Ranking the Armor Sets of TES | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #78

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge market i'm scott here with michael andrew as always this is the older scrolls podcast and today we've got a little fun one to bring in the new year we are looking at all of the armor sets that have a comparable equivalent throughout morrowind oblivion and skyrim and we're basically ranking them who did it best we're going to look at all the armor sets and have some fun subjective discussion now of course there's a few things to bear in mind um first i just want to say for skyrim we're not going to be factoring in all the creation club stuff because that gives it away unfair advantage because it just adds in all of these alternate extra sets and stuff like that we are also giving concessions for uh graphics so we're looking more so at the actual like design of the armor and kind of like imagining if it had like a graphical equivalent equivalent because if you look at morrowind like obviously there's some like limitations in terms of the models and stuff and oblivion just looks better in general across the board just for the aesthetic of the whole okay we got some uh we've got some stuff to talk about so but yeah so also we've also included um for example uh for the leather armor there was no like just leather in morrowind but there's netch leather so we're using like the closest equivalent where we can um but yeah we can jump straight into it so let's let's sort of generally try and like follow along like the ranks of rarity and stuff like that but let's we'll start with iron yeah iron armor all right i want to hear you guys i i actually quite like um morrowind's iron armor i it's it's a bit tin can like a tin can row body but i like that it just feels a little bit more alien and a bit more special oblivion's iron armor is a bit i mean there's nothing wrong with it it's nothing great and with skyrim i think that it's hard for me to be objective because i've seen the dragonborn so many times and i'm i'm kind of over it to be honest what's your take drew none of them are particularly interesting i think skyrim is the most iconic because i think it's probably the only one that just looking at it as iron armor you could probably place it in the province you know even though if we're talking vikings there shouldn't be horns but you know what i mean um i think skyrims is the most interesting to look at but at the same time to me personally morrowind is the coolest like if i had to wear it that's the one i'd wear i actually agree on morrowind i like morrowind the most because i think like iron set it should just be the most basic like any sort of mercenary could be wearing that kind of thing it just feels like this is your starter armor it's just some iron and i like the full set kind of look i do like in skyrim like obviously it's iconic and stuff like that but i do prefer a little bit more armor that rather than the sort of like you know tank top kind of vibe like you know how's that but i will say banded iron armor that added like that up skyrim's a bit more for me and i do like them all oblivion's helmets are pretty bad i don't like it that's that's something you have to give skyrim some credit for is they actually had because we're always asking for more armor variants in the next elder scrolls game skyrim actually did have a fair few um not you know not a whole ton but it was there i'd love to see a lot more but more than um oblivion for example like i think a good example of that is looking at steel and how in skyrim you had the steel with like the imperial or kind of nordic braces and boots and stuff and you also had steel plate as an extra and oblivion was just steel yeah so i think it's a good it's a good time to go into steel move on from iron and talk about it one last thing on iron if we're going to talk in any way about practicality skyrims is probably the weakest because you get both your arms chopped off yeah i think we can agree to that yeah well i mean like as a preface i like in the same way that i've talked about this before with like weapons i really like the believable weapons mods in skyrim and basically that you can you can have a more you can have a really fantasy looking like it's unrealistic but it's like realistic unrealistic if that makes sense like it's a very fantasy looking thing but it still looks normal the closer it gets to bigger and wider and a lot of the time it goes the same for armor for me like i like it to a reasonable degree but sometimes it can get a little bit like you know little final finally enough on a side note i actually watched some armor comparison videos before this podcast and i noticed that a lot of the armors in skyrim actually look less kind of um crazy and intense like some of the latest sets like daedric and ebony and things like that when you don't scale the weight all the way to the max because whenever i play skyrim by default i just like you know i'm ronnie coleman let's put the muscle to the limits but yeah but um if you actually see them in like a middleweight or even a mid to lower end weight they don't look as um over the top but let's talk about steel let's talk about steel what do i think about steel i have to say if i'm not including steel plate from skyrim um i'm a big fan of oblivion set um it's it's very nostalgic for me i like the classic vibe and i think if you're gonna have a really classic vibe with any armor set steel is a good one to have see um we with skyrim's version of steel um steel plates cool but like if you're looking at just like the default steel i it does actually lean a little bit more into that sort of kind of modern manufactured look which i kind of don't like as much like the curious the queers especially but um i i i like oblivions and i like morrowinds but it's like i actually think i would like morrowinds more if it was like obviously a graph higher graphics i like the closed-faced helmets i just like that sort of style like if you can kind of imagine it as that both both are full steel sets like a night you know like a 15th century kind of night kind of thing um but yeah i mean if we are including steel plate i really like the steel plate from skyrim i love the helmet from skyrim so are we counting that here or is that a separate section i think pick first and then we'll decide if whatever we pick is better than steel plate from the general steel armor for skyrim i'm not a fan of whatsoever and it does it you know yeah it's it's very boring looking i don't think anyone chooses to wear steel armor in skyrim it's just lydia's armor yeah i think i think morrowind is nicer than oblivions but something about the entire art style of oblivion steel armor looks really clean and pristine and it it suits the kind of a knight wearing it more than any of the other games so i'm leaning towards oblivion yeah i mean i can really see like uh i don't know if it would be fair to say a dark souls vibe in the morrowind steel it's just it's just something a bit just like a bit different very classic looking i i do like how oblivions has that one pauldron oh it's not a po is it a pauldron what do you call the spike that comes out where the pauldron is i guess it's part of the pauldron right some kind of neck guard thing anyway i like that one side's bigger than the other in oblivion as well i think the bassinet is what sells it for for morrowind yeah like closed helmets do look cooler than having your especially in oblivion with your goofy face your goofy face hanging out yeah i would lean with morrowind but if you guys wanted to like veto and make it oblivion like i wouldn't be cut at all like i don't know it's still good for me steel armor in morrowind is obviously it's different to iron armor in morrowind but it has that same energy i guess in the sense that you're the the tin can man yeah but i guess that's kind of like the point of that leaning oblivion i'm leaning oblivion but i do like morrowind all right i think there's going to be a trend of i mean i don't want to predict too soon but i think oblivion we're it's going to be hard to throw them bones so when it's close i'm going to be a little biased towards oblivion that's that's fair all right well next let's have a look at some of the light ones and we can start off like with one of the most sort of basic um with leather armor now leather there's obviously there is one in skyrim there is one in oblivion um but the closest equivalent in morrowind would be net leather which is kind of just like the local leather and stuff they um they i think use morrowind has to win here right like match leather just looks so unique and cool and when you see it with the different like masks and goggles and yeah it's just so alien and even though even the base stuff like with like just the little details on it and there's like more like chains and loops and scarves and stuff like yeah it is really cool and i must say i was not really a fan of leather armor in either um oblivion or skyrim i would say i like it more in oblivion it's without the helmet i i really and that's a trend we'll see with oblivion is that some of the helmets are a bit not not my favorite so i probably would give it to oblivion over skyrim and there's some definitely some thieves guild nostalgia there for me like for sure i didn't mind um leather armor in oblivion like obviously without the helmet um yeah i did wasn't a fan in skyrim really i feel like i feel like in both games to an extent it was intentionally boring it's kind of almost supposed to be low-level gear that you well that's the thing i rapidly get past i guess you keep in mind is that like some of these earlier sets us i think you can you can forgive more that there's less wow factor because you're not it's not supposed to it's supposed to be standard fair kind of everyone has an armor i don't know if everyone shares this opinion but one of the reasons i didn't like skyrim's leather was not because it didn't stand out it was actually because it it for me it popped off the body a little bit too much um just doesn't which which might be realistic potentially in terms of kind of being better at absorbing shock and things like that but i kind of like the tighter skin leather wrapped look not not like um shrouded armor wrapped like not like superhero dark brotherhood mode but yeah i just think it looks a bit too like you know popping off the shoulders and the there's probably lots of mods for tight lever i'm sure you could find [Laughter] well you'd know all about the other really basic one um is fur armor which in morrowind the closest equivalent would be just the nordic fur so there's the fur across oblivion skyrim and the nordic fur um if i was to put my thing out like i'm never really fur helmets don't really do it for me either but i'm actually quite partial to the oblivion fur armor i just like the little skull fixture and stuff and the kind of like color a little bit more secondarily i'd probably maybe i'd go the oblivion oh sorry skyrim one just because there was a few variations and it really is that rugged like pelt look and there's the one where there's like just the skirt no top thing and then there's one with the the look shawl thing and then there's one that's fully enclosed um but yeah you count uh collovian fair helms as as fur armor ah i guess you could a little bit but yeah um yeah i don't know i i would say actually funnily enough the nordic for in morrowind i feel like you can see how the fur armor in uh oblivion was like an evolution of it or like meant to stay in the same room i'd probably vote oblivion honestly i think but i don't know what do you guys think even i i prefer the oblivion helmet out of all of them as well but i still don't really like it much yeah i think i'd lean towards oblivion as well hmm [Music] i it is nice i i actually think i would go with skyrim in this case yeah um yeah as you said i really liked the variants i had some really cool characters who used fur um i just i just like it it has more of that kind of rugged look oblivions looks too um for me at least i i can appreciate it but like it's too like pelty and and clean looking like it looks almost like um you know that if they didn't have weapons and they wasn't always bandits wearing it and they didn't have the shield on you could almost imagine it like some skull kind of group if you chuck the hood on it or something like that like it's not i think that's kind of why i like it like i do prefer yeah it looks like functional fur armor to keep you warm in skyrim it's kind of barbaric and it's been thrown together and it's yeah it's for people living in the wild that works really well i think obviously fur armor often gets overshadowed by the fact that there are some cool fur variants you know like your armor of the old gods your savior's hired things like that it's you rarely will wear fur armor if you have access to those and just in terms of variants i actually as much as i love making a cool barbarian character you know with their bare chest out swinging their sword i actually do like skyrim's fully covered variant of the fur armor and you can really dress it up you know you can put like the this i know this is not what we're ranking but you can put the kind of stormcloak bear helm on top with the stormcloak officer boots and gauntlets with the full set of fur and it's just it's just nice but anyway is that is that two for oblivion one for skyrim well iron went to morrowind iron went tomorrow and still went to oblivion i'm gonna say oblivion yeah i think if i'm the deciding vote all right leather went to morrowind and fur went to oblivion went to oblivion apparently so now we can kind of i guess it technically this it's funny to call it early because it is a sort of only i think it's going equivalent to steel but there is look there's bone mold right which this is going to be the quickest one there is oblivion there is basically the dragonborn dlc introduced bone mold for uh skyrim but then obviously there's bone mold kind of in morrowind and many variants of and i would probably just say morrowind just because morrowind had so many options and stuff and it just looks yeah looks really cool like once again like concessions for graphics like you know you're matching it the variance is definitely sells it i think if you could only compare one to another maybe it's closer but they're all of the helmets are so fascinating in morrowind yeah yeah i think morrowind definitely yeah i think that's what sells it and even even so like i do like it in skyrim but i do think skyrim went like it's kind of cool and i could appreciate varying but i don't know like some of the bone mold in a morrowind you know it has like the daedric written on it and has little like horn like little symbols and pieces everywhere the the the skyrim one looks it's a little neat a neat neater especially when you know you've told the story of how bone mold was supposedly created as well well um with like with bone mold too i think like um the the color in in morrowind is a slightly like like you're about to say like that kind of more put together it looks like a ground bone sort of bound in resin a little bit more have you seen the the skywind bone mold with the fur wraps and stuff uh oh my it is i probably have but i've so so cool um i'll just i'll just send it to you yeah i'll just send it to you i'm like 95 sure it's from skywind if it's from somewhere else i apologize i think i think bone mold is up there with potentially one of the coolest kinds of armor in the whole series even if we're not comparing it like again yeah itself if we're comparing it to other armors in general actually even that that example um not sure where it's from or whatever it might be from the skywind thing um kind of looks like it but um see how like the the detail on the actual like pauldrons on the chest piece it looks like there's a grainier sort of look to it a little pieces whereas the skyrim one looks like a very clean yellow looking i still like it but i do think roof not the more morrowind sort of morrowind's one's cooler i just really like i would use this skywind one yeah for a build yeah or something it's funny it almost has a bit of a a sith vibe to it you could give it a lightsaber and i feel like you could see that on corbin or something but yeah i i feel like we were going with morrowind for bone mold um so furlough though okay so now we're slaughtered like deepening into some of the more interesting ones so here's one it will be interesting to hear but what do we think about dwarven yeah [Music] tricky because of the the graphics i think um makes it a bit difficult well like in in morrowind you it i i actually don't think morrowind ah wins for me just because it's it's so intense like the boots of these masks it's very very anime looking from what i understand i can't remember this is gonna have to be a little bit source trust me bro but from what i've heard before and writings and so on and different obviously every single game has different interpretations and so on but dwarven armor in morrowind was more so supposed to be armor made by people kind of after the fact using pieces of dwarven metal that they found whereas dwarven in oblivion and skyrim is quite like more explicitly what they wore the dwarfs wore so this one is sort of like a makeshift armor out of dwemer machinery it looks salvaged yeah yeah like things aren't form-fitting and you can almost get the idea that they came from completely different machines that have been repurposed yeah um i i i it's so hard for me because there's actually um there's elements from each armor set that i like more for example i really like um the shield in oblivion yeah i really think the shield's nice um i think i would go with i think ultimately i'd probably go with skyrims and i the reason the reason being too like uh the dwarves of like they've always had like a mesopotamian sort of feel that you saw the dwarves the ghosts and stuff with their beards and so on and stuff like that and i think the dwarven stuff in skyrim and i've talked about before how skyrim seems more like a direct like aesthetic continuation of morrowind more than oblivion did and i kind of oblivions is really really cool too but i just i actually really do like the face seeing the face carving and stuff that they've done for the dwarven um the skyrim face is so iconic and i think if you removed all the law and you were just looking at these in a lineup and you had no context oblivion wins it for me in terms of just looking cool but there are aspects about it that i don't really that's not how i envision the dwarves yeah i know what you mean it's kind of like loses me a bit for that if you put that armor and if you put it in another like it could kind of like you could easily be convinced i think if you told me this is gold armor it's a certain type of yeah or something like that there's nothing distinctively i guess dwarven outside of the color this isn't like lord of the rings where the the the dwarves are inherently like kind of sharp edges and very kind of because in the films at least they were depicted as kind of you know everything was slightly hexagonal rather than round and things like that and i don't think that is the case with the dwemer in the elder scrolls they can be more artistic in in how they create certain things yet somehow still oblivion's armor just it almost feels more like it was yeah like gold armor that's been designed by a different elven culture that's more in tune with beauty and and things like that than the practicality of the dwemer just in the skyrim one i just think it just looks it's a really good it keeps that mesopotamian sort of look of things and with the face and the vision everything but then it also does still have like you know even just the purple cloths and stuff but it has that like uh robotic-ish sort of look with the shield and the pauldrons and the stuff so kind of a nice blend of it i kind of get like if i look at the if you look at dwarven armor and skyrim you go like oh yeah that they that belongs to these mastercrafter dwemer their ancient race of elves that made robots whereas i don't really get that same vibe with the oblivion armor i don't really do you know what i mean and then arguably even the morrowind one has it is just salvaged sort of robot looking stuff so i just think skyrims is the most dwemer i think i think that would be fair to say like i really like the oblivion one um but i understand what the two of you are saying about it and i kind of agree yeah but i think aesthetically it's really cool i'd i'd rate it above the morrowind one i like them all but for me the morrowind one would definitely be the lower on the lower end because it's makeshift and when you put it on it is kind of goofier looking as yeah like yeah you look like some gundam yeah you are kind of a cyborg you're a mech yeah but yeah so i think we'll put dwarven skyrim wins the dwarf and stuff too um and you know other things boasted to it but it's like it's got like a very good um uh aesthetic cohesive look with all of the rest of the ruins and the automatons like for example like you know the centurions have that kind of face and then you look at the helmets got the same face and their idols and everything all have the same kind of motifs the sky oblivion dwarven is is cool as well it's very very smooth looking um but i like it still yeah well um okay so here's one and i'll i wonder if i'll just get vetoed out of this because i have uh opinions i've told that before but um orcish um and i am a really big fan of morrowind's orcish and also oblivion after it because and not that i dislike skyrims or anything but skyrim is like oh here we go my urukai sort of awk armor but the one thing i kind of like about the orcs is you have this really like you know ugly race and they're all like brutish and everything but the one thing they've repeatedly told us they're these master smiths are these great artisans the imperial legion wants them for this but then they have like they actually create this really beautiful armor and i really i'm a big fan of contrast and i just think it's more interesting but i like the idea that there's this orcish set here that it's like you see these barbaric orcs and people associate them as these ugly green things that come in rage villages but it's like look at that armor and it's even got like the tusks motifs and everything on it yeah and i i don't think you're gonna get vetoed at all oh okay i think before we've had a conversation about i guess maybe it was related to orcs or something maybe i'm maybe i'm wrong because i think the conversation was actually about oblivions orcish versus skyrim i think it was we talked about morrowind's one but i i like morrowind's one um the most but then i would actually put skyrim second just because i i don't know man i just love that big brutish orc vibe that it has um i know oblivion's helmet definitely kills it for me yeah um and also the fact that the orcs were super cartoonishly green when you see one wearing it it just looks a bit yeah you know shrek but i had like wins does actually win for me i had my nord character in in oblivion in all uh okishama with no helmet and a katana and i used to like because i was like you know an emerging weeaboo so i was like really like into it because i loved all of the asian looking stuff but i was really into that look but i would go yeah that that might be what draws me away from it a little bit i'm not totally sure i like the kind of feudal japan look to it it's kind of the idea that i've heard like you know behind them is more so like the mongols i guess if one thing yeah okay one thing you could really look at and this would sell on the concept and i'm pretty uh pretty gone on it um is skywinds um orcish hold on i'll just send a picture through done um there's the concept the final render and then that might actually sell you a bit more on the blend that blends barbaric of the bit more of the modern orchestra but still with that mongolian-ish sort of look i do i do love that actually and yeah thinking about it as more mongolian does work okay now i'm now i'm very tall cause i was i was leaning towards skyrim but that is also so iconic to me because i loved playing a kind of the more barbaric aspect of orcs wearing that arm um and that's still cool and stuff too and you could even rationalize it a little further you could say that maybe perhaps the this kind of mongolian orcish is like you know more orcidium style orcish when it's a higher civilization than the british by but like the thing is at the end of the day even primitive like even cultures with like low levels of metallurgically or something can create armor that is more like the rugged sort of like jammed metal jagged kind of stuff is an aesthetic choice like if any if you go look at like bronze age civilizations or anything like armada making still looks like a cohesive like peace like you don't it's not like oh i'm barbaric so all of a sudden i can't like hammer straight and it's got to be jagged and like and that's like chunky plates stronghold orcs i can see wearing the skyrim one but at the same time a culture that is very strong on honor um i can see them very much kind of taking pride in the morrowind version of the armor and the craftsmanship that goes into it as you've kind of alluded out already then just slapping daunting looking slabs of metal together yeah so and i i'm i'm willing to see this one because i think because yeah because you have a whole culture about like such a big part of it is smithing and they have the forge wife and everything and it's like that and then it's like it actually just looks like chunky and you know barbaric it's because it's and i once again it is that loitering's influence but it's like it is that you're a guy looking armor which is cool but for me that's lord of the rings orcs not you know what i need else orcs as much um i i just yeah i'm in agreement there but yeah all right all right now we move on to kite and armor kite and armor is not in oblivion yeah there's none in oblivion it's cool in all games um oh weirdly like i am actually very fond of um skyrim's kaiden look i i do like it yeah but i feel like the graphics can carry it a lot yeah like morrowind is more like you really look like you're wearing kite like something it looks like you're wearing pieces of bug which is what it's supposed to be it's kind of hot i don't know drew what's your what's your i like skyrims more oh yeah i mean like it's not i mean also skyrim has heavy chitin as well which which i prefer to like the i really like the the crustaceous mask of the of the heavy set yeah yeah i think i'm gonna go with skyrims though i wish it was a little sleeker even the heavy set like just a little i mean it's one of those things where they're both pretty good to be honest like yeah it was like a pretty faithful translation of it like it's it's the same way i feel about the bone mold and skyrim like i like the bone mold and scarring um but it was a faithful translation i i'm sorry i prefer the morrowind one in in for bone mold but i think i can i don't know i'm literally on the fence this could be either for in skyrim the skyrim one it's a lot easier to see the parts of the creature repurposed as opposed to like it in morrowind obviously this is somewhat a graphical thing but it does it's much more form-fitting in that it's per it seems almost perfectly crafted around a mortal body shape um the skyrim heavy one i see what you mean like you can't really work that much with kite in on you know depending on the magical properties of it and i think that that's done well in skyrim yeah no fair enough i'm happy to give that to skyrim yeah yeah um me too if we if we're actually moving on to uh elven armor i guess that's when we have to say that that's not really in morrowind yeah it's not because they're eleven then there's a fun fact for people is but elven the glass armor initially was supposed to be like that's what the elven armor is and that's when you get that very crystalline look is supposed to be what somerset kind of is but then obviously oblivion comes and gives the lord of the rings aesthetic to the elves and you got it but by the way that's a cool aesthetic like peter jackson's sort of lord of the rings trilogy the way they depict the elven armor and everything it's still it's very iconic really cool like i can't and i very like at the same time i'm saying we say this like i still accept the way it is like now i'd like it now like i'm not like that's not what they're supposed to be it's the same thing as the jungle like you can't jungle cereal you can't you know it's all getting retconned out you know i think we're going to have a strong consensus on this because that could be a hot day no i believe i love oblivions i think it's fantastic um i i think i would do oblivion only because it is more exotic i'm not a huge fan of the helmet too much i like the helmet i do think skyrims is a very cool really cool elven like sleek sort of design lego helmet comes across and all of it i might be being too nice to oblivion but if you took the goofiness out of oblivion maybe even had a version that kind of closed off the face the the spikes like kind of like the wings you could call it that come out the top feel very elven to me not not only in terms of the kind of like a the wingspan aesthetic but also just kind of reaching higher adding to their height um rather than dude i'm honestly pretty i'm pretty torn like skyrims are still really good i think um can i can i interject here when you said strong consensus i was expecting skyrim okay no i'm i'm a big i'm a big skyrim fan mind you there is also the light armor variant in skyrim um not that it's because it's missing the gilded the the pauldrons which are you know really nice um yeah i really like skyrims i like that it depends what photo you're looking at like different shots of it can obviously look a different way and it is hard to separate oblivion's you know um stylistic approach with the army you have to in your brain try and port it into skyrim look hold on look at the picture i've just sent of this um it's just skyrim's elven armor that's nice like this i i really like it yeah no i i i agree that there is something a little bit alien as well about that's oblivious what i was about to say one of them is supposed to be the thalmor armor one of them is supposed to be the ailed armor clearly like even like the sort of like well a all of the statues in oblivion of the aylids and the ayla like um you know enemies and stuff all look like have that armor so it's supposed to be an alien armor and look at its feet like i like it for those reasons it's sort of like a junglish bird looking thing whereas the reasons you really get like this sort of fowl more kind of like leaf auriel sort of eagle looking do you know what i mean like and the shield is like the crest it's like you know it's all yeah i would probably overall for general purpose use i would go skyrim but for oblivion i do really like oblivions but to me in my head it really is oh this is the aylid armor if that makes sense like it's it's kind of like the i don't know i associate it too much with the yaylord ruins and how's that for big consensus maybe it could also be partially the aesthetic of oblivion is everything is much more bright and colorful and the shield i much prefer the oblivion shield as being high elven even if we are accepting the fact that there's a difference between somerset and cyrodiil high elves yeah okay well yeah i think i think the helmet is probably the part that sells it for oblivion personally okay fair enough yeah i actually do like both of them and it does depend if you're playing a a male or a female in oblivion um because the chorus is quite different lines across and the skyrim one has very like prominent boob armor right there it's just like i was i was actually talking more about like so does um oblivions um obviously not as like producers large the elven ones just so like rounded stands out a lot yeah it stands out a fair bit on both like i like that skyrim's oh sorry oblivion's male 1 has this kind of layered um lines kind of going diagonal um in oblivions but i still think i would give it to skyrim yeah all right well i think we'll go with elvin for skyrim i think it's not by it's it's a lot of these to be honest a lot of them like you'll you'll hear it clearly from us when it's very decisive like the other ones like rubbish like i like them all i do like the look of the skyrim one so it's it's no problem i mean if i had a criticism i'd say both of them could be more elegant um i think the oblivion one is more elegant than the skyrim one personally skyrim one to me even though it even though it has the kind of feathered style to it is fairly solid and i i don't know i can imagine obviously there's got to be the practical purpose but i feel like the heils would prioritize beauty even when it comes to their smithing yeah fair enough um let's let's talk about stall rim yeah so really armor of icy material it's only been in two dlc so morrowind's dlc in in um in blood moon um and then dragonborn for skyrim and i think it was actually called ice armor not style rim in morrowind but it is style room it's made of style ring but they just called it the ice armor i think it was um yeah yeah i like um now this i don't know if this is a like i like them than both but i i i want to give points to morrowind's um morrowind's look because it's just feels very i so part of me likes the blocky kind of look if i imagine it translated into like a well remember there's also a heavy ender light version in in in morrowind in skyrim yeah i know i know in skyrim i definitely prefer the light the light version i think it's really nice um especially with the furs and stuff around the shoulder area we're not ranking these we talk so we weren't but there is that star infer armor in the creation club thing added and actually i'm quite partial to that i kind of like the metal face it kind of reminds me like funnily enough if i was to like remaster the uh the cryomancer build they just go it's like style room armor with a dawn guard helmet like that helmet is literally perfect for it it's a style rim sort of helmet with like a full face plate kind of thing that is actually really cool but we're not we're not factoring that in because that's like a after the fact kind of thing we're trying to like look more so at like you know the the games with their dlc and kind of leave it at that i think not their 10 year anniversary release i think in skyrim and morrowind star rim is a very over-the-top armor like it looks almost a bit robotic in morrowind and in skyrim it still looks almost like a i'm the ice superhero character like it's very i kind of like more saturation a bit of the the bluish kind of color i'd kind of i think i'd probably go skyrim it's not it's not like uh you know necessarily like yeah that's i don't know i'm trying to i i think i'm still a skyrim fan of it and i also like having horns on it it being like a nordicky kind of vibe yeah that was what i was gonna say i can't decide between the two but having it look more nordic is probably what sells it for skyrim so you like the the heavy one in skyrim with the horns coming out because i actually like the horns going off i like that i like makes me think of the death brand kind of setup where you get the full armor and the two scimitars and just start slicing i can't yeah i'm leaning more skyrim's way now but i think there is something to say about morrowinds as far as it being kind of um enhanced into new graphics and the shield in morrowind is is quite interesting it feels very like classic i'd probably prefer the the morrowind shield over yes it's got it's got this almost like magical look to it you know it looks like a piece like it could be on an amulet if it was small it's like a little almost like it would reflect magic maybe am i just seeing this or in the morrow morrowind one are the pauldrons kind of shaped like an animal doesn't really come through in the graphics yeah yeah i think you're right because that is cool yeah that is remember yeah no that's true that's cool i like that it is cool i still yeah i i would still go skyrim over it but i do i do like the morrowind that's that's that's fair yeah it's the light it's the light variant that sells it all right i wonder here's a controversial now this one i wonder i'm just curious so ebony all right um like you guys go first yeah i want to hear yours first that's funny drew oh you go i want to properly have a little look at them first okay all right well fine uh i i i mean i can go you go go go let me hear you so i'll just go through each one as i as i talk about it so morrowind's ebony is cool it's obviously like the older armors it has that black and gold look to it um oblivions also has this iconic black and gold look to it and i think i'm about to arrive at the take uh that that scott actually has probably but i like skyrim's ebony the most i just wish it had gold trim on it i exactly it that's exactly what i said that's and if you get if you the median born i think it's a medium-born book of silence free texture you can get there's plenty mods out there that basically add back the gold trim and when you do have that gold trim back actually talking about the creation club again but there is the ebony plate armor and it adds like a kind of it's more brassy looking but a goldishy brassy sort of trim and stuff and it's better i do miss the iconic because ebony is supposed to be a very expensive rare armor especially in the third era the empire um you know controls all the export of ebony for morrowind and everything like that it's supposed to be a very rare material and like you know only very rich characters like duke vader and stuff but like they all have this sort of um ebony and and it's and i just think it's it's uh yeah i don't know the gold trim just fits for me i just think it's this is this re and black and gold looks mad together i think so maybe it should be more ostentatious rather than as practical as skyrim's ebony seems to be yeah i i just i don't know if if we're looking at the female armor variant it doesn't look super practical if you're talking about boom that's the armor skyrims just look pure just like it's if you just look like the meshes i think is the coolest one of them all but that with the gold trim i just wish they didn't just go black and once again for some reason i feel like it's a a dark soulish sort of error because i swear there's armor that looks very sort of similar-ish i don't know i mean look dark souls just covers medieval so maybe it sounds silly saying oh dark souls and it's just like what medieval looking but um i i do yeah i think if i think if if oblivion had a full helm more more in line with obviously it couldn't look like skyrims because it would need to fit the style but i think i like oblivions the most but for the helmet um yeah i can actually kind of agree on that to be honest um it really is a helmet that kind of kills it i actually what you like oblivions the most scott maybe maybe i'm changing because i'm having another look at it maybe it's harder than i think because especially when you especially when you consider the fact it's supposed to be such a rare and expensive metal and then you look at the shield the ebony shield in oblivion and it it it shows wealth doesn't it i suppose it's not fair for me to say skyrim butt with gold trim because the reality is it doesn't have gold trim true and we have we have so running in theme with that uh look at this picture i just sent the sky bolivian ebony armor and just use that to inform your decision further yeah but that sky oblivion wins if we're allowed to say yeah but but that is once again it's playing on that more like rich sort of black and gold kind of style which i think but even looking at oblivions i think it's just the helmet they are obsessed with open face helmets and that was the game that they should have had every element before yeah but then what's what's your beef with morrowind's then because that has a closed helmet and it's just stylistically like morrowind if you enhance that yeah i guess theoretically but there's something still just it looks a bit scary about it like this and i i think there's too much silver on it because the the legs and parts of the arms and body piece aren't like jet black you know yeah i think it's also the helmet and maybe it is just once again a graphical thing but it's kind of hard to tell what's going on sometimes when you look at it yeah but that could be a graphical thing but then i would even say the thing over oblivions uh it has like i don't know like if you look at the the sort of the sleeves and the pauldrons and stuff it all looks very like neat and intersected and rich i don't know like whereas morrowind oh i'm i'm going actually back to uh oblivions a bit i'll i'll send a an image to you too that i think looks really cool because all the images that come up or are of umbra um but this just looks a bit thicker it's just some i don't know actually you know what male warrior character that looks pretty cool i'm going to go with oblivion yeah i think i've been changed yeah i really actually looking at the oblivion one again really like the legs down like as well like yeah they're all the intersecting plates and stuff do you know what even in that one i don't mind the helmet in that particular picture it's a good picture the male helmet is a is a lot better yeah the other one looks like a bit it just yeah yeah anyway yeah we'll give that one to a blue yeah all right yeah skyrims is just still really cool i just wish it had some gold trim yeah um i guess we could talk about glass armor next and we've we've got a bone to pick with skyrim's glass armor for going against probably what glass armor should look like it just looks a bit too elven with green tin well that's what i think like they've kind of it's probably glass is probably one of the armors where they had a really different idea for each one so like the initial one if you look at morrowinds it's all of that like supposed to be kind of what somerset elves were and it's all like this this glass armor but it's added onto metal which kind of makes sense but it's all like decorative and there's parts of it and like you know chipped everywhere and stuff like that skyrim's kind of goes with the same like idea of that it's not just entirely sheets of glass it's like you know metal incorporated with glass but it goes for an entire like that really thalmory elven sort of like modern aesthetic which i think's not as interesting but then you have um oblivions which i'm actually like pasta i enjoyed it as a kid because it is this big standout green armor i just thought it looked cool my personal take is i love morrowind's one over the top like for me but yeah having it be volcanic glass and i'm i'm forgetting the story but isn't it that you know it's always kind of originated from morrowind as well glass armor even though it's being used by the heil i think it's what the high elves did with volcanic glass or something i can't i can't remember the exact of it but but the initially the one tomorrow when the idea was there was like a van elven sort of design and glass still is of an elven sort of design it's just the elven designs changed it's no longer this sort of exotic-y looking crystalline what do you think of the oblivion glass armor that i sent in the chart um [Laughter] um i think morrowind definitely wins it's just so alien so exotic yeah i think having the glass be quite jagged and like you have shards of it embedded into the armor as opposed to this this formed glass that just i don't know like the idea that it's been blown into the armor doesn't look as good i don't know it's the way morrowind has it don't i like oblivion still i again i don't like the helmet um but i do like skyrim's the least i'd say even though it's it's it's fine it's just it conceptually i don't like that that's glass armor yeah i know what you mean i i do like that i do like the bright green i think it's honestly like a big part of it within skyrims is that it went for a teal sort of color as opposed to like this bright green glass that makes it just looks like a variant of elven armor then you wouldn't think twice about that fact well i guess the the thing is though if you look at skyrim glass weapons um they look a bit more like glass a little bit like still it still has the armor look but it to me at least like especially things like the battle axe and stuff i'm a big fan imagine it the just the standard sword uh yeah yeah glasswood but yeah so yeah i would uh glass to morrowind i think it's just such an interesting and also like you know it's cool i just like like you know buoyant armageddon characters have it and so on i think a lot of armor in morrowind has a lot more prestige because it literally what you couldn't just smith it and it wasn't just appearing on leveled enemies all of a sudden it was like certain characters had it and it was like you know a bit more um you know it was cool like that like you found ebony on ridge characters you found there's cool mods um for skyrim that do it like morrowind morrow loot unlimited like it changes uh kodlak for example has ebony armor because he is this great respected warrior or so on and he wears um this you know rich arm that's afforded to him and so on and it does similar things with other characters but i do prefer that from a game design so i want to give prestigious sort of characters prestigious armor and you know what i mean make it a bit more exclusive but uh yeah okay so um we just did and it went to morrowind morrowind easily daedric i think oblivion would rank the worst for me when i take the nostalgia goggles off and i think daedric can easily be given to morrowind with all the variants and again it's similar to the glass it's that super iconic looking alien vibe to the armor don't get me wrong in the same way that i like skyrim's ebony i actually like skyrim's daedric quite a bit um obviously it's got that classic i'm a demon look to it um but it's it's just nice still you know i like as well that it wasn't as um bright crimson and red as oblivion's armor like it was more of a dark look with the yeah the red kind of glow under each piece that was i think smith together yeah i like because daedric as at its base is supposed to be ebony is ebony that's corrupted with like a daedric soul kind of thing or essence or whatever i rank skyrim's the lowest okay really yeah i i think i really do like oblivions but i can't help but give morrowind extra credit not just for the way it currently looks and the way the helmet looks but the way the other very like the various kinds of daedric helmet you can find um fit this style so much also the shield to having a face and everything and still like eight it morrowind's to me looks the most like demon armor and they're like hi crafted and like kind of i don't know i i really vibe and yes the greaves on morrowind's one looks so good like the the faces on the um on the knee pads and um and the pointed shoulders i like the most on morrowinds yeah for me it's morrowind yeah same i'm trying i'm curious what what don't you like about um skyrim's one compared to oblivions because oblivions to me is just a bit like uh overlordy is that is that skyrims is iconic and i i do love the jaggedness of it i almost i almost wouldn't want um daedric armor to be any one of them i like the idea that it's kind of more malleable as a concept yeah but i think it's too black it needs to be that's also in that photo do you remember if you go into dark spaces the red glow underneath all of the things which i kind of like and well i think as well the helmet does look cool but to me i like i associate it more with kind of like a dragon aesthetic than a demonic kind of dead if we're using maroon's dagon deadlines as kind of the the vibe obviously if we're talking about oblivion in general there are so many ways daedra karma could really manifest but that that is an interesting point actually because i i think for me in my head that a dramora wearing something more like oblivion's daedric makes sense than like a bunch of like with the full helm from skyrim all running around oh we're dramora because you can't you know yeah i i i definitely like remember the dramora idea on the greatest daedra video thumbnail and stuff the legends art of the daedric armor too like that will help you just upscale it in your mind but you've sold me on that being second like i would i think i think skyrim would be the least i do still like skyrims though so i think it needs to be creepier and um there's some there's something about the kind of the just the black pits for eyes in skyrims that kind of evokes nothing i i like it i i i like morrowinds the most because it kind of embraces a slightly obscure look on top of the the legends armor is is definitely changing my mind there's actually a few although there there is actually some uh legends armor wearing sorry legends art wearing daedric armor that's more like skyrims but without the helmet and it does look cool i'll just i'll just send it see what you do you know what daedric armor has always um reminded me of did you ever watch uh were you i don't know if you guys were power rangers fans a bit i think i just watched the films though okay did you watch uh power rangers in space which was like two of them okay maybe not but there's there's this guy called a clip door who's the villain i'll send a picture in and it's what daedric armor and skyrim always has reminded me of um okay but yeah and i i can see what you mean with the legends uh there too with it more uh yeah but see this see the big pauldrons and stuff the designs how it went down jagged and spiky and stuff it always reminded me of um the skyrim daedric always reminded me of that was just i don't know why just the look like yeah i think i i feel wrong giving giving an opinion on this because i think it needs to vary so much it you you can't really pin it to one culture the way you can with a lot of the other armor sets um so i like i i think personally if it wasn't for morrowind's helmets and the variations of those oblivion takes it for me um but i just i just love the the various forms of daedric helmet you see in oblivion in morrowind sorry sorry yeah i think morrowind would take it for me no matter what even if it was just one helmet but i think we can all agree that morrowind as it is yeah wins as it is no fair so let's let's talk about some some dragon made armors dragon scale yeah so there really isn't this obviously dragon scale and dragon bone like there is technically there's a dragon bone legendary on a dragon bone uh queer ass in um morrowind and it's just a it's just the chess piece and it kind of like yeah it looks like cool it's i don't know to me it wasn't enough to qualify i guess but with dragon scale there's the imperial dragon scale in morrowind which is the quest in helm and it looks unique enough i guess that it just kind of pops a bit more that you could compare it to dragon scale in um skyrim and i still think skyrim wins i mean i actually let me get it i actually like the morrowind one more because it looks like a hide of a dragon more i have actually never been a fan of dragon scale much in skyrim i think there's once again the creation club actually did a dra studded dragon scale variant and i think that's much better um there is something that looks a little bit like i don't know i only sound too hot it's kind of like i don't know i just i just it just feels very i got an action figure from big w do you know what i mean it looks very um i think the helmet and shield can give it that look like it's a bit too much if you told me that was an armor set from he-man i'd 100 believe you that makes sense do you know what i mean and you wouldn't believe it for morrowinds no i think that's an armor set from he-man no i i wouldn't as much it could be it could be like obviously a lot of things could be human but i just i don't get it doesn't look as hasbro to me the the dragon scale in in skyrim just are we looking at can you send me the the morrowind one that you're looking at because i just realized there's a there's a modded morrowind one that looks really like i would say that wins but if if we're looking at i just want to make sure we're looking at the same vanilla yeah okay yeah i don't know like um but but but remember even again yeah it's just it's just two pieces of armor the rest of the body's not yeah it's hard to say because you're not looking at a full set of arms yeah but even the back i like how there's like the scales down the spine that kind of creates the dragon scale thing and once again it's that sort of it's an older interpretation of the law when like dragons had way more to do with the empire and they had dragon scale like the the position on dragons was different because skyrim law hadn't been written yet so um yeah i just don't know if we can give that to morrowind if they don't have a full like it's like you could find a i don't know it would be like using savior's height as skyrim's fur i know that's different because it's a daedric artifact i'm just trying to get across that it's one it's the only comparison it's two pieces and the house well the helmet but the helmet is only around the look if you put it this way if i took the gauntlets and the boots off the armor in skyrim if you just looked at dragon scale grass and helmet if you want a fair comparison i'd absolutely go the grass is better in in morrowind yeah i also think the helmet's better in morrowind i think they're both yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go but i i i would i i can agree that the actual pieces there are quite nice especially the the chest plate it's just it's not a full set it's missing a lot and it's not like skyrim where um the middle piece of your armor you wear actually goes down over your thighs because remember in skyrim they didn't have greaves anymore so it really feels incomplete to me when i when i see it yeah i'd still i don't know let the audience decide but i'd prefer i'd for i mean i might get absolutely rationed on this slide you will not you fell off you just you just said no no i'm serious they're picking there because i think something i think some people really like the um dragon scale stuff but i just think it looks a little too i don't know like i think having it look more like actual scales which morrowind does well yeah um is better but at the same time you're i think you're only really giving i mean it's fair but you're only really giving morrowind any credit because skyrim is kind of ugly but if you look at for example if you go on the us page the the studded dragon scale i do prefer that to the default dragon scale i think it just looks i don't know it looks more like armor it looks less toy like the helmet still i'm not great like huge on in the hell designs but like the actual like armor piece pieces and stuff the studded dragon scale is not dragon armor it's a few bits isn't it like the whole like stomach covering that's just some yeah i mean it could have been made from the scales but cut into squares and stuff i just kind of like that look i think when everything it's cool it's the same it's too much oh we lost him well i guess we get to decide this one well what do you think because i i don't really have a strong opinion i just think that if the morrowind one was more um complete i'd probably pick it look i i think if you were a bit creative and remove oh he's back hello it was it was too much i had to leave he rang all right how well it meshes but i feel like if you remove the helmet of dragon scale from skyrim and and maybe mix and matched it with a dragon priest mask or something i i do like it i i feel it feels wrong to give it to morrowind even though that the qrs does look all right um so i'm i'm going i'm going to go for skyrim i don't think it's bad i just think there's a bit too much it's too much in the bone zone as opposed to the scale yeah you know there's too much so well sorry what was the summary of that one summaries that you're wrong um and we're going with skyrim that's all you need to know i i feel like all of us are pretty like except scott are pretty impartial about it what do you mean oh like i don't feel super strongly i just i don't know dude i just thought of it i mean look it's not a complete set i don't think anyone's yeah i feel like you feel strongly about that part that it's not a complete set i feel like when you when it's two or more i feel like you can kind of get in especially for example it's not like comparing like for example boots and gauntlets make up less of what an artist is it's graves and the whole chest and legs it's not g it's not just boots and gauntlets it's graves yeah but the majority of the armor if you know i don't know like i feel like that there's enough there it'll be different if you're like comparing a helmet or a paragon it is it is cool i like what's there 100 all right then well let's uh let's hit uh guard almonds so now for this to preface we're going to have to basically look at the guards of each of the different cities holes um and and yeah throughout morrowind as well so with morrowind obviously they did use versions of um bone mold but they were like sort of what you found them on were more specifically the guards so like you know ald run guards um saturday morning guards balmora guards that's kind of what you can use for the three houses i don't know i didn't know what i think morrowind is just gonna win well well because it's more exotic i guess but but the one and it's also for example it doesn't fit other areas and i also don't know where to include ordinators if we do like because they are technically the guards of all of the vex city and everything so that's kind of like your equivalent of like your say imperial guards i guess something as well to clarify because i know you wanted to talk about imperial armors as a separate category but um you know obviously the guards of the imperial city are wearing imperial armor so we have to think about are we including them or are we including like the coral guards bruma let's let's just for the moment let's just establish skyrim to oblivion because morrowind is a little bit of a weird exception because they don't use like a well they do it's god they're look they it's categorized differently but let's just look uh skyrim hold guards to oblivion hold guards um for me the answer is oblivion quite clearly i like they they like the armor combinations and everything i just think it looks cooler and i like how they all have different sigils i think the guard armors and skyrim just had like slight color differences um well sometimes but you know what i mean like sometimes yeah the variety is what does it for sure yeah i mean obviously if you can bring mods into the fold and and show like that the diversity of skyrim's guard armors then there's no question but the guard armor is iconic in in skyrim but it's they're all very samey hm yeah i i kind of prefer the classic but also remember like skyrim obviously skyrim is trying to make a skyrim looking guard armor but like if you go look at a guard arm or replace or something like that you can see it done well like another thing too it's just a little bit of like that silly design kind of feeling it's just like the sleeveless thing again like someone lops you i'm like what's the use of that like little chain mail half sleeve when someone just they're gonna like most of your arms you can have it cut off yeah it's like that but it's like it's just kind of like well what's the point and why is the chainmail like all like that's like really like anal kind of stuff but it's not actually um yeah i don't know i i just don't think skyrims is as i think oblivions i i like also this different sigil and the colors on the tabards and stuff and i don't know i kind of like oblivion it's hard because oblivion's gods are so associated with oblivion's faces for me and the helmet on the guard armor in oblivion is not fantastic and so it's always stop you violated the law and it's some you know super wide looking head with funny eyes and this little steel cap on the top whereas um i don't know skyrims is a bit more sleek and and stuff but i i do agree that i like if you take the helmet off like if you look at some guard captains in oblivion um i particularly like uh corals armor with the kind of um the tree on the middle of it and on the shield and the the nice blue i think that's pretty good i believe sky oblivion again has obviously done concept art that looks much better and sort of execution they actually kind of change design a bit so we won't focus on that too much but that's the case with the baby and the helmet just lets them down they just yeah do you know what i'll say just real quick is that skyrim's guard armor didn't really look like um guard armor if you think about it obviously it becomes so associated with it in your head but there are some cool builds that you can actually make like we made um i think using the rift and god armor because it's purple we had a the wayfarer yeah the wayfarer build and and she hasn't and there was a bloodrider one as well i think we choose the solitude guard armor because it was like a red look yeah and to me that looks really cool because the helmet's not there it's got a nice color to it this kind of like you know cloth wraps around it and stuff it looks very decorative and nice and it doesn't feel like a a guard wait what the what the heck is this someone made our building hero forge minis i'm just i'm like looking at oh my god that's our build but but it's not our build you'll see what i mean here look at this you can show that that caught my attention on the google image search big time what did you say the other um there's a blood blood rider blood rider yeah no that's but yeah it's really cool the skyrim helmet is so iconic yeah but not for being i don't know yeah i guess like it isn't really fitting for a guard and the lack of variety does take points away but it is like one of the coolest looking helmets in the game like i don't know i like it a lot i like the aesthetic of the of the skyrim guards for for it to help like sort of narrow some things a little bit more too like just to just to clarify again it's like you know the graphics and so on but when you're comparing the different guard armors you're sort of also looking at like like how well they kind of execute i guess the theme of what they're going for like i just think basically my estimation is that if you said okay that's what oblivion's armors look like i'm like yeah that's cool that's a good execution of what a guard armor should look like and so on whereas to me in skyrim there's a very clear like improvements to be made all across the board you know what i mean even though you you could improve oblivions further yeah but and like the variety in the shields as well is much stronger in oblivion um is it though yeah the hold guards are just like they've got the symbols painted on but it's like wooden with like it's always the same shield in skyrim yeah essentially yeah that's true they all have the different shapes in oblivion i think that aesthetically i like the skyrim god armour set more i just don't like it as a guard armor i or i don't i agree with scott that it doesn't fit what it's supposed to be as much and i think the the reason it does is because i've seen it thousands of times associated with skyrim guards but if i didn't know it was a god and you showed it to me it could be any character which is why you can blend it up and use it with builds in a really cool way so i think i'm gonna have to give it to oblivion just based on that i also think that this is just getting into practicality but for for the kind of peacekeeper of a city you don't really want everyone with covered faces you know you you want you want your guards to be kind of relatable and and individual you don't want them to all be the same person so if you're talking to a guard you should be able to recognize them and and yeah i think as much as the helmet in oblivion is boring and it's just it's just a whatever helmet it's it fits it fits what it needs to be much better than skyrim that's true because you could easily impersonate a guard in skyrim couldn't you just chuck the helmet on and walk in no one's gonna gonna question have a look at i sent i sent through the skype living concept art ones and some of these have been rendered but i just love how they've altered them all slightly to make them like especially i love the broomer one with a big two-handed axe and the kite shield like really like you know sort of you know norman sort of vikingish look kind of like it's just it's just really good they do really good stuff i even like the coral one with the the bow and the the little hood with the armor underneath i have to say i have to say i don't like like all of them are really good projects but i think skype livian has the one i'm actually most excited about also because i would say i think oblivion the base game needs the most help like it needs the biggest like facelift in terms of like you know culture and and stuff like that like morrowind you go back play more outside of the gameplay mechanics and stuff like yeah they're they're clunky to work with they're old but in terms of like the story and the environment and stuff to enjoy i think it's like well executed of what morrowind is i think i think it's easy to get mixed up for people in in thinking that morrowind needs the biggest facelift because it does in terms of graphics but it's it's the law facelift that oblivions you know stylistic pieces need like your armor and weapons and cities and stuff like that i i mean the elder scrolls games have always been fairly good at it but there's kind of that strange dynamic as well where when morrowind came out it and this this can be said of a lot of old games like nintendo 64 games and things like that is that the limitations of what you could use to make the game force an art style on it more whereas oblivion kind of has an aspect of realism to it that dates way worse than morrowind does i see what you mean so in that sense it's kind of the weird way it's just like oblivion looks worse than a highly polished specifically like low poly game if that makes sense like those games that are meant to look like they could run on the ps2 even though they couldn't do you know what i mean like because it becomes more of that's a style choice it's like it's like comparing like pixel art versus um you know what i mean it's the same reason like a lot of cgi of the early like you know late 90s early 2000s kind of looks pretty yeah it's like re-watching shrek 1 again and you're like wait is this that's insane it's like texture's about to pop in or is this my eyes shrek shrek 1 truly is though like you know i can watch shrek 2 and there's a big difference between those two even but shrek 1 really does look like wow that is old like it looks like yeah but you forget yeah it was made on computers from that time so now i want now i want to watch it to see what you two are talking about oh it's it's uncanny and anyone can go with it now and yeah it's strange it's it's exactly like when you just now it's exactly what i remember but don't you it's kind of like when you spawn in a game and the textures haven't popped in yet that's kind of what it feels like yeah we've already finished talking about orcish armor so let's see let's get off shrek it looked exactly what i thought i don't know you guys hyped it up too much let's talk about imperial almonds well just just so just real quick to clarify the last part like oblivion would put down as the winner for between skyrim yeah but i feel like inevitably if you include morrowind the television guards alderaan guards look better indoor guards but yeah okay let's talk imperial armors because now we are kind of comparing them as a collective because there is a variety of them in skyrim variety uh kind of a variety yeah there is in oblivion because they have the palace guard armor um and then there is also in in morrowind a variety of arms yeah so i'm keen to hear your guys morrowind has a uh very large variety and obviously the graphics don't do it justice like if you see some different armor concepts for morrowinds like people remake them and they do look really cool like i'll send one now um that's just one of many but you can really kind of get a a different feel like i do like the color purple quite a lot i actually so i enjoy a lot of them yeah yeah that's really cool like i enjoy um a lot of or like all of the imperial armors and i grew up with oblivion so i thought it's iconic and i really like it oblivions is actually my least favorite um if i'm comparing the problem the problem is like actually if i was really going like what's my like least least favorite it's the imperial light armor in skyrim but the imperial heavy armor like the default one i i much prefer over skyrims um i do though actually prefer a morrowind's kind of look more i think across the board just with the sort of i don't know like i like that classic um there'd probably be a different name for it not just chris i don't know whatever the romans called it but like just the chess piece and stuff and with the horses and the pauldrons and it's that really like high roman era kind of style look that i kind of enjoy and i feel like skyrim was kind of going back tomorrow in style anyway um because there's a little bit of roman in oblivions with the skirt thing and and the sort of like head shape but then again there's parts of skyrim's armor like the heavy armor if you get the the imperial the variant with the closed-faced helm like that's really really cool um but i i don't know it would be between to me it would be between oblivion and morrowind and skyrim i think i'd put oblivion at the least for myself but what do you guys think i mean oblivion is just so iconic and i mean there's the imperial dragon armor as well that you get which has the gold design all over it over a armor look which you know it has oblivion's graphics but you can imagine it looking really special for the you know the hero of kovach main character vibes for sure um i i do like the legion armor i i agree that skyrim's one as we said in a previous podcast would probably belong but like be better off in hammerfell you can imagine that light armor being picked because it's it's not freezing it's it's hot um and it's easier to travel in and i can probably vibe that more if i imagine it in a desert but um yeah it's for skyrim you need to have the closed helmet for it to compete i think like that adds a lot to skyrim's ascetic you know the closed element you can find yeah yeah that rare one that's not saying i really like the skyrim with that like basically if you look like a centurion build um i because i will say in the morrowind's helmet i think it's the imperial silver um they look pretty whack some of the helmets the other ones looks kind of standard fair i'm looking when i'm looking at morrowind i'm looking more so from the neck down for the most part i don't mind the helmets and the standard guard helmets but um i kind of like i don't know just this sort of like the roman shield and the sort of it just looks the most you know highly i don't know it's kind of hard like because but this is what i would say i prefer your average imperial in morrowind to your average imperial you'll find in skyrim because in default skyrim most of them are wearing that leather one the light armor like you only ever see really the center um the legs sorry wearing them and stuff like that the the heavy armor and you also never see an npc really wearing the closed-faced helmet it's just the one you can find so i would actually i don't know if that really factors in too much but i would just say if i was to say because if you just said oh what's your favorite imperial armor in any of them i'd probably just say morrowind because in skyrim you don't actually see the coolest imperial armor for most of the game for a lot of the time it's like hidden um yeah pineda circulatus armor is cool as well but again it's just not the main the main one there i i don't know i i'm not really about the oblivion hate i quite like the legion guard armor in oblivion i do even though there's not much of the roman to it with it with the exception of the helmet and i i like the i know we're talking about armor but i like the fact that it's matched with silver weaponry and not this very wide looking sword that they had in skyrim though you could say that about a lot of weapons they could be made a little thinner yeah i guess um it's hard to say i i will say i don't have a crazy strong opinion about it but i don't think it would be fair to use the skyrim closed helmet one because it's it's it's rare okay if that's the case then i would probably just go with morrowinds i think i mean i don't know actually there is also another one i really like it's called from morrowind um it's another variant it's a rare variant but the imperial templar armor i'll just send it through in peace there is a lot of cool stuff well see that's the one i've been thinking about when talking about morrowind i'll just send through the other picture that literally has them all together i mean this one actually has the imperial dragon scale there because it's technically an imperial arm but like let's not don't factor that in not that yeah we really liked it yeah the imperial templar armor is the one i like from morrowind yeah but that would be your equivalent i guess you could equivalent that to like the imperial palace guard armor or something like that but i i just think this is more of a rome byzantine sort of look and it has that kind of um i also like that it has like if you look at the the one with the horses on the on the chess piece and so on it's also got like greaves and like kind of armor pieces that look like it's like roman but in a medieval setting as opposed to just going back to like do you know what i mean like if we kind of not sure about skyrim versus oblivion we can't reach a consensus on that do we all agree though that morrowinds is really cool i really like a morrowind's imperial armor over the top i think yeah it wins by well sorry it wins in variety it just has more variance but i think for the standard imperial sort of that you see around like when you go to the forts and so on i generally like and if you imagine them like you know up to a graphical standard a modern graphical standard um i prefer morrowinds over it skyrims are not that like skyrims could get there easily like l scroll six could be of that you know standard equivalent it's on the way there i don't know i just i i don't hate oblivions or anything but it just it's just kind of i don't know the hard iron sort of look it just doesn't it doesn't i don't know it doesn't shout empire i like it i just i know it's it's i feel influenced by nostalgia for sure i feel like those neutral people from futurama who have no strong opinion one way or the other that's exactly how i feel talking about this fair enough i i guess then scott and i can just weigh it to morrowind and and yeah i would say morrowind but it's not some yeah i but i still agree in the general like it's not some crazy like definitive like any of them are really like horrible but just um okay well i don't think we're going to talk about older scrolls online armors nor do i think we're going to talk about uh arena or daggerfall no we wait there's no point in comparing that it's very hard to up the graphics um in your mind i mean there are obviously some some cool designs in there without a doubt like yeah the eso stuff doesn't follow necessarily the same thing and it looks different some like uh i think there was a comment on recent stuff about um was sort of saying that like we're halfway gone about elder scrolls um online looking like world of warcraft or something the initial base armors if you look at it like everything eso in terms of like story and law and all that kind of stuff and weapons and armor i think has gotten better over time with each of the expansions but if you look at the og sets of stuff it looks really manufactured and some of it looks really clunky like ridiculous have you seen daedric armor in the elder scrolls online um i'll have to refresh because i don't know it's this is this daedric style um yeah well the style is kind of it's not really like daedric armor per se it doesn't look there's no redness i'll say that look and sometimes when i go back and look at eso's especially the standard sets when people tell me that this is not a poor looking armor like dude it's look look at this i just i'll just send a link and scroll to the bottom where there's like a gallery of like the light medium heavy um daedric style but again it's style so it makes me think like what is this like a cultist are you saying this is actually daedric armor pieces because no it's yeah it is it's the same so there's all the styles for the different because there's the whole like you can make your arms like look different styles and so on like whatever you want like no i i know there's an aesthetic i know that i'm just saying is this meant to be stylistic a piece of forged daedric i feel like suppose i think why is it green green i don't know it did look just let's this is this is why we're not so let's just say like all day whatever the extra losing like eso like the bone mold or they didn't kind of do bone marrow they turned it all into like a steelish looking i can't even remember if they call it bone mold because it just looks i don't know like it doesn't look like a bone mold anymore where is it a lot of it um some of them are okay i like if this is a shot from the trailer hold on from the like the vardenfeld trailer you'll see all all of them but like one of them kind of looks fine but generally it looks you can tell that the bone mold for sure it's just a bit too um maybe i'm going to change my language for now and it's not i instead of saying world of warcraft because i think people get like lost with what i mean by that that it's like all these giant like huge pauldrons that it's not so much the proportions but what i'm saying is eso has a tendency to look manufactured as in the armor is made in a modern factory yeah and then it's pushed out like it looks like oh here's my spec op cyberpunk sort of kind of like designed armor i wouldn't expect it doesn't look like it sounds like i don't know it doesn't look tactile it doesn't look like it's made in the 15th century do you know what i mean and that that's generally my preferences i like it to look like though that you know it was built in that time period but yeah even though it's not strictly historical obviously i'm looking at some arena armor sets right now giving me massive massive runescape um vibes like some some rune armor that that blue well i'm curious what this is a big question so we could we could always make it more confined than just any armor from any game but which of the armors we've talked about kind of jump out at you the most as your favorite for any reason or is that a whole another topic in itself probably a whole other talk because sometimes it's also like what mood but i do think like you kind of said before i think bone mold is looks super cool super iconic um and it just kind of and also has variability and stuff i think the whole concept of bone mold armor and the different guard style it's really really cool i think it's something you don't really see that's the other thing it's unique that's what's going on i think for me like the the obvious answer is the various iterations and and different ways of having daedric armor will always be to me the most interesting and the ones i find the coolest but that's kind of also probably the obvious take yeah oh i have to say i really do like like indirel armor like the ordinator's armor and stuff i think is a really cool looking obviously for me it's a huge morrowind bite it's just just the visuals i really like it and i i made a tweet ages ago a long time ago but i was like i wonder what it is but i have a very specific taste and it's like this closed sort of visor thing it's like if you go if you ever play nightstall republic um the mandalorians i remember being so into their armor and it's the same visor style kind of like as the bone mold and i swear i just like that kind of visor thing like i grew up with star wars so a lot of i like a lot of like i like how morrowind incorporates a bit more of that sci-fi look into a fantasy and i think the mix makes it fit fairly yeah the variations of all the different helmet styles like even um it on the kayaking and the um the next level when you've got these kind of like the goggles the the the kind of add the really alien aesthetic to morrowind yeah the fact the matter is if you took the kite and armor set and you threw in star wars and said that this is a bounty hunter and give him a blaster you'd be like yeah it makes sense but that's to me is the seller some people really prefer the strict fantasy i like the mix but like yeah i can see if it's not everyone's cup of tea like i could see if it's not like but for me personally i really like um a little bit of the genre bending kind of stuff i think it to a degree you don't want to lose touch with what the initial genre is but if you just tweak it to to give it some flavor i even really like the natural and stuff but i don't i guess i don't know unless you want to talk about like skyrim oblivion sort of sets is probably a little bit more of a grounded answer because it's not just i love all the stuff from morrowind but um well i think morrowind it would be the daedric for me oblivion well i guess it would be for both but i meant in oblivion uh daedric stands out the most to me yeah i uh oblivion's actually kind of a tough one because now now i'm like so spoiled for choice because to me i actually i think i generally prefer the armors in the other games for the most part like yeah except the ebony yeah i think ebony for me personally was the only one that yeah ebony was the only one that i preferred oblivion over many of them uh i like the oblivion steel it had a good start oh yeah that's right you guys prefer the steel ebony but i prefer yeah i feel like i've never ever said i like steel armor in an elder scrolls game it's kind of just like when you're forced to make a decision but i like still play in skyrim oh if i had to say one that's that's fair too that's true all right well let's do a tally okay so um let's just count up all the the morrowinds so iron leather um bone mold orcish glass daedric and imperial i think we said morrowind enough that laura wins the one that oh it it i it wins for sure yeah i just wanted to know but i don't want to know by how much yeah yeah i'll have to count again i've i've become distracted one two three four five six seven tomorrow wind and oblivion are we including steel plate though or we're saying oblivion wins steel i think that's fair oblivion yeah and you guys gave oblivion fur so one two oh that's right um and guard armors three and then skyrim got not dwarven kite and elven star rim so that's four and then if we give it dragon scale it gets five actually have to be fair too you know with skyrim actually skyrim won some of those with less competition like for example like style room it's only competing with morrowind or like kite and certainly competing with morrowind or elven it's only competing with the people and some sometimes oblivion just missed out too like the dwarven in oblivion was pretty cool but we just and like morrowind easily lost that but if we're just looking at numbers seven tomorrow wind three to oblivion and five to skyrim i think that's fair looks like morrowind has the best armors after all based in terms of design obviously not in terms of graphics but in terms of just concept yeah and design um but man i i will say the whole scary anniversary edition all the creation club stuff a lot of the armor variants are really good like if we included them in this um it would change a lot of my views like you can't like if you're including anniversary edition but i feel like it's kind of even if it feels very official now because it's part of like an official released game i do um uh yeah it just feels like an uneven playing field but like i actually really like the iron there's iron plate um if you're on the us page they're all there like all lined up but there's the iron uh iron plate there is the steel i think it's called steel soldier or something is another really cool set i think a lot of them are inspired by blades sometimes there could be a few tweaks but there's you know the the spell knight armor silver armor ebony plate armor like i actually prefer both of the variants of that there's a dragon plate insulated armor and the studded dragon scale like we were talking before but i prefer both of those to their original like but like you know even things like some of them are only partially but there's like dwarven plate um which i think is only two pieces same as the dwarven pl uh daedric plate but like you know daedric male is another cool variant like i just think they they added in a bunch of cool variants that they needed even i prefer the orcish um orcish plate and orcish i think it was called scaled orcish or something it's just cool variants there there is some cool stuff there for sure oh and dwarven mail actually looks more like your i feel like that's actually a take if you can you see where that is it looks more like the oblivion-ish armor it turns the visor but it still looks it's a nice mix it's a nice midpoint i think between the two designs yeah but yeah well i think unless we've got any closing notes i feel like that's a lot of that's been a pretty big discussion on on armor yeah we'll think we might not get as much yeah could be quite good maybe we'll have to rank weapons sometimes i'd actually be down there yeah i think that's pretty good well thank you everyone for tuning in we appreciate it a lot it's always a pleasure to do the podcast social media links are down in the description as is a link to our merch if you want to get an awesome t-shirt and we look forward to noting out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 67,178
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Id: u2lTRbvPehU
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Length: 91min 7sec (5467 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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