RAW OYSTERS vs. RAW CLAMS with a Side Of Paella

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let's go what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm taku and today we're leaving this beautiful campsite in the olympic peninsula and we are going to the hood canal and we're going to go harvest some oysters got some leftover crab for breakfast yeah ugh all right guys so we made it to the hood canal and man we're driving down along the hood canal there's literally thousands and thousands of oysters everywhere and now we're on private property a subscriber of mine will he invited us to his property because he's got a ton of oysters here and he's growing some of his own too oh look at all these right here found some right here there's three on this clump right here but uh yeah let's just let's go over there check it out so this is will right here one of my subscribers invited us to his property all right go ahead okay hey so um what you're seeing here are a combination of baskets and bags all from taylor fish farm and so what we would normally do is we take seeds that we would buy from taylor fish farm and we would put them in the combination of bags and baskets with the baskets what you tend to have are oysters that kind of uh flatten out and kind of get bigger and they kind of spread out with the um with the baskets up here that are hanging they tumble with the ocean and in the tumbling they create a cup and so you'll tend to find them smaller but more cups so the majority of the oysters that you see in restaurants are usually done in hanging baskets in baskets within a summer's growth they grow to about this size see how fast that is that's kind of crazy now technically these are actually edible oh yeah yeah i mean a lot of the times you go to the restaurants you'll see them at this size yeah for sure so those that's the year's growth wow let's pick one of the smaller ones because we can eat these raw yeah that's the other thing about farmed i'm okay with eating my farmed raw because i know where they come from yeah and i know that it's only been in there for a certain amount of time yeah eating the ones on the shore it could have been a year two years five years yeah yeah you never know yeah and and then you cook them so you cook you like those yeah and so we'll probably grab some big ones that are here been here for maybe a year to two years yeah and then we'll grab some of the smaller ones for for raw tasting yeah for sure yeah you got clam yeah justin's over there getting clams he's a natural he is a natural hitter wow nice these are big in these bags yeah so these are big ones let's actually grab this one all right because this one's a good one because it's got a combination of small and big yeah yeah see that so they're a little bit more cupped to see that yeah they are yeah they're they look so sharp too yeah yeah they are sharp get more clams all right here's an idea we get a house over here i grow my garden you grow oyster garden that's a good idea so many oysters and a ton of clams just right right underneath us and some of these oysters are huge too yeah climbing gonzalez back at it we should probably [Music] well guys we're done harvesting and look at this the tide is already coming up you see where we were right over there uh all the farmed part all those are covered in water now today wasn't even a very low tide it was like a positive 1.5 or something like that so it wasn't very low at all but we're still able to gather a ton so we've been letting the clam sit and some salt water just from right out there for several hours four four or five hours so now they should have spit out all the sand that's inside the clam and we have the oysters ready to go as well and now i'm just prepping and i figured i'll make some some clam paella because we have clams and i love paella we need some kind of rice dish to go along with all the seafood we're going to have so we're also going to do some rock clams we're also going to do some of course some raw oysters and we're going to barbecue some oysters i have some salt here just going to sprinkle on the pan check this out oh this is my oyster shucker that a subscriber sent to me and the handle the blade everything absolutely beautiful i'm gonna toss it in the pan i'm gonna make paella using brussels sprouts i know crazy huh is it even a paella if i don't use the paella pan i'm going to add the tomatoes now [Music] tomato paste going in water [Music] and to this normally you would add some saffron but i don't have any saffron so is that even paella gonna get in trouble right now i'm gonna add some rice here [Music] don't stir too much because if you stir too much gonna bring out the starch in the rice we're going to bring this to a boil [Music] fill this whole entire pan with clams you're not even going to be able to see the rice because we're going to have so much clams in here [Music] so let me show you how to shuck a clamp so you're going to put put it right between the two shells and you're just gonna squeeze like that squeeze the knife pop it open make sure it's disconnected there that's how you shuckle clam this is how you eat it [Music] that is filled with to the top with clams you can see a little bit of the rice in between the cracks of the clams [Music] i gotta shuck some oysters [Applause] well that's one 200 to go sorry it only get faster from here first one's always the tough one and you always want to disconnect you leave the liquid in i leave the liquid in some people say take it out rinse it out but that's what you call the oyster liqueur and you want to leave that in if you want the actual flavor of where it comes from the way i shuck it i know i know there's people that shuck it from the front but these ones i don't you can't really get in from the front so i go from the hinge in the back here and i just hold it hold it down with the towel it's the safest way to do it just put it on the board push in pretty hard sometimes there you go and once you get it in there you just twist it like a key just like that and then you scrape the top scrape the top here disconnecting that top adductor pop will come off and you want to disconnect the bottom adductor as well so you basically kind of do a flip on the oyster make sure that is disconnected so when you eat it it's clean just comes off grill some of these oysters right now all right starting to open up here yeah this guy's open over here a little bit of truffle butter and try to add it on every single one we're losing a bit of light so we're gonna do a taste test right now while you guys can still see paella is literally so full of clams here and trust me there's rice underneath too all right so correct right there that's the bit of the bottom there nice piece of the bottom that's burnt the most tastiest part we'll have will and peter come and taste this too but once they're as soon as they're done well we're going to taste this first paella clams absolutely delicious brussels clams are nice and juicy how's the clam perfect is perfect for sauce the truffle isn't overpowering really but it's there it's there yeah and then the serrano a little little baby kick at the end barely though should i try an oyster yeah try an oyster this one's a little spicier it's a little slice here let me try another oh that's good i shot it i shot it straight to my throat that's good all right peter come try this oh that looks amazing yeah go ahead try that here here's a fork all right go ahead you can start with uh anything really i'm gonna try the first time eating my own raw clams will has never tried his own clams raw wow weren't we like this the whole time i don't know wow that's delicious raw clams are some of my favorites awesome beautiful night on the hood canal yeah you can see that mountain across a couple mountains up there no wind at all yeah so beautiful love washington all right will is it's got some salad here all right all right choice salad right wrong we like better raw clams we're all oysters i'm surprisingly moving towards the raw flames yeah because i've been eating raw oysters all the time mm-hmm it's just maybe it's just new to me you know yeah yeah i like them a lot yeah i love raw raw clams so yeah but these oysters are delicious too [Music] thank you guys for having us thank you for inviting us absolutely thanks for being here we got to we got to harvest oysters straight behind us oh man what an amazing time well thank you guys and thank you for watching if you guys liked the video make sure to hit that thumbs up and subscribe see you guys next time peace all right well we're going to keep eating we got a lot more oysters and we got a lot of we got beers too right oh yeah this one has the truffle butter on it wow wow wow the truffle butter is so good it's like the best thing i've ever made it's so easy [Music] [Music] saltiness cheers guys have a good night
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 318,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AGqJCsnOy00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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