Decades of Love: How 20 Marriages Evolved (Marriage Documentary)

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[Music] in 1980 800,000 people got married in Britain with August the most popular month to tie the knot I was so excited I couldn't wait couldn't wait so to be mrs. I took my vows and I thought it would last a lifetime this is the story of 20 couples who all started married life in the same place that year I think everything read sweetheart I would have done everything in my power target our marriage back together twice on this and twice I went back I don't think I was in love when we got married but I certainly am now local papers around the country felled entire pages with wedding photographs we chose one paper the brighton and hove Gazette and trace the 20 happy smiling couples to see how their lives had changed in the quarter of a century since they'd all been brought together on the August wedding page marriage it's quite fun on it little backlit now I think they're over the dice I was 20 when I got married I've known Barry since I was 15 remember for my friends saying to me you know you don't know what I was like I know Barry and you'll never last with him we are bitter the one for the girls how long did the relationships last well done well around three weeks I was a blinding dawn that was three weeks I'm really will I don't like to think that we would you know I was totally you know goody-goody but I wasn't about it like he was I don't know what until never proposed went on before Roger six we get married that was it really it was never down on one knee and she said yes but you're gonna have to do it probably and asked my dad and for what well good asking for not marrying him I'm marrying you we've been to a party both had quite a few drinks we'd left the party stopped to telephone box to called cab and that's when I made the proposal in the phone box I wanted to get married simply because I love Brian and that's it I'm grateful even Nigel has happened I think it's a natural state for a human being to want to share their lives with somebody ours my intent at this time remastered music call it reminded me of Charles Bronson the actor I thought yeah little bit of all I'd like to get to know you a bit better so while I was taking the dog for a walk I used to rehearse you know them and think when could you know them now if I asked her how you know how should I do it I used to so rehearsal II know W would you marry me we'd never lived together our parents wouldn't have allowed that I don't think but everybody around us was getting married so it seemed to be the right thing to do we're still young I mean 18 and 21 it's quite young isn't it huh a little bit frightening because we didn't know what the next day and the next day and the next day was going to bring he didn't really ask me to marry him it just like that happened we just said should we get married issue and be a woman it wasn't anything genies or anything like that I was 19 and actually got married Mike learned most of the brides in the wedding page were in their late teens or early twenties the eldest twin was a widow of 60 the youngest Karen was just 17 / 26 year old boyfriend had proposed two years earlier without side Wars and he said will you marry me and I felt barely and forgotten yeah 43 15 yeah sustained you had a nice engagement ring we've got it in the lanes that was very nice in gatoring and obviously could afford it because he was working when they got that off of her boys my own age we die if you want to get married cars at fifteen you wanted to marry him yeah I think so yeah I did here I must of yeah because I wouldn't have said yes otherwise so it's 15 what did you think marriage meant the marriage my parents had they've been married 41 years now and they have a lovely marriage and I thought that would be the same for me and also I wanted a big family it would be me Bob and lots of kids 25 years ago getting my ID was all rather charmingly old-fashioned the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s seemed to have passed brightened by virgin brides were not the rarity they are today we got married and then it happened afterwards but we didn't before I was a virgin bride but at 17 I should hope I was we felt that we didn't need to have sex before marriage that was something to look forward to after we were married was that difficult for Graham probably yeah I think you know many occasion he was ever us and it and I won't deny the fact it could get very close but it was always you know that no-go area so virgin bride yes for me it was the build-up the anticipation you know it was a bit like you saw something and then you waited and it and because you waited it gave it that much sort of it just gave it that little edge you're a virgin bride no but I have to say Barry was is my only one I think my attitude to sex before marriage was simply that if it felt right for you there was nothing wrong with it where and when was the problem but no sex before marriage was definitely yes it was just where where we could do is are around friends else then either little car is in the car which is not very nice issue that and so it was is trying to get somewhere to do it 19 of the 20 weddings on the page were held in church not because people were particularly religious but because what everyone wanted was the traditional ceremony and of course the white dress my wedding dress was secondhand and damn it cost fifty pounds I didn't want a traditional bouffant type sitting on the top of the wedding cake type of dress just something fairly plain but pretty little lace jacket with pearl buttons down the front wasn't a very expensive dress must have been maybe 40 or 50 pounds did you feel beautiful yes I felt very beautiful that day the wedding dress I picked was on order with all the posters that are on the bus shelters and on the water and it was Charlene from Dallas she's got married so I wanted that dress I went shopping my father and he cost 500 quid but probably one of the best days of my life I couldn't wait to get my dress on I had somebody come to my hair I had all the bridesmaids there I was so excited I couldn't wait couldn't wait to be mrs. I didn't turn round until I knew she was coming down the aisle and then just turn down and look to that and I just saw this vision coming down to church and that was a that was a lovely play I started to cry I said to my dad I do it again and he said to me if you don't go sweetheart we turn the car around and we go back home I know wants to get married someone to have family but I was just very nervous oh and to be close your eyes they shy yes so there's no I didn't show they got that I was too shy I think people would life they didn't have that flash through there - is this the right thing to be doing that this particular moment in time I took my house so I hopefully came to the decision that it was the right thing to do and I without happy new latest doing it and I thought it would last a lifetime why did you get married because I loved him whether they thought long and hard about it have simply stumbled into marriage everyone who walked down the aisle that August had their own idea of what it meant to be mr. and mrs. well I'd certainly thought it was a thing to do to get married you have to have that piece of paper before you can go and buy a house together moving together I want to get my to have security to have somebody carefully and to be with me just fill content contentment security happiness love as they set out and married life none of the twenty couples on the page knew what the future held only one thing was certain there would be many many changes in the years ahead do you know when you're in love do you know does anybody know when they're in love I would say probably not now we weren't in love or I wasn't in love when we got married but I certainly am now in 1980 the 20 couples from the Brighton wedding page said goodbye to their parents and moved into their first home 20,000 pounds may sound cheap today but mortgaged to the hilt everyone found early married life a struggle we didn't have a lot of a lot of money between us Mabel's two-up two-down 16 thousand pounds which seems remarkable now twenty four thousand it was three quarters of my monthly wage I'm just the mortgage when we started off in a close close little one-bedroom it's freezing cold in the winter we sit there with lots of dude values and everything bounded it's freezing cold all we had was a bed of kettle in the cap and it's amazing what you can do and cook in a kettle we bought secondhand furniture so they can have a sofa we even had a black-and-white television we were happy we were together I don't think anything can prepare you for living full-time with somebody else I've probably been a bit sport living at home you know mum was of the generation where as the men were to be looked after so I had that to do a lot around the house and things so that was a bit of a shot were you a waste leeway no not really I didn't believe that the marriage was a traditional female male role I never has and luckily Brian didn't see it like that either did you take on board all those responsibilities as being a husband I didn't know well husband had to do really I mean you live together surrogates at inclusive dinner I'll come on it you know and I ate it we tidy away and then obviously it was a plug news changing light bulb whatever bit of decorating that's my job my mum brought us up to be very domesticated I did the dinner I did the cleaning I did anything that was to do with the home I done he was one of these people where everything had to be in his place every evening I would say how his clothes what he was wearing take the other ones wash tumble dry them ironed them and put them back away so yeah I've done everything I run the home when you get married you don't know what's in store and you are a bit naive and people could tell you things but I think you need to learn experience them for yourself I really enjoyed that you know the cooking doing all the sort of like womanly things for Graham and then he enjoyed doing with DIY and I was like always helping you know it was kind of partnership I suppose no and it was caught it was a really good fun whether the relationships were old-fashioned or modern the couple's all seemed happy enough with everybody safely on the property ladder they now turn their thoughts to what many considered the real business of marriage children Lloyd we had decided that we did want children I mean and and John having a child from a previous marriage marriage was definitely getting married and had kids that was a definite a definite yes we needed to have a family we always said that we'd wait at least two or three years to get a bit of money behind us you know get the mortgage under our belts and and pay at least a little bit of a mortgage off before we had children I was very keen to have children it was really part of our relationship I wanted to it like as soon as possible but Graham said that we needed to wait four years which I was very upset about but not everyone waited Donna and John were the first couple in the wedding page to have a baby John was 34 Donna was just 21 when she became a mother I wasn't expecting to have a child within a year - of getting married that obviously didn't take protection use protection to prevent it happening and and it happened Matthew was born in November 1981 less than 18 months after his married it's quite frightening I was a very nice first-time mum thank you very good mom was a good man was John a good dad he didn't help at all for John didn't help an awful lot with the baby having Matthew did change things EPIK him restrained it was never actually spoken to me by John that he felt excluded he just spent more and more time away from the house we went away on a holiday to Benidorm in 1982 I'd had quite a few very inebriated nights there and came back from holiday and found I was pregnant bizarrely I mean buddy was absolutely elated we couldn't wait I was 23 and so he was born 34 June I would say I was here there at the birth and want to experience great experience it was absolutely the worst thing I think I've ever had in my life and I'm in % very afterwards well you know this is it we're not having any more with definitely not having any more Sara said to me you disappointed as a girl but no why you know she's got two arms two legs she's healthy that's all that matters really was a Boyle girl so I was delighted I had to go back to work we couldn't afford for me to be off emember crying my eyes out and sticking with Zoe and say mommy wants to be with you but you know I just there was no no question I had to go back to work as Maria had agreed with Graham she waited five years before giving up work and becoming a full-time mom but I don't think he had actually a specific number he just wanted a family and children we sort of settle for three and that was fine we knew that we'd have to sacrifice things we sort of did things together and tried to do as much we could to know with the children I'm going with involve like reading story at bedtime and things like that the first 10 years we've had its ups and downs I suppose like everybody's marriage did you know but nine times out of ten it was it was a happy family the marriages and the wedding page would produce a total of 24 children this is somewhat less than the national average of 2.2% one of the reasons for this was that some couples thought two-point-two was to point to too many we talked about what the type of life feels quite like we both definitely didn't want children we've always wanted at times to ourselves to do the things we want to do in life we never never want to get tied down and I think that's important you agree that before you go into Myers because obviously that's going to cause a big problem if you can't agree on that I had a funny five minutes when I was about thirty but it list literally lasted a few minutes I decided I was being daft and we just simply didn't want children but it's a difficult balance between coming across as smug about this and just being factual and the facts are we do have a happy marriage and it's worked for us because we've made the choices that have made us happy we haven't had the strange that children can sometimes bring in terms of money to general responsibilities we haven't had to think about anybody except ourselves and I do think that's a factor is it selfish yes probably but we don't really care in doing how deny aren't really the kind of people that go all gaga over babies I probably could do that with a puppy or kitten but not a big picnic I think our life just sorta spotted along quite happily and children just never became and it is it's just sort of expected that you have you're 2.2 children you know and we never saw ourselves as that I'm in spending that fund to pay out for a house you know and pay out for other bills you know to suddenly have to pay out for so there may be there was a selfish side that said I'm enjoying Demi you know them and it's just us two we want to be just a nice little unit and I don't want it to be invaded by little children I always wanted to have a family I used to sit there and think to myself we're going to have a family and you can have this lovely child to care for and then when I was 27 I actually fell pregnant after being married for 10 years and then all of a sudden find out you're having a baby it was the most wonderful thing [Music] I went to the hospital and they said I had an ectopic pregnancy and so I was taken in and add an emergency operation and and obviously I wasn't when I woke up I wasn't having a baby and it had all gone completely wrong then I got rushed back into hospital and I had to have a full hysterectomy so I didn't have any children this big dream I had of having this lovely big family had gone so how did you feel I feel devastated it was the worst thing that could ever happen could I know that I know even with the family I know that I would have been a good mom no matter what anyone says I would have been overprotective I I would have been good we always said that we'd wait to leave stools for you before we had children when I found out that Lin was pregnant I was ecstatic obviously a new child coming into the world it was great yeah brilliant absolutely present the three days I was really really happy I've got my little girl my first little girl you've got that imagination of what what their life's going to be like you know well I've got a little girl you haven't just having all these funny clothes and things you know and she'll be doing this and doing that she was our baby she was lovely and so on a nurse came in and said we think we've got a problem with Lisa we need to talk to about it and they probably chose down cinder and our whole world collapsed because we we didn't know what down syndrome was why the hell we can see the Down Syndrome child at our age we don't know we'll never know that Lynn rejected Lisa on the first but it was really hard I didn't want to know that Tony wouldn't have any of it Sid no she's still my little girl we're not getting rid workers in those days it was you know they used to put many institutions and just leave them didn't like we argued a lot over Lisa over money and what we were going to do that was a very very hard part of our marriage I mean if hadn't been for him I don't think I would've kept her all he kept saying to me was she's my daughter and that's it you know she's staying here with us and that was that was it that was a bottom line I can go choice I always said that Lisa was given to us for a reason that reason was that we would look after we was Cherisher we would not ever ever give her away and she will be ours forever and ever and I truly truly feel that and still mean that now [Music] it took me a long while but I did come to Louisville and she's still my baby but it did take a long time [Music] the doctors advised us because of the mental state of Lisa another child would help Lisa to grow up we had mark and bless him he's been such a backbone to all of us as well as Lisa and he's just fantastic it's been very hard work and it's still hard work I think that's what makes our marriage strong is the fact that we've got Lisa to look after and lease it hold on sue she bonded that relationship between us because we've had to play so many things with her they just mounted decline that we've had to do together [Music] what the twenty couples and the wedding page discovered was that marital bliss could be rather elusive not getting along was often as significant as getting along we're very very different people would come from different backgrounds but they say opposites attract go down the pub I like to certainly don't like going down the path hiking down the pub a lot like off that car very nice car a large theater see sort of musicals no musical no I don't agree but then having said that I've never really been to one so I like to swim in the swimming pool oh my god let us see what do you like watching football I like what's your football sport and I do like to watch a film I just don't watch a single film that's dangerous I just sleep at the cinema and what was that I'll be so forward well so Allison we weren't here Rose did you have them no never bickering yes never really added well because I'll copy off the best way to describe our roles within the marriage would be to tell you that in January or may not have had one Rose do you happen we have Rose yes so Brown by words and everyday occurrence rouser a sex keep them missing money not so much money nowadays not so much money because money is okay but it still rails about we still worry about sex and the kids don't we so what were you writing about sex has he done let me know those are things that I do the irritate Debbie but you you tolerate it because this is the person you want to live with you know why did I ask her to marry me if I wanted to change her who would you see was if anything the more dominant one in your relationship or how does it work I think it's probably think you are me yeah where the trails Angelica I'm in short movin it no wife ever the trails are they know that I'm on all day I don't mean to sort of get bullying with him but sometimes I do I've never felt like I'm the junior partner in relationship or anything like that it's never been that sort of dominance you see bossy no I think he thinks I'm stroppy and bossy at times yes but he tells me I am do you talk a lot yes we do talk a lot to talk about those things really because you need to is no point in not talking about things you know you have an opinion you want to get across and you know it's not going to be very well c'mon you still need to talk about things but not everyone could talk through their problems Donna and John had had the first baby on the wedding page and almost immediately the marriage was in trouble I was very shocked very shocked at the speed that things went wrong but it was going very wrong very wrong he couldn't see that there was a problem it really was the case of I've got to get out of this marriage so in 1983 I filed for divorce I was now a single parent going back home to my mum I didn't know what was going to happen I didn't know what the next chapter in my life was going to be I was absolutely terrified guess we just stopped talking to each other we certainly weren't spending as much time together as we had been in the past no he wasn't coming home directly from the office he would be socializing with the other people in the office on his way home whereas I have finished work at four o'clock and I'd done my marking and preparation and be ready for a meal at say 7:00 and Angie wasn't necessarily there at that time it's after a period of time of sitting there eating your meal on your own you think why am I doing this I suppose I was finding my friendships in other places it was quite against my own personal principles that that's that time but I had found some comfort from another another person which I obviously wasn't getting at home at that stage [Music] I actually moved out of the mouth total home and I thought that even Angie Angie was saying he you know wanted me to come back and forget what had happened I couldn't forgive myself from going off with somebody else I'd mentally moved on from our relationship part of Andrew had been together for seven years they were divorced in 1985 now I've learned that marriage isn't easy I don't think love is just enough it won't just hold you together I don't think I found that with Andrew there's got to be more than just love in a relationship the breakup of cotton Andrews marriage meant that four of the 20 marriages have now ended in divorce everybody else stayed together and moved into the second decade of married life Gary and Janet had been 23 and 20 when they got married when you saw in your marriage certificate is a sign a sign you're going to be together for Leslie laws they had two daughters and were still together after 15 years I hope to think I was a good husband um I did what I could I went to work took I'm the YG's and basically done what could with what what money I was earning the stalkers you know in the 1981 mine owning a lot of money because I know the ring was fine it sort of tended to not be talking to each other as much as we should though so you weren't having rose oh yeah we was having a few rails but that was basically sort of like you know running it not enough money coming into the hills and then Jamie sort of told me that she felt it was a problem is with the marriage being a blight offer well you know I was having a bit of a funny turn sort of thing and basically asked her the question was what's wrong I mean what was coming on she had worked on she realizes something wrong I said no her time I mean I can come by to put a complaint to it up and understand the situation at the time coughing she could come out and tell me that she didn't love me she's ages she just didn't feel a love for me anymore well Tim it was our marriage wasn't going to go anywhere any further I suspect there was warning signs I'll probably didn't see him I'd honestly honestly thought they must have been saying I've done wrong I don't know I would have done everything in my power to try and get it together a bit he just didn't work she might demand of it it was over I see [Music] as you left the house with a bag of clothes and a tail and that was it [Music] you Karam the 17-year old virgin bride was by now and her mid-thirties a good husband is someone that loves you and cares for you and feels about your feelings and would sit and talk to you about things but communication between Bob and I was and that was it because if you ever had a conversation with Bob he always spoke to his feet I can't remember when he ever smiled I'm not saying that I was innocent and never railed back or ever but he was a misery the marriage I think got worse I may have made it worse what I decided to do was I couldn't have children so we'd have students and a lot of them and they could only ever be boys I didn't want none of these Safi girls putting their lipstick everywhere in my bathroom and whatever so we had lots of boys and I'm not sure whether he ever really liked the idea of having students but I wanted the house full of people the reason why I picked boys not just because I didn't want girls for the lipstick is that they would think of me as their mom the marriage I think at that particular time was over but he was the breadwinner yes I had the little job and but I didn't earn enough to look after myself I didn't earn enough to run my card in earn enough to feed myself basically so I stuck it out for a bit longer I've been married for 17 years I've been with him for 20 years and doing the 13 I just had to go do you know where I was going I just had to go I'd had enough so I packed some CDs I put the plastic linen bark out from the bathroom through a couple of little bits in and took the new brand-new navy blue tails I've just bought I liked those I took them with me threw him in the back of the car and I went and I just drove around and drove around then when it started to get de lined that I went down the mum and my dad was getting ready to go to work and I just got hugged by my dad and said it was over I don't want to go back I'm never going back and I never did 20 marriages six divorces some relationships creaking of it and others like Maria and Graham still going strong in spite of three children and not much money family life meant so much to Brian because it was something that he's always wanted a home family he's really committed to the marriage the you know being the breadwinner and looking after me and and everything that went with it really did you feel very loved I did yes when their youngest child was only two gram was made redundant from his job as a cabinet maker unable to get work he became depressed Maria began to see warning signs of something else he was becoming quite forgetful but they put it down to depression you know that it was just a stress he was put on antidepressants deep down I knew something was wrong I think the reality that something was happening to Graham was when he put a six-inch now in an inch bit of wood and being a cabinet maker all his life and doing such fine furniture for his job around the home it really set alarm bells ringing and I got told you just got to be more patient and understand and I really felt that I was coming to the end of my tether and I couldn't be any more patient and understanding did he have any idea what was happening I think he thought that he was just because he couldn't get a job and he was depressed initially I don't think he knew until we actually got the diagnosis from the hospital at the age of 33 graham was told he had early onset Alzheimer's later it would be read iagnosed as a form of CJD as his mental and physical condition rapidly deteriorated he lost the ability to speak but Maria nursed him at home for five long years I think he knew what out Simas was but you know what was in store for him he had no he didn't have any idea neither did I one of the hardest things was letting go of what was and accepting what is because you didn't have the husband that you fell in love with anymore and he walked very and it also was the fact that you had to be a mum and a dad to your children and you had to be the provider and and lookout for everything really that was one of the hardest things where it was just a partnership but it was so one-sided now by 1998 Graham was too old to stay at home with Maria and the children and he went into full-time care I went to see him every day I went there for otherwise fed him his lunch Monday to Friday Saturday's I was with the children and in some days I'd always bring the children they just like you know go and give daddy a cuddle or if it was a birthday or a special time we'd go definitely on that day it's just part and parcel loving company you know you'll provide for them you'll be there for them the vows I took is for richer or poorer in sickness in health and you know it just went with love is somebody really it always said I wanted him home they bought a hospital bed into our dining room and it was all set up so that I whatever Twilight knows to look after brain during the night and it was wonderful the children Ray was like jumbled over his bed daddy was daddy so we have two magical days of Graham on the 14th February 1999 grow and develop pneumonia and he died aged 39 [Music] in August 1980 the 20 couples and Brighton's wedding page set off on a journey through marriage 25 years later those who are still together don't seem entirely sure how they've done it well no it's never ever been romantic he never ever be like Mesnick my son buys me more flowers and my husband does I always think he sounds like wrong if he comes home with a bunch of flowers you still find each other attractive oh please sex on listen we don't show affection in public we're not sort of kissy Kissy and things like that but yeah we we we let we are but we just like to do when nobody's like I like to think that I do romantic things in fact not so much now but I mean I've I always buy flowers so loss flowers so I do buy first personally I can't blow down to the point in flowers but look and swelling they die in a sea family how important is sex and that successful happy marriage it's a feature of married life of course it is let's feature of any relationship close relationship is inaccurate but I think again with that I think can be able to write it what you mean by this [Music] we did not choose the couples in this film they were just ordinary people brought together in the wedding page of a local paper a quarter of a century later they're older wiser happier and sadder a universal story of marriage only 12 of the 20 couples celebrated the silver wedding anniversary I guess every awnings had a failed marriage we look back and analyze what's happened whether it was one person's fault or the other I certainly felt guilty if moving out I have learned from the first time around that you do need to be able to say what you feel and get your feelings out and and get them listened to as well not just to get them out but make sure they are listened to as well Pat remarried in the late eighties and now has two children after her divorce Donna never remarried but she went on to have two more children from later relationships whatever I've been looking for in any relationship with any of the fathers of my children or in my marriage whatever it was didn't work didn't happen I don't know now what I want out of a relationship and until I was sure sure can be I'd rather stay on my own then go through another failed relationship after his divorce Gary continued to see his two daughters in 1997 he began dating Michelle we met on a blind date and we had two off I see straightaway and we've now been together nearly eight years she surprised me by telling me that she had six children I'll put two daughters she's got five five sons and one daughter now we've got two daughters together so there's a full sort family big family now and it's good [Music] Howard and Debbie now have a nice house a Burmese cat three Jaguar sports car and are still teaching music to other people's children for Lorraine and Brian it's not just their passion for travel that's made their marriage work so well what's the secret I think trusting each other talking to each other yes always having a laugh about something you're finding the funny side Olivia neither of us are warriors particularly they have had things to worry about everybody does but we don't lie awake at night nationally our teeth very much and we've been lucky we haven't had too many disastrous events in our lines to tackle and we do appreciate that luck it's been seven years since Graham died Murray has no return to work but has not remarried I never thought about being with anybody else no I really thought we would be together till we are old and gray doesn't very much I assume yeah still doing [Music] Karin met Jeff shortly after leaving her husband in 1998 she spent the year since shedding some of her obsessive house blowed wheeze I'm still a fussy fussy I'm still fussy over my Kearn I still like the home to look nice I still like everything to be in its place I don't like the crumbs from the toaster on the floor but I do relax more you can put your feet on my sofa if you like you can put your feet on my [ __ ] you can walk in with your shoes on if you wish I don't particularly like it deep down I'm thinking do you have to do that but I'm more relaxed about it now and the thing with us now is it's not the matter of puffing up a cushion let's go out let's go and have some fun let's go on holiday with just me and him I know that one thousand million percent that Jeffrey and I will be together forever and ever army Sarah was adamant she wouldn't have any more children after Zoey Ben was born in 1990 you still love each other yeah I do very much and I'll never have movin my side I'd never gone anywhere but they love you yes I do not get got always got done so you know Lisa is now 22 and both she and Mark are preparing to leave home but despite these changes for Toni and Lynn every day begins the same way when I wake up in the morning Lynn's beside me I always look at her and I wake up Jesus Lee and I always look at her while she's asleep and I'll and I can look at her for 10 minutes and then she away country say when you're looking at me for once we've just then I say every morning most mornings always hoping I don't half love you I'm very proud of being buried 25 years [Music] unfort of the oldest couple on the wedding page rare was 71 and when was 60 when they got married in 1980 both had been married and widowed before against all expectations they had 19 happy years together until Ray's death in 1999 I was lucky to have two good husband I think that's why I hesitated a second told you think well you're taking a chance really aren't you second town the man Victor and worked falling we had some knowledge Tartans nice holidays when's now 85 and lived quietly in sheltered accommodation and Worthing she has no plans to remarry [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 736,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, historical wedding, love and commitment, love and respect insights, love and togetherness, marital experiences, marital journey, marital milestones, marriage insights, marriage secrets, marriage vows, married couples, married life, partnership exploration, romantic journey, romantic unions, wedded bliss, wedding adventures, wedding day emotions, wedding happiness, wedding memories
Id: op9C7QkDXlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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