Campfire Prime Rib Roast - Cooking Christmas Feast over Campfire. How to Sous Vide Prime Rib Hack

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luke here with the outdoor boys youtube channel and today i'm gonna make the ultimate prime rib roast christmas dinner and i'm gonna do it over a campfire in a snowstorm and it's gonna be so easy check this out guys let me show you our main course boom a 10 pound prime rib roast this is a very intimidating piece of meat to cook for a lot of people even in a conventional oven but i'm going to show you a super easy way to do it it's a technique called sous-vide if you go to a nice steakhouse lots of the steaks are done sous vide which is basically you cook the meat in a hot water bath and then you sear it to caramelize the outside and it gives you the most perfectly consistent medium to medium rare inside but you know what you don't need any fancy equipment to do sous vide you can do it with a cooler and i'm going to show you how all right first things first we're gonna season this beef then i'm gonna show you how to set up the sous-vide bath all right got some tine got some rosemary rock salt honey dijon mustard and pepper with all the snow falling on the meat it's hard to tell whether i put enough salt on it so you know just do your best there we go that looks well seasoned now i'm going to take the honey dijon just kind of want to pat it on because you don't want to disrupt the seasonings could be the hypothermia speaking but this already smells amazing now we're going to turn this up to redneck level 1000 here we are going to put this whole thing in a garbage bag now normally you vacuum seal your meat before you put it in the sous-vide bath we got no vacuum sealer so we are going to take our cooler here which is full of not so hot water here and we're going to submerge the meat and that's going to squeeze the air out and we're going to twist this sucker and i'm going to take a twisty tie i am going to seal off this bag so water doesn't get inside and ruin all my seasoning little fun fact garbage bags and cling wrap don't melt until 200 degrees we're gonna sous-vide bath at 140. so we're good now we gotta get out our pot and start boiling some water now you don't need potable water to do this you can pull any old nasty water out of the lake and use it to cook your meat because it's not gonna come in contact with the meat and you're gonna boil it obviously if you're doing this with a steak or a single rib roast it would be a lot less water needed but i'm doing a four bone rib roast which serves about eight to ten people so i'm gonna need a lot of water all right we got the water boiling now the ideal internal temperature for beef is 121 fahrenheit and in order to sous-vide that you need about 10 degrees warmer so about 130 to 140 degrees fahrenheit when you first put that 10-pound roast in the temperature is going to drop dramatically so you want to start a little higher than ideal at about 160. if you're trying to use this technique on smaller piece of meats it's the same temperatures you just need a lot less water if you have a thermometer great otherwise use your hand if you put your hand in and it feels comfortable you're about 110 to 100. if you put your hand in and it burns immediately you're over 160. you want to be able to put your whole hand in like this and hold it for about the count of one or two before it hurts and that puts you at about 150 140. the bigger and thicker the piece of meat the longer it needs to sit in the sous-vide bath so a massive prime rib roast like that sucker a 10 pounder six to eight hours is what i expect now it's not a big deal if you let it sit in the bath a little bit longer than it needs but it's a big deal if you under do it so you know it's a little forgiving with sous vide now if i was using personal stakes i'd probably only need two hours in the sous-vide bath i did some scientific testing last night and that cheapo little coleman cooler right there when you fill it with 140 degree water it loses 10 degrees of temperature every two and a half hours now mind you it's 32 degrees outside right now so in summer conditions it's gonna do better so every two and a half hours i'm gonna need to dump in some boiling water to keep that temperature up all right that's about 160. let's see how accurate my fingers are here [Music] that's 150. all right we'll let that sit for about two and a half hours we'll come back and check the temp even though cooking sous vide sal takes a lot of hours it doesn't take a lot of energy or fuel you just kind of let it sit in the cooler and go about your business for the next two and a half hours and then you boil a pot of water it's pretty simple so while that beef is soaking and cooking me and tommy are out here sledding enjoying the snow well guys it's been seven and a half hours and the cooler's maintained its temperature really well so i've only had to add water twice but the weather's gone the heck in a handbasket i am freezing i am wet i am muddy and cold and i don't want to cook in this weather anymore so i am going to go ahead and just sous-vide this thing overnight i can sous vide it for 15 hours instead of six or eight and it really don't matter that's the beauty of sous vide it's very forgiving as long as you don't under do it you can do it for 24 hours if you want so that's what we're gonna do and we're gonna pick this up in the morning well good morning it's 28 degrees and that fire feels very good our prime rib roast has been soaking in the hot sous-vide bath for 18 hours now so i'm gonna go top off some hot water on the bath get it back up to temperature and uh we're gonna start cooking the rest of our meal the cooler has been holding its temperature a lot better than i expected i got it up to 150 degrees last night before going to bed it's now about nine hours later and it's 118 degrees still so that's pretty darn good let me get the temperature back up to about a 140 range while i make the rest of our meal 139 good enough these little battery-powered meat thermometers are about 15 19 on i've got russet potatoes wrapped in tin foil here we're just gonna lay these things in the coal next i've got a little pot here with some water in it i got a bag of dried cranberries or craisins look at that perfect start to boil these craisins and they plump up and then they start to break down and turn into jelly it's going to make an awesome cranberry sauce as the cranberry sauce simmers just keep stirring it and stirring it until it turns into this thick rich cranberry sauce [Music] so [Applause] i'm getting a little hungry here wow it takes about an hour hour and a half for the potato to be perfectly done through but oh it's so good we're just going to have a little snack here before the main course we got plenty of potato we are going to cut up some bacon we're going to cook up some brussels sprouts and i'm cutting them so that they'll cook more thoroughly in the frying pan and you cut them long ways because if you do that they'll stay together if you cut them short ways the leaves and stuff fall apart the brussels sprouts take a while to cook so you want a lower temperature you don't want to fuss with them too much just stick them in the pan cover them in grease let them sit bacon fried brussels sprouts [Applause] [Music] once the carrots start to get soft then we add the honey we want them bendy not mushy all right i just pull these off the heat and let them sit all right cooler's at 126. roast has been in for 21 hours let's pull it out and see what we got garbage bag doesn't have any water in it so it didn't leak just a big bag of gravy right now it's beautiful look at all that gravy right there we want to flame lick the meat and make it caramelize on the outside to give it that beautiful color and crispy texture on the outside not cooking the meat just caramelizing the outside gotta check my string make sure i'm not killing it you soak the string in water before you do this it'll keep it for burning she's a beauty oh prime rib roast baked potato honey glazed carrots brussels sprouts and bacon cranberry sauce yeah that looks pretty good moment of truth oh a little look at that well this is a little bit closer to a medium than i would have preferred but it still got quite a bit of pink in it so i'm happy with this but look how consistent the color is if you bake this in a conventional oven it'll be really done out here and under done in here but because you use a sous-vide bath it's just consistent throughout every mouthful will be the same and this is pretty darn good there's christmas dinner right there doesn't that look amazing oh the smell is incredible guys now obviously a lot of you guys aren't gonna go out and cook a 200 prime rib roast over a campfire but if you enjoy a good fried piece of meat over a campfire seriously consider sous eating it you know just bring a cooler boil some water put the meat in a ziploc bag boom and you'll have a perfectly done steak it's pretty amazing but enough talk i'm gonna eat this thing oh oh this looks amazing one nice thing about cooking in cold weather like this you don't have to let the meat rest very long woohoo oh that is so good oh that just melts in your mouth well i think i should wash this down with some sparkling raspberry apple juice oh well merry christmas everybody and i hope you enjoyed this video if you want to see more campfire cooking videos we got a ton of them and i'll put links in the description i did a beef bone broth stew from scratch i've shown you guys how to make homemade bread from scratch and bake it over a campfire and i've got my favorite like 23 campfire recipes that are just killer for more practical recipes hope you enjoy this don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every saturday morning thanks for watching guys if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor boys youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every saturday morning and hit that bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 1,440,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Campfire cooking, sous vide, how to sous vide, sous vide prime rib, Sous vide rib roast, sous vide steak, how to cook prime rib, how to cook rib roast, prime rib, cooking prime rib over fire, how to cook perfect steak, cooking christmas dinner, campfire cooking recipe, prime rib recipe, rib roast recipe, DIY sous vide
Id: EjvRmNqbfew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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