DELETING a GIRL scammer files off her PC!

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yo guys what is up scammer revolts here bringing you guys another scam bait video before this video starts if you guys want to follow my instagram it will be the top link in the description below you can check that out but other than that if you guys like this video give it a like watch the video through tell me what you guys think about it what your favorite part of the video was but other than that i will see you guys in the next one peace okay just one second oh sorry what okay just one second okay hello yeah hello yes don't touch your mouse okay okay just just go for the new tab okay new tab minimize your run like minimize your yes minimize this first okay then then type just then go for the search box type it over there www dot search where in the like google chrome new tab google chrome oh here open okay yeah i got it open yes okay open the new text and just type it over there www dot here w w w dot supremo control dot com like s is in soup like i said in sugar sip primo enter what came up on your screen um it says like learn styles and stuff it's not it's a supreme or controlled outcome if you okay yes i that i think that's what i put there no it's esses and sugar i was did i spell it wrong yeah oh sorry sorry i've never heard of that website before my bad okay i'm sorry it's okay not a problem okay so what do you need me to do how is it spell i'm spell out for you sir okay s as in sugar yes www dot oh w w w dot s as in sugar s isn't sugar yes okay you as an umbrella oh boy i downloaded a lot of stuff that's gonna be interesting look there's some interesting stuff you yeah an umbrella okay psn papa you said p okay i got that r is in romeo oh r is in romeo yes e is an echo he is an echo this is what they see as the files are being deleted on their screen that's what they say um m as in mother amazon mother yes okay am is a mother okay like an oscar sorry what oh as an oscar oh it's an oscar yes yes control like c o n p r o l control control yes c o yes it's oh sorry like that after that after that you click the enter hit the enter button enter okay just okay just one second i don't know if this is gonna down just one second okay okay yes just bear with me okay and click then you can see the blue color box like download the field i'm guessing something is accessible to me here you can see the download download yes blue color box just click on that box this one yeah oh it's telling me that it might be dangerous or something no no no nothing we will provide you a cancellation form to you after that your subscription has been cancelled and you will get your refund amount okay don't worry about that click on download box when it's completely download just open that where what it's showing me is it's showing me like a message here it's asking me it says this type of file can harm your computer do you want to keep supremo exe anyway and it says keep or discard just keep you said you want me to click yeah just click on open box just double click on that oh i went to click on it and another mouse moved and it went away oh i'm sorry for that i'm sorry for that do i need to try it again yeah okay oh and how is your day going so far sir oh my day's all right um it's been pretty uneventful you know with all the stuff going on and everything can't really go out much you know how was your uh how was your situation in the con like a pandemic situation it's all right um yeah it's not that bad here you know where i'm located you know i live in a pretty small like rural town you know so there's not much going on around it you know what i mean oh i understand keeps failing okay so don't worry okay no need to prop no need to worry um be with you and i'm helping you to get your refund amount to you okay like what amount you have been charged i just simply cancel your subscription and get your refund to you okay okay you don't need to provide me any information so i just confirmed to you like your name number and address okay okay hello yes just one second sir i'm be with you and how old are you right now i think you're so young to your age i'm 35. you're 35 yeah is that surprising now sir no oh okay you sounded very surprised hello yeah oh she just hung up she just hung up oh shoot delete i don't know if it's gonna let me it probably won't yeah some of them have to skip oh it's shared so they got multiple users i wonder if i could see the other users from here she she still hasn't unplugged it continue is he gonna ask me for access shoot admin day maybe oh wait did that just give me hold on no is it like uh i think the oh wait wait wait no they did it hold on i'm gonna try it at one time i tried this before and day was the password or night yeah it looks like they could do and control out the late i can't really do anything because it's password protected oh they're clicking no they're tapping and clicking though let's see let's see what they got open on all these tabs wait what if i search they gotta unplug the computer before i get to this oh that's the harmless one they're still it's still plugged in it's not let me oh wait they just lag i don't hear the sound okay yeah it just it just stopped oh man i got a lot of stuff off of that computer i wanted to check out i tried i always get the comments download the the chrome data download the chrome data but it just it kept the download kept failing you guys saw i was trying to download the user data um i see you guys comments i see the people saying to do that so i'm gonna in future scan baits i'm gonna try and see if i can do that so we can get and see what they're logged into on google chrome and all that stuff well holy crap i'm about to call her back and i also did i i don't know how to remember if i uploaded all the bench files now i don't think i did but i got a lot of stuff off of here um there's like a bunch of html pages there's pictures of a girl on here with like a with a guy i don't know if this is her or who this is um but it's like new collection stuff i don't know who this is but let me show you guys there's a it says yo yo honey seeing wife shali or something i'm not sure how to say it but they got this picture here this was on the computer and there's like a couple pictures like random pictures here so i don't know who this is um but there's a couple random pictures on the on their downloads here that with the based off the names they can't they seem kind of significant um and the user data i didn't get much from the user data here i just got like a little bit of local storage um some logs uh not really anything i could probably work with but we'll see we'll see and then they have a bunch of uh html files here they got which one of them was a pretty big download some documents health today rebuttal oh no not one of these rebuttal is this another one of those freaking oh my gosh it's a script it's one of the scripts where where they they if it goes look here basically if somebody says oh like the the person they're calling asks a question they have preset things that they're supposed to say back to the compute back to the person i don't have a computer where you got my details i would call my internet provider and check problems by him like literally a script okay because they don't know what to do when somebody starts asking questions that's hilarious oh my gosh let's let's see what this html page is here let me open it for you guys let me transfer it here [Music] let's open this oh it's just the google search what the [ __ ] so it's just a goo okay so now i know where those pictures are from i'm going to call them back i just kind of want to look at this stuff first what's this s is it going to open a lot of these text files are people's information symbol t-shirts what so they're just saving oh my gosh hi sir oh is this a script answer i'm calling you from the technical department of windows okay so they got a script here they got a literal script they look a script how are you doing insert the names is there always funny to read because people are always like do they really read off a script yes they really read off a freaking script these guys are idiots they need they need scripts because they don't they can't remember their scam half of the time and then we got these files here images file we're out to check that out and then they got like random google icons just random crap that i'm about to go i'll go look through but yeah i just that's funny man let me let me call them back hopefully they got more than one computer because then they're not gonna be able to pick up hello hello yeah hi i was just speaking to somebody else and my call got disconnected this is jacob and i'm the senior supervisor what the [ __ ] what are you doing then what i was i was speaking to a woman and my call got disconnected yes i'm her senior supervisor here okay that's that time sir what about what what are you doing that time what were you doing that time i was trying to cancel the charge the subscription okay you're accessing my computer huh you were accessing my computer then yeah and i deleted all your crap and i downloaded a ton of it too what did and i deleted all your crap we are crap you're crap yeah i delete do you not come on you're supposed to work as a scammer scamming americans and you can't even understand what i'm saying come on what's your problem [ __ ] [ __ ] what benjamin how many times you [ __ ] your mother i [ __ ] your mother every night i i [ __ ] your mother last night enjoyed oh really last night yes oh that's interesting you're just a banjo though you [ __ ] sisters [ __ ] you're a banjo you're a professional ben chode i looked you up in the guinness book of world war records man you're the biggest band child there's ever been you're big chuthia benchod didn't do anything you know he wouldn't do anything with that what do you mean i already did what you did you didn't do it turn on the computer turn on the computer yeah i already completed yeah delete all your crap and i got i got it all downloaded here too all you all the victims and stuff that you guys have been trying to call you little bullies you're just a bunch of benchouts where's the other bench that i was talking to where'd she go oh you were a [ __ ] what yeah i'm like i'm like where's the other the other [ __ ] that i'm talking to and he just goes oh you're a [ __ ] and hangs up like what the hell these guys suck at their freaking insults man they're so bad holy crap oh they're just gonna block me if i'm at the calling another number yeah it just takes off they blocked me holy crap let me call in another number he's like oh you didn't do anything and then just goes oh you're a [ __ ] exa it's funny they're always like oh you didn't do anything but then you could just tell like they're annoyed and they and they just hang up they don't have anything to say all right i'm calling back on another hi is this the banjo department body who's this i'm i'm looking for the i'm looking for the supervising supervisor of the bencho department you just hug up all right let me go let me call it another number oh my gosh let me call it another number it's ringing it's ringing oh no are they just not going to take calls now wait it just hung up it just hangs up let me try with another one maybe they don't like that one let me try let me try with another one here no way let me check did i just get these guys to close up shop it's ringing again it just it just takes up oh my gosh are they just not going to accept numbers now on this number basically making all the alcohols that they made useless holy crap that's hilarious it's funny i rarely get um i don't know it might seem weird to people but i you know i rarely get girls girls cameras it's usually all guys and we just got the one from that one video like two weeks ago now and then i got this one and i screwed both of their computers over um yeah but yeah i'm definitely gonna go through all this stuff that i got here um yeah that's that's hilarious holy crap man um yeah other than that i hope you guys like this video if you did give it a like but other than that i will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 261,712
Rating: 4.958096 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, Pro, scambait, event, rage, msinfo32, scambaiting, Exposed, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, DELETING a GIRL scammer files off her PC, girl scammer, girl scambait, scamming the scammers, scammerrevolts, sr, srarmy, scammer revolts, Scammer's PC DESTROYED, funny scammer prank call, destroying a scammers computer, scammer trolling, trolling a girl scammer, deleted her files, mad scammer, refund scammer, comedy, scammer prank call
Id: pjoUjMn2CIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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