COASTAL FORAGING FOR RAZOR CLAMS and Making Delicious Manhattan Clam Chowder

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what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm taku and today we're going for some razor clams it's a night dig tonight it is 8 p.m right now low tide is at 9 30 p.m so we're still an hour and a half from low tide which is going to be a negative 1.6 so perfect low tide for some razor clamming razor clamming just happened to open up right before we leave the pacific northwest and i was thinking man it wouldn't be complete without getting some razor clams so we're gonna see what we can do today and hopefully we can get some razor clams and we're gonna go make some delicious food right after i'm also out here with life northwest fishing secrets they're right up there looking for the first clam let's see what we got anything i already got my limit man already got your limit look at this guy i just set up the camera oh you got one though yeah i got one man look at that oh sick that's nice oh yes that's like uh this is the one that you boys and girls write home about that's a good one man that's the stories of the elders talk about these guys right here which i think could squirt you in the face too but yeah no got one um he just kind of like dimpled away a little bit and was disappearing in the sand yeah but um no volcanoes over here jocelyn's heavily working on them all right uh but this area keeps working all right awesome keep working so look at look at jocelyn's technique here she's stomping the ground right there right there the left of you right there oh what is that yeah yeah yeah it's kind of look like a hole right there centered over the hole and always angle it slightly towards the ocean back from the ocean sorry other way around like that yep that angle right there because they sit in there kind of at an angle and that's what i see i see my weight doesn't even get it in all right yeah it's kind of like pushing like wiggle it down like kind of jiggle it and you have to liquify the sand over it there you go plug the hole oh oh yep then plug the hole and yeah go for seconds do you have to fill your holes here no huh the ocean is not a razor plant the ocean fills it himself dang i don't get to say my favorite line fill your hole oh i saw him i saw him oh shoot crunched him i'm gonna get him right here that really got crushed man whoops my first razor clam right here guys um yeah that was my bad i'm pretty sure that right there is a razor clam hole i am almost certain i'm new to this so i don't have the uh the very best of eyes yet but look at that it's moving all right jocelyn get this guy got him got him oh he's so cute he's so cute she said nice clammy gonzalez back at it again good job oh here's another one another one here oh another one right there the dimple oh yeah he's digging down too oh totally right there yeah right now actually you don't see it but when you stop see how it turns like oh yeah yeah do it again oh yeah there you go oh right there see him though nice good one damn yeah fantastic uh there was another one oh right here all right oh no no it's all good that's a little one i'll let taku dig that one and this is called a clam gun and you just put your thumb on it makes a suction and you pull up the sand yeah i gotta go a little deeper oh that's a nice section of the dirt oh look at that he was pretty deep yeah i got him that is officially uh my full my first full-size razor clam oh look how pretty that is so the technique here is i'm kind of trying to disturb them basically so they start digging down wait jonathan's going you got one oh jocelyn got a nice one again and once they dig down you can actually see the dimple in the sand she loves climbing so much that she's just going off and we have just one clam gun between the two of us she's just focused right now she's just focused looking for the looking for the dimples look at her yeah here we go let's see if she gets one here she's digging down and she's totally down she's yeah use the legs use your legs not your back there we go let's see nothing nothing nothing but look look she won't give up though she won't give up she's like she's hungry for those clams let's see come on come on get one here get one here oh she got one though she got one she got one but she said she destroyed him i found it i found one right here oh sampling no no i found a dimple oh that's a good one that's a big one oh it's crunching we're gonna get him oh this guy oh man did he get away from me oh i found it oh you got him got him yeah that's a good one dude that's a good one yeah yeah i broke them a little bit that's why they call me captain crunch i keep crunching mine but at least i got him i thought i lost him there for a second doctor what do you think about razor clamming it's a lot more difficult than i thought it was going to be actually um they're they're deep yeah they're not just easy pickings at the surface huh no no no you got a key you got to have an eye for it i feel like yeah you know you got to have an eye for that little dimple or whatever yeah you're looking for yeah for sure speaking of trained eye all right let's see if josslyn's got one [Music] here oh yeah good job good job yeah oh really oh there it is oh my god i thought it would be a little bit easier because it seems like it would be easy because you just have the clam gun to push it down but you got to have that eye for it i think and then in the dark it's pretty difficult it's not that easy we're still getting them especially jocelyn she just keeps on digging she just keeps on digging oh she got another one right there let's look let's go look at that wow that's a nice one hold it to the camera that's the biggest one maybe here are our clams we have more jocelyn got more than that but these are some of the nice ones that we have we could go way longer because the tide's going to be out for another hour and a half probably but i want to get cooking before it's too late so we're going to call it for now and head back and go make some delicious delicious clam chowder manhattan style all right so we have the ingredients all laid out right here got some celery garlic potatoes onion i got one serrano i got a couple of tomatoes lemon as well as my lobster mushroom that we got in the other episode if you haven't seen that check that out we got some tomato paste oh we got some bacon right here as well and got a few beers for us i got some white wine too and of course the razor clams that we just harvested so let's get cooking i liked it i just love how garlic smells uh sean just like texted me and i think you watched like your squid video or something jacob jackson's like he says he knows the owner of mac and jack's oh really tell them to hook us up shout out to mac and jack's brewery i'll put my p.o box in the description below you know if you guys want to send me any beers just ship it to california though all right cheers guys thank you life for taking us out climbing first time razor climbing thank you for like just doing it man that was cool two gulps and i almost finished this beer i've noticed in your views you take a big first hole because that's the best goal it is the first the refreshing one you take it and you just like so what do you got going on here all right we're gonna make some manhattan style clam chowder it's like a red bay uh red chowder instead of the classic new england like white chowder so i got the salt water boiling i'm gonna do them maybe two at a time just gonna blanch them really quickly and we're using all the broken ones uh which is most of mine and some of the non-broken ones because we probably need a little more popped open oh yeah and once he pops open i'm gonna take him out because that's when you know it's ready wow beautiful oops wow look how beautiful it is look at the purple i wanted to blanch them for two reasons to get them open and also to get this nice tasty clam broth right here that i have just created by blanching the clams some clam anatomy here that's the foot right there you got the guts there and the guts you can take you can take that out cut the tip of the siphon off butterfly the side fit open and there we go and we'll check you see there's some sand in there we'll wash that off there we go nice and clean all right let's try it life life and i will try take a piece cheers man cheers tender so tender not chewy at all so flavorful water flavor almost tasty a little sweet yeah a little sweet little salty a little salty got the taste of the sea let me try the foot right here usually i like the foot the most when we cook them oh good tender good so smooth all right justin oh it is really sweet sweet huh that's tasty razor clams amazing [Music] [Laughter] that adds a bite to it too i have all the clams prepared oh that's a good amount of clams and i caught them pretty chunky nice bite-sized pieces so i'm gonna throw the the garlic the onions the serranos maybe not all of it all right i got some bacon in this one i'm gonna get that going should have gotten the bacon going here first but you know it's all good i'm gonna add all the tomatoes potatoes and the mushrooms in here all right i don't have a big pot right now all i have is a skillet so we're gonna make as much as we can in this skillet so it's going to be a nice chunky chowder because we're putting a lot in here i have a clam stock right here and i'm just going to add it in here there's some sand in the bottom but that's just on the bottom so it's all right some clam stock going in got some tomato paste here just gonna squeeze in a bunch of tomato paste add a little bit of salt and the bacon should be ready to go in some of the fat too i'm gonna add some water to this and we just want to make sure that the potatoes are cooked fully so i'm just going to add a good amount here just like that it's time to add the clams in it is looking good we're about done here check it out guys this is my manhattan style clam chowder razor clam chowder and look at the chunky pieces of clam on there oh this is gonna be one tasty chowder i can tell you that all right and this is from the ramen we had earlier how much do you want i guess i'll get my razor clams out of the way [Laughter] well also with the lobster mushrooms too oh the lobster i'm so glad you guys found those yeah so cool all right let's give it a shot dude this is exciting i love how chunky this is without even tasting it i can already say i like this a lot more than anything store-bought or the smell is so good too look at all this smell got some bread too dip that bread in every bite is clam everybody is clam yeah yeah yeah the tomato base is actually really really good this is my first time making a manhattan style actually i usually i'm trying that yeah oh really i usually do just a white chowder you know new england style and a great job and this wow this it is really tasty definitely better than i've had in the restaurant or anything yeah man if you had this if i had this in a restaurant i'm like damn this this restaurant knows how to make a chowder damn how did i not pay more for this that's the thing like if you actually they would have to charge so much for this mm-hmm to have that much clam in there oh the foot i got the foot of the clam oh you got a foot i'm gonna dig for a foot man it's like the burst of flavor there it is there it is a little bit of sauce on them it's just a burst of flavor that that piece best part best part yeah hands down always been my favorite it's a spot too man after like being on the beach all night getting those clams and yeah yeah it's past midnight right now wait you're right it hits the spot perfectly like i said in the beginning a pacific northwest trip wouldn't be complete without some razor clamming yeah that's for sure you can actually get razor clams in northern california too but i've never gone out for them over there i know they do a lot in oregon too but yeah the pnw that's the razor clam spot i haven't even had any beer with this one oh yeah i know i forgot about the beer damn cheers man the space needle ipa ah space needle ipa okay good i got a majestic one was that a foot that's a fluid i want the foot here i'm just kidding this is mine that's your foot man fine i'm gonna show my people over here that piece right here that is the foot of the clam amazing so good it's so good i wasn't sure about the red chowder in england that's really good it's good huh yeah red chowders are so good it's because they grew up near monterey so we're all about the white people they're all about the yj they always have the white no i hate on the white chowder though either that's while you're out camping this kind of meal is just like it's so perfect well we're about done here what a good evening that we just had wow ah life thank you again if you guys haven't seen life northwest fishing secrets make sure to check him out he's got a beautiful channel thank you all for watching and i'll see you guys next time peace i said that a little weird we'll see you guys next time [Music] keep eating peace man yeah who's good [Music] do we really have s'mores yeah i
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 229,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Razor Clam Recipe, Clam Chowder, Manhattan style clam chowder recipe, Razor Clam Chowder, Manhattan chowder, Razor Clam digging, Coastal Foraging, Foraging, Coastal foraging for razor clams, Clam recipe, how to prepare razor clams, digging for clams, clam digging, clam chowder recipe, how to make chowder, PNW, Outdoor Chef Life, catch and cook, Clam catch and cook, catch clean cook, coastal foraging catch and cook, catch and cook clams, razor clams, catch n cook
Id: EE3pACSYbc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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