I Spent 30 DAYS Leveling up BEES

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so today it's our job to fill up this little Hive with all sorts of bees but these aren't your average bees we got an uncommon bee here a common bee there and oh a legendary bee wow oh my and they are certainly something all right but the little babies we just got to give him a lot of flower power to level them up this one's taking a while but this baby bee here whatever it may be will get leveled up pretty quickly and it's a q be a look at that just flying around all pretty like and it's generating .9 honey every hour that's not very fast at all but let's just get these other ones leveled up because that should be also good things for us that was absolutely a sentence trust me on that we're just going to be shoving a whole lot of flower bits into this bee here oh wait this is the legendary one I thought you would be legendary you're the uncommon one let's do you first cuz you'll happen faster you can't escape the flowers I will shove them down your throat this bee is being very uncooperative probably because there's flower BS going around everywhere but we get you leveled up and you're a flower bee that's very ironic but that one's giving 2.6 honey every hour now you are going to take a little bit of work but he certainly loves it just keeps coming back for more okay we've got your experience up to 1,000 now which is fine to start but I want to see what else we can get out of these Forest packs hopefully bees that level up sooner okay an uncommon an uncommon and common and they're all new bees that I've never had before oh this one's looking all sleepy look at you do wake up if I level you up or are you just constantly in a snooze mode you're definitely going to be named something like sleepy bee and I was right sleepy bee and then you look like you have some attitude about you going to be like a sassy bee or something and you are a mushroom bee interesting I feel like there's a mod for that in Minecraft or something and you're like a rainbow bee of sorts I just love how big their eyes are when they're babies I also have not been paying attention to how much honey these new bees are giving me but I can't imagine it's very a lot ooh this one is cool it's all stroby and that one actually gives a fair amount 3.2 every hour we can see the total here okay now we're up to 11 per hour I really hope this legendary bee just doubles that or something we just have to make sure to force feed you a whole bunch of nutrition and this little guy has gotten so out of control he's just zipping back and forth way to one side and then the other but at least he's traveling the way that the flowers are falling it's starting to look like my Orbit's in herbal but just needs a few more flowers and yes it's a frog bee what in the world oh this is getting weird but look at how much honey he generates though 33 an hour and here I was hoping it would just double the honey production no it quadrupled it and we can still get five times the amount of bees in here so let's just use the money that we do have to buy three more bee packs getting some bees that we have not seen before and ones that we have I wonder if we can get another legendary out of this so far we're getting a lot of Commons and uncommons ooh I think that's a legendary Right There common common oh it's a rare but it's also weirdly shaped I'll take it oh my goodness look at this one down here wait no no no not you you what sort of nose do you have going on there what a weird snoot at least you level up pretty quickly though just got to follow you back and forth like this because you like to fly sideways apparently and oh it's a wolf bee neat and we have two of those because there's one right there we actually have a lot of baby bees right now and also a whatever this thing is I don't think that's a bee I will find out what it is also hopefully these bees get along because we have a frog and a wolf in here also I just lost track of the bee I was feeding there it is you are an acorn bee well you're half right that is bizarre right there well we were also feeding only one be at a time so what we can do is just hold down in one spot here and then they go absolutely crazy and they just form a gigantic Mass right here the gravitational force of the flowers is not something to be contended with but I also can't tell who's actually getting fed so we'll let them disperse and then we'll pick out you because you look different and I haven't seen you before so we just get you leveled up and oh you're just a bumblebee that's not so bad we have two of those as well so we get the other bumblebee right there and then we have another bee that we haven't seen here I wonder if you're a proper like honey bee oh it's a Sweet Bee kind of looks like the end of one of those honey sticks and then you we've seen you're the cute bee doesn't take very much and you're another Sweet Bee now you're a new one though it's like the reverse of a droop snoot it's also so weird just seeing that frog bee zip around it's like what even are you that's the dumbest thing I've seen and I love it and this little bee right here just likes to zip around and not stay still while I'm trying to feed it thankfully it doesn't take too long and we get to see that it's a leaf bee a that's adorable making 8.6 honey every hour also what was that legendary one it was you you you actually sell for a lot 330 I could buy some more packs with that but I want to keep you and I'll probably sell some of these duplicates like a Bumblebee and a sweepe the sweepe is actually seethrough that's kind of weird and then we'll level up a wolfy just so I can sell it and get away from it this is the wolf be feeding time you know for how weird the wolf bee is I figured it would be like a more common thing or more rare thing than uncommon but at least we have it so now we can sell it and the QB can also be sold as well cuz they don't give it very much to begin with so now we have 11 unique bees with us and together they generate 58 honey an hour so that's almost a honey a minute but that takes quite a bit too long so we're just going to mess with things a bit and by mess with things I mean messing with straight up time because if we just Advance the clock forward like 4 hours or so then we can get that honey instantly and that's immediate 270 honey for us Beau beautiful and that means we can buy more packs of beef like a bumblebee okay yep seen all those need something new here ooh there we go a rare bee and then a cute and ooh another uncom another common bee that I haven't seen oh look I think the rare the rare one's a duck imagine this was buzzing around your yard what would you even hear in the first place a buzz or a crack the question is what does this look like full size oh it actually somehow looks worse what is this it's got rosy cheeks and a wing there too that is weird okay there's more cute bees here there was there's the one that we haven't seen just want to see what the new bees are this one is ah there's a honey bee perfect so since we are also getting a lot of duplicates of the common ones I feel like we've collected all of them oh and it actually looks like we could level up these bees again I'm not sure it's worth it though and these legendary ones take a whole lot more to level up want to make sure I keep you though and then we sell some duplicates so there should be collections here we go and sure enough it looks like we've collected all of the common bees o but there's golden variants for them what and there's only three more Uncommon bees that we need and oh two more legendaries there's also an entire Beach Hive here except that one is crazy expensive not really going to worry about that just going to open more be packs okay Leaf bee seen all those seeing all these also this frog bee has been kind of stuck at the bottom for a while are you okay down there are you too exhausted to fly now well I mean really there should be no way a bee can fly anyway its wings are too small to get its little body off the ground but looking at the Frog D though it is severely struggling there oh you poor thing but for right now I'm going to keep the second Leaf be here because it has quite a bit to the collection rate and we'll just Advance time again how about we go an entire day into the future this time go ahead and change that and that gives us 24,000 honey oh my goodness and the bees have leveled up too wow just being gone that long raised the raid to 115 but our legendary B still hasn't leveled up enough oh that's tragic something else we can get though is some food upgrades or honey upgrades honey upgrades sound really good right now and we'll go ahead and get a food upgrade because we can and then we can buy some more Force packs hopefully get something new ooh and we get one new bee in The Uncommon category and now we don't have enough space so it looks like some of the baby bees have leveled up on their own too I think that's what happened oh what are you hold up what are you you're the new [Music] one nope it's a lumberjack bee these guys own little axe too that's so cursed oh and it looks like there's a percentage bonus happening right now what's that about I'm not sure but I kind of like it but now we need to sell to make room for things so we sell you and then honeybee gets sold as well cute bee oh you're locked so you're the one that gets sold and the M oh you're actually close to being leveled up I'll sell you instead and the rainbow bees are looking sellable we got a Sweet Bee here as well well and is it wrong if I want to sell some of the babies to make room you know what I have room right now so let's just go ahead and open some more packs even though we might not get anything new because we're already discovering most of the bees and sure enough we don't have room again all right it's time for me to sell some babies they're not making any honey so I don't need to waste time with them all of you can go bye-bye for exactly one honey and this Leaf bee can go away too all right that should be all of the babies gone except for you as well okay now we're back to 15 how many unique bees are there can I even fit all them in here yeah there's 20 individual bees and we already have 15 of them just got to keep unlocking oh I see a red there please be new yes it's new oh wonderful maybe I can get something else ooh another red one that's new excellent and that's all I can do there neat where are the new ones ooh look at you you look like a ninja and I see that other blue one there buzzing around you look new you're some sort of beetle it looks like looks like the kind of thing you'd see in Hollow night but this one that we're feeding is indeed a ninjab bee oh he's got a little scy there too and he alone generates 11 per hour that's really good and where's the there you are time to cram some nutrition down your throat that's how you take care of children right and here we have ooh a wizard bee that's so cool looking him buzzing around like I'm a wizard and now we have all these worthless little things that aren't doing us any favors because they're nothing new get rid of them we need to make room for every individual bee and we still have money to keep buying more packs ooh yes another uncommon bee this might be the last one of those and then a rare one there oh I've seen you before which is very ironic cuz that's the ninja I'm putting a lot of money into these B packs and I'm getting so many of the same ones okay but where oo you look new you got a berry bush growing on your back I'm not sure that's healthy so what are you a bush bee or something that was a straight up guess there was another new one though right I'm pretty sure there was now if I could just identify you well a ninjab be I've seen before so hm should I sell you you do help quite a bit with the raid but you also take quite a bit to grow we'll get rid of the other ones first I could grow them all so they collectively add to the raid but I need to make room for new bees and also the rate that it grows is completely irrelevant when you can just fast forward time I guess the ninja bee ultimately doesn't take too long to grow and he's also doing a weird flight pattern to collect all the flower bits at least it's working though most of the time so now we just get the good rate from that soor Hive has given us 140 every hour so tell me game what does that translate to if we advance time a week it is 35,000 honey very good we can actually unlock the beach Hive if we wanted to but we have the plains Hive to finish so let's get some food upgrades so that we can feed the bees even quicker that got expensive quick and I think the rest of the money will'll put towards the packs we got two rares there but we've seen those B before the hard part is going to be legendaries I still can't believe I got one right away but that's how those sort of things get you they promise you a goodness right away and then you have to struggle to get it again at least now our experience things are doing 97 at a time that's really quick so if we just take a bee here that needs 260 to level up that is so quick even leveling up again now I'm just trying to make sure I got each of the duplicate bees out the way I guess at this point I can get rid of the leaf bees and then one of the Ninja bees because it's pretty redundant so now we're looking at 17 individual bees or 17 unique bees different bees so now we can get more of these and just blaze through them really quickly because there's nothing new and exciting here we're getting a lot of the cool ones again but sadly I don't need them anymore so I can just sell them when they're still a baby it's so wrong okay another rare one and it's still one that I've already gotten have I collected all the rare ones I'm missing one uncommon bead but I I have collected all the rare ones cool now I'm just struggling to find the legendary ones again because frog be needs a friend and those little flies buzzing around him don't count really want to just turn on a setting that says sell duplicates but that doesn't exist here or just like you know reject this card there it is another legendary where are you where are you it's oh right here it's what what what am I looking at that's just a piece of wood oh but the wow the upgraded experience really feeds it quick it's a log be and it's got a shuriken in it must be related to The ninjab Bee oh that's cool and that gives 36 an hour see I knew just Spam buying a whole bunch of card packs to payoff eventually and now we're missing one legendary and one uncommon but I feel like we're going to need a lot more money than this so here's what we'll do we'll pour all the rest of the money into honey upgrades which it looks like it upgrades the percentage makes sense so now we have a rate of 200 an hour so let's just really bumped us up in advanced time a whole month I feel like this is how you see events before you're supposed to but that's 200,000 honey right there easy and our Q is almost level eight why don't I just help you get there cuz it's not very far away but you just like to fly away I'm trying to help you here there we go and now we buy more Forest packs so we can see a whole bunch of things that we already have and see an uncommon card at the very back that's something we've seen at this point I feel like I have greater odds of getting the another legendary than seeing that uncommon bee we haven't seen yet one thing I am curious about too is we've been fast forwarding time a month and then some if I return the game to like the like normal time the time that it actually is do I just lose all the progress or does the game just break we'll find out at the end there it is there's the last uncommon bee a a little pink thing you look like a gumball and you're about to be leveled up super quick just a couple flowers right there sprinkled around for you go on go and get them go and get them you are missing them entirely H there's two okay and then one more come on get it get it get the flower go on get it yes oh it's a worm bee why do you have teeth now what I would have wanted the last bee to be but okay here we are and by last bee I mean the last uncommon bee we still have one more legendary to find so here we go again and to keep myself from making mistakes I'm just going to go ahead and lock all the bees that I currently have have because each one of them is different from each other because I'm going to be selling these bees at an alarming rate and there's only 30 slots in the hive so I have to sell so many of these to keep room open for more ooh there's a pink right there I really hope it's something I haven't gotten before it's right there and no frog be how could you do this to me and I get another log be that I already have whoop-de-doo I am sick and tired tired of these log bees already why can't they be like those gotcha games where you're guaranteed a legendary after like 10 purchases of the packs or something like that like even 100 cuz I guarantee I'm there instead no I'm just buying a ton of the same packs over and over again and seeing the same bees over and over again and I know this game is advertised as being relaxing but how can I relax when there's bees to get the sad part is that I've actually been getting legendary cards pretty often now but they're always the same too it's either the frog or the log like what's the last one going to be a hog if it actually is I going to face palm so hard I got it I got it I got the last legendary bee where are you right what the what are you okay interesting looking bee all right before we do that let's just get our food upgrade plenty High because we still had so many honey things to work with so just collect that Little Flower oh instant level up it's a marshmallow be oh that's amazing okay that's actually adorable that was worth a wait it was quite a wait I had to buy so many card packs oh my goodness but now we can get rid of all these other ones it was actually the last pack I could buy that go around since I can only get three at a time and this thing sells for so much too I didn't even see how much the oh my gosh that's a lot of XP 17,000 go crazy in there Bees level all of you up so much I don't even know what to do with you and with that we've done it we've collected every single unique bee that we can get for this Hive it only took fast forwarding time an entire month but these designs are all really cool so I think it was worth it and I do hope you guys enjoyed this video of time is honey and if you want to see more of it because there's an entire Beach pack that we haven't gone through then be sure to let me know and if you want to check out the game for yourself then make sure you wish listed on Steam thank you guys very much for watching and sub to in turn and thanks to the channel members including bread Mr one ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota sea donam Moto Devon X muffin suffer Lucas s spider sex the real nickname hateful Harold Peggy Su Drupal along TJ serious sarcastic angel lily and the minor Within
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 169,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: bM8L5lVgXeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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