for so what i can and will admit to is that i used to be just a terrible person i was a big piece of [ __ ] uh i have been very vocal about the fact that i was a big piece of [ __ ] it has never been something that i've ever tried to hide in fact my mom will be the first person to tell you that i was a terrible person i was a liar a cheater i was a giant man [ __ ] in my past i tried to see multiple women at the same time a terrible friend absolutely but do i think i'm any of those things anymore no i really don't am i any of the other things that people are saying based on this first clip of just the whole introduction to this the video is in total about four minutes and some the comments are off and the likes and dislikes are off which becomes ironic later but we'll get we'll get there to me this whole introduction or preface is already an issue because this isn't like a makeup scandal this isn't someone making a shitty palette this is crime against children allegedly those are what the allegations are so to say you were a shitty person in the past to say that you were a cheater in the past to say you're a bad friend none of those things are anywhere near the same level as being a groomer and a predator towards minors so to count that as like mistakes and being shitty is not only surreal but it's almost like you're relying on people to not know what you're talking about so then the implication here is oh yeah i did shitty things but i'm a human and i make mistakes like everyone else but that's not that's not the case these aren't mistakes like everyone else these quote unquote mistakes he's talking about like people go to jail for these things like people are put on sex offender registries like these are not the same category of mistake as being a shitty friend or a cheater which you guys know cheating for me is already like a horrible thing but this is nowhere near this is a completely different thing so to not even mention what the mistakes that he's being accused of are is also a very particular choice because again it seems like he's kind of relying on people to not exactly know what people are actually mad about and so they just think they're actually stupid mistakes like the ones any random human would make am i any of the other things that people are saying about me absolutely not however i am constantly sorry about the person that i was and i'm constantly saying sorry for the person that i was constantly trying to distance myself from the person that i used to be even five years ago and truthfully i think i've come a long way i mean depending on how long you've watched me on this channel i'm sure you can see the same thing about me and my content i am not the same person i was 12 years ago when i started my first channel and i'm grateful for that fact i've made friends i've lost friends i've made lovers i've lost those lovers i've made constant mistakes i've failed it dozens of times but each one of those things was a lesson that made me who i am today and less of the person that i used to be and the qualities that i hated about myself whatever i was i'm not that person anymore that said i am still human uh those aren't the last mistakes i'll ever make and if there's anything i ever do that's shitty that irks you or i make you uncomfortable or you think that i step over the line communicate that with me let me know these things because another thing to note is that my brand is sexual jokes my brand is weird creepy humor it's always been that way and it will probably always be that way it's just who i am and that's presumably why you started watching me in the first place but i would still like to be told when something i do crosses a boundary whether that be something i say in a video or something that is proven to be true about me as a person so again here we have the same iteration basically i just think this is repetitive but i do think it's interesting that he was using a lot of the past tense to say i used to be this person i changed since then i've come a long way but i will continue to make mistakes and again that's belittling the whole thing because what you're being accused of isn't just random mistakes but i just don't understand why he continues to repeat it if he's just hoping that by repeating i'm different now i made mistakes if he says that like 70 times that all of a sudden everyone's just gonna forget that oh yeah what you're being accused of is grooming trying to take advantage of minors in the sense of you know them being naive or them being fans so to not even mention that i find manipulative because it's like apologizing without saying what you're apologizing for what is that then that's not an apology the whole point of an apology is to take accountability for something that you did wrong but nothing's being acknowledged here apart from being a shitty person back in the day also i find it funny in a terrible way that he says oh if there's something that's wrong please communicate it with me but then the comments are off so how is anyone supposed to communicate it with you unless that's through social media but as far as i last checked his social media was also privated i don't know if he's accepting new followers right now considering he's in hot water so again how is that communication supposed to occur if you're shutting down the most basic form of communication which would be a comment because nobody has to follow you or request to follow you that doesn't come off as genuine whether he means it or not of course i will never know but it doesn't come off as genuine if you say tell me about it and then everything's shut down so nobody can anyway and with any accusation normally in an ideal world you are innocent until proven guilty but i have only ever seen it to be the opposite anyone online is always guilty until proven innocent and i can't support that idea and as such i know that a ton of people have already made up their minds about this situation and even if i was to explain context of some of the things being said about me not only would it not help people's image of me but it would also be dragging someone else's name to the mud and that is just something i can't do even if it exonerates me and everything is great but it was at the expense of someone else being thrown on the bus i just won't do it so i understand that some of you won't accept that answer and uh if this is where we say goodbye i understand just know that i feel blessed to have been in your life at all but to those who choose to continue to grow with me just know that i will continue to distance myself from the piece of [ __ ] that i used to be i have been and i will continue to strive every day to be the best version of myself i think this is the part where he never had me in the first place but this is the part where i'm completely lost because i could not imagine i could not imagine someone or multiple people accusing me of grooming them and me allegedly or destree smith in this case allegedly having receipts to prove it's not true and not using them because someone else is going to get into trouble in some way like that to me is the most difficult thing to believe because if there's anything you can be accused of in this day and age pedophilia and grooming are probably some of the worst things to ever be accused of and you're quote unquote innocent but you're not gonna say anything like i cannot believe that i genuinely cannot believe that and it's also how convenient is it because even if you don't have proof and even if you potentially allegedly did do the thing you can just be like oh i don't want to drag someone in the mud so just trust me i didn't do anything that makes zero sense to me and it's also like why are you defending someone else because what does that even mean that you're gonna drag someone else through the mud does that mean that they did something that by exonerating yourself you're gonna prove that they did something like why are you like that's the thing that i'm also wondering who exactly are you protecting here if there is someone to protect if we believe that he allegedly has these receipts to show that the allegations aren't true again this makes zero sense to me and it's also a non-apology i understand the point that he was trying to make about guilty until proven innocent online which to some extent we've seen in different cases when people just make unfounded allegations with no proof but here the reason why people wanted a response is because there were multiple accounts that came out with believable evidence that did effectively make it look like something inappropriate did occur and that's why people wanted a response here alleged evidence came out and people just wanted a response from you but you went m.i.a for about a month and that's why people now have difficulty accepting what you're saying because you're not saying anything after being absent when people were really expecting him to come back with either an actual apology an explanation an exoneration whatever it is but there was nothing and as i said if i ever slip up or you feel like i fail communicate that with me also really quick i do want to say i disabled comments on this video simply to prevent people from fighting in the comments the last thing i want to do is to spread any more negativity than has already been spread so please understand the purpose in that decision that said feel free to reach out to me if you do choose to reach out to me please make sure it is one of the links in the description down below of this video my previous two snapchats were hacked and on both occasions i reached out to snapchat to see what could be done and apparently nothing could be done about it so for safety reasons yes please don't contact anyone saying that they're me that isn't uh one of the links in the description down below i don't have a kick i don't have a public phone number i've posted tweets and instagram stories at least twice a year for the last several years this has been going on mainly for everyone's safety but also because i've seen some terrible [ __ ] come of that so that being said thank you for listening and for giving me a chance to be heard i think the the aspect of turning off the comments is a little bit difficult to believe because i don't really think there would be a lot of fighting in the comment section unless it's younger fans who can't understand maybe why people would see problems with this type of video i really think that the majority of people seeing the video would probably be in agreement that it's a non-apology like even imagining a fan who is of age to understand the allegations properly i can't really imagine anyone completely defending this apology like you can still be a fan and think this is like a crappy non-apology because that's what it is because there's no accountability taken except for being a shitty person and whatever but that's not really what people were mad about in the first place you guys can let me know we think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 153,333
Rating: 4.9588013 out of 5
Keywords: destery smith, capndesdes, destery smith tiktok, capndesdes response, destery smith my thoughts
Id: WgKTNNz24Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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