Deadly Skill Training: Defending Yourself Against A Firearm

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- I'm Clint Emerson, retired Navy SEAL and author of "100 Deady Skills". How to survive any kind of situation. Today, I'm going to teach you life-saving lessons. (fast, energetic rock music) You hear shots fired. You're at work. You're at at school. You're at home. There are books everywhere. You can use them to build improvised body armor. Ideally, you want to get books that are hardbound or hardback, as thick as possible. Place them together nice and tight. And utilizing duct tape or any kind of tape, really, you're gonna wrap 'em up nice and tight. I've done some tests on these, and a nine millimeter round will stop with just two books. Ideally, you have ceramic tiles that go in between the two books. Ceramic displaces the energy of the projectile like no other material out there. Obviously, in a dangerous situation, you're not gonna stop to build something like this. If you have time, great. Otherwise, grab books and hold 'em up if the shooter comes your way and shield yourself. And that's it, improvised body armor. Let's say you're at an ATM and suddenly a man comes up from behind and puts a barrel of a gun into your spine. First, if he's demanding your money, demanding your wallet, go ahead and give it all up, and hope that he goes on his merry way. There's nothin' that you have that's more important than your life. But if he doesn't, here's something that you can do. So I'm at an ATM. I've given this guy everything I've got. He's not going away. Violence is on his mind. Now, I have to do something to increase odds of survivability. So, hands up. Hey! I've given you everything I've got, please don't do this. When I do that, I'm just looking to see which hand he has the weapon in. He's right-handed, which then gives me the blueprint on what I'm gonna do next. I'm gonna use my left arm as I rotate in, rotating my arm down, trapping the gun. Number one rule, get control of the weapon. His hand is fist around that gun. He cannot pull his hand out, even if he tried. Now, if he drops the gun, which would be good, the blade of that hand might be able to slip past. Soon as you whip around gaining control of the weapon, you can do a lot of things right here. You can strike 'em in the throat, take his air away. Go straight to the face. Your fingers if they can reach, go into the eyes, his chin back, and then you drive him down. You can drive him forward. I can trail. Arm bar. And then, rotate, trail it. And then, take his weapon, muzzle strike 'em, shoot 'em, or run. We've just touched on some of many skills that are out there to learn. There is no right, no wrong. It's all about being prepared. (fast, energetic rock music)
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 1,593,806
Rating: 4.9680309 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeedBlue, Blue, Clint Emerson, 100 deadly skills, skills, firearm, defense, defensive, defend yourself, self defense, action, disarm, navy seal, retired, active shooting, active shooter, situation, body armor, ceramic, books, how to, shield, survive, survival, survival skills, life saving, lessons, bullet, gun, run hide fight, survival guide, seal team 6, navy seals, prevention, escape, safety, fight or flight, seal team
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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