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[Music] [Music] [Music] you certainly don't want to be that guy right stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing or stuck in an urban environment with nothing either one can have the same kind of threats so we're going to talk about vehicle bolt bags or go bags this is a bag that has at a minimum life support items to get you through 24 to 72 hours but before we talk about the bag itself let's talk about an easy acronym that I learned doing a British surveillance course called power and as students we were responsible for powering our vehicles every day before we went mobile so P o W R P is petrol here in the United States we refer to it as gas or fuel but you want to make sure you have at least a half a tank or more before you start your day's activities number one if you have an older make model vehicle then you want to actually get under the hood pull the dipstick out and make sure that you've got enough oil that's between the minimum and maximum at the tip put it back in make sure it's seated properly also check where you park each day look at the ground make sure there's no leaks and it doesn't hurt to carry a liter of oil in your trunk just in case with newer cars obviously you know you still need to check it but motors are sealed far better these days and they used to be but if you're overseas with the rental car don't trust a rental agency to make sure your car is good to go that's on you all right W W is water so water for you water for the vehicle water for you I suggest at least a gallon you can keep it in the back you can keep it wherever it can be broken up into water bottles which is what I do and then water for the vehicle check the radiator only check it when it's cold do not try to open up that cap while it's hot and then of course fluids for your windshield wipers as well so you've got water in all the places you need it and then you're good to go II electronics okay that's looking at your instrument panel making sure you have no warning lights and ensuring all gauges work properly also making sure you have a power cable for your cell phone if your cell phone works properly and that any GPS is that are built into the vehicle or the ones that you carry on the side make sure those are good to go as well and then finally our rubber make sure that the rubber on your windshield wipers is good and actually works make sure the rubber on your tires are good to go that's looking for any steel that might be exposed making sure you've got plenty of tread and ensuring that your tires are inflated properly and then the last place for rubber is under the hood making sure all those hoses are fresh and flexible and that there is no dry rot once again if it's a rental car you have a or you have a vehicle in another country you got to make sure that you power your vehicle each day P o w r alright now that your vehicle is good to go and you're limiting the possibilities of something going wrong with your car now you're left to the environment which could be natural disaster or it could be a flat tire in the middle of nowhere or it could be something more sinister like a bad guy in any environment and we want to make sure that you have the items at a minimum life support items that can keep you safe but before we get there where do you keep these things I like to keep a go-bag reasonable size in either glove compartment my center console you can strap it to your passenger seat or your driver seat or you can put it in the trunk but the trunk being the last option I like it within arm's reach I want to be able to get to it just in case and worst case scenario would be your flipped upside down in your vehicle you need to be able to grab this thing and crawl out so ideally it's in a compartment because you don't want it to become a projectile all right so now the things that we carry I want to note I look at go bags as a consumable item meaning everything in it isn't the most expensive because if I'm leaving it in my car all the time and my car gets broken into well it gets stolen it's not a huge loss to me so look at it is hey these are one-time use items and that I'm just gonna maintain them I'm gonna make sure that my kits are good to go at least once a month ensuring everything's operational batteries are good and everything's still there and if it gets stolen you know it's not huge heart burning can replace everything so keeping that in mind let's look at what I carry here's the bag it's a basic toe bag it's a simple cross chest it's got three main pockets this one's unique and the fact that you can run your power through and out to this USB port so you can charge any of your rechargeable devices with you alright so a nice small bag it doesn't need to be anything exotic first power you know there's lots of rechargeable power devices out there these days this thing charges up and I think it can recharge like eight mobile devices extra communications once again we're talking about life support if your phone gets tossed in the car accident or ends up in the outside the vehicle or you lose it whatever having a backup now doesn't have to be a smart phone as a backup because that could get pricey but it could be a flip phone a tracfone or something where you buy the pre you SIM cards prepaid minutes you know works just as great you only basically use it in case of emergencies all right now the kits themselves all right we talked about having water and then obviously a little bit of food a little bit of food can be protein bars whatever you want MRE you can make these things as big as you want I like to keep it all small and more of a minimalist be resourceful you know and and be self-reliant you know based on education so a little bit of protein to keep me going of course all the water that I already have in my vehicle so I've got three kits here broken down into rural urban medical events and it just has the basics to help you out if you find yourself in the middle of nowhere one it has a solar blanket keep you warm at night or it can be used to get attention it's very reflective and huge so you can put it out it can get aircraft's attention it can get people's attention you name it but also keep you warm at night another source of light is always good but also works it for signaling okay then you have a wire saw you have a whistle once again a whistle comes in handy it's far better than your voice and if it's a cold environment you want to be whistling not yelling because you want to keep all that heat inside of course a compass now yeah our primary is GPS isn't our phones and if we've got the backup battery then we should be okay if we have a signal but if we don't or technology fails or you drop it and break it you've got your basic backup okay and then a multi-tool or some sort this little guy also has a flashlight on it pliers knife everything you need and then backup to the backup you need to stay warm we're gonna start a fire so you know a fire starter of some sort next urban find yourself an urban environment now we're talking about probably man-made threats so along with the gun that you have on you or in your go-bag ideally your gun is on you at all times you have some other items that can support you once again a bigger tactical light that can be used to signal or find your way through the darkness another backup LED you can't have enough another whistle this one same as the other use your voice if you're if it's a natural disaster and you're underneath rubble the whistle is gonna get those rescued dogs attentions long before you're yelling and screaming another backup compass obviously in the urban kit this one's a little smaller because it's meant to be tied to your jacket or whatever you're wearing for the day a handcuff key this can come in handy considering handcuffs are becoming more and more popular with bad guy this one's concealable it's got both the tour you can unlock in the double lock feature a backup knife this is just a simple folder once again the stuff isn't expensive it's a tactical pen line it can be used as a weapon but it can also be used to leave notes behind if you're on the move you know another form of fire heat signal light all in one keeping it simple and realistic now we've got medical alright the biggest piece of medical is stopping the bleeding alright and maintaining an airway so in this particular kit has an Israeli dressing these can be used for direct pressure dressings it can also be used as a tourniquet it's all-in-one and it can be used as an Ace bandage for sprains or any other kind of joint injuries gauze gauze is for packing the wound okay stopping the bleeding and shoving all of this into the hole that a bullet wound can create or any kind of deep laceration another blanket hypothermia okay is another killer especially as it relates to trauma so staying warm is important and preventing shock airway okay nasal pharyngeal is great for maintaining an airway specially if you have any any issues or injuries to the jaw trauma shears these things are awesome I mean they might as well be a primary knife these things can cut pennies that's how good they are and then of course a 14-gauge catheter needle this is for chesty compressions if you have any kind of thoracic injury that causes a lung to collapse that lung or that hole it's a bullet hole in your chest will start to take in either blood or air and in order to equalize you have to decompress the chest and that's what this is for obviously some training and education is required for some of this stuff and then again another light you just can't have enough of these for signaling or just to look at what you need to do or if you need to look down somebody's airway and see if there's an obstruction okay so that's rural urban and then medical all of this along with the Go Bag are at violent nomads calm or you can click right up there so putting all this in your vehicle being prepared in case any kind of crisis happens and being crisis ready is the overall goal while you're traveling from point A to point B alright stay safe out there [Music] you
Channel: 100 DEADLY SKILLS
Views: 166,077
Rating: 4.9307637 out of 5
Keywords: clint emerson, 100 deadly skills, navy seal, frogman, edc, vehicle go bag, survive, crisis ready, violent nomad
Id: iKV8NkA65Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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