How Do I Raise My Kids in Extreme Poverty? (Poor Family Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey my name is kay i'm 34 years old my biggest dream is that all my kids make it in life seriously that's the truth [Music] i'm richard i'm 14 years old when i finish school i was thinking of being a graphics designer my name is caitlin and i'm 12 years old when i grow up i want to be an explorer my name is alex ah i'm 11 years old when i grow up i'd like to be a fireman my name is ellen i am 9 years old i want to be a teacher [Music] my name is brianna i'm eight years old when i grow up i want to be a police officer my name is zachary i'm eight years old when i grow up i want to be a teacher [Music] we moved to angus people weren't that like they didn't really pick on us as much because like we're all in the same type of thing like everyone goes to the second hands or anything but in barry like everyone went to old navy and everything and more people picked on us and everything fun [Music] we got [Music] and everybody called us dirty and stuff going over here they said like we lived in the cardboard box and everything and that we like had baths out in the rain or anything [Music] nobody wants to be poor nobody wants to be looked down upon we're people so we're poor it's what we are not who we are kay rice and her family drifted from town to town in southern ontario struggling like many of the rural working poor to find stable work and affordable housing they've lived in four different places in just over a year kay dreams of lifting her children out of poverty and of calling somewhere home paintball no we don't have enough money to do some more yeah the rest of the money went on groceries carl and i this year this is 2002 we won't even clear ten thousand dollars there's eight of us you know what the poverty line is for a single couple with no kids i mean we don't even make that poverty line the rice kids come from a long line of the struggling poor starting with their mom and going back generations i grew up in toronto in poverty of course my mother was low income she raised us on mother's science and it was rough [Music] my name is joanne and i'm kaye's mother i grew up in cabbagetown in toronto my father was a wino my mother struggled to keep her family together my mother's mother raised nine kids and then my great-grandmother too yeah and my grandmother raised her children on her own so and mom did the best she could that way too so it's going by generations of being poor in the beginning i moved a lot because of my biological father beating my mother [Music] my father tried to stab her or he beat the [ __ ] or already drug her down the street by the head of hair at one point when he was kicking me and stuff i remembered seeing my children on the couch crying so i decided that that was it joanne left toronto taking kay and her other children to small town ontario the cycle of violence continued with kaye's first husband my first ex-husband actually threatened to kill my daughter she was just a baby and he held her over top of the stairs and he said he was going to drop her if i didn't give him the money for the groceries for him to go drinking you know i gave him the money because i wanted my child so yeah i gave him the money in exchange for the baby i've been through a lot i mean these guys have even put me through a lot and i did everything i could to protect my kids [Music] it's an ata double hockey stick then kay met carl harryman he's a quiet withdrawn man with no money few prospects and a troubling inability to hold down a job again let's go [Music] the good things i would say about girl is she's not drinking and abusing her and the kids okay he's not doing dope you are not yours right here we have no children together but he took the six kids on as his own and for eight years that's the way it's been he's been there died [Music] carl drove cab kay worked in restaurants and convenience stores [Music] their biggest concern was how to put a roof over the heads of their children [Music] we haven't been able to find stable housing because most people won't take six kids [Music] we moved a lot because of slumlords by living conditions we lived in places that were full of cockroaches you know bad wiring [Music] they moved from very to angus hoping that this house they were moving to was a safer home for the children a healthier home [Applause] and this guy in angus said he would take us even it was too small for us he seemed really smooth and very nice guy in the beginning he was willing to work with us and it was a two-bedroom house but it was 6.50 a month it was very cheap he was willing to take her children she told him she had six children he said that's okay wait a sec yeah when we open the door that means we're ready okay we're ready we're ready so you guys always sleep together no no they like they sleep together we sleep together over here and she she sleeps on her on my own bed we need bunk beds but i can't afford them right now ah you shouldn't have said that why why is the truth what okay let's go in the boys room now it's what i sleep right there with the teddies and alex sleeps on the other side yeah and he switches and richard sleeps right here because he goes like he's asleep until we get her back [Music] i sleep on the couch my husband sleeps on the floor the house was too small for eight people a bigger house next door owned by the same landlord was now vacant the family moved in with the understanding that they would clean up the place and receive a month's free rent in return i know it was in bad condition but he said to me that he would pay me for cleaning it up and fixing it up in it and that we'd work together and fix it so how long have you spent uh cleaning up the place this is the seventh day now day and night it's been hectic it's uh it was pretty bad um anything you can name for dirt uh including urine and feces and stuff was in here um no this is actually where the cats were going to the bottom seriously there was there was but they may have been going there because maybe that had leaked i went through that house and i was not impressed this is dangerous i cut my hip on that already you know what craig saw it isn't the flea see if you can't get a doorknob or something from one of them so are you happy to move yeah yeah why oh because it's just bigger houses spiders how come you have paint on your face you guys are taking the walls in the roof how come you're painting we're trying to get rid of the smells months so it's really easy so you guys are all good helpers huh yeah we put a lot of money it was over a thousand dollars anyway we had bought everything from mobs brooms gloves j claus you name it clean supplies this is your new room zack yeah is it better than your old one pretty [ __ ] what's better about it it has a mirror in it and it's bigger there's a better closet and there's lots of room [Music] april 18th is when i knew everything was over with the landlord the deals were off and everything the landlord is at the door asking for the rent if there was a deal for free rent and cleaning expenses he doesn't remember it some of these weren't livable there was there was mold and mildew and feces and urine and it was just disgusting but i have no money left well i don't know i got the last of my change yeah they're uh she has to pay the money up front for the rent now so the two months worth of rent so whatever that is it's like uh 1400 she can't afford that right now because she spent the 1300 she did have on fixing this place up and she's got all these receipts saying that how much money she spent on the place like on this much on cleaning supplies as much on this and you won't give her any of the money until she pays all the money but she doesn't have it she spent it and the baby bonus says she get does get tomorrow she's asked to feed her kids and everything else on for the next month so do laundry everything else so basically he says she's screwed he told me i swear to god as my witness he said to me when this all went down on april 1st he said can you handle the cleanup and fixing up the house and i'll pay you so where's my payment today okay he's not mentioned because he's not going to pay me how much do you rent 650 to him my day bonuses 1100 no money for food or anything why can't you just give him some money tomorrow and not all of it tell him no i can't give it to you because i have to do things legal i have to physically hand him 650 and say i paid my rent if i don't then he's gonna do his thing ditch the [ __ ] is what he said that's his exact words ditch the [ __ ] if i call any inspectors or anything in here it's just disgusting let's ditch the [ __ ] who says that that's not a professional talking that's not a that's a bully talking that's somebody who's threatening somebody how do you how did that make her feel at that time that was in reference to her those six children knew that was their mother he was talking about you outside of play why no getting tired [Music] [Music] just when it seems things can't get any worse carl harriman the surrogate dad to k's children loses his job driving cabin [Music] my name is heidi minuti i am the french teacher at our lady of grace school the rice family with those children they were always so happy they were always cheerful [Music] they were so polite at school very beautifully raised children uh sister heidi would you read the opening prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen let us reflect on the words of our lord jesus christ heidi is a volunteer at the st vincent de paul society it's a roman catholic relief agency that offers immediate help to the poor we went on that call when we entered the home i met these children they greeted me with madame how are you bonjour madam and my first shock was these are my students and i looked at their living conditions and i said these are their learning conditions how can they learn how can they reach their potential thank you for coming okay you're very welcome everything else was in such this array that was so out of character with the nicely dressed children that came to school every day how did you manage to pay your your rent and your hydro um well this has only happened in the last few weeks so we were paid like we had money coming he was driving cab yeah oh yeah he did have a job he just recently lost it yeah asked the usual questions and suddenly there was a big noise that's the house falling apart no social services whatsoever okay what is coming in at the moment uh for us working nothing the canadian government is not child friendly not family friendly oh definitely that's what we're finding out thank you very much i think i decided personally i wanted to be assigned to the case say bye today they gave us a clothing venture as well as a food voucher so it was very nice for them like many in her situation kaye could apply for welfare but doesn't that's because she would lose most of her baby bonus check and would have to account for any outside income financially she'd be no farther do one of those dollar day ahead and grab a few things for 25 dollars caitlin doesn't ellen need shorts or brianna ellen's fine she had a lot last time so zachary and alex if we'll be lucky if we find richard a pair one thing about having six kids if it doesn't fit one just a bunch of clothes yeah barry soccer club i can pretend my kids are in sports can't afford it but i could pretend you cannot have those don't even go there camera on or not for myself it's been years i never buy anything for me always the kids and my husband come first even when i've had a job and i i still buy second hand for myself i found a pier mom zachary zachary oh except they have a lot of dirt in them your size 2. goes look for another pair he needs something a little better than that too let's go [Music] come on zachary arena i i don't know pick a number from one to ten wait no give it to brianna because there's other cute ones in there for zachary too i got something oh yeah my number was seven here richard here's the swimsuit richard here's the swimsuit i found if it'll fit you can mean someone go down to the dollar store over there and see if we have any dollar nine votes no we don't have any money look look look at me look at me competition no money i know well there you go it's gonna be in style it's gotta be cool so would you like to make fun of that school it's not for school this is for summer no one's gonna beat you up there's no one's gonna pick on you that's why i got these calls it didn't matter if it would look like a sacrifice summertime you don't get beat up so you can wear them for the summertime alex has been singled out by a schoolyard bully because of his clothes he's always beating me up and swearing at me and stuff and then and the principal was always saying deal with your own situations when you're in poverty kids are the meanest people so you can actually get beat up for not having the in clothes or you know 100 pair of shoes i got beat up so bad one time because of my clothing i had to be taken to the hospital my uh to 19 year old girls who thought my clothes were gay because i couldn't afford the expensive clothes everyone else wore so yeah that was pretty bad to be taken to the hospital didn't mean that it didn't leave a real serious impression on my daughter that you know when you're poor you're not a you're not even a person zero money as for food a couple of days worth of food probably and some change in this change bucket here it may have bought a few loaves of bread [Music] kay can't pay the may rent she spent it on fixing up the house but the landlord still wants the six hundred and fifty dollars he started sending us threatening letters everything like to us they were threatening and they'd be dropped off like two in the morning the landlord threatens kay with the children's aid society saying the house is unfit for six children when i was growing up when when my guys were growing up and this children's day's always been the boogeyman even the children knew that that was a threat for children's day they saw what was in that letter they saw the words children's hate what else are they going to think they're thinking their landlord's going to put them in the children's head he had all kinds of power he was proving that [Music] he's spooking you because he's showing up in the all hours of the night or anything i dropped you off these letters so you never knew if he was looking in on you or you know what i mean like it was just scary to have that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you can't sit around and feel sorry for me and oh i'm going to sit here and complain about everything somebody has to take a stand and i'm tired of people stepping on me and treating me like i'm nothing i am a somebody and so are my children and that's who i'm fighting for decides to fight back she will take her landlord to the ontario rental housing tribunal he had made a deal and broke it so there's no choice but to take him to the tribunal and he was a bully i mean bullies need to be stopped she wants her money back for fixing up the house and compensation for harassment [Music] kay can't afford a lawyer she applied for legal aid but says she was turned down [Music] heidi helps her prepare [Music] to prepare myself for the tribunal i had to go read as much as the tenant protection act as i could so yeah i had to teach myself everything i could about the laws and try to take care of the family look for a place to live and keep my sanity at the tribunal you don't get anything free you have to pay for it if you don't have any money tough we didn't have the money so getting back and forth to file the applications okay a couple of them t2 forms were free others cost money and also cost money to get a ride 20 bucks a pop to get driven one way or whatever one day we even had a walk to berry you know in like it was over 40 degrees in the summertime the landlord ups the ante accusing the rice's of wrecking his house he wants ten thousand dollars in property damage and files his own claim with the tribunal i mean there was no damages there was nothing we didn't do anything wrong we did everything right it just he was trying to put it back on us oh no hi hey how are you yeah can i see your id please what to show you you can turn that off an inspection is ordered by the landlord he says it's to ensure that the place is safe but the rice's see it differently that was intimidation that was his way of showing my daughter that he had the power and he could do whatever he wanted to do kay and carl head for barry to file tribunal documents they've borrowed heidi's car richard is left behind upset by the intrusion angry very angry makes you not look forward to being one i guess not wanting to be an adult because you could be in my mom's situation being walked all over or being trash and i wouldn't want to be either [Applause] much they were always afraid of them i think any kid would be afraid of something like that when you see like somebody in power because obviously he's in power because he's you know got control over your house now the only thing we have found that is a safety issue is you can't use an extension a two-prong extension cord for your for your uh air conditioner it's gonna be a three-prong extension cord thank you sir all right goodbye what is there to say thanks for all you put me through and everything if i can make him do something and make him pay back all the stuff that he's taken away from us like all this time and energy and money that we put into this house if you had your choice where would you want to live here probably i wouldn't even live in canada anymore [Music] [Music] so why are you here today because he's been a bad landlord maybe the truth will come out and win it's truth always comes out it doesn't always win eventually yeah sometimes it seems too late okay i'd like to call this hearing to order kay and carl are being helped by a paralegal student this is her first meeting with them and she knows little about the case what was condition of the house deplorable how's this relevant here what we're trying to determine is rent or rear zone and what i'm trying to determine here is the tenant had indicated to me earlier that there was an arrangement that whoever rented 145 would get one month's free rent since she had moved into 144. bring it out through evidence submitted by your client not through submissions that you're making go ahead different cleaning products this is going to be tough slugging to go through these things one hedgerow at a time i think since the tenants moved in on april the 8th how much rent have you received nothing okay and when did this one 145 there is no tenancy it is there is no agreement for tennessee there has never been an agreement for for tenancy that's all nonsense he most certainly did so he was there i mean he was there while she was cleaning the house the landlord offers a deal he'll drop his 10 000 claim for damages if the rice's dropped their case and move out no can't go after i know i said that i swear to god as my witness that this man has grasp i swear to god we shouldn't lose oh my god no no okay i can't believe this [ __ ] just relax he's gonna try to get it adjourned right now because i'm not giving up he has put us to hell in back i'm about to cry kay refuses to drop her case for compensation and harassment the tribunal adjourns until august but issues an interim order evicting the family they have to be out on july 31st six weeks from now the landlord has won the first round did you get that tent yet no you know how much a tent cost yeah 300 bucks they already looked [Music] well we're getting away from our bad landlords i'm not really happy about my school because i'm gonna miss all my friends and stuff [Music] please see the directions in this booklet then follow the easy winding directions below okay hair like that who's that caitlyn yeah [Applause] what else are you buying my skin but the moment they heard that they had six children because mrs rice always asked for four bedrooms and uh mentioning that there were six children involved the landlords even the worst slums not one of them was interested to rent to the family so what's what's the fourth house i thought there was three left 11.95 there's two four bedrooms one three bedroom another three bedroom over here let's have a four bedroom how much is it 12.50 and when's the other one available for four bedrooms same august no july 1st and the rent was thousand dollars plus utilities they were dirty they were dilapidated they were hardly any better than what they were living in in angus but they were determined to get a roof over their head no i answered that one no yeah answering machinery okay we probably went through like 100 places or better and if you were lucky some of them showed you their places and then turn around told you like on the phone they'd say one thing to you then you get them in person it's like well it's not suitable for six kids oh hi do you have a house um for rent a four bedroom they're just too concerned that uh you're to destroy it hi brenda it's okay ray is calling about your four bedroom house if you call me back please if it's still available thank you they had no summer holiday to give them a little bit of a break from the blighted lives they were living they already feel like it's their fault that their mom can't get a decent house to rent because she has six kids the only people that'll rent her are slumlords what's that telling these children it's telling them they're not worth anything they should have a child's life they should be fairly carefree without all this nonsense of the world on their shoulders all the time so their situation is desperate and their situation cannot be resolved overnight not with the social services available the poor are up against the wall the poverty wall and to surmount that one is an uphill struggle and they do need our help they need it they do need our compassion what can i do for you i need um to know what kind of help you can offer me um we're being evicted from the house we're living in a present and we are um fighting it of course but in the meantime it's costing us a lot of money and my husband's just lost his job so i need to know if there's anything that you guys want to help with yeah okay um there is the funding okay that's come down from the government i'm going to ask for 500. and five hundred dollars is the most okay so um well how much money do you really need this is what we need by the end of july at most i could have about 1600 together and there is no possible way to rent anything for that very hair okay now it says if they only lend you part of the debt how would you obtain the remaining money well like i said the child tax that's gonna be part of it i have 300 in my purse right now i can show you 300 um we're going to have a yard sell and sell everything that's not necessary so i would never sell beds um no i'm not going to sell you i wouldn't say basic necessities of like no i would never sell that but i would sell all the movies is there anything extra we have in our house well really um i would just put um if we loan you any part of the month debt how would you obtain the remaining money i think we just want to put down impossible it's impossible you can't be selling off your your part of life okay you can't be selling that is your part of life that is your history for your children you can't be doing that so okay so i think we're just going to write in impossible have you intended to negotiate oh yes you have that's why you're up k is offered 500 but only if she gets a letter from a landlord agreeing to rent to her she fears that would label her as a welfare case oh my god no one do that no that's as bad as a worksheet for welfare thanks scott no problem we're willing to work whatever we can okay [Music] so what are you doing alex i'm hanging up the poster for the yard sale okay you do that side i'll do this all right sail in your right yard yeah so all six of my movies and my skateboard we do we had to do we had to sell everything you know they weren't overly upset because they knew at some point it could be replaced material things can be replaced people can't okay what do elephants and trees have in common drunk whatever i think it's a good learning and growing thing for them if they oh yeah if they have to yes you have to do whatever you have to do to survive [Music] kay makes a promise to her children if they sell enough juice they can go to the angus fair all they do is smile wave honk i'm never coming by anything i know help me we're bored we need money buy our juice yes well we're not getting any money to go to the fair well yeah well get out there and start selling be happy today some rich guy might come along give you a hundred dollar bill for a glass of juice just do it yeah that's a miracle the yard sale goes on for two days and brings in barely five hundred dollars the kids sell about five dollars worth of juice [Music] there's no surprise [Music] the fair packs up and leaves town [Music] she promised but she can't because we need groceries [Music] okay [Music] okay what time do you have to be out of this place by 12 o'clock midnight tonight hello okay yeah k calls with bad news their last hope for a place they could move into is gone okay well she's really upset right now is she yeah she's she freaked in here oh yeah she got a free party yeah i got no [ __ ] place to live july 31st was the day for us and we knew at that point they had to get out of the home we did not have accommodation secured at that point in time so we scoured campgrounds trying to find a place in a regular campground and they were all filled up it was the height of summer kay has a brother in barry but he doesn't have room for them he will let them camp in his backyard intense donated by st vincent de paul but he wants two hundred dollars a month they're trying to charge us like anywhere from two hundred dollars i have to live in the backyard in a [ __ ] tent and they can be out tonight spending 200 bucks on bingo trying to win five thousand like i mean i've never seen i've never been more disgusted in my life than i am at this particular moment right now that heidi had to hear it all because she overheard my conversation she heard it all right she was totally disgusted but why are they charging it i said because of the fight truck like we're gonna use [Music] [Music] that's my real dad no he looks nothing like me come back [Music] i'm not normally a violent person but if a landlord had been in my face i probably would have punched him out because he was forcing the kids to live a street night like he wasn't doing it to me he was doing it to my kids innocent people that all they did was help fix this house that really pisses me off watch out there's glass right in there we're living in a tent in my uncle's in his backyard and uh because we can't find the house right now so the reading cleaners the three boys me alex and richard and look there's a screen here you can take off the top and there's a pocket and here and if you want to see a window in this tent but you have to go like this so who's sleeping in there i have let me ellen everyone except for the voice boys we have to sort of sort everything out put all the foods over there all the clothes and all the all the accessories that we need over at that side right over the corner and we just need to put something down on the bottom so no bugs get into it she's already at the bottom of the barrel my daughter felt like she had no self-esteem she was not a good parent because now her children were living in a tent i don't care you get everything it's not easy to keep your family together even when you're homeless like especially then i mean it's a very difficult situation actually i think a lot of people going through this would have probably jumped off the closest bridge to go through what i went through because it went through my head quite a few times to just walk in front of a vehicle so what do you do the laws are supposed to be there to protect you we don't feel like they're there to protect you at all [Music] [Music] the days were getting chilly and we had heavy heavy rainfall and unfortunately the tents weren't leak-proof they were not waterproof so mrs rice had contracted a very bad cold she was shivering she clearly had a fever all right the party's ready to proceed this morning kaye is too sick to attend the final housing tribunal the job of making the family's case falls to carl to me it's a classic case of the tenants wanting to live somewhere for nothing they want to live off the efforts of of others it's our position that the tenant owes arrears of nineteen hundred and fifty dollars i have maintenance and interference with reasonable enjoyment harassment and illegal entry which mr harriman which application do you wish to proceed on shortly after moving in carl was whatever he just lost it for some reason carl searches for the landlord's letter threatening the family with the children's aid it's starting to be like watching paint dry here let's move along this is a letter to mr carl harriman and ms k rice he's threatening to call the children they basically in this ladder and then the last sentence what does it say in that same paragraph i trust her where we can come to an amicable and mutual friendly agreement in order to avoid unnecessary confrontation does that sound threatening he's threatening you before and the lines before and then he apologizes basically he apologizes for the next one it's bullying gentlemen i thank you for your participation this matters adjourned subject to my order i will issue the order as soon as possible it will be another six weeks before a verdict is issued [Music] the concern was what school are we going to go to because school was coming up pretty quick i mean they were in there the month of august so school was coming and they didn't know where it was we're going to end up because she did not have a residence that if the children they'd get involved that they would pull those six kids and throw them into the system [Music] if they ended up in the aid then there's nobody that would take all six children into their home that's not gonna happen they're gonna lose their brothers and sisters and they'll lose them [Music] we must do something so we resolved to step up our efforts to find them a permanent accommodation and we tried we tried oh well i'm homeless oh well like i'm just gonna keep going it has to get better at some point we are looking for work we are looking for a place to live there are jobs out there i've proved it i mean just this week alone i've been offered two jobs but they're not enough one in two days a week these people are offering at 6.85 an hour so jobs are out there but the wages are i'm sorry so i'd have to get three four jobs easy hello yes is it okay so it's not a slummy area okay carl is calling to report on a house in nearby aurelia for 850 a month the cupboards are all brand new everything's brand new so it's freshly painted brand new everything in the house it's been gutted and redone have you told them we have kids okay so now we have to lie to get it do we lie or do we tell the truth the rice family told the prospective lady in aurelia they had three children when it came down to it after going through over 100 places we had a lie we had no choice we even had to say that carl was working and he wasn't they gave my name as a reference the landlady phoned here and it put me in a bit of a dilemma because i know they have six children you do not give references that are untruthful you do not do that as a catholic teacher so i said yeah i know all three of them i did not say they only have three children but i didn't tell the whole truth either and i don't know if that is acceptable or unacceptable it was a decision i had to make between me and my maker at that point certified check payable to the landlady and they had a roof over their head and our prayers were hurt [Music] oh [Music] [Music] kind new appliances smells new and it has something in it roasting things or roasting stuff like marshmallows okay so what do you think of this place awesome there's a bookshelf that's mom and dad's room yeah as you see there's a closet you can put like knickknacks or stuff like that shoes off oh crap [Applause] christ our lord amen okay this is what school i go to our grading class has more did you have a fun day no no no we do how about you guys didn't ask us how my day went what was your day like i got a job you got it 11 15 an hour yeah kaye is working nights full time she has to walk two hours a day to catch a free shuttle bus to the casino i work in the vip lounge the platinum lounge it's for high rollers and i just bust tables and put up food and do dishes go happy birthday to you happy birthday too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just say what you wish for okay i wish for the for everybody to have a good time soon after the birthday party the rice has received the housing tribunal's ruling kay is disappointed at the end of the day the adjudicator says we owed a lot of rent which we didn't and i know we didn't um so i don't know where he's getting his figures from and then he says he owes us because of the maintenance and repairs not for harassment or anything else for maintenance and repairs so we end up with 72.89 we'll never see i think i know what you wish for they didn't learn much except the bullies win that's what they learned they thought we were gonna get our money back we didn't why didn't we get our money back i don't know i mean what am i supposed to tell them oh we're poor couldn't afford a lawyer truth didn't win you told them to tell the truth all the time and you think about it they learned the landlord bullied us around he got away with it cost us all kinds of money we were already poor to begin with it made us worse we had to lie to get this place so what'd they learn they learned all the opposite of what we raised them [Music] almost a year later carl is still unemployed and kaye is still working nights to pay the rent the rice family is facing an uncertain future but at least they're still together [Music] all i hope is that they turn out to be the best that they can and uh just they try to be good people and they get what they want in life that's all i can hope for [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,089,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, affordable housing search, charity support, documentary realism, family protection, heartwarming narrative, job insecurity, landlord disputes, legal battles, poor family, poverty crisis, poverty crisis management, poverty cycle, poverty effects, poverty journey documentary, poverty lifestyle, poverty resources, poverty solutions, real life documentary, struggle with poverty, unemployment struggles
Id: 9xLNsXnCgnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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