Super Bowl Burgers with Mr Make it Happen

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grit hey listen y'all know what channel you're watching you already been tuned in you just seen that thumbnail you've seen who i'm with so listen this video is all about just trying to show you how giving you guys some ideas on how to level up that big game that's happening this sunday hey so with that being said i'm gonna pass this over to him let him do his thing and then we're gonna get into it so i had to fly out here from the east coast come to the west coast to congratulate my uncle ab in person for 1 million subscribers so congratulations i appreciate you having me on your channel looking forward to making some smash burgers for you guys for the super bowl but you know we can't over talk it so let's get into the recipe let's get it [Music] all right so today we're making burgers two different ways i'm gonna be in charge of doing the american style burger which is gonna include some lettuce tomato a little red onion gotta have some thick cut bacon throw some pickles on there also if you don't like pickles you can always leave it off and of course some cheese hey so that was simple so look what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start off i'm gonna make a smash burger type burger right but we're gonna level it up i'm gonna start off by showing this right here hey i want you guys to take a look at this right here let me see let me see if i can get this over you see that right there got that brisket and we got some pu pool pork that right there we're going to put it on top we're going to make like a hellacious now look i'm saying that like this it's going to be a hellacious level up on a barbecue burger one of the things is listen i know everybody's not going to have that but listen this is just the way we gonna level it up right but look you can use chicken or anything you wanna do any type of meat you can throw on top and then of course you gotta have these right here i don't know if you guys can see that right there but this is my own you know my own blend right a barbecue sauce got the spicy and the savory brown sugar and to be honest with you listen use your favorite barbecue sauce you know uh either way it's gonna be good and it's probably like tailored to your palette but for those of you guys that have bought it because this is moving quick and lit a little shameless plug and you can pick up all of this and that creole kick at sweet hey can you get the meat oh you know what yeah yeah yeah that's right hey look the meat is at elmer and jasper's crab barbecue we're in haven city market hey but enough about that you guys are going to find out all about that down in the description box below and uh i'm ready you ready let's make it happen let's make it happen huh mr make it happen though all right so look this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna start off let me make sure yes it's hot enough i'm gonna go ahead and start just putting the bacon on [Music] thick cut now look we're gonna add a little just a little bit of olive oil right i'm gonna go ahead and dump this [Music] so look you know obviously same way you cook at home hot zone this right here is a cool zone right you know i mean uh after this gets going i'm gonna go ahead after we flip these and all that i'm gonna switch those over there we'll start flipping these moving those back there and getting that bacon grease you know on here and it's important to have the cool zone because it's something that's over cooking you can just bingo very very important and i also like to have a little water right right so i'll do this right here just to put a little steam in it so we're doing that now let's move over let's start doing a little prep on your sauce all right so one of the most important steps to cooking is your prep work if you do your prep the right way it makes your life a lot easier in the kitchen so what we're going to do is prep all of our ingredients for the american burger and have them set uh set aside that way when we need them they're all in one spot make our life nice and easy makes it clean up nice and easy also so we're gonna take a few pieces of lettuce i like something about that size probably about the size of the palm of your hand it's perfect for the burger patty so that's what i'm looking for there go ahead and slice up this red onion it doesn't have to be red you can use white if you want now this right here is matte look he gonna show me how he's done how the east coast get down to do the ears so right here he just wanted the customer then as you can see look that's like super thin showing off his nice knife skills stuff like that with this one right here look at this slider right here that's perfect and then the same thing goes for the uh for the tomato super easy super simple you know what i mean but when you say cali burger you got to have something like that it's got to have that lettuce and tomato okay so look what i did was while he was prepping you know getting everything prepped on that side all i did was just take the bacon i flipped it over and you guys make your bacon however you like it i'm gonna tell you one of the tricks with bacon is look when it looks like it's ready take it off cause listen it still kind of like continues to cook this one right here this is actually how look at this you see this texture and how soft it is that's how i like mine but i'm gonna go ahead and make them just a little bit more on the crispy side you know we'll let that cook just a little bit longer i'm gonna take these off and then as they fry as they on this uh paper plate you know with this this napkin oh we're gonna leave that one on there too we just want to go ahead and get it to cook down just a little bit more this one here i'm gonna say it's ready nothing smells better than frying bacon oh yeah hey that's the level up right there all right so now check this out y'all now i'm gonna take this i can scrape that in there but i'm gonna go ahead and put this in like this so those you guys out there that don't mind having a little bit of that pork fat you know what i mean that bacon we're just gonna go ahead and do this and let these work i promise you these grilled onions right here gonna be fire we'll just leave it like that we'll let those cook and then we're going to move on to another second segment and for our folks that don't like bacon they could just fry those onions up in some butter ah yeah yeah yeah just like you know what uh that's hey that's what i like about you man hey you cover all bases in the beginning i was using everything butter wasn't even thinking about nothing like that now that i start talking about this uh being meat and using this pork fat right i never even think about it all right all right take a look at that right there this right here are some nice onion now for those of you guys that like it like myself i could take them down even further but i'm gonna say this right here is cool so let me go ahead hey matt go ahead give me that uh i don't wanna do this we'll just take it like this so one thing about cooking on the griddle you see all of this right here look you know what that is hey what hey you got a name for huh they call that fawn yes sir aka flavor right all right [Music] let me see what you do go ahead so we're gonna make a little aioli uh for our american style burger we'll start with a little bit of mayonnaise about a quarter cup of mayonnaise let me ask you this what's your favorite mayo i'm a duke's guy okay personally i knew that already i'm a dukes guy we're going in with a tablespoon of sriracha also and you can you know adjust the flavor to your preference so taste as you go adjust accordingly so if you like it a little bit spicier add a little bit more that sriracha this ketchup will tone it down a little bit too because there's a little bit of uh sugar or really high fructose corn syrup but it's all the same that'll tone down the spice from the sriracha so we're going in with about two tablespoons of that ketchup and then about a tablespoon of w sauce there we go hey let me throw it up like this w [Music] about a tablespoon of that right and then we're going in with this garlic butter seasoning from sweet smoky joe or if you got some minced garlic a little garlic powder whatever you got just infuse a little bit of that garlic flavor in there and for a little bit more sweetness we're going in with some relish about a tablespoon break out the whisk mix that together it looks a little bit too watery you can add a little bit more mayonnaise to thicken it up a bit right okay so look everything that you're doing right there i do the only difference is you use that sriracha sauce yeah the sriracha gives it a little little kick to it i like that takes it up a notch and then we'll spread that on our burger bun all right hey easy hey before i get to toasting let's go ahead and check out that uh burger meat take out that burger meat now look when i do the uh burgers i do not let me just say it this way i do not and you gotta hear me i don't season i used to season all the time but i found out the power of just having salt and pepper i just wanted to like compact just a little bit uh here's a pro tip for everybody don't take your ground beef and make no tight balls or nothing like that you wanted to have a little bit of air meaning like you could look at it right there look just show that up you see that you can see like the grain in it that's what you want you don't want to pack it this will keep it so it'll keep that flavor and be like nice and juicy now look we're just going to take it take the back of the knife and just cut it like this in half and then i'll take half of that and that'll give me about a quarter right two quarter pound patty there you go and then i just roll it like this not really compacting it yep then if anybody following this channel know that i get in with them smash burgers you know what i mean that's all this is you know we represent the in and out out this way you know i'm liking it now oh yeah you know it's one right around the corner i might have to hit it after well after you need that yeah you so look i got these together i'm gonna go ahead and just make me a new one so let's come on over here to the griddle all right so me i like to just add a little bit of this olive oil right any cooking oil you guys use that's cool right there look just get it going get this hot and i know this is 80 20 uh beef you know i mean it's gonna render its own but that's just how i start so tricky is you just want to go ahead and just add your patty here you got to give it enough room so that it'll you know spread right and we're going to put it here and here i'll let it stay on here for about 10 or 15 seconds once it does that you can do it two ways i'm gonna do it this way we already got oil on here right now take this hold it like this and then we smash right just like you guys see there then if you hold it you just want to wait about 10 seconds then you can just take it up like that and i decided to go ahead and hit it with just a little bit of salt then we're going to come back and spread a little bit of that pepper on there too let's go ahead and add some pepper okay look you see starting to cook the pink part starting to go away look it's all about when it comes to a smash burger we talk about the crush that's what you guys are going to see on the other side now you watching some of my other videos right now i probably would back then i would have just put some mustard on here and fried it in the mushroom but you see that right there that's what you're paying for that right there that ain't nothing but flavor i'ma go ahead and just start putting cheese on now because it's gonna finish up real real fast matt you can go ahead and start getting yours together and then i'm gonna get out your way all right so for our american style burger we're gonna do about a half pound of ground beef 80 20 of course split that in half so we'll do two quarter pound patties enough to make two burgers so i can let a b taste one since he's been so kind to give me a smack so for that you just want to kind of start the process here you can patty these however you want they got patty presses if you got one you get them on amazon i'm sure av can link to one of those in the in the description box but what i like to do is kind of use this as a guide hand [Music] and just flatten them out like so and just go around the sides that way you can make a nice little burger pack hey so look who needs a press when you can do it like that just save yourself a couple bucks right right right and one thing about 80 20 is a high fat content right so that fat is going to make the burger shrink down so you want to kind of flatten them out a little bit more than you actually think they need to be because they're going to shrink when you cook them so just keep that in mind actually make meatballs i see you giving up the game hey meanwhile while you're doing that i'm just getting ready to put these these onions back on top on the griddle just to get them you know hot all right so real quick we're going to go ahead and season these up so today i'm going to use a little bit of this sweet smoky joe beef seasoning and of course that uh garlic butter seasoning so we're gonna do a little combo on there like the seasoning you want to season from up high that way you get some good surface area coverage in my brain i'm assuming that everybody know but that's right that's the way i've been taught this is why we hold them up i got all of them so once you got a good uh coverage of your season in there we're gonna put them on the griddle get that underside uh to get a nice crust on there and then we'll season the top side as well so right off the bat anytime i make a burger especially when they thin like this i go ahead and i give them a double patty right so we're gonna put them on here like this now we're gonna start making some room right but you see this right here this is why i wanted to finish them up later you see that and they tricky this right here these are done right so let me go ahead and do it like this we're gonna just put a little these grilled onions on here like this i'm gonna let the cameraman move in for this money shot look at that right there you know y'all want some of these for me i want it all everything that drips down on the side all of it now but you guys see that right there i want you to get right on in on that come on down come on down all the way down now i want you to swing it around this way oh yeah you look at that now let's go ahead and get them buns ready all right so we're working over about medium-high heat right now i'm going down with a little bit of cooking oil just to start the process up that way burger patties don't stick for those of you that don't have one of these nice flat top grills you can do this on a cast iron skillet as well absolutely i'm going to take that burger patty press down for maximum surface area contact that's going to develop that crust as you saw earlier same concept as the smash burgers give that a few minutes per side so we develop that nice crush flip it over [Music] okay so look meanwhile i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna take my mayo hey y'all this is me ab you know how we get out i'm gonna check it like that now listen for those of you guys that looking at this right now trying to figure out like i don't know about the mayo you know i mean you can do it one or two ways you can do it this way with the mail which is like the major level up you probably already had this especially if you ate at a hamburger stand or you can go ahead and go with the old school traditional butter and you want to talk about what it tastes like you wouldn't know this is mayo it's so buttery there we go okay so look we're taking a look look at it right look at that right there that's a perfectly toasted bun so i'm gonna take this here i'm gonna go ahead get underneath that and i'm gonna take it oh my goodness if your mouth ain't watering now i don't know what it is hey there's a malfunction let me just bring it close to you you see that right there that's the money shot mr make it happen all right so we're gonna put that here remember underneath on top just like you see right here and i didn't put no barbecue sauce on it yet because wait i got something for you just hold on we're gonna take this i'm gonna put that over here on this side and we're gonna take these off all right so it's been a few minutes we're gonna go ahead and flip these over look at that crush oh yeah that's what happens when you press down to get that surface area of contact that crust is gonna develop a lot of flavor on these burgers another couple minutes here so once you if you're not making a smash burger you don't want to smash these uh you don't want to get rid of all the juice that's in those burgers smash burger is different because it's going to cook them they're nice and flat so you can you can smash those but traditional style burgers you don't want to smash hey so look i saved this for last hey take a look at that brisket right there i'm gonna go ahead and just slap this down here on that we're gonna get that nice and warm now remember this came from my restaurant hey listen if you guys are around this way or within like a couple hours you gotta you guys gotta come on out and you know and like let's do a meet and greet uh matt's coming back we got something you know what i don't wanna let the cat out the bag i'm just gonna say this hey it's going down in a couple of months real soon all right so our burgers are just about done we're gonna go ahead and add some sharp yellow cheddar cheese on top which is great for an american style burger using american cheese also if you want i'm gonna use that cover to help that cheese melt like so give that about 30 to 45 seconds we should be good to go all right so now that the cheese is nice and melted we're gonna go down with that bacon two pieces per patty like so there we go looking good man all right now this is like one of my favorite parts right anybody watching this channel know i love the assembly it's all about their presentation right so look at matt get down this is what he bringing again this is that cali burger you can't say cali without having that lettuce and tomato right only thing really missing right there would be like an avocado but look at the final result hey matt you did your thing right there bro okay so look we're bringing up this little third burger it's gonna bring up the rear you can see i already got it toasted now let's go back over here to the grill [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and raise this up right now you can see it's starting to melt good i don't want it to be all sloppy you know what i mean i was gonna put some more of those uh grilled onions on there but we're gonna leave it like this put this over the top just like you see right now let's come on back to this burger [Music] now i'm gonna go ahead and just put you know the lettuce on here what else we got i'm gonna show you the pickles for the top but let me get some of those uh onions and let me get a piece of that tomato ah yeah man it's all in a nice all in the knife where can they get that knife from hey they know hey you know what sold out for christmas there you go right so look put some slices on here hey this part to me is just as good as like you know fixing it i like it out of onions y'all i know y'all thinking like hey damn that's a lot of onions but i'm gonna go ahead and get some of your little what is it called again aioli hey all right hey look at that deer oh yeah all right now just come over here let that drip now we're going to bring this over the top just like you see here oh my goodness hey my mouth is watering you know just looking at this now come on let me find oh here we go now let's talk about that barbecue sauce this is when we're going to hit just a little bit right just a little bit oh let's get it open just like that that way when i mash it it got a little taste to it now don't forget i heated up that brisket right we're gonna go ahead and just add some of this brisket on here just like this now this right here is all the flavor for all you brisket lovers out here i'm gonna go ahead and eat this myself oh yeah i'm gonna interject here just a little bit cause we gotta go down with a little bit of these fried onions oh yes sir yes sir a little bit more flavor and they're just delicious hey check it out now that you did that we're going to need something to make it stick together because you see if i push it like this yeah look it kind of rolls off right so let's go ahead and get a binder now that's a bird that's a burger y'all east coast west coast connection bird i love it hey can you imagine me and you with a restaurant doing something like this i certainly can oh man look at this right here oh that's the one all right so look let's just go ahead and cut this hey this piece of brisket laying across this right here hey i i don't want to over talk it man you know what i'm saying i'm gonna just get in you know what i mean we finished it oh man you hear the crunch from the onions oh man let's see that let's just go ahead oh man look at that right there oh this might be on the menu that right there folks that's it hey look we're losing our light we're gonna go in wrap it up talk about this for a hot second and then uh we're gonna get into the next video and most importantly taste it oh most importantly yes all right all right look so we don't moved in inside you can see we was like losing our light outside right hey but check it out hey if he had guests down here on the west coast i'm gonna show him how we get down hey we gotta have something before we taste test right before we drink so check it out y'all hey what what is this right here yes sir you've been following this channel you know what it is hey here you go man i'm man oh yeah hey i'm tripping because you know what color this is huh so you know they know it's great that's it that's right man yes sir doing yes sir all right so with that being said look let's come on down here look at this burger one more time you see it it's cut it's ready to go it's split in half ready for me and matt we finna make this happen all right cheers cheers bro oh man [Music] that's crazy that is man what do you think about that sauce sauce makes it brings that ties everything together oh man with the brisket the smokiness from the bricks oh all right so let's go ahead cut yours let's get down as you can see we ended up double patty in this one because why the hell not why not that's right hey you know what i'm gonna just go ahead and get mine might as well american style burger [Music] cheers that sausage fire bro hey i'm gonna go ahead and put these on put this over here so don't let them get mixed up that's good you ain't lying [Music] season right you guys let us know in the comments what your favorite style of burger is whether it's the american style the uh smash burger or whatever we're going to call that beautiful creation hey i'm gonna i'm gonna let you come up with a name for it homie but that right there with that brisket on it that's fire bro that's a weather yes sir go ahead you got tonight put that right there let's cut it it's going to be more traditional like to that in and out style right there this is how i like mine with no lettuce no tomato oh yeah [Music] all right cheers the grilled onion you can really really taste it what he needed was a little of that sauce brown yep hmm make sure my beard looks good oh this gotta be in the restaurant too i'm thinking oh wait we got to put that in some kind of way bro come see us folks i don't know about you but i'm gonna be back in here yes sir that brisket is banging on yes sir hey so check it out you guys can see hey this is for real now what we what do you want to do is we want to knock this off now right look this is about giving you guys some ideas you guys can look at two different channels you know what i mean to see what we're doing i appreciate you coming out hey i feel like i'm rambling that mean i'm over talking i'm free to give it to you do you bro yeah man again i appreciate you letting me come out here and hang out with you and cook with you uh make sure you guys take a second to subscribe to my channel as mr make it happen on youtube um just hit a hundred thousand subscribers so thanks for all the support thanks to my guy abe my uncle for letting me uh you know come here and cook with them and make these delicious burgers and i'm not gonna over talk it so hey so with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me just go ahead and say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking hey i'm laughing because i know you're looking at it hey everywhere we went he kept saying that hey so check it out check out this channel smash his like subscribe and do all of that the same old thing hey listen thank you guys for everything and i'll see you on the big game cheers
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 1,348,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, super bowl food, game day appetizers, game day food, mr make it happen, appetizers, bbq burgers, party appetizers, best appetizers, easy appetizers, easy game day appetizers, easy game day food, best game day appetizers, super bowl appetizers, party food, quick and easy appetizers, cooking, blaze griddle, food, recipes, recipe, super bowl, cheese burger, Super Bowl Burgers with Mr Make it Happen
Id: srCTnKm4RTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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