DELICIOUS CAMP MEAL IDEA | Grilling Wagyu Short Rib | Mushroom Foraging

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it's nice out what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm taku and last night we stayed in our rooftop tent first time staying in the rooftop tent that was pretty nice i liked it but beautiful morning last night it was raining raining a lot so we had to make dinner right under the rooftop tent which worked out but i think we're gonna start with some breakfast just a little bit of easy breakfast to start with some cup noodles [Music] all right guys so we found a perfect campsite for tonight check it out we're gonna have the rooftop tent and we got the river right behind us so beautiful got fireplace and a picnic table so this river actually right now is closed for fishing that's the only thing we won't be able to fish here but what an absolutely beautiful spot here maybe we can find some mushrooms later justin just found some but they're a little too old absolutely phenomenal perfect campsite one crab left from the episode a couple couple episodes ago so i'm gonna cook that up actually right now we're gonna make some lunch so for lunch i was going to make a crab egg benedict with my leftover crab from the other episode i just realized that i forgot my fresh chicken eggs at life's house and so now we're just gonna make little sandwiches little crab sandwiches i hope life's not eating my my fresh chicken eggs some fresh eggs that's a good egg those are straight from david's chickens i'm just going to sear up these buns i have the crabs already crab meat in here truffle infused butter if you missed the last episode where we went truffle hunting check out the last one just a little slice and give me one second i have my torch just gonna melt the truffle butter right on top truffle butter i have truffle infused parmesan cheese we have to finish it off with a little truffle [Music] just a little lemon juice all right a little lunch by the river oh smells nice beautiful layer of truffle in dungeness crab and jalapeno we're gonna go to sleep with the sound of the river what are we to do now go adventure all right go on a hike [Music] [Music] hmm is that part of a lobster mushroom or maybe a chicken of the woods or something it was something i want something here maybe we can find some mushrooms [Music] this would be a perfect spot to fish i wish i could fish oh well this is some witch's butter right here this one you can eat raw tastes like nothing just like a little slippery uh yeah not not that exciting but let's see what this mushroom is over here i see something white [Music] [Music] [Music] and popping out of the earth what white mushroom guild squeeze it and i can't oh it does shatter i was going to say if it didn't shatter it might have been some matsutake how does a matsutake look alike what's that what's that could that be not sure what that is that one is beautiful i think that's a type of coral mushroom right there i think i might have found something here is this a lobster mushroom it's all up in the roots or in the ground still oh yes it is oh my gosh i just found a lobster mushroom yeah it's still in good shape great shape check that out and i found it aren't you so happy [Laughter] i found a mushroom there's no other hidden ones in there that one's cool i thought it was just like it would be like a little piece but it was hidden underneath so everything is so interesting to look at but we got we got to be getting back should we go back or you want to go a little more a little more yeah i know me too let's go we can the campsite can wait we haven't hiked in so long [Music] [Music] well we just came back from a beautiful hike i'm gonna put the rooftop top i'm hungry though gotta get cooking too by the way shout out to yakima for hooking it up with this rooftop tent the skyrise hd we got the little grill going over here we got the fireplace going and now we're about to make some yakiniku grilled beef so we have some beautiful short rib right here some beef tongue mmm beef tongue i love it some korean barbecue sauce got some okra got some eggplants i think we got the little grill going gotta make some rice first can i put my rice somewhere sure yeah that's good all right my rice is boiling now so just put it over low heat 10 minutes i am so hungry all right rice is done take that off well let's start with this some okra on here got some eggplants i think i'm going to put some oil on my eggplants and my okra a little salt on the vegetables perfectly cooked rice let's put some beef tongue on there beef tongs much faster more coals oh the other side now yep that's good we are good that's good okra's done this one will finish in just a few seconds so there you go beef tongue with the sesame oil and sea salt combination and this has nice flaky danish sea salt nice and rare beef tongue here that big sun looks so good and just sesame oil and sea salt is so good just like that so tender here there's another one right here go ahead that's done yeah for you oh thank you for me oh nice cheers guys thanks for always sticking around and watching really appreciate it and uh i guess watch us enjoy our dinner just your tipty i really wish here take this nice short rib i really wish you guys can all taste this food and especially the truffles too i want more beef tongue beef on this such great texture the beef tongue oh this is done i don't want to drop it if i put it any closer i'm going to drop it i know that yeah that's done a little short rib too i'm going to cut up my mushroom here just this one the other one the lobster mushroom i'm like 99 sure that it's lobster mushroom but you know what they say got to be 100 sure when you're eating wild mushrooms so i'm gonna go ahead and cook this one up a pinch of salt pinch of salt oh that's done oh that's done the pacific northwest i love it so much it's so beautiful can't get enough of it i know i didn't want to go up i didn't want to stop the hike guys if you like this kind of content this is what we do here enjoy the outdoors have good food make sure to subscribe if you guys want to see more because we're going to be doing a lot more of this oh these mushrooms look so juicy my mushrooms ready oh it looks so tasty wrap it in beef time to dip it oh that's a great idea there's the mushroom looks very juicy johnson said wrap it in beef tongue and i am down mushroom beef tom here [Music] sesame oil sea salt how is it yeah you gotta try that the texture combination is insane oh super juicy super juicy so good lucille ipa look at this also from seattle [Music] two thumbs up for this whole entire place the pacific northwest major two thumbs up i love it i love it up here maybe we'll move here maybe we're gonna learn to live no rain it doesn't snow at all a little bit but more rain slightly more rain gotta learn to live with that and that's something we're not used to thank you guys for watching and if you like the video make sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe and we'll see you guys next time peace oh this this beef tongue is getting burnt there we go here we go do you want this one no you can eat it i've had a lot
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 278,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camp meals, camp meal idea, best camp meal, mushroom foraging, lobster mushroom, mushroom hunting, wild mushrooms, PNW, Pacific north west, camping in PNW, river camping, what to cook for camping, outdoor chef life, outdoor cooking ideas, camping vlog, national park camping, olympic peninsula, washington camping, campfire cooking, campfire cooking recipes, wild food, Wagyu beef, wagyu short rib, wagyu steak, beef tongue, grilled wagyu, grilled short rib
Id: UjMjenoqVRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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