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yo guys what is up scammer vaults here today i am bringing you guys another scam babe video now in today's video this is another live stream highlight um i've just been going back in with the stream so if you guys want to follow my twitch channel that's where i stream slash hammer vaults or the link in the description below other than that i hope you guys enjoy this video if you like it please give it a like and i'll see you guys in the next one peace so you can see there is a allow option except okay that thing came up again saying i trust this call yeah just give a click on yes all right click i trust this call okay yeah all right and then i click accept again yeah except yeah just give a click on accept okay now it brought me to that same page again it says waiting yes sir okay all right hello hello hello hello sir i can't hello i can't hear you [Music] hold up sir can you call me back i can't hear you it just connected and his [ __ ] colleagues are calling me [Music] hello hello yes the line was disconnected yeah i was just speaking to somebody else and he was trying to help me with it uh sir uh uh just inform me what do you see on your computer screen and i do believe that you want to cancel that service my computer screen you ready yeah i want to cancel it you want to cancel it and you want to get back to your refund yeah is that correct yeah that's yeah on yeah so what do you see on your computer screen sir right now yeah right now i see some page here oh sir numbers it's an index number what do you see sir i'm just providing you all other secured web address so you can get the cancellation first okay so no the other guy closed you need to come on your regular icon but this guy's a different guy come on your home screen my home screen can you hear me yes you hear me sir yes hello yeah there is another guy that was helping me i just deleted all that other guy's [ __ ] telling you that uh you need to exit out that page okay you need to close that page and come off your home screen okay yeah i see the page it says it says any disk with the numbers you see any desk and the numbers yeah that's correct all right just throw it on for a second okay okay they don't know they don't know what just happened i hope wait what if the other guy tell us again okay i just deleted all this [ __ ] and went for the sis key and i don't these guys don't know because they're two different guys these guys are the these guys are the original guys i called oh my gosh you think you think they're going to make the connection some guy in the call center just got a [ __ ] deleted yeah i'm here sir hello hold on for a second yes i'm here with you hold on for us again okay get out do you see the bunch of tough numbers it doesn't know this stuff yes i do five to eight thank you once again yeah the numbers it says right there it says okay hold on for a second right now okay that thing came up saying i trust this call again yes sir you need to uh yes i chose this call says okay yes yes i destroyed this call okay and then i just click accept again yes you need to click click on accept again okay i clicked that and now it says waiting again sorry it says waiting it saves anything yes all right oh now it's something else here oh all right there's like a mouse moving on my screen yeah is that you sir did you did you yes i am um oh okay yeah this is this is from last time i had gotten the services from y'all this little that thing that was right there that was the last person i spoke to yes sir uh what i'm going to do i'm just uh connecting with our centralized server okay okay yeah what does that entail do i need to pay for that hello yeah do i need to pay for that you don't need to do anything sir i deleted all this stuff too i'm providing you always another web address which is team viewer so you want me to close this this other page yes you need to should i should i tell them should i tell them i'm providing you other security what should i do you need to type that security you just deleted two different computers in their call center they still don't know it's me they still don't know it's me okay so where do i need to go you need to go on the google pro okay let me open my okay i got my google chrome open okay on that google chrome uh on that should i load this narrow channel uh i am providing you with your web address this is www dot i'm gonna sit uh i'm gonna set a syskey as my wallpaper and let him connect and just see what he says i'm not gonna say nothing about it okay so what was the website hello yeah what was the website i'm on my god hello yeah i'm on google what the [ __ ] are you trying to do with our computers are you out of your [ __ ] mind or what what are you talking about i'm on google what am i talking about i'm talking about the what the things which you are doing in our computers who are trying to lock our computers what deleting all your [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] scammer what do you mean you're trying to help me out with the refund [ __ ] you got your stuff deleted because you're a little scammer [ __ ] [ __ ] then why are you [ __ ] wasting my time because you're a [ __ ] gary that's how i [ __ ] yeah yeah don't [ __ ] call this number again i will call you forever [ __ ] send the [ __ ] deputy you dumb scammer [ __ ] send him you dumb [Music] where am i tell me tell me where i am [Applause] address [ __ ] yeah you don't got [ __ ] you're probably in kolkata in a call center [ __ ] cramped around little cubicles and then you'll be fired i'll call you again and again and i'll call you as many times as i want ben jordan [ __ ] calls all right you don't get it don't ever fall on this i'm gonna call you as much as i [ __ ] want you know what i'm going to [ __ ] share your number and have everybody call your number ben how about that how about 500 people calling your number huh okay you [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] how about that [ __ ] huh you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] what are you gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it yeah you're a [ __ ] scammer you barely know how to use a [ __ ] computer as it is you barely know how to type on a computer keyboard without a [ __ ] script you're a little [ __ ] that's what you are that's all you're ever going to be a little [ __ ] show me something show me something show please [ __ ] show me something [ __ ] show me something [ __ ] show me something show me something show me something yeah you need to be sorry you need to be sorry sorry i ain't sorry the only thing i'm sorry for is your [ __ ] having you bro cause you were a [ __ ] mistake what the [ __ ] you mean that's the only thing i'm sorry about what that's the only thing anyone in this world sorry about [ __ ] matt with you what the [ __ ] man what do you mean sorry man your mother's sorry that you're so [ __ ] stupid that you gotta scam people for a living what the [ __ ] do you mean what do you mean that you [ __ ] up so bad one day who's gonna [ __ ] me up what the [ __ ] are you doing are you gonna [ __ ] me up you [ __ ] five 5'4 little scammer [ __ ] go [ __ ] me up come [ __ ] me up you little [ __ ] what are you going to do what are you going to do what are you going to do 30 minutes and you will see what i do what the [ __ ] is gonna happen at 30 minutes you're gonna come all the way from india are you gonna come out here from [ __ ] india huh huh you're gonna get the first flight come out of here india you know i'm not from india where are you i'm in sri lanka you're in atlanta sri lanka sri lanka have you heard about it you're a chilean guy from sri lanka who [ __ ] your mom 20 years back bro you're just doxxing yourself holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] wait where are you from where are you what city what what city what city i see you remember when your mother came for you honeymoon in singapore i [ __ ] her that time as well singapore i saw my name [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't even afford to [ __ ] get a car because you're a [ __ ] scammer bro you get like two dollars a day shut the [ __ ] up yeah yeah yeah this is your mother you want his eddie desk id well they're both i both deleted all their [ __ ] yo i wasn't a that guy got mad imagine if i would assist keep him he would have been on a whole nother level of man oh he was so mad that he got played man he was so mad that he got they got played twice they got played twice oh and i was gonna keep [ __ ] with them i was gonna let them connect with this wallpaper just to troll them oh my gosh they got trolled twice he was so mad oh my gosh he said he was gonna send a deputy a [ __ ] a scammer who literally scams people out of their money all day i'm understand the deputy oh [ __ ] he's gonna pick up the phone and be like wait you're a scammer what the [ __ ] jamie freaking with the tier 1 sub thank you welcome he will show you sir sir were you calling this scammer names yeah okay that's that's it you were calling this scammer names and you were [ __ ] with them this is this is horrible this is a horrible crime i'm deputy [ __ ] ben cho 2010 and i think that this is a horrible no [ __ ] oh my gosh yeah he already he already got me capital punishment the [ __ ] death penalty this guy called a scammer a ben chode and that we just can't we we just can't have that we can't have that that's [ __ ] man all right let's call him back he wasn't kidding he really did block me he really blocked me like oh my different number how funny is that though this this one call center this one call center the the first guys we keep [ __ ] up and then these guys we get two of them in the same call center jamie with the 200 [ __ ] here thank you it's ringing i think i need to call there mate oh hey what's up [ __ ] you blocked me huh you're calling me from a different number yeah i'm calling you from your mom's number don't you recognize it from what [ __ ] yourself why so bad hold on you know what we are we are tsu right now i'm making a post you know he said he said that you know how many numbers let's let's show them let's show them let's show them all right you know what i'm doing right now exclamation mark tsu if you guys want the link you know you know exactly what i'm doing i'm posting it right now so y'all can call him and ask him how his day going and how his little computer doing in his little call center little [ __ ] there we go okay that let me call him with another number i wonder if he's gonna pick it up or just automatically like hang up and block it all right top top post on tsu most recent yeah tell me short give him the beak all right i got the chicken everyone get ready i'm gonna do the demon chicken if he picks up this oh no it's ringing come on i might have to call the main number [Applause] [Music] he started talking real fast [ __ ] demon chicken man oh he he he was getting mad he thought i was calling back to talk more [ __ ] and he just gets the [ __ ] chicken hold on i'mma call with another number oh my gosh and you guys are calling them too all right all right let's call it let's call him with another number thought he was changing numbers exclamation mark tsu top post it's ringing the person you are calling is currently unavailable please leave a message after the tone why didn't you pick up my call i wanted to say hello but you're too [ __ ] dumb [Music] because you're a short little [ __ ] [Music] listen to your mother she's right here here there's your mother sounds like a chicken [Music] how long does this voicemail you want tacos this red line voicemail i hope if you're using google voice it sends you this as an email and you're just like what the [ __ ] so then you go to listen to it you're like oh my god it's that [ __ ] chicken guys again that i got so mad and told him that i'm gonna send a cop to him you're just a little bunch of [ __ ] ain't gonna do [ __ ] little [ __ ] thank you okay i was wondering how [ __ ] long that was gonna go on a random person joins the stream just oh ben chad
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 302,583
Rating: 4.9491634 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, Pro, scambait, event, rage, msinfo32, scambaiting, Exposed, SCAMMER ANGRY AFTER I WIPE 2 OF HIS COMPUTERS!, scammer rage, angry scammer, scammer files deleted, scammer trolling, scammerrevolts, scammer revolts, SR, SRArmy, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, going into a scammers pc and deleting his files, refund scammer, scamming the scammers, scammer prank call, mad scammer, salty, funny angry scammer, angry scammer call
Id: w0p7Pj54a-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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