What Is Hell Like According To People Who Have Seen It? | The Catholic Talk Show

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Catholic talk show got a great show for you today really excited about it the topic is what is Hell actually like according to the vision of four states yeah and we're also going to talk about how Satan got his name the nine circles of hell according to Dante and how hell that Jesus mentioned is a real place on earth that you could visit today and like Dante said abandon all hope ye who enter here done [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright man let's get this episode started want to introduce Ryan she'll here and father rich Pagano back as always what's happening it's kind of weird you know where this is like our first podcast in the dark and it's about how oh that's kind of scary that's scary oh you want the lights on and when you're scared man that's terrifying yeah thank goodness we have these spots on us right now yeah otherwise yeah yeah so let's get this jammer going so today we're gonna talk about what we actually know about health from for saints who had visions of how there's gonna be Saint Teresa of ávila Saint John Bosco st. Faustina and saints Jacinto and Francesco Marto from Fatima yeah we're also gonna talk about Gehenna and that it's a real place how the word where the word hell comes from how Satan got his name and the nine circles of hell according to Dante I like it a lot of content let's jump in alright now jumping let's jump in now yeah that sounds like fun let's be hard pass well technically it would be fall yes that's right so wasn't it like a Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure this is yeah this is Ryan riding father's riches bogus journey to hell I think there's a common thread today in the world to say hell is a myth hell is not real tell us something invented to scare people into maintaining a religious life even you'll even find that within the Catholic Church some priests some people say hell is not real it's not a merciful God would not somebody send anyone to hell you know what I would say then why are all these Netflix shows about Hell what are they doing dude bro yeah there's so many that there's what a great argument yeah thank you it's really impressive huh Thomas Aquinas is so proud of you dude I question one is how real I object what about all these Netflix shows oh and the Lord said great point oh yeah oh yeah but that is that idea that hell is not realistic so contrary to the teachings of Jesus Jesus mentioned how more than he mentioned heaven really absolutely well then there you have it do we have anything else to share in the Netflix here's what the Catholic Church teaches the teaching Vista Catechism 10:35 the teaching of the Catholic Church affirms the existence of hell and it's eternity immediately after the death the souls of those who died in a state of mortal sin descend into Hell where they will suffer the punishments of hell eternal fire the chief punishment hell is the eternal separation from God in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs mm-hmm I love Psalm 917 the verse it says the wicked go down to the realm of the Dead all the nations that forget God and in relationship to that this relationship that we have with God that is so intimate based in our creation is so important to reflect on and isn't it interesting that the liturgy itself is always do this in remembrance of me and the anamnesis this word that just sits we're calling to memory this covenant this contract that is rooted in our relationship with Christ that gives us that beautiful process of constantly remembering God not forgetting him and not forgetting most importantly his commands now what most people think of as hell and what a lot of I think the common understanding or imagery of Hell is based off of the work of Dante Alighieri he was an Italian poet in the 1313 50s and he wrote a book called divine comedy comedy right now ha ha ha ha well it's not a comedy in that sense I know but in the Italian sense that it all works out in the end yeah but it was broken into three parts inferno purgatorio and Paradiso the idea of what we think of us how most of the the calm thoughts come from the inferno in the inferno Dante divides hell into nine circles and in each of these circles people are tormented based on the sins that they committed in other life so you have any introspective mmm-hmm if you ever if you've never read it it's really fascinating I saw the movie on Netflix I had it on an audio CD back in the day I listened to when I was driving and you know that a lot of his illusions that he that he draws out poetically and in these books were then you know painted on canvas placed inside of churches and I mean very very provocative images and very appropriated punishments for the sins that were committed right so here his nine circles the first and the highest circle is limbo so that's for the unbaptized and virtuous pagans or pagano's there's really no torment but they're struck with grief from being separated from God now that they have faced you know eternal realization of the reality of God now the next circle is lust and the people who are guilty of the sins of lust are bent up and blown around in the wind endlessly and they strike against rocks continuously hmm the next circle is gluttony and in that circle they're bombarded constantly with rain and black snow and hail I don't I don't know I don't get that next version the next circle is for the greedy they are forced to push boulders and they always are having to fight and just constantly wanting the next circle is anger circa laughter that is heresy then violence then fraud and then the very lowest circle of hell is treachery and in the very lowest circle of hell Satan himself is frozen into a lake it's completely cold and he chews on Judas in his mouth for all of eternity Satan chews on Judas hmm well it's it's it's interesting sounds like some hard beef jerky some hard beat Judas some hard beef jerky Wow that would be like a good movie Oh Lord Judas hard beef jerky so John Paul it's getting late that's a lot to swallow right there she'll yeah I don't know pun intended well alrighty then so those are the nine nine circles nine so that's where that's they don't know this was a poem it was allegorical it was meant to tie sins to what he viewed as just just punishments do you ever preach on hell I do preach some fire and brimstone every now and then yeah what kind of things you say um the wages of sin is death no I mean I probably would need to be in the moment of the act of preaching but uh you know the the gravity of sin and what that means in relationship to what hell is is such an important delivery for people to realize that their actions that are oriented toward the self is oriented toward death and hell and that complete absence of God the complete absence of a place of belonging and isolation and people people respond because they get a taste of that in their own sinfulness yeah you mentioned in the intro that's like hell on earth right so I think preaching the the gospel is is preaching what we're all called to do is live fulfilled lives and and in in that fulfillment finding meaning and and the it's it's just kind of like it's either one way or the other you can put in juxtaposition to somebody preaching you know don't be attached to you know gluttony right for example or you know you can redraw that and then and that the despair that you that you have with that right without preaching like hey you're going to hell you're saying hey look this is a hell that you're in right now yeah and the reason why you're in it is because it's not what you what what you were called to you know to live and I would never use fear tactics ever in a homily to proselytize someone which has been done in the in the history of the church for sure and it's possibly being done in different circles of Christianity and Catholicism even now but I don't believe that that should be the the number one motivator of why you do what you ought to do it should be drawn by the cords of the heart as the psalm say because it is beauty that draws you it is it is the place of the commitment and the responsibility of love that should absolutely animate your response so it's an invitation so I would rather spend more time developing you know the scriptures in light that are appropriate for the day that that really speak of this greater call of Christ you know but you have to stay rooted in what Jesus is saying so if it's on hell you preach on hell you know and if yeah if it's about the kingdom if it's the be out about the Beatitudes you you preach about that now john paul ii in a general audience wednesday july 28 1999 he gave a little catechism on hell and here's what he said just briefly the first parts of it he said God is infinitely good and merciful Father but man called to respond to him freely can't unfortunately choose to reject his love and forgiveness once and for all thus separating himself forever from joyful communion with him he goes on to say it is not a punishment imposed externally by God but a development of premises already set by people in this life the very dimension of unhappiness which this obscure condition brings can in a certain way be sensed in the light of some of the terrible experience we have suffered which is commonly said as this makes life like hell in a theological sense however hell is something else is the ultimate consequence of sin itself which turns against the person who committed it it is the state of those who definitively reject the father's mercy even at the moment at the end of their life yeah and you've got a like you know to reject God's mercy you have to encounter it a form of apostasy in a way right where it's a complete rejection of God's goodness and and you know those who sin against the holy spirit you know it's like this unforgivable place because the choice has been made you know people and and st. Faustina you know I know that we're going to get into st. Faustina a little bit later but she has that beautiful insight that mystical insight of people before the infinite mercy of God choose hell so it's not G it's not God condemning the soul to hell it's more of the fact of this individual subjective person choosing hell because in light of the righteousness and perfection of God's mercy they are unworthy in their own sight and they've already condemned themselves mmm that's right so and it's not Satan punishing you it's not God punishing you it is a punishment you're choosing of your own free will and you're setting yourself there and the punishment is the separation from God mm-hmm so let's talk a little bit about what actually happens there now st. Teresa of Avila right you know her yeah she knows it's to resolution she's around it'll happen to Roosevelt oh man Teresa yeah doctor the church we need her yeah we do so here's what she said he'll was like she said the entrance seemed to be a long narrow path like a furnace the ground was saturated with water and mud and file his smelled bad and there's rats and vermin and bugs everywhere bugs now this is where new bugs are going to hell this is gonna be gross terrifying at the end of this long path was a hollow place in the wall like a closet and I saw myself confined in it I felt a fire in my soul my body suffered and my body was suffering unendurable let's say where I did not see who tormented me but I felt myself on fire and torn to pieces as it seemed to me and I repeat this it was an inward fire and the greatest torment of despair I could not sit down lie down there was no room to move I was placed in a hole in the wall and I could not breathe there was no light but thick darkness wow sounds like a fun place yeah and some of those rooms and some of those emotive that emotive language I hear people talk to me all the time about those places and people going through hell yeah on earth yeah I can relate I go to confession like once a month and usually when I go I feel torn to pieces you know I'm like scatterbrained you know I just don't feel feel right I mean it's obviously not a great torture or anything but you can you can kind of sense that I can kind of sense that like guys I need to go to confession round this up take out the trash mm-hmm and how do you feel after you go to confession like I'm just you know hmm woven back together the greatest molarity to a healthy soul man I policy oh yeah yeah because that's sickness of unhappiness that John Paul the second said so beautifully in that catechesis you know that it infects us you know sin infects us so much not only just with our disposition emotionally but also the way that we look at ourselves mm-hmm and it will tear us up because we start to be we were conflicted you know in our in our own inner reality and identity that you know we need assistance we need help and we need a doctor to be able to fix us you know and that doctor'll precision of God's mercy that comes to us in the sacrament of reconciliation is all the soul needs yeah and it's just a gift they're just waiting like I'm over the fact that you know I don't I should you know I don't deserve this or whatever I'm like yeah do needed the whole the vision of what how actually like a long narrow dirty god block path bugs bugs and sounds like the train in New York City but the a train but there's a little hole in the wall and then locked in there for all eternity can ever sit lay down its discontent no relief for eternity yeah it's like it never gets better that's terrifying that is just darkness and heat and confinement and is that is that a result of like so you have mercy that's constantly being extended by God to us whether you're here on earth or in purgatory right or whatever at some point I would imagine purgatory would take away all of this distraction where it could be kind of presented in a way where you're not distracted from the world around you and a lot of the things that couldn't Cuba sense if you all right is that is that a thing like when you're in purgatory well purgatory is very different than hell yeah because you mean you're not you're not in the you're not in on the earth you're not subjected to kind Cuba sense anymore you're in a place where God I can present himself to you and what I would want maybe glitter I think kind of you ever since probably why you're in hell are in purgatory because you still have that attachment to sin and that's what the purgation that is what the fire is burning out of you yeah it's getting rid of that connect you it's in that fire you you meet you you see the mercy and the presence of God right so you get still there there are Saints experiences of the Blessed Virgin Mary visiting souls in purgatory yeah you know different saints visiting souls in purgatory to offer a certain satiation and yeah and hope and these realities that are even present in our world in our own experience on earth so you think about a prease that here's your confession Ryan like that gives you hope or when you're in the confessional line you know it's like the light at the end of that narrow tunnel that was described by Teresa of ávila you know that I feel like I'm in this narrow tunnel now I'm freaking myself out into a new day purgatory has to be something similar to that right where there is a light at the end of the tunnel and there's a there's a process of being purged from one sin because there's such an attachment in King Koopa sense on earth that this is the process of alleviating that so I could imagine that through that process it would be a greater sense of freedom than yeah that happens to the soul in the process of it be and you'd still have a will to say no at that point when you're in purgatory Tori you still have a will you think like you know I don't know yes you know at least that's the way that it's perceived is you make it into purgatory it may take a while yeah so and we we can't think of it temporally you know you made it it's not middle-earth Ernie no it's not metal it's not like okay you're confined for it is at a time in purgatory but the the experiential realities of the soul goes through a sense being purged or for these the depths of sin I didn't make it that far in the seminary the fire of Hell and the fire purgatory are very different well one is destructive and one is tormenting the other is like the heat of a fever that this is in your body fighting off you had a heat of a fever fighting off an infection that is curing you but the heat and the fever is uncomfortable but it leads to a cure that's like purgatory hell is torment it's like the fever for the flavor of a Pringle it's nothing like that it's gluttony it might be right so another state who sort of like very I'm diggin purgatory in regards to the Thai food we just know that's so good the spice that was initially hit your palate oh my gosh this is really spicy and then I came more delightful yeah this is a delightful very sneaky it's also nothing like that all right another Saint that saw how Saint John Bosco now he had a long vision of how a lot of it was tied to the to the young boys that were in his charge he and he was terrified of seeing the the you know the oratory and the boys of the oratory going to hell because he felt as their pastor and one of their fathers right so he said going to hell at first the path to hell was flowers and it was not that bad it was dark but the closer you got the flowers started dying and started looking terrifying and then he got into a certain place where he took he crossed over a threshold and then he felt indescribable terror and he wouldn't couldn't take another step and he can see a huge cavern and it gradually disappeared in recessed into a mountain and there was flames walls thick walls each wall a thousand miles thick and then each space in between a thousand like ten feet and then a thousand mile thick wall just absolute heat and confinement and he said there wasn't actually fire everything was so hot it was glowing burning hot white but still dark hmm terrifying oh yeah how could it be burning hot white and dark no interest you don't want to know yeah you don't want to know don't don't know what I'm prayin I want to find out why are you questioning the absence of light and light itself mmm the absence of God you know there's so many things that that come from God that we take for granted you know the breath that we draw you know the food that we eat the friendships that we have the things that sustain us in life and you know think about that like the none of that is there that you've taken for granted your whole life you know and the light that penetrates your eyes so you could see yes all of that is gone it's insatiable your life is insatiable and I think insatiate suggesting that right satiate satiate yeah good job right you got this little calendar no a satiate satiate the word of the day satiated of October or something no I I think August didn't said our hearts are restless until they rest in you God and God you my lord I think he said but he also said that sin is insatiable it's like drinking salt water you you're thirsty and you're drinking salt water you just become more thirsty and more thirsty and it Juden Juden get satiation this is my I might be in hell it's just continuously trying to record this episode and keeping you guys in line for all eternity we think of the water that comes from Springs you know could you imagine being confined to you know like a raft in the middle of the ocean where you went through all of your water and you know then you're just drinking this salt water and how do you hydrate it you'll become and and what your your palate is thirsting for is that is that spring water the waters of salvation that springs forth for us you know out of the heart of Christ and the baptismal waters so you could imagine you know that that deep thirst that's never going to be quenched and in light of what we were sharing about purgatory in these different insights that Saints and mystics had throughout the years that there are moments of great consolation and that satiation that comes from the intercessory powers of the saints in that reality of what happens or i think of mother teresa come be my light and how she had a desire even though she was thrown into that type of darkness on earth the darkness of intellect the darkness of her Worth and and God's love for her she went for over 45 years without that reality in her bio life and how she and heaven wants to be that type of light for those who are most needed that err most in darkness whenever I'm experiencing personal darkness I turned to her and I her for her help and her assistance and her intercession and her example so that I can be steadfast and continue to make it it's like Winston Churchill says like if you find yourself in hell keep going keep going right yeah you know we've got to keep going as as members of Christ we are members of the light and we've got to keep on moving toward the light and you know to look at to look at the realities of Hell we don't have to look too far because we can experience it in our own struggle in our own suffering of concupiscence itself so here we go now I know you have a special devotion to st. Faustina do now in her diary in an entry from October 1936 she talks about having had a vision of how and this is what she wrote I am writing this at the command of God so that no soul may find an excuse by saying there is no how or that nobody has ever been there and so no one can say what it is like so here's what she saw now this is again st. Faustina from her journal today I was led by an angel to the chasms of Hell it is a place of great torture how awesomely large and extensive these are the kinds of tortures I saw the first torture constitutes how is the loss of God the second is the perpetual the perpetual or Moore's of conscience the third is once condition will never change the fourth is that the fire will penetrate the soul without destroying it that you never can get out of it the fifth is that the torture is in continual darkness and terrible suffocating smell yeah yeah I can relate and then I've stayed with you guys the fifth torture is continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell and despite the darkness the devils and the souls of the Damned see each other and all the evil both of the others in their own the sixth torture is the constant company of Satan lord have mercy the seventh torture is horrible despair hatred god biol words curses and blasphemies now she said these tortures were suffered by all damned people and how but each had one additional suffering that was particular to their sins these specials tortures designed for particular souls they torment the senses each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings related to the manner in which they sinned yeah it sounds a lot structurally it sounds a lot like Inferno you know I mean like me you know how your suffering is related to the sin I loved in the in the same reference from the diary which is around 741 so if those of you who want to look at st. Faustina's diary if you don't have a diary of st. Faustina this was a monumental find for me early on in my reversion and she offered me so much insight into how I approach my ministry how I preached on the mercy of God and and how I tried to exercise compassion as best as I can though I fall short all the time and every day and showing compassion to my neighbor but you know that God willing through God's omnipotence and His mercy he will continue to guide me but it's speaking of that omnipotence and God's mercy listen to this there are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another as Ryan shell just mentioned before I would have died at the very sight of these tortures just hircine the tortures not even going through the torture is associated with the senses she says I would die the very sight of them if the omnipotence of God had not supported me the advocacy that we have in the Spirit of God in our faith it's just so powerful we're talking about confession what type of consolation could we compare the realities of confession to and the omnipotence of God's loving mercy ever supporting us along the way that I don't know what I would do without it I mean it's it's just so necessary as it was necessary to st. Faustina's work and I thank God that we have this insight from her because she gives us probably one of the most articulate explanations and insights way better in my opinion than then Dante's Dante's version and Dante's were allegorical yeah and made-up yeah fiction these are actual visually like saints now you don't have to take them as the positive faith but these are saints they're trustworthy so the fourth one that we're going to talk about are the Shepherd's of Fatima yeah mm-hmm Francisco Jacinto and sister Lucy yeah I didn't sister Lucy passed away she did we haven't had in years ten years you know maybe fifteen at this point so at Fatima Our Lady showed how to these three Shepherd children and in her memoirs sister Lucia described the vision of how that Mary showed to them she said this is uncomfortable she opened her hands once more and she had done as she had done the two previous months the rays of light appeared to penetrate the earth and we saw as it were a vast sea of fire plunged in this fire we saw the demons and souls of the Damned the latter were like transparent burning embers all blackened or burnished bronze having human forms they were floating about in the conflagration now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves so it was like have you ever seen like a a fire it's like kicking up leaves yeah these people these souls are on fire and they're being pushed up in the air by the fire burning in themselves just moving around mmm no good now they fell back on every side like sparks and huge fires without weight or equilibrium amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair which horrified us and made us tremble with flight with fright the demons were distinguished from the souls of the Damned by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals black and transparent like burning coals the vision only last for a moment thanks to our good Heavenly Mother who at the who had the first apparition had promised to take us to heaven without that I think I would have died of terror and fear well there were kids too huh mm-hmm how about that for nightmares and that same that same reality that's st. Faustina talked about and the very sight of this how it's it's so gripping and overwhelming that you know next to the support that comes from divine consolation from my lady and from Jesus's mercy we can't withstand just the very thought of these reveals III mean even s where we're speaking about them and you brought up brought up Netflix before I watched this this Netflix show it was a original movie are we talking about Netflix and Hell again yeah we're we're pulling a full circle this is this the worst catechism dude hold dark oh my gosh I probably shouldn't even said the name of it but it is just so gut-wrenching and the realities of like sacrificing your child but you know we had a we had a previous episode on Our Lady of Guadalupe that we shot and you know the the fact that children were being sacrificed oh yeah and Mayan temple Mayan temples and stuff like that and this has been a part of you know that that type of sacrifice has been a part of the history of the world for so long and we could even look at abortion in the same manner today but Our Lady as a champion Our Lady of Guadalupe our champion who put an end to those sacrifices in Mexico City and Mexico you know that's we need more of Our Lady and this revelation from Fatima is a definite confirmation of that and she's a player in the games a total player you know yeah I think she's opening it up she's there it's like acts 2:27 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead you will not let your Holy One see decay know like like God is for us and if that's the case who could be against us there's no power that you know I'm against us when we have that type of advocacy yeah speaking of that I think I heard it one time paraphrase I'm paraphrasing but Sister Faustina I think Jesus said she said something like you know well what if somebody has this great sin you know or whatever and and she heard Jesus say something like whoever has send the greatest is the most entitled to my mercy right so you you think of oh no you know I you know I I shouldn't have done that and you know not and it's even in the scriptures where sin abounds grace of Browns all them all the more you know so so today like you get no opportunities you know like there's these themes that we're hearing consistently throughout can be summarized in weeping grinding of teeth you know these confinement can darkness darkness heat separation no escape despair so regret remorse we're lying a military where is the Ministry of the church among people that are suffering those realities now they're everywhere well and that's the thing because the church is there to accompany people in that form of advocacy to support them to move through these hellacious experiences in life to bring the gospel to bring the gospel and to bring the light that comes from Christ to bring that hope that is nice you're absolutely and in the promise of salvation so you know our work is needed and you may be sitting out there listening to this podcast and you may be really feeling down and sick in the heart with some of these realities in your own life know that there is consolation for you in the Immaculate Heart of Mary know that there's consolation for you in the confessional know that the scripture they're there to provide for you the strength that you can draw from the Living Word so that you can endure these present day sufferings and remain faithful because God's promise is true and God's promises for you and he is going to hold you in the palm of his hand and guide you through these difficult moments hold sure yeah and in short if if God forgives me he can forgive you because I was a dummy mm-hmm the big damage still is mhm okay so we're gonna get into like Satan's name and stuff like that so right first in the Bible what does Jesus usually call hell where did you Hannah Gehenna mm-hmm that's where they call a very diverse dump Gehenna wasn't my house deep valley yeah the valley of pentane oh yeah so outside of outside of Jerusalem there is a valley now during the kingdom of Judah the valley been Hunnam south of Jerusalem and south of Mount Zion it was a place where the Canaanites worshipped Moloch now Moloch was a Canaanite God that people sacrificed children to and they would sacrifice those children to Moloch through emulation or burning them alive to rose so that's horrible that dad actually went down in Jerusalem yes Wow and that's what I was saying like this what is it with babies innocence all over the world is the sacrifice of innocence to the gods you know to appease the gods so the Canaanites would sacrifice children by burning them to Moloch which is just I can't even think of that so that Valley became a damned place and no one to go there because especially for Jews that was incredibly unclean place yeah so what they used that land for that was the dump all the garbage was dumped in there because it was unusable for anything else because it was unclean so since they already had a ritually unclean and terrible place they threw all their garbage there and back then what she did with garbage is you would set it in fire right still do you know if you like burning a couch or something well I had a burn pit when I had a trailer on the swanee yeah so this is like a giant burn pit for Jerusalem and it never really goes yeah I don't know this back when I was before pre conversion when you're living in the trailer down by the river it was down it was down by this money remember yeah so the fire never went out because people are always throwing more garbage in and just smolder and burn and there's worms and maggots and fires and unquenchable fires never run out and and it was filthy and diseased ok children sacrifice their oaths but everyone do it yes right there so there's a dump yeah and that's why Jesus always referred to that so what are we going with this so that it was a bad place it's still there that's what Jesus called help right Hannah and right now it's some gardens and parks there it's a real place when you go to Jerusalem if you go it's on the gate bound Hinnom Street there's like the Zurich Gardens there's a hotel there it's still there it's a so mean where Jesus I don't want to stay in that hotel no y'all stick to you know Notre Dame up there with yeah we're not gonna mention that hotel yeah terrible reviews on Yelp Lord yeah so the word hell actually comes from a proto-indo-european language it's one it's a the common Road Oh indo-european language right did you get that I did do you know what it is proto-indo-european so that was the language that most European languages descended from right Greek Latin okay Greek and Latin okay you know almost all the languages descended from that in one way shape or form it was kind of a common language now the word hell comes from an old word that basically meant to conceal or to cover okay in the in the Old Testament they called it she'll she'll you know which again probably comes from the same root word hell Sheol yeah and then last thing I wanted to talk about was how the devil actually got his name well you got devil st. and Lucifer right Lucifer was top Beelzebub but Beelzebub is a demon mm-hmm not the same that's not not not the head one yeah as above is the Lord of the Flies man I just pulled that book out of my my collection repertoire yeah and my repertoire no so Lucifer like yeah that'd be like what is Oh Sadie he's called Satan in the Bible yeah so he actually it comes from a Hebrew word ha shittin mm-hmm which means the accuser yep good name all right the accuser of our brothers is cast down you know now the devil the word the devil comes from a translator transliteration from that Hebrew word so the the Greeks the Greek word for accuser was Diablos which is where yeah diabolical and devil come from it's where Diablo sauce comes from to it some of the Mexican restaurants I'm sure that word same word and then kind of that Greek word mutating in English became deal full devil devil gotcha that's where it comes from interesting and Lucifer comes from hello a Greek another Hebrew word meaning shining one or the Light Bearer Light Bearer yeah that's his yeah because he's he's an angel light you know yeah but you know thinking about the hot dark can find worms torture yeah never getting out never being able to move standing forever never the chance of repentance that's terrifying dirty yeah dirty place maybe that's father Richford confession he found the rich what are you looking up over there looking at up Beelzebul Beelzebul yeah I'm looking up Beelzebul because it says that uh that deals a bowl is a leader it's a leader of all demons oh no I mean like what a third of the Angels on the ruler of demons it is only by Beelzebul the ruler of demons that this fellow cast out them so is the context of the Pharisees accusing a saint considered as our demon or like an arc angel he is the equivalent of an archangel and there are angels so there's an order of intelligence all the fallen angels and we're gonna give we're going to weird there's another episode that we did about oh gosh we'll talk really about the orders of angels okay how they felt I'll zip my lip yeah you zip that up zip zip ah the enemy liar father of lies murderer ruler of this world god of this age angel of light by Nile Mueller of the authority of while alive I know a guy named Lyle but you know using Sepultura lyrics that was a crazy man yeah just these descriptive descriptive you know dragon old serpent old scratchy ver of the old scratch that's right yeah so crash what what do you got aren't you ready for the Inquisition I don't know late we have something you're gonna put me you you're probably gonna get me it's late and I'm tired so before we get into that before we get into that we're gonna put a pole which of the four Saints visions of how did you find the most terrifying so which one did you guys think was the scariest st. Faustina's so for me I'm gonna go with the kids the Fatima kids not for me Teresa of ávila was the most terrifying yeah you don't you don't like dark in oh I'm sorry I can't lay down that's kind of like what you're going through like right now you can't sleep it's definitely just fast and never any person binaural terrifying yeah I don't mind mud and rat since I've been to New York I just kind of deal with it you know I don't mind bugs don't feel been to New York just don't feed him all right so are you ready for the Inquisition I suppose if God sends people to hell well he doesn't people send themselves to hell and Satan is tormenting them in hell is Satan actually doing God's work by tormenting people in hell well they can't come back outta Helena place what if that wouldn't that Sara Lee co-relate God's presence in his will in hell when that is clearly a contradiction of theological terms because it is an literally an absence of God so I would say absolutely not okay my daughter asked me that question oh really yeah your daughter is so smart man he is that's that's amazing so I asked so here's how I answered it for her no I said now imagine I drop you off somewhere weird say we're driving to Chicago and I'd drop you off in a really rough neighborhood not to call Chicago how I love Chicago but Chicago is kind of hellish at some place it's good it's not hell all right Elish now if I drop you off there and bad things happen to you there right am i doing that to you or is that the people doing them there to you or is it because you were left in this place am i punishing you or we were you being punished because you were in this place that you were lefted who's actually doing the punishments towards you it's the people of the place but because you are there of my will and I you chose to go there and I allowed you to go there that's the that's what I tell parents that drop their kids off at my house you know what you're doing right okay that's so crazy ma'am I said the same thing to my neighbors so Satan's not not God's Borden no no no no way no way no you know he's fallen from relationship with god and union with God God is not present in hell it is absence of God yeah and I hope that this podcast you know you start talking about Hell what it really boils down to is you talk about the murder you can't talk about Hell without the mercy of God that that constantly extends to us for all eternity and its power to piece you back together from the disarray and and not to go into detail of like this child sacrificing movie that I watched on Netflix that totally disturbed me that I needed to go to bed last night and it took a whole day for me to kind of you should air you should have drank with us last you know but it's it does take a sense of being repaired after being exposed to such darkness yeah and you know I I think of st. Faustina these children of Fatima and st. Teresa of Avila and these great mystics how God's omnipotence and his presence in his presence in their life constantly repaired them even though they were exposed to pretty pretty dark stuff my brothers and sisters if we're walking on this path we're going to be exposed to dark stuff we're gonna go through hardship we're gonna go through difficulty but it's all about what you do in the wake of these realities what do you do in the wake of sin you know you're not defined like john paul ii says by your sin that leads you to death and Yorkin koopa sense but you're defined by what you do after these facts and if you can respond by being faithful and responding to that call and continuing to progress on the pilgrimage of life together with your brothers and sisters and following Christ you will find the way through that narrow gate along the merciful hands of our Savior on the on the Tree of Life and the cross we're gonna find our way together so we so thank you for joining us on the Catholic talk show we thank you for subscribing and giving us some positive reviews and hopefully this is a blessing for you and as we continue to journey together hopefully we'll go grow deeper in our understanding of our faith I am good all right thanks guys well it was fun going to hell with you guys and I'll see you on the next episode of the Catholic talk show peace have a great night god bless [Music] you
Channel: The Catholic Talk Show
Views: 58,812
Rating: 4.7253838 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Catholic Podcast, Catholic Talk Show, Ryan Scheel, Ryan DellaCrosse, Father Rich Pagano, Catholic Radio, Catholic TV, Catholic Show, Hell, Gehenna, Satan, Devil, Lucifer, Saint Faustina, Saint Teresa of Avila, Fatima, Jacinto Marto, Francisco Marto, Saint John Bosco, Purgatory, What does Hell Look like?, Vision of Hell, Taylor Marshall, Matt Fradd, Bishop Barron
Id: yRQneFYqOLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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