so I went on a dating show with 11 girls...

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are you saying like you don't ever want to eliminate anybody i mean i think if all the girls that are down i wouldn't mind like a 12-way relationship right now this is unprecedented honestly you're the first person that's been on the show that has suggested that why don't we just end the show now you just take all the loves and then you guys just pursue something from there i mean it's 2020 it's very progressive thinking i didn't even think about that that's genius because love comes in many forms like sometimes it's the form of one woman sometimes it's the form of ten women that's an excellent point but in this particular case there's only going to be one this guy's toast mr disguise welcome to lover host how are you i'm doing great not gonna lie i'm uh very nervous you're nervous i'm very nervous not used to being around so many beautiful women definitely intimidating mr toast but you're gonna do fantastic and you have nothing to be worried about we have pre-selected 10 contestants for today's show actually 11. there's a timer above your head once that timer strikes zero you will eliminate one of those contestants we will systematically do that until we get to the end of the show in which you will find hopefully your one true love but there's a catch each one of these contestants prior to the show began chose between love and host love means that they are here for you host on the other hand means that they were just interested in all the viewers are you ready to go meet the lovely 11 contestants uh just hang on one second yeah sure okay all right i'm ready to talk to women okay let's do it welcome aboard ladies thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to join us on love our host featuring disguise toast disguise toast why don't you start off with your introduction and then ladies we'll go one by one and introduce yourself um i don't think i need that much introduction because you all should know who i am but just know that i'm a very lonely man who wishes for companionship and i hope one of you can provide to be oh that's so cute very whole that is so cute but when you were drunk with scar you said about this show that you just like how girls get riled up its content you know jesus christ i want love but i also i also love content so i think the girl i'm gonna end up picking is someone either i really like or someone who provides a lot of content and can be of use to me okay well making it very clear right off the bat the standard has been set let's start with the introductions hello emelina i'm swedish i stream mostly irl hopefully i can be back in l.a soon and hopefully uh i will be able to see you that would be super super fun hi toast i'm ellie the first time i heard about you is like just clicked on a random youtube video i ended up binging it like for hours and hours that was a couple of years ago and when i heard you're coming here i had to come here plus you know now you're playing tft and you know ever since tft came on mobile while i'm pooping i need to play something and i really got into tfd [Applause] there's it's a very pleasurable experience while you're playing the game and you're pooping and i really wanted to go now but i even want more okay to get to know toast so i chose you over doing that okay if you poop while playing tv that means you poop for 40 minutes because that's how long you need to play to win otherwise you're stuck let's i think we should i think we should move on from the poop topic definitely no i think i don't i think we're good casey i apologize toast just keep drinking um just keep drinking hi um i'm an art streamer and when i found out that toast is gonna be on the show like well what if i um did an oil painting will you oh that's so nice if you would like it i can mail it to you when it's dry that's so sweet toast what do you think of that looks amazing and um i wouldn't wanted you to mail it to me i prefer if you handed it to me in person oh that's the scope so sweet can we move on that is so sweet and i believe yet minx makes please your jealousy is so ugly okay okay unbelievable miss ginny and you post when he played hearthstone uh because i used to play hearthstone a lot and i reached legend one time and then when i heard those coming on the runcheller i wanted to get to know him so yeah i decided to join all right ps fund now we have a another individual joining us in a floral sort of floral type outfit very excited to join them on the stream they're giving us a fantastic smile ladies and gentlemen sushi dim sum thank you so much for welcome aboard the show thank you so much hey toast i have something to say to you so listen carefully i'm going to do three damages to your face when i come into play just like how you always do wink what do you get it no it's a hearthstone okay okay i just wanted to make sure you okay anyways i'm also a fellow canadian and i'm living a very sad sad sad pathetic life yeah we can see i'm so sad and single like nobody wants me everyone runs away whenever i tell them i want an oppa nobody cuts a bag unless you're in a life crisis fact but anyways i want to say that i want an oppa and toast is drinking soju right now and you're the my oppa thank you to the right of sushi joining us i am really a big fan of this unique outfit i don't know what it is it's some sort and that and the headset that you're wearing i don't know where did you where did you get that juice it's beautiful i love it it's a new design i love it it's a big fan welcome to the show i got the juice oh thank you oh hi toast my name is juice i'm not gonna lie this is like a blind date to me i'm here like it's just to like you not because of anything that i heard of you is that does that make sense yeah so you don't know what a big deal i am i i mean i now will know because i'm looking at it i mean i was just being real you know that's a good point hey honestly i found about you when i was a little girl okay i hope it doesn't sound weird but i've known you ever since i was a little itty bitty girl i'm just being honest it's a little weird ellie um the ride if i got the juice joining us all the way from ireland casey tron okay all right i'm just kidding makes go ahead and introduce yourself no now you're [ __ ] making wait who what are you doing are you doing this on purpose sorry i'm not usually i don't usually get this angry um as you can see i'm actually i'm wearing a dress i'm very ladylike i am 23 i'm from ireland and i don't really want to be too blunt but i am in love with you and i really i thought you're in love with me you know that's what you're wrong with me ladies please let her get through her introduction i'm just i really do like you um yeah all right bottom left-hand corner case it's not a phase tron i saw you were coming on the show and i just couldn't help myself but come and try to bite off a chunk of that sexy man-meat i paid austin to come on the show actually one hundred dollars so i want to make that clear you you're doing that austin no i'm not i would have charged a lot more i don't know where she's getting that i'm so inspired by him whenever i heard that he like wasn't taking donations i was just like damn he's rich and he's giving that's so hot thank you travis to the right of tron joining us miss momo okamoto hi i'm momo uh i'm from los angeles i'm a programmer but i also make thirst trap content um i recently rescued a baby kitten i've been watching your content for a while too and i think you're super awesome thank you momo okay go ahead and introduce yourself tricky i'm 27 i'm canadian i [ __ ] love having toast in my mouth i am a swedish girl from sweden okay i knew about toast from before of course he's very known but i actually didn't know that you played tft which is the best game in the world so wait hang on you didn't know that this guy's tills played tft even though he was number one streamer and youtuber frank one yeah i'm sorry but i don't watch facebook what about the first four months of tft that i was on twitch for like i played the first season but then i played now so i haven't played in between so i didn't really know what's happening can i say one more thing yes [Music] wait um i am candyland and i'm coming in hot and i'm gonna leave these guys no no wait wait wait one more time i am here i am kendall and i'm coming in hot and i'm gonna leave these guys toasted oh yeah that was that was amazing thank you i got a question but it's only for i think five of the girls okay um so this is to minks sushi ellie moon and candyland you guys were on the saikuno show so why are you guys on this show am i just like the backup plan you were chosen i believe on the show as the winner yeah why didn't he fall i was doing it to get [ __ ] closer to toast i told him afterwards like holy [ __ ] sorry about this and i'm interested in your friend and that's why we took nothing for sushi dim sum let's hear from you you were extremely passionate for seikuno yes i was like i was in love with saikuna i was in love with him we all know i was in love with him however i realized in that moment i need a man who can dominate me in bed on the stream i'm like dad oh my god very very passionate um i'm sure toast appreciates that very much i guess i want to push ellie moon a little more because she seemed like a huge psychonaut fan because a good friend not so she me no ellie he's saying you she's stalling she's [ __ ] hulk you can see it in her [ __ ] eyes you can see it in our ouija little [ __ ] lying [ __ ] eye evie are you over him i'm over like i want a guy that appreciates me i want a guy that plays tft with me i'm gonna be sitting on the toilet you're gonna be streaming we're gonna be playing together all right time for you to dm me as monk s is flying aggressively through the chat who you're going to eliminate from the show all right we have sushi dim sum momo okamoto and ellie moon if this is about sakura i feel like that you have more experience with girls in general or dating and so you know like i i feel like we could be a real thing i think the prime minister of canada justin trudeau would be very happy us two canadians will make two babies or one baby toes walking around i just want love like you know when i was in sexual yeah he didn't pick me but you know what screw him jesus you went from introducing yourself to being on top of him and now you're making babies oh my god i don't even have pulse ready oh my god holy [ __ ] oh god okay all right ellie moon thank you so much for joining us you're safe sushi dim sum it's the end of the road i'm sorry you have been eliminated from the show what led to your decision yeah what was your choice you made a hearthstone reference when you said three damage to the face essentially my name is based on a hearthstone card yes my card doesn't deal three damage it deals two damage sushi dim sum had an opportunity to choose between love and host and she chose love when you chose love all right it's the end of the road thank you so much for having me i really appreciate it and thanks telus for kicking me out for us i really appreciate it okay thank you so much he really appreciated the kick first okay toast you have been tweeting quite a bit recently and some of these tweets have been deemed as what i like to call horny tweets or just just sort of tweets about your love yvonne said no girl is going to want to bang on a mattress on the floor in the corner of an empty room is this the turn off for you i've banged on much worse places than the madras the mattress is fine that's really good a mattress is better like than outside or in a bathroom or something like that outside is what she said don't worry i'm a virgin oh okay all right is there anybody that has a problem with this sorry i'm just not fake like these other [ __ ] who are gonna go along with whatever um i do have a problem with the mattress being on the floor i would want it to be on a bed because there's just better positions that you can get to like doggy style is a lot better from the side of the bed that's elevated thank you oh thank you very much casey i appreciate it do you plan to upgrade this setup at all i mean the thing for me is i live in a house with like four other content creators yes and the walls are very thin i'm worried that if i get a bed frame it's going to make a lot of noise with how vigorous i am in the bedroom but if you just put the mattress on the floor wow it'll be more i'm not very educated in this topic i'm just getting hips right now i'll be real with you okay yes toast do you have a problem with somebody being a virgin by chance not a problem but i like to explore in the bedroom and i just want someone who's really comfortable exploring my [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh jesus makes please i'm so sorry toast with that it is time for another elimination tricky juice and candyland three of you find yourselves in the bottom three tricky tricky it's the end of the road i'm sorry you've been eliminated toast what led to your decision to remove tricky from the show she just feels like too much of a woman for me to handle okay now we must reveal what tricky chose love she chose love i mean listen here's the thing i know like you think i'm too much a woman i am right or die i would have been willing to stick my finger and shove those hemorrhoids back up into your house christ oh my god jesus christ i'm so sorry ladies if you have a question feel free to ask me i have a question here i'm told that like poops and hemorrhoids and shits is part of the script and then you say it's not part of the script is that part of this i'm going to move to a different question i think than any of that if you want to answer any of those you can answer any of those so i've never been pegged before or have anything inserted into me analytically would you dream about it that's disappointing ah well i don't think i mean i do think about it they say it can be very stimulating yeah apparently people say so i guess my question is how would you as a significant other make it comfortable for me to explore that option so ladies in answering this question let's try not to go into grotesque detail please i read online that sometimes it could open and cause anal prolapse in your anal your angles that's only extreme i think this is impossible to do this without detail have you ever tried to like do it a little bit to yourself okay you know what like i would play your favorite song first you just put your pinky in yeah let's move to a different question ladies i think this is a little bit a little bit more uh grotesque than i'd like can i go let my dog out to the toilet uh yes thank you for asking for permission that's very polite of you you're welcome you like that thing would you have me in a leash okay i'm gonna be straight up then i like to be dominated okay thank you for sharing that i've got a question for you ladies mr toast is in offline tv what makes you cool enough to hang out with the offline tv crew i love them i've been watching them for years but i don't worship people you know what i mean it's not going to be like a fan type of feeling is that why you cried whenever pokeman came on the last show oh my god the whole country exposed me lisa she literally cried toast whenever pokeman came on the last show she was just like crying and she was like oh my god pokeyman and i think that's actually why she's here i don't mean to creep you out but i think because you're in pokemon's old room like she's trying to get there and do like some weird [ __ ] i don't know is it going to get sort of in the way do you think at all i think it might of course not it was it was just like this fulfillment thing i had got it okay molina i already hang out with them so i guess i'm already in incredible and also because they really want to say something you know stephen right yep he doesn't think a lot of people are really cool but he thinks you're really cool so he was like yeah he's really really cool you should definitely go on oh when i'm searching for love i always like the approval of their fiance that is really mean i think they're very [ __ ] cool but i'm mainly here for host so for toast toaster hosts for told you daft cond thank you minx i like watching offline tv because you guys are like a really good wholesome it looks like wholesome friendship i like pokey from your uh from 100 thieves i'm not gonna lie about that but i'm in a hundred thieves ah so sorry i meant to stay offline tv oh girl i said pokey i'm sorry about that but you also said 100 thieves okay toast has made his decision and unfortunately somebody's getting eliminated right now juice it's the end of the road i'm sorry you have been eliminated from the show uh right it wasn't it wasn't more because um i guess for me i have confidence issue and i would feel more comfortable with someone who knows who i am so that that actually makes sense that makes sense normally i would have eliminated you first but i can tell you put a lot of effort into your content and so i wanted to like give the audience a chance to see the kind of stuff you can toast oh my god my man is getting laid that's what i'm talking about way i must reveal what she chose no no read what john said juice had the opportunity to choose between two options toast one being that she'd like to pursue something else with you the second being she wants to rip your heart out in front of 50 000 viewers and let people watch it slowly beat until it stops oh my god and she chose host please with the rest of it please yes read read what you said to johnny love love please let me change please because i like you ended up being really cool and he's like you can't change your answer once the show has started john once i got to know you i really like you i repeat yourself mrs holst uh we didn't hear oh my god i'm so sorry juice you are an absolute pleasure to have on even though you wanted to rip his heart out in front of 53 no no i'm so sorry but thank you so much for the opportunity i really appreciate it thank you guys thank you so much i love to ask this question ladies who here is the worst option in your opinion the worst choice go ahead minx um i will say cuco yes because i feel like you know we're not all as [ __ ] talented as you she's using our [ __ ] art okay maybe when i'm over with your personality we get it you can [ __ ] paint so did leonardo dicaprio okay that [ __ ] in rome so you don't define yourself by that thank you thank you that's right uh famous artist leonardo dicaprio thank you all right so he's so good yes candy you're a big fan of his art aren't you i'm such a big fan you know when i was young i got undressed and laid down on my bed and pretended he painted me oh that's so amazing all right i love you minx but i think it's minx you lose every single show and i'm a favorite flag because it must be something even though you like you win or someone wins for you you aren't in touch with them afterwards and i'm just thinking that all of you what you say is probably [ __ ] period i would disagree with that um okay great well they block me all right thank you uh cuco you want to go now i'm just gonna i don't even know because she has a fiance if you're asking me i would say like molina said steven also really likes disguise toast so how would you feel about having sex with molina and stephen um like how would that arrangement work then power wait i'm lost here why is steven getting involved so stephen is melina's fiancee they're in an open relationship wait so those wants to [ __ ] steven no that's not i'm gonna go with minks because schlott upsets her all the time and she for some reason still goes for him you deserve someone that loves you and sees you yeah eli you have brought up saikuno every chance you had this is your love list sakuno is first pokemon is second and toast is like 10th or something i'm sorry that's true i'm sorry toast it is time now for another elimination minx i'm sorry it's unfortunate no i'm sorry you're safe do you have any questions for me toast i feel like because you're gonna be over a lot i can't get to know you like even not on the show so i can have like a love from here and then still hook up with you on the side wait what no what do you mean you won't ever see me if you kick me you're putting your foot down you know what toast no matter if you kick me or whatever like there's always a chance for us i think i'm not gonna i'm not gonna just call it quits knowing that information are you keeping or going to change your decision after that little back and forth i've never been more confident on who i'm kicking [Music] all right candy land i'm sorry it's the end of the road you have been eliminated molina you are safe what led to your choice mr toast that thing at the end where candy said if i kicked her she would still be open to the idea of hooking up with me whereas molina said if i kicked it now she wouldn't entertain that idea so this way by kicking candyland first i get to still have both of them down the line oh my god candyland had an option to choose between love and host before the show began and she chose host she chose house yes oh i'm sorry thank you so much for having me around she was so much fun thank you very much ladies and gentlemen joining us over the phone mr cycuno sai kuno hi hi saekuno thank you so much for joining us you had your own lover host show where you chose minx and minx has said previously on this show that she wasn't interested in you and she was using you as a ladder to get to toast how does that make you feel oh i said what i said was like his friend oh okay it makes me feel like a ladder i suppose yeah okay got it it's important to me to have cycuno on here because i think my next elimination would be one of the girls who was on your level i guess a couple of them look familiar do you regret your choice on your show choosing minx uh not at all she's really nice and really funny but she deliberately said that she chose you as a stepping ladder oh now at least i'm useful oh i guess so it's very sweet of you thank you give it up for cycuno ladies and gentlemen toast now it is time to make good luck another elimination toast does them being on sakura show put them at a disadvantage uh yes i want the girls who come on my show to only ever want to come on the show for you okay i want to come on your face okay i thought that he was foreign that wasn't that didn't check out really anatomically at all i don't really know where you got that austin yes this is austin is this andy milinakis yes it is i just kind of tell you something i know you're not really into the ladies but women can say they're coming doesn't mean they're actually ejaculating semen but women can say i want to come i want to come on you that is where you really yes i had no [ __ ] idea it just sounded like all right good luck andy you know i love you okay well i learned something today folks i don't know good luck everybody here we go minx it's the end of the road for ellen ellie moon i'm just kidding chad jabata toast what led to your decision don't say like because you are like in love with seikun or some dumb [ __ ] what no not not saikuno but pokey oh no okay yeah even looking at your reaction now with how flustered you're getting i know as long as i'm friends with pokey it will always be a question in my mind who you're more in love with i don't want to [ __ ] her i could [ __ ] you oh my goodness i mean ladies and gentlemen introducing the stream international gaming sensation hey guys hey pokey we're gonna bring you into the next round here pokey i love this when you came on the stream like three girls like literally fainted coming on yours i can't [ __ ] pokemon but i could [ __ ] a different kind of love like i love you anatomically speaking anatomically dude andy coming in here was so [ __ ] funny i didn't get it i just google it i'll google it um ellie moon had a choice between love and host before the show began and she chose love oh my goodness we chose love was it love for me or is it love for pokey can i love both but like differently whatever okay i'm cringy but i've fantasized like friendship with her and things like that in my head you know sorry you said fantasize but then you said french with you like i could see like romantically i thought you know 11 inches long so maybe like all right well ellie moon unfortunately it's the end of the road that would be terrifying yeah yeah it means i get it you're a virgin like things like that terrify you okay like you use that as your brand i i get it don't kick a dead horse thanks that's kind of fair as hard as i [ __ ] want [ __ ] [ __ ] that's on brand jesus that is ellie moon thank you so much as you know pokey is joining us on the phone here to do similar to what cycuno did hey toast i hope you're having a good time i hope everyone's having a nice time finding love and or getting eliminated that's true i think everybody knows he's a really smart guy am i right yes right true smart guy like him is gonna need a smart girl right and because of this i've decided to ask you all math questions interesting start off easy uh seven plus eight nine fifteen nice okay casey that was casey right yeah that was okay you got it right off by seven or six four times four eighteen in sixteen that was moma okamoto i think got that correct yeah it and you added them together i think okay what is the uh square root of 25 five i know you know this one oh my gosh uh oh it's a triangle [ __ ] a squared plus b squared equals c squared god damn it yeah i couldn't help it that's all i got i think casey kind of won casey i didn't know you were a mathematician that's incredible i'm a genius wow that's amazing is it a part of the phase yeah and also you know like i'm on the medicinal marijuana so that helps oh i kind of figured pokey would be on here to you know make the girls like look better but after seeing the mathematics stuff um that does raise a little bit of concern with me i will not divulge any information that i've learned from living with toast i wish you all the best they have one more question to ask in the round here before we move on to the next one uh mr toast you tweeted i believe on valentine's day gonna be spending valentine's day alone unless someone is looking to give me the v what does the v stand for vagina i also want to bring up another tweet decided to take a leap of faith and try sliding into dms of a girl for the first time ever wish me luck hello there beautiful female i am disguised toast but you can call me jeremy i am very lonely and would like to make more friends i was hoping that you and i could be friends and maybe even more one day we enjoy each other's company if you accept we will start off by playing games together and trade funny memes please let me know at your earliest convenience sincerely disguise toast 1 million subscriber youtuber i believe she then immediately responded uh with um no right is that correct ladies my question to you is how would you respond to a message like that and be absolutely honest honestly toast if you had dm that to me i would have [ __ ] creamed dude like absolutely also too i just want to say i did see this tweet earlier and i saw raj respond to this and said there's a better way to do this and here we all are today this is the better way to do it it's time for another elimination momo okamoto molina and caseytron i feel like i spilled my heart out to you earlier but i do just want to say too i usually don't eat carbs but you're looking like a snack that was painful the elimination has been decided caseytron it's the end of the road i'm sorry you have been eliminated from the show you really messed up thank you molina you're safe congratulations thank you so much holy [ __ ] toast what led to your decision to blow your only chance with the tron uh well i respect casey tron a lot um obviously not i guess i didn't pick her this time around because i think she plays a great game you can admit it now you messed up you're regretting it already but you know i'm looking i'm looking for love and not just beams i've been real this whole time go ahead and tell him what i chose love you really regret it don't you wow now the smart guy feels dumb doesn't he well going to feel dumb for the rest of your life i would like to back you off and say you made the right decision oh she's gone ladies i will ask this question again who is the worst possible choice here my instinct reaction might be uh jenny because her internet connection is a little hard and with long distance you need to be able to talk to someone and she's got s-font if i remember correctly so i don't know they are friends they are friends it's time for another elimination toast momo okamoto molina and ginny tty one of you is getting eliminated from the show minx you're safe i don't know why your face is like that oh yay my husband actually picked me without me having to force him makes you still have several rounds to go i want to make that very clear all right momo go ahead and defend yourself honestly i think me and toast would get along absolutely like i think i'm a nice person i think i'm empathetic and um i can suck really good d i got a strategy like for one of my gay friends like i am a [ __ ] queen at this [ __ ] really what did they teach you i mean without getting too descriptive oh 100 it's all about like balls hands and like tongues yes and i can't dm your eyes i'm interested honestly because i could use some improvement i think sorry i'm sorry i freaking got you i'm so sorry thank you all right so sorry toast that was inappropriate toast is this your final decision yes yes that's a hard one the person getting eliminated from the show is jenny it's the end of the road i'm sorry oh my gosh there's absolute shock rippling through twitch what led to your decision mr toast so one of the things i guess i'm looking for in this stage of my life is to experience very different things from what i'm used to we do have a lot in common like the taiwan background the games our personality because i feel like the only way i'm gonna know what kind of girl i want is to try dating different types of women and you are someone i feel like i have almost too much in common with but i think we would make really good friends and like when you come to la i'm definitely down if you want to just make content and hang out thank you jenny chose love she chose love oh my goodness jenny thank you so much for joining us this is your top four ladies excuse me i i don't mean to interrupt yeah that's fan oh hey hey how you doing uh just after the show check your paypal just uh just letting you know um all right thank you yeah you got mine too right oh yeah of course thank you i appreciate it thank you ass fan thank you so much i appreciate that moving on mr toast i want to ask you the same question any red flags about each one of them individually i want to give you the opportunity to put it back on the contestants okay um i think with cuco she does seem a little too introverted for me because i myself am an introvert i feel like i need someone who is more extroverted because i need to be pushed to do things with momo um she's very open um as i understand you haven't only only fans um uh uh many air conditioners which uh i respect a lot because you know it shows that you have ambition something i would have to get used to like me personally but i think for the right person you know i just want to be supportive of what they do would you join in on the only fans content uh i'd be i'd be down um especially if it gets gets more uh eyeballs on it wow i love that minx um i think she's almost too like abrasive but honestly i don't know if that's a bad thing and i can tell like from her demeanor and interaction that she's really a sweet girl and that the the alphaness is like 50 in act and fifty percent guess who she is and molina i love her honesty and her transparency and how much she's grown as a content creator because i remember like seeing her like one and a half years ago and she was a free spirited girl but like i think on camera she was a little more shy but like seeing her like do content like beyond these shows with destiny like she came such a long way thank you that's so sweet of you thank you so much the downside i think your lifestyle is just something i personally might not be ready for but i completely respect it and part of the reason why i you know keep pushing you on it is so that you can tell like the viewers about it right i just don't think personally i'm there yet thank you so much that actually makes me blush wow interesting well i can tell you i'm there i i don't know why that was why they had to make that about me i don't know why i had to do that okay toast it is time to make another elimination cuco you're safe all right here we go this is your bottom three anything you'd like to say yes i do i'm just uh i'm still a bit [ __ ] flustered you know i was expecting a roast and then he was very kind um i did not my brain did not plan um uh if you leave me now you'll take away the biggest part of me oh don't baby please don't go cause if you leave me now you take away the big part of me baby please don't go yeah minx i'm sorry it's the end of the road for molina it's over molina i'm so sorry you have been eliminated from the show still meant everything i said i respect that i i understand it's not for everyone at all it's really it really isn't i wonder if i could never buy it this isn't appropriate for 60 000 people what i don't know i'm just like i haven't been with a girl in like seven years i wonder if i could even get it up i just want like i wonder are you trying to jerk off while i'm talking no no no no [Applause] there's nothing going on between us okay i promise you she chose love i did obviously i'm sorry molina ladies do you lie ever is there like a time in which you would feel lying would be appropriate well i think that's a dumb [ __ ] question because everyone [ __ ] lies okay and i guess it depends on the [ __ ] circumstance am i gonna [ __ ] lie about killing someone yes i don't want to go to jail um and i clearly lied a few [ __ ] times tonight yes but not where it will genuinely [ __ ] hurt someone or otherwise if it's a low little [ __ ] fitbit where yes like tonight or i lied about earlier on so is that the only lie you've told this evening no what's the other lie exactly what i just said right there that no was a lie oh yeah i didn't i think about that [ __ ] that was really really deep that was deep as deep as tools can be in me if he picks me next question anyone um no toast did you have something else to say cuco um i know you've had some problems with twitch in the past are you comfortable talking about that yeah we can talk about it so for those who don't know i got banned twice for cosplay so before all that happened i was very lucky that everything i did was just under the radar and i never really had to worry about how other people who weren't in my community thinks or feel but that was the first time where um if you don't want to talk about it it's okay i can't do it okay all right um that was the first time where i got a lot of paint for it and it was my first experience in getting like a lot of views and a lot of heat i just went through like a really dark time but it it it made me grow stronger and you're doing great baby girls yes you got it yeah so yeah during that time i just learned to not let people's opinions and thoughts really affect me and um no it's okay cuco you are welcome here anytime look at all the love if you look at there's 60 000 people throwing hearts and love it's all love here amazing thank you for sharing that thank you yeah it means a lot to hear like being a woman on the internet's really hard and like to receive all that like negative attention like people twisting a narrative a lot of people would like just quit at that point but to see you you know keep going on like push through the haters was very uh very inspiring and that's kind of why i want to like kind of recount your experiences thank you and uh toast i think minx is last year i guess it's pretty open floor how do you feel about um taller people uh uh is that a no i mean it's fine for me like if the girl is okay like being with someone who's short in them how tall are you toast five seven what about you minks five huh okay that's okay is it gonna bother you if you're the one picking me up instead of the other way around i am very comfortable with them dating someone shorter than me uh i usually um i'm kind of thrown off right now and uh yeah [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] rotten bastard you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] i can't believe you kept these two people this [ __ ] long i'm the pure [ __ ] winner here this is [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm s she goes in a weird rage um thank you toast it is time to make an elimination ah hello man [ __ ] boy oh boy this is intense [ __ ] see the answer the person getting eliminated from the show is mate it's the end of the road you've been eliminated from the show anything you'd like to say it's interesting that you mentioned that minx because minx chose host what do you have to say for yourself you chose host if you leave me now it's over why did you choose host anyway i am in it i don't want to i'm just i hate men you know i've been watching i've been hurt on this show so money i am well i cannot agree with you on that i love men well at toast i'll have a good show thank you very much minx have a wonderful day it's now toast we're getting down to it ladies and gentlemen this is the final round of the show we're gonna each have two and a half minutes to win over toast momo i'm gonna put you and toast in a room together i will be there as well the timer has begun good luck hey i'm very excited to be here yeah same so uh what do you want to talk about um i actually have a question for you i want to know like what's your love language i think it's words of affirmation um if you follow my content closely you'll realize that i have like on social media i have a big ego like i play up the persona of the overly confident uh bigger than life personality but that mainly stems from the fact that i feel like i have to be my own heightman because i feel like nobody will care about me or like point out my achievements so i i felt like i always had to be the one that said oh look at this i did you know because i don't hear those words of affirmations a lot i i think i care a lot about it once from a significant other that's totally understandable but also too you're super [ __ ] successful like have you seen yourself that's a like hella bust out affirmation on you but um you're doing [ __ ] great i guess for me it's like you are you definitely don't seem like my usual type got tattoos true talking about sucking dicks yeah it seems weird but i guess i would be someone who is more guarded and reserved i honestly don't feel like that's like an issue like honestly like you're super like my [ __ ] type so yeah i know my time's up but putting it out there best of luck to you momo in the final okay thank you it's now cuco's turn good luck to you so i actually thought i was going to be eliminated a lot earlier and i had actually drawn a trap card do you know the anime jojo by chance yes jonathan joestar pose right with the scarf i really like the art my community keeps telling me that i need to tell you something but we actually met two years ago do you by chance remember did i slap you at twitchcon you did i was one of the people that you um might have backhanded yeah could we have some context to what you guys just said because i think there's a lot of confusion uh twitchcon 2018 post had this thing where he went around and backhanded people for content and i have been chance to have stumbled across him when he was chilling and he asked me if it was okay to backhand me and you said yes yeah okay all right well thank god for clearing that up i thought you were just going around slapping the [ __ ] out of people he was very gentle okay well very nice okay very nice well good luck cuco it's time for the final decision lily hello lily pichu on the phone on lover host your man mr or your friend i should say not your man your man is michael excu sorry for the sorry for the mix-up without deliberately giving him like an answer is there a way that you could maybe help guide him into his decision all right tell us real simple who gives you more content think about your future tweets toast on your future video the highlights that'll come from this who's gonna give you more engagement i trust you know the answer deep in your heart thank you literally i was literally joining i see saicuno let's bring cycuno in here maybe cicuno can give some advice he is known to be incredibly decisive here's the big brain play call them both after the show and then thank you oh sorry i i didn't do that okay well you did actually we actually got it on on top i'm just saying is that is that lilly in the that you want score yeah let's okay let's call it yeah okay hold on we're gonna bring michael by michael reeves as well hello is this michael reeves no that scar oh that's oh that's scar sorry sorry scar you and michael sound a lot of like i'm sure you've gotten that before i've never heard that before that's i've heard it before many times i don't even know where you didn't hear that from because i've heard it all the time without actually telling him who to choose can you help him guide him in a decision because are you looking for love uh yes oh my god now michael's here that's right but you you hear how similar you sound right i mean come on no we don't sound the same at all shut up scar i know it's true you know it's true i don't think i sound anything i think you do chat don't they sound alike look watch they're all saying yes it's incredible scar are you there yeah can you pass it to michael he's here yeah i'm on the line with you got it see i it's hard for me to tell because you guys all right michael yeah go ahead and provide some advice to him toast i heard you mentioned that you want to go for things that push you outside of your comfort zone true yes toast do you think you've been given enough advice or to make your decision no but i gotta make it there is one other person that would like to provide some advice hello ray where am i oh hello you're in you're on the street you're on the show love our host uh-huh i have a a request for toast can you pick whoever's better at valorant because we need a fifth yeah that's actually true a lot of times yeah we always need a fifth like who's better or you could just have them fist fight yeah who's stronger violet that's why it's just a rock paper scissors but imagine right you get into your relationship you're three years in you remember it all started because you chose rock instead of paper [ __ ] that's a good that's a solid relationship a rock solid that was that was michael talking what you just gotta make a decision no matter what it is good luck toast it's just me and you ladies how are you feeling at this moment anxious that was the longest freaking break well what if i told you he's made his decision anything you'd like to say to the ladies beforehand just i think both of you are great but i have to pick one and you know if one doesn't work out i hope the other would still give me a chance [Laughter] all right here we go the winner of lover host is [Music] congratulations [Music] unfortunately you've been eliminated from the show but it's time to reveal what you chose she chose love i really appreciate your time and um i obviously and enjoyed this interaction so i'm very thankful for it and mama congratulations thank you queen all right cuco thank you very much have a wonderful day all right now it's time to get down to it doc yes lambo please pass me the paper that shows what momo chose i just realized this is the highlight of my career that's right doc doesn't get any better than this the pinnacle the winner of the show momo okamoto chose love congratulations she [Music] that means that you can donate this host to anybody but momo because that wouldn't be fair right is there anybody you'd want to donate the host to uh for sure i think the way she was very vulnerable and like wasn't afraid to show her emotions on stream was very like very nice of her and i think she really deserves like you know the host awesome well i think i can do that i will send the second biggest raid in the history of the austin show momo want to shout yourself out i can't even speak i like honestly i'm like i feel so anxious all right i knew i'm just chatting stuff yeah and mr toast anything you'd like to say uh just thanks for uh having me on the show um is there anything you'd like to link oh [ __ ] first thing uh no i feel like everyone will watch us know exactly who i am and where to find my stuff that's correct right tell them ladies and gentlemen that's the end of the show i accidentally clicked the add button too early that's embarrassing
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,861,609
Rating: 4.9409614 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Reeves, Pokimane, Lilypichu, Sykkuno, Scarra, Valkyrae, austin, austin show, the austin show, austin twitch, austin show twitch, twitch show, twitch dating, twitch dating show, twitch, podcast, twitch podcast, austin podcast, love or host, Toast girlfriend, Toast love, Disguised Toast girlfriend, Rajjchelor
Id: pmlg3Q2M8Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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