Democratic National Convention: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 10,812,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last week tonight, last week tonight with john oliver, john oliver, dnc, democratic national convention, hbo
Id: BUCnjlTfXDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Jeg var godt nok vild med John Oliver i sæson 1, da han tacklede de fleste no-brainer sager.
Men så snart han snakker om sager hvor der er to reelle synspunkter, så er han helt ufattelig træls. Han formår på ingen måde at dække sagen fra begge synspunkter.
Da han dækkede flygtningekrisen var han indbegrebet af en cafe latte overklasse gut, der aldrig ville mærke konsekvenserne af noget, men som bare skulle score moralske point.
Han ville være meget meget bedre, hvis han kunne dække begge sider af en sag.
John [NUVÆRENDE ÅR] på spil igen
We poke fun only because Denmark's awesome and nobody would believe otherwise. It's also fun to trigger people that truly believe the US is the best at everything.
Don't worry, Denmark. You win. In the USA, most of our politicians don't care about our health or education. There are places here that look like a third world country, in almost every major city. There are people here working for multi-billion dollar corporations who can barely feed their families and pay rent, and a lot of people have been brainwashed into being OK with that. People still believe in the Jesus gods here and they want to force other people to live according to their fucked up morals by trying to make things like abortion illegal, but they can easily see how dumb it is when other religions do it. You're definitely better off. People think this is the greatest country in the world, and it is awesome, for me and many others. It is an awesome country, but it's not even the best country in North America. I'm talking about Canada, it's way better than the US. Mexico sucks. Mexico is a country where the rich live in willful ignorance of the poor. It's like what the US will turn into if we let keeping these rich fuckers control us. Mexico is heaven if you have money and hell if you're born without it. Anyway, keep living the dream.
Nr 2 efter USA?..
Det kan jeg egentlig godt leve med.
great =/= happiest
As I remember it, we're the happiest country on earth, not the greatest, but who's counting.
Elsker at amerikansk TV altid viser Nyhavn hver gang de taler "Denmark".
Första gången jag håller med honom. Ni kan gå och ta er danskefaen!
Thanks for sharing xD