Is This Tidal Wave War The STRANGEST Creeper World 4 Custom Map?

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welcome back to creeper world four today we've got a pretty interesting level it's called the war of tides and it's probably other than playing as the creeper or playing the game in first person which you can actually do look at these whenever you see fps it's first person mode it's super weird this is probably the most unique looking map i've ever seen and i'm not entirely sure how to play it just yet because look at this we spawn over here and you're isolated this is where our rift lab is gonna go in or as i like to call it the nexus and then there's an emitter right here and it looks like for whatever reason we're able to produce anti-creeper out of this red on or node then we've got these weird mountains and then we've got just tons of emitters all over the place it is the war of tides so i'd imagine that this anti-creeper is going to be producing quite a bit so we've got to figure out and like i can't even put factories or anything anywhere like there's no buildable room for f oh i guess over here is uh some buildable room and right over there but it's just super weird so let's get into it i mean i don't entirely know what i need to do yeah right on or i can't even make missiles can i i guess one of the things that i'll probably need first is a terp but i can only build one i guess i can build one right here then i'll be able to get this ern upgrade and then upgrade my terp but i've never played creeper world like this before incredibly strange map it's going to require like a level of strategy and a type of strategy that i just have never had it that's pretty neat and then we'll give you the ern so after we conquer this one i'm gonna take down this wall and move here and see if that works but it looks like we're winning there are you winning son yeah yeah dad it looks like i am but one thing i'm worried about is like can i get missiles in here because i've noticed that check this out we've got a spore launcher and if it fires and lands on this guy he can't land anywhere else i guess we could land over here very limited landing spots so what happens if we take over the emitter with anti-creeper will it emit anti-creeper i think it does actually i think that's actually producing anti-creeper okay so then what we need to do is terraform this and i believe it's level one so we'll take care of that yeah don't you think it's i think we have to take over the emitters this is very strange because it did say in the beginning whoa i've actually never looked at the screen before that's kind of cool flip emitters resource emitters a bunch of breeders you want it we got it you don't want it well too bad what do what does it mean yeah see i don't he can't fire i mean it said flip the emitter so that's what we're gonna do and then we'll we'll tear down this wall so actually the creeper will start moving that way oh wow look at this oh my god we've got like crimson creeper over there that's gonna be a very hard area to block out we've got that needs arg yeah i'm gonna have to put a factory in somewhere and there's very few places to do it but i wouldn't say that these things produce a lot oh this thing's gonna fire in a minute so we'll see if we die or not because he can't land anywhere i'm gonna do this for fun but can he land there no he can't what if i terraformed it let's see if that works yeah cuz i can't get anti-creeper to this this is weird this is super weird all right it looks like we've conquered it now is he pumping out anti-creeper or not okay we got pretty lucky here they just splashed down over here we're gonna call this guy so that we can break this wall down and start conquering this little bit of area terraform all of that down and we could even get maybe another refinery or rather another terp active and activate him oh and in order to do that we're gonna have to do this obviously yeah do i need to nullify these things or keep them active i guess we could run a test but it just it does seem like we do flip them and we do want yeah because look at this my weapons are just snipers missiles and nullifiers we have no conventional weaponry no cannons no mortars none of it i need to get over here and get this grenard node up now can i where can i put this guy i feel like i should be able to put a factory here but i cannot nearest one is right here so i need to take down this wall next after conquering this little area this seems like a decent stalemate oh god there are roaches oh this is bad we will need these little guys and we got skippers out there as well yes it seems the only thing i really have direct control over oh god what are those these blobs are really annoying almost taking this red on or node which is like what do we do with it and then we'll need to take down this wall over here so we're gonna have to move our upgraded terps into an area of influence now we've taken him all right terraform we'll take down that part of the wall so we have access to it to that grenard node and actually maybe we need to take down this thing too look at these weird little things man there's little robots over there in that skimmer factory ver it's it's almost like you're playing a puzzle game of sorts ooh that stash could be really good i'm actually surprised the stash isn't being activated i wonder if we can use a stash with anti-creeper but this is what it looks like from this perspective and there is blue white but i have no ability to use blue eyed maybe it'll help produce anti-creeper and our refinery will probably just go there and i really need to get this one next so i can build a factory there and or move the nexus when necessary gosh that's gonna be a tough little area to crack all right we're slowly taking this area and once we do take that then we're gonna take down the wall here there we go we are waging war oh actually we're sneaking in over here too this is good okay so it's like these don't connect over here the only connection point is over here do we finish off this entire area before focusing on this needs 200 anti-creeper oh we will need the factory in the anti-crimp this is it i don't know who's played a level like this what are the best levels on the workshop right now and i say workshop it doesn't have steam workshop support it uses their own colonies based system which is in game all right one thing we'll probably want is to expand our little area skimmers because what i'm gonna need is probably a few snipers on peripheral points all right so we've got this new lane which i can put a factory in i think that's what i need to do that way we'll get plenty of anti-creeper production and that might help us get ahead i could eliminate this guy but i'd rather convert him man these snipers are super active and we'll take down this wall right here start the onslaught all right so we're shooting at these things but we're not killing them necessarily oh wait a minute does this not touch why aren't these guys doing that huh i'm confused as to why i can't terraform this maybe it's because there's creeper up there could try to use platforms no i can't build platform okay i can build a platform maybe like right here let's try terraforming two three and what if i could move my little platforms through it like this i'm gonna give that a try looks like these are gonna get eliminated though hmm gotta see if this builds up enough to eventually oh oh there we go okay we're breaking through now is this a war we're gonna win or not i guess one of the things i could do is temporary nullify this guy that way he's not producing so it should be easier to overcome this area right in theory and i need to lower my energy load like these guys are just sniping and not really doing anything over there all right so we've nullified this guy so he's not supporting this and we're pushing through here and it looks like it is working so the next thing we're going to want to do is terraform this spot just to allow us through it all right this is the situation absolute weird chaos we're going at forex speed just because we got to make some progress and progress is slow i could try to nullify everything because if we can't convert them we might as well nullify them so the enemy has less creeper production i was trying to get over here but i'm realizing these little rocks were put there very strategically right see you can't place them on those little rocks that's about as close as i could get i guess i could get over here but these things proving to be super problematic so here's the question if i nullify it does it still produce anti-creeper for me kind of looks like it i mean i wonder i i'm wondering if i'm like doing it wrong so do we eventually win this tug of war right here pushing in breaking through crimson creeper if we take this area boys a huge boon i mean we're supposed to nullify them right i feel like nullifying an emitter doesn't allow it to produce yeah see it just went down worth a try for science we're gonna close off all of our emitters that we have available to us and see if we produce more or less if our progress becomes greater oh we've we've almost taken this entire area but look at this oh come on fill up this totem it's so close oh my god we're almost there yes okay jeez time to tear down this wall and make some progress his way oh my god we're running a massive energy deficit how i don't rightly know what i'm doing anymore we're running a deficit but i didn't think i'm building a lot of things i actually powered down my nullifiers using nine where am i using nine there we go it was our nullifiers that were the problem now i know i need to stop this skimmer factory all right if i know anything this yellow stuff normally if i put creeper anti-creeper on it i think it's good so i'm trying to convert this little area here all the while i don't know my only objective is to activate the totems right so one of the things i'd like to do is have a little backup supply to get to this totem make sure it's safe right because we got to convert this area we're at the tug of war stage all right slow progress this is the hard part breaking through here doesn't seem to be working too well how does one get over there can i ear it can i terp this i don't even know what i'm supposed to be doing with these erns i have no place to put them oh wait i do oh yes energy collection fire range mine production i guess and build speed we got the upgrades so now my production is going up so will that help me break through this finally i guess this is what height five i could i could terraform this oh i can i can terraform you what do we do we're not able to break through this oh you know we could try some rockets but where could i build these guys i i don't have the buildable room um yeah we're at a freaking stalemate maybe we destroy the portal and put in a rocket because i can put two in and then i can do some conversion or orbital bombardment and break through ah that's what we gotta do and we're we're still above energy used to energy production here we go first rocket the first transport is away the first transport is away which star wars movie your hint is tauntauns there's a rocket this guy's taking forever to build dang all right the second rocket's up okay so i'm thinking we just break through right here with some rain let's see if it works and then if our anti-creeper can take out this that's pretty big that might just be the difference maker here then we'll have to attack some of their other strongholds and overcome look at that see that's actually separated so to get to that one that's actually the very very last one now could i terraform this and build in it i don't think so so that is a level of one let's try it oh i've got an er end portal excellent rockets being launched and we've got another rain so we'll call it in here maybe looks like i'll be able to fit maybe ooh two more tempted to try something terraform at five will this help us by terraforming that or can we even all right big rain big rain and we push through yes now we need to terraform this down and wait for another rain apparently to then take that one and cut its production jeez that's a big push all right i've got two reins and i'm gonna have to use them both right here to hopefully create the push through that we need because this this wave just comes back like massively i need to create like a wall because it just it overpowers if i could get one more missile i could do a mass conversion somewhere but we're running out of liftic wait a minute i called it a normal environment right here which seemed to be doing good but we're losing that battle once again and unable to get over here if only we could hold it but look at that wave just crushing us all right let's call it another one is it enough we just need to get this one we were so close dang we're so close and i want to see if i can't get in there maybe that's actually what i need to try doing is terraforming that area right here let's let's give it the old college try all right we took that one now i need a orbital bombardment asap to keep this emitter alive some of it's spilling over so we're buying some time potentially oh we're about to get another rain here another one should momentarily should i terraform a wall i think i need to tear it from a wall but will we get it in time almost yeah we need to terraform a wall we've got this one going and now we know we we need to wait for our aerial bombardments i guess i wonder if we could silence these we would have to terraform it first this is a four so we'll tear form at four i'm gonna nullify this emitter look at this it's a three a three for that'll stop this production to limit the reinforcements we've already got this one stopped i can't get to these two that's a blob-ness blobness is kind of worrisome we'll want a sniper on this point all the while just buying time with the satellite orbital bombardments it's all we can do there we go look at that all the satellite rockets are firing i'm gonna call one back here just to see if we can't get a little bit more headway oh why can't i put one here do i need to terraform that area all right i terraformed this air to try to put a rocket oh my god it worked good with a fifth rocket we'll be able to convert creeper to anti-creeper by being able to use five orbital satellites to basically coordinate that we've got three up there three out of the five we need i want to try to convert like a giant area i'm wondering if we just convert this one but it will take a while to finish the rocket now you're in need of how much liftik wow almost 200 you can see that we're at a premium because our granar nodes are low oh my god look at that it's seeping in he just won't be done anytime soon yeah we're gonna have to call in a rain i feel like it's like world war ii and we're the germans with v2 rockets okay we've got four that one launched one of one more of these needs to launch and then we'll have the five okay here we go we have it conversion time now we have to convert like the highest area um i guess it'd be right well this is nullified let's just try it here what happens if we nullify that excuse me not nullify convert can i activate this totem real quick could i ninja let's see it if we just ninja quick this he needs 200 arg come on boys oh it's gonna be close i guess we could have converted this with a wall man this is gonna be incredibly close oh my gosh i think it might work no way ha we pulled it off excellent okay that's pretty sweet look at this and we're forcing it from this side oh man this is the beginning of the end next thing to do will be convert this pyramid we got three out of five needed rockets conversion time we will convert this entire area all right give it to us uh if we can just unify right here and use this as the new holding point oh no they took back this area almost all right we're gonna convert right here yeah i think we need to use bombardments now we've lost this area over here unfortunately all right we've taken this spot i think that's a major boost now we just need to nullify this guy and overpower it do it yes now the flood of us comes through get some more anti-creeper production a little rain going on here i guess we could have used a singularity and a rain look at this weird little area here it is the beginning of the end and dang they just won't go away will they 200 every 2 20 seconds this is the biggest producer of creeper in the entire map i don't know what's happening over there all right push through and then we're gonna need a nullifier there we go we we've almost got it oh we nullified it yes man this one took a while huh shoot three hours obviously at 4x speed but i mean it's got to be close to an hour hour and a half from in my time jeez but we did it this is what the map looks like now man i'm going to be really disappointed if someone's like done this in 20 minutes i'll destroy these rockets because i think they're causing a uh a massive drain on liftik but i'm not sure yes oh my god how did we do um hour hour hour yeah we did it wrong someone is in there with five hours so hey it is what it is good job us oh my god yeah we were definitely above average
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 255,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creeper world, creeper world 4, cw4 tidal waves, cw4 anticreeper, cw4 mods, creeper world mods, creeper world 4 mods, creeper world 4 play as creeper, creeper world 4 custom maps, cw4, cw4 play as creeper, cw4 custom map, creeper world siege, tsunami, disaster, strategy game, creeper world best level, RTS, real time strategy, tower defense games, baron, baronvongames
Id: MRgu2s__YNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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