Jesus rescued me from death, the gates of hell: Scott McNamara's Testimony

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i was getting up in the morning i was taking cocaine for breakfast that was the life i was living uh um and i got to this point where i took so much and and my friend took it my friend overdosed in front of me and he was taken off dead in an ambulance i turned my house into a party this particular evening he dies in front of me as i drove to the back of his head and he gets taken off dead in an ambulance i stand in the street as the ambulance is driving away and i see the gates of hal open up before me and i can't breathe i know that i've got about 60 seconds left to live and i cried out to god i said keep me alive keep my friend stephen alive and i'll turn to you and i made this plea bargain with the lord in desperation for my to save my own skin and the lord kept kept his part of the bargain he uh my friend was resuscitated in the ambulance and discharged i think when i felt like i was going to cross the precipice of eternity i really felt like i had one foot hanging over how uh it was like somebody grabbing grabbing me around the neck and keeping me from going to hell and i believe that was jesus and the bible i found out later says you know call on the name of the lord and you'll be saved and that was what i was doing unknowingly and he came to my rescue and kept us both alive it never fails to amaze me how we seem to have this internal gps toward god that even when we're not serving him we're not talking about him we probably don't even believe in him we hit a crisis and and we and something in us cries out to god you know you had such a dramatic experience what was the next what was day two like what changed after that yeah i i just i mean for me it wasn't like i'd like to say from that moment i came to know jesus but actually didn't i went back into my sin i remember like a couple of days later i was with this this particular girl she's very beautiful marvel type girl and i didn't want to you know i didn't feel good i was intimate with it i didn't like the feeling of it and that was the first time i'd ever i'd ever uh um felt like the taste of sin disagreed with me like i've never really acknowledged that before but in this moment i'm like i don't feel good i feel dirty and i began to do some more things i remember taking cocaine again again i felt dirty i felt like it didn't agree with me and it was like the lord was saying hey i kept my side of the deal and you got to keep your side of the deal and within about a month or so i ended up at this place and that's where i met jesus i had a dramatic encounter where i was filled with the holy spirit i began to weep and and i saw a beams of light protruding from people's eyes as they walked towards me as i had a conversion experience so so the lord really came after me um he i was the one sheep that got away and he came and found me you know that's an incredible story and you know it's putting you such a passion to tell other people about your faith in this transformation talk to me about that yeah i mean i didn't i didn't know you know and really much about what evangelists do or this kind of this kind of thing i just knew that when i was held in the embrace of the father whenever i i felt his beating heart i felt it beat for lost people so the more i began to love him the more he held me i could feel his pain and his his heart taking his longing for his other kids who were like me so i just i just had to tell him it just was an overflow of loving him and loving people so i just began to tell everybody and most people kind of you know the shutters came down and they thought this guy's crazy i was telling my friends i was telling those people i used to mix with and most of them didn't really want to know um but i didn't at that stage i didn't know what it was to partner with the holy spirit i just thought i'm just gonna shout my mouth off for everybody i didn't understand the holy spirit was my partner in evangelism so he began to school me and what evangelism was and and how he would lead the way and i would just have to follow him and and as that began to happen then i began to see the fruit and um and i made some sacrifices and uh through obedience uh through music and things like that the lord said leave it all behind i had a profound word below tell me if you give me what you love the most i'll give you what i love the most so even after i got saved music was ingrained in me and the lord was asking me to give it to him he said if you give me your music i'll give you souls and after i gave up my dream i began to see people get saved wow that is not easy but i know that you love what you're doing you love it so much you found it jesus at the door you wrote the book we can see it right there beside you of the same name you're really passionate about helping other people share our faith because sometimes we're just scared about it or we think that people are going to be offended or mad at us yeah i mean i didn't feel like i was qualified you know but the lord qualified you know ryan harbank he has this great quote he says god uh qualify um or calls the qualified and uh qualified he doesn't call the qualified sorry he qualifies the call so the lord he calls us all the great commission was given to every disciple it wasn't given to evangelists so we're all called to do this so i didn't feel qualified either until the holy spirit placed this seal upon me and that happens through obedience so when when the lord gave me jesus at the door you know i was out of my depth uh totally i was employed by a local church to be a full-time evangelist and lead one soul a day was my pastor's uh you know desire and i was out of my depth but the holy spirit showed me what it is to be a reaper and what it is to to partner with him and bear fruit so when jesus at the door was born for me it was a gift and it enabled me to bear fruit you know and and then other people began to take it and they and they did the same thing so what i love about it is it quit it equips even the most novice or even the most um unqualified of disciples and it qualifies them and shows them how to bear fruit so for me it was a game changer and we see the same thing um in many nations we trained people in over 20 nations now and we see the same fruit well i love seeing that passion that's in you you're changed you want to see other people experience what you've experienced we have less than a minute left but for someone watching right now i was like you know scott i don't know what you're talking about i've never experienced anything like that but i feel lost in this coveted 19 time what would you say to them yeah well i would show you this real quick so this is our image and this is an image of jesus knocking on the door of your heart the handles on the inside so only you can let him in now if you pray lots of people pray and praying's like talking through that door you know he's there somewhere but you don't know him personally now if you visualize a backpack on your back and we filled it with all your sins would that bag be heavy if you would be honest i'm sure you'd admit there's some things in that bag that you shouldn't have done and that represents your debt with god it stops you having that relationship with them equally if you owe the bank 10 000 i give you a check for 10 grand and you deposit the check in your account your debt would be cleared and that is what jesus did on the cross he wrote you a check and he signed it in his blood and he's standing at the door of your heart today wanting you to cash it so if jesus went in front of you right now would you let him in is my question to you and just like the wind we can't see it but we feel it and i want to pray for you now because i believe jesus is right there with you so holy spirit i ask you to touch them right now anyone who's watching this show right now who hasn't been stamped with the seal of salvation i ask you change the atmosphere whether they sit or stand right now let them feel your presence let them know you long to have them in your arms so just make yourself real to them in this moment i pray in jesus name now if you felt the love of god or you have faith enough to believe that he's in in right there in your room with you right now there's only one condition it is to leave the road you're on currently without jesus change direction and follow him leave the wide road that takes you to hell where i was going and enter the narrow path that lead you to life i want to be honest and tell you this you can be on the wrong road believing in the right guy there's a lot of people who are on the road to harley believe in god it ain't going to help you you need to turn around change direction and follow him so if you're willing to follow him from your heart with your mouth you echo these words with me say jesus i open the door of my heart i say sorry for my sin i choose to follow you and make you the lord of my life fill me with your holy spirit in your name i pray amen and now reach out to somebody tell them what you've done and begin to take steps in that new direction new direction requires new steps you
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 126,470
Rating: 4.9321003 out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Christian, Christians, Christianity, Jesus, Religion, christian testimony, christian testimony videos, my christian testimony, christian testimony 2020, christian testimony video, christian, testimony, my testimony, christian testimonies, christian testimonies 2020, salvation testimony, jesus testimony, christian true story, 2020 christian testimony video, spiritual journey, evangelism, bible study, 100huntley, scott mcnamara, cocaine addiction, christian inspirational video
Id: hkr-BST-wbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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