(Dec 15, 2018) ONENESS - Restoring Judeo-Christianity (Part 1)

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[Music] when I was young and I went to to synagogue of course I went every Saturday and we walked today I would have been walking a couple of miles to synagogue and all the kids in the neighborhood would have been making fun of me and my dad a mom and this it was very any somatic neighborhood and got to my little synagogue and I would go to Hebrew school three days a week when we in the Orthodox community when we would go to synagogue we've been called synagogue although ready I'm not trying to be technical but synagogue is a New Testament name you can't call it a temple people oh I'm going to Temple no there was only one temple right well there was there twice but it's gonna be there a third time - right okay so that's called the temple but a synagogue comes from the Greek word synagogue a which means a community of believers fellowshipping together now today 2,000 days later we call it the church it's not a church you are the church you don't go to the church you are a church Ecclesiastes you're the body of Messiah are you being technical Am I listen be careful Satan comes as an angel of light all he has to do is make it a little impure ivory soap is what 99.1 9 it's not pure God's Word is pure so all you got to do is put a little impurity in it and guess what it becomes impure rabbi stop a little bit you're being technical you're too uptight you're too loose so we would say we're going to shul how many people know the word shul hey shul is Hebrew for school you are going to school today now you know that's the way I teach anyway I'm not boasting and bragging it's my style I feel like this is a school what's a disciple a disciple is a student a student has a teacher a teacher has a teaching what was issuer he's a teacher constantly in the Gospels he said he looked upon the people like sheep without a shepherd and mourned and sat down and started to teach he wasn't rah-rah-sis-boom-bah oh he taught man he taught he taught doctrine he took theology took principles yeah that's what he did so who knows what a Venn diagram is by show of hands do you really know what you're just raising the hand cuz I will call on you now I'm gonna ask one more time who really knows what the Venn diagram is ooh now most of you know what a Venn diagram is you just don't know what's called a Venn diagram a Venn diagram uses overlapping circles to illustrate the logical relationships I'm giving you the definition between two or more sets of items it was named after British logician and mathematician John Venn therein lies the name Venn diagram he wrote about it in 1880 in a paper you ready you're ready for this paper the paper will just fry your brain on the diagrammatic and mechanical representation of propositions and reasonings and that was in the philosophical magazine and Journal of science as some of you saying god I wish I didn't come today all I wanted to hear is Jesus and Lord and then I wanted to go home watch football well there's a little more to the story than just Jesus is Lord he didn't come to just save you from the penalty of your sin he came to save you from the very power of sin and he only prayed once we really did there's two prayers in Matthew 11 John 11 but there's not even worth talking about because they're just to sin of things but this 26 versus and then that pray he prayed to things let them be one and let them be sanctified he prayed can you imagine he prayed for our sanctification when I talk about safety ation people like I don't even know what that means salvation is the beginning of your journey when you're born again you're an infant right and God just wants us to grow up right don't we say the same thing we see these kids thirty years old kids thirty years old still playing video games living at home right and we're like you've got to grow up right so God saying the same thing to us you've got to grow up so here with all that being said about Venn diagrams a very brilliant man by the name of Albert Einstein was quoted as saying if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough and I agree if you've noticed if you've been here for any length of time I take these esoteric you know these deep deeply theological doctrines and I try to make it to a five-year-old can understand it now with that being said what I also try to do is take it so that a five-year-old could wade through the waters but at the same time deep enough for an elephant that swim in those waters you follow simple yet so so so deep so let's go to slide one and I'll show you a Venn diagram that's a Venn diagram you have set a represents all living creatures that are two-legged or creatures with two legs okay said B represents all living creatures that can fly now if we go to the second slide that's the overlap okay creatures with two legs creatures that can fly you see the overlap that's what they have in common in other words living creatures that have two legs and can fly are in both sets or the circles overlap or intersect or in math they refer to the Union these are where the two circles have union okay basically what it's talking about this is the commonality what they have in common and what they don't have in common now let's take a look at slide three human beings are bipedal right I mean right two legs but they cannot fly right you're getting it mosquitoes can fly but they have six legs so they're inset be human beings the city where is the union parents parrots have two legs and they could fly so using this example of the Venn diagram human beings and mosquitoes the the combo is Paris now I have a wonderful story about a parrot you don't know a lot about Jewish culture you can't you can't learn Jewish culture from a book although sometimes you can try but it doesn't work that way in Judaism the kids want to be the mom's favorite just the way it is so I had three sisters one passed away my two older sisters it was my mother's 75th birthday and we kind of wanted to outdo each other so my older sister Helene bought her this I don't know how big it was but this crazy surround sound television all that stuff and I knew that was gonna work but anyway my assistant Michele who's an a real she's very into into physical fitness and this kind of stuff so she bought my mother one of these high tech treadmills i i got a parrot in african grade you know african gray has a vocabulary of 10,000 words and I taught this parrot the whole Torah from Genesis to look you laugh and I'm telling you if you would say to the parrot parrot Deuteronomy 6:4 the parent would say hear o Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is one my mother loves you no she can't read too well but she loves the Torah so we all get letters and my mother writes dearest Helene I really appreciate this you know my mother is dreadfully honest I appreciate the gift but your mother has is visually impaired so I had no real use for the television but thanks anyway Michelle I really appreciate your thoughts it's hard for me to get out of bed how am I gonna get on treadmill - my son Gregory you're always so thoughtful and are we so practical I must tell you the chicken was delicious so that's my parents re you need a little break because you were getting uptight I felt it god you're always so wise okay so parents are two-legged and they can fly therefore the found in the area that intersects all the union now let's go to slide four let's set up a Venn diagram for Judaism Christianity well that's a tough one huh where do the circles intersect overlap most today would say there is no intersect you don't see any Judaism and Christianity I just listen I've had the distinct pleasure to to to preach at well over a hundred churches I've had the distinct pleasure to preach in a Catholic Church an Episcopalian Church is true Methodist Baptist Pentecostal charismatic nondenominational interdenominational and Methodist so I've kind of covered Presbyterian I used to preach or Princeton that's right what I'm saying is every mainline denominations I freeze up without a doubt they know Judaism in they're nowhere to be found and there's no Christianity and Judaism so I can't I can't put together a Venn diagram I apologize I mean they're like two separate entities right I wholeheartedly and respectfully totally and emphatically and unequivocably and every other way disagree [Applause] let me show you slide five there's a union for instance the story of creation in the book of Genesis that's clearly in Union right I mean if Christianity doesn't look at Genesis you have no story of creation you've got almost believe in evolution or the Big Bang Theory or the single cell theory so you have to have the book of creation in both Christianity and Judaism so there is a union right let me continue what about the temptation in the fall of man that's in Union what about the widespread sin Union or no Union what about the universal flood union what about the patriarchs of all faith Abraham Isaac and Jacob they're the patriarchs of Judaism they're the patriarchs of Christianity Union Union what about the ten commandments well at least nine right guys I don't want to give you a hard time I'm not like that let me let me let me preempt this okay when Jews get saved and they come messianic they don't attack when Gentiles find Messianic Judaism they attack the only people that attack the church are Gentiles Jews don't we're happy we're happy we find Jesus and we're happy our Judaism is complete we're as happy but you won't find any happier places than Messianic synagogues not the ones run by the Gentiles those places are weird they're weird they're weird you know the guy's name is John Smith and when he finds my San Julian its nak Mia Smith you know I'm saying and all of a sudden they're from the tribe of Levi they don't know what tribe they're from they're more lost than the Lost Tribes I know what tribe mom from because when I was called up to tour his little boy my father had to be called up and when he was called up his father had to be called up it's no big deal Judaism didn't save me issue ax did but you can't be a spirit of joy any more than you can be a spiritual black guy by the way I grew up in a black day but black people hate when you act black stop it it's stupid and disrespectful you get some white guy you know rapid E's like I know the plight of my people you know the plenty of people you will raise them off Megan you know I'm just talking about the plight of my people you know it was really ruffled we would have to go from a Mercedes to a Subaru see what I'm saying shut up but here listen to me listen to me the Sabbath was not changed you can't change a commandment you can't change a claim in any more than you could change thou shalt not commit adultery it can't be changed spend 20 minutes of your life finding out how it changed and then deal with it is it bad this is what's bad when you say that it was changed I really could care less what day you worship on I don't care but don't say it was changed because it wasn't Jesus didn't change it God didn't change it and clearly you can't change it so there are Ten Commandments still that's in the Union let's continue Israel's hymnal aka the Book of Psalms is that in the Union loves the Book of Psalms so did use what about King Solomon's proverbs this a lot in Union right how could they say this so dear how could it be so different today I go to synagogue I see what that's like I just went to my nephew's Bar Mitzvah I see what synagogue is like it was I know I was raising it then go to church and I see what that's like no meeting place no intersect no union what about the promises that God made to Israel how about I will never leave you no forsake you clearly Christians like that one what about no weapon formed against me shall prosper they love that one what about for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you you'll love that one you can't take those promises and not be in union what about the prophecies I mean how would we recognize Jesus as Messiah without the prophecies it'd be impossible there's many people that came on the scene and declare to be the Messiah but they had to fulfill over 300 prophecies to be exact it's three hundred and thirty three without those Old Testament prophecies he could make the claim so clearly are the prophecies in union this is a big Union do you know that there's four hundred and sixty-five Old Testament references in the New Testament a hundred and seventy seven Old Testament references in the Gospels alone what about the story about the Exodus in the parting of the Red Sea that's in Union Joshua in the Battle of Jericho David and Goliath Daniel in the lion's den that's just to mention a few if you're all sitting here saying yes sir I bet in Union see issuer was the union he came to bring it together Jew and Gentile one in Messiah he did not come to start a new religion he came to finish an old one he did I know this is unsettling and some of your beautiful Christians I know you love Jesus with all your heart and that's cool and you have repented of your sins because your sins have become exceedingly sinful through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and you've repented and you've embraced him for the forgiveness of your sins but on some issues you went a different direction now we all go through the same door Yeshua said I am the door but when we get on the other side of that door that's where we run all different ways it's only one way to run there's only one Bible because if you stopped running in a different direction than everybody else then you're like a sec of the humanists who says there's many ways to get to God but there aren't so we can easily see that there are commonalities with Judaism and Christianity I think the Great Divide happened when Yeshua came on the scene that's what I think but I believe that Yeshua should have United us all the more but the enemy had other plans let me show you the last slide slide 7 that's where we are that's where you find us today the Jews have the Torah and the Christians have Jesus the Jews have Saturday the Christians have Sunday the Jews have the pot roast the Christians have the pork loin the Jews have the bagel the Christians have the biscuit the Jews have the Feast of the Lord the Christians have Christmas and Easter who did this not Jesus it says in the first century do you know that up till four Gnaeus there wasn't one Gentile in the faith that was 40 ad that means seven is FD issue ascended the faith was completely Jewish acts as they were going to the temple or the temple they believed in Jesus because in the temple that would Jews who believed he was the Messiah Jews that didn't and they still got along and Cornelius came on the scene and some other Gentiles and they were grafted into Israel and God's ways become their ways because they were highly pagan even when you look in Colossians see Paul if you if you get rid of those letters just for a minute you'll see how how Jewish Jesus was and how he wanted us to conduct ourselves Paul's very confusing he was so brilliant he's confusing you looking Colossians and somebody says to me even after Jesus clearly depicted this in the Gospels somebody will say but it says in it says in Colossians 2:14 do you know what was going on in class I it was crazy pagan there was Gnosticism and they fed they had secret knowledge and they were aesthetics they were cutting themselves and they were doing crazy things self-abasement and then these Gentiles in Colossae came into israel and they started celebrating they started drinking a little wine at the feasts they started eating meat and they said no don't touch don't eat don't call those days holy because they had their own days I go to when I go to India there's a scheduled feast every day it wasn't what you think it is they were aesthetic you can't eat meat because the soul of the animal is in the meat you'll take on their sin you can't drink which some people still believe so you're gonna hide in your closet to have a beer you don't have to hide okay it's not in the Bible drunkenness is a problem beers a brawler wine is a mocker but you're not gonna find 31,000 103 verses you won't find one that says you can't man-made doctrine sorry I'm not being mean I'm just trying to to raise some consciousness if you will to enlighten which just means to put some light in and to kick the darkness out if Jesus is the Word made flesh isn't he the Torah with skin on it if the Torah is the will of God for man what is the will of God for men you have a wife don't mess around don't steal stuff don't lie I have people lie to me all the time all the time the Holy Spirit say she's lying just yesterday it happened listen and what is a funny story I know this guy's not watching I went I went to a little I go to this little old man's fitness center wait nobody goes nobody goes and I walk on the treadmill I walk on the show some high there was a man about my am I'm gonna be 60 in a couple of weeks he looked about 62 so I walk in and they have a little TV and they have some satellite I guess radio on it so there's a station on I walk in he goes hi I said hi he said um the person here before me put that on you don't mind do you now the Holy Spirit said keep her on what can I just say that people have this need to lie all the time they don't know how to tell the truth anymore Holy Spirit said no hit so I said no it's okay man it's all good and so every time I saw him when he looked up and was singing it now it was music from the 70s I knew was his music the Torah isn't just roles to live by it's so that you could have a pleasant beautiful life a blessed life it's the will of God it's the heart of God and that heart of God is Yeshua and he took that tour and put flesh on it made sure that the Torah glad it's not ugly guys you've been taught this law bad law bad you know who hates law law breakers abiding citizens love law they love it because a print prevents chaos but lawbreakers Oh be a cop and pull over a guy speeding see what happens it's almost like he's looking at you like why don't you why don't you like bust some real crime sir you're breaking the law you're a criminal and you're driving recklessly and you're gonna kill somebody and that somebody might be my wife and kids slow down but I can tell you this when you speak of God's ways your flesh might be going air but your soul is going halleluia hallelujah hallelujah because it's a constant battle between the flesh and the spirit its battling right now some of you summit listen your souls going preach it rabbi your flesh is gone shut up rabbi now without belaboring it you know I met the Lord in a vision on the Mount of Transfiguration on my honeymoon at the end of my encounter with him with the Lord I left a very successful semi prideful I wasn't too bad I really wasn't but I was just feeling good about how much money I was making because I was a portion up from the Bronx and the reason why I felt good is I felt that was making my father proud my father thought the world to me and I was doing it mainly for him I was very performance oriented and I was just saying hey Dad can you believe it look at me you know three homes and sports callers and all that crap but when I finished the encounter and burned it spoke to me like a sailor and said we have to leave but she didn't use those words because we were very secular and I was crying for 20 minutes and I think she was jealous personally but anyway that's for another Shabbat I'm sorry this is not a participation dear we'll talk about this in private and then as some would say I'd like to say this to people but I'm not gonna say tell but just I'm just throwing this out there when I want your opinion I'll give it to you not saying it to you though you know I would never say that to you know I would never said yeah I'd even look at you I looked at Billy I actually looked at Billy clearly I'm not married to Billy nor my attracted to him not just I don't think you're a nice-looking man Billy but I'm kind of old fashioned still believe it in Leviticus anyway I had a question that I believe that all Jewish people if they were raised Jewish criminal a - and I know you haven't been and I can't relate to some of your culture - it's not an ugly thing it's just a fact but you have to understand that Judaism is not just a religion it's a way of life it's like a nationality you could be secular you you I'm telling you could be secular totally secular but you're a Jew because what people don't know that we know there's a 614 commandment you know the 613 commandments in the Old Testament but there's a 6 14th and one know what it is thou shalt not give Hitler the victory so we have to maintain our Judaism no matter what even as a nationality so after I had this encounter and I'm bawling and Yeshua told me he was the one I'm reading about in the Old Testament I see him and the whole thing and I'm clearly born again clearly he leaves and Brenda says we gotta go it was my last day in Israel and I thought Israel was gonna be so lousy that I put a week of the Greek Isles on the back end I didn't want to go to Greece at that point I just want to go home it's not reading like Greece is like I can't believe I got to go to Reis when before I left it was I can't believe I gotta go to Israel over this come on we got a pack we got a pack we go to Greece let's go so I said give me a minute I said god I'm so sorry I gotta leave I don't want to what stay a forever I never felt like this and not to be a big shot but I did all that the world can give you okay I told a little group the other day I you know our president I was at a party that he threw a trump tower and and rolling down the river who is it boop boop boop boop boop Tina Turner came out performed I mean that's a party you know I mean that's even that's even better than then what's that bowling alley pin strikes that's even better than going to pin strikes so I did all that the world had to offer I trained the guy at Nazca Hall in NASCAR he used to give me tickets Jeremy I used to go to the magic game when Shaq was playing sit first row I used to show up there so funny I was a push snuck I didn't have two nickels to rub together because I'd quit my job I was riding a bicycle to work but I'd go to the magic came and DeVos the owner of the magic he sat behind me and he used to say to me when I used to go how's things at NASCAR and I go as far as I'm ever pretty good they're billionaires so I know I'm making like nothing $5 an hour but anyway I'd this what I said this is all I said do I have to stop being Jewish was in my mindset I had the Venn diagram slide six Judaism and Torah Christianity and Jesus you follow I had what everybody else has that was my mindset cuz that's what what taught right and I was willing to give up Judaism I thought my father must be turning in his grave he was a devout Jew he loved it and he dealt with so much any Semitism he fought World War two and freed the Jews in Europe he was a ranger Purple Heart Bronze Star for bravery tough you don't find him tougher than him and I thought I'm gonna disgrace my dad but I'm willing to do it that's how much I fell in love with you at that moment so I said just tell me do I have to stop being Jewish and a voice from heaven said I didn't I promise you now hear me I didn't know what that meant I was so perplexed but this is where my journey began I just shelled that whatever that means how what do you mean you what am I in my little world Jesus was the head of the Catholic Church that's all I knew there was a Catholic Church in a synagogue there was no Presbyterians no not in the Bronx not in the projects that's all you had so he was theirs right I once saw a crack in the door macula conception I walked up the stairs and there he was and I thought he's theirs not ours what do you mean I didn't so I shelled it but when I came home from Israel all I need to do I didn't know you've got a church or whatever so I just got a Bible and I dude I read it hours and hours and hours a day I was everything else interrupted my Bible reading burn that would say it was lunacy I carried it everywhere I went never went anywhere without it okay I just fell in love with it psycho and to this day it's the same deal so I was delving in Delvin and Delvin in and I began to see things that I never thought I would see I was seeing in the New Testament that Jesus wasn't just a biological Jew but he was a devout practicing Torah observant you I'm like now you got to understand just feel where I'm coming from I'm off the docks nothing is said bad about him nothing is said about him at all he has nothing to do with us then I turn the page and I'm like what how come no rabbis tell you this how come no pastors tell you this when I first moved here I was invited to you know these pastor meetings and they tried to make me feel comfortable and this is what they would say will Rabbi Greg Jesus was Jew I was dying to say what is he now Presbyterian is he Baptist dude these face didn't come to the 1800s a lot happened before then you got to go back to the original he never converted alright this is gonna be astounding you ready I don't know how much of this I'll get into you're probably a little tired I have a a very bad disease and I don't know how long I have so I have to take advantage of today okay how is Jesus seen by Jewish people okay listen this is very important for you I want to share this with you it's very important first of all there is no consensus among individual Jewish people regarding who Jesus's you ask to Jews you'll get three opinions there's none there's none however amongst the orthodoxy there is somewhat of a consensus and there's a rabbi he's alive today rabbi tulleken he wrote a book called Jewish literacy listen to this because it says Jesus is seen this is a quote running out of the book listen to this Jesus is seen as the New Testament depicts him these are Orthodox rabbis who have read the Gospels they've read the Gospels they don't know him as Messiah all they know is they're not gonna read about him in the Old Testament so they're like give me some literature on who he is now what literature do we have the Gospels it's nothing written about him in the letters really write the Gospels this is his life so they want to read ignorant ly and they're going to give their opinion on what they found sounds good this is this is wild guys well so the Orthodox says that he's seen as the New Testament depicts him a law-abiding and highly nationalistic Jew and a man strong ethical concerns true Swift the Gospels say like many of Judaism's great rabbis so they they claim he's a great rabbi he saw a loved his neighbor as religion central demand come in now listen to me there are a lot of people I met who love God but don't like people you are missing the boat because you're not loving what he loves I know that might hurt ouch rabbi you don't understand I've been hurt by so many people first of all you don't understand you want to compare notes you want to compare notes how many times I've been hurting I'm still here and and then and don't open notes with me compare notes with Jesus tell him you don't know what it's like to be hurt or betrayed though many Christians are under the impression this is unbelievable guys that he opposed Judaism emphasis on the law in actuality he criticized anyone who advocated dropping it he critiqued them he laced into them if you even dropped the least of these listen then they quote from Matthew Jews rabbis Orthodox who don't believe he's Messiah but they're quoting right out of the Gospels how come they see it and we know him personally and we don't do not imagine that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets he declared to his early disciples I tell you solemnly till heaven and earth disappear not one dot not one little stroke the dot is the it's the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the stroke tells you how to pronounce it like the E and the F there's an extra stroke on the eat so you know it's a different letter shall disappear from the law until its purpose is achieved now till heaven and earth disappear I'm just now if has heaven and earth disappeared even 2,000 years later has it no so it's still in force right so any of you who think heaven and earth disappeared come come speak to me afterwards we'll we'll have a counselling session there for the man who infringes even the least of these Commandments now it's up to you to find out what's greatest what's least I could tell you some of you think the least is the greatest and the greatest is the least and you are totally wrong therefore the man who infringes even the least of these commands Rob oh who do you think you are I'm a man that was raised in Orthodox Judaism for thirty years and now I'm a man who's been raised in Orthodox Christianity for thirty years and guess what I know both sides of it that's who I am therefore the man who infringes even the least of these Commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven what they're quoting right out of the New Testament I mean they're quoting from his only sermon Jesus had one sermon Matthew 5 to 7 1 and they're quoting right out of the crux right after he gives the principles or the kingdom manifesto in Matthew 5 1 through 13 then he says you to be light and then he says hey don't think I've come to abolish the law what do you do with that guys how did you dance around it I'll tell you how you screwed up the words you screwed up the words and let me show you let me show you don't be mad at me I love you I do but I love truth even more than you let me give you the section that these Jewish rabbis just quoted from Matthew 5:17 to 19 okay he says don't think I've come to abolish now let's look up that word abolish it means to demolish or metaphorically to render worthless he says don't think I've come to abolish or destroy I've come to complete or fulfilled and that's where everybody gets messed up let's look up the word complete or fulfill to fill up or to fully preach didn't he say you've heard like your teachers are teaching you don't commit adultery I'm telling you you keep looking and you get into that little screen by yourself looking at crap you should be looking at it's only a matter of time before you do it he didn't make the law easier he didn't make the law harder he put the spirit behind the law because too many people 2,000 years ago and just like they're doing today are holding on to Jesus and holding on to the world and hoping they still get into heaven he laid it out there man he was a real you want to talk about real you know they called the van de Holyfield the real deal a van is a good man but he don't hold the candle do you shoot with a messiah he's the real deal they said Shaq was half man half amazing well your shoe was all man all amazing and he was honest and forthright and he had such love for people agape love that he would not disrespect them by telling them a tall tale honest that Integris honest and Integris so there's a book called understanding the difficult words of Jesus by a guy David Niven and Roy blizzard I recommend you buying it on page 154 this is what he said because I want you to know something abolish and destroy and fulfilling complete was terms that any first century rabbi would know like we have a colloquialism you know to kill two birds with one stone that's a culture colloquialism it's something in our culture that we all understand abolish and fulfill was a colloquialism first century rabbinic augmentation listen to what they said this is priceless and these are two Gentile Christians very devoted to yoshua when a rabbi felt that a colleague had misinterpreted a passage of Scripture he would say you were destroying the law correct interpretation was fulfilling the law therefore Yeshua a Jewish rabbi talking to an audience of Jewish people in the first century was basically saying you guys you Pharisees and scribes and religious teachers you're misinterpreting the law I'm gonna correctly interpret it or I didn't come to render the law worthless I've come to fully preach it it changes everything there's no way on God's green earth guys that God would take something holy just and righteous and good as it says all over the book of Romans and nail that bad boy to a cross why would he nails something holy Justin righteous to the cross when he Nell what was unholy unrighteous and not good to the cross which is our sin which is our Torah lessness which is our lawlessness I'm not saying to be legalistic I'm saying if you're born again then you're born again and that means his ways on your heart and that means the Holy Spirit is flowing you and you have a desire to obey the Lord because you done fell in love with him that's why since if you love me a little baby if you love him you would obey Him and if you're not obeying him you don't love him I don't give a crap what you're saying and neither does he nobody cares about what you say nobody cares talk is cheap everybody's talking everybody's blogging and social media what are you doing so doctor said you can't get excited because your aneurysm could burst man if it's gonna burst let it burst with me praising the Lord so although there is no consensus on how Jews are regard Jesus almost no Jewish scholars believe that he came to start a new religion not one they say were Jesus to return today most Jewish scholars believe he would undoubtedly would feel more at home in a synagogue than the church I respectfully disagree I think he would feel at home right here because we have him and we have his ways the only thing we nailed to the cross is sin where it belongs please forgive me but sometimes I think we see Jesus as a former Jew with blonde hair long blonde hair by the way just for the record Jesus didn't have long blonde hair Corinthians says it's an abomination for a man to have long hair so he couldn't have long hair how could that be and then when you tell him that and it's historical in the first century men didn't have long hair temple prostitutes male temple prostitutes in autumn as' have long hair okay rabbi then then he took a Nazarite vow no he was in Nazarene that means he was from Nazareth but he wasn't as a right that little chain how do you know so much rabbi I don't know so much a lot of believers know so little it's a sad state of affairs when Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses and all these other cults they know the Scriptures so well and Christians don't he did not find Christianity nothing could be further than the truth let me just show you a couple of verses and then we'll get out of here I don't want to belabor it but I took this New Testament and there's a page it says New Testament right and all the Bibles so I turned it over I just read Matthew because it was the first one up this is what I saw in the first two sentences this is the genealogy of Yeshua the Messiah I thought Messiah I really listen I know you're gonna laugh and I don't want I'm not being funny here I thought his last name was Christ I had a Catholic lady come up to me and she sat with me for an hour after service and I showed her in the scriptures I showed her that Jesus was obviously Jewish you know what she said after the hour said okay I get it but his parents were Catholic right guys I don't hate Catholics I don't hate anyone but I'm here to tell you Catholicism didn't start till 500 and it was birthed and Constantinian ISM and there's no way Constantine was a Christian because a Christian would never put up statues of himself nor anybody else there's one God and you worship Him and worship Him only this is the genealogy of the Messiah son of David unlike David's my boy that's our boy the son of Abraham son of Abraham that's my boy that's the patriarch man he started the whole thing it's a son of promise yet stuck was the father Jacob the father see you've been raised in cultural Christianity it's not your fault or is it didn't you see in the New Testament where it said study to show yourself approved what's the I'm thinking this is a totally and blatant Jewish genealogy he's a Jew hunter percent and then I look in Luke I get into Luke and there's what it says on the eighth day I'm like get out of town this was this was a way that Jews would would be Jewish they would be cut in their foreskin on the eighth day why did we do it on the eighth day was God said so it was only it was only recently I mean I think like 20 years ago when we found that the clotting factor the blood clotting factor vitamin K was strongest the medical profession strongest on what day the eighth day of life God gets lucky again huh but he's having a Brit Milah he's having his circumcision that's about as Jewish as it comes they bring you into the synagogue you have a circumcision they dedicate you they give you a Hebrew name see they were given the name Yeshua you get dedicated you get the name I know this because I've been at so many of them where's it from Genesis 17 um guys I'm telling you I'm freaking out I don't know nothing about the church world all I know is Jesus the head of a Catholic Church I don't mean them to testify I'm like uh-huh I don't know nothing about Church I don't know nothing about the indwelling and what you're supposed to do and I don't know nothing about Church then I go to the next verse Luke 2:22 when the time came for their purification I'm like yeah ah - ha - ha purification of clay to Leviticus 12 I know this stuff my mom had to go through it then I go to the next first I mean three verses right and Luke as is written in the tour of it every first male pinion her pen you get a dedicate will break its neck you got to redeem it and we've been redeemed right it's Redemption or death there's no third choice either redeemed by the blood of Yeshua man you're out I'm like thinking this is crazy this is a live date I'm like dude not only there was this guy born Jewish but he lived Jewish what then I go back to Matthew - I'm in the second chapter after you she was born in Bethlehem I know that's the house of bread surely the bread of life would be born in the house of bread it's also fulfillment of the prophecy from the prophet Micah and the land of Judah cuz there's two Bethlehem's that's why it had to show it Judah not in the Galilee during the time when Herod was King Magi from the east came to Jerusalem asked where's the newborn King of the Jews I'm like king of the hoos he's the king of the Catholic Church he's not the King of the Jews how did they know they saw his star what star people don't know but that word in Hebrew is calab and you know what that means a messianic star they were astrologers and a straw who turned them on to the prophecies Daniel Daniel was the head astrologer over there and he hung with these dudes man and he told them and they told their sons and they told their sons because it's a profession that is in the family and they knew the prophecies and they were waiting to see the star and they saw the star and they said the King of the Jews has been born we've come to worship Him you notice they came to Jerusalem not Bethlehem people say oh they they first of all they think like there was three of them doesn't say three could have been three hundred and three I'm sure it was an entourage they came they didn't come to Bethlehem why people think they what's the scene always the baby in the manger he was a baby he was almost two years old this is two years later why do you think Herod killed all the boys two and under rabbi is this a big deal everything's a big deal everything's a big deal sir don't mess with the Word of God is one thing God doesn't like when you put words in his mouth that's why came to Jerusalem okay then I get into Matthew 3 I'm just saying 1 2 2 this is what I see it was during those days that and I see Jochen on the immerser in the complete Jewish I didn't have the clue Jewish it was an out back then 30 years ago but it said John the Baptist and I'm like saying John wasn't no Baptist he wasn't no Methodist John's parents would not only devout Jews guys but Zechariah was a Levite and Elizabeth descended from the ironic line that's why he was burning incense according to 1st chronicles 24 I could show you exactly in five minutes that Yeshua was born in the fall without a doubt the priestly sessions and the tour of the priests in first chronicles 24 the tour of habesha went in total order I can show you it's a no-brainer look every Christian knows he wasn't born December 25th but I haven't figured out why people keep celebrating it it's no big deal I don't I don't fight listen I told you Jews no fun but I can care less it doesn't affect me anyway but isn't it kind of silly I mean I don't know our anniversary September 24th I think Bernadin have a hard time if I went on February 3rd happy anniversary it's weird why do you think he said you brood of vipers he told the Pharisees he was supposed to be the high priest he was supposed to be the high priest not Caiaphas and he said you Viper you snake you took over the system and made it religious and there's a lot of religion in the church today I get to Matthew 4 the tempter comes and says to him you Shu if you are the son of God all of these stones to become bread but the answer that Tanaka says that Tanaka is an acronym the Torah the Navy manned the KTV in the Old Testament the Old Testament says man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God then the adversary took him to a holy city and set him on the highest point of the temple if you are the son of God jump for the top says he will order his angels to be responsible for you they will support you it now he's quoting scripture Psalm 91 I'm telling you the the devil knows the Bible better than you they will support you with their hands so that you will not hurt your feet on the stones yushua said to him but it also says do not put out annoy your gone to the test finishing up on the next slide once more the adversary took him to the highest summit showed him all the kingdoms of the world said to him all this I'll give to you can you give it to him he's the god of this world he runs it away with you Satan issue said for the talk says worship I don't know your God and serve him only this amazed me guys because Yeshua's not just using Torah to slay the devil he's using the book of Deuteronomy I mean this devil is coming at him with a sword fight and he's like Deuteronomy 8:3 Deuteronomy 616 Deuteronomy 613 done I mean granted there was no New Testament written but he could have said anything why three Torah commands deuteronomy's quoted over 80 times in the New Testament then I read through Matthew 5:6 and he's teaching Torah yeshua is just teaching torah his one and only sermon for all intents and purposes that's what he's doing he talks about murder adultery marriage divorce those lying love giving prayer fasting guys you're saved by the blood of Yeshua and I'm not here to to Judi eyes you I'm just saying you have to know the truth because the truth will set you free I mean look at me I was told not to have anything to do with Jesus look at me you didn't see me holding on to my traditions once the truth came my way why are you holding on yours rabbi would upset my pastor you know why most churches won't move to this plus they leave they get kicked out of the domination and lose their pension although lose three quarters of their church let me tell you something I don't want to lose anybody but I'm willing to lose people I'm not willing to lose God almost done Matthew 22:30 336th is it when the crowds heard how he taught they were astounded blown away of course of course he received the spirit without measure but when the parish team the Pharisees learned that he had silence that said who came isn't that funny that settle came and the Pharisees the Sadducees the Pharisees were archenemies they had different theological different doctrine they were going after different people hey I want them in my camp sound familiar I want them in my church this is funniest thing one time a guy came up to me I'd even know what this meant he said rabbi I'm gonna be moving on I'm gonna have to get my letter from you I thought a letter what so I said what what what what do you want me to write he goes no my my membership let I said we don't even have membership here I never gave you a letter he's like we don't I said no we don't the Bible doesn't either you don't own people if you have been born again you are a member of the kingdom of heaven you do what you want with it but is this while they're archenemies but they see what it says what does it say after said who came they got together it's funny how Satan's people get together Christians can't get together their LGBT community it don't matter if you are rich homosexual or poor homosexual it don't matter they're gonna get together because they have a mission we have a mission we just don't get it so they get together right they get together huh and one of them who was a torah expert a lawyer a lawyer he says Yeshua have you been hurt in a car accident no he didn't say that he doesn't say that did you get thrown off a camel call call me for the people rabbi which of the midst vote in the Torah is the most important okay okay he asked the question can we go back to that one first thank you when the Pharisees heard that Yeshua had silenced their antagonists the Sadducees they called him in for an interview and this spokesman the lawyer asked you she would a single out single out the greatest grand now first of all guys if he did nail them all which is absolutely satanic when he say what are you saying come in there are no commands just love me I know this is kind of railroading it and now no you're not gonna embrace it but it's the truth it is the truth you cannot dance around it so which are the most important listen to his answer Yeshua rabbi which is the most important he says you were to love I don't know it with all your heart dude that's the Shema that's Deuteronomy 6:4 5 he's saying that the most important commandment of all the 613 is the watchword of Israel it is Judaism's Creed if Judaism had a catechism it would undoubtedly be the Shema what's the most important command I would tell you this 2,000 years later Shanaya so al I don't know hang on annoy your thug here children of God love him love him with all your heart with all your soul with all your resources with everything you are love him love him and then he adds Deuteronomy 22 39 it's like not over he adds an addendum Yeshua says Oh before you split there's a second one that's like on to it they're connected this is the yin and yang if you will of our faith you ought to love your neighbor as yourself now some people say well some people the way you loved it's obvious you hate yourself but that's not true people love themselves the problem is they love themselves too much so they're occupied with themselves that they can't be occupied with nobody else they throw a god a tip you know I'll give me a 20 spot I'll listen good sermon this is Leviticus 19:18 this is the Via hafte this is Judaism the Shema and the via hasta this is it this is it look 20 to 40 look what he says if you miss this you're gonna miss the whole thing today all of the Torah what he didn't say these are the only two commands he's saying all of the Torah and the prophets are dependent on these meaning every single command either hangs on loving God or loving neighbor it's all there as some people that rabbi what's still in force today well obviously the sacrificial system but brothers and sisters it's not a checklist if the ways have gotta on your heart and a holy spirit upon your travel you'll know exactly what to do when you see somebody stuck on the side of the road you won't have to look at the Torah come on are you kidding me you know what to do you just don't do it I'll pray that somebody else comes along love to God and love to man comprehends the whole of religion and to produce this has been the design of Moses the prophets Yeshua and the Apostles love to God and love to man is the design of Moses the prophets Yeshua and the Apostles so Yeshua was a Torah observant highly nationalistic Jewish rabbi he worshipped on Shabbat he observed all the Levitical holidays he was circumcised and dedicated on the eighth day according to the Torah he ate kosher and lived an exclusive Jewish lifestyle I'm not telling you as a non-biological Jew what days to observe and I'm not telling you what to eat or not eat because I don't think the kingdom is just about the feasts and food although some of you Gentiles have made it about that we Jews don't wear Messianic Judaism that Jewish messy ISM Messiah comes first and you can throw up to me and now I usually head you off at the pastor you don't come up in and badger me Messianic Judaism is not a denomination it's a resurrected first century prophetic movement to bridge Jews and Gentiles together in the hope that we can usher in the second advent of Yeshua the Messiah now there are Messianic synagogues that act out there I can't speak for them I'm not a spokesman for Messianic Judaism I'm a spokesman for God this is a prophetic movement it is not a denomination so don't act denominational you're ruined for everybody you give us a bad name and you give God a bad name I want to tell you something I I don't have a you know Christmas is a beautiful time of the year for a lot of people it has beautiful memories I don't celebrate your shoe is birth on Christmas because a lot of reasons go home and study the origins of Christmas and you'll see why I don't want to doctrine ate my kids in it but the food the family it's it's very beautiful I want to tell you something that I might have never told you I was once looking at a tree my favorite is just the white lights in the star the choo-choo and the gifts and the nativity scene is always funny because I know the Wiseman didn't come till he was two so I'm like God very immature two-year-old but one day I was looking at and the Holy Spirit spoke to me said what do you see something I said I see life you know the tree is evergreen I said I kind of see the lights appearing like the Holy Spirit and I guess I see the stars usual he said look down what do you see now I said it's cut off from its root it's dying father Christianity is unhitched if I to choose between Orthodox Judaism and Christianity is Christianity every day what's they have yushua but that's where a lot of it stopped it started with having stopped with him there's a lot more to the story you are a judeo-christian always was and you always will be the Bible says there's one body the Bible says there is one spirit the Bible says there is one hope the Bible says there is one Lord the Bible says there is one faith and the Bible says there is one baptism and finally it says there's only one God so why all the denominations you're confusing the world God says from the very beginning the very beginning of time the two shall be one Satan says from the very beginning the one shall be two he's coming after your marriage he's coming after your kids it's coming after your business he's coming after your denomination don't give him a foothold stick with the truth because if you want his disciples you'll know the truth and you'll walk in that truth and you'll be set free let's come back to oneness and break down that middle wall of partition that God broke down in the first century and that Satan has so miserably built back up if you're part of Betty schewe don't be part of the problem be part of the solution and be an ambassador for oneness and if you want a ministry have the Ministry of reconciliation now let me just tell you quickly so that I don't get a thousand people telling me about the latest herb that's gonna heal me some people think well prayer always works right do you know how many people I have praying for me do you know that there's kids thousands of children that are giving up food for three days how moving is that to God children will give up food for their rabbi in India in Africa Ava Levine has all the kids these all these abused kids praying for me guys if you try to figure it out you're gonna be miserable not only will you be miserable but you'll develop doubts it is impossible to reconcile the love of God with suffering and there's many people that preach on suffering and guess what it never works they tell you while you fellowship in your shoe is suffering is it's a way to UM to to chip away at your selfishness it's a wage you look heavenly it all sounds good theologically but you know what you still suffer so it's just the matter and then some people say like they ran to Joe but they said to Horatio Spafford you're suffering because you're in sin they said that's a Horatio Spafford when his four girls died the church his beautiful charity said that they said that's a job I know wasn't true you don't know what to say right you know what the best thing to say is when you don't know what to say let me help you let me help you in life don't don't give somebody two scriptures and tell them to call you in the morning the best thing I do when somebody's going through it you know what I do Greg Hertzberg what I do I grab the hand and I say this stinks I'm so sorry I wish I could change that's what people need to hear that you care not your little two-bit theology look I get dealt the crappy deck what can I tell you I get aneurysms I'm not worried about dying I'm worried about going through the surgery its ugly ugly they cut you from here to here they open up your body they move you to intestines they clamp the artery above and below they put you on a bypass life-support takes about five hours five percent of all people die from it she just can't handle the surgery you don't know if it's gonna take so you can bleed out you spend two days and I see you then you spend a week and another intensive care I can't sit still for two minutes you got more wires near than a Circuit City it's crazy uncomfortable they giving you drugs and I never take some of them make you hallucinate Satan always comes to visit me in the hospital and he says the ugliest things I'll be all right just pray for me I'll be all right I'll keep going to have to but I have my moments you know well the enemy speaks the mini says only thing I asked my kids as I told it love you don't ever think I haven't lost you just don't forget about me dad don't forget me that's it I tell you the same thing to you just pray I'll get another test to find out what it is and then I'll go because I don't have a choice I wasn't gonna go I was just gonna let it right out a burner that said if you're driving and at bursts and you with the kids you'll either kill numb but kill somebody so I have to anyway it's one of those things well we'll update you you know I appreciate the prayers I appreciate the concerns I appreciate the love that's what my family could use they're going through a tough time more than me you know so love is uh it's it's what it's all about guys they're tough Bern is tough the kids all right they've been raised a certain way they're tough they're tough but who knows if this has to be the last one and operating love guys I see a lot of ugliness it's not a good witness you know I'm saying I'm not talking about you know just doorman love and be walked on it says to be sure to survive uh but man do you realize you can go to a stake as a martyr and if you have love if you don't have love God totally discounts it what you can go to the stake as a martyr burn at the stake and if you didn't do it if you motivation wasn't love I just writes it off would that be a horrible situation God so loved the world we're supposed to be like him right everybody's going through something some of you might not have vascular disease but you have other diseases emotional diseases and mental diseases and financial diseases it was a guy a friend of mine was named after him he was a pastor in the late 1800s Charles W Truitt Charles Washington truly first baptist dallas he grew this church it was crazy like to 6,000 people this this was what no churches I hundred hundred people may be good man but people didn't know this about him great man but at 30 he had a hunting accident with his best friend the sheriff the sheriff of that County in Dallas and he shot his friends he couldn't get past it his daughter said that he never laughed again he couldn't get past shooting his best friend and leaving his best friend's wife and two children a widow and fatherless he just it was a mistake you always know that you treat a gun that it's always loaded he didn't imagine I mean it it's listen ask some police officers are people in law enforcement it's hot enough to shoot a criminal you go through psychological damage can you imagine your best friend he had a radio show and you were always and his radio show by saying be nice to somebody you never know what they go and throw so be nice to somebody stop being so crazy about every little doctrine you see in part and there's not one doctrine in here that's complete yeah me but love is complete let's stand together Billy how can I deny you do you have a handheld mic hold on Billy I don't want you to strain let me get you this mic so you can you can say what you need to say because you don't do that much and I love you and you've been around a long time Georgia and it's written in the methane it's time and I found him the book of Hebrews wrapped by chapter 9 verse 10 says God ordained it this way until the time of the Reformation it was talking about the early church dr. Katie Robinson that great scholar said best cynic Judaism is to restore pure Judaism that was revealed in the Abrahamic covenant then you find it in his volume 5 in Hebrews chapter 9 10 so I thank God that God has used you and said you as a Reformation to help Reform Judaism and the church thanks thanks thanks so much I met I met Billy with I went to some pastors meeting it at a high point it was called high point Baptist and then it changed to just high point and there was a pastor don van Hooser and there was like six other pastors and I was sitting in the parking lot it was my third day here and I didn't want to go in man I just didn't feel like a legitimate pastor and I didn't want to fake it so I just sat in the car and God said going stop seeing yourself as a grasshopper and I walked in and the Whole meeting stopped and Hardy Scarborough just passed away yeah he stands up and points me goes you're gonna bring unity to make him I was like man that's crazy you know I didn't believe it but a couple of things happen that I tried to do once with maple white and Beulah land and I met with those guys I met with them separately I called the pastor at fuel and and his name was Maurice Watson and he met with me I guess he thought I was like some bigshot rabbi but he met with me right away and I said dr. Watson I presume he did not find that funny but I said I had a dream I had a dream that you're gonna bring unity in the black and the white Christian community and makin he said oh is that right I said yes and he said how's that gonna happen I said you and the pastor from maybe white David Franklin I just met with him and told him the same thing and he said did you know that David and I are good good friends I said no sir he said do you know that we live next door I said no sir I just know what God told me in the dream and I said I don't have to be part of it but I see you two walking on and on with black and white believe is behind you they're gonna bring unity in the black and white community here and they didn't budge for whatever reason and he's now Washington and David someplace else but um Messianic Judaism true messengers I'm not the crazy lost tribe crap and the Hebrew roots crap that you see out there and forgive me if some of you walking in it but I'm telling you the way it is Messianic Judaism is a resurrected first century movement from the very first century in the original apostles that God raised in 1967 when Yeshua said the time of the Gentiles would come to a close and a light switch would be flicked off in heaven and that happened when Jerusalem was back in the hands of the Jews and that's when it was resurrected and there's not a man that can lay claim to the resurrection nobody knows how it happened was God happened that's a beautiful way to bring the Jew and the Gentile together and make them one once again because we are horrific alee fragmented and God is suffering the kingdom is suffering we are suffering and the world is suffering so I cannot bring unity and Meghan and I can't even bring unity in your household guys work on it it's a beautiful thing where there is unity and harmony there is everlasting life now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious on - I made a load lift up is very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace Yeshua very small [Music] you're paranoid pono villa villa ah yes ah I don't know ho-ho novela ha they are semla ha ha I love you guys shabbat shalom you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 17,299
Rating: 4.804143 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Oneness, Restoration, Restoring, judeo, 12/15/18, YESHUA
Id: CiaW0JWcbNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 53sec (4553 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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