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so today it's all about making large amounts of money by taking this catapult and throwing a rock as far as we can and hey that's a new record right there and we can upgrade our catapult so it throws even further so we can set even new record even though it's not very far so we just upgraded some more and then we should be able to get close to this four something Mark I'm not too sure what this is meters miles but we're just going to upgrade our catapult until it gets there and oh it got close there and we get money depending on how far it makes it and ooh there it made it 4 M meters is is not very impressive let's call it miles that's four miles right there because I said so and every time it throws we also get experience points ooh that was a lot of experience points and we can upgrade to increase the amount of experience we do gain and the amount of income we get so wo big coin in the middle hello and we got a boulder that's being rolled for even further that's a lot of money right there and that really pushed up the record Mark wow I should upgrade the Boulder now of course it's not just a boulder it's a rock and that rock is sending new records even more almost to 9 miles that's what I said we're going to need to upgrade the scale soon if that's even a thing we can do so we unlocked that by spending the experience points and if we spend 19 more we can unlock the next thing oh and there's the 10 Mark right there I really hope we get there and honestly the boulder is pretty well on the way to making it there oh this one's really picking up speed off the gate just a little further and 9 and 1 half or so and this one's a little further oh this looking good oh this one I think this one's going to do it all the way to 10 yes we can go even further we just shift to the screen over a little bit so the boulders are doing pretty well but they're starting to get a little expensive for my liking although we almost have enough experience to unlock the next thing in the meantime let's go ahead and upgrade some things like the it's called a core interesting increases income for every 10 meters traveled well it is traveling at least 10 m so let's go ahead and upgrade that a few times and get some more experience there and money what is this reduces cost of buying items these never really are worth it so let's upgrade the Catapult instead twice and then upgrade that so it can travel 10 m hopefully which right now it is traveling five I realize now that this is actually 10 m those are rookie numbers game and now we just need to spend a few more things like experience and money and we have what's the next thing what is that a paper airplane oh look at that that's cool oo and it's really traveling wow 10 m right out the gate still need to upgrade the catapult though to make the 10 m bonus worth it oo and it's really flying now 7 m that time looking good oh and the paper airplane traveled 13 M there a little further this time yes man I haven't even upgraded this thing yet it's proving to be very effective now the Catapult is getting expensive to upgrade and the boulder is not consistently getting 10 m so let's just go ahead and upgrade that a few times so we can consistently get it to that level and really I should upgrade the paper airplane as well because that's like going 10 m by default so that's going to be a big money maker right there and there's more Boulders crossing the 10 m Mark even on the low end it looks like oh man that one's really booking it right there almost to 12 M this one's traveling even faster maybe not it didn't make it as far and we just need to spend 10 more things so we can upgrade the paper airplane a few more ooh and we have a bow now and wa I feel like that one's going to have a high range as well maybe not as much as the paper airplane because it doesn't float as much but woo it just fired two arrows back to back so it looks like it has a chance of doing that and now we have over a th000 monies in our pocket so we can upgrade the Catapult a bit more hopefully it can make it to 10 m and oh eight there okay that might be the low end ooh that one almost made it 10 m if I can get one of the Catapult shots to 10 m then I'll call that good it might need a few more upgrades to do that though thankfully we are getting money at a very good Pace there's a catapult shot to 10 m I like it ooh and there's another one that yeah that's 10 m I think excellent we made it and the current record is just just over 14 M which I think was set by the paper airplane because that one's doing the best so let's go ahead and upgrade that because I haven't done that yet and we are seeing the paper airplane already make it quite a good ways it's almost making it to 20 at this rate and the bow isn't too much more effective than like the Catapult shot but it does fire twice so that's a quick Pace to get money let's go ahead and upgrade you so you're constantly getting over 10 m there we go that's wow that's some major gains right there and now we can put upgrade point points into you for increased income an extra 50% from there but we need to spend 30 more experience points to get the next item what we'll do instead is upgrade the paper airplane a few more times because it's almost making it to 20 and that means more income because that's another 10 m oh there it is it's close 19 and half or so oh this one's looking good that one's looking really good way overshot the 20 M Mark excellent right now the boulders are the cheapest thing so I wonder if we can upgrade that to reach 20 M just a few upgrades later and they already picking up quite a bit more speed but they're only reaching 13 and 1 12 oh but this one's going to make it a little bit farther over the 14 I like it and I really like how consistently the paper airplane is making it to 20 M we should have enough upgrade points to get it at least close to 100% which would double the income there we go ooh what is this a Jack In The Box what so whoa did that just launch a balloon where's that going hold on get back here oh popped well that's disappointing but wow that one almost made it to 30 that is incredible need to upgrade you and then give you some bonus income and did not think that the Jack in the Box would release a balloon but here we are and wow can that make it pretty far it looks like it has a maximum height though before it pops but that one did make it 30 m oh that's amazing although the rate that we're getting experience is starting to slow down quite a bit so maybe I should put more points towards that in any case let's get the paper airplane upgraded to 30 m hopefully and this giant coin is in the way go away hey can make it 28 and then some just a few more upgrades now the paper airplanes cost 1,000 to upgrade o now we have more experience we can put towards the Jack in the Box income so that's getting even more there and yes the paper airplane can make it 30 m how much money does that give us so the balloons give us about 200 for making it this far but they only have the bonus that the paper airplane does so when that one makes it 30 we get okay a little more than 160 but that wasn't quite at the 30 so it might be different okay there 136 see I was hoping to be better than the balloon and so far it is and right now the boulder still isn't making it 20 M so let's give you some more money and that seems to be doing the trick not completely but that looks to be that might be the maximum range so let's give you a few more upgrades and that seems to have done the trick very good so now we have a good amount of experience points let's give you a bit more experience gain and then we should really increase the Jack in the Box bonuses as well these are some big money makers happening over here and then we can also give you some upgrades so hopefully you can reach 40 m because the current record is a little over 33 ooh there oh 36 roughly these balloons really pick up speed that is impressive the only thing though is it does have a large like range of power that it could get which I guess all of these do like this one is almost 10 as far as like the range goes we also really haven't done anything with the bow because it's been a little underwhelming maybe we can upgrade that to reach 20 because it's the cheapest right now ooh and that gets pretty close need to just do it a few more because that one was very close there we go there's a good range for the bow there I don't think we gave it any additional income upgrades okay I guess we did but we do need to give more to the Jack in the Box so that one is an 80% bonus and surprisingly upgradeing the Catapult is still cheaper than a th000 so let's just upgrade until it costs 1,000 and see where it lands wa a basketball where did you come from I guess that's a new thing we have they just drop from the sky and then bounce forever well maybe forever they just get around 20 M before they hard stop that's a little upsetting let's upgrade you so you're always gain the 20 so the basketballs get one ooh interesting the basketballs give income every time that they bounce that's very cool I want you to bounce way past the 20 Mark now and then upgrade you so you give me more money that way these are getting to be some very interesting money makers here and we still have four more to unlock so let's see the basketballs bounce once four and then they sell on the fifth that's very good very good i' and the paper airplanes are making it 30 m pretty regularly it looks like there were two right next to each other but wow that is a large range of possibilities there a full 6 M range of where they could fall that's way big and the basketballs are also very expensive to upgrade so let's go ahead and upgrade the Jack in the Box so hopefully it can reach 40 m and it certainly is ooh getting almost to 38 there just a few more upgrades which I should probably upgrade the income now I think about it so we get an extra 50 % there and then the basketball can give us more money there ooh that one yes Wow way overshot the 40 over to 45 and that gives us 486 monies off of that balloon I like it we're getting a little over 10 times the distance traveled in money but the thing with the biggest bonus is still the paper airplane so we should start to upgrade that again also it looks like to be the cheapest besides the Catapult we're not worried about the Catapult anymore he's just kind of doing his own thing throwing the Rocks as far as he can and you know claiming credit for it but now the paper airplanes are almost reaching 40 m whereas the balloons are almost to the 50 that's crazy now don't get me wrong 35 m is pretty impressive for a paper airplane I'd say this is like those Elementary School science things of like make an item that will travel this many meters but you can't use like Rockets or anything because that'd be cheating only difference here though is we have an actual like catapult that we're using and not like a mouse trap catapult not that I ever made one of those I made ballista instead and we can kind of get a teaser for what is next looking here and sadly a Ballista is not one of them but it looks like we're getting what is this a shotgun a tire a throwing ax and ooh a rocket I want to get to there but right now we do have 40 points that we can spend and it only takes 30 to get to the next item which is a shotgun it looks like let's see it so boom it shoots and oh we get money for each of the bbb's that fall wow that's a big range but the farthest one is almost to the 30 and woo ooh so many are landing past the 30 oh I need to give you some upgrades for income very good we're getting so much money I can't even read it but we are consistently getting to 10,000 monies which is good because that's how much a shotgun costs all right we have 45,000 monies let's see if we can upgrade the balloon to reach 50 m which it should be able to oh yeah it does it so easily over to 55 and when it passes 50 it's almost giving us 1,000 money there it just needs a few more upgrades to to increase its income and I'm sure it would give us 1,000 if it reached 60 M so let's just try and get it to that point it's at 56 ooh ooh 58 and2 maybe one or two more upgrades there and oh just shy of that okay it's giving us 986 at this point it's definitely going to give us 1,000 when we reach to 60 Mark and boom 1.200 excellent it's just not very consistent look at the range there and there isn't even anything else that comes close let's see if we can get the paper airplane over to that Mark because it's the second biggest earner for us which right now it can get to a little over 40 m it looks like just need a few more upgrades there although it doesn't increase a whole lot with each of the upgrades not like the balloon does but you know if it's Crossing 40 m I'd call that good and we should upgrade the shotgun a few more because that gives us a whole lot of money when that lands and all the shots it looks like are reaching well past 30 that's very good and now once we spend all of these points we should be able to unlock the next tool at our disposal with this last one here to increase our income we get the tire or does that mean like a car nope it's a tire and it bounces it rolls and it bounces so what is your range right off the bat it looks to slow down just over 32 M ooh 33 Okay that's looking really good wao this one's really booking it that almost made it to 40 wow now sadly I don't have any more experience points this time to upgrade the income so let's just see what we can put it towards it's cheap the Catapult should I upgrade the Catapult again it doesn't increase too much it took a lot to get it to more than 10 m this is the weakest catapult I've ever seen maybe this is a science class and then there's that one kid that literally just yeets a basketball and it makes it farther it's like wow how long did you spend on this catapult nerd I wonder if I can upgrade the bow to match the shotgun it only costs 2,000 roughly so let's just put all the money into that see how far it gets that's and woo woo definitely making it that far that's looking really good I just spent all that money and we already made it back in like 2 seconds that's amazing and we also have more experience points that we can use is it worth putting money into upgrading the wheel income I think so because of how far I can get right off the bat so we'll give that an extra 50% bonus and then the basketballs as well because I like the way it bounces right past the 30 Mark so that's giving us 200 from the basketball which is not bad oh and this one ooh just shy of the 40 one more upgrade should do it here it is the basketball is going to make it past the 40 yes it took two more upgrades than what I said but we don't talk about it we're just going to upgrade the wheel because that's getting close to the 50 there it goes look at you go how much money do you give us nice okay now if we can spend every single one of these points then we can unlock the next tool so let's increase the experience gain and the income okay 11 points we could put that all into the paper airplane sure why not now we have the throwing axe I I don't even want to know how far who okay those could go really far wo 40 m right off the bat and pretty consistently where does that even start from just off screen someone is over there just being like ye that is looking really good and that's without any upgrades that might be the one to reach new extremes like the balloons are doing which this one did make it 60 M or 64 M so it has a bit of competition but we have a lot of money in our pockets so let's pour it all into the axes and just watch him sail overhead like crazy oh my gosh I put in like what four upgrades and it's reaching 60 M that's amazing what sort of Paul bun and Lumberjack is throwing these oh yeah that one almost matched the balloon that is crazy need to give you a few more upgrades so you can reach 70 M and then we also need to level up again so I can give you more money bonuses consistently the axes are reaching over 60 M that is very promising for us oh there it is 66 M getting really close to 70 so right now there's only a few things that can make it this far the balloons the tire and the axes I'm getting really excited here watching these axes soar in though I do want to upgrade the tire because I see it get just shy of 60 M and I want to see it push past that because you have a money bonus on you but you still don't make it to 60 come on put in the work it'd be kind of funny if at like the 100 meter Mark there was like a bullseye that if you hit it you get like super duper monies but I'm not sure it's going to happen I'm just going to enjoy the tire that can reach 61 and some met and almost give us a th000 just by itself a few more upgrades should get it there on the high end and this tire does give us a th000 now if we upgrade the shotgun maybe it can reach this far as well with like one of its far pellets because it has a large amount of like possible range they can get ooh and the tires are giving an ax to run for their money that one just pushed the record meter but now that we have actual experience points we can put them into the axes which has a 60% bonus to money and each of those is giving us a th000 yes at least the ones that make it past 60 M which it looks like most of them do all three did that time very good ooh there we go that one went 68 if it just got another upgrade or two I bet it could set a very nice record oh one upgrade and it just crushed it now they're traveling 70 M oh and that one almost landed on the nice number we're traveling over 70 M now with these axe throws that is ridiculous look at faster going from the beginning it's go and then you have the Catapult that is just you know here to feel included although they still only cost like a th000 to upgrade how far can they get if I just put all the money into these because they're super cheap to upgrade from level to level as well there we go that one's sailing and it hits 17 so the Catapult is almost reaching 20 M which doesn't give us a whole lot of money but at least it can do more than it was and it does have some money increase so it might be worth to get it to the 20 M Mark although 33 monies probably not and I just realized how much experience we need to level up that's in the millions we're not even making that much money we are able to get to 100,000 pretty easily though so let's use that to upgrade the wheel because that's getting close to 70 M as well and the tire just barely rolls into view at 65 ooh that ax just s a new record at 74 M okay now if we can manage to spend all of these points and we get the last item which I am very much looking forward to so let's see we can give the axe a few more upgrades there and this one will give us six points left over which we can put towards the wheel perfect we got it the rocket it just needs to build and there it goes sailing on fairly flat this is like a cball launch you're trying to go sideways but no it just likes to go down all the time but by itself it's reaching 64 M amazing and that's that's pretty consistently too the low end is still above 60 and we just need to see if we can get these things to go 100 m and just one upgrade later oh there it goes 80 M that was just one upgrade oh I'm liking this rocket and we're able to get the money needed to upgraded so then this one should push it even more yes 90 M and nothing's even close to it not the throwing axes not the wheel none of it it's just a shame that this is only giving me 150 money we'll need to wait a little bit so we can boost it speaking of boosting let's give another upgrade which levels up the I forget what the blue symbol means launch speed that gives us some good initial velocity and now we're leveled up so we get 27 points that we can put in to upgrade the income from the rocket just put it all in there 60% bonus from that I like it so when the rocket travels 90 M it gives us 24,000 monies oh that is good I just wish it was more consistent and then the maximum range gets pushed even more ooh there's the goal Mark we want sadly there's no target at the end but that's fine that means we can push it even further than that if we wanted to for right now though I'm going to give the rocket another upgrade here which should do it yes 100 m off a rocket that's really no bigger than the initial catapult that we started with also just look at everything fly out there at indeterminable speeds well I'm sure you could determine the speeds but that's not what I'm here for I'm just going to go back to all this beginner stuff and make it boost even further look at that Boulder roll not too sure why it's called a core but I didn't write the rules I just break them and our beginner catapult can not even make it 20 M so we went from like medieval Tech to Children stuff to a straight up rocket that we can just fly out there this is the kid that took the assignment way too seriously and also broke the rules because I said there were no rockets allowed but here we are he did it because he can and that lets him get over 100 m just like that I didn't even realize where the record Mark is where the farthest one went 109 M just shy of that that's ridiculous but I think we've done very well for ourselves so I think that is where I'll end the video hope you guys enjoyed us launching just absolutely everything across the length of a football field if you did then make sure to let me know thank you for watching and subdo in turn and thanks to channel members including bread Mr grle 1 ancient Elixir one Kirby Farm Dakota SE donam Moto Devon X Muffet suffer Lucas s f saacks a real nickname Edward hi heral pegy Su drup belongs TJ seriously sarcastic angel by cin Levi Fox to Garian Sands
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 89,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: fuGtVRGO_o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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