Defusing Bombs with My Girlfriend

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what's up everybody that's not even Andrew okay I don't like this already I don't know what's up my cranky crew hate creepers I'd rather not hey guys what's going on welcome back to another via our video today I'm here okay we're not doing that videos already started Hey hi welcome back to the video whoa that's the intro hey guys gone videos already started good Fancher welcome back tomorrow VR this time make us with me yes so today we're back in more some of you are Maria anyway Mika's here and we're gonna be playing some keep talking and nobody explodes which I think I played a while back before but I've never done it in VR so we're gonna play in VR wow so you're gonna know how to defuse the bomb without me I don't remember anything so I'm gonna be in VR first tonight has this bomb defusal man-animal and we're gonna go so if you don't know about this I can't hear anything anymore if you don't know about this game so somebody is it's a bomb defusal game so one person is actually defusing the bomb and the other person has a manual that says how to defuse a bomb with certain things this is a local multiplayer game for two more players you're the bomb defuser your goal is to defuse the bomb with the help of your friends guide you by using the bomb defusal manual the experts at the bomb defuse a you're the expert experts can view the bomb defuse a manual on your TV screen or a bomb manual calm we already printed it out so let's go you ready to tell me the things according to you what you're looking at oh no but it can be done I've seen it done good call okay this is so weird because in the game there's a chair right here and I'm sitting in a chair super weird okay we got a toric yes ready yeah do I need to tell you about bombs mmm eventually when we get into the thing you have to tell me about it BM wait can we go for it can you do a fist bump hi fighter I hated that all right we're doing a numero we're just gonna do the first one game over the first bomb everybody has to start somewhere let's just hope it doesn't end here to make sure your experts have the manual and are ready to help yes there's a bomb in front of me okay there's five minutes hold on it hasn't started yet okay here we go okay okay okay there's a bomb in front of me five seconds of the clock there's one second there's wires there's like hieroglyphic things there's there's gonna be modules on this bomb uh-huh and there's up to 11 modules how many modules do you have one two three three okay and then there's gonna be strike indicators above the five-minute mark so the modules yeah have any wires all right do you have a wire module one two three four five six there's six wires in one module six wires yeah there are no yellow wires in the last digit of the serial number so the serial number is there is a wire make sure you check the side of the mice do you want the serial number if the last digit of the serial number is odd cut the fourth wire okay it's not it's even otherwise if they're exactly one yellow wire and there's more than one white wire cut the fourth way it is one yellow one white okay there's not more than one oh wait fourth wire then wait no there's not more than one white wire cut the fourth wire okay okay good good good next one let's see the hieroglyphic thing there's a hieroglyphic yeah okay how many symbols you have one two three four four only one column has all the symbols from the keypad can you describe the symbols to me yeah the first one so top left okay so it's like a square top left looks like a six okay bottom left looks like a backwards e with eyes over it or it's with two dots over it okay then top right looks like a backwards end with a little likeyou over it okay and then the bottom one is the Omega so just press them in the order you just told them to me so 6e and Omega okay cool so now we have the last one is a big red button that says detonate and white letters detonate okay is the button blue no it's red is there more than one battery and and the button says detonate no there are three batteries on the bomb so yes and it says that so press and immediately release the button hey we did it we do it [ __ ] this bomb yes do you want to do will you do two bombs each yes and then we can just keep going back and forth okay if you use time remaining 241 yeah that's time we don't need no stinking bomb should we got it alright number 2 section 2 the basic something old something new something blue something old something new something blue what something when people get married something old something new something borrowed something blue when did seeing the familiar bomb become fuga london when when did seeing a familiar box become comforting no matter this bomb will only be half comforting 3 modules 3 strikes all right five minutes rolls three modules ok ok ok ok ok ok ok one two three module three okay yeah it's the first one the first one I have three wires so there's white yellow yellow red not the last wire okay okay good another wire there's a small screen with a number in it and then four digits below it for a little keypads below it so you need to press the correct button to this to progress the modules to the next stage Stage one what's the button on the display I mean sorry what's the number on the display to so press the button in the second position okay good what's the button on the display three press the first button okay good what's the but or the number one press the button with the same label you pressed in stage 2 so one the first button press the first button okay what's the number to press the first button first button yep okay last one last one number one press the second button Rob put the wrong it was wrong three three I think we have to start over oh we do have to start over okay it's three press the third button good okay okay okay coming commend one press the button labeled four for good one press the button of the same label you pressed in stage two so press the one labeled four for good okay for how many buttons have we pressed three this is the fourth press the button is in the same position as the button you press in stage two and that one was the one labeled four I got it Oh memories okay okay number one press the button with the same level you pressed in stage one so it would have been four three what position what was the first number three yes puts the one in the same label as you pressed in stage one was it three it was the third position I don't remember what it was I think it was four three pick a number any number three incorrect okay okay two to have a minute and fifty left yeah press the button in the second position that's three press the button with the same label you pressed in stage one so three three okay come on go faster one press the button in the same position as you press in stage one got it one press the button with the same same label you pressed in stage one so label three yes we got it okay the last thing is a big red button that says hold we have 52 seconds button button button if the button is red and the button says hold press and immediately release the button with 42 seconds left and I threw the bomb in there all right you want to defuse a bomb yeah I'm not gonna be good at telling you what if I can't what if I'm bad thank you at least you're not illiterate like I think you're sitting on Mars this chair and your your butt is covered and Mars for absolutely smothered yes smothered I'm putting them behind you hello the wrist wraps on spencer's growling at himself because he sees himself in the mirror okay this has six modules six laundry strikes five minutes on the clock this looks like a briefcase the front says and I say okay Spencer stop growling at your sickle babe yes there are two modules that have the hieroglyphics that's work on one okay okay is it just possible there's stuff on that back side well there's a lot of stuff this is a bad place for me to start higher go fix okay I'm gonna tell you which ones there's a six Hey and Omega yeah something that looks like a hashtag with one less stripe in it okay and then an N and then a backwards then yes okay got it so you want to tell me which put like how to press those in the order that they okay six hashtag n Omega okay that one said we got another one okay this is an over the little thing at the bottom of it like a little penis see a backwards C with a dot in the middle yeah an upside-down question mark okay and an H with like a little thingy on the end okay okay okay so the O with the penis okay backwards C okay the age okay and then the question why okay we're on the other side now there's a button that says hold with a glass case over top of it it's glue okay okay okay what is the blotting button say it's blue and it says hold okay them better very good is there is there a strip that's a certain color there's a no there's a black strip on the side I also have another button this is detonate in this white wait what button are we're on the first button right two buttons and yeah okay three minutes left okay okay okay okay so hold the button and release when the countdown has a one in any position okay okay okay no we have a button yep okay wait press immediately and release the button okay that one right okay now we have to wire things okay why our boy good one to start three white wires two black wires and that's it okay three one and there's six wires overall one two three four five five if the last wire is black in the digit of the serial number is odd to cut the fourth wire it's even it's even otherwise if there is exactly one red wire no red are there any black wires it's two black wires how'd the first wire okay we have a four wire one for one white wire two yellow wires a black wire is there one blue ha no hmm is there more than one yellow one yes cut the last wire Spencer is just looking at himself in the mirror like he's laying right against the mirror just looking at you know we should do at the end of the video okay I'm ready what I should go to the free play and turn on hardcore needy and put like eight modules hardcore needy there's needy modules where they have their own time limit to them you just describe yourself well this one is interesting we've got one the digit one with the four digits and then the number on the top the four digits in the number on the top okay what's the number in the four press the button in the fourth position it's a three three press the button labeled four press the button in the third position press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage two the same position for three press the button with the same label that you pressed in the previous stage Spencer it's yourself I got it yes okay okay wires there's one wait - yellow - yet so that's three wires yes if there's no red wires cut the second wire then cool all right hieroglyphics upside-down question mark something that looks like an H a Y and then like a half moon it's like a big jumble the paragraph text button and then a B with like a thing going through the top like a B with the teens out of it yeah so paragraph B with the T the weird age with the half moon thing and then the question mark but now we have Simon says it's like a diamond swimming before okay box isn't it one of those were using the colors it's the one with the corresponding color the original button will flash followed by another repeat this how many strikes known none none blue okay does this year a number bring the red just flashed twice two flashes of red yes it's flashing it's going be peep and flashing red blue again I think oh wait wait wait wait but then it just keeps going beep-beep I don't I don't have all this work the original button will flash followed by another right he's got a strike sequence in the order using the color mapping the sequence will lengthen one time if you add red yellow red red yellow left left left right yes understand this red red yellow yes yellow yellow red red red red red yellow green green I'm gonna guess yellow yellow red red green or blue blue yes yeah yeah no I got it wrong where are two strikes we're 35 seconds okay we're gonna lose this okay well do keep going keep going keep going don't give up now red red yellow green green okay yellow yellow they blew up I press the wrong button oh it's two strikes it's uh sorry I'm so sorry I just died I'm sorry I'm dead I'm sorry you're touching a dead person causes the explosion Simon Says [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 452,532
Rating: 4.9840536 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, keep talking and nobody explodes, keep talking and nobody explodes gameplay, bomb defusing game, bomb game, keep talking and nobody explodes funny moments, defusing bombs with girlfriend, gaming with girlfriend, funny moments, bomb game with girlfriend, crankgameplays girlfriend, reaction, commentary
Id: Bv8UtNu8C7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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