Magical Moroccan weddings: Luxurious celebrations of tradition and status | DW Documentary

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a wedding in Morocco still resembles a fairy tale from 1,1 kns all eyes are on the bride the center of attention a long guest list traditional attire and flamboyant jewelry are all a must as soon as the bride takes her seat her family and friends take care of her every need everyone is happy the bride feels like a princess on a throne every girl dreams of one day having a traditional Moroccan wedding the bride is carried around on a magnificent L known as an Amaria every girl dreams of being a princess for one day at the celebration you forget all your worries [Music] [Music] for [Music] hello [Music] a July afternoon usra and utman are getting married soon they and their parents are walking through the sus in search of essential accessories for the ceremony this is something traditional they're called tabuka what did you put in there don't you use that at home for decoration we have one like that but even bigger what are they for you used to put bread in them they're beautiful I don't know about the small ones you still use the big ones as bread containers at weddings the couple wants a traditional Moroccan fairy tale wedding the ceremony is in two months in user's hometown of Fez utman and his mother Samira are visiting yusra's family a lot still has to be arranged and organized for the wedding usta's father Hassan accompanies her through the old city when their children get married parents still expect to have a say on the details Fez is one of Morocco's oldest cities and is known for its handicrafts Atman is still looking for some shoes to match the traditional robe he'll wear for the henna [Music] ceremony usra and utman flew to Morocco a few days ago to prepare everything for their wedding their vacation is almost over and soon they'll need to return to France Samira is looking for the precious Eagle wood called oud along with incense and musk large quantities are needed for the henna ceremony tradition calls for Atman to give the scents to his bride as a wedding gift this is really good do you have oud yes could I see it there's good for 30 and for 50 dram per gram how much do you need how much for the best this one costs 30 Dr the other 50 Dr a gr what's the difference that one is natural the other is scented and do you have bigger ones this is 30 dearham and this 50 dearham we need even more for a wedding ah for a wedding I'll order it for you I still think Moroccan weddings are the best in the world there's a lot to prepare the wedding focuses on the bride it's all about her beauty she wears different dresses you can't find this anywhere else only in Morocco [Applause] man Andra met in France both studied in Ren in Northwestern France and now work as computer scientists do you remember what it's like in Ren mom there you only get a little orang orange juice they fill up the rest with water yes very little orange juice and a lot of tap water and then they call that freshly squeezed orange juice I met utman in Ren France where we both live we met at an afterwork party at the company we both worked for at the time there was a spark between us right away it was love at first sight we then agreed to meet for coffee that was also in France then I called my mom and told her about she told me Mom I have some good news for you I said God willing we only hear good news she said I met a man from a good family he's very nice and goodlooking I like him and he likes me and we both feel sure this is serious I want you to know that M I was so happy and then told her Allah will make sure everything goes well it is important to me that it is serious between you she reassured me I waited to tell you until I was sure he's serious and only wants the best for me dad told me not to cross the line that's how we were raised we are not allowed to have close contact without a marriage certificate marriage is sacred everyone knows that in Morocco we can't be intimate without a marriage certificate here are the rules she is not allowed to travel alone with utman she is definitely not allowed to be alone with him in a small room or sit with him somewhere away from others I don't mind the two of them going to a cafe sitting there together to get to know each other better that's not a problem but to be with utman somewhere in a confined space to get too close to him I won't allow that as a father I simply won't my father is cool but he wants us to respect the rules that doesn't mean that we need to sit 200 M apart in a cafe we sit together normally respectfully Allah is watching Over Us in France usra has hired a wedding planner called an agfa in Fez SWA is supposed to help her with the elaborate preparations SWA works together with her husband ABD Rahim a Goldsmith and Jeweler to make a preliminary selection of possible dresses and matching jewelry look this dress could also be used for the henna celebration but there's no green in it but it goes with green true could you give me the matching jewelry that one the belt too here's the crown see it matches same color and here's the belt to go with it all the same color yes of course we show our customers wedding dresses that are typical of Fez Rabat or other cities and then they pick one some people have no idea what an Amaria is so we show them wedding videos they then understand and want the whole package right away meaning they want the bride to be carried several times in the Amaria they want a henna ceremony and a fasy address they go home satisfied and prepare for a typical traditional Moroccan wedding Amaria is a table for the bride or the groom there are people who choose to have two one for the bride and one for the groom it's a kind of litter carried by several men above their heads all the guests should see the bride and admire her beauty because she is the center of the celebration [Music] usra and utman the bride and groom to be are discussing the wedding with SWA their mothers are also included in the [Music] meeting haven't we been in that room before yes that's the queen Hall that's where you had another wedding that wedding had over 800 guests when is the wedding on September the 4th God will welcome everything will be fine do you want only the bride or both to be carried in the Amaria both the bride and the groom ah two tables plus a ride in the Amar for the henna and the FIA dress yes for the henna and the F dress now for the wedding will I provide the wedding attire or will the bride I have commissioned two cfan dresses one for the Amaria and one for the henna evening and the third one we will gladly get that from you and please don't forget the modern wedding dress wonderful as you can see very beautiful I love the color very pretty very pretty that would fit the jewelry can we see the jewelry the matching belts very nice can I see the earrings the earrings are beautiful too very beautiful the crown and the belt are gorgeous here's the matching necklace may I see the necklace I have a br the necklace is also very beautiful can you try it on could you pull your hair back it all goes together Crown earrings and belt can I see the crown Come a Little Closer beautiful I'm excited you already look like a [Laughter] bride very classy children Allah bless [Music] you the bride's parents used to organize and pay for the wedding but both families now often share the burden as with utman and Us's [Music] wedding USA's mother reserved a haul for the wedding reception but some unexpected problems have Arisen Rashida didn't you visit the hall I asked the owner if he can swap out the benches for tables with chairs I don't know can't you come over it's a disaster there would be guests sitting with their backs to the bride at two spots that's unacceptable us and man will pick you up she coming here is US's mother coming now yes you are going to pick her up the hall will hold 10 tables at most at most yes and there are other problems they can't count it's not like we only have 10 tables mom where are the other two tables going to go outside in the garden look at this same problem some guests would have to sit with their backs to the wedding unacceptable guests don't want to be squeezed onto a bench either or would you like that of course not you're right we'd best clear everything out I hope the owner is okay with it I'll have a talk with him we need to talk to anfa she's in charge I don't like the decoration there's better we need to talk to the florist I don't like it I'm not a fan either no problem the florist is just a detail yeah you're right it's just a detail speaking of which the ngafa will take care of of everything how did you solve the air conditioning problem the owner is organizing everything that's what you had told me yes that's how it is but I was told by the owner that he didn't know about air conditioning he will just refer us to someone who will install it the hall doesn't have any how is that going to work someone has to come specifically for air conditioning that's exactly what he told me someone else will install it it'll cost extra come here want to sit down let's sit how do we look you're supposed to be celebrating us as bride and [Laughter] Gro did you know we're only allowed to celebrate until 11:00 p.m. yes they close everything at 11: p we shouldn't take any chances but we shouldn't drive ourselves crazy either we'll wait until the afternoon we don't have a choice anyway we won't get our deposit back we can't change anything let's not make everything more complicated how much did you put down about 40,000 real I'd rather lose €200 than ruin the wed can't change anything Rashida we don't care about the deposit how much did you pay real no no let's wait until we find something else then they can keep the deposit we have to keep looking I don't care about the [Music] deposit [Music] the some items are made entirely by hand some by machine of course there's a difference in price the upper part here is made entirely by hand I make this pattern with the machine and then a woman embroiders it with beads so this cfan for example goes through several hands there are about 10 people working on this piece alone one makes the arm another weaves the B another draws the pattern by hand I also work on the pattern take measurements and do the tailoring by the time a cfan is finished and looks like this one to 10 people have worked on it for a long time our craft isn't what it used to be in Fez there used to be a yarn maker quarter where only yarn makers and tailor were now we are down to two or three tailor our manual work is now being replaced by computer controlled machines there are also not enough young people learning the [Music] [Music] tray wel going out with your girlfriend is now tolerated even though the law forbids it a policeman is allowed to stop you and ask you who your companion is you can go out with your girlfriend but if you want to travel with her alone and share a hotel room with her you can't do that without a marriage certificate every young Moroccan knows that UT Man's family lives in the Metropolis of Casablanca he was born raised and graduated from high school in the city he first studied Engineering in Morocco and then went to France to study computer [Music] science usra first met my mother when we came from France and landed in Casablanca she lives and F my mother then came to visit us at home she and usra had already spoken on the phone several times there was minor friction but only because of the stress surrounding the wedding I think they're getting to know each other went pretty well the bride and I didn't really have any problems but we here in Casablanca have our wedding traditions and they in Fez have theirs they are attached to their traditions and we're attached to ours there was some tension the bride said we in FZ do it this way and I said we in Casablanca do it this way in the end we tried to find a compromise the main difference between a wedding and Fs and one in Casablanca is this people in FS usually hold two separate celebrations one for the bride and her family the second for the groom and his family we will have one wedding for everyone that's enough two celebrations have become unusual these days tell mama how it used to be what did people do first was there a henna celebration of course that was held at the bride's family who brought presents the groom's family and after that comes the wedding day there were no photographers back [Music] then the women were among themselves they used to just bake for two days before the wedding yes all the wedding pastry was prepared at home everyone who could bake helped out there was no caterer or anything I didn't have one either the bride's family was responsible for everything pastries and food and there was no men's music group Men weren't even allowed to be there ah only women yes men and women were separated the wedding went on until 7:00 in the morning and then they would wake up the bride as soon as the bride left the bedroom her Underpants were brought to her family as proof everyone is looking at her the Underpants were shown to the family and neighbors so that everyone knew that something had happened on the wedding night and then the bride is given money and if the Underpants don't then All Is Lost then the fighting would start a brawl would break out some would Flee for fear of being beaten the bride's family would take off yes the bride too of course Fez early September everyone has returned to Fez for usra and OT man's henna celebration which is an important part of a traditional Moroccan [Music] wedding the families want to avoid renting a hall for 2 days and have decided to host the celebration at the family of ABD Rahim the father of the groom the guests arrive first then the groom and his family make a ceremonial entrance featuring A procession and Gifts accompanied by drum beats and music nobody in Morocco is bothered by the noise letting everyone know about your wedding is part of the culture [Applause] [Music] [Applause] while the guests welcome the groom the bride is being prepared for her grand entrance in a separate room the nffa helps her put on the Magnificent gown and gold jewelry she also does the bride's hair and makeup everything has to be perfect when the bride meets the guests in a few minutes the traditions and customs in Morocco are different than in France even though a lot has changed if your parents trust you you now have a little more freedom the groom used to have to wait to see his bride to be until the wedding day and mothers usually chose Brides for their sons but this is no longer true for Our Generation if you meet someone and you get along why shouldn't you get [Music] married all eyes are on usra the guests notice and comment on every step gesture and facial expression everyone is taking pictures and everyone wants a photo with the bride and since Morocco has also joined the digital age the photos and videos will make it to social media later that evening SWA the ngfa has provided the dark green henna dress and gold jewelry everything is perfectly matched [Music] unfortunately the cfan that usra ordered from her cousin was not finished in time the Young Bride enjoys being the center of attention she's dreamed of this day for so long and now it's finally [Music] here the singer first praises the prophet Muhammad then he Praises user's Beauty and [Laughter] [Music] elegance the guests celebrate the bride in her magnificent henna dress and carry her through the hall on the armaria the couple is then married According to Islamic custom the ceremony is carried out by two religious officials representing both the state and the faith in the name of Allah all the best my child dear otman I wish you all the best in the name of Allah and his Prophet Muhammad you're here to marry usra as a wedding gift give her these three gold coins worth $3,000 Euros please sign [Music] [Music] here and you sign here too please [Applause] a prayer for the bride and groom and verses read from the Quran make The Marriage official congratulations may Allah bless this wedding I wish you both all the best for the future a life full of joy good health he and many [Applause] children [Music] [Laughter] the henna ceremony begins after a ceremonial meal an artist paints traditional patterns on the hand of the Bride As a sign of Joy fertility and good luck the guests are also welcome to take part women used to prefer bright reddish brown henna to be painted in large patterns on their hands and feet but more ornate filigree patterns are now on [Music] Vogue the decorated hands and feet are then wrapped in Cotton to protect the [Music] artwork many leave the wrap on all night the longer the henna remains on the skin the darker the [Music] [Music] color usra chose to get a subtle diamond pattern on her ring finger [Music] [Music] [Music] September 4th 24 hours after the henna ceremony the day of usra and at Man's big wedding celebration the mothers finally managed to find a suitable hall for the [Music] event it's large luxurious and has air conditioning but at €4,500 the price is steep twice their [Music] budget outside the Grooms family sets up the tier fur the traditionally embroidered velvet containers forman's gifts to the bride they're left open so everyone can admire the gifts branded hand bags and other accessories dates and chocolates the jewelry and atut man's gold coins are a big hit the more valuable the gifts the higher the family's Prestige it's time drums and music announce the beginning of the celebration utman and his family carry the numerous gifts into the banquet hall filled with [Music] guests the traditional start of every wedding ceremony stylishly staged by swer the nffa SWA and her staff prepare utman and yra for their big appearance in the Amaria the most important moment of the festivities I love dressing the bride decorating her with a crown and a belt so that she feels comfortable in the Amaria if she is happy and pleased then so am I swer does a final check of the bride's outfit does everything crown hair cfan fit perfectly s's reputation is at stake she gives you for final instructions before the big appearance the wedding day is the most important day of the bride's life she wants to be a princess my job is to make her dream come true the time has come the bride and groom are carried into the Hall usra is wearing a cfan designed by her cousin zenb fortunately the gorgeous cream colored piece was finished just in time usra and utman clearly enjoy being in the [Music] [Music] spotlight a traditional Moroccan wedding is complicated it is celebrated in several States stages there are regions where people celebrate their wedding for 3 to 4 days we decided to limit it to two the celebration is so tiring and exhausting I can't even put it into words but we have no choice we have to organize this wedding to make everyone happy we don't have that many opportunities to bring the whole family together the wedding is a chance for us all to have fun dance eat and laugh after the Amaria the ceremonial presentation of the bride and groom the couple retires to private [Music] quarters after a short break it's time to put on the next set of festive attire the bride also gets her hair and makeup [Music] redone while while the bride and groom are away the guests dance and enjoy [Music] themselves [Music] the bride appears a second time this time clothed in green this part of the celebration is reminiscent of the henna ceremony and is meant for all those who could not attend the previous evening an abbreviated stylized henna ritual is performed but no hands are actually painted [Music] for usra it's an opportunity to wear the cfan designed by her cousin ZB which was not finished in time for the actual henna [Music] celebration [Music] usra andman enter the dance floor in good spirits following tradition the guests give them Bank notes the two will pass these on to the ngfa and her team for a job well [Music] done [Music] no traditional Moroccan wedding is complete without the fussier Garment as the name suggests this type of cfan originated in Fez and is one of the oldest varieties of Moroccan wedding dresses the heavy Lush brocade and massive Crown are quite a challenge for petite usra but usra knows what's expected of her to smile and not let the effort show [Music] it is important that we celebrate a traditional wedding not only for the family but especially for the bride this is an opportunity for her to be the center of attention and to be celebrated by everyone we want to have a modern celebration but with all the customs of a traditional wedding for example the Amaria AIA dress henna and so on but we'd like the rest like the wedding hall the catering the service and the food to be a bit more [Music] modern it's now well past midnight time for the highlight of the evening an appearance by usra in a modern white wedding dress and otman in a black tuxedo something fit for the Silver Screen the bridal couple had expressly requested this touch of Hollywood including the saxophone [Music] accompanyment I'm getting married to start a family because I don't want to stay alone all my life I want to share responsibilities with someone live happily with him and discuss everything with him my parents live far away from me I can't always pick up the phone and tell them about my worries that's why I want someone for the good times and the bad and I also want to start a family not right away but maybe in a year or two marriage doesn't mean just him and me but also children we will start a big family God [Laughter] willing the wedding was a hit the bride and groom their families and the many guests are happy tomorrow the newlyweds will start their honeymoon and after that their new Life as a couple in [Music] France
Channel: DW Documentary
Views: 289,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Documentary, DW documentary, full documentary, DW, documentary 2023, dw documentary, documentaries, Documentaries, Morocco, Fez, wedding, love, henna party, fassia dress
Id: wrSboMbXVbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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