My Purity Pledge: Texas' Abstinent Youth

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[Music] Texas is on a drive to ensure teenagers don't have sex before marriage when sex is being discussed it's like no don't go there we don't talk about that stuff and if we do talk about it we make sure that you know that you're not supposed to do it when President Bush was governor of Texas he brought in a law stating that sex education in schools must be based on abstinence and Christian teenager say I'm a technical virgin what's that he just made you feel like if you held a guy's hand that you were a sinner how easy is it for teenagers to resist temptation I think it's extremely extremely hard and once you are married is sex worth waiting for we had six so finally George Bush has made Texas the model for the whole of America but can he really expect all teenagers to wait till marriage to have [Music] sex good morning loic you're listening to kjak 92.7 FM the spirit of of the South Plains this is the day which the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it may the Lord Jesus Christ be with you welcome to leuk West Texas deep in the heart of the Bible Belt it boasts that it has more churches per capita than anywhere else in the US it also has the most fast food restaurants and the second largest one-story shopping mall in America and not much [Music] else there's like four things you can [Music] do it really stinks church is my favorite thing to add insult to injury lec's teenagers are expected not to have sex till they're married in schools the policy is only to teach abstinence nobody talks to teenagers about sex oh no no yeah go ahead no one's ever like I've never had a class or like a lesson on like how to have sex or like how to use a condom or anything like that we've never had or what happens during sex or no what should happen I never knew anything about we never had like the birds and the bees talk with my parents that never happened I [Music] know [Music] J 17 he's a party animal the party it's just quick fast and ridiculously hard fun he loves women women do the fantastic but in this devout Christian town he's meant to keep away from them you're in the Bible Belt of the US like I'm talking about like most people like probably around 80% of the people in the cities are in the church on Sunday morning and so like if we're sitting here getting preached to saying you know you need to stay um you need to stay abstinent until you're married and like you get preached that every single Sunday so it kind of becomes like um what's the word like for com I guess common place that you are just expected to stay a virgin until you get married you'll be blessed the lord always blesses obedi whilst churches use the Bible the schools use fear to keep teenagers away from sex they kind of try to I guess scare us by doing like the talking about the gonorrhea and the AIDS and the HIV virus and you know syphilis and stuff like that you know they just kind of freak us out so we we'll try to stay absence scare tactic yes fact is that what it is yes at home their parents support the no seex policy they don't need to be given them options or anything at that age I don't think so I'm real glad that they have that abstinence approach the abstinence message is coming at them from all angles but it goes against teenagers natural urges Jay has a novel way of trying to control himself it's called stay out of the box you know you basically just like draw a line from like the shoulders uh like down sides and like across the middle of the thigh and you stay out of the box like personally I like a girl with a with curves like you know like I love that like that's [Music] awesome Jay's going out for the night with his best friends Brent and Clovis we're going to a party I'm that's what's going to be going on at the party drinking drinking drinking having sex and smoking and trying to pick up different women you got to go find who's the finest women there like you really do like that's one of the first things you're looking for who are the finest women here and do I have a chance with them and then like once you get your beer it the game's on game is your skill at getting girls I'm not very good at that well not well not really getting girls getting play getting play is is messing around in any way with a girl even if it's just little smoochies yeah even if it's just like making out with her or whatever like that that's still getting play I mean that's not getting a lot of play but there going to be lots of ladies at the party hopefully I hope there are plenty of um fine females around here's the worst party sausage fest yeah meaning a lot of sausages when it's all guys you call it a sausage fest Woodstock penis party uh yeah penis party can we say penis you know dude Ser I hope there's a fine wom ever the party is downtown and there's lots of underage drinking which can get them in trouble with the police with alcohol available and plenty of pretty girls it's hard to resist temptation it sounds really bad but you're all doing something that you know that you shouldn't be doing and there's always course a couple girls and guys walking off in the back rooms and then like you know the ultimate guy trophy is um you know if a guy can hook up with with u more than one girl in a night J some Cofe St by man guys some cops just drove by we're out cops are no no no no bu up see you Megan we're out uh the cops just drove by and so we need to leave cops are no no because there's some under drinking here and um we don't need to be anywhere close to it or else we can get in trouble I'm only 17 I tobacco and alcohol in my stomach let me tell yall what it's like being male middle class and white some girls find me pretty uh pretty attractive or whatever so it's it just makes it that much more hard um especially if the girl is not uh I guess real strong in her walk with the Lord and if she's a if she's a little bit after it like if she's she's real promiscuous or whatever like just to put it blunt I mean if she loves to screw around then it's just it like makes it a real difficult thing to to just straight up you know turn her down cuz that's so like openly presented that you're just like you know I mean like you have a hard time to like turn her down in Le book that's exactly what they're expected to do and plenty of kids tow the party line 15-year-old Eva is a big believer in abstinence till marriage sex is not about um lust but it's about love to avoid Temptation Eva shuns parties it's just like Oh wrong places wrong faces wrong choices you know it's like do I really want to put myself in that position instead her social life revolves around the Rock Solid youth [Music] church if it's 6:15 and church starts at 6:30 I'm really worried that I'm going to miss it like thousands of teenagers across Texas Eva is planning to take a vow of abstinence a purity pledge is to um stay pure until you're married which means um not having intercourse does it only mean not intercourse um it means I would consider everything like Beyond making out I guess you could say what's making up um okay Beyond kissing yeah I would consider that not pure I've never done anything more than kissing in my life and you going to remain that way until you're married um yeah tonight 15-year-old Eva will pledge to remain a virgin until marriage her mom's taking her shopping for a purity ring at leck's very own Christian in department store most teenagers who make a purity pledge wear a ring on their wedding finger to symbolize their commitment to abstinence look at that one the heart and it says Jesus see that it says Jesus I like yeah I like that wonderful may try on this this one I like that one buying the ring is making we realize that Eva is not a little anymore she's not the 10-year-old that that was just 5 years ago she's a young lady I'm glad we're able to prevent ourselves from that conversation of do not have sex before marriage be careful or go to take her down to the health department and get her birth control pills because that's not necessary in this case have a good [Music] night hallah Lord we worship you the Purity pledge ceremony is conducted by Eva Pastor Ed anworth he's the leading light of leck's abstinence campaign and tells the kids that he stayed a virgin until marriage washed away by the blood of Jesus can I tell you something people God has called you to Purity the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says to abstain from sexual immorality for this it says for this is the will of God abstain from sexual immorality and anytime the Bible says this this is the will of God you uh can't argue with that before they make the pledge Ed sets out to show them why virginity is so important his technique is somewhat unorthodox would you stick that in your mouth no why not because it's disgusting if you've had sex ed says you're like a used toothbrush number one you don't know where they've been number two you don't know what they've been doing and number three you don't know who they've been doing doing it with what are you looking at right here jennif a toothbrush in a box no ma' Jennifer is looking at a virgin toothbrush do you know what makes this a virgin toothbrush never been touched it's pure it's clean it's free from sin taking a purity pledge is a huge commitment cuz you know you are doing this in front of lots of people and you can't mess up which I know I won't do you think it's a big thing to expect a teenager to stick to to not having it is a big thing to stick to cuz they're so I mean I'm just now starting High School this is just now when all the Temptations are starting and I'm now making that decision do you mean temptation of boys yeah on this Purity pledge there is a place for you to sign it and there is a place for your parents to sign it I want to know I want to leave this place tonight knowing that I watched young people make a declaration that they're going to live a sexually pure life before God it says I and he gives your name I Covenant with God my parents my future marriage partner to remain a virgin until the day I marry I cannot do this on my own so I commit to allow Christ to control my date life and I commit to date only Christians who will encourage me and my walk with Jesus you know my wondering days are over or does that mean that I'm getting boring you tell me I'm tired to listen to myself here when you have it on paper it's different than talking to somebody because only that one person hears it but when you have that paper and show it in front of the whole congregation it's it's a different [Music] example hey guys no words can describe the impact that Pastor Ed has had on my life I pretty much quote Ed on my day-to-day life I know that when you lose your virginity you also lose your dignity you also lose your reputation you also has had an impact on a whole generation of kids for 10 years leuk schools have relied on him to teach abstinence he makes a healthy living out of his used toothbrushes where theyve been what they've been doing or who they I teach that sex in marriage is like fire in the fireplace it'll keep you warm and make you feel good sex outside marriage is like fire in the middle of the floor it's going to burn your house down and destroy your life physically mentally emotionally spiritually and financially you don't want to be there unless you're emotionally physic um spiritually financially able to go ahead and a face the consequences of what you're doing because there's so many things that could happen is that inadequate yeah it is really the financially stuff that's a n quote we're going to have fun you better check yourself before you wreck yourself because you know what it is a chance you take man I couldn't have planned it any better guess what it landed on AIDS I'd like to take their heart out and play with it and then put it back and let them know that if they make themselves vulnerable if they take a risk with a condom that condom will never protect their heart it'll never protect their mind it'll never protect their emotions by law Tex and schools are not allowed to promote contraception nor Explain how how to use it or where to get hold of it but to scare teenagers away from sex altogether Ed actually tells them that condoms don't work well don't you think it's problematic telling kids things like condoms have holes in them because the truth have you ever tried to blow up a condom sure how could it blow up if it had holes in because it's a synthetic material it is not it is porous it does not uh you blow one up and set it around and see it deflates it will it's a barrier it's a barrier you need it to be a barrier for it's a barrier but it's not perfect it is synthetic it is made of fibers that are that go both ways knowledge creates an ability to make good decisions and I'm giving them accurate knowledge that they're not talking about on TV Jason and Michelle have been together for 2 years there in love they're the example of Purity that Ed wants all kids to live up to wow I've only kissed two guys in my whole lifetime soon they'll be allowed to do much more than kissing as they're about to get married we have waited um 20 years and 23 years to have sex and so it's kind of a big deal for us so this is kind of a Monumental day in our lives [Music] it is harder for a guy to um not want part of their intimacy um just because of you know guys that they think about a lot more Jason and Michelle have had to lay down some strict rules to ensure they don't get too carried away group situations are really good that way you're not alone and you know like I said you're not going to um do anything in front of others We Don't Turn All the Lights Off and sit on the couch and watch a movie you know it just it creates an environment that is it's just too tempting to let something happen Okay Donald Clary five Cecil Callen will not attend are you excited mom for the wedding yes we're really excited we feel like this is the right thing and the right time in our home we have always taught uh along with the school that abstance is is the is the choice that you you you're to make we're blessed that the Lord has given her you know the strength and the the courage to stand behind her convictions and what she know knows is is God's way with all this pressure to stay pure even the slightest indiscretions carry a lot of guilt I don't feel 100% pure just because Jason and I have made out you know we haven't had sex no and we haven't you know done a lot of the the fondling and all the stuff like that but to me there are things that I wish that we wouldn't have done I mean how far did you actually go like want to be trying to be honest about I mean did you have you gone to or sex or no no kind of have you ever seen each other kind of down their area have you seen each other sexual organs no uhuh I gu you can say some some touching and things like that have gone on that uh you know for us and just what we feel what we believe is never should have happened there's times when I beat myself up over it and I I remember that and it's kind of like I I just I relive the torture each [Music] time okay when it's been hard for Jason to control he's relied on his friends to keep him in check these guys have kind of been my accountability partners and they kind of kept me on the straight and narrow so they've kicked my but butt a few times when I've kind of wondered but they've done a good job so I appreciate it from them we always talk about it and just make sure that he was doing the right things making the right choices and talking about it afterwards so that he wasn't making any mistakes as he was going along and have you all managed to stay sexually pure as well um I had some problems you know I guess in my in my own walk but my wife managed to stay sexually pure I'm 25 and my wife waited to have sex till she was 29 were you nervous you're waiting nervous yes extremely nervous so it it's tough but you know I mean it's it's definitely rewarding and it gets better you he that day yes I heard everything Lou said and I trust Lou I know everything he's going to tell me um is you know will be beneficial and so uh uh I guess I can kind of you know maybe learn from somebody else's experience maybe even somebody else's mistakes there were no mistakes no mistakes [Music] mate the kind of thing with the whole guys and the sex is it's kind of like a curse cuz guys were given two heads you only enough blood in their body control one at a time there's like no way that you know like like when it starts to happen you know the Blood starts to pump and your brain turns off and the other head turns on and you're in trouble teenages have hormones teenage boys especially yes girls do too that is such a lot girls have just just as many hormones as guys I don't know what keeps them under control but me neither for some reason guys just don't have as good of control over but girls feel just the same way I SARS are just like guys they want it just as bad as we do we just show it more when their hormones are getting the better of them lec's teenagers are rather creative with their definition of Purity like I feel much safer getting head from a oral sex from a girl than than like having sex with her because you know like if I got some chick pregnant I'd be so dead oral sex is way more socially acceptable like um a lot of people nowadays are not really uh considering oral sex to be straight up like sex like they don't think of it as as being a bad thing so as far as like a literal definition goes then they still consider themselves uh virgins there's this prevalent thought in the United States of America that as long as you do as long as you don't have sexual intercourse you're still a virgin is that [Music] Purity you know what I hear I hear Christian teenagers say I'm a technical virgin what's that where's that in the Bible here's what I teach them is what you're doing with your boyfriend or girlfriend would you be be doing it in front of your father if he was watching that's the line I teach it very clearly but it's not as clear as he thinks the abstinence message confuses many kids who think that as long as they keep their virginity anything goes there are a lot of adolescents that are sexually active but do not consider to be a a a sexual activity uh and that sexual activity involves anal sex rectal having rectal sex and that their formal birth control so they consider themselves to still be virgins because they haven't had vinal penetration at age 15 the world of sexual activity couldn't be further from Eva's mind she's absolutely committed to her Purity pledge we're so happy that she decided to do the pledge that we decided to have a little celebration here I'm very happy that she took the pledge but that doesn't mean if she didn't fulfill her pledge and the contract that we're going to disown her I've got to you why are you even discussing that when I already told you that this is something I would stick to and if you believed in me like that then you wouldn't even be questioning it or even thinking about the consequences of what would come if I didn't fulfill it well I know but there just something called being realistic and there's no sense in even having a pledge if it's something that's going to be okay if she doesn't fulfill I'm being realistic if you knew me you would know it was realistic that I would never go ahead and do that I know I know but I just want her to know as a parent I love her no matter what what not that I'm saying you're not going to fulfill the pledge you know it's never going to happen so I even bring it up okay well you feel that you'll definitely stick to it oh I know I'll definitely stick to the pledge it's not even an issue every week over a thousand teenagers descend on the biggest church in leuk for a worship night called Paradigm it's good clean fun designed to provide an alternative to partying they have loud Christian rock music big screens and even sell their own merchandise to the kids yeah woo this is leck's answer to a pop concert [Applause] [Music] shout 17-year-old Jay can be found here every week he's desperately trying to be a good Christian but constantly struggles with the urge to go to parties all together all together [Music] you kind of get caught up in between the two worlds like cuz you know like I love going to the parties but you know I love uh going to going to church and and praising God and and just giving him all the glory and stuff like that and uh you know that's every time you really make an awesome awesome commitment to God then of course you know uh you know Satan's gonna give you this killer party just slamming that's just you know amazing and that would be such a blast and you talk about it for forever am but parties mean facing the temptation of girls Jay took the Purity pledge when he was 14 but he's found it hard to stick to yeah it makes me feel bad that I've gone uh further with with girls than kissing basically I felt like I'd betrayed um you know the commitments that I had made to my gu that IID said that I was going to try and stay pure somewhere along the way uh I didn't it wasn't as important to me do you think it was quite unrealistic to expect you to stay pure no I think that they that it's not very unrealistic that that I could have I could have you know if I if I was Stronger um if I would have uh stayed closer to God I think it's extremely extremely hard but I don't think it's an any way impossible he's going to make mistakes sometimes but his faith is what gets him through that and not something else then it's okay you just he's going to go through it but how's he going to come out on the other side of the turmoil is it going to be that he's grown and that he's um learned something or is it going to be that he's got all these consequences cuz he chose the wrong thing but what about the ones that have taken the pledge and then don't stick to it do you not think they end up feeling worse they get to start over can you get back in your box can you get back in your box young people yes can you start over apparently you can it's called secondary virginity I'm going to give them hope if they listen to me I will give them hope failure is never final there is a chance to start over you don't they end up feeling worthless for having failed at that well see I I I think they they end up having some baggage yeah but see that see that again you're proving my point that why use a condom why have sex why give all this free love and free sex advice if out of your own mouth they're going to be carrying baggage because theyve taken a pledge to say that they won't I'm not saying everyone who has sex before marriage carries baggage I'm saying if you take a pledge to say you won't and then you have sex does that not give you a baggage sure it does just like anytime you know you've lied gives you baggage I see myself as a spiritual virgin I know that I'll never be physically um a Virgin Again Vanessa is 18 and off to University she lost her virginity a year ago my parents gave me um my purity ring for Valentine's Day um my junior year and um I lost my virginity my junior year um right after I got it Vanessa parted her way through high school I was becoming someone that I didn't want to become um I had started to um sleep around with other guys not just my boyfriend and at first I tried to change who I was by myself but it's so it's such a big job it was too big a job for me to do by myself and I had to hand it over to God she now considers herself to be a secondary virgin God's forgiven me for it and my parents have forgiven me for it it it devastated me um it really devastated me um I cried a lot um I was a little bit depressed you know I had a hope and a dream for her we would have wanted her to be pure for her wedding day because that's a precious gift to your husband sometimes you have to grieve your dreams that you had for your child and that's hard Vanessa is worried that University will be full of Temptation and hopes her friend Ashley will keep her strong there's going to be so much more Temptations in college than there was even in high school and that's why we have to be there for each other to hold each other accountable I'm not I don't plan on going any further than kissing and I'm going to definitely um make that clear to the next guy that I get into a dating relationship with and if he's not okay with that then he doesn't need to be my boyfriend yeah and that's another thing like when we date people and when we try to find boys to date that that it's really important for their like for them to have the same standards that we have in dating yeah to keep them focused on God rather than boys Vanessa and Ashley go to pray with other Christian youngsters in the local park three evenings a week I just thank you for your love and your faithfulness and father I just ask that it would change our lives God and that that we would take the focus off of ourselves and off of our petty problems God I just pray that you would teach us that that you would help us to understand what an awesome God we serve and that it would change our [Music] lives I'm definitely trying very hard to um be as strong as strong as some of my friends are I'm definitely still at the stage that I can still just uh fall back down into what I was in [Music] before every year thousands of teenagers fall off the Purity wagon despite the push for abstinence leuk has some of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases in the whole of America eating good buddy we can't really be normal teenagers anymore we are responsible parents we have several moms that are teenagers the babies in our unit right now so it's very very common what's up big man on my 18th birthday I sure didn't think I'd be here on my 19th look at Mama even though we felt guilty we I mean we still always just got caught up in the moment and we loved each other and that's all we thought about do you think that kids aren't having sex and aren't taking those risks yeah so how you explain the STD rights and the Teen Pregnancy rights and because there's some that aren't listening something's going very wrong in leuk although the authorities say they teach abstinence to protect the teenager's Sexual Health it doesn't seem to be working in leic um the powers at be have been so resistant to comprehensive sex education um to maintain a mask to maintain a a veneer of Purity and wholesomeness um you I work in the trenches of STD and HIV and I you know and I you don't have to look beneath that veneer very far before you find out that human beings in LEC like to have sex just as much as the human beings in the rest of the world um and so I think it's a lot about uh denial and uh and maintaining an image that really isn't true the absence approach is the best approach there is out there because promoting promiscuity is promoting death in this day and age even if you're promoting safe sets even if you're you can still die using a condom from an STD what would you like to do to try and bring the high rate of STDs down in Le that scope of Education needs to be broadened to where more than statistics and more than a blind study and more than us going in sometimes and being allowed to talk to STDs would not do condom demonstration [Music] sex which is the farthest thing from the truth years old today Eric's been invited to talk to a group of kids who are considered to be at risk questions is there anything in there that didn't make crystal clear sense to you guys yes edings were told in at school that condoms don't always work I had the same instructor and he was saying that sometimes the latex is not it's um fibers are not close enough to absolute boulder dash that's complete and absolute misinformation okay I would also venture to say that I think that's Scare Tactics where are with all the sexual confusion in leuk those who have managed to stay virgins till marriage don't know what to think growing up and especially in the school that I went to sex was always a tabooed subject and it was always um drilled into to us that sex is bad you know and they tried to make it you know sex before marriage is bad but it sometimes came across is sex in itself is bad would [Music] give think about if all the sex education that they ever got was based in fear and and uh myths and misinformation then at some point they become an adult and they enter hopefully into you know a mer marriage relationship or a lifelong partnership with somebody and instead of enjoying a a very necessary part of a lifelong Union sexual intimacy they come into that relationship with a lot of fears and misunderstandings and Hang-Ups and uh and I think that's terrible so many kids were getting married and then you know they'd have sex and they've made their themselves so nervous that they're sick or that you know they wake up and they just feel so dirty do you think you're ready to give the gift away I think I have to be ready now the time has come so yes I'm a little [Music] nervous after a lifetime of fear and mystery surrounding Sex Jason and Michelle are about to be let in on the big secret and who better than the church pastor to Spill the Beans uh are you pretty familiar with the men her microwaves women are are slow cookers let's Texas churches offer a sixe of premarital counseling covering everything from finances to sexual fulfillment uh but you'll notice in the sexual intensity uh chart women are definitely at a different uh scale than men and there's a difference in intensity and and time and some of the tips for um uh cooking in the microwave uh are basically remember that men are physically oriented our body centered get uh excited quicker now then the tips for the slow cooker are a little bit different remember that women are relational a need to be uh emotionally needed are slower to become excited or easily distracted some say well you you know you need to have great understanding about how to have great sex life and all these kind of things relationship is a key if you love each other you work through everything I think through these sessions especially it has been very helpful to me and just you know understanding that it is a blessing and it is okay and it's you know everything's going to be all right and so um it definitely has helped me in that the biggest thing is I'm I'm worried that I'm going to do something wrong you know and and I don't want to hurt Michelle in any way and I want to I want to make it enjoyable for her as it is for me and so um I'm just I'm just worried that it's not going to be that and it's just going to be such a let down for her and you know I'll be you know Finding Dandy but she'll be you know okay that was it you know Jay is still wrestling with his own worries he's trying hard to focus on church and hasn't been to a party for two weeks hell's going to be one big party let me tell you something hell's not a party and the scripture is clear about that it's a place of full Consciousness where you aware you remember and you probably regret people say a lot that they feel like a service like directly spoke to them it's like my exact situation so it was kind of hard to deny I know where I want to be now like I made my decision like I'm going to go 100% you know there's no I'm not going to go to parties and stuff like that just because I know that sooner or later I'm going to do something that I shouldn't be doing I've been praying and you know just talking to God like spending time with God and trying to live like like a Godly life it's really tough um like I don't know you go through some serious serious things that uh like you don't expect I guess like things are really hard to stop once you start is but my so [Music] we I'm used to enjoy ladies to me I still do what are you talking about I love L women do they fantastic ftic oh man what a love hate thing um yeah dude um I used to struggle with that a lot actually it'll get easier hopefully I doubt it but maybe the wait is finally over for Jason and [Music] Michelle this is your day I've heard um some people say that sex is an act of worship and because it is something that God has given you um I know a bunch of people have said you know that they got to their hotel room or whatever and before they did anything they just hit their knees in front of the bed and just you know say God we thank you for this day and the marriage and to know that God Delights in what you're doing is is definitely a plus I feel slightly embarrassed to I've heard people say that it's like the Angels Are Up In Heaven just rejoicing you know and to think that you know God and angels are watching um but I know to them it's not something that they see as oh you know wait we shouldn't be watching that you know it's something they see like hey great you know and I I think that God's going to be sitting up there going good job youve waited I know it's been tough at times but I'm proud of you and you know this is why you waited enjoy it and so I think you know um as long as I can get the mental picture out of my head of God watching us in heaven [Applause] [Music] and so the question did you have sex last night yes last night we had sex so finally and how did it go it went great I'm guessing sex was great and so I I enjoyed myself so it was I mean I I was very nervous but at the same time um you know I think that it's you know now that I I've done it I can look at say it's probably one of the most natural things in the world it's going to be one of those things that we spend a lifetime practicing and learning and so it was good though for the first time it's going to get better and better right I I hope sex gets better and better so did you feel guilty about it at all you know for so long is you tell yourself that you know if you look at a woman this way or if you do this or that that you know it's wrong you don't need to do it and so for me last night is it was a little bit hard in kind of changing my thoughts and you know and changing those from how I felt when I was a kid but I I definitely I didn't feel like extreme guilt or anything it was just different and so I had to realize in myself that um everything that was going on was all right so now when you go up on your honeymoon will you just keep practicing um I think that's Jason's plan I hope to catch a few [Music] [Applause] it has been real instrumental so I owe a lot to ad but I'll always be grateful to the pastor and um his [Music] wisdom Lord she refuses to be silent father boldness father in the name of Jesus B this father in the name of Jesus boldness father in the name of Jesus they know the truth how do you feel when you wake up in the morning now and see that ring um it's just a symbol well well this morning when I woke up and looked at the ring my finger was kind of bluish green I think it was because uh um I'm allergic to it maybe but uh waking up and looking at that ring if it wasn't silver would symbolize um what being pure mean to me so does it give you a special feeling when you look at the ring it does it's like this isn't my wedding ring but it's get enough for now no Texas is certainly no place to be having teenage sex the abstinence movement ignores the reality of most teenagers lives but in Texas no matter what the consequences virginity pledges are here to stay it's pretty tough to stick to it and keep my mind focus on it just because the world looks good like the world looks fun and just it looks like a [Music] blast and all this is gone you find feeling pass it on
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,388,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian values, Christian values in teens, Christian youth culture, abstinence education, abstinence programs, adolescent experiences, consequences of sex, fear and misinformation, moral dilemmas, moral values, peer influence, purity culture effects, sexual ethics, sexual norms, social impact, teenage culture, teenage struggles, teenage views on sex, teenagers, virginity promises
Id: 7ptrf6-fb6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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