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you hey guys I'm here in Dallas Texas for the Raider power transition sonar and we're staying here in the Hilton and I thought it'd be a great opportunity to talk about hotel security and staying safe and secure so what better person to do that with then Clint Emerson mr. hundred Ellie skills right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how do we stay safe and secure in our hotel room who are not getting kidnapped dropped you know all the other bad stuff dead sound good this bed says that um I mean probably the best way to break it out is we've got your physical security you know it's a view your family your friends whoever you're traveling on and then there's the safety aspect that and then there's all the technology and the threats that come with that and I think those is a real big three domain that you have to at least think about before you even leave your home and go on a trip okay right so travel security ends up being more than just an itinerary and knowing where you're going and who you're meeting with it's more about planning and prepping and understanding potential threats that come your way and then how to mitigate them we're trying to stay safe and secure but I can lock the door is that good enough it is to a certain degree I mean when we talk about occupying your hotel room the door really is the focus of safety and security so one we walk over and we'll talk through some settings I mean obviously you check in your hotel room you want to check you know we have a sliding glass door we have a balcony we have other windows just like you do at home check and make sure they're locked right right very rarely do people do that but it's important because there's always another way in its matter identifying and securing it right now the doors is your main obviously we know we live in an environment right now temporarily where other people have access staying in bed you want to throw the half-shut and you want to go ahead and lock it all the way right so there's always a deadbolt is always a hasp some of the more additional things you can do especially you're going to kick back and take a nap is maybe stack up coffee cups glasses anything that's put out complimentary in the room right in front of the door stack them up make a little pyramid and that way we hear some crash unit sure know if someone's just trying to jar it open right and if someone does have a key that hasp is going to keep it still closed that's why they have them but we know that bad guys can bypass these pretty easily pretty quickly too so once again you signal in place it allows you to get to the ready and let me just look out for yourself defend yourself well you know we talked about this before is all about how like three extra seconds that one actual second that you can gain to protect yourself without a doubt you want the first bang wakes you up the second bang is getting you ready to do whatever you do and when they finally get through the door you're already ready it'll air that day not yours correct almost all your commercials or have a commercial door closer right this lousy door to close when you leave each day it's an arm that pushes this door shut when you leave you should still check it anyway because these things sometimes fail but one of the things you can do to increase security is you want to wrap this belt we want to pull through itself if we can hear it on the arm attached to the doorframe and that's what you want to anchor to and then we're going to wrap it as tightly as possible and now what we're doing is we're creating our own walk without improvising too much you just got a belt you can use to strap on a messenger bag on your luggage on a purse anything will work here and lock that door down when you walk that going now you're good no one's opening this door in any kind of form or fashion you die soon yeah and that's going to give you that's going to give you mean they're going to be able to push through it they really want to but you're going to know about it and you're going to be ready without a doubt oh good you got a signal and you're making it difficult so you're delaying and denying at the same time some people have a proper expresso down by the beach I'm going to leave my hotel room what do I do alright so first anytime you're traveling overseas you really don't want to leave anything behind but if you can't then you're going to leave them behind there's some things you can do to determine whether or not they've been tampered with alright so first thing is discreet alignment discreet alignment is really knowing exactly how you're placing something discreet means you're you're using either your fingers your thumb thumb width you can do a thumb distance the vulnerable part on this computer for anybody who wants to try and get into it the USB port so you want to position let's say this bottle of water one thumb length away from the USB ports that has to be moved out of the way for someone to plug in and exploit your laptop right right so that's discreet alignment then there's another thing you can do using Cardinal bearings so you can use let's say the handle on this coffee cup and we want to pull up the compass on our phones or if you carry like a little micro one that's on some of these guys with compasses on their watch it's just much easier throw it down we know which way is north maybe we're going to point our handle north now for someone to figure out to reset that exactly north good luck okay you're going to fit off a little bit you're going to notice it between the compass and the cup itself all right excellent yeah there's this little trick now the big one for me personally I was traveling abroad all the time alone and I got tired of setting traps because it's hard to remember them sometimes how many times have you said something come back and like what the hell would I do I've been gone out for it or whatever yeah so dragon services and you much coffee so I ended up creating an app called photo trap and it's specifically for trapping your room so you can take a picture of your environment okay so we're going to go ahead and we want to today's date date date time stamped okay we'll take a picture of our of our environment and you want some permanent features in the picture okay we have it it's photo trapped we come back and let's say some stuff gets moved we'll move some stuff there we go now we want to line the ghost image back up take the second picture and then now we can see everything that's been disturbed in the environment you can zoom in you can see the phone's been moved you can see the laptop was moved everything has been moved so this makes it a lot easier you don't have to remember your traps and just in case you are under surveillance meaning there's audio or video in your room you don't want to look like you're setting traps to anybody watching so and you do set traps make sure it's natural you're doing things naturally because the last thing you want is a host nation thinking you're some trained guy when you're just there on vacation alright so we've we're safe inside we've got our trap set up we know our personal stuff is taken care of now we're going to leave what some last-minute things that we can do when we leave to make sure that our stuff is safe and to give us a heads up so as you're leaving the whole idea is to push your perimeter back right right I mean we also want to set up a sensor so we know or walk into the door that something's gone wrong so do not disturb one thing to point out do not disturb does not mean that people are going to stay out of your room okay it's just it's just nice to have so as you leave we want it to look like a mistake and one of the most like you're out your return if you're in a hurry where you're in a hurry and the door closes and it walks right and so it got hung up in there now as I approach the door and I find out and I come back to the door and this thing is painting freely like so then that's the first signal that I need to start paying attention right okay somebody's obviously been in here and now my alert levels going a little higher exactly yeah maybe getting the zebra pin out if you give it yeah and then once you're inside now you're confirming with the rest of the traps you set right all right you know that is another way to do that is if you're by yourself if you might be a female you're not comfortable competition maybe Nero notified security I feel like I feel like somebody has been in my room I think you go check it out yeah can I'm not alert yeah and that alerts something and that's going to keep people safer point hotel security and it's important people like to travel but they're always a little worried about traveling in hotels especially abroad thank you can't thank enough can't thank you enough and hey guys if you like this you had any questions for us like comment subscribe leave your comments below I'll ship them quint go on an Amazon Amazon right yeah hundred dollars guilt is a lot of them a book is awesome it can teach you everything from hotel security breaking out of cars I mean anything really protecting yourself improvised weapons it's a lot for me a favor go and hit that little notification button and love such thing alright see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Nick Koumalatsos
Views: 1,777,379
Rating: 4.9121971 out of 5
Keywords: marine raider, nick koumalatsos, raiders, koumalatsos, nicholas koumalatsos, nick, recon marine, marsoc, marines, usmc, reconaissance, trailblazer, staxx, combat race league, be prepared, navy seals, 100 deadly sklls, clint emerson, seal team six, seal team 6, devgru, dev group, hotel security, 4 tips for hotel security, Seals, special operations, travel tips, travel safety, security, marine raiders, marine recon, The Raider Project, reconnaissance marine, entrepreneur
Id: M0GGHIjShh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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