Justice League "Broken Universe to 6th Dimension" - Full Story| Comicstorian

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welcome to comic store Ian where we take some of the lore and story lines and then your favorite comic books video games and movies and we break them down into audio dramas and as the year goes on many times our storylines are broken into ten or twenty or thirty videos over the course of a playlist so to make things easier we eventually compile all of those videos to tell you a full story and this is going to be issues one through four of no justice and then one through 25 of Justice League which is all about the totality and how the Justice League is battling against the Legion of Doom leading to the current event gear of the villain I hope you guys enjoy this one it's going to be a real long episode and if you do don't forget to subscribe to the channel and follow us on twitter at comics torreón we would greatly appreciate your help over there [Music] since before time the Green Lanterns have been tasked with keeping peace across 3600 sectors of space but today the Green Lantern's face something that they never thought they'd see as Hal Jordan flies to the crowds he asks job what's with the call for every ring in the universe and John tells him simply put we're dealing with a cosmic ocean of destruction anything that we send it just disintegrates it's like our universe is a leaking raft into toxic sea Palin says I know the Justice League didn't mean to do whatever this is we had to do whatever we could to stop the dark multiverse this is just a crack how bad could it be guy pushes Hal aside yelling really this is the store swamp you and your friends broke the damn universe the old rulebook just went up in smoke at that exact moment all across earth all of the different hero factions are called to action against that threat that would require them all Brainiac is invading earth as he battles Earth's heroes he tells them I see you for what you are and hear me when I say you are not prepared for what you have unleashed Superman flies and punching Brainiac yelling I will not allow you to take this world do you know how many protocols we have at the slightest hint of danger right now the entire city's being evacuated meaning I don't have to hold back he hits Brainiac again sending him through a nearby building but as Superman grabs ahold of him again Brainiac says you to lose yourself allow me to illuminate Brainiac grabs Superman's head in small probe shoot out of his arm showing Superman a vision of the future the one where he Brainiac can easily defeat them but he did not come here to adopt this world he came here for its heroes not as they are but as they can be Superman struggles to free himself telling him we will fight and Brainiac doesn't yes and you will fail which is the precise reason I have come for you a flash of light washes over every one of the heroes soon begin to wake back up but not on earth in one room Starfire and Beast Boy wake up alongside the tada and Harlequin beast boy already in the form of a bear snarls at Harley and Zatanna jumps up yelling okay we all need to calm down here no one is killing or eating anyone but as they all do begin to calm down as the tada looks at her clothes asking were these the outfits they were wearing when they lost consciousness as all of them look at their uniforms and the lights attached to them Beast Boy says Oh some next-level creepy cetana heads to the door and says that she really doesn't understand what's going on but they need to focus on getting out of here Harley look sure Rhonda says that all of the heroes are so polite my squad wouldn't just blow a hole in the wall in fact that's what the others are probably doing she pulls a panel off the wall exposing some wires and as she crossed them she's shocked but the door Zatanna is working on suddenly opens cetana quietly says that she doesn't like this but Starfire walks ahead stayed and this you can hear voices ahead hopefully their friends are doing better up in the next room Damian Wayne yells at dr. fate stating if you tell me to calm down one more time I will tell you your fate if you're not gonna help me find Brainiac I will go out myself in but as Damian turns he bumps into Brainiac and Batman tells of gum town Brainiac believing the members of the Justice League tells them it's all right - you're among allies here Starfire begins to shout asking allies what are you talking about Superman says I know it's hard to believe what it's true Starfire that asks how can you be so sure and Brainiac holds up his hand holding Wonder Woman's lasso stating I believe you all understand what the Amazons lasso is capable of I do not have time to ask you kindly it was to illustrate your weakness and prove my course of action what we were about to face is something old older than even my civilization there is a myth of four brothers impossibly powerful cosmic gods each and bodying one of the fundamental energies of sentient life they are called the Omega Titans Anthropy wisdom Wonder and mystery each believed that their core energy would be the dominant power of intelligent life and to prove themselves they have planted the seeds of cosmic energy into world after world at the end of the universe the story says that they would return to these civilizations that grew over eons and the winning brother would reabsorb that world with the source wall breaking you to set these beings into motion they are ready to begin the systematic destruction of all sentient worlds until nothing is left it is however possible to stop all of this we need to restore balance to the four energies thus I have redistributed all of you into four teams each team represents an embodiment of an Omega Titan and in these new configuration success may not be likely but at the very least it is possible Batman says I understand the nudes and our costumes but looking at the teams they appear to be uneven if this is about balance then there to be of the heroes a voice calls out to Batman stating I'm not sure that I would call us heroes but hey if the shoe fits everyone turns to see Lex Luthor and several other villains and while brainiacs plan is now set into motion Amanda Waller is busy working on a plan of her own she tells everyone that they need to make sure that Task Force 11 is primed and ready to go she didn't kidnap the most powerful psychics in the world just for fun it's time to hack viremia up and Brainiac shipped tempers flare a star fired shots that she will never fight alongside a tyrant like Sinestro Sinestro yells that he was saving planet since she was swaddling clothes you just suggest that you are too good to fight alongside me but the other heroes and villains begin to weigh in and Brainiac shouts that is enough we have arrived at Club goon everyone stops and looks at the window to see one of the Titans and Superman says my god Brainiac tells him they are not gods they are destroyers Kalu is the home of the smartest race of sentient life my race there are four wisdom is who has come to consume this world the other energies are weaker but if the balance is reignited we may have a chance of saving this world you must do exactly as I say any deviation and you would not only doom Kalu but every other worlds as Brainiac begins to explain though he begins to feel a sharp pain as amanda waller psychics are attempting to hack his brain Superman rushes over to catch Brainiac as he falls asking what's wrong Brainiac says I can't fake and then his head explodes as everyone watches Beast Boy says so what are we gonna do and Lobo says we are so fragged Amanda Waller makes her way to the Arctic Circle as she drives closer to her destination general Lane radios in telling her that she needs to turn back right now Amanda tells him that she needs him to shut up she will not be turning back this is far more important than her life or his ego task force 11 is prepared to shut down any attack that comes within 60 miles of her location Lane says that his intelligence shows that her psychics are all in a comatose state and Amanda asks who's he going to believe the United States government or her after a few moments of silence Lane tells it that she has one hour and she ends the radio transmission as she parks her snowmobile sighing and calling Lane an idiot she steps out and a green arrow is shot into the ground green arrow himself then says the next part of this conversation is going to be real easy I know you're responsible for this so tell me where the hell is the Justice League meanwhile over on Kalu the Titan of wisdom begins to make his move on the planet the people of Kalu begin to run in panic but they're not only running because of the tightenin they are running away from the heroes shouting that our heroes are brainiacs minions wearing his technology flash yells to the people that they are actually here to help and Superman tells them that it is no use these drones are programmed to destroy anything associated with Brainiac while the teams defend themselves from the drones some of the team's begin to notice that their abilities aren't holding up like they used to Harley says yeah well that thing might have something to do with everyone's powers cyborg scans it and says that it's fascinating it's like a real tree it's made out of information and it's broadcasting a signal this must be how the Omega Titans determined the dominant energy on a planet and on this planet it's wisdom Starfire says that she can sense a pole but not from the tree somewhere south of where they are and Zatanna adds that she does too but hers feels more Northwest Beast Boy asks so what four teams four energies four trees and Batman tells them the legal take point everyone else reform into your own teams and explore these locations Lex looks at Martian Manhunter and asks are you going to tell them or should I and Manhunter says by all means next steps in front of the group telling everyone like it or not Brainiac is one of the smartest beings to ever live the next smartest besides myself have all lived here on Kalu they are currently running for their lives like frightened children as much it pains me to say a lot of us don't come close to measuring up we aren't going to solve this without their wits and we'll our best chance for survival is to follow the plan that brainiacs set remember this if we fail not only will Kalu fail but so will earth the nodes under costumes are drawing you to the for energy poles Brainiac said that they need to restart the three dying energies to counteract wisdoms control Superman says Luthor's right I wish he weren't but we don't have any other leads Batman looks at the teams that says that there's at least one leaguer per team I could live with that Damian grabs Batman and tells him it's a bad idea are we really gonna be trusting Brainiac and Luthor and Batman tells him that's enough I was going to say it's the right decision or now we have a world to save and Lex says correction teammate we have two worlds to save back on earth Green Arrow pulls another arrow pointed at Amanda and tells her four hours ago every device in Queen industries satellite network exploded after tracing the signal it led to use so the question is what in God's name are you up to Amanda ignores the question it says that if he's going to shoot her to shoot the world's going to end today so either shoot her now and save her the trouble or get out of the way and let her do her damn job Green Arrow says not before you tell me what's going on and Amanda sighs pulling out a small device using it to shoot a rope that ties Green Arrow up she then says that after the invasion of the dark multiverse the Justice League informed the government that the battle had broken the source wall their intelligence didn't know that there was even a wall at the edge of the universe so when Brainiac came to earth she gathered up the world's most powerful psychics and ripped every piece of data out of his head from what we've learned Brainiac managed to put earth next on the list for the space gods and blackmailed the heroes into fighting them on his home planet so as for what she's doing here she's cleaning up the mess that his pals left behind because a few hundred feet from where they are now is the only thing that's going to save them now if he and all of his superhero friends would just leave her alone she'll get them out of this Green Arrow says that's the thing there's no other superheroes it happened right after you went off the grid the rest of the superheroes are in some kind of stasis Brainiac must have been planted a fail-safe why it went off who knows but we're on our own now Green Arrow that asks so what are we supposed to do now tell me the plan so that I can help I will follow your lead Amanda pauses and tells them next time I say shoot shoot as for the plan we need to dig up Earth's dormant cosmic seed back in Kalu each of the teams begins getting closer to their respective trees each having a general theme around them the tree of entropy is located in the prison known as the ultra penance whereas the tree of wonder is at the top of a temple and nearly petrified the tree of mystery has no signs of anyone or anything guarding it and the tree of wisdom is located within the city but as everyone because they get close to their trees each team is attacked in each with different types of being some robotic and some undead superman's group manages to get into their tree first but as Manhunter looks down by its roots he sees a nursery a nursery of cities and Starro tells him not suji's per dönitz and he else we have to pray them while Sinestro tells him that he's mad they would be releasing tens of thousands of worlds into this room these are ancient alien races never seen before do you realize the chaos that you'd create and Manhunter tells him not chaos and mystery Batman and his team are the next to start heading into their treat and as they fight their way through Deathstroke asks why is the Teen Titan with them you shouldn't be here Lobo pulls Beast Boy aside and tells him look I know you're scared here but you're on Team crazy didn't what Deathstroke say make you want to let go throw yourself at his one good eye and not give a flying frag as to what happens next Beast Boy tells him yeah I can do that and he transforms into a giant like creature but as all the teams begin to get closer to the source of the pole they begin to feel something Manhunter and cyborg begin to reach out to the other teams and there's something wrong with brainiacs programming that's preventing them from doing so Batman's team finally reaches the source of their pull and through the shadows of voice asks did you really think that there was any hope for Kalu Brainiac may not have put his faith into the earther heroes but his plan required him at every step the second that he died this planet as well as yours was doomed lex asks who the hell are you and Batman tells him his name is real trucks Brill steps out and tells him that is correct but you can call me by the name that my father gave me Brainiac 2.0 within seconds of freeing virile form his cell Lobo gives Brill a hard elbow to the chest stating you better stop talking and quick burl asks what is there to talk about Kalu is out of time and about to be eaten the second that you managed to kill my father all hope was lost lex tells him we did not kill brainiac however i may not be able to stop lobo here unless you explain why our suits led us to you drill that asks do you think that it's just a coincidence that the psychic signal that killed him came from earth it was your allies who doomed Brainiac did you really think that Brady at the smartest entity in the universe was counting on 20 a lien heroes to save coal do without him you were meant to act his tools each of you with a specific role and you functioned for him to wield Batman says that's right which is why you're going to help us any plan a brainiacs would have involved a back-up plan your father's programming is inside of you so either you help us fulfill brainiacs plan or we feed you to the Omega Titans as an appetizer Frio tells Batman you don't understand why would Brady I trust you to clean up a mess that you created when the source wall broke the rules of the universe changed the thing is Brainiac is the missing piece your suits were designed so that he could channel the energy directly into him I myself cannot replace Brainiac because those suits were made to absorb me Brainiac set this whole thing up so that once team managed to divert the Omega Titans from co Luke they can head straight to earth and devour it and Kalu stead once that happened he'd be able to rule the universe without the nuisance of Earth's heroes Beast Boy shouts you're wrong we can fix this maybe we broke the universe but you can fix anything if you work together and trust your teammates grill sighs oh the youth of Earth just as blind as your mentors doesn't matter anymore soon you will be able to fully comprehend just how small you are meanwhile down in the Arctic Circle Amanda Waller in Green Arrow stand in front of one of the energy seeds planted on earth and Green Arrow yells it's hopeless you're just assuming that the Justice League is going to fail to save Kalu maybe I get a hold of Hal Jordan all we need to do is redirect a few satellites to boost the signal Amanda tells them no it's hopeless because those heroes are the ones who caused all of this they only call that I'm going to make is to drop the largest nuclear weapon and the u.s. Arsenal right here so you better make peace with whatever higher power you want because you're going to be seeing them soon Green Arrow points his bow at Amanda telling her over my dead body if you drop a nuke you're gonna end up killing so many people Amanda grabs her gun and yells it's either a handful of people or every and Oliver back up at the tomb of the ancient scientists of Kalu team wonder attempts to balance the tree of wonder but quickly realized that to do so they would need a powerful magic source while cetana holds back the spirits that are attacking she calls out that she tried to focus her magic but these suits are limiting their capabilities Wonderwoman then says that where she comes from magic isn't defined by limitations it's about belief she isn't sure if there's enough raw magic inside of her but she knows that she has been blessed by the gods and right now she can feel the tree calling out to something within her she takes her lasso and she wraps it around the tree of wonder shouting for Kalu for earth for wonder and at the lasso begins to shine the tree of Wonders energy begins to be restored Wonder Woman that sends a message to everyone that they did it the tree of Wonder is alive they still have a fighting chance but over the tree of wisdom cyborg says that that's easier said than done however are we supposed to out think the smartest alien alive Harley tells him it's worth thinking outside of the box you were being wore a little plug a it to beat and download see why not plug into a unicorn and download her tornado cyborg tells her that that doesn't make any sense but suddenly it does we don't need Brainiac we just plug into the tree with my mother box Brainiac is smart but he can't reprogram multiversal tech cyborg then connects into the tree of wisdom and he starts to take in all of its information but as he does he shouts that there is just so much Janna a cyborg maintains the data stream the tree slowly begins to become darker and just then cyborg sees a small fruit growing out of one of its branches he reaches out stating that this is the seed that the Omega Titans planted from the fruit of the tree the AI is telling him that it is important over at the tree of mystery John tells everyone that it's up to them they are to protect the minds of these people on these frozen worlds we have to free them from the nursery Superman a Sinestro if you can create a construct that will carry these worlds out and Sinestro tells him yes but I still feel this is a dangerous idea the second that they are out of containment they will grow to natural size Starfire but a Starfire looks at the wall of worlds she quietly says no this is tamarin we have to free my people jon's asks taro if he could and star hotels him okay okay I'll try to calm their minds and tell them that it's okay don't make me a liar Marty while Sinestro tries to free the collected planets the Omega Titans up here and they begin to reach down towards the tree of wisdom to collect its fruit the Justice League all gasp together and they slow the tightened down but the demon Etrigan then tells everyone it sees us as ants it flies to be swatted away in a breeze as the titan effortlessly knocks everyone away Starro tells Adam that he's going to need his help on this one invert the frequency up the door start in his belt and fire it at him Adam then says there's no telling what that's going to do but here it goes and as soon as star is hit his body because to grow and grow and soon it becomes big enough to cover the titans face he latches on shouting hahaha I have conquered worlds upon wails deputy minor but if I go Titan is no match for me whilst ro keeps the Titan busy the heroes all begin to evacuate the planet fearing the worst but then it happens the Titan reaches up to his face and he rips taro in half and off his face Harley then says wait the Titan killed the starfish we were winning and Damian tells her no my father and the league were wrong were lost and that's when they hear a massive crack I got doom as the Titan begins to devour the planet of Kalu back on earth the sound of the seed being activated can be heard and Amanda asks green arrow if he can hear it his friends have failed lower the bow and the arrow and green arrow yells either you shoot me or you give me the radio to make the call to Hal I will not let you kill my friends and family no matter how many space gods there are Amanda pulls the trigger and green arrow releases the bowstring his arrow shoots down the barrel of Amanda's gun she drops his stay damn it it's too late he stood them all Corino grabs her radio shouting and whoever is on the line he needs them to redirect all satellite signals to boost a signal from his location to the Green Lantern Corps and just as he says that the energy seeds begin to sprout bringing forth trees and STAR Labs the Tower of fate the fortress of solitude and Bellerive with them the Omega Titans appear over the earth in green arrow says that the Justice League will come she'll see and Amanda tells him no they won't welcome mr. green to the end of the world a short while later over at the source wall where this all began Green Lantern Corps continues to try and hold everything together to avoid anything spilling out into the universe but as they do Hal's ring notifies him that there's an incoming signal from Green Arrow he answers the call and he says that he's sure that whatever green arrow needs is important but the Corps is dealing with the end of the universe thing right now and green arrow tells him how yeah I know you're doing a craft job the four space gods just entered Earth's atmosphere and if you don't get here fast Rahl could be meanwhile outside of the wreckage of the planet of Kalu everyone looks out the window of brainiacs ship stating that they just let it blow up none of those green folks have a home anymore Superman asked cyborg what about the ship and cyborg tells him to the blast damaged the ship's core perhaps Rilke in but before they can finish drill tells everyone to have a good hard look outside you want me to help you just released Kalu's nursery all of those planets have thousands of neighbors that they never asked for and among them other refugees of Kalu home of the most noble an ancient race the Omega Titans would have just remained at rest were it not for you so can I fix your ship of course but will I not a chance you deserve precisely what you have coming to you drill then turns the ship's core and begins calibrating its circuits and starts to fade away but before fully leaving he looks back at everyone stating I am Brainiac 2.0 and it's about time I started to live up to that name cyborg runs over to try and stop him but as rill fades away cyborg shouts the core it's surging worse than before I won't be able to hold off the explosion I am Jon stop some stamina they must find a way together I know that you all feel tired and the fear is radiating off of you but Brainiac could not have predicted the things that have happened like Stara one of our greatest enemies sacrificing himself so that we could escape we need to think big we need to do what we never could of before something brainy I can never expect it what grilled jocks couldn't have seen a million miles away a short while later at the fortress of solitude Supergirl flies around the tree of mystery looking for green arrows last known signal but as she makes another pass Brill fires a gun from the tree into the air hitting Supergirl pretty sighs stating I forgot earth had so many heroes the blast hit Supergirl knocking her out of the air and Brill says that it matters not when he is done he's going to accelerate the trees growth and it'll be unstoppable once that's done he'll retrieve everything that was taken from his father and watch this planet get torn apart moments later at Belle Reve the tree of entropy looms over the prison and Amanda gets off her helicopter telling her assistants that she needs a line to the president and general Lane she's ready to discuss the nuclear option it also do her a favor arrest green arrow since he's the one to blame for the space gods showing up to eat them but before Amanda could walk in Brill appears behind her and says hello my name is Brainiac 2.0 you killed my father thanks just as Verl aims his gun he subtly punched in the face by a giant green fist and Hal tells him not so fast I heard Green Arrow needed a hand so I brought a few drill picks himself up stating that he and Amanda understand each other very well only someone as ruthless as her could have murdered Brainiac the heroes seek to save everyone calling it justice but Amanda here she knows that it will only bring chaos the fact is proven when Belle Reve grew the tree of entropy i've accelerated the process by which the planets dormant force becomes supreme see how fast it's growing you are species of chaotic monsters you whose and trippy the only way to combat the chaos that you bleed is to do what she does survive one of the assistants comes out opening up a briefcase for a man - stating that she has full authorization to deploy whatever weaponry she sees fit as she takes the nuclear switch a guy tells her that there's no way that they're going to let her do that the death toll could be but she stops him stating that she is well aware but the cold truth is that there is no justice in the universe it's an illusion and there are certainly no damn heroes who can save them from this just then there's a loud boom and Batman's team jumps out and he says maybe not but we're sure as hell going to try as the group lets Batman begins to scan the tree and then says that Verrel sped up the growth of the trees they're sending signals to each other rapidly but entropy has taken the lead we need to hurry and balance out the growth then we'll have a fighting chance Hal and green arrow look at Deathstroke and Lex dating uh she makes some new friends at space Batman we were a kind of expecting the Justice League on this one and Beast Boy tells them right now we are the Justice League Batman radios to cyber are telling them that they need to move fast to get everyone to the respective trees and Vril starts laughing stating this is good now you could all die together soon all of the teams arrive at the trees and they begin to remove rules devices that are speeding up the group as everyone attempts to attack the device's their attacks seem to bounce off though Wonder Woman radios that this isn't working they need something more and they do in fact have a Brainiac girl says that brainiacs day that was to earth right cyborg says she's right we need to find the source of the Brainiac hack and find out who green arrow jumps in the conversation stating you don't have to look that far I already know stand by green arrow then turns to a man to telling her that the only way to do this is the league way so please give cyborg the Brainiac files after a few moments she radios to her team telling them to get the uplink already let cyborg in soon cyborg connects to the uplink and he scans the files data that he could appreciate a man distr honest because right now they have themselves a brainiac with this they can steal brainiacs moves and supercharge the seeds if they see another they can redirected the Titans attention from Earth entirely all of the heroes begin to supercharge their trees and as they do they begin to notice the trees bearing seeds cyborg takes the wisdom seeds and because to charge it directly using his own wisdom and once it's ready cyborg says all right now we just need to do that with all the others flash hurries back taking more seeds giving them to Wonder Woman and Jean both of them charged the seeds with Wonder and mystery leaving the remaining seed to be entropy but his death stroke attempts to charge his seed with his own lack of order nothing happens lex tells him to hand over the seed and Deathstroke asks him why you're a hero now you wouldn't be able to charge but as Lex takes it he concentrates his entropy and soon it charges to see Superman takes the seed rushing back to cyborg standing all right we have all the seats what now cyborg tells them that they're going to take this and fire it right into the entropy tight it's not charged with one energy it's charged with four once the seed lands into the Titan his brothers will feed on him instead however their plan is also based on whether the Titan would be full which hopefully is for another millennium hal takes the seed and creates a construct gun stating this is gonna be insane but okay we just need to trick the space guys to eat each other no big deal so before loading a green arrow tells him to hang on no offense you're a lousy shot let me be the one to do that how begins to make a giant ballista and he tells him that he's gonna give him one hell of a comment for that later soon Green Arrow fires the arrow and as he does the predictions come true bril seeing the league's plan is actually working quickly teleports himself off a world before they know because he also knows that this is not the end of the earthers as the arrow pierces the entropy Titan it's Brothers begin to feed on him and as they finish they all fade away as the skies begin to open back up Harley says that what if what they did with the Titans just made the whole situation worse Jean tells her that it is possible but if they've learned anything is that the universe is changing it's becoming bigger Eldar and more dangerous old assumptions about the multiverse about each other must change for the better or the worse and just as he says that Lex communicates as Jean stated that once before he said that he would burn him he ever tried to read his mind again Jean tells him yes but he can sense it now he is leaving Lex says that he said it himself they've been thinking far too small and what he saw here changes everything and means he's been wrong John says the Justice League could use his help but Lex stops him stating that the earth is tipped towards entropy not justice he needs to prepare as they should also he'll be seeing them perhaps sooner than they like with that the league members begin to make their own preparations for whatever is next Batman begins to build a team to deal with the things that the league can't handle publicly involving black lightning Jean gives Green Arrow something that could very well be the most dangerous thing on the planet he says that when there were no heroes on earth he stood up against the impossible that is why he's trusting him with this the league is changing and if they step out too far they need someone who can stop them he must keep the Box safe it is the key to destroying the league should the need arise Wonder Woman works was a tonic to search for answers as to why she was able to charge the tree of wonder but having no powers in the field of magic and with that the Justice League holds their first meeting as the new Justice League was Jean being elected as the chairman and now with everyone branching off into their own paths it's time for the world to see new justice there is no warning once it breaks free it simply does there is no stopping it once it finds its target it just moves towards it there's no stopping it not in the future not in the past not in the present for those who have seen that they already know what's about to happen and there is no preparation for what's about to come next however for the Justice League they know not of the coming danger only the task at hand the andrel started to appear across the globe and members of the league broke off into six teams to combat the threats there's something different about these things they've achieved high levels of evolution and they all want to claim earth and all above them sits the Martian Jean John's the one keeping everyone in touch with one another through his mind the Martian of Manhunter these are his allies his friends even his family he's been away for a long time but still marbles at the site as John watches he knows that this is an attack 50,000 years in the making and it is the work of one of the league's greatest enemies Vandal Savage the battle begins the league in in the favor of the League and that is until there's a sudden turn all across the globe the heroes feel I shift in the ground and it's going up voices begin to fill John's head asking what's going on and as he sifts through everyone's thoughts on the planet he finds what he is looking for he tells everyone what just happened the Earth's crust is being pulled towards the moon it's a molten iron ring that has become a cyclotron and they need to destroy it he shall strike the moon at full speed as a quid are an extinct moon Nestor dragon-like Monster at that very moment they're going to need Batman to activate the bombs that he placed in the moon long ago Bruce asks why would I place bombs on the and John stops him and Bruce says fine John changes his form it flies towards the moon with enough force they destroyed with Bruce's help but watching them as Vandal Savage the primitive man shouts that they were supposed to have the earth and Vandal tells them that it is a slight setback this is the first part of his plan the next starts now and it will make good on the promise to their new injustice game but then a voice calls out telling him that his plan failed and Vandal Savage yells asking who dares Lex Luthor steps forward telling him I do and I'm here to tell you that all of your plans will fail because you have chosen justice vandal tells him you have some gall to come here and justice aren't you the one playing hero now Vandal Savage gets ready to attack but Lex shoots him with a blast freezing him in place telling him I am a hero and I know what's been hidden from me and the others of this planet the darkest secret of the universe so I am here to rescue you from a life the Neanderthals all begin to retreat and Jean tells everyone that there is something that he saw something big and they all need to meet in the psychic boardroom within a blink of an eye the league members find themselves sitting in a cosmic boardroom and Barry Allen asks what's going on John tells him that he brought them all here because he detected something while at the moon something bigger than vandals planned cyborg says that it did feel premature like the tribes were ready and Jean says exactly vandals real hope is that the earth once its crust is shed will drift out into orbit and move out of the way Superman that asks move out of the way from what and Jean tells him you all know about the battle with the dark multiverse the source wall was broken moments ago something came to life something containing all of the walls energy this totality is walking towards the earth and it will impact in three minutes Batman asks iboard if he can get a read on it cyborg scans it stating whatever that energy is it's older than anything in the multiverse it's moving with a kind of purpose Superman asks could it be possible that is coming here for a reason if our multiverse is dying maybe this thing could help cyborg tells him that he's not sure it's sending out some sort of code and he can't decipher the whole thing it's mathematical architectural like this cyber begins to draw lines and Batman says that there is a myth on New Genesis that the source wall was an incubator when our universe was ready a messenger would come it would come with a co to evolve the universe back with Vandal Savage and Lex vandal shouts unfreeze me but all the Neanderthal shout Luthor we pledged allegiance to you Lex then ask some huh and one of the Neanderthals tells him yes we are leaders of proud lines inheritors to this planet and we will follow you we will be your injustice gang Lex says that he'll have to give him some time to think about that and he presses a button on his wrist stating no and suddenly all of the Neanderthals begin to drop into a pit back at the cosmic board of him cyborg asked how are we supposed to stop it and Batman tells him I have a contingency plan and he just called me just then Jon Stewart radios in that he's standing by and explains that John has a bullet that contains a miniaturised omniverse old wormhole it's encased in the tenth medal and it should transport the totality outside of the source wall and destroy it all he needs is the order back with Lexi tells vandal I want to hear it from you you knew what the source wall really was in what was inside of it Vandal struggle shouting don't do this and then there's a knocking sound Lex asks who could it be in Vandal yells we can join forces and Lex stops him telling him no you're the one human being who knew the truth and you hid it from everyone you built an injustice gang when what we really needed was a damn Legion in a flash of light Sinestro Gorilla Grodd Joker Black Manta and cheetah step out and Joker says language Lex children listening somewhere Lex holds out his hand seemingly with nothing and he asks did you see this it's like a doorknob you probably can't see it to see it requires inner vision it was the key and it happens to be made of the only thing that can kill you Vandal struggles more telling him you can kill me if you must but the truth that you seek don't it's too horrible Lex Lex tells him oh I know and I can't not wait while the league continues is to decide what to do Lex takes that door nominee because to beat Vandal to death with it cyborg then says this is for justice Jean gets ready to make the call but then he hesitates and he hears a shriek and it's so loud that it shakes him from his connection to the others leaving him alone he saw things that he would never want to know about the past about the sins committed the abominations unearthed he saw what was coming new armies across space ancient gods revived and behind all of this there was an evil laughter what he saw was himself alone just months from now at the end of everything the last living thing in the omniverse everyone else gone all of it built over an unseen door a secret that no one has known and John told himself that he needed to go back to change everyone's mind but when he went to go to the boardroom his friends were gone Jean watched the thing commie told himself that what he had seen wasn't true that whatever inside of the totality was good and elsewhere Lex holds up the bloody doorknob stating Oh Jean here we go in three two one do some time before there was a point in where Lex did not know about this doorknob he happened to come in contact with it by chance by buying the old Legionnaires Club in Kansas his fathers used to attend the club and so to honor his family he took the building and loaded it with explosives just as all of the men begin to run out of the building lex noticed a door that no one was using upon further investigation he saw that there was a symbol on that doorknob and not just anyone could see that doorknob back in our current time John makes his way through space with the prisoner Green lock in custody guardians radio to him that once they have a Cell ready he can teleport the prisoner over John tells them all right but if I may the cosmic membrane the readings that I'm getting guerrilla class telling him that the cosmic membrane is getting weaker isn't it you and your friends broke the source wall and now forces are unleashed ancient dark forces as green lock goes on John gets up from his chair punching him back into his cell just then Swamp Thing appears over the blue mobius flower that John kept at his station and John asks what are you doing here Swamp Thing tells him I comb only to bring a message and his form begins to change into that of Batman Batman tells John we're trying to contact you but you switched off your columns and John doesn't well the guarding has didn't want anyone to know about this mission Batman tells him I have a bigger request to make join us on the Justice League right now as you know a week ago an energy source containing all the power of the source one landed in the Nevada desert we're calling it the totality it started a protective shell around it and the object looks like a head deep inside this shell lies the totality itself it's sending out a code as the lantern the multiverse is dying and I think that this may be the key to fixing it but we're going to need your help John if anyone knows anything about what we're up against it'd be you and I know that you know something but that's not why I want you on the team John because to sit back in his chair telling Bruce I'm sorry but I got a job to do out here and Bruce yells we're running out of time John the Justice League dark has hidden the totality from the public as long as they can the other day Killer Croc entered the energy shell and a few moments later he free material eyes near Bellerive prison but he had been transformed there was allowed over the intercom and John asks what was that and Batman tells him that would be croc back on earth a giant mutated croc charges at the Justice League even having oxidized kryptonite breath that can stop Superman Batman tells John that whatever happened to croc changed his cells allowing him to adapt to make the perfect monster to fight against the league ever since an Shi you've been nothing more than a soldier John we need you to come back and be an architect like you once were we need the John who uses his knowledge to build things that can reach beyond what seems possible John soaks in his chair stating Jean Martian Manhunter was there with me back on zhanchi when I screwed up if he's forgiven me then why isn't he calling me Bruce Batman tells him that's because his hands are full turning into a giant gorilla in a fight against croc Batman calls back to John again but he hears nothing once croc is taken down Martian Manhunter asks how did it go and Batman says I can't tell yet my hope is that he's thinking about it at least also at this time Lex's new Legion of Doom arrives in a base deep in the sea and as Black Manta looks around he asks how have I had no knowledge of this [ __ ] Lex tells him no one knows about it except the people who built it a hundred years ago did you know that the original form of the word Doom simply meant to bait three months ago I opened up a door that revealed to me my own faked and not just my own but everyone in everything's feet garage says that he didn't sign up for a mystical mumbo jumbo I joined so that I could get my revenge on that speedster for what Hayes Lex tops him telling him you will but on a scale not imagined before look here Lex holds up the doorknob stating this totality is the key to everything but to control it we must first unlock the seven hidden forces of the universe each force is something each one of us has been looking for our whole life whether we know it or not Lex then motions towards a case stating I've already unlocked the first force the one that will destroy grodd's foe I couldn't have done it without the help of a true evil genius who happens to be right over here say hello to your new partner Grodd Grodd looks in a case and he sees a baby as he picks it up he asks what the hell is this wait this is who I think it is Lex tells them connect with them and find out and as with the second hidden force Sinestro is already on his way to claim it a section of the ammo spectrum that is off-limits to everyone that is until now meanwhile over in the Hall of Justice the flash gets to work building a vehicle and Kendra Saunders Hawkgirl asks what does he think could be the cause of all of these speed bumps the flash says that if he was to guess it would be an old villain if his named turtle he believed it there was an opposing force to the Speed Force that he called the still force this car is for the Titan so that they can handle turtle but the totality is our number-one priority we need to get there before anyone else dunce martian manhunter voice calls out that that is correct in fact we need to go to the totality today the flash says good I've got about a thousand tests to run and Martian Manhunter stops him telling him you aren't coming the flash shouts asking what your sidelining me as Superman tells them we can't risk losing you if your powers fail that's why John and I are going in the flash as well at least I could vibrate fast enough to but Batman pops on the screen stating vibrating won't work the only members that can resist the pathogenic mutagens long enough are Superman and Martian Manhunter but a bit of help staving off the cells they could reach the totality itself Ray Palmer and myself have created a size trans mutable protective vehicle that and the flash stops I'm asking wait where are you Bruce Batman tells them inside Clark's body the Superman says that is something that never needs to be said again but we have a second pod that needs to go inside of Martian Manhunter John then tells Kendra I'd like you to be the pilot you know the weapons of war and this will be a war of endurance Kendra shouts asking you want me I'm still trying to figure out my powers mighty wings used to be made out of feathers now they're metal the flash shrug stating you know she could take my spot but while the Justice League makes their preparations back in space John reads the scans of the cosmic membrane stating that it's all falling apart he can almost see what's on the other and a voice comes over the comms asking what is on the other side the thing that some have sought for eons the pathway to wear all of your hidden feelings lie your darkest emotions hate blood lust John shouts asking who's there and the voice comes in ladder standing right here Stewart just then a purple force because of wrap around Jon Stewart and Sinestro floats forward stating you have known me to wear green in yellow but now I am back in the colors that I sought from the not allow me to reintroduce myself I am Sinestro the Lantern who just unlocked the invisible emotional spectrum and you will be my first to recruit back under Superman and Martian man her to suit up and to begin to make their way to the totality as Batman and Hawkgirl sit inside of their pods inside of the two of them the flash says that he scanned the face and nothing matches the face of the totality Hawkgirl then stares for a moment and says that it looks so familiar a Superman tells them whatever it is it's time that they found out Superman and Martian Manhunter placed their hands on the totality shell and start to push through but at the same time back at the Hall of Justice a voice calls out by the shoulder day in the shoal of night we feed and grow beyond all sight a button seen light John comes crashing down now wearing a purple uniform and as Diana asks what's going on John tells them I am the head of the ultraviolent Corps and now you will all die back at the Legion of Doom hideout elec says that they will be the ones to lead the world towards truth cheetah scratches her chin stating this she's not so sure she's got a pretty good nose for when somebody is lying and well she didn't lunges for it swiping and ripping off Lex's face and black mantle AB stating well well elec spot so much for a team huh as the Lex bot tries to stand back up cheetah asks if you aren't here where are you the Lex spot says believe me I say I've been many places around the world hell around the universe but of all places that I've been where I am right now just might be one of my favorite places Lex then because the laughs an evil maniacal planning laughter while piloting through the red blood cells of a pod similar to Batman and hot girls Superman is Jean make their way towards the outer shell digitality and Lex could practically hear the heroes scream the smell of sizzling blood and he could see it all just ahead he just can't freakin oi and with that we will be leaving you here Lex is inside of one of the bodies of Superman or Martian Manhunter Batman and Hawkgirl are also inside trying to survive the journey while Superman and Martian Manhunter are making their way towards the totality to see what is going on while flash has been sidelined and there is a new still force and all the while Jon Stewart has been converted to a or Civ evil back at the Hall of Justice Jon Stewart stands up staring at everyone now consumed by a new light by the ultraviolet to light and I Anna shout you are better than this whatever this is that has a grip on you we are your friends here no I'm not stronger than this I've seen what's inside of me as well as what is inside of everyone else there is no helping me or any of you he hold that his ring as several demon constructs fly out of the ring Diana charges forward with her lasso stating that they will soon see the truth of what is really going on but before she could snare Johnny constructs shoots up between them punching Diana away and John tells her no soon the demons begin to beat down at each of the League members but Arthur spots an opening in the fight to get to John himself he thrusts his Trident but before he could reach John John tells everyone you will all die here because your flesh is weak using the league's shame and hatred and John begins to create a giant monster shouting do you hear me flash is a week at the mall so begins to bring down its massive arm on - Arthur's cyborg runs and shielding him telling him yeah no argument about that John yells at him there's still enough mana Ceti or body to reveal your darkest self allow me to rip it out of but cyborg stops him telling him sorry about this and he gets it with a sonic blast knocking him away everyone begins to get back up and Diana asks gods what has happened to him and cyborg says I'm not really sure but clearly he's lost his way back over at the totality shell Superman and Martian Manhunter fight their way towards the center while Batman and Hawkgirl begin to battle against the pathogenic mutagens trying to invade their very blood streams since that both of them have been shrunken down and placed into the bodies of Superman and Martian Manhunter as Hawkgirl clears out another wave of mutagens Hawkgirl begins to notice that these mutagens aren't even attacking the brain they're coming straight for her Batman tells her that that wouldn't make sense use the white dwarf pulse and Kendra shouts that that would kill millions of brain cells Batman says Martian Manhunter can regrow them but he can't regrow you do it now Hawkgirl presses the button releasing the pulse telling Martian Manhunter that she's sorry about the headache and she destroys the group of mutagen surrounding her while the two continue their journey behind Batman's pod lex luthor listens in while fighting his own group of mutagens and he smiles a short while later over the Hall of Justice infirmary John Stuart slowly begins to wake up asking what just happened cyborg tells them you're probably gonna want to explain your aunt Eve space when you caught wind of an unidentifiable energy signature and it came back with you Diana that asks what was it that we just fought and John Stuart tells her it's something called the invisible spectrum while the Lantern's control the emotional spectrum the invisible spectrum controls the user flash asks why haven't we heard of this before we have like a whole cran bucks of Lantern colors already where did this would come from John tells him it's something that I first saw many years ago when I battled against the anti-life equation on the planet as an Shi I was with Martian Manhunter but with his fear of fire we were slowing down so I decided to go on ahead alone because I was acting so rash millions of lives are gone afterwards I went back to try and search for anything that could bring Zhaan sheet back but then I found something completely unexpected the book described a spectrum beyond one that any of us knew it was supposed to be a warning the book was one man's mission to make sure that it was never unlocked and that man was Sinestro what he described in the book was terrifying and in the heart of it there was a phantom galaxy powered by a sentient black Sun called uberx uberx Moo's unseen through space and is wrong towards the planets where self-destructive forces are the strongest usually in primitive nature it then surrounds these planets animating them with its energy and pulling them into its galaxy there's no stopping it once it's locked onto a planet Arthur asks the source wall breaking is what caused the door to be opened huh and John creates the symbol that he saw stating that that is what kicked it off sure but there's more Sinestro wrote that the invisible spectrum was linked to six other forces all of them locked by some sort of cosmic stasis that had to be accessed first I wasn't sure that any of this is real but apparently it all just took over my brain and tried to force me to kill everyone sorry Bohr tells it yeah I used a radiated ozone to cosmically sunblock you out of your trance the problem is the Energy's getting stronger flash calls out all right well divide and conquer you guys go try and locate the living galaxy while I look for the still force back with the other Superman and Martian Manhunter make it out of the woods and out into an opening Superman says they need to take it slow something is off here Batman radios that the mutagens are starting to slow down on Hawkgirl ads yeah a calm before the storm Superman looks back towards the totality asking what is that and a Martian Manhunter looks up excitedly stating oh my god he flies over to the totality stating things look like the Giants that were trapped in the source wall we've never understood who or what they are but I can sense life in them Superman tells them to be careful they don't fully know what they're dealing with and Martian Manhunter yells the totality is trying to talk to me I can read their minds Superman it calls out that it needs to slow down but inside of Superman Lex Luthor says no don't slow down Martian Manhunter reaches out to one of the Giants allowing himself to see through the Giants mind a convert it is something that he can understand but instead of seeing Wonder he sees something else entirely he stumbles back asking what did I just see the giant tried to communicate with me and it says that you the first abomination you must be destroyed over with the others the flash is triangulation on the still force has led Diana Arthur and himself to the location deep in the safe as a three walk into the facility Diana looks around stating that this place is practically Amazonian in design and Arthur says yeah but there's al antion tech but as the three of them pass by some test tubes flash asks what's his side of there he wipes it away the dust to see what looks like a white Martian but more animalistic suddenly the Martians eyes open it because they bang its head against the glass the flash tells everyone that they might have a problem here and then all of the marshes begin to break free from their test tubes but while everyone is having their own fights with Diana Arthur in the flash battling against the Martians under the ocean where Superman and Martian Manhunter battling against the creatures of the source wall with Batman unaware that Lex Luthor is behind him there's one person who doesn't appear to be in a battle just yet a shadow begins to rise up behind hog girl in her pond and the Joker almost lets out a laugh as he holds out his chainsaw he places his fingers on his lips to keep himself quiet and up with what remains of the watchtower from martian manhunter x' attack John and cyborg searched through the computer to try and see if they can locate the traces of this ultraviolet light this unknown energy cyborg says that it's strange the power is strong yet there is no sign of this unknown like see anywhere near the outer rim what the hell - Sinestro take just then there's an explosion of ultraviolet light and Sinestro floats down with John shouting why are you doing this you're the one who helped lock away the invisible spectrum why would you set on Brax free Sinestro tells him I wasn't going to the truth is that I came to that lonely sector to lock it away once again but when I arrived i'm brexit slipped away the bombs were already broken by the activation of the still force John yells asking where is it dead as the nest Joe says as I wrote it's drawn two worlds of the darkest most self-destructive energy connect to the spectrum and see where it is as the invisible spectrum ring appears on John's finger again he begins screaming no cyborg asks what's happening scenario tells him John is seeing the truth the truth that everyone will soon see the world that um Brax is drawn to as yours the invisible spectrum is already here and Earth has joined its of ranks back at the totality Martian men and Superman begin to fight against the Giants the ones that were once locked away in the source wall with Martian Manhunter shouting you lie get out of my head foul beings and Superman asks what are they telling you to tell you something the Giants attack yelling we are her architects and you were danfa the first cell is removed to die abominations Martian Manhunter begins to slow down stating that this must be some sort of Defense something to try and test him he'll look for the truth behind one of the Giants begins to focus its attacks on Martian Manhunter the Superman of rockets through knocking him out of the way telling him snap out of it but inside of Martian Manhunter the Joker because the laughs as he starts his chainsaw and Hawkgirl radios out to the others Joker says I wouldn't bother trying they can't hear you Hawkgirl swings back stating joke's on you my wings are in metal that thing won't even put a scratch to them she didn't looks into Joker's eyes and she realizes that he didn't bring that to clip her wings he brought it to cut off her head he because the basher with the motor of the saw and Batman calls that asking what's happening why our communications cut and that he hears it the worst sound on earth [Laughter] Batman tries to put things together there's only two or three people smart enough to have pulled this off Brainiac is dead and Luthor isn't a villain anymore but that's when the bullets start to hit his pod so many that Batman is forced to eject as he plans his next move he asks which will be what he planned for every outcome but now he couldn't have planned for a human evil so deep inside targeting both him and Hawkgirl the pathogens shriek as they approach but before Batman can make a move the pathogen swallow him home back on the moon Jon Stewart creates a construct can and telling cyborg we need to hit him with everything that we got Sinestro gave the earth to embrace this is now war the two of them blast into Sinestro with him easily deflecting the attack stated that he understands that they may think their will is stronger than the ugliness inside but they can only avoid looking for so long see it John embrace the real you John yells just shut up as long as I have this ring on my finger I will always Sinestro releases an attack of his own stating do go on as John holds up his arms to block the attack he begins to feel something give and then his ring shatters no more Green Lantern cyborg calls out asking what just happened and John asks what's happening to me Sinestro tells them it's simple I just infused the last year's cells with the ultraviolet energy making your transformation permanent welcome to the core you will never be a Green Lantern again Jon Stewart Jon and cyborg jet off to the moon and Sinestro says that's right run down in the sea below though Diana flash and Arthur continue fighting off the white Martians with Arthur asking flash if it's possible for him to check the rest of the base flash tells him that he would but the still force is still messing with his powers it's like when he fought the turtle he seems to be running slower when he tries to run faster it doesn't make any sense but when they fought the turtle was old and weak someone must have stolen his abilities enhanced them but how just then an energy pulse hits the room studying everyone and a voice tells the flash it was easy it was like taking candy from a well you get the idea Grodd walks out with a child from before strapped to his chest and Arthur shouts only a monster would use a child the flash yells - Grodd that they need to stop this the still force is you worse ending stuff and garage says I know we're counting on it aren't we jr. and the baby last rod hits everyone again with another pulse and the flash gets up looking at the baby stating that can't be and garage last telling him say hello to turtle in fact this whole place is full of old acquaintances just look around Diana looks around to see cheetah and Arthur sees Black Manta flash shouts just leave them alone the fight is between Oscar rod korat asks you want me to really show friends to fight I'd be happy to because the combat they are actually in there is with each other you see Diana is seeing cheetah but it's actually ahkamat and Aquaman is actually seeing Black Manta but it is actually Wonder Woman they're about to kill each other because the real cheetah and Black Manta are right behind Raj flash guitar shouting I won't let you and grot hits flash with another blast telling him please try and give it your all back at the totality one of the giants calls for the others to wait and there has been a change the energy that we fear it's the first force the still force is almost Lex inside of his pod last looking at the doorknob stating yes it's almost a lot while the Giants are distracted Super Man grabs Martian Manhunter flying back asking Martian Manhunter what did you see and Martian Manhunter tells him it has to be a lie it has to be Superman tells that's enough we are always connected to each other but never to you directly why Martian Manhunter Martian Manhunter begins to speak but then he looks away stating that he is sorry while he was away he was on a mission to discover what really happened with the destruction of his planet Mars there people had a collective mind but there was one of them tasked with retaining the history of Mars itself it was a secret position hidden off the planet the one called the keep the keep was located on thanagar homeworld to the Hawk people but her memory it was home even still she confirmed that what killed Mars was a telepathic plague that she called home Ron needs to curse it took psychic form of whatever its host worshiped and turned that against themselves for them it was fire as the totality approached them Vandal Savage sent him a vision it was a Martian Chow taken and imbued with something ancient and terrible like a curse but older he saw more to so many horrors that are to come the of everything but what if it is all lies what if he's been leading them the whole multiverse towards destruction Superman reaches out placing his hand on martian manhunter shoulder telling him we're all friends here so believe me when I say yes it is your fault you're the doom of everything so Thank You Martian Manhunter he looks at the crack smile on Superman's face asking what but then Superman speaks again telling him no not Superman Martian Manhunter tells him I know that voice Luthor and Lex tells him I did one you that we would be seeing each other again all right Joker show your hand Martian Manhunter subtly shouts out in pain and Joker speaks through him now could I please cut off a head hers his someone's the Joker latches on to Martian Manhunter and Lex tells them as many as you want we just need to wait a little bit longer for now we are doomed one of the greatest evils ever Lex Luthor has control of Superman and one of the most psychotic evils have a joker has control of Martian Manhunter but to meanwhile over at the Hall of Justice Jon Stewart sits down stated that he can't do it he can't access the green power battery anymore all he feels is a pull towards the ultraviolent cyborg says the costume that Sinestro was wearing it's allowing him to channel the energy of the invisible spectrum so that he can harness it himself he's sending out a call right now to draw people in and John asks who would he target cyborg tells him that the readings that he's seeing he's targeting everyone on earth and back below to see the flash tries to push through garage attack but Grodd last telling him beer so that's it keep coming keep coming while your friends fight to the death the flash shouts for him to shut up a garage says this was exactly how the tunnel beat you he saw the core of the Speed Force was the energy pointing toward stasis in death with each fight eternal learned more but his experiments aged him this hatching is the fourth generation of his line and he is fully attuned to distill the force the flash screams as he tries to get closer but as he does grodd's let's add another even more powerful pulse blowing in the flash away John a cyber try to reach out to the others but they notice a change in the still force it is reached full power cyborg looks over at the scanner stating to the universe stop expanding and amend bring just disappeared that's when John asks that means the barrier to the invisible spectrum is gone and side work tells him correct between the planet that um Brax controls and the people succumbing to his call Sinestro now lead the largest Corps and all of eternity all of the cores put together couldn't even come close to the size of the ultraviolet core down below back at the totality Lex in Superman's body looks at the doorknob as it hums and through Superman's eyes he says look at it he directs Superman a hard towards the center of the totality while Joker controls Martian Manhunter right behind him the totality the multiverse itself is right in front of them and all they need to do is reach out and take it there was no warning as tears filled the Scarecrow's eyes he realized that something in the world had changed how he does not know all he knows is that it did but he wasn't the only one this feeling travels all the way from Arkham Asylum to the skies of conduct the effects even reach hell we're near on nearly drops a finely aged cask of human souls because right now in the centre of that change is Lex Luthor as he pilots Superman's body forward going jords the totality Lex takes a moment to stop and smile because everything in the world is as it should be it all began when Lex Luthor took over the Hall of Doom for himself casting out the original members into the fiery depths below he upgraded the fortresses arsenal and made changes to its interrogation chamber at the request of the Joker but perhaps the most dangerous item of all rests inside of Lex's private quarters displayed on a pedestal or at least it should instead it is carried with him sitting comfortably inside of his pocket however this story actually takes place just before Doom was ever really a thing you see up in space the Green Lantern's fought against the horrors that poured out of the damaged source wall and it was a fierce battle even Sauron ik not to told her yellow lanterns that they need to work with the Green Lantern's that call for aid reached the ears of Sinestro the person that the yellow lanterns had based their entire livelihood on and even he agreed reluctantly I've always called out to him stating that they know exactly what he is thinking and Sinestro spun around to fire a blast of yellow energy and then he sees that voice came from the most evil man and the entirety of the universe Lex Luthor himself he asked how is he here and Lex told them it's something called quantum folding it allows me to take one step in travel from one end of the universe to the other but that's not why I'm here I understand that the great Sinestro would believe that the best thing to do here is work with the Green Lantern's Sinestro tells him speak plainly and Lex says what if I could promise you everything you ever wanted Sinestro tells I've always taken what is needed and Lex tells them no not need what I know the secrets that the Owens have been hiding I unlocked the secret history of the universe in full I hold the key right here in my pocket and I'm starting a group join me and I will give you the invisible spectrum and more sinestro pauses for a moment and then he tells him I'm listening days prior Lex Luthor help saved the world as one of its heroes and he learned that the dominant energy of the human life was entropy this all happened in a storyline no justice in a world of entropy there would be no certainties or predictability everything would slowly decline into disorder and Lex would not allow that to happen so he compiled together all of the data from his shell companies that had been working on time travel and he built himself a real-life time machine he had a rough map that went forward into a millennia and that wasn't far enough he drifted in Hypertime jumping from timeline to timeline it was painful yes but he would soon learn who was right he took off his goggles and he stepped into the future 1 million years from now there were no gods there was only Luthor as Lex stares at a statue of himself a group of this times villains fly down asking if it's a really him the tachyon particles gathered here for weeks showing that someone was coming from the 21st century Lex asked what is this place and the villains told him that it is Lexor City Lex that asks how did this happen and the villain said the Society stopped fooling itself people were told to aspire to become some fictional better version of who they were but it couldn't ever hold on to it because it was all a lie the cycle repeated itself into an archeologist found the lost works of the great Lex Luthor and broadcasted that to the world the people were inspired by your early teachings and they embrace what you really were on the inside no matter how ugly it was people stopped pretending to be heroes and the villains conquered the universe in your name the people in this time call it the great tragedy the one who saw the truth but missed the key to unlocking it in his time Lex asks what is this key and the villains told him that they couldn't do it because it could very well rewrite the course of human history all they can do is show him the symbol at the heart of it all and they call it doom the villains hold up their hands revealing a ring with a particular symbol itched into it and after a few moments of silence the villains ask Lex if there's anything wrong and he stares at them in disgust shortly after returning to the present and waking up from what could only be described as a dream Lex went to meet with Gorilla Grodd he asked what was the point of being right if no one who realizes it for millions of years after you die garage tells him you went at the end of the time to blur that you were a fool and a failure I could have told you that in an instant it wasn't for your psychic blockers I would have you rip your own throat out Lex says I like your spirit but you're missing the point we need to think bigger I can offer you the world Grodd looks out at the United Nations General Assembly having all of the people inside kill each other and he says I already have the world the leaders of your idiot species grovel at my feet and I will not bow to any man Lex tells him that these are nothing but witless bureaucrats this is a pointless show of force designed to intimidate the flesh but we both know it will accomplish nothing Grodd grabs Lex by the next day ting enough games and Lex tells him just listen I was wrong we've all been wrong I know how to stop the Speed Force dead in his tracks so we don't have to wait to the end of time to win the universe wants us to take it now and gerado lessens his grip but he tells him how the villains of the future told Lex that he had missed something which would have meant it was under his nose that statement poked in nod at the back of his mind but what could he be missing the only thing out of place was a forwarded invitation to his father's old Legionnaires Club after taking the opportunity to let off some steam and blow some things up Lex found a door that no one could ever see a secret chamber beneath the building decades older than the crumbling facade above the papers described his strange and twisted history of the universe it marked the coming of the great totality and the end of things anew Lex wondered for that moment about his father did old Lionel have deeper secrets than he ever knew and just then he saw the symbol the marker that he had seen at the end of time this is what those future idiots said I missed the path towards my actualization of my own time the path towards doom I hadn't realized when it carried the loose knob with me that I had been holding an object far more powerful than a hundred atom bombs with it I could unlock the hidden energies of the universe a doom would come at our time and I would see it selects unlocked the invisible spectrum but he needed someone to come at it to bring justice to its knees he would find the scion of the turtle and through him unlocked the arresting powers it is still force to stop creation in his tracks that too would require someone capable of controlling Messiah Lex laughed as he realized what he was building a legion of horror had built itself in his mind and he had reached for the doorknob on the table in the strange Kansas basement each participant best suited for one of the seven forces described in these papers a legion that represented the true face of the universe with all of its selfish vindictive pride a legion that did not stand for people as they should be but as they were and will always be and as Lex took that power into his hand and echoed all across space and time it echoed all the way back to Lexor City and humanity's end and as the wall of light engulfed the future the villains knew what it meant lex had found the key to unlocking the truth to his own future with rapturous cries they cheered on their annihilation back in the current time Lex now pilots Superman's body as he has taken control of him and he begins to understand his purpose and yours if he couldn't he would ask you a question that he has asked the rest why should you be better than your nature why should any of them the universe made them what they are all with their selfish animal impulses why feel guilty for them celebrate them you should be who you really are to embrace your true self just like LexA wants you to and choose the right side screw justice side with doom as um Brax the ultraviolet lanterns sun inches closer to earth it slowly begins to absorb and transform its energy you see son Esther I discovered a different spectrum a totally different thing from the Green Lantern and the emotional spectrum and among that was the ultraviolent core and recently he joined that core and he forced Jon Stewart to join it as well now down in the Hall of Justice High Borg and Jon Stewart watch and Jon says they need to do something Sinestro is pulling half of the damned population into the ultraviolet core cyber oi tells him it's worse than that um Brax is infecting its targets primal life forces the red and the green if we don't act fast and the earth will become a living evil planet Jon that asks can we try calling for help from the multiverse cyborg says that they can try just then there's a loud boom coming from outside and Sinestro calls to Jon telling him I'm coming for you you killed a whole planet to the hate that you hide inside the guilt the energy your potential is limitless come and join the ultraviolet Corps you could become the most powerful Lantern ever warrior supreme even all you have to do is embrace it meanwhile inside of the totality Lex Luthor and Joker have taken control of Superman and Martian Manhunter zhh bodies in order to get close to the totality only two individuals could withstand the forces of the duality was putting out and that is Superman and Martian Manhunter inside of them we had a shrunken down Batman and Hawkgirl going for the ride but Lex and Joker also snuck into the bloodstream of Superman and Martian Manhunter and now have taken control of their bodies and they find themselves steps away from their goal Lex looks at the totality knowing that it wants him to take it he even starts to reach out for it and then something reaches back Batman punches through the glass grabbing and throwing Lex out of the cockpit causing Lex to release his grip on the cosmic doorknob Lex asks him how Superman's cells should have eaten you by now and Batman tells them I have a kryptonite ring mutated or not it still Superman's DNA Lex then asks him really you brought a kryptonite ring inside of Superman with friends like you who needs enemies Lexx activates his shoulder cannon but Bruce rolls forward jumping up punches like square in the jaw back in the underwater Legionnaires base flash struggles to get up telling Grodd stop this Grodd is currently in control of the still force brought by the baby turtle that Grodd has strapped to his chest the still force has the ability to shut down the Speed Force defeating the flash Quran asks why on earth would I do that I've spent years dreaming of this moment it's impressive really the amount of speed inside of you to even move a single muscle against the still force to fight through the cosmic essence of stasis keep it up and you might reach the door in a century or two if you survive the implosion of course as garage turns and walks away he calls out to Black Manta and cheetah asking if they've gotten what they came for Black Manta and cheetah look upon their newly discovered artifacts the key to the graveyard of the gods and the tear of extinction Manta picks up the tears stating yes we've located what we needed back inside of Superman Batman pins Lex to the ground and Lex shouts to the Joker I'm gonna need a hand over here The Joker laughs as it begins to turn martian manhunter fingers into tendrils and he reaches into Superman through his eyes Joker tells Superman well I really hope you don't mind I'm just trying to pick your brain a bit one tential suits in cutting away at Batman's side and Batman calls out to Hawkgirl stating we can't let Lex get his hands on the doorknob we need to do something now before he could finish Hawkgirl pulls herself up from the floor cracking Joker in the head telling him I got your punchline right here Hawkgirl then takes control of the probe with Batman struggling with Lex to claim the doorknob Lex manages to snatch the doorknob before Batman can and he asks can you feel it the power in my hand it is only a fraction of what I will soon claim you thought your friend Martian Manhunter was the key to this whole thing you thought it was him who is destined to hold the totality he's not now let me show you how small and fragile you are Lex holds out the doorknob releasing its power onto Batman Batman screams as his limbs are bent and snapped and Lex tells him can't you see now you may go seconds later Batman Superman and Martian Manhunter are teleported back to the Hall of Justice Martian Manhunter is the first to wake up and he says Lex he beat us to it but where is Hawkgirl as the heroes look over their situation the frustration begins to set in Jon shouts you should have told me about the invisible spectrum the exact opposite of the emotional spectrum and Martian Manhunter tells him you should have told me about your doubts the flash says you're the one who opened up the door John asks what are we supposed to do I'm Brax his energy is saturating the earth I can feel it hell I'd be a part of sinestro's ultraviolet core if it wasn't for cyborg blocking him cyborg tells him actually I'm not blocking him I've got every ounce of power in the shields there's only one person controlling it and that's you John says back and tells him yes I can feel it what are these ancient forces being unlocked the still force the invisible spectrum what if we're not supposed to fight them Martian Manhunter asks are you stating that we stop battling these powers and let them in use them if we can connect enough people break sinestro's hold John doesn't yes I could show you how to use the emotions fueling the invisible spectrum accept them and turn them into a strength I might not be a Green Lantern anymore but maybe I can liked this path question is how the hell do we get around the whole planet fast enough to show them all at the same time flash radios in asking the real question is can you drive stick a few moments later John gets into the car that the flash was designing Superman gives them a little push John begins racing around the world while as Martian Manhunter sends out a screen to everyone lost in the grip of darkness that took the light look at it because it shows the truth and the truth is Lex Luthor was right their nature may be cruel and small and full of fear at things that they will never understand but perhaps if they acknowledge this together if only for a moment they might climb higher than they were supposed to to someplace new to someplace surprising but back with Lex as he stands before the totality getting ready to open up a door Hawkgirl grips her Mesa she jumps forward ready to strike Lex Jon radios back that something isn't right the light that is starting to shine it's not green it's my gut as the light returns to the planet the bright symbol of the white lanterns shines throughout space back at the totality Lex focuses the doorknobs power on Hawkgirl and he asks why does it not work on you your wings why are they glowing like that what is your connection to all of this with all the lives that you've lived you must have learned something Hawkgirl pushes through the attack telling him yeah she did learn a few things like how to perfect her swing she bashes Lex sending him flying and she says if you were smart you'd stay down stand and I'm gonna kill you Lex gets back up hitting Hawkgirl yelling now whatever the hell it is I'm taking the totality it's calling to me I can hear something inside back over with John his car suddenly stops this industrial appears before him creating a construct roadblock launching them out of the driver's seat Sinestro that asks do you really think that your plan worked all you've done is doomed the lives of millions as you did on Zhaan she a construct of Hal Jordan flies out of Sinestro's ring asking John why why did you do it again Sinestro goes on stating life on this planet is powered by the dark and secret desires Earth's met to become a part of umbr ex the ultraviolet Corps but now because of your stunt umbr axis planetary army will unleash its full power on earth of course the force will destroy most of the population John yells now well I won't lose earth Superman looks up into the sky and says that all of the planets surrounding um Brax they look as though they're powering up and they're getting ready to fire on the earth sigh Berg tells them to stand on their radiating more electromagnetic energy than is even quantifiable in this state there's no way that we could but that's why they loud Foom comes over the radio and cyborg asks what went Fuu did you just all of the planets outside of Earth's orbit begins to charge and fire down on earth Sinestro laughs asking John if he can see it he's done nothing but damn is own kind and so the league does what it always does and they fight Aquaman sets out to hold gerado the others back as flash tries to contain the still force Jon pushes the nest row back with every fiber of his being and Hawkgirl stabs Lex in the back before he could touch the door flash slows every cell in his body to attune to the still force and then there he was the center of everything terror grips over him and yet at that very moment standing outside of all physics he feels at Vandal Savage felt all of those years ago a desire to turn back to hide from what he saw for better or for worse it is not who he is or who they are and so he pushes on and suddenly there is nothing on Brax is gone Sinestro looks into the sky asking what have you and your friends done I would have made you a paladin and the greatest Corps in the universe you should have known better all Jon Stewart will ever be is a foot soldier Jon fights through the grip of the ultraviolet constructs as a green light shine stating actually I'm also an architect and that moment a giant green skyscraper slams down on to Sinestro back at the totality Hawkgirl reaches out and Lex out snow the totality is calling to me it calls to but as the light washes over the two of them Alexa blinks and he finds himself in the Legion of Doom halls and Joker looks at him telling him let's hope the others had better luck ah Lex grinds his teeth telling him called them back now later at the Hall of Justice Martian man heard looks of the totality and Martian Manhunter says that it's thanks to Hawkgirl that they've been able to do this so what do we do now make no mistake this mission that we are on the fate of the multiverse is at stake everything that we love hangs in the balance our enemies we know now that we are up against the Legion of do this Legion believes that the true shape of the multiverse it's destiny hidden inside the totality inside of his own is evil however we do not let them be legion we will be a whole universe united against them we will unlock the answers before them and use them to win even if those answers change everything that we know everything we will not change that is why I will return to Fenig our prime to find out what the Martian keeper of memory is hiding I would like Hawkgirl and Jonn to accompany me John looks at his Green Lantern ring and he says he's not sure this ring just appeared on him and he'd rather not let them down Martian Manhunter tells him that he should have recruited him himself he should have let him see how he had forgiven him for zhan she's so long ago he just simply hadn't forgiven himself John hugs Martian Manhunter telling him thanks old friend Martian Manhunter then says that he has fears though that if they open up the totality and they learn that the inevitable ending to everything is cruel that the universe and life were meant to be something dark and predatory what are they to hold everything back what are they as villains what does the Justice League do if it finds out that it is on the wrong side of everything Superman tells them simple we but Batman speaks over him telling him we just is harder flash laughs telling him now that's a Batman voice and just then there's a loud boom and from within the Hall of Justice a beaten and battered man appears before them the man tells them that his name is star man he's come from the past and he has all the answers that they seek but to learn them three of them must die meanwhile back at the legion of Doom's hideout Lex knows that he underestimated his enemies and he can come to terms of this fact he thought the totality would aid him in some way but the test was more than that he understands it now he walks down the hallway and he says you were right I do need your help and with that as a slight - laughs and the Batman who laughs says I never thought you'd ask [Laughter] when he was a boy Arthur curry would go out with his father on their fishing boat he wanted to find new oceans new waters to explore his father told him though that the waters had already been mapped now as an adult Arthur curry is Aquaman and he is in the Arctic Circle with Wonder Woman and firestorm following a magical ship in a bottle they are searching for an ancient hidden ship in which is locked the legendary key to the graveyard of the gods they search but the dead god Poseidon the ship is buried within the ice deep beneath the surface and hidden within the bow of the ship lies what they seek suddenly a strange creature lashes out and it is vast but it's watery limbs created by some strange alien liquid the trio try to fight with firestorm caught within its liquid and Aquaman dives in to rescue him but it's too late his friend is mutated becoming some strange aquatic creature that he has never seen before the monster grabs Arthur next in the world goes dark when the light returns Arthur is confused his armor is gone and his skin is covered in some strange symbols what is going on where am I you are in the blood of reef see King of Earth welcome the speakers are some of the sea gods the ocean Lords and they are the invaders from the stars and the earth is under attack MSD Bay in the past lightning flashes in the skies as the waves pound against the shore and despite the storm Tom curry runs to the beach his young son Arthur in his arms at Lara don't do this he calls against the wind and the rain and his wife Arthur's mother stands surrounded by sea creatures and waist-deep waters Tom doesn't understand they aren't safe with her around she is doing this for Arthur and a lot of begins to drift under the water she leaves them with one last parting goodbye my lots in the growing storm Arthur calls for his mother yet she is already gone the blood reef now on a piece of alien coral floating in another dimension Arthur Currie is bound in chains strange creatures from an alien sea surround him their language is indecipherable their thoughts lost to him he tries to speak with them yet his words bring anger and blows the creatures hands are stayed however his death belongs the ocean Lords Admiral since States using her power to drown the creature as Arthur looks on in horror you would kill your own men what kind of Queen are you but tied and the other ocean Lords are not royalty they are the gods from alien oceans come to earth to see its destruction the others check in and captain gall and forms them that their fleet has blockaded the earth commanded rogue controls the flood and soon the earth will be drowned and the people transformed into hideous monsters Arthur begs them to stuff they need not have war we can have peace where it is far too late in Gotham City the waters have risen too people are drowning in the streets Commissioner Gordon struggles to get an old lady inside before she almost drowns but everyone who comes in contact with the strange liquid is transformed behind him Batman appears Gordon's men are gone and Batman informs him that he is coordinating with the Justice League to try and save as many as he can Batman wants Jim out of there though but before his friend can respond to the old lady tackles Jim she is now a strange fish creature sending Jim to the watery streets Gordon emerges now a monster as well shut the door barricaded get to the roof Batman orders to the survivors and then turns to his friend Jim rushes The Dark Knight his claws raced I'm sorry Jim I'll fix this I swear and with that Batman disappears meanwhile over at the Hall of Justice Batman orders McGann to end the mental transmission that he was sending to Gotham the league's top scientists are trying their best to figure out a solution while the rest are trying to save the world Batman his body in a cast is coordinating everything with the help of Megan's mind to link Batman orders an evac of the Hall and he informs her that he'll be staying behind to guard the totality the mighty secret of the universe of the Justice League recently acquired he then begins to check in with the rest of the league over in Metropolis Superman is overseeing the evacuation thankfully Lois is safe in the fortress of solitude but across the planet moving at blinding speeds flash is helping every word that he can the heroes of the world are doing their best to protect the people of the earth in Atlantis Queen mera fights against her own people transformed into the creatures that the oceans have never seen before her magics keep them at bay while she climbs she needs a assistance and finally getting high enough she rips the bars off in the prison windows revealing the ocean master Orin are you with me he agrees back at the blood of reef Aquaman's prison Arthur watches helplessly as the heroes of Earth tried to save his people Aquaman questions the gods why they were terrorized his planet and the pass to the heroes of Atlantis and the god Poseidon locked away the ocean Lords they watched as their own worlds died without their protection and guiding hands for this they have returned and they will punish Arthur and the earth they are not alone from the waters behind him Rises Aquaman's oldest enemy black manta Belizean of doom sends its regards Arthur in Metropolis protective measures have failed and the city is now under water floating above it Superman is contacted by Batman with the league having pinpointed the source of the alien flood a strange creature in the mid-atlantic his eyes call a word with anger tell me where this thing is now Clark orders Superman arrives fast the creature is huge made of living water it turns its strange eyes on the Man of Steel she acknowledges it I don't know who you are I don't know why you're here but I need you to understand something this world is under my protection and with these words the Man of Steel brings his hands together in a clap so powerful that it sends a shockwave through the Beast anticipating it I heard that from Coach city flash shouts as he arrives at the scene running so fast that his feet never actually come in contact with the water so fast in fact that he can't stop as the creatures begin to reform around him unable to stop the flash runs straight into the creatures opened mouth Superman watches as that creature reforms in the ocean before him and from behind a voice calls out its name as the flood it comes from a race of Krakens native to my homeworld command a drug rises out of the ocean atop his demonic seahorse steed drogue wraps his hands around the Man of Steel's throat and your world's reckoning has only just begun back on the blood reef Aquaman and black man to begin to do battle as Admiral tide watch is on meant a taunting malko man for not knowing his true power Aquaman doesn't know of what he speaks and demands the villain fight tide agrees and shows him show mara and Atlanta's Mara and ocean master are fighting for their lives with Arthur reaching out to Mara he tries to warn her but orme knows that they are running out of time he sends her to the Hall of crowns where the remains of the greatest heroes and kings of Atlantis rest he tells her of The Legend of Orion of the heroes that fight against the evil creatures from the stars and with this legend he shows Mara the crown of Orion which should lead them to the weapon that the hero use just to write down these evil creatures suddenly the wall crashes inward as Captain Gul arrives Mara trying to use her magic to hold off the invaders but orme knows that it's only a matter of time Zakhar fighting himself behind Mara time to escape back on the surface Drogo is using his powers to suck the life out of a Clarke's body out of the Superman the Man of Steel is drained in almost a lifeless and releasing him drogue watches as he plunges towards the surface of the water but the flash is there somehow unaffected by these flood waters that are changing mere mortals scooping Superman up the fastest man alive retreats from the conflict and in the Hall of Justice Batman or as McGann to begin an evacuation staying behind to guard their piece of the source wall the mysteries of the universe the totality on the blood reef though Arthur watches and despair as the earth Falls to ryeom fen to tide grabs him her energy pulling his true power from him the power of the life force from the ocean ripping it out of Aquaman's body she releases it into black manta Arthur crumbles to the floor it's dawn I can't feel it I can't feel the ocean anymore this is what you've felt all this time Aquaman Black Manta calls out you and this much power and you used it to speak to fish the earth has fallen in the ocean Lords will build a new empire and nothing will stop them but outside the guards see a ship approaching in the fog suddenly they are cut down by a sword and a shield spins through the air with a glowing lasso wrapping around the final guard now tell me orders an armor clad Wonder Woman tell me where the hell is Aquaman back at the Hall of Justice famine is trying desperately to reach any member of the league that has left trapped in his hover chair he asks djaro which is actually a portion of Starro in a jar to reach out with his telepathy I'm getting nothing dad no one the little alien tells him the totality is safe for now but the outside walls won't hold against the waters forever from the static finally comes a friendly voice Batman flash thank God were you able to defeat the thing but flash and Superman couldn't even make a dent in the strange alien creature what about the rest of the team they're right here unfortunately behind them the rest of the Justice League and the reserves fully mutated by the aliens waters are chasing flash as he pushed his Superman across the ocean Superman weakened by drogues touch can do little more than smacks him and their former friends away when they get close but luckily he sports an awesome simple eyepatch now suddenly out of the ocean in front of them spring swampthing his body molded into tentacles caught in his grasp Superman and flash are powerless to break free how the hell do you fight a magic Fishtown element flash yells as the tentacle squeezed tighter he's a tree you chop him down Merrick ricer sword severing the former hero's limbs we can't take them alone we need the forces of Atlantis Superman tells her but mera informs the heroes that Atlantis has been destroyed using Orion's crown she transports all of them hopefully through her the weapon that will destroy the flood awaits on the blood reef alcaman is being made to walk the plank below lies the Chara Beaufort X a black hole in the universe's great whirlpool everything is ripped apart in its tides and the ocean Lords stand at his back long ago they walked this plank as well and they spent eons in the graveyard of the gods before finally breaking free Aquaman's eyes are downcast stripped of his power he's already been broken it doesn't have to be this way he pleads but oh it does you've taken my power but I'll commit isn't done yet he turns on his captors leaping against gall but I live with Batman and I've learned a few tricks using his enemy's blade he severs his chains striking out he gathers a weapon rushing into combat he swings the blade against tide but he stayed by drogues hand stopping the blade as if it were nothing with a simple gesture the God throws Aquaman into the void but instead of being ripped apart he is saved landing on the small ship that Wonder Woman pilots get up in sail we need you back to earth she orders but no Aquaman pleased with her they have to go to the graveyard of the gods Diana please God help us so be it she yells that she smashes the key into the deck but I fear we are charting a course for nowhere Mayoress Superman and flash have now arrived at the Atacama Desert the driest place on earth they are searching for Orion's - it's hidden in that desert where no one can find it before their eyes flash because de beauté ate his Josh if ting and to some sort of fin using his speed he is holding off the infection but he doesn't know how long he could do it as his powers begin to return under the Sun Superman believes that he can see the tomb so flash runs uncovering the long hidden structure meanwhile Arthur and Diana are sailing across the hidden rivers of the cosmos charting a course for the graveyard of the gods beneath their halt the Stars transformed into water once more and before them lies a strange Palace maid a boat they have arrived back in Orion's tomb Superman pushes inside the entrance they are looking for the tear of extinction the weapon that will allow them to defeat the ocean Lords Mara is shocked the tomb its desecrated and the tear is missing suddenly a voice speaks out of the dark Black Manta it in his hand he holds the tear the only weapon that might save the earth Mero rushes towards the villain her sword raised in her hand and drogue is at mantas back as the tubing is to fill with floodwaters in the graveyard of the gods Aquaman and Wonder Woman have managed to escape the guardian of this place but they now come face-to-face with the decrypted remains of Poseidon he's been locked here never to escape aquaman informs the dead god of the situation begging him to return his powers and show them how to defeat the ocean Lords Arthur curry if you think I am your Savior then you are now already dead and with these words presided thrusts his Trident in to Aquaman's chest meanwhile the Hall of justices walls cannot withstand the force against it inside Batman is calling out to any member of the Justice League can you hear me but djaro cannot sense anyone are they okay the small creature asks fear and its voice and Batman tells the little starfish it'll be alright to work in a win he picks up Jaros container and they begin to evacuate from behind a blast of energy destroys Batman's chair and over him stands the Legion of Doom meanwhile mera Superman and flash are trying to withstand the might of the flood and the mutated creatures of Earth they continue to battle holding back to the end but flash because to mutate farther his mind now calling out to black mantas new powers and back at the Hall of Justice Batman has managed to escape slipping into the trophy room lex luthor stands over the totality a piece of the source wall the power of creation at his fingertips in the trophy room batman attacks clad and the old luthor armor his fists punching through a wall sending Gorilla Grodd flying visiting hours are over but I think there's an exhibit or two that I could show you well I do love this part the Joker laughs and the rest of the Legion prepare to attack meanwhile back in the graveyard of the Gods diana has left her to the aid of Arthur Purvis impacting against beside it but the god shrugs her off easily allowing Arthur to return his wounds seemingly healing Arthur doesn't understand Poseidon was only trying to use his Trident to imbue him with the power of life but his strength has waned he stood alongside the hero Orion eons ago and fought against these beings so why not help now so beside Intel's the truth when the gods known as the ocean Lords came to the earth before it wasn't as in fears Orion wanted to share the life force of the oceans with the others so he sent out the call to the stars when the others arrived Poseidon did not trust them nor want to share his power he tricked Oh Ryan convincing him to the ocean Lords were evil together the two locked them away in the graveyard of the gods until they escaped and became the evil beings that they are now what was happening on earth was beside ins fault there must be something we can do some way to make them see the light but beside and knows what the graveyard can do to a god they cannot be saved they must be destroyed meanwhile back at the Hall of Justice Lex has the totality when suddenly the wall explodes the force of Sinestro and grodd's bodies as they fall to the ground Batman stands there Joker's throat locked in his fist step away from the totality he orders and Joker waves but Lex now has the power of the totality in his hands and he simply teleports the Legion of Doom away leaving Batman stunned mera Superman and flash continue their fight yet it is a losing battle and they know it subtly Mara realizes that the energy from the tear of extinction still lies within the bones of Orion using her magic she forms a bleed from the tears drogue screams calling out to his Kraken Joe destroy her but it is too late as Mara swings her new weapon the creature dies with one blow forcing the floodwaters to retreat she moves quickly blade piercing drogue next and he is strong and with a wounded cry he throws her away they have the power to destroy us we must retreat Black Manta protests but it doesn't matter the villains are gone the heroes of Earth now have a weapon to use in this war against the drought back at the graveyard of the gods no Posada could feel the dark realm beginning to crumble we are not dead yet there's still time to make this right beside it Poseidon stares at the former King relapsed in Ares it away the three begin to head towards Wonder Woman's boat with no sight and handing his Trident over to Aquaman use it as a weapon as a lion Didion's ago fuel it with the tear of extinction make it rich with death Arthur and Diana have no chance of escaping the run without Poseidon's help so with the last of his power he pushes their craft for a the crumbling world back on the bloody for the ocean Lords since Aquaman and Wonder Woman's escape now the heroes of Earth have weapons that can defeat them they have no choice release the death Kraken Black Manta calls out still trapped in the tomb of Orion mera Superman and flash continue to fight their way out his powers returning Superman is still wearing the super simple eyepatch so he only uses one eye for heat vision it looks cool so no one says anything despite the fact that they killed the flood Kraken though the infectious waters still surrounded them when suddenly they are saved as above them floats a Wonder Woman ship ahoy greets Aquaman Mara and Arthur reunite embracing it a lover's kiss and the team sets sail for the ocean Lords flash a Superman dressed as pirates to protect them from the infectious waters because why not everything's gonna be okay now Arthur knows how to stop the ocean Lords using Poseidon's trident fused of the tears of extinction in Marus sword they have a weapon that could destroy them but he doesn't want to do that knowing what happened in the past Arthur believes that they could end this peacefully the rest of the team are not quite so sure to get past their barrier there is only one way that they can do it launch the ships that Orion has hidden within Atlantis destroying the city once and for all Arthur believes that it is the only way they have to destroy Atlantis the team agrees on the plan when suddenly above them the sky split open and from the depths of another realm emerges the death Kraken its massive tentacles reaching forth into our world commanded roke if they make it to the barrier you may set the beast upon them tide calls out Diana will launch the city towers Aquaman mera Superman and flash will hold back the Kraken Wonder Woman dives in the rest set sail for battle fighting to hold the world against the tide and the depths of Atlantis Diana tries to unlock the towers but it has assaulted by cheetah the two begin to lock into battle with Diana knocking her enemy away quickly trying to continue with the lock a colossus lashes that are back though then blood is drawn cheedo roars the Legion has won nothing can save them now when suddenly a blast saves them by throwing cheetah away and standing before them as our broken Batman sorry was she talking Batman had programmed the teleporters to take him to the league's leader was Jean of world that's Diana the you then launch the city towers occupants rise again to call out to the gods pleading with them to stop this to end things peacefully here is words if they ignore them beneath them the waters begin to churn and breaking the surface the towers begin to launch Batman to the Justice League the towers of Atlantis are making their ascent you may want to move Batman orders and he also wonders if Wonder Woman has any way to steer them clinging to the ship Diana calls out to a friend over the roars of the engine I'm riding a four thousand-year-old spaceship Batman it's safe to say that I'm winging it the heroes watch below as the ships launch forward ripping through the barriers of the ocean Lords ships now is their chance as I'll command and marrow ride forward to face the gods while the rest of the League hold back the Kraken Luthor's Amanda the tide is turning in the favor of the Justice League finish what we set up to do and I'll teleport you out but Manta has tasted true power now and he no longer needs a Luthor or the League Mara and Aquaman grow closer to the ocean Lords with Mara calling out for Arthur to finish off their enemy yet Arthur still believes that there is a better way he refuses to kill unless he has to the Krakens massive tentacle crashes down on their small ships smashing it to kindling but flash as they're still holding on to himself his body mutated his words a little more than gibberish the flash deposits both Mara and Arthur on the enemy ship speeding away to continue the battle shaking Mara back to consciousness she now realizes the deer of extinction has changed her shifting her heart to the black of death Arthur's right there is another way he has to tap into his power changing the tear back to a weapon of life he is connected to all life he could do this Mara believes in him and with that it's worked the shell that held the tear of extinction now hums of the force of life Arthur hands it back to Mara surprising her because long ago the monarch of Atlantis called out to the universe I'm not the monarch I can't play that role anymore but you can see the world as it should be he tells her so she places the shell to her head and despite the death the destruction around them the Krakens massive tentacles reaching out and grasping Mara sends out a signal to all of the universe to all that would hear it unknown in countless worlds see her vision a life connected through the sharing of knowledge of good faith above them the ocean Lords hear this message as well stroke least the Kraken tide orders she is ready for a trick for some act of aggression and Arthur arrives at Mara but they are not here to fight kneeling before these old gods his hands offering the Trident of Poseidon you would give us this trident when we claimed your seas your people tied questions Arthur would for the past mistakes of his people this was the fate of the Trident all along for the original vision that was sent forth by Orion the ocean Lords stop for maybe it is time for a parlay to end the bloodshed but from behind the blades of black manta find their way into command at rogue spine blades that are coated with the tears of extinction drobe perishes before their eyes and retrieving the bone crown that drogue used to control the kraken Manta reveals his plot say hi to Earth's new sea god steel fly to the heiress's blade finds its mark and Captain Gulf chest and another God falls but before tide can meet her own end Arthur manages to block the blade with his hand the tide is still wounded Manta stands victorious the words of Lex Luthor ringing in his ears the oceans are not the league's concern amantha doesn't care he has everything now and as she lays bleeding tide takes the powers back from Black Manta returning them to Arthur it matters not though so what go ahead talk to fish Arthur what good is it to you now he gloats but suddenly Arthur appears with the entire might of the fish and mutated League behind him well when every hero on earth is a fish plenty he orders the other heroes to stop the Kraken what about Manta questions mera Manta is my Trident in blade meat the two Titans locking blows as the battle for the very future of the planet comes down to these two men the Kraken will not listen to Manta he is but a man and finally Arthur gets the upper hand twisting mantas arm to feeding him Arthur the Kraken is too powerful it's going to reach the ocean Mara is panics for once the creature reaches the waters all life on Earth will end staring up at the massive creature Arthur knows what must be done not on my watch he adjusts the ship's course steering for the massive jaws of the death Kraken Arthur carries the life force in him the chain reaction of hitting the dead Kraken will kill it he can hear Marys please he can't do this he'll die you call me your queen will I command you come back do not do this she watches as the ship draws nearer to the end the creature filling Arthur's vision my heart I wish you fair winds and following seas always I will see you again mara in his last moments the memories of sailing with his father fill his vision he is gone three days have passed since the end of our conflict Cindy's supposed death ibaka man the waters have receded and the people of Earth have returned to normal vague memories of what happened are all that remain they know the heroes of our saved them and that's enough but meanwhile in the Hall of Justice a statue of aquaman has been erected and dedication of our fallen hero but not everyone believes that he is truly gone I guess somewhere unknown Arthur curry washes ashore now with the loss of the totality Earth's heroes are trying desperately to learn the secrets behind the unknown subject and that quest for knowledge has taken martian manhunter Hawkgirl and Green Lantern Jon Stewart to the far reaches of space to thanagar Prime to seek out the Martian Keeper as the three fly down closer to the planet Jon looks around at the massive city stating that he's only ever heard stories about this place it's pretty rare that the site of a place lives up to the dream of it hopefully they won't have a problem with them coming but before Jon could say anything else Danna Garr Prime's guards the wingmen fly down with their weapons drawn telling them halt Martian Manhunter tries to tell the guards that they come in peace only seeking answers but the guard shouts many up try did not have succeeded how you'd hawk goal Reddy's arm a stating that she's really not in the mood for yielding are you ready boys but before the brawl can start a voice calls out to the guards to stand down they are threatening the Justice League of Earth they have saved the multiverse more times than one could count we will be gracious hosts the wingmen lower their weapons and as Hawkgirl asks who's there a woman flies down telling her you know my name is chay-ara halt Empress of Fenig our prime and the last of the thanagarian empire and i welcome you to the secret core of the universe where they solemn heart she looks directly at Martian Manhunter stating that she is sorry but the one that he seeks the Martian elder she is dead chay-ara then leads the three through the city stated that she is terribly sorry that they have come so far the Martian elder was a kind woman she even consulted with her when they took control of their world back from the mad God on him arson she lived to see a brighter thanagar so at least there was that please forgive her she should have sent word the moment that it had happened Martian Manhunter tells her that he understands and there is no need to apologize but that's when Hawkgirl stops the group spreading her wings telling shower to look the multiverse is dying and they need to know everything that they can to win the in metal in her wings has been glowing bright and strange with a map to something on them please state that there is something on them that she can understand or maybe there is something in their vaults to help them make sense of what they need to do next shower stairs of the wings quietly staining my chest on the design is beautiful but I cannot read it I feel bad that you've come so far looking for answers and I cannot give you any at the very least you have arrived in the eve of the great dinner gari and festival it would be an honor if you would attend as honored guests so later that night the three of them stand alone John looks at the architect stating that he's got to pick the brains of these engineers hawkgirl tells him to marvel at it all he wants but there is something wrong here her history may be complicated but she are was the wife of Carter Hall one of the incarnations of Carter Hall so if it's true shouldn't they be the same person how can there be two of her two hot girls the laws of nature aren't working here when one dies the next should be reincarnated it's the lure of the hawk individuals within the DC universe Martian Manhunter asks what does she suggest forcibly Prai answers out of the leader of a planet whose help they might need as the multiverse creeps closer to death Hawkgirl walks away stating maybe she's just being stubborn or stupid but damn it she will find out what's going on here hope they packed something formal as the night begins to fall over the great Gardens the people of Fenig are primed gathered in celebration and Hawkgirl asks Martian Manhunter he's okay he tells her no he supposes know he was mourning not just the loss of answers that he hoped to find but to now be the last survivor of the Martians Hawkgirl then asks how about they dance she has danced in every human civilization that he's ever heard of and at least five that he has it it'll help take his mind off things Martian Manhunter sighs stating that there was a dance on Mars that he never quite mastered his wife on the other hand so Marsha mannered pulls his arm back telling her that he can't and that's when she R walks over asking if they're enjoying themselves Martian Manhunter phases in the ground telling her thank you for inviting them but he must excuse himself chay-ara asks Hawkgirl she interrupted something and Hawkgirl says no but she ara tells her that she can sense that she is lying why is that so Hawkgirl pauses and then says that she just doesn't really know she has lived hundreds of years and out of all of them she remembers that they were spent with Carter Hall one of Carter Hall's life was her late husband Carter so in theory they should be the same person but they aren't shayera and Hawkgirl should be the same individual however the same can be said about her she saw something on the wings didn't she chay-ara tells her that it's not a star map that she is sure of but instead it's something bigger Hawk girl yells you're still lying the shower replaces her hand on hawkgirl shoulder stating there's no need to lose your temper but at that moment Hawkgirl sees something and says Oh God before flying off chay-ara calls out asking what is it and Hawkgirl tells her that it's nothing she just needs to go she then telepathically yells at two Martian men and her telling him that they need a side link now so Martian Manhunter connects with John and as soon as they do images of the Martian Keeper can be seen in chains led by shayera and her wingman John asks what is this image in Hawkgirl says that she's not sure but when she are a touched her she got this memory but that doesn't matter the Martian keeper is actually locked away deep in the vaults so the three of them gathered together quickly with Hawkgirl telling them that there's some secret something powerful and dangerous and it may have to do with the totality the answer is behind the door to the most secure vault in the universe and that's not a boy shouts out to them telling them that they will never learn it take down the earth our heroes the wingman shoot by knocking all three to the ground and as hot girls mace is taken shower asks do you realize what you have set in motion the simple act of seeking the truth is sending ripples throughout the universe for the multiverse to survive some things must stay secret is it that right my love standing over hawkgirl's body is that not-so-dead Carter Hall the savage Hawkman but also at this time back on earth Batman Wonder Woman and Superman have to face their own problem the injured star man is rapidly gaining power and he's about to explode back on thanagar prime Carter holds up hawkgirl's mace and shayera tells Hawkgirl that perhaps she will find it in her to forgive her in the next life do it Carter Carter gets ready to strike but just then the person Carter is holding turns back into a guard and she shouts that she isn't the earth hero chay-ara asks what in the seven heavens the marsh had got into our minds everyone to the vault as the wingman gathered themselves and take flight she-ra tells Carter that soon she will restore him bully she won't let the Justice League destroy all that they have built together Carter listens but doesn't respond elsewhere in the city Martian Manhunter removes the veil reverting to three of them to their normal selves and Hawkgirl yells that she is so sick of these damn secrets she held the dirt out in her hands saved her from Lex Luthor with a universe of power flowing through her wings and she still doesn't know why and now Carter Martian Manhunter says that it is strange Carter had no mental shield but his mind couldn't be accessed perhaps it's time that they cut to the dark heart of this place John then says that with all due respect this is stanag our prime he's heard horror stories about the vaults here like how robbers get trapped for decades with no escape Hawkgirl then asks so the space cop doesn't want to rob a bank shocker John throws his hands up stating whoa it's more than that is the violation of sovereignty particularly if the Corps has a treaty in place of Shiar Martian Manhunter asks what if what hot girl song was true what if the Martian keep is held against her will but that's her Feist John tells him he'll if it doesn't it should it's not like they can exactly take my ring away from me at this point the next morning Lions of aliens formed to seek entry into the vaults with one group in particular depositing a rather large shard of the dead planet Krypton after all the Security checks are cleared the wingmen bring the aliens to their deposit room and a hand slowly reaches out from the char it punches down onto one of the guards in a second later John Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter all burst Worman having snuck into one of the greatest vaults in the universe John says that he really needs to brush up on his isotopes making kryptonite out of sheer willpower isn't easy none of them should hug Superman for a couple of weeks and they get back the three quickly dispatched the guards and the aliens but as they fall Martian Manhunter hears a voice calling to him telling him that it was foolish of him to return here but Martian Manhunter in his mind yells to the Martian keeper telling her we can hear you guide us to your location as he flies up she says that their weapon the risk is too great the Martian Manhunter says that they should learn the truth they have to she has kept it from him when he last came he must understand what is actually going on in the entire universe but before they could get too far she-ra flies down stating that this is the problem with the earth heroes they think that they have the right to any corner of the universe they do not consider the cost of their actions Hawkgirl asks her oh yeah you're one to talk you may have got a sick deal to bring back your dead lover what add add cost CR shouts that thanagar was destroyed she used the power here to rebuild a barren Bank into a glorious new capital for their empire she brought together the greatest powers of the universe Fanta gar prime protects a secret that stretches the history of the multiverse we have a right to defend it and John tells her yeah funny story you're all under arrest just then a voice calls to John telling him sorry but that's not gonna happen and if the free your blasted with green energy Kilowog stands there holding his ring out telling them actually it's you three posers that are under arrest and I'm gonna need your ring and a full debrief on whatever the hell you poses have been up to as John begins to fight the other Lantern chiara charges at Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter phases through the group and into the vault Martian Manhunter looks at the Martian keeper bound and locked up with a strange device on her head asking what have they done the keep says that it's called the absorber con it carries the collective knowledge and memory of the fan of gar race it has long been one of their most powerful artifact but now it is much more than that it is the key to thanagar survive she told them to run but if she has to die this day she will be glad that it will be at the side of my fellow Martian now listen close to protect a great secret the people of Fenig our prime have wielded a great line on a Martian began the work the Shiar eagerly took over when the source wall was broken all the implemental had become far more reactive and far more powerful absorber con can make memories real it takes a great mind capable of holding all of their history and culture and that is why she was captured Carter Hall is a lie the city above is a lie if others knew how weak thanagar had become they would turn on them Martian Manhunter then asks what truth would they be so desperate to hide and the keep says that the reality that exists before them is not the first it is in some ways as much a lie as stanag our prime above them there was a multiverse before this one and its creator she is coming back the myth spoke of a universe before their own a universe shaped into a predatory state by an all-powerful cosmic mother wielding the seven energies of creation it was the story of a perpetual universe dark and dangerous designs had never died it was the story of its creator and how he fell the Malthusian scientist Crona ordered every piece of evidence gathered they would suppress it study it understand it and prepare from one end of the galaxy to the other they would hide herb mark the signature of her true power the story a perpetual was the most dangerous secrets in creation the individual that had created the multiverse before this one and it should never be allowed to come to light should the meaning behind her symbol ever be unlocked she would rise again Martian Manhunter says that he doesn't understand he thought the symbol originated from Mars or at least the top aspect of it it stood for justice and the keep then goes on stating but the line across represents the source wall the seventh line beneath represents the dark energies of creation that were sealed away by Perpetua the seven lines above represent their most positive aspects unbound and vibrant in the universe for all of history the balance has remained positive but the old energy is meant to be locked away for eternity there really connect bestowing new in terrible power upon individuals even what Shiar has been able to do with the absorbacron to rewrite reality itself with the memories that thetag are once was would be impossible without those energies freed however she is dying she is dying and there's so much more that needs to be known so listen close for when I pass an illusion of Fenig our prime Falls chaos will unleash itself across the universe as Hawkgirl and Jonn continue to fight outside the keep to continues her stories she goes on stating that as time passed the Malthusians evolved into the guardians of the universe and the knowledge of Perpetua was hidden here on thanagar prime however the Guardians still feared that she would one day rise again there was a part of the myth that spoke of her great army a dangerous and predatory race that dominated her universe that race was built from the DNA of humankind and Martian kind blended together when the universe was put right perpetual locked away their species were split apart humans carried the fire that Perpetua showed in them but it left them weak in body and mind Martians carry the power that she instilled but feared the fire of passion in all of its forms too despite to the Guardians efforts to keep all of this secret a small group of Earthmen unraveled to the truth the scientists understood that they were less than they were meant to be so they found the means to pierce the veil of time before Horan Mears curse took their people so that they could use Martian DNA to re-engineer her army you see this is the part of the story that I so desperately wished to hide from you the abominations formed by the human scientists they would never be possible without the source of DNA that they pulled from Mars it would never have been possible had they not abducted you Martian Manhunter he steps back shouting what is it that you were saying and the cube tells him you've seen glimpses of yourself as a boy in a cage you know I speak the truth do you ever wonder why and all their planet only you were saved by air drills experiment you were marked marked by the story of Perpetual the lie served its purpose and has run its course and now the secrets that covered it are laid bare you are ready to face the truth though I cannot hold on any longer Shiar is pushing the power to its limit all that I know is passed on to you Martian Manhunter screams oh no you cannot die the keep tells him I survived the death of Mars survived tens of millenia thinking my species had been lost only to find you rescued through time I'm glad to have met you to have known you the symbol has two meanings doom and justice you must tell the multiverse which shaped to take just then Shiar breaks into the vault shouting that she will not allow this she will use the absorbacron to rewrite reality through the keep she will make her young again so that she will live forever and as the key passes the knowledge is passed on to Martian Manhunter and the walls of thanagar prime began to crumble shortly after Jon flies in with Hawkgirl Kilowog and Kilowog asks all right what the hell is going on here Martian Manhunter holds his head and says the world is destabilizing he then grabs on to Shia and she tries to rewrite reality telling her that she must go this power will kill her she thought she could master it but she never could the only way forward is to rebuild openly and honestly and if she does not she will doom what is left she our releases they blast knocking everyone back and then she takes off the absorbacron stayed in the shiaa sorry for all of this let the universe see it then let don't see how weak thanagar truly has become soon the wingman guards turned to dust and she tells the image of Carta that she created that she doesn't want to say goodbye again she falls to her knees stayed in this she was trying to do what's right killowog says okay now chase on to a rest hawkgirl tells them no this isn't right the universe is terrified it has every right to be locking her up will solve nothing we just need to get out of here before she stops her telling her that they can't the disturbance has triggered the locks they are sealed down here there's no escape and it's hopeless and that's when a voice tells them no it isn't part of Perpetua symbol shines as a portal begins to open and through it Starman followed by Superman Batman and Wonder Woman step out star man looks at Chiara and Hawkgirl says that it's strange seeing them like this as she ara says that she's never met him before star man reaches into her chest pulling out her essence he tells her that he knows that they've never met but he still knows her the totality broke the chain of resurrection splitting her between two lives Perpetua didn't want them whole Chiara asks what is he doing a star man says what he was sent here to do to make things right he releases the essence into Hawkgirl and as she stands back up she says it's like a piece that's been missing in her since she died as she are a home it's back inside but how star man says that there are many broken things in this universe as time they started fixing them Shara then asks where does that leave her did he rip her soul out a star man tells her no the soul is her own he's simply given it back Fenig our prime needs a leader and she could still rebuild it without the absorbacron Kilowog leans in and tells John I understand there's a journey that you're going on and I get that but next time this is a big crazy cosmic crap and something goes wrong don't be a [ __ ] and call for backup John after bringing everyone to the surface starmon opens up the portal and says it is time to go back to Bernie he hasn't eaten since 1988 and this kind of power does a lot to them Batman looks at Martian Manhunter asking we find what he's looking for and Martian Manhunter thinks back telling him yes I suppose but I need to find someone someone who might be the key to tipping the scale back to justice as everyone gets ready to leave Hawkgirl notices star man staring at her asking what is it is something wrong and he tells her no it's quite the opposite really I can see it now how things are starting to line up perfectly you're finally ready to fulfill your cosmic identity it's time to fix the source wall there are many beginnings in this universe but there has only ever been one end a place where all slowly lose perspective it is called the Promethean galaxy however it is not truly a galaxy it is a place of gods and Giants as old as creation and home to the farthest finit border of reality itself the source wall for many members of the Justice League 'it was their first time seeing something that they had only ever seen in psychic images or holograms each one of them looks and turns away everyone except Hawkgirl her eyes remained focused as if the wall itself is calling to her and deep down and makes her want to scream the ship therein comes to a stop and star man exits making his way to the wall telling everyone to get ready and open up the first portal star man has come up with a plan to help repair the broken source of wall the method sealing it with the remaining Omega Titans he can sense the doubt in everyone's mind but he's paid no mind to it he knows that this plan will work the energy flowing through him is the totality of power in the universe all of its fundamental forces exist in a spectrum inside of himself he was sure that it would work he knew that this would work he could perform a wonders that would make reality tremble and if he could reseal the source wall the end of all eternity would be prevented as the first portal opens up Oh Ryan of the New Gods states that he has acted the Wonder Titan is ready that's when the second portal opens and through it ganthet of the green Guardians brings the wisdom Titan into position finally the third portal opens and chay-ara Hall and the last fleet of Fenig are bring in the mystery Titan Hawkgirl watches stating that this is really happening this is but before she could finish she feels a powerful energy running through her wings as she shouts no not yet Starman rushes back asking if she's okay and when Hawkgirl tells him that she's fine he tells her that it's just anticipation she's just about to fulfill her cosmic destiny are you ready to save the multiverse Hawkgirl however this plan was brought to her attention only two weeks Starman set with her and said that he had a plan to repair the source wall and it involved her her wings they show the map of a higher plane of existence and that has something to do with the totality part of her mind was rebuilt after Luther destroyed it and it was restored with the energies of the totality now that star man is completely attuned to the hidden energies of the universe and the defenses to meant to keep them locked away he can see how things in the universe are supposed to be the source wall was a protective bubble between them and the void a shield meant to guard this universe from the unknown and that shield was punctured in the battle with Barbados back in DC metal that brought forth the Omega Titans they were the multiverses first line of defense they would find worlds ripe enough with their respective energies absorb them and then seal the wall with that energy Brainiac made a miscalculation in the no justice event when he pulled the four teams together he didn't include Hawkgirl she would have been able to communicate with the Omega Titans Hawkgirl asks what is he talking about and star man smiles telling her that she too is a part of the last line of defense the answer be Titan was killed on earth but he can channel its energies through her wings along with the other Titans in place they can heal the whole together he's already discussed this with the rest of the Justice League and they are currently working with steel and the Titans it's not just the League it's also OA new Genesis and Feniger they've all agreed to help seal the wall Hawkgirl asks if this is already in motion how can he be sure that it'll work Starman tells her because he can hear the heart of the multiverse it wants this to happen Hawkgirl then asks what will happen to her what is on the other side of the source wall if she's involved at this if her wings use her to bind the wall Starman looks at her and says that that is what he wished to discuss with her back in the current time the Titans are placed along the holes of the source wall where the Martian Manhunter stating that the Titans they're docile content like they know that this is their purpose a few moments later Hawkgirl flies out in a full suit of enth armor she says that she is in the suit Starman designed and that she's got to say it's surprisingly comfortable Batman radios in asking does she know where she's going and Hawkgirl tells him yes it's strange like an instinct the wall is opening a place for the entropy tighten it but she can feel it calling to her this is her place the energy of the entropy tightened it's in the wings before placing herself into the entropy Titans placed as a flash in her mind as she sees herself taken away to a wonderful place she asks what is going on in Martian Manhunter tells her that it is the psychic world a construct in her mind a slice of heaven she could say it's made from all of her favorite places the beings inside of the wall the ones that bound here but all of eternity guarding this multiverse they're still conscious and he wanted to make it more comfortable for her if this works before they leave he will put her into a trance and let her live here in this heaven she begins to cry and Martian Manhunter asks what's wrong she turns back kissing him - Martian Manhunter pulls back telling her to wait and she tells him that she knows he had a wife and she's been with Carter in many lives but this life it's different this ending is all hers she wanted something that she could call her own she knows it's selfish Martian Manhunter tells her that no it's not there's something wrong out there back in reality Superman stares stating that he's supposed to be dead he died in his arms and that's when Brainiac and his ships appear within the ship Brainiac tells the drones to attack it was also two weeks ago that Brainiac opened his eyes again and the first thing that he told that Lex was that he made a mistake Lex asked him what did he miss and Brainiac told him that he didn't understand what he had he tortured Starman to retrieve knowledge on the seven hidden energies of creation without understanding that he contained each of them himself Starman could have been the key to unlock Perpetua from her prison but know that he is the key to a graver threat Lex holds up the doorknob stating that he already has the key but Brainiac tells him that he's only unlocked four of the seven needed energies the other three are unreachable as it stands he will explain it in simple terms four simple minds the Justice League has a key that fits two locks they need to direct it to their lock to the totality - free / pet if you're wondering who Perpetua is she is the being that started it all she is the creator of the multiverse and she is not a creator of good-will superman crashes into brainiacs main ship with Lex shouting that it's foolish to bring their totality in the midst of their enemies Brainiac tells him that the ship can withstand the catonian futile efforts the totality is stirring she can feel him out there over the wall Hawkgirl readies herself to be locked in place and star man tells that he can channel the entropy energy that they need the wall will feed on it and seal around her and soon after this whole affair will be over please forgive him but this will hurt he begins to pour the entropy energy into her body and as he does a small device hits him from behind moments past before he reaches back to destroyed however it's too late its powers they're gone inside a Brainiac ship is a blinding light radiating from the totality and that a pair of eyes open fury inside of them palpable all-consuming the Giants are great warriors cry out from the wall bathed in her energy expelling it from their now open eyes everyone stops everyone turns to see something is wrong something that was never meant to be released perpetual the first creator who made a dangerous self-sustaining weapon she would be sealed in the source wall but now she is free and she will not be imprisoned again the gods of New Genesis can feel themselves being pulled away but before they can do something they vanish and that's when the source wall begins to explode once there was one hole now more appear shards of the wall breaking off the Omega Titan screaming in pain and then Gregor got do the sound it's deafening shaking the very foundation of reality the death of the source wall echoes in the souls of all of those who are present and beyond they hear us watch defeated his brainiacs ship fades away they've lost and now the multiverse will die later at the Hall of doom Brainiac asks what they should do now Lex tells him that dough would be obvious or someone of a higher intellect it's simple they prepare for a war unlike anything the multiverse has ever seen but not only is this the end of the multiverse but there's something else that needs to be handled what if Martian Manhunter knew a little pre history of Lex what if they knew each other what if they could work together to prevent Perpetua as Martian Manhunter stands in the ruins of Cheyenne Valley once the holiest of places for the Martians he says in his language the word Shan was sacred it meant place of ancient memories this place no non Martian has ever set foot here if anyone knew his kind his friends to Justice League knew but before you decide your next move just know that by bringing you here I trust you right now more than anyone else alive a begun is placed in the back of Martian Manhunter head and I voice tells them that that's unfortunate because this is where it ends for you memories begin to play out of Martian Manhunter and his family long ago and Lex Luthor says that he's guessing that's your family the memory fades and Lex goes on stating I'm afraid that there will be no more visits to memory lane my suit projects a field attuned to telepathy blocking it along with your shape-shifting powers you have five minutes to explain why we are here Martian Manhunter tells him fair enough I need help finding someone someone I once met as a boy he was a part of a group called the Legionnaires Club there's no record of him no tricks no weapons up my sleeve like stops him and says there's no weapons up his sleeve but one behind his back Martian Manhunter holds out djaro and Lex says did you think that you could use him against me Jarrah has already been poisoned by a psychic toxin nice try though Martian Manhunter pauses for a moment it says No what have you done Lex laughs telling him don't be a sore loser but Martian Manhunter tackles him shouting we need to move just then the ground rumbles as a giant creature bursts out trying to bite the two of them Lex yells what the hell was that and Martian Manhunter tells him that he didn't bring John here to trick and jarrah was brought here to fend off the coroner's the to narrowly escaped and martian manhunter begins to tell the story of the person that he met when he was a young boy he was kept in a cage and there were many people who came to see him but with that group was a boy he kept gesturing to his shirt and that's when he saw it the infinity symbol meant eyes and 10 to the 14th power infrared light when his eyes adjusted he could read what the boy wanted him to see he said that his name was Alby Lex ignores the story asking what the hell are those things out there but Martian Manhunter then explains that they are the coroners thought to be extinct they nested Moon's is sometimes planets they feed on psychic energy specifically on memory longing and regret Jarrah was brought to block such emotions during their meeting Lex laughs stating regret the way those things are going they're gonna feast on you Martian mannered I said that he's not wrong about his regrets but that is not what they're here to discuss he asked him here to appeal for help for finding the man that he spoke of if he can find this man Alby he'll go willingly with him anywhere Lex says that there are many men named Alby help free work for him do you really expect me to believe that Martian man at her places his hand on Lex's gun telling him I do because it's true this place as I said was sacred to my people I came here once every 10 years to pray we would come together and take bad memories from the great mind our most painful ones all regrets and chant Shan Shan the memories would go into the ground where the coroners would feed on them and they would chant those words into the memories disappeared Lex then says that it sounds like a religion that he could actually get behind dwelling on the past wire does that leave you Martian Manhunter tells him most often alone when he felt alone the boy would appear before him he would ask Alby where they were but Alby said that this place doesn't have a name his uncle is the one who runs it but it's for the good of mankind he then asked what did they want and I'll be told him a simple one where they can make something from Martian in human DNA Alby also said that no matter what they're never going to leave this place something about them all getting arrested or killed by the Black Hawks they've been trying to stop his uncle's work for years but maybe they could pretend that they could leave they would escape into their minds a place where they were free and they were heroes just then the quarter screeches and Lex says they do not have time for this story tell me to escape this place or I swear that but a martian manhunter stops him telling him i am telling you how to escape just listen one night the scientists came and told me that i was going to be set free except Alby was crying his shirt red that he was sorry that they were going to kill me I'll be tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen he sabotages to them when they press the button it would send me away he told me to remember that they all weren't bad and then one last message appeared in that infrared Alby said his real name he told me his name he turned it around and at red Alex short for Alexander Alby was short for lb meaning l/2 Luthor number 2 Alexander Luthor 1 was Lionel your father your Alby Lex you could stop this Lex tears telling him to shut up but Martian Manhunter tells it it's true they took your memory Lex punches martian manhunter shouting for him to shut up the confrontation caused a psychic Ripple and the coroner's quickly attack Martian Manhunter takes Jarrah back stating that this is their only chance and they can control one of these beasts but Lex tells them that the slimy Beach trash is useless they need to one of the corners then lunges at Martian Manhunter but as he dodges he slaps djaro on top of it and Jarrah weakly says I am NOT slimy the two jump on the corner and Martian Manhunter yells that Jarrah did it as they escape Martian Manhunter shouts that they're almost there but he must hear the rest of the story after the escape the Black Hawks game for his father and his team they let him live but they erased his memory of the whole ordeal they left him with nothing more than his sense that he had once been a part of something grand left Lionel a drunk and broken man the father you knew that you grew up in the shadow of but he'd taken precautions he left you something a clue a relic that you've been using a piece of the totality found in the past you once told me that humans were good that you were good the Martian keep wiped my memories both of us were taught to forget the pain the regret the hurt it's who we are it allows us to reach higher together as the coroner gets closer to the two portals Martian Manhunter says that they did it side by side don't your portilex come with us like struggles to make a decision realizing that in his past he worked with martian manhunter that there is good in man but as the coroner crashes martian manhunter jumps through the Justice League portal and Lex jumps through the Legion of Doom portal as Martian Manhunter lands Batman asks did it work they tells him that he should have told everyone his intentions he just needed to the Batman stops him asking did it work Martian Manhunter tells him that he doesn't know he can only hope that some part of what he said got through meanwhile over in the Legion of Doom headquarters at Lex Brainiac asked where is the Martian he was to capture him and bring him so they may gather information Lex looks away telling him that the Martian has nothing worth learning as he goes to his room he holds the relic in his hands any chance chan Chan as Superman flies above the buildings of Metropolis he gets a call from Batman stating that they are ready they have made the necessary preparations to call upon him Superman lands at a rather snowy part of Metropolis with flash stating that the weather is exactly what day 90 predicted it to be all together the combination should fool him into thinking it's time for him to return but just before he could finish the ground begins to shake and Superman calls out to everyone to be ready they're about to face one of the most powerful beings in all of existence mister Mixel pedaling from within the small cage there's a spark and a blip and inside of it mister Mixel pedelec stands up brown well well flash dere is asking is it really him and Batman tells him this is him mister Mixel pedelec is a fifth dimension imp his powers are off the charts Wonder Woman then adds that the cage is made from black diamond capable of tramping even the Calypso it should contain him and keep the city safe mister Mixel pit Alex eyes glow red me asks shut it you thought you could pull an mischief on me well this cage might keep the city safe but who's going to keep you safe from the city just then the lightning strikes down on all of the buildings grow teeth and they begin to eat one another as the debris begins to fall Batman tells Superman the Daily Planet just ate his building flash begins running towards missile Mixel pedelec stating I don't really know who stole your Lucky Charms but there's no way you're going to but before he could finish his feat stop as his legs sink into concrete Green Lantern Jon Stewart holds out his ring and just before he can make a construct mister Mixel pedelec points atom shouting it's like a circus in here Jon blinks and his ring turns into a boxing glove and his ears are replaced by light bulbs soon cars come alive trying to eat everyone in martian manhunter shouts we are not your enemies mister Mixel pedelec rolls around laughing and you all thought a ridiculous cage would hold me no no I want to hear you plead and beg everyone begins to state okay plead plead and beg beg mister Mixel pedelec wipes the tears from his face stating you're all at my mercy this is a mild quickly phased and he says okay what's the real mischief here Superman tells him it's simple martian manhunter is telepathically making his subconscious repeat his name backwards to neutralize his abilities mister Mixel pedelec sizes he sits back asking why would you do this to me just to pull little me Superman tells him no in fact we did this to ask you for your help you are all-powerful and an incredibly dangerous creature but at your core you're not evil what we are mister Mixel pedelec stops him I know all too well what you face and what we all face later at the Hall of Justice everyone sits with mr. Mixel pedelec and Martian Manhunter stating they have recently learned that hawkgirl's wings hold a pattern that could help them fix everything Superman then says that they believe it's a map to the fifth dimension and Hawkgirl then says where is the fifth dimension so Mixel pedelec laughs where well my dear is here it's all around you the first dimension is just a stupid point OOP the second is a line boring the third is well let's material stuff the fourth is Dick duck time and the fifth well the fifth is imagination it's everywhere at once you can't see it but if you could you would see that that's freaking dieing Mixel pedelec points to a hole in his head say ting ever since your tiny brains broke the source wall imagination has been running wild the fears the hopes of every living thing vamps we can't keep up we're wasting away our life but as well never mind the fifth dimension is that's where the map is pointing it's pointing to the sixth dimension Wonder Woman tells them that there is no sixth dimension the Mixel pedelec says ha ha ha there is and it is the key to everything here makes a pedelec holds out a place showing the multiverse as a whole pointing to each of the dimensions but what they don't see is that there is a sixth dimension the best way that he could explain it to their small minds is that it's a control a realm for the thing beyond the imagination there are four beings who could even exist there the brothers three the monitor the anti-monitor in the world forger and the one who set it all up perpetual the evil being that Lex is trying to call with the totality when they are destroyed they are sometimes reformed there as the world forger likely did after their little battle with the dark martian manhunter asks if it's possible to create a portal to the sixth dimension and Mixel pedelec says that it would take all of his abilities but there would be one person who could go ham nixel pedelec points at Superman and Superman asks me makes a little it goes on telling him you would be the only one able to comprehend it over the years I may have been abusing you with 5th dimensional energy to protect you Superman that asks you did that because you knew that this would happen and mixed I'll put Alex miles of course I exist outside time star man that asks since you exist outside of time is it possible to know if this will even work and Mixel pedelec says no space hippie even this is beyond my perception Superman slams his fist on the table do it open the portal the Batman yells wait a damn second we're dealing is suddenly beyond our understanding here as Superman tells him we are running out of time this is far bigger than us yes and it's terrifying but we have to reach higher we are the Justice League anyone opposed no one speaks up it's Superman looks back and Mixel pedelec telling him this is it open the portal Mixel pedal that concentrates all of his power into his hands and then pop the doors to the sixth dimension opens up Superman walks through it looking back telling everyone it's okay I'll be back and as that door shuts Batman says we don't know how long this is gonna take so for now we should but before he can even finish as a knock at the door and a much older Superman wearing a gleaming white suit steps out telling them sorry for being gone so long but it's good to be back Batman then asks a Martian Manhunter could you tell if it's really him so Martian Manhunter tells them that yes it is the real Superman Superman that tells everyone it is me I've spent the last decade in the sixth dimension following billions of threads of possibilities the good news is I found a way to save the universe now come let me show you Matt Matt asks how can we the universe still needs protecting but Mara and star man stop him telling him that they will stay behind to keep an eye on things Superman then says that he has set the energy portal to handle their signatures when everyone is ready so everyone walks through that portal and step out on the other side and feel the warm sun shining down on them Batman asks what just happened Superman motions to all of the league's older self stating and simple we've won now come inside let me share the story of how we saved everything but elsewhere inner dimension hidden away from everything a man stumbles in the dark he calls out asking if anyone can hear him but he gets no answer he trips on something and he flares up his eyes to see dead bodies all around him Superman screams as he fires a heat vision blasts into the air stating it can't end this way it kacct back in the sixth dimension the future Superman tells everyone let me be the first to welcome you to the house of Justice Martian Manhunter says that he doesn't sense any defenses as a future Superman tells him because it's open in every sense of the word it's more of a museum now a tribute to justice and how it won the day the full justice banner is more than a flag it's the shape of the multiverse now just then a young winged Martian looks at Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl stating that it's so odd to see their younger selves like this he senses that they are still like strangers to each other the future Hawkgirl tells her son shame yes it was a different time then Batman says speaking of time we don't have much of it and Wonder Woman adds yes if we're going to go to war with the minions of doom what did the battle plan future Wonder Woman says you fear that the truth is more frightening than you know and flash says we already know that things are scary the source wall is but before he could finish future flash infused with himself and Wally tells him yes destroy Luthor is raising a cosmic goddess future Jon then says to top it off the multiverse is hurtling through the void and Jon asks ok how do we stop it the future Superman tells him that's just it you can't that is the lesson of this place it is what I learned exploring every option in fact what we need to do is speed it up we all know that the multiverse is flying to the boy but the question is to where and the omniverse when any one of the multiverse is break before its final evolution it sent back to the banks of which it's created back to the super Celestials like Perpetua perpetual was the rogue of the group a bad seed she created our multiverse using the 7 unnatural energies she wanted to create something more vicious so it would live forever but her son's the ones known as the monitor the anti-monitor in the world forger alerted the others like her and she was forever imprisoned into the source wall perpetual goal to turn our multiverse away from justice and towards doom to turn it into a weapon one pointed at her brethren so right now we must take control from her and help it achieve a higher form so that it can reach the banks of judgment so that it will be deemed worthy Batman says I was skeptical at first coming here but I'm listening now how do we do that future Superman sighs telling him forgive me it's just odd hearing you asked when you were the one who look it doesn't matter now tomorrow we can talk plans but today please go explore the world there are hard days ahead but on the other side it's a dream come true back in the past Mara wakes up Jarrow from a lovely dream of him being the best Robin that there was to ask him questions djaro asks what does she want and Mara tells him that it's mr. Mixel pedelec he's grown some kind of energy cocoon the readings are off the charts what is he thinking Jarrell focuses and says there's a voice it's telling him you must do what we agreed upon Mixel piddling back over in the sixth dimension the Justice League looks at all of the things their future selves have built and created but for one person it's different he looks over a bright and happy Gotham and the future Superman says that he knows it's a lot to take in but it's a testament to his dream his work the future Batman says that he would like to thank him not as Batman but as his family as Dick Grayson future Nightwing pulls off the mask and goes on telling them that no one gave more for this war than he did his sacrifice even his life they all know that he expected to fight forever but here Batman is what he always wanted it to be a symbol of what's best about them Batman says that he has questions first where the hell are all the villains but elsewhere as the night falls Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl watch all of the spaceships coming in and out of the port and Martian Manhunter says that it's odd their future selves spoke about them being the Shepherd's for everyone they also mentioned concealing part of the truth from the others Hawkgirl then asks what does he mean about them not telling the world what really happened to the source one he thinks that they should have told them the truth Martian Manhunter sits back telling them that it's what his entire journey has been about it's what she taught him that pursuing the truth good bad ugly in all matters just then Shane shouts to them no you mustn't tell what you feel you must flee now this place these people they're not what you think here I'll show you and shame connects his mind to the Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter says no it can't be meanwhile in the hidden dimension Superman tries to find a light to escape but the heart of it he tries the more that he can feel his powers draining each time that he fails he falls shorter than the last time but then a voice calls out to him Superman steps up and his future self steps out of the shadows telling him I think it's time that we talked moments later Superman charges forward punching into his future shelf but the future Superman laughs stating you must see that there's no point to this I've already explained the truth of everything and Superman shouts asking what kind of monster are you the future Superman sighs he stops Superman's punch with just a single finger he then grabs Superman by the wrist flipping him over slamming him into the ground future Superman that asks are you done good all of this has happened too many times before still I come here out of respect for you this will be your final chance to answer but no this fight anymore and you will be killed where you lay Superman coughs you won't be able to fool my friends for much longer they will stop you future Superman tells him I'm not trying to fool anyone I'm trying to save them save them from the one person that dooms them and the multiverse in every possible future you Superman slowly gets back up stating even if you trap me here for but future Supes interruption yes yes a hundred years you will reach my universe and stop me you've said it all before I've heard it all before but now I have my answer goodbye Superman back in the sixth dimension Batman says to the future Nightwing having a cup of tea when suddenly he hears Martian Manhunter telepathically shouting we need to have a meeting seconds later Batman is brought into a psychic boardroom and he asks what is it Martian Manhunter tells him it's this place it's not what we think Batman tells him I don't understand it's a Martian Manhunter shouts this future it's a path that we would never take our hosts in shame yells he could be here any second shame is the child of Hawkgirl and Jonn Stewart in this future open your minds to me and I'll share with you what he's really done and what this place is he will just then everyone is struck with an energy blast in the future Supes slams down on to the table telling them if you want the truth I'll give it to you Manhunter shouts he is not on Superman and future Supes tells him on the contrary I'm the only Superman that can save you so Batman asks where is our Superman and future Supes tells him he's safe I intended on revealing myself eventually but first I wanted you to understand this uterus without being intimidated by my true face we must team up if we're going to win you know me as the first son of Perpetua brothers to the ones that you call the monitor and the anti-monitor the one who creates from an idea and hammers everything into existence I am the world forger this multiverse is my masterpiece but know this Justice League it is also your only hope right now mr. Mixel pedelec is in your multiverse unimaginative it so that this multiverse can replace it my preference is that you will side with me willingly but the greatest heroes in existence decide with justice Batman tells him no what we need to know is what you're asking us to become the world forger tells him very well days from now Lex Luthor will make an argument for doom to every living being this moment is the beginning of the end for every multiverse in every multiverse except where one decides a method to predict who will side with justice and who would doom strike first against all who would take up arms against us John tells him you don't take prisoners of war before war how many beings are you even talking about world forger tells them trillions more than half the universe Hawkgirl then shouts this isn't a dream future it's a nightmare world forger slams his hammer down with a thundering crack ooh and he asks you dare say that I made a nightmare you were the ones who ruined the multiverse that I built you broke the source wall so to Perpetua main wake do you know the cost of chaining her the last time world forger pauses and tells them I'm sorry I'm just regretful you have acted heroically but in this multiverse it has evolved into a justice formation far greater than yours now your only hope is to make it something fast and brutal or everyone dies when they reach the judges John then asks what happens to everyone in our reality and world forger tells them this is where the cosmic crises are caused like in those times the essence of any being who has a place be transferred when I strike my hammer Wonder Woman asks what about those with no place and world forger says those who side with doom will be locked away forever Martian Manhunter shouts that is not a choice this is not who we are we voted once before about whether to allow the totality to hit earth every day has been a discovery some good some terrifying but with everything that has happened and might still happen I would vote the same way Hawkgirl says that she would too along with Wonder Woman flash in John Stewart and then there's one voice who says he wouldn't Batman Hawkgirl yells that they can still turn this around and Batman asks what if we can't sends our battle with Barbados we keep taking one step forward and two steps back we're losing you have to face it the stakes they're just too high what do you keep clinging to Shane tells them hope and Batman tells him maybe maybe it's time that we stopped Wonder Woman quietly says that Superman would never agree to this and world forger shouts this is the only possible future make no mistake of that your choice is this save only the Gordon or save no one it is time for you to vote once again answer in your minds your hearts I will accept whatever you choose a few moments of silence pass in the world forger turns leaving so be it you will regret this as everyone has teleported out of the psychic world and into a dark and ugly place John asks where are they and Martian Manhunter says that the smell of the fire pits Oh God we're on apocalypse flash looks up stating guys I think we've found where they're keeping the bad guys Martian men are to follow us up telling them they must find Superman so that they can but before he can finish a laser shoot by them and a person floats up stating Superman is gone forever Wonder Woman asks how they know this and the person says because I'm the one who destroyed him we destroyed all of them Martian man hurry else we are not your enemies and Hawkgirl asks who the hell are you anyway the woman takes off her mask stating my name is Lois Lane and I run this place as the energy cuffs are placed onto every one Martian Manhunter screams that they must free them remove the shackles so that our abilities can return Louis tells the lieutenant to set up the Omega tasers - a very very painful level and shut them down the man next to Louis shoots all of them with an Omega laser and Louis clicks the button shutting their cell stating good work lieutenant Olsen Wonder Woman gets back up asking why are you doing this the man that you think is Clarke he and Louis asks do you think I don't know flash asks how could you do this to us you're the biggest idealist among us and Louis tells him I was born here born on one of the world forgers earliest attempts at justice formation I watched him create countless universes when they tried to save everyone and in every attempt they failed and everything dies everything is that to the cost for winning is this what Clark the Lois stops him Clark would never Bend he never saw the truth which is why because of Clark we lose every time as low as leaves flash yells this cell can't hold us we have Batman and then he looks around aah is anyone seen Batman the world forger sits in his tower telling Batman you're a smart man you're one of the most strategic minds in all of existence which is why you can see the inevitability of this path Batman tells him I don't yet I'm willing to hear you out no tricks no deception just facts the world for just adds up telling him my job is eternal to create worlds from people's hopes and fears those that might last I uh sure into reality those that I deem unstable I return to the forge if there is anything that I know it's what stands a chance and what doesn't Batman looks away telling him if we choose your way forward would you have me to world forger explains right now mr. Mixel pedelec is not imagining the fabric of things once that happens the crisis anvil will appear before me and my hammer will light I will strike the anvil and this universe will descend upon the vanished current one the life energy of those beings who have been placed here will be transferred to their future counterparts Batman asks what is my role in all of this and world forger tells them you will be the one to convince your friends that this is the only way and Batman asks what of Superman world forger tells him yeah Superman he's locked away in a galaxy made to contain him its son gives him just enough energy to sustain him but he's trying to reach us all other versions of him have tried and failed but yours the prime Superman with him it is possible if he does we will fight and Superman will die Batman looks at the device before him my god this is a test you want me to move the suns away from Superman he'll die world forger tells him yes Superman will die but his essence will live on forever within you locked away back in the cells of apocalypse Wonder Woman throws herself into the door trying to break it open but just ends up being pushed back Hawkgirl sighs asking what are they going to do they've tried everything and a voice then says maybe I can help so Shane peeks around the corner Manhunter yells that's it Shane can create a psychic blast and destroy the barrier and Shane tells them I don't know how to do that but Manhunter kneels down telling him you just have to connect just something that you feel strongly about to love fear anger sadness and shame grits his teeth yelling anchor anchor this world makes me angry the world for just says is the only way forward but I can feel them all of them locked up or killed he screams his energy flows out of him and then there's a loud boom as all of the cell doors explode as the smoke clears and everyone steps out Shane asks did I do okay and Hawkgirl says that he did better than okay you opened up the door flash hooks up stating he opened up more than just our door just then all of the locked away villains step out and they begin to walk towards them two-face shouts to everyone kill them and the league begins to run just as they make their way closer to the airships they realize that they don't have anywhere to escape to the villains get closer and closer when suddenly a voice calls out to all of the prisoners to stand down the airship lowers itself down and flash says they're running out of place to well run the hatch opens up and a voice says there's no escape from this world unless you get in right now everyone looks up to see the older Sinestro the older cheetah the older Grodd standing there and Martian Manhunter realizes the Legion of Doom sedessa holds out his hand telling there's no time to argue jump once everyone hops on board Manhunter then asks why they're helping and garage says because chime changers things pilots take us back to the world forger and the pilot says Roger wonder woman says that she knows that voice who is flying this thing and Darkseid tells her it's simple Darkseid is back at the world fortress tower he tells Batman that it is time he has to choose sides Batman looks down to the control panel asking if I send the sons away quickly will it happen fast and the world forger tells him yes it will happen fast Batman places his hands on the controls telling him I'm so sorry Clark there's so much I want to tell you right now but there's no time for anything except goodbye and for Superman he tries to fly towards the only light that he can see in seconds later it vanishes leaving him alone in the dark back with the others who were captured escaped prison and then teamed up with the Legion of Doom in the future to find a way out of the situation Lois's guards begin to chase the escaping shuttle with Darkseid shouting they're gaining on us Grodd used the laser cannon Garage jumps into the Gunners seat telling him come to Papa flash asks isn't this the part where we're supposed to start punching each other and Sinestro tells them there's no time for that item afraid no time for anything but this Darkseid how far to the portal Darkseid calls back that they have two to three minutes that is if Grodd is still a good shot Grodd and laughs telling them I might not be able to read your mind anymore but I could still dough and you're screwing with me Sinestro then goes on stating all the two matters is that we get you back to earth to stop the world forger listen all my life I thought of myself as an anthropologist a student of the intellectual life's many paths but Luthor he becomes worse than any of us become all under Batman's head I'm sorry we are sorry Grodd gets up from his seat stating all clear and just then Lois appears in the monitors asking do you all remember Superman's journey to earth I was rocket kept him in stasis for all those years and made us wonder what if we could do that with more difficult prisoners what if we made our own versions of it and we called them Krypton cradles just then the entire ship shakes as the guards begin to get within firing range and they shoot into their shuttle meanwhile back with Batman the world forger tells him I know there are conflicting feelings about joining me but the hammer is almost lit soon it will be time to strike the anvil and bring about the crisis the world forger guides Batman towards a room and he asks what is this and the world forger tells them it is the greatest sheet of power in existence Batman asks your throne room and the world forger tells him no it is yours Batman reaches down to the panel and it reacts to his touch opening the doors before him once Batman can see inside he simply says my god the world forger tells him look upon your work the Sun box a chair built from element X allows you to see into people's hearts but you took it a step further you built the final Batsuit around the chair not just to determine people's minds but the change that I'm gonna rewrite them sell buy sell this was the only way wasn't it in the world fortune tells of yes you are the greatest Knight of the universe not dark but bright the Sun the true Sun just then an explosion shakes the room and the world forges shouts no your friends couldn't have but back on the shuttle darkside yells our only hope is to shoot the Justice League out of the Damned cannon towards the portal Sinestro says that they're going to do this but before that they must know Batman is the greatest enemy in this battle his weapon is a suit that will rewrite your minds Hawkgirl asks how do they but Sinestro stops are telling her we have a mole on earth he just gave his life to destroy the suit Wonder Woman says that they will not go without them and cheetah tells her you have to go please as everyone gets ready Sinestro tells John to make sure that their light never grows dim and cheetah tells Wonder Woman to remain true and Grodd he tells flash that he still hates him Sinestro grabs the controls and whips the shuttle around telling Lois don't fire we're returning Lois then asks where are the others in garage says well they're in the can don't ask it's just that kind of week but just then the cannon fires and Lois shouts stop them before they reach the other side Olsen responds they were telling her something that's coming right at us and it's picking up speed Sinestro pushes the thrusters to max tating ah yes that's the old feeling isn't it how could I forget the power of fear he flies the shuttle straight into the middle of Lois his cruiser giving the league enough time to hit the portal and fall to the other end onto earth as they fall what are you Flyers is gonna catch me right as everyone lands hot girl gets up stating to the need to find their future selves and beat the everliving but the world forger tells them you won't have to look far did you really think that I wouldn't feel you coming I wrote this reality everyone readies themselves for battle but that's when there's another explosion and Batman voice tells them you should have stayed at apocalypse flash covers his eyes in the light asking is that Batman here help us Batman stands up piloting one of the largest bat suits ever created stating I'm sorry but it's time to imagine a different ending the toolies clash as they fight against their counterparts but behind them the world forgers hammer glows bright as he holds it over his head he tells Batman this is it the crisis anvil is nearly formed Mixel pedaling must have unraveled your earth it is time for you to use the power of the Sun box suit to affect everyone's hearts Batman tells him I just need one chance to convince them myself the right way the world fortress shelter No do not diminish yourself by clinging to who you once were I am ordering you to accept their fates you are the universe's Savior a power surges through the world forger in Batman tells them please with all I'm going to give to the future give me this one chance I can convince them the world for discuss but then try but know this if you fail I will rip their minds apart myself so make it count Batman turns back first thing to the league telling them stop and listen out of all of you I do the motion doubting I'm the most skeptical but here and this place I can see the way forward Hawkgirl bashes Batman giving Martian man heard of the time to slam him into the ground and Martian man and tells him no you have lost your way Batman gets back up shouting you need to listen and Hawkgirl asks why so you can rip our minds from us this isn't what we fought for you are a trainer Batman releases the restraints that contain Hawkgirl telling her you are no match for the Sun box suit I built it with all of you in mind just then shame jealous of attacking them telling him everyone except me Batman fires a blast at Shane and he yells damn it all of you if you listen to anything I've ever said let it be this I've been a detective my whole life and in this place I found the answer how we win the only way forward you need to look past everything and see it but before he could go any further the world for sure shuts enough the time has come the anvil is formed reshape their minds now Batman and Batman screams see the light you have to see the light now but elsewhere a withering Superman sees something he sees the light warm and bright on his skin although like like the Sun not just one several several Suns bathing the Man of Steel with power at first he thinks that he's just imagining things but the Rays they charge his self and he knows and he quietly says Bruce with his strength returning tenfold Superman shouts to the world forger as he flies through the Suns one after another gaining more strength each time no more power than he's ever felt before he flies at a speed beyond physics beyond imagination his will his anger and Batman calls out magic show you the way forward the world forger can feel the vibrations and just as he gets ready to strike his hammer down on the anvil to create the crisis he sees it he can you feel it he underestimated these beings and when he looks up he sees something coming at him something shaped a lot like a fist Superman crashes down with enough force to level a country and it is all focused on the world for sure the world trembles and it shakes of the impact leaving behind a giant crater in its wake Superman stands over the world forger telling him look up at me the world for jerk-offs you destroyed my masterpiece you've doomed us all surely our the greatest villain in existence and Batman how could you betray me like this the feelings that I felt you believed it how did you trick me Batman walks up telling him I didn't I do believe you're right it is the only logical chance for us to win I moved the sons into a fast orbit knowing that Clark would die believing that maybe we'd have a better chance if he did but I also knew that if Superman pushed through the sons would be there for him so I gave him a chance a chance to prove me wrong because he's a friend and he makes me believe things that I can't on my own however going through all of the possibilities there is one that you haven't looked for the world forger looks to him what is that Batman tells them the one where you fight to wit the Justice League the world for just slowly gets up stating you leave me no other choice as Superman extends his arm telling him there really is only one way forward together the world forgers scoff stating this is foolish a superman helps him up telling him no it's uncharted territory which is exactly where we need to be so let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Justice League but back in Washington DC a pillar of life forms as the world forger opens a portal back to their dimension and Wonder Woman looks around stating that the damage is worse than she could have imagined Cheyne asks is this what their reality has always looked like smoking and burning like that and the world forger tells them no this was my doing I did it to spread terror just as everyone heads into the dimly lit Hall of Justice he says strange I've never seen the halls so empty but that's when Mara and Starman run up stating thank god you're back Hawkgirl tells them yeah we leave reality for a few hours and everyone gets nervous mara shouts hours you've been gone for a week we fought Nixle pillock it's been a week since everything changed Batman asks what do you mean and Mara tells them to come she'll show them they were first overwhelmed fighting Mixel pedelec they were losing in the whole world could see it happening then luthor showed up with the Legion of Doom and unleashed a bat-mite to fight Mixel pedelec to turn the tide the Legion of Doom used their incredible powers and they won Lex Luthor saved the world but that's when he said this they play a recording and Lex stands over Mixel peddling his body he tells the people greetings I am Lex Luthor you know me by many faces but as a member of the Justice League I was one of your greatest heroes I have from time to time been called a scourge against the world but I am here today to show you my true face to tell you what your heroes won't the Justice League broke the protective source wall at the edge of their universe and only a few short weeks ago what remained of it broke away and all of existence is now threatened by an all-consuming void hundreds of worlds filled with alien life and or beyond your understanding I've already been destroyed your universe and the multiverse that sits within is dying make no mistake this is the Justice League's fault and the face of a dying multiverse your heroes will tell you to appeal to the better side of yourselves to continue living good virtuous lives part of you would think yes that is the best thing to do that's what Superman would do but another deeper part of you will be screaming an abject horror what do you do as the universe dies around you smile and hope for a better tomorrow or embrace the Scream do you do what is best for you in your own they call those who cling to the true emotions within themselves as a villains they called me a villain a vain selfish creature of ego so be it let them say what they will we have seen the hero's path and it will lead to ruin the universe is dying we must save ourselves at any cost we must all be villains effective immediately I am dissolving LexCorp every penny of my multibillion-dollar fortune will be given away to the people who will show you the way to save yourselves soon you will see what I am willing to sacrifice for this cause but ultimately it will be on each and every one of you to choose your path forward to choose justice or choose doom the only way to save your world is to make this the year of the villain you'll be hearing from me shortly mara then says that the broadcast was transmitted everywhere riots followed shortly after people lashed out in fear Batman asks that's not all is it and Mara tells him no it's a Superman that asks what was Lex going to sacrifice and Mara says himself first Lex went to the White House and he took down Amanda Waller robbing her mind of the location of the most dangerous people on the planet the government tried to step in but Lex went to Lex Corp Tower and destroyed it with himself inside Superman that asks who did he give his fortune away to do we know and Mara says no but based on the information he stole from Waller Batman finishes its going to the world's worst villains we need our eyes on all of them immediately the world forger steps forward stating this is an extraordinary dangerous turn of offense this is what Perpetua needs to gain her power back our only hope is to find my brother's the monitor and the anti-monitor they held her back once before Starman shouts no I can feel what we need to do we need to unlock the mystery of the power within me I can feel it echoing through Hypertime and the multiverse Wonder Woman then says no we have to keep our eyes on Earth we have so many incredible heroes that we can recruit the Justice League needs to be bigger than ever before marshal man and it tells everyone we need to do all of it all of it and more there's a great war of Justice and doom coming and I fear it's about to get much much worse meanwhile over at the halls of the Legion of Doom lightning strikes as Brainiac watches over his production of a drone just then from one of the test chambers a man breaks free and climbs out grabbing a rope Brainiac says that it worked and the hooded man says of course it did the body is unfinished but the groundwork for my evolution is set are the drones all ready Brainiac tells them yes but just say the word and they will make their way to their targets the man steps out into the rain stating it's time for the villains of this world to see what I truly offer them the heroes won't have a chance when they rise with Doom in their hearts launch the drones it's time for the Justice League to understand that their doom has just begun lightning strikes again showing enough light to reveal the face of our hooded man Lex Luthor evolved to the apex predator and there you have it the conclusion to the Justice League issue one all the way to sixth dimension conclusion which brings us into the year of the villain now I hope you guys enjoyed this but overall what do you think about the Justice League run that scott Snyder's been doing for so long now it's gonna be concluding at issue 39 which is going to give us a second half of this which is basically Justice League versus the Legion of Doom and we're going to be getting to that relatively soon but did you enjoy this did you like it do you want to see more of this let us know and never get to follow us over at Twitter where we are chatting about comic books in movies and all kinds of wonderful stuff over there I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget deaf stranding is awesome and if you agree let me know down below and if you don't let me know down below but this is how I know if you got to the end of the video [Music] you
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 767,572
Rating: 4.8274822 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, dc comics, gal gadot, henry cavill, amy adams, j.k. simmons, dceu, green lantern, aquaman, amber heard, ray fisher, jason momoa, zack snyder, wonder woman, ezra miller, superman, jeremy irons, the flash
Id: EOr8tnqXp-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 58sec (10618 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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