NRA TV: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Honestly that show about the dude recreating action gun scenes and seeing if it's realistic or not isn't a bad idea, I'd watch that tbh.

The rest... yeah...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 536 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Troviel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The part where the women create a painting for a newborn's room using paint and bullets was magic. I haven't laugh that hard at a television show in years. Just wondering who comes up with this and what drugs they are using is entertaining.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 714 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cantuse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Antagonistic T-Shirt" and that face. lol!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 585 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toarin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jesus christ that sledgehammer clip.

Wow. Just.... Wow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 458 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pianoboy8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a European all these clips feel like they're supposed to be a parody of American society.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1402 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deathleach πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol "you're going to shoot an AR-15"

here's a 22lr

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 408 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FubarFreak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish Reddit would automatically put a mirror as the top comment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 295 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spazmanaut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

With all of the surprised European comments let’s not forget that almost no one had any idea what NRA tv was until this boycott and no one knew what they broadcasted until this segment. This is as new and as crazy to most Americans as it is to the rest of you. This isn’t out there for most of us to see but the protest against it is mainstream and that’s American culture too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 323 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/penguinrider πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

A nice light poof of happiness?

What the flying fuck?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 233 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slyguy46 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] the NRA a group that feels about guns the way the rest of us feel about natella a little is good more is better and you can tell me it's bad for me all you like but you will pry it from my cold dead hands now in the wake of the parklands shooting the NRA has found themselves in the spotlight once more however the public pressure this time is actually starting to take a toll Twitter users are pressuring companies affiliated with a gun rights group by using the hashtag boycott NRA so 15 companies have cut ties with the NRA after Parkland I think we have a list of them here some big ones you know Delta United a Viet hurts basically saying they're no longer going to provide discounts to the NRA yes ie this budget and Hertz will all stop providing discounts to NRA members which will presumably come as a huge blow to Jeremy the one NRA member who was just in it for the rental cars but the boycott train hit a bit of a snag when it ran into one of the NRA lesser-known side ventures one group that hasn't been swayed yet big tech companies like Apple Amazon and Roku you see these companies streaming services still offer access to NRA TV the gun lobby groups free online channel focused on pro-gun content okay so that is an uncomfortable situation for Apple and Amazon but it's a miracle for Roku hurry hurry get in here someone just called us a big tech company they said like Amazon and Apple it's happening Harry all of the discussion this week of boycotting NRA TV we thought it might be worth answering the question what the is that because the truth is you may have actually seen tiny bits of its programming without even realizing it like when this video featuring NRA spokesperson Dana lash went viral just last year they use their media to assassinate real news they use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler the only way we stop this the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of Lies with a clenched fist of truth yes the clenched fist of truth which if you're looking for it is just a little past the bent elbow of nonsense and hiding in the overstuffed pocket of needlessly aggressive metaphors now if you miss that one you may have seen another one that made the rounds during the Obama administration featuring country music legends Charlie Daniels to the Hyatt olace of Iran and every terrorist you enable listen up you might have met our fresh-faced flower child president is we need Ivy League friends but you have a better America you haven't been to Heartland where the people will defend this nation with their bloody calloused bare hands you haven't meant to Steelworkers the hard rock miners or the swamp folks in Cajun country who can wrestle a full-grown Gator out of water you haven't met the hill demons who can curse you and your future offspring just for having a picnic in the wrong place you haven't met the lake dog he's a dog who lives in a lake for reasons too complicated to get into at the present moment and you haven't even met the Gators down in Cajun country who tiptoe out of the water at night and take revenge on the swamp folk while they sleep thus perpetuating the sick cycle of swamp folk Gator violence that's the America I know and I promise you you're gonna be confused another one of their promos was passed around online and you may recognize one of the faces in it and drinking as many as 12 diet cokes the Second Amendment is about a militia and it's the National Rifle Association we are the press who's under attack the president is like a child certain people shouldn't have guns how stupid do you think we are bless your heart [Applause] [Music] now don't laugh he's absolutely right and if NRA members are annoyed with what I'm saying right now they should do the exact same thing and smash their expensive televisions with large sledgehammers are you listening NRA members destroy your own property it's a really good idea and it's honestly the only way we'll learn now NRA TV produces a lot of videos like those that are essentially just trolling for your attention but their content goes much much deeper than that as you will see if you go to their website or if you watch it on streaming devices like the great and powerful Roku NRA TV has news programming and there's honestly not really much point in our showing you any of that because it's essentially just Fox News on a much lower budget what is what is more surprising is they make shows lots and lots of shows and they are so much stranger than you would think so tonight let's watch some NRA TV together because it's fascinating now some shows are pretty similar to ones that you would see anywhere on TV with the key difference that there is a gun involved for instance they have three different Antiques Roadshow knock-offs in which men who look like this guy gets progressively more and more aroused by the guns they're holding what's unique is that it has such flowing lines its artwork it's a sensuous gun that's the kind of pistol that when I hold or when John is holding it gives me shivers the idea was is that you in town talk both hammers yes same time that man is duck Wicklund and I love him but not as much as he loves guns in fact the only way he could love them anymore is if instead of bullets every gun just fired a bunch of little guns which in turn fired a bunch of even smaller guns which in turn fired tiny dog Wicklund living in a state of sexual ecstasy inside the womb like paradise of a firearm and while that show is pretty sedate NRA TV also has programming for the testosterone-fueled gun enthusiasts like Media Lab in which a former Navy SEAL named Dom Rosso the very important work of reenacting movies he likes from White House down to Jack Reacher and here he is reenacting scenes from the movie heat the main part of this movie that I wanted to break down was the fact that they're shooting moving and communicating and if we get past the fact that they're robbing a bank if you're actually in a specific uniform with specific kit can you shoot move communicate with that amount of weight and do down mandrills that's the key thing here I would love to see a bank robber I try to use that defense in court Your Honor I really feel we need to get past the fact that we were robbing a bank and instead focus on how well we were shooting moving and communicating and the endearing thing about Dom Rosso is that he shows reenactments don't always go smoothly for instance how did his reenactment of the heat robbery go they make it look easy the way they're moving there this Bay has that was run was just hitting at the back of my knees have taken my legs out from underneath me definitely fatigued me my strap broke so I was holding it like this the entire time wobbling back and forth even in the beginning couldn't get a stable shooting platform and we worked it out had to lower my center gravity more so the bag couldn't control me we definitely proved that they didn't have any weight in there while they were shooting move it wow that is genuinely inspiring because somewhere out there there's an eight-year-old watching that show and thinking oh good being an adult is literally exactly how I imagined it honestly I could talk about Dom wrestle all night but before we move on I have to show you his inexplicable response to one viewer submitted question what is your most treasured possession I would say my art gave me a cross that was made out of bone she's like your great-great-grandfather gave that to me to pass down to somebody special in the family but it was actually made out of human bone and he carved it when he was a prisoner of war and that has been passed down on the family now Mike are you serious I'm like it just doesn't exist so that's probably by far the coolest thing they have well that's a hell of the story verdad and I just don't know of any better poster boy for the NRA than someone who reenacts bank robberies for fun and whose most treasured possession is a cross made out of human bones but look NRA TV isn't all gun bros there's also a large amount of content aimed explicitly at women there's even a whole women's channel featuring shows like armed and fabulous the NRA is actually making a big push for women and they are pretty clear about their motivations women really have an incredible growth right now in the NRA they are excited they're enthusiastic they're there for us and that's you know if you get the woman you get the family if you get the woman you get the family that is a brazenly transparent statement of your marketing strategy but to be honest can we just go back to that room for a second did you find that room relaxing is that a soothing space for you because I would be a little disturbed by the extended family of gazelles screaming why at me with their dead glassy eyes now one of the NRA's female focus programs love at first shot is explicitly about getting women more comfortable with the idea of owning or firing guns and in one episode they took a woman who was nervous about firearms and really threw her in the deep end they were gonna go straight into rifles I'm gonna do it with an ar-15 okay I know you've probably heard about them on the news yes I hit the target you did not as scary as I think I was anticipated exactly it's just a nice light push happiness yep a light puffs of happiness it's a little weird to describe a semi-automatic rifle the way Bob Ross describes a cloud but but once love at first shot has women hooked the upselling begins which does actually make sense industry research has shown that women will spend hundreds of dollars on accessories in addition to their guns so you can kind of understand why love at first shot functions as a kind of QVC for firearms showcasing products like mag loaders targets gun cases and handbags okay so as you see here I've got a couple of different style options for you there are a lot of different varieties of exteriors but a lot of them really have the same structure in terms of concealed carries I never would have imagined these little neat pockets and hidden closures knowing that you can close it it does put my mind at ease of that so it's pretty cool go you don't even need a gun because people are going to die when they see that bag and look it's not just handbags even the gun itself can be profitably accessorized so yes we do have a custom line of gun paint for the ladies out there these mags look phenomenal I love this product it's so much fun to work with and it's great to be able to put your own personal touch on your firearms and your accessories oh that's so fun that is so fun oh if natalie ever commits murder a grave oversight good news chief the mag says the killer's name right on it we don't know what motivated them to go on a killing spree but we do know she had a lot of fun with it we've watched every single episode of love at first shot and I have to show you our favorite clip it's from season 2 episode 1 the host natalie is pregnant at this point so she can't join in on the shooting but that doesn't mean they didn't find a way to get her involved we are going to make art for Natalie since she couldn't be on the range with us we're gonna do something special for her to hang in her baby nursery we know that you're expecting obviously really thought we would make a little something for it the baby's nursery they shot paint so when somebody inevitably asks why you have what appears to be a blank canvas with a large blood stain hanging up in your Charles nursery you'll be able to completely reassure them by saying oh yeah my friend shots that for me but it is not all fun with guns where an RA T V really comes into its own is when its tongue gets much darker which it does for instance they have a series of hunting videos which shouldn't be surprising in fact it makes complete sense people do use guns when they hunt but while the visuals are predictable Beauty shots of nature the voiceover takes a different path somewhere over this horizon sit a million little dictators eager to purge humanity of its hunting instincts the anti hunters had imposed a false quarter their lives based on a misconceived perception of the world death is evil they believe and so the purveyor of death must also be evil death is an undeniable fuel of life oh boy God that is less planet Earth and more deranged letter from a serial killer although to be honest I would respect the NR a a lot more if its slogan were just the NRA because death is an undeniable fuel of life I would like it but at least we be clear where they were coming from and that flowery vaguely threatening tone is a key feature of NRA TV here is another weird example hidden beneath the dense canopy of deciduous trees as a prostitute of sorts and those who profit by selling her will stop at nothing to exploit her sold and promoted for her non-addictive even medicinal advantages what lies behind the veil of this seductress is far different than what she first appears to be she is a Harvard and her name is Mary Jane [Music] I didn't think this was possible but I think that guy's just slut-shamed marijuana and don't get me started on mushrooms those filthy tramps they'll grow next to any tree at all pause with spores that's what I call them and if you are wondering why NRA TV is even talking about drugs at all the final defining characteristic of the network is painting a bleak vision of America with threats around every single corner and one solution next attack on our soil could come in a matter of minutes teenage girls are trafficked in sex trade today's America is plagued by urban riots and domestic Isis sympathisers a natural disaster you may call 9-1-1 and there may be nobody on the other line the drug cartels and the human traffickers who have invaded our borders and embedded in every single American city this threat is real our leaders are either incapable of or unwilling to protect you and the ar-15 is one of the most effective tools available to protect yourself and your family holy they're using the same techniques as an infomercial there is human traffic getting you down do you have Isis sympathisers in those hard-to-reach places being tired of getting 911 s there's got to be a better way try the ar-15 available at way too many stores near you now to watch NRA TV is to watch a constant stream of stories like those many of them real but amplified to terrify you and sell you products and there may be a good reason that it sounds like an infomercial because it is many of NRA TV shows are sponsored by gun brands like Smith & Wesson and behind the scenes of NRA TV is an ad agency it's called Ackerman McQueen they've worked with the NRA for decades and the Ackerman McQueen web site proclaims every brand must be its own media company and that is what the NRA have done with their TV arm they've got a product to sell and they employ people who can sell that product well even Dana lash the clenched fist of truth when she's not warning a the drug cartels and human traffickers in every single American city she's just selling you some other hi i'm dana lash from the danish oh there's one super food i drink every day for healthy circulation and to make me feel great all day long it's called super beats and you can try for yourself risk free i take super beats as my pre-workout in the morning and as a non jittery pick-me-up in the afternoon and just one teaspoon of super beats gives you the benefit of three whole beets Wow Dana 3 whole beets that's more than my delicious superfood medium beats it gives you the benefits of two whole beets which is and this is true enough that's a perfectly adequate number of beats the point the whole point here is the answer to the question what the is NRA TV is it's just a vessel to sell America guns that's pretty much it does it work it's honestly hard to say they won't reveal their rating so it's plausible that no one is watching this and that that ad agency akima McQueen are making out like bandits but look having having watched a shitload of NRA TVs programming here is what I'll say about it there is a lot to be concerned about regarding the NRA s activities but NRA TV might actually be the dumbest most transparent thing that it does think about it this way if the NRA is a ferocious bear charging at you NRA TV is that Bears ridiculous hat is it i catching sure it is is it perversely entertaining absolutely is it the main thing you should be worried about probably not because the real truth here is hat or no hat it is imperative that everyone keep their eyes on that bear and now this and now proof that NRA TVs tone can make anything seem scary has your kitchen that once believed in the south glow of dawn become a bleak gulag of countertops bent and shameful submission to breakfast perverse tyrant she is the ovens contemptible and her name is muffins the muffin is a gluttonous prison each very a fruit slave within its crusty walls Americans once relished our right to a stack of flapjacks and a cup of joe but now we tremble before satan's cupcakes uncut and flapjacks unstacked muffins rise we must rise against death because you don't know the muffin man america and you better pray you'd never do pancakes the undeniable fuel of life oh thank you so much for watching see you next week good night [Applause]
Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 13,255,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last week tonight nra tv, last week tonight nra, john oliver nra, john oliver nra tv, nra tv, nra
Id: LEcbagW4O-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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