Dead 10 minutes, demons carried me to hell until...

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i did the heroin the cocaine the morphine the speed the mda the thc the mess gun and i'm sure a lot of viewers would recognize the names of these drugs if they go back that far including some grass and hash occasionally but that was just kind of a filler my drug of choice was speed and that's how i overdosed but just before all of that you know in them 10 years i had to provide for my habit and a lot of it was uh just doing things and stealing and robbering i've done time for robberies and i did break and enterings and other things that that i'm not proud of but all drug related all drug-related supporting the habit support to have it the addiction the addiction in 1971 i was at a place where i had cause to celebrate and uh i met my brother tom and we went into the parkdale hotel back in them days out front of the parkdale hotel you always had a cab uh police and ambulances just sitting there because that was that style in them days anyway we went inside and gee we're celebrating i'm having a couple of beers and so on at this time i'm not a born-again christian yet and so sitting there i get up to go to the washroom after a couple of beers and in the washroom i hear this voice that says why don't you take some of them pills that you got on you and really have a glow now on me i had 60 valium and they were high potency one would knock you out make you sleep for a day or so so i went in there and 60. i had 60 of them and so i went into the washroom and i listened to the voice so i put my hand into the sink in the washroom took a couple of them and knocked them back i went back out had another couple of beers and then the voice came again it was stronger and it says why don't you really get a glow on why don't you just take all of them and so i thought that was a pretty good idea i thought hey you know i've been a drug addict for a while i can handle it blah blah all the lies that the devil speaks to and they're doing and he's doing a lot of lies today people are odin on a lot of things and drugs definitely open the door to those voices they sure do okay i went back to my chair in the hotel and within a few minutes 20 minutes or so i know i was passed out and i fell on the floor well my brother and a bouncer picked me up and they took me outside my brother could have put me in an ambulance but he didn't he put me in a cab and he drove us to a friend's place in parkdale who was a speed dealer because my drug of choice was speed and anyways they laid me on the bed and he went back out to his backyard to get a stash of speed because it was a stimulant and they knew that i somehow had was overdosing on valium that's the way we thought any case they come back in they're mixing up this big hit of speed and i'm laying there and i'm lifeless but while they left to go in the backyard my my spirit rose up to the corner of the room and i began to look at my body and i became very sad because i knew that this was it i was dead that's it and i was going down a tunnel as i went down to the tunnel i landed on a space a flora and one demon that looked like you know eight feet tall they had heads of birds and stuff like that and they were strong and one took this arm and one took that arm and they led me up a kind of a stairway wide and long and when we reached to the top i had hit a plateau and i was just they were just in motion to throw me in and i don't know how come or why but i yelled out the name of jesus christ i said jesus right then because jesus is the dynamite of heaven he's the king of kings and so on anyway these demons flew off like they were blown up or something and i come back through there to the tunnel and back into my body now because i was dead for 10 minutes the next and it took four years before i got born again for the next four years i started carrying guns and doing more robberies stuff like that and i don't remember much of the four years i couldn't say with certainty what i had done it was very foggy so one day i'm sitting on 87 wood vine it's 12 o'clock in toronto just south of queen street and i'm sitting there and i'm downstairs in this little rooming house because after 10 years i had come i had lived well but i lived very poorly it was an up and down type of life i'm sitting down there there's one light in the downstairs and i'm sitting there with my face in my hands asking god or someone to help me and so just then it wasn't the day before or the day after it wasn't three hours later it was exactly then that my brother who did get born again three years earlier he stopped the car and he came in and he said to my wife don he says where's mike well i was downstairs he come down the stairs he says listen i've talked to you about jesus christ before i sent you letters and all the rest of it he said but i'm telling you right now this is maybe my last time telling you you need jesus christ and at this time i say i know well he just started weeping i know why he's weeping he's been working on you for years he was working on me in this moment you're ready you're open you're willing yes the lord had brought me to that point well for that was my brother bob for him when he got born again in 72 he says lord allow me to lead both my older brothers to christ well i have one brother who's done 15 years in prison in prison and he was in prison and bob went to visit him and prayed with him and tom got born again so he led him to the lord now he led me to the lord god answers prayer this is a family rescued well i mean you know that many people are doing away with the idea of hell even though jesus talked more about hell than heaven what do you say to them when they say oh a loving god wouldn't even create a hell never mind send anyone there i say that if this is man's tradition you better smarten up because the bible talks about it hell when i was in hell i seen things i seen people weeping and gnashing of teeth and i understand what you're saying i pastored for decades but i'm telling you they need to smarten up you may be someone that's just babysitting your church into heaven i'm thinking god allows that but you need to preach the truth i'm telling you need to preach the truth there is a hell and you need to tell your people about it as well as everything else you have been on the receiving end of many miracles we don't have time to flesh it all out but your first cancer journey yes 2002 2003 what a wild ride you have had with your health really 12 years 12 years two cancers and cirrhosis of the liver yes hep c your health today my life is perfect perfect from the year 2000 as i was a pastor to the year 2012 i was sick mostly up and down but mostly sick there was times i couldn't raise my hand above my head but today i'm very very strong and just ready to do it i want to go out and talk to people about jesus christ i want to mention this though in terms of the brain damage because i was dead 10 minutes with the hell what i did do is when i got born again i took the bible and just read it i marked things out underlying things it was so dog-eared that i had to throw it away after five months but after five months yes reading the word confessing the word over me you've had just an interesting life i want people to see your extended family in uh just the blessing of god in your life and we we have books like to hell and back hep c sentenced to death about the healing of stage four cirrhosis of the liver i i lost one brother to drugs and a sister to cirrhosis of the liver i know what these diseases do and you are just a marvel these are available by the way free at your website wwe what's the rotm revival of truth and ministries and it's a lot to do with knowing who the lord is by way of through the holy spirit and he is the spirit of truth you
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 452,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Crossroads, Christians, Jesus, Christian Testimony, Christian Testimonies 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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