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hey everyone been talking about go bags of course you can buy pre-built ones over at but you can also build them for free and you'd be surprised with the number of things you've got in your house right now that could build probably a really good go bag so let's see what i can build here in my own house nothing has been pre-planted or pre-placed we're just going to walk around and see what we get all right we're going to start in the master bedroom here we go all right we're going to step into my master closet i've got a bunch of bags and you always have to start with a bag when you're building a go bag all right so i've got all kinds of bags in here um and i'm going to grab the first one which happens to be a 511 go bag all right you can get these at or at any of their stores all right let's go to the next spot the kitchen in every house there's always a junk drawer all right and i feel like that's probably a good spot because you know it's stuff that you want but you really don't use it so let's see what we've got in here oh gold mine all right so right off the bat a lighter yes gonna add that to my go bag a can of wd-40 now this is good because well it keeps things oiled but more than that it's fuel so it can start fires and if i tape these two things together and let that burn it melts that now i've got an improvised bomb which is cool all right a sharpie in emergency situations having a sharpie is a good idea because i can mark the route in which i went you can put an arrow on a wall you can put an arrow on a tree so people can find you that's going in the go bag scissors scissors are a weapon stab them in the face scissors can also cut obviously it's a great well-rounded tool that is under appreciated a couple of screwdrivers i got a phillips head and a slot both of these good for good tools good for prying good for doing whatever i might need why not oh yes an extra charger you cannot go wrong with an extra charger uh a dollar a dollar is better than nothing okay we'll throw that in the go bag um what else is it oh i found hey look at that i found some more dollars it's gold mine uh i think oh look at that multi-tool and uh yeah that's about it for this drawer so we'll add that all in there all right let's head out to the garage all right so the garage is probably where i'm gonna find a majority of my stuff it may be different in your home but there's lots of stuff out here that's underutilized and is great for a go bag so let's see what we got right off the bat gloves now some of these are gardening gloves but these right here do good right your hands and your feet in crisis become your biggest tools so you want to protect them and like i always say when it comes to shoes make sure you're always wearing something you can fight or you can run in and then of course having a pair of gloves whether it's environmental because it's cold outside whenever you get stranded or maybe you just need to protect them throw them in the go bag all right what else we got over here change and more change come take a look at that i've got every time i clean my car out i have change so it starts to add up right change is great for toll ways an extra money on you it's also great if i throw the change in a sock now i can beat somebody to death with it that's always fun all right so we're going to take all this change all right so what else do we have over here an extra umbrella now these things are great not just for stopping the rain but if you find yourself where you need shelter you can open up an umbrella actually lay it on the ground where it's leaning and create a dome shelter and then use your environment to build around the umbrella and at least you'll know that you'll have one dry spot in your shelter i don't really see anything oh tape now this is electrical tape duct tape whatever kind of tape you can throw in your bag is a good idea electrical tape is cool because it sticks to itself really well and it's stretchy so you can really bind something tight if necessary going in the bag i'm going down the line here flashlight now this is the illuminator you can find these at they're super cheap aluminum uh serrated edge 500 lumens of light and three or four different functions but the cool thing about it is that it has a patented usb two-way usb port meaning you can charge it or it can charge other devices definitely need to have in the go bag um yeah i don't think i'm gonna find myself underwater that's okay more sharpies why not throw another one in there uh this is one of the medical tourniquets that could definitely come in handy i'm not using it it's going in the go bag going down the line anything else uh ah i was looking for these extra magazines okay nine millimeter is what i carry it's going in the go bag okay next stop back the kitchen all right inside here we've got what can we put in there remember your go bag is all about life support so the basic stuff should be in it like food water medicine medical trauma related stuff all right so there's probably stuff like i've got um mct powder why not i've got a ton of it uh and then collagen protein sure why not and i know for a fact i've got extra shakers so you can throw one of those in your go bag as well it's protein it's mct oil one's great for your joints and your body the other one's great for your mind all right what else we got um medicine right you want maybe some ibuprofen some headache i've got extras of everything it's going in the go bag and then of course more food what do we got in here that ah score summer sausage it lasts for like a hundred years uh and you know it's great to have in a survival situation and what do we got what else um oh and like i said i've got shakers everywhere okay for water you need water make sure you can either you can either fill it up with water and have it in there or you know that water resources are everywhere you fill up when you can that's about it for water okay so you get the point you can go around your house and find plenty of stuff to fill up a go bag for free and it's not that difficult junk drawers closets are full of things that you're keeping for a reason but you're not using so you might as well put them to good use and build a go bag maybe two remember the big three questions you have to answer when building your go bag does it respond to the threats you could potentially face does it respond to the environment you could find yourself in and number three do you know how to use everything in your bag and then of course common sense if there's something that takes batteries then put extra batteries if there's something that needs to be charged make sure you've got the charging cables and so there you go you've got a go bag you built it for nothing with things around your house so go out build a go bag build a couple put them in places where you can get to them when crisis strikes
Channel: 100 DEADLY SKILLS
Views: 31,003
Rating: 4.9545727 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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