Mustard fried chicken

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but what I found she Boise rich I'm back again did today now listen I want you out of a man you listen listen man I want y'all to think about it you know other people that's gold that's what's going on in the country and other people that's sick and dying out there man you know man take time out to say a prayer for somebody else I'll shout somebody out a man think about him you know cuz I sure am I get a heavy heart when I keep hearing about the depths but I get I get an uplifting spirit when I keep hearing about people that are getting better from the illness and you know from the what's going on now they're getting better so I like to hear encouraging stuff as well you know it's a lot of negativity going on out there but I like to hit a positive The Cider that people's getting better but anyway today your boy back in the kitchen I'm making mustard Fried Chicken I hadn't done it in a long time I mean I mean I'm talking like a decade and nice but this is mustard Fried Chicken I'm about to me I don't clean took all the fillers off the wings and stuff I'll have his wings and thighs that's all I need and I'll clean it off and clean the chicken Amin took all the fellas and all took all the feathers and stuff all done this now when you're doing this here you got to get a little grime a little dirty so I got my gloves on so you understand me I'm gonna start it like this here got to have that fridges you can't handle any kind of must leave it up to me I put in account of must my wife said no you got to use some friends now we'll play that down I said baby must mustn't know it ain't is she right it's a difference anyway you cooked the chicken pretty good you're there all in there you don't bite no get a little tangle of flavor when it's fried with a fine and when it's done look it's not gonna taste just like muscle but if people out there give screamers a little bit it's not gonna taste like that and to get it wet it up a pretty good though it's it comes out so juicy and flavorful man t-then you go that is part of do it alright and you're definitely gonna need about 1/4 of a cup of garlic pepper garlic powder okay you take that you just spread that thing on in there 1/4 of a cup of garlic powder yes sir yeah yeah get on in there now you'll need by 1/4 of a cup of seasoned salt gotta have some seasoned something down on this thing don't taste right you gotta have it in it that's about 60 wait up like 675 almost 7 pounds of chicken in this pan so you have a season a pretty good 1 tablespoon of black pepper 1 tablespoon of black pepper yes sir and this you don't have to have on it but you know how we like it I got 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper they're going in there okay and I like to put a little pasta fix on it I mean used to cook this at our job all the time so I picked up that ingredient I've been there for like over 15 years now so pick up a few things get your hands yeah gotta get dirty now you gotta get in there get dirty it must at all on that chicken on the net and get stuck and dried out on in there yep don't be scared they get your hands there or your glove whatever you want to do the best thing you can blow a lot Nadi yes sir good day huh the guys marinating on there come on man someone catch on what's going on you what do you reach out and put this thing down si look at that hey I don't want to waste it drop mm-hmm come on they tell me they don't look good that is a method I get this thing coated with some flour some seasoned flour put it in the night of grease yes that's it voila I'll be back I'm gonna get rid of wash my hands a minute and I'll be back to home the flour the battery and to get ready to put it in the hot grease I'll be right back I'll be right back okay Fran and you can see right now I got my seasoned the steamed broccoli getting ready to go and I got my grease already about it hot hold on one second Oh all right here we go the grease is getting ready to get hot matter of fact is like I'm ready yes sir here we go all right so what I'm gonna do five drop the chicken in there I'm gonna add a little more flavor to the flour and put some old garlic powder in there and some cayenne pepper you put whatever you want quarter to young whatever your own desires yeah do it okay you okay yeah you got the season that flour to mess with that must take it there you go that's it hold it real good so you had a word right yeah see that it is the fan that good night turn it down that got the grease way I wanted here I might be late for the time my mother but me I finished me I sit over here this container right here okay but anyway I got me some seasoned rice or without me and with stinging babies right here my broccoli and I'm gonna let this be a fryer and I'll be back and show you my feelings a little look okay well y'all look like get rich hold on one second in your mouth alright come out different but trust me you want to try that see what I put in there come on and don't kick my thighs get some chicken thighs right boy get in a burger in them and put down some of them you don't cook it's our house today I'm oh you're better than me me Lordan or they me and I've going something down there let me know I just love people what people cooking and what kind of food they eat no one and cooking and stuff like that day I always love to eat the food and stuff like that but let me get serious about cooking does my baby's been doing her thing so you know a rub off on you and this is a good thing you know I mean just a man you can shift stuff something like this together there's something good in there - idiot I'll be right back that y'all see some more footage alright just mix a little coming out there now if you won't want this recipe whatever you just I mean you can look it up yourself or either arm you know I rarely watch the whole video and see what I put in it only one thing now I didn't put in this because I didn't have it you're supposed to put Texas Texas Pete hot sauce on yes so where they take the P hot sauce some kind of hot sauce whatever you want to use I like to use the Texas Pete on it or the Louisiana some time for them to leave that on there but I didn't have that and I didn't want the Louise damn I wanted to take some because it got a little bit more butter in it the Texas beat so but I would only use the cayenne pepper cuz I did not have it everything I put in there plus the Texas Pete is what you supposed to have okay but I tasted a piece of it and tastes just like it it's so juicing the emulsified chicken I'm Ted our look man I advise you try it try it out telling it I know most of you probably like it you know some some you know everybody's gonna like it a lot of people don't even like fried food so it is what it is if you want to try that out yeah check your boys video out I'll be back down with my finished look okay you reach out okay forever here's my finished look look at a steamed broccoli season steam ready to go there's my seasonal rice I put my own concoction in there and there's my mustard fried chicken we we we we don't get down tonight we bout to get ready to go in I don't make my baby plate already that's going to hurt y'all yes sir got some seasoned I got the chicken bullion and the little vegetables and stuff inside the rice it's nice and it's nice and flavorful it tastes real good so that's what's up y'all I did it again finish the meal gee rich out Lily out of life man you know what to do hit that subscription button I hit that writ I'll hit that notification button Jean reach out in your mouth y'all hear my ball court bye y'all
Channel: G Rich
Views: 2,868,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustard fried chicken, inyomouf, inyomouth, fried chicken, grich, cookingathome, husbandwhocooks, wondertwinzactivated
Id: q_vBKQsP0-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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