I Controlled a DESTRUCTIVE FLOOD in Creeper World 4

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so this map already has defenses pretty well established which is a problem for us because we're playing as the creeper today and what we can do is take the subit here and give it a bit of a boost because it sorely needs it so now it produces more creep and then we can also launch some eggs that should hopefully take out some of their defenses if we just place them around the edge of the world like so and then once they detonate they start flooding the area with creep which is working pretty well for as long as it lasts so let's just get some more eggs established right away and we can also detonate them when we feel like it there we go now things are getting destroyed and we can also launch some rocks to destroy more things at random ooh Some mortars got destroyed there that works pretty good we'll just keep boosting this emitter because it needs all the help it can get and hopefully we can destroy some of the units that are up here there we go some towers are going down that's putting a halt to their network but now our little hole here is starting to flood with anti creep which is not good need another boost to the emitter here and I want want to work my way up to one of these other structures that are nullified like the Spore launcher there there's another emitter here we'll just see where we end up ooh good we're starting to climb up the mountain top so let's just boost it some more by launching some more eggs and detonating them right away very good get that creep flowing very nicely destroy that Cannon yes and if we can disrupt their supply network then we can remove the ammo from these cannons but they're very quick to destroy the creep here so it's not the easiest ooh we got rid of that Tower let's see what else we can destroy wow that rock took out a pylon way over there that's some impressive range and we do have to deploy these in range of the creep so it's a bit limited there o but that Cannon is out of juice we'll give some more juice to the emitter and it's pumping out 150 every partial second I like that some more eggs right on top of these towers over here beautiful and right now I think the biggest thing halting us is the mortars that are going out so we'll just drop eggs right on there that should clear that out very nicely come on get rid of them get rid of them get rid of the mortars yes we got rid of that one and just need another egg to Target this one ooh take out the tower too yes cutting enough more of the network which is a pretty well connected Network so that might not be the best strategy but it is starting to work its way up this Hillside very effectively it's almost hitting this missile here which we are going to need to take out all those missiles if this Spore launcher is going to be of any use but that's the way we're going anyway so let's just keep going that way if we can get their generation lower than their usage then we can start forcing a deficit that sounds like a good idea ooh the nullifier is taking damage too now give up the attack just plant it right on the nullifier oh the nullifier actually ran out of energy wow so now the Spore launcher yes it's on a countdown now so it can launch a couple things why don't we boost that a little bit it also looks like the Spore launcher is creating its own eggs I like that idea ooh Who the sport launcher is going but it quickly got shot down by the missiles hopefully this one makes it I'm not too sure what that would do for its effect because it's Landing right in the middle of anti creep but we'll just see it and just a quick Spike right on the mortar that gets taken out instantly okay then but the creep is reaching over here now so let's drop some rocks on things at random very good destroy in so much and now our emitter is able to just pump out creep endlessly without really getting interrupted except for over here so let's see if there's a choke point that we can make use of oh there's a mini Rift over here well that's an issue but there's three towers connected right in here so let's just drop eggs right there oh it's on the range of creep so we got to go a bit closer there we go ooh ooh that's working pretty well oh any no wait did the nullif fire go down the nullif fire went down so this emitter's going now let's boost it excepts just excessive amount of times it is getting very well suppressed right now but at least creep is there that means we can deploy eggs in the area and in range of a sniper as well that should backfire on itself yes go on sniper keep doing what you do you're just helping me out okay everything there handled the eggs very well surprisingly which I do need more eggs right about now yes okay things are very weak they should get blown up yes all those got destroyed very nicely an empty pocket of world right here and wow the creep is flowing over here very nicely too I like it more missiles are going down oh and the eggs are helping out the emitter over here cool oh and the egg is about to go off here if the mortar can keep up with keeping the creep out here so something else that's interesting is I can actually generate creep using the cursor so I can just sort of you know help it out going this way that seems to work somehow that's very interesting another Cannon just went down yes and we should also cut off some more supplies over here so let's see if we can take out this Tower here very good and then this Tower over here that should cut off the mini Rift in this Direction that's one Tower and then oh come on give me another egg there we go take out the tower take out the tower yes another Tower taken out so the energy can still get over this way but it has to take a long way around that should help our emitter catch up to speed and there's things that are being taken out all around that's glorious so where's the energy coming from now the mini Rift over here ooh but there is a large amount of breed tile right here for the creeps so that should help they also have bombers which I'm not a fan of oh but these sporal launches should give us a lot more to work with here if they land in good spots oh wow they have two nullifiers going over here and a blob Nest ooh blob Nest would be helpful oh and there's eggs going all the way over here to help this emitter that's a good thing can I detonate that egg oh yes I can it just happened I love it sure why don't we just detonate these eggs to send a massive wave of creep out look at it build up there wow that is that's a lot of creep this is like a one time I'm allowed to be excited about a large amount of creep and it is going to pay off very nicely these things cannot keep up the mortar is getting damage this Tower here is about to go down because there is just so much going on there and their generation is going down too I love it just one more Serge a creep for the tower and yes more taking down we are slowly moving out and all the Spore launches are kind of intimidating I won't lie so the issue over here is that there's a shield which will take us quite a bit to work through but it is on top of a mesh if we can get the creep to a mesh that should be good news for us we can spawn in egg right on the mesh is that enough to activate it though it kind of goes away pretty quickly ooh but we're taking out a tower there so let's just keep working on that very good and we can cut off this entire network if we take out this Tower here so let's just force some eggs right there and then do that I guess it's going to need more than that yes okay this entire area is cut off now so we can just let the creep flow very nicely C down some more eggs right on this Tower here so all of these get cut off and and we are being very strategic about this oh good the sport launcher over here has a healthy coating of creep let's just detonate those eggs while we're here and sure enough these things are running out of juice that's another cannon that's empty this one's about to be empty if it just keeps firing and yes we're destroying cannons over here beautiful and the creep that's flowing from the emitter is starting to reach the mesh now but what does it take to activate the mes it should be going right now right well even if the mesh isn't going the creep is just not slowing down for anything I should probably help it out over here and we have good range on the Rock here because creep is already there so let's see if we can blow up some things next to the blob just destroy a whole lot of things some pylons some missiles oh we got the nullifier oh beautiful that means blobs are about to go out so let's boost the blob nest for eight blobs in the next minute oh that's going to be so devastating except there's snipers right there there's a lot of snipers right here let's just go ahead and give them something to work on which is a whole lot of eggs that should get rid of a few snipers hopefully got rid of some pylons some more towers and yes there go the snipers beautiful that way the blobs have a fighting chance and okay that did a lot more damage than I thought it would that is looking very nice and this mortar even though it's earn boosted cannot keep up so it's empty now which is good here goes another spora launcher reaching way out there they're reaching all the way over here which is also where our objective is because the base is here and none of these spores are really going to reach their Target because they have missiles just everywhere ooh but the blob is starting to reach inside the shield we can just help that out a little bit with our cursor there we go that actually can't keep up with it all that is very interesting how that actually works and now the mini Rift is cut off from everything except the towers right around it can we destroy the mini Rift we're destroying mortars come on Mini Rift cut off get the mini Rift yes we got the mini Rift aha so now I think that means that the shield is cut off too oh it still gain supplies because of actually a few Towers but we are starting to get the creep inside the shield anyway so we should be able to take it off come on just work the creep this way just pushing it along come on creep get on over here take out the shield take out the shield yes there's a good creep wave so now I can flow more this way uninterrupted ooh are the sprayers constantly on that might be part of why there's so much anti creep on the map but the mesh still isn't getting activated which is interesting at least it doesn't look like it's activated ooh but more things are blown up on their own oh that ear just got set free so where exactly is it going to go I'm not sure maybe it'll inhabit a new weapon but man the snipers are still giving the blobs a hard time over here let's go ahead and work on taking those out cuz we have a lot of eggs stored up so that should do a good thing over here oh oh yes so many things are blowing up it's beautiful oh and an egg just blew up over here wow right in the heart of everything and all these weapons don't have energy anymore good taking over this corner of the map excellent we almost have creep covering this entire side we just need to work on a few things over here the problem is there's not a common choke point unless we take out a few Towers over here so let's see what a couple of rocks do so many things blowing up okay that did take out one Tower which is good so we can send some eggs right here to take out this Tower come on just one more egg yes okay that should cut off this entire corner of the world here oh yes now the creep can just slowly make its way over to here and I think this Spore that launched should reach his Target because there's no missiles over there oh good oh there's the blob wave oh they're actually taking stuff out now yes oh that is beautiful to see and the Spore reaches its Target yes take out their energy right here every little bit helps oh and I actually have creep that I can work with over here with my cursor ooh and this emitter is nullified or it's not nullified anymore yes destroy everything I love it and now this blob Nest is freed we have a lot of boost stored up we'll just boost this blob Nest a little bit because they're just little assassins that they are and we can boost this emitter as well a whole lot of times 290 from that one okay I might have went a little bit overboard but it's going to be worth it and now the mesh is getting activated so hopefully this mesh being activated carries on through the rest of it and wow that is a massive wave that's reaching out right there it's like we're creating our own juggernauts like you know a previous video oh there go those blobs that's so many of them the snipers can't even keep up oh my goodness that was beautiful but the other interesting thing is that there's just these pockets of you know pits here with the mters in them and there's anti creep bombers that make their way through there can I put in here ooh I can because there's creep that reaches in range sure let's just make a mess up that way don't we just everywhere right in the middle of the shield which didn't do anything actually okay but we are disrupting things in the pit area so that's looking really good a couple of rocks should also do good there oh I wish I had more rocks but now the creep is starting to reach over into the pit ooh that's going to be very good for us it can't even keep up that is beautiful look at the amount of creep that's out here wow and the blobs that are going out too are are they hitting their targets they are hitting their targets this is glorious oh this blob over here got lost in the anti creep even though there's nothing over there that's interesting here we'll detonate a few eggs over here so it can start to flow that way that should help it out and we'll give the blobs a few more boosts so that there's 10 of those going up from there that should be good and then the Spore launcher as well to get 10 of those going out each time which is actually very soon now that should be good and away it goes those missiles are still being a nuisance ooh but I think the problem is going to be over there they actually don't have the energy to keep being supplied oh yes and they're dead anyway excellent so now there's Spore launches making all the way to the hole here oh not quite those missiles have some pretty good range tell you what else is good range all this creep that is Flowing out here and the blobs are really making a mess of the pit that is amazing things are starting to look very good over here oh yes and another blob wave that is really messy but it's hitting pylons which is actually working really well and will it hit a tower it hits a mortar and where is this one going it's going way over here sadly it didn't reach his Target was it targeting this pylon it might have been ambitious little blob that it is ooh look at this there's neutral breeding tile over here that's going to be really advantageous for us and there's also this weird land that's going on here oh this land gets eaten Away by creep whoa I haven't seen that before Oh My Gosh and that is devastating wow we are just hollowing this place out wow that was cool is there more of that on this map but we might not find that until later right now we already have captured quite a bit of this map in the name of creep very good I'm sure that will please the queen because you know map L and stuff the creep is doing so good on on its own it's almost liberating this emitter here soon this pit will be mine there we go the emitter is being freed and the nullifier is down yes time to do what we do and just give this thing a whole lot of boost there we go what's interesting is there's another structure over here called a skimmer Factory I haven't had one of those to deal with yet but it should be good for us because it's one of ours and the creep wave over here is ooh it's almost reaching this breeder tile here and the big one oh the big one is going to be very nice which there's really nothing in the way of stopping it from going this way except the anti creep ooh but here comes some blobs that are really not reaching for anything in particular and I don't fully remember what the mesh does but I think it makes a creep travel faster I might be remembering that wrong but oh well we're attacking this shield now which is good let's just go ahead and use the cursor powers that I have to go through that just take out the shield and then the creep can move on with its day beautiful and now everything is get gets taken out there and oh these poor weapons in this pit one final defense from them which is actually working pretty well I guess because they have a mortar that's ear powered let's just go ahead and focus right on you to take you out there's a lot of things blowing up I can barely see what's going on but the ear is free so it'll go somewhere else ooh the creep is almost reaching that tile but it got pushed back somehow not sure how that happened there's a wave going that way for some reason but here we can use use the cursor Powers so okay I didn't realize how much is actually being carried by the cursor I could probably just drag this straight to the breeding tile on its own there we go the only problem is that there's mortars placed right on the tile but I don't think they'll be able to keep up just paint you with creep all day there we go and then work its way over to this one this is some weird sentient stuff that's happening with the creep and I am here for it and another mortar gets taken down and then the last one here ooh and I think the breeding tile is doing its thing excellent and then that mottar gets taken out wow that is a lot of creep that is happening straight from that tile I love it oh we're starting to get some Crimson creep Now where's that coming from ooh the skimmer Factory is ours now yes time to boost it because a skimmer should do good things and wao oh are those the skimmers wao oo they're launching like are those egg things they must be they're doing oh okay that's a skimmer that just wow it flew right to the mortars there oh and they're getting stunned so that's what skimmers do and there's also whatever that is that's what's painting The Creep Crimson I'm starting to like the skimmers oh man I got to get a full view of what's Happening Here we are covering so much of the map already that is amazing and somehow there's still things up here that are alive let's just go ahead and cut off that supply chain Right Where It's At by taking out some towers with our cursor Powers there we go oh there's a mini Rift here well that's a problem just focus right on you how strong is my cursor my goodness it really feels like cheating that I can just use a cursor to drag creep here and there and these solar panels here are a thing that's helping their regeneration oh their usage is going up now too interesting I'm not sure what's doing that aside from things really blowing up oh the stash is here now the stash is about to be activated yes and it's all crimson creep wow that is beautiful okay honestly though where did these come from I'm not sure what they are but they're helping me out a lot which is nice I'm just not sure where I got them can I boost the stash just boost that and then oh yes I can that's a stash of 7,000 right there oh this is going to be huge come on just charge it up I'm just going to focus right on there charge it up charge it up yes oh that is destructive okay the nullifier over here went down for a little bit probably from the skimmer let's just go ahead and take it out for good there we go now the emitter can do its thing and we can boost it I haven't even used my rocks or eggs for a while here the creep is just doing good on its own and it is beautiful we are almost to the base of this top structure here and the spor launches are having so much more room to work with I love it okay some missiles are doing things that are good whoa waa there's the skimmers look at them go that is a lot of skimmers how many boosts did I give to that oh and there they go and then oh it's the shards that fly out that stun things wow very cool what's not cool is there's still a network here that is intact so maybe we could just help the creep go around this way and cut it off there we go take out this Tower right here take it out take it out take it out take it out yes that pit is cut off from everything now and there's another Crystal down there right next to an emitter oh that is broken I didn't realize how far out this pile of creep was too let's just go ahead and use that to our fancy ooh there's the destructible land right here oh yes that's what I was looking for just destroy everything that's right there anything that is destructible which it looks like that's it but that still did some really good things for us especially right in this mortar field here can we take this creb over to this breeder tile here yes we can will it survive maybe not but we will just use this forward advance to cut off so many other networks that will do good things for us assuming it can survive there's a lot of mors that are earn boosted right now wow that is a lot of them but there's also a lot of things being blown up here look at that feed wow we I can't barely keep track of everything that's going on here and the bombers are still doing things oh there's the runway we're about to take out the runway that'll do good for us just Target the runway exactly yeah yes goodbye bombers you will not be an issue for me anymore there goes the entire Runway my goodness so what do the bombers do if there's no runway for them to go back to they just lose charge they probably just lose charge or they just go down and return to base okay I'm okay with that ooh this pylon here will cut things off very nicely get rid of you get rid of you yes and now the shields will go down on their own there is so much destruction right now my ears are being filled with all of it this is one of those games that gives you tontis after you're done playing it but look at the mini map here actually you know just look at the big map we have conquered so much now and there's a so much Crimson creep going out too are there other crystals I can capture I'm not seeing other crystals ooh but I am seeing more destructible land over here that looks fun and over here is the way we get to the top part of the map here with so much anti creep to go through as well we'll focus on that when we get there right now we're conquering this low area which is going to be very good for us and to do that we have to get through all of these earn boosted mortars that is so many of them I wonder oh oh the eggs here would do some good just flooding this pit full of them oh yes that's so many eggs that's all the eggs I had look at all the creep that's going out there and that took out the nullifier which is good that's so many things going up there wow we that was so much creep that went out there I think we just took out all the snipers that were targeting the eggs and there's eggs here that just are not doing anything anymore oh that's beautiful let's boost this here because it's kind of the forward Advance thing man oh man there are so many concentrations of cannons here especially on this front here look at that forward line that is slowly being wled away at by the creep oh and look at that they're in a major deficit right now yes that means our gun should start slowing down pretty soon oh and the snipers Target the skimmers that's interesting and it's also cutting off the tower Supply as well it looks like that's very good the creep is starting to fill in this low area let's just go ahead and help it out a little bit here yes that is a massive wave of creep oh my goodness just coat everybody in it yes and there's a tower network over here that really isn't worth anything so let's just cut that off the way that we do just painting a line right across there and it also gets rid of all the anti creep that's stored up right here as well o yes the entire network just went down all the green squares just went away I kind of forget that the land isn't naturally green because of the towers making it green like this entire connected Network up here that can be destroyed by the destructible land oh that is satisfying and that just made that entire Hilltop flat my goodness so let's just take out the shield the way that we do that is so much creep that is inside the shield that feels illegal but it is working in my favor so I am okay with it yes now we're starting to attack this big area up here there's a lot of missile defense up here that is attacking the spores oh and here's another blob wave going up can they cross aoid they can cross a void that really feels illegal but more things are blowing up because of them which is very good and these blobs are doing really good for us all the time because the snipers can't reach reach them excellent and wow that wouldn't made it all the way to a solar panel good job little blob proud of you just seeing the map the way it is now this is like what other Maps start with oh and there's the Spore launches that is so many of them right there it's like a flashbang going right for your face and it's going to go through this entire area here oh yes the creep is going through as well down here just sprinkling it in with the cursor there all right let's see what these spores do okay SU being blown up by missiles but I don't think there's going to be enough missiles to keep up with them or there maybe is oh but the blobs are really wreaking havocs look at how many are being blown up there okay the missiles actually kept up with all of that wow that's impressive but other things are not keeping up with all this creep right here it's starting to Splash up onto the main area up here whoop and I just helped it there and we're tearing away their production now I think oh oh wow oh wow I didn't realize iiz the power the cursor had look at how much is being generated right on where the cursor is that is absolutely dirty ooh but I think some spores are making it as well oh look at this the creep has reached the main base here yes it is all being destroyed oh man that base is going to go down so quickly there is so much creep right here and now it's entirely enveloped in creep wow things are going quiet so fast well that was fun very interesting handling The Creep by myself this time and the base gets destroyed aha the queen in orbit leaves other worlds await that's true there are other Queen Maps I saw so if you guys want to see more of those then be sure to let me know thank you for watching and sub to intern I'd also like to thank the channel members including bread ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C donam Moto Devon X Lucas s the real nickname hateful Herald pegis Su Drupal along TJ seriously sarcastic angel lily Bice the minor within deeri Sans Isaac Hometown medic Miguel and Drew
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 126,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, creeper world, base defense, creeper world 4, base defense game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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