DCeased Full Story: DC's Zombie Apocalypse | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing out and make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin okay so we are picking up with deceased DC's zombies event and in reality I feel like it was only ever a matter of time before we saw that I mean to a degree we got blackest night but blackest night was more of a Green Lantern event than it was I mean it did involve all of DC but that was more of like we're not doing this for the sake of doing zombies we're doing this because we want to bring some characters back and other characters who want to leave dead right like blackest night brought back pretty much everybody who died and then like brightest day basically kept the ones they wanted but this is just a straight-up like zombies event like that's really all this is it's just like a straight up DC zombies story and it starts in one of the coolest ways ever what this does is it initially picks up with Darkseid now we get this kind of like kind of narrative that goes through they're like you know my mother always used to say that were there was never any such thing as monsters and so on but it's interesting because Tom Taylor's the one riding this and here's the thing about Tom Taylor Tom Taylor is really really good at writing stories that are basically something akin to like post-apocalyptic or if like things are going crazy right like when it comes to something like this this is where Tom Taylor really really really shines and this is kind of cool because it initially picks up with like Darkseid invading Earth right like and you've got it you got some cool characters here that you wouldn't normally see like you've got Black Lightning who's here and then you have your standard fare of the Justice League now remember this is like a whole different universe in DC this is not an in continuity story as far as I'm aware it's some it's basically like a what-if story for Marvel so because of that some of the characters do look a little bit different but you basically have Darkseid showing up here in like the Justice League defeats him right which is what you would expect right I mean usually whenever Darkseid shows up it's kind of like the Justice League fights them for a little bit and they defeat him and that's basically the end of that what's kind of ironic about this and this is kind of a funny thing was kind of ironic about this is remember in the DC multiverse there's only one Darkseid and he's currently in Justice League Odyssey so this is one of those scenarios we just kind of have to just go with it and just say what the heck ever you know I mean like if you're a huge continuity stickler well then I don't know what to tell you but it is kind of cool because when they of course Wonder Woman gets the last bit of truth around Darkseid and the way this works is that those individuals who are bound by the lasso are usually like they're forced to answer whatever question Wonder Woman asks truthfully right and there's usually week not really week but they're usually like helpless within the confines of the lasso with Darkseid though the same it is like you will not return to our world say it the last so compels you to and Darkseid says yes I'm not going to come back for your world and then he just removes the lasso and it's like because I have what I aim for literally darkside overpowers the lasso of truth which is cool but from there we end up finding out that like no one can find cyborg cyborg was in Metropolis at one point along the line he was basically helping till I deal with all the parademons and all the kind of stuff that came with like Darkseid's invasion but nobody knows where cyborg is anymore and that's presumably what Darkseid came for now what are the cool little things that go on here this is kind of important is a little bit of character building this is one of those is why I say that that Tom Taylor is really good at this Tom Taylor is very good at capturing the nature of characters and no matter what story they're in making sure they stay true right like Batman is a guy who doesn't trust anyone and so it's almost Howard babble esque in the sense that like Batman pulls up his device that says like like cyborgs nowhere around here they're like well how do you know that is it because I put a tracking device on because the guys got apocalypta and technology's basically like a walking mother box he's essentially like a crazy weapon it'd be stupid to leave him here and there's a bit of distrust that comes to the rest of the Justice League like really man you're still doing this after all this time but it makes sense it's the nature of Batman's character now from here we switch over to apocalypse properly I remember Apocalypse is a is a is a world of pain and suffering is really all it is it's the equivalent of Hell in the realm of DC right like you've got highfather on new Genesis which is supposed to be equivalent to heaven but my father's kind of a dick and then you have apocalypse which is supposed to be something akin to hell they're not it's not actually heaven in hell those do exist in NBC and the vertical line but in terms of the main DC superheroes which you never really see that the concept of like vertigo with like the presents and then Lucifer Morningstar in those characters because you never see them crossover with the main DC superheroes they're largely considered to be kind of isolated and on their own even though they're really not and so because of that apocalypse inand new Genesis is about as close as you get to heaven in Hell but because this is a place of suffering and torment it's literally cyborgs being hooked up to a torture machine and then basically being asked questions and this is where the revelation comes from that what Darkseid had been pursuing was the same thing he always been pursuing which is the anti-life equation now again Tom Taylor really like kind of knocking it out of the park here it's designed to read it to bring in new readers people who have never really read DC and specifically have not really read anything about the new gods won't know what the anti-life equation is the anti-life equation is a mathematical proof that if you can basically find it and and if you can use it you can dominate the will of all sentient beings in the universe it's what dark sides always been hunting for is what he found during the events of Final Crisis like it's it's a major part of the the DC landscape now but where Darkseid has had one half of the equation which is to say if you were to use slope the equation y equals MX plus B then what dark side basically has is MX plus B he doesn't have Y and so what he's doing is looking for the other half of the equation he's looking for y and it seems to have manifested itself inside of Cyborg now the nature of the anti-life equation is kind of strange right like the equation is is its little it's it is a mathematical proof but it can also is it's also sort of a biological concept if you solve it and use it it has a tangible effect and it'll spread like a virus and that's exactly what happens dark side basically takes the anti-life equation and then he in turn summons death and then in doing so summoning the black racer he basically takes a portion he takes the anti-life equation and merges it with an aspect of death essentially like I guess maybe this twisted perception that the anti-life equation can be used to kill everyone but because of that because the anti-life equation has been merged with death it basically corrupts the equation and when it does it sends dark side spiraling out well he just basically loses his mind and succumbs to absolute and pure madness and like the little black racers like time for God to die and desaad because of the fact that he's basically immune to any kind of viruses or anything like that any kind of disease he's not infected by by basically this corrupted anti-life equation but in realizing what it's doing the dark side sends cyborg away in hopes a little basically fixed dark side now of course this sends cyborg back to earth but at the same time dark side loses mind and then destroys the entirety of apocalypse and wipes all of it out and so when cyborg lands back on earth he brings the corrupted anti-life equation with him and that's how the zombie infection spreads it's actually a genius idea a virus that's designed to bend others to its will and then in turn merge it with death basically bends others to its well and turns them into the walking dead it is super fool and it's a it really really works but kind of drawing from the final crisis because of the fact that the anti-life equation is a mathematical proof and because of the fact that cyborg is a walking talking cybernetic organism that basically taps into the internet the anti-life equation of the corrupted equation basically leaves him and goes into the internet it turns into Skynet and literally spreads everywhere it goes all over the place at every single form of social media to everybody's phones spreads like wildfire so it's very similar to what you saw in spreading the anti-life equation and final crisis which again makes sense but because of the fact of the world is so logged into social media those looking at Twitter Instagram snapchat Facebook the whole nine yards are all basically blasted with this virus and in turn are basically hit with like the corrupted version of the anti-life equation and in doing so like they all basically just succumb to like these zombie monster things but basically cyborg is the one that starts off the the sets off the whole zombie apocalypse but it's kind of interesting here because in turn like you have Superman talking to Scott free talking to big Barda of course you know mister miracle and basically saying hey look guys like you know we got to find cyborg so on a soft but in the middle of all that he basically takes off because all he hears is screaming only to realize like it's this whole virus thing is spread across the world now Superman doesn't initially know why all this is happening and it's it's one of these things that Tom Taylor kind of passes over right like that's that's one of the downsides of Tom Taylor Tom Taylor can like hop skip and jump from point to point to point and not fill in the gaps and then kind of leave you asking questions of will but like how though and like what seems to have happened is between the times like Superman went out there and the world was screaming and the time that we pick up with Jonathan Lois and Damian Wayne that basically Superman figured out that this virus is being spread digitally now we can kind of make some assumptions here so maybe like in this universe Final Crisis happened and like Superman says okay this seems to be like the the anti-life equation straining through the digital sphere like you did in Final Crisis it could be Superman just like analyzing these guys using whatever vision he has but but regardless of the scenario Superman comes to the realization that it's spreading through TV and social media and so of course we have Jonathan going to find his mom's phone and so on and so forth as soon as he picks it up Superman destroys it when he flies him through the window and then destroys the TV screen it says nobody look at anything everybody close your eyes chill everybody relax from there you switch over to Batman and this is one of the coolest parts so Batman you know being the detective that he is is already on the case right like Gotham's basically is lost Batman shuts down like like the entire connection of Wayne Manor to the Internet's to the Batcave is not connected to any of the Internet in turn he has all these all these redundant loops he's got Gotham City on close to some cameras so basically he shuts himself off from the world and then in turn starts analyzing all the footage that he sees and realizes like the whole places go into pot and when the question is how many people are infected right now an estimated 600 million people have been affected in the first day the entire world's population will be infected in a couple days and basically that's it it's game over and it's cool because from there Batman basically issues like the EMP for Wayne Manor shuts down the power to Emin is is essentially just kind of walking blind but technology has become the enemy of the world and that's one of the cool things about about Tom Taylor is there's always kind of a moral tale right I mean Grant Morrison is similar to that and I bring him up because of the you know we've been talking about Final Crisis the problems Grant Morrison is nobody understands what Grant Morrison is doing except for himself and people who are fans who think they know what Grant Morrison is doing there's you know whatever but but regardless of the circumstance like there's always kind of a moral cautionary tale when it comes to Tom Taylor stories and it's the like the Internet is the enemy of the world like social media is the enemy of the world which technically he's not wrong but what you end up having is like this this kind of discussion between Lois and Superman Damian and and Jonathan and there's like worse Batman like is Batman gonna make it this is kind of cool to see because one of the things that that really sort of made Amiens such an interesting character is that while he is cold blooded and ruthless and in his insanely talented killer the fact remains he's still a kid and it's cool to see that that child part of them come out he's worried about his dad is my dad going to be okay I love the way that's done and so what you end up doing is basically picking up with like Batman kind of making his way through Wayne Manor and looking for Alfred and looking for Tim Drake no I'm sorry did dick is who he's looking for Tim Drake who he's also looking for but what Batman is of finding like once he finds Alfred who thankfully is okay Dick Grayson is not Dick Grayson has been turned into a zombie so basically we have Batman versus zombie Dick Grayson and it's kind of cool it's pretty awesome to see though in the middle is whole fight where you have de Grayson suddenly you're met with the arrival of like Tim Drake and so basically you've got zombie Tim Drake you've got zombie Dick Grayson Batman's made to face off against the both of them he tells Alfred to run for his life and like the last thing we see is Dick Grayson taking a chunk out of Batman's neck Dick Grayson kills Batman okay so picking up with deceased number two this story is do this story is so good here's the thing about Tom Taylor writing man Tom Taylor writing is legit like it's one okay Tom Taylor's really really good at writing like dark stories right it's just like things are popping off and people are dying get Tom Taylor to ride it like Tom Taylor's really good at that I would not give like Captain America at his hometown although it probably would be a pretty cool story be dark but it'd be probably a pretty cool story okay so many more upbeat somebody more light heart right like I would not give a spider-man story to Tom Taylor there we go like I wouldn't I wouldn't give spider-man a Tom Taylor um because you would write a pretty dark spider-man story uh but the world's ending because like cyborg released a virus onto the world like blood was a carrier for the anti-life equation which spread through technology yeah man let Tom Taylor write that story and it's not exactly the way you would expect because again from the first video that we saw that's basically what's happening right like Darkseid who - since they found the anti-life equation and the dark side was corrupted by this sort of twisted version of the anti-life equation that he that he essentially created and then in turn with cyborg being a carrier for it cyborg was kind of teleported back to earth when like Darkseid became corrupted went crazy and everything and then cyber war released it into the internet right like release it over the digital space which basically is kinda like this digital virus right so for those you guys who saw who who ever read a cellular I think was called cellular by uh by Stephen King that's basically it right like a virus it spreads throughout the world using digital information and it works exceedingly well and that's one of the things I like about this right like if this was a direct copy of Marvel Zombies well then something something something something now we have zombies people are being bitten and they're turning into zombies right but like that's been done before what better way to create a kind of zombie story more or less then to like have it spread through the internet like we saw in Final Crisis it's a great way to do it it's a really cool concept and so in this one we basically pick up in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with Aquaman and all the bands just kinda like okay she's like there's a boat out here in the middle of nowhere and like cargos dumping everywhere and like these are popping off what in the world's happening and like when he opens this this door of the ship in the hole there's like monsters everywhere and Aquaman just flees for his life this is kind of cool because what this does is it begs the question can Atlantis be affected right because like what you're talking and we'll talk more about this here once we get towards the end of the video because Tom Taylor kind of indirectly answers that question ah but with Atlantis being so far below the surface and in a lot of ways being in a place where you kind of have to wear like a pressurized suit otherwise this shear pressure would probably crush you it's a question of like can people make it down there with no protection whatsoever in order to successfully infiltrate the place but at this point we kind of jump over to Metropolis right and so you got Jonathan Kent you've got Damian Wayne you've got Lois Lane and you've got Superman all right now again they're kind of picking up in the middle of all this and that's the nature of this whole thing remember it spreads so far so fast like it was like Skynet going live in the blink of an eye this virus was all over the world and just like everything is kind of falling all at the same time but it also restricts their ability to be able to access it to be able to speak to different people right like Lois Lane's response is we have to go to the Daily Planet but our our first inclination is that won't do you any good because it's being spread to the digital space so anybody who picks up like a cellular phone or anything that's connected to the Internet like a smartphone or something like that they're gonna be infected by this anti-life equation so so you need something like a rotary phone right like you need something it's like old hat technology analog information so it's kind of a cool little thing because presumably the Daily Planet has that now the other half of this is of course Damian Wayne's freaking out of her Batman that's one thing I want you guys to notice is this story of course takes place in it doesn't take place in the main DC continuity but it does include the characters as they exist right now right like Damian Wayne's a little bit older Jonathan Kent is of course older there's a couple steps that we can take to sort of make this fit in the sense of like we can kind of assume that things haven't progressed the exact same way right like Jonathan was not taken by his grandfather into space and then aged up we can assume a lot of those things didn't happen so like Bendis you know this the bit misses version of Superman doesn't take place in this universe and said they just kind of aged up accordingly right there is some number of years older than they normally are and we can just kind of call it a day right like we just sort of take those those lenience 'iz and and be done with it but it's weird you go over to Harley Quinn this is an important thing because what this shows is not everyone's aware of what's going on and and for the most part even those who are aware what's going on don't really seem to have the full understanding of what's happening right like picking up with Harley Quinn and poison ivy there's no indication here that like zombies are infecting everything or anything like that they're just kind of having a general conversation Poison Ivy's like hey you got to go in there and you got to do your thing when you come out I'll be waiting for you in the Botanic Gardens everything's gonna be okay Harley Quinn has no real idea of what's going on and neither seemingly does poison ivy and so when Harley Quinn walks into this room we of course realize she's talking to the joke she's like hey I came here to tell you I'm running off with poison ivy I'm leaving here and I'm never coming back our life together is over and it's at that point that we find out that Joker has basically been turned into one of these zombies now here's the cool question to be asked here here's here's the cool question we need to ask you if the Joker is one of these zombie monsters is there any real difference like that's the cool question to ask and I guess it depends on which version the Joker you're talking about right like if you're talking about Steve Englehart Joker right like the version that Batman the Animated Series was based off of then yeah you probably see a pretty big difference but if we're talking about like Scott Snyder new 52 death in the family Joker flight or death of the family Joker like honestly I don't know if you'd see that huge of a difference you would just see more crazy than usual now here's the thing I want to see I want to see zombie Joker versus the Batman who lost that's what I want to see let me tell you something dude I would I would pay I'd pay however much money DC is charging to read that one shot aw dude a baby like it's $100 to read this and I would be like here you go like I just take my money I wouldn't even care it would be it'd be amazing to see but in this moment Joker's basically infected by this virus more or less and is presumably gonna tear apart Harley Quinn and so from here we actually shift over what to what I think is one of the coolest moments in the entire the entire story when we pick up outside of Metropolis now again this is kind of an important thing to bear in mind here unless you're in a major city you for the most part don't really know what's going on and that makes the most sense right I mean those individuals who were in like major metropolitan areas are usually tapped in more in the digital space but those who were in like outlying rural territories right I mean as a guy who lived in Kentucky Lexington and Louisville are the two biggest cities and so everything outside of that you got rich man you got Winchester Versailles Harrodsburg and then you go out further and you run into places like Rockcastle County and things like that and the further out you go and even the closer you go east to the Appalachian Mountains the less technologically advanced people become and so when you when you're in that kind of an environment when you're further out and you're not tapped into the digital space at the time that this goes down you have no idea what's going on because you're so far removed from the environment around you now you would kind of expect that like the various explosions that we're hearing and/or seeing and things like that a metropolis at the very least that noise would reach the ear of like Black Canary and in an Oliver Queen Green Arrow and Hal Jordan you would expect that it would reach them but for whatever reason it has it may be that is so far outside of metropolis but they're not really picking up on it but the cool thing is were kind of going back and forth and having their own little banter and it's actually kind of a cool tip of the nod and the reason why is because if you're not really familiar with the history of Green Lantern Green Arrow it doesn't really resonate with you but for those people who do there's a lot of not really callbacks but just kind of a great little bit of nostalgia here right because like Green Lantern and green arrow those two guys were brought together because their comics weren't really selling and so DC merged them together and basically put them in a singular story it was essentially a team-up book for like a number of years and here's a funny thing is it was actually incredibly popular like it was it was insanely popular you wouldn't expect it to be but it was oh it was hugely popular and people loved it because of the dynamic while you had the joking nature of Oliver Queen combined with the more serious tone of Hal Jordan and you've got some great stories by Neal Adams and Dennis O'Neil right like snow birds don't fly different things like that but again these guys have been exceedingly good friends for a very very long time and so that's why it's kind of cool to see them paired together so for people who are fans of Green Arrow and Green Lantern they kind of look at this and they say hey this is a cool little throwback a cool little tip with a nod to the to the old stories from yesteryear but of course you know they're also kind of giving Howard a hard time because he's so serious all the time so like you're like the killjoy right like like Oliver Queen jumps up and he was like he's like Hal Jordon you have the ability to suck the fun out of every situation welcome to the killjoy Court which in all honesty I kind of want to see that right like just a bunch of cynical jerks just going around and just being like I don't enjoy anything and nothing's fun or happy and I just complain about everything all the time so basically like a huge portion of Twitter right like the killjoy court so it's like I think it'd be funny like I think it'd be kind of interesting right just like like this this little mini series where's just a bunch of like okay that's what you do you just like basically make it like people on Twitter right people who are just like you know I just want to be upset about something so I'm just going to tweet about things that I'm angry about and hope that somebody listens and hope that I can fix my life even though I can't not by tweeting on Twitter but like I want to see like that that mini series just focuses on them right like just some keyboard warrior at home trying to change the world from a lounge chair I really want to see it I really want to see that story I think it would be hilarious but nonetheless uh you know what's Hal Jordan actually like goes into his tent that's when everything begins to go crazy right because it was just like okay so he gets on his phone and of course she's immediately hit with the virus and then starts losing his mind and then like busts out so what we've got is basically like this zombified Hal Jordan as a Green Lantern wielding the power of a Green Lantern a zombie Green Lantern it's the coolest thing ever in a lot of ways he almost reminds me of like a combination of the Sinestro Corps and the Red Lanterns right because like the ring immediately says like lethal force is a lethal force is not is not sanctioned right so like you cannot kill people now here's a funny thing is it almost kind of seems like Sinestro Corps war never happened right because Sinestro Corps war is when things change and the Green Lantern's could start killing people so presumably like Sinestro doesn't exist the Sinestro Corps war never took place whatever the case says Green Lantern's can't kill folks and so it's kind of crazy because like he's trying to kill them now here's where the big saving grace comes in because then you've got like Oliver Queen who's basically attacked by Hal Jordan tell Jordan ghost to kill him and then Dinah Lance the Black Canary just like screams in the face of Hal Jordan and just like destroys his eardrums and it's a crazy thing because like it basically like Dino scrambles his brains and it kills him and then it's Hal Jordan Green Lantern of sector to eight one four deceased scanning for replacement replacement found Dinah Lance of Earth you have the ability to overcome great fear welcome to the Green Lantern's and it's just like wow like it's the coolest thing never in my life did I think it would be cool to see Black Canary become a Green Lantern but I'm excited about that because imagine what she can do with hardlight constructs and a sonic scream I'm really excited by it right I mean you can tell there's obvious influence from injustice in this story right like taking someone set of powers and throwing it onto somebody else that you at least expect and then just kind of see how things play out there's obviously a lot of injustice going on in terms of how the story is being written but it's it's it's really really awesome now of course once you end up having Superman and company Superman Damian Jonathan and Lois showing up at the Daily Planet it's exactly what we would expect right you know Superman's like hey stay here this place is filled with monsters so basically you know from from what house it may responds to Lois this question is that people we know Superman of course looks at and says yes so we can assume Perry White we can assume Jimmy Olsen we can assume a lot of the people who have traditionally been the supporting cast of the Superman comics are essentially infected and and they're they're you know they're caught up by this virus and so with us this cool thing happening Superman of course does the one thing you're never supposed to do I'll be right back which usually never happens that's never usually the case but of course the reason why he takes off is not to go into the Daily Planet it's because he heard a scream and that's when he races over any ends up realizing that like hey like Black Canary is the Green Lantern we need you to have these powers like we need you with us you have to come along here and so with that in mind like with of course Black Canary in tow bringing Oliver Queen they all basically show up here at you know they kind of reach her in to the Daily Planet and that's when Batman chimes in and it's like okay so Batman basically says hey look they're not really zombies in the traditional sense they don't desire to consume flush they're basically the anti-life right like these are individuals who have been infected with the anti-life equation all they want to do is spread this anti life right so it's kind of saying they're dead but they're not dead it's interesting because what Tom's healer really kind of seems to indicate here there may be a way to bring them back but what Batman what he really does is kind of clear that up right off the bat when Batman says you can't cure them there's no way to bring them back those individuals that we lost are now gone whatever percentage of the world's population is infected is now infected forever and so if you're not tapped into a phone and you're bitten by one of these guys you are now infected with anti your life and the only way to basically deal with you is to kill you so in a sense they are basically zombies just by a different name right Lee the only female AK is just consuming flesh they're zombies under a different circumstance but again this is actually a pretty sad moment because you've got of course got Alfred standing by with a shotgun and you've got Batman in the suit of mr. freeze basically cooling his body down slowing his metabolism and keeping the virus from like over running him but he basically says like there's no cure for there's nothing I can do here like I am going to die like I'm going to become one of those things there's no way for me to kind of go back to who I was and there's almost like some doubt here right I mean Oliver Queen she's like no no no you're Batman do you like Oliver Queen is like the voice of the fan right he's like no you're Batman do you like you have prep time or you know some fill in the blank reason but like you always come back from this and it's kind of cool because Batman doesn't have prep time because Batman is not prepared for it which of course always answers the question what happens when Batman doesn't have prep time he dies so it's kind of a cool little thing here like it's kind of a cool little moment of like Batman based like like the world like everybody's saying goodbye to Batman saying like you know there's no way we can bring you back and this is this was a really touching moment because Batman didn't start talking to Damian and he's like hey look like Alfred has something for you is something I always left for you I knew you would earn it notice this is something Batman doesn't say Batman doesn't say I love you son like he doesn't he doesn't say you know I I love you you know you're my son you know I'm he do you of course residents um he doesn't really say like I love you and and I always will or something along those lines you don't really see that kind of tender moment right you just kind of see Batman being Batman worse like I left something for you you would have earned it one day anyway you would have taken this up which of course we know that it's basically the bat suit that Damian Wayne is going to become Batman and so it's kind of a crazy theme because of course at that point in time - when Bruce begins to switch Riley that's what he starts to turn into this zombified version and it's the craziest thing because Alfred does the only thing he can do he says cease transmission it never should have interviewed this way I'm sorry son and then there's a shotgun fire okay so picking up with a deceased part 3 this was actually kind of sad we talked about this in our injustice videos right and we even talked about in the first the first video or so of deceased that when it comes to Tom Taylor as a writer while his stories can be exceedingly dark Tom Taylor is very very good at drawing out the human element of characters as well this is why I love Alex Ross art so much to kind of go off on a tangent for a second you look at like the Alex Ross drawing of like the Justice League or like the JSA or something like that and it almost makes you nostalgic for an era of comics that none of us were really part of when like there were good guys and bad guys and like that was it but it was more like the people behind the characters it's why the world's greatest superheroes I think is the greatest comic book miniseries of all time and this picks up essentially with Alfred just kind of saying his goodbyes to some of the bat family right so it's like Tim Drake and to Batman and to degres him because all three of them are dead and whenever we read stories like this when characters die you know depending on how attached we are there's always like that one part of us that would that kind of wishes they were still there right like the kind of kind of holds out hope that like they'll come back you know and it's kind of interesting because it's like okay well maybe we missed something maybe they're not really dead you know maybe they're just like recovering or like Batman's healing or something but like something has to happen that they come back and Tom Taylor just kind of seems to put off this indication of like no they're gone Alfred basically takes you know the the batwing and like leaves but the cool thing about this and one of the reasons why I like that so much is because this puts off the indication and it really shows how bleak things are that like heroes are dying left and right and they're not coming back and it's kind of the cool thing because well this is only really six issues long just from what I've seen so far I feel like it could be longer I mean anything more than nine I think you would stretch on too much but from what we saw with flight what is it Batman the white knight like six issue miniseries can lead into something better which is what we're getting right we're getting a sequel to that too the white knight this looks really really awesome and so switching over to Harley Quinn like it's kind of a bit of a moment for her right I mean when it comes to Harley and DC Comics this is one of the things that I've always kind of struggled with with her characters when it comes to Harley in DC Comics when she first popped up she was basically kind of a holdover from Batman the Animated Series right that's where she originally appeared that's where she got her debut and there wasn't really a whole lot of development there it wasn't until a few years went by the DC saw me is sort of finally focusing and building on Harley and then of course later on added her to the Suicide Squad and different things like that but the idea behind this is that her character has always for a long time sort of existed under the shadow of the Joker that's what she was best known for but for the for her character inside the comics she's under the shadow of Joker right like he's the guy who taunts her he's the guy that makes your life a living hell and the guy she always goes back to you and so where she's always kind of tried to make an escape in this one we get a kind of finality here right I mean the Joker is is is zombified right him he's a zombified version the Joker he's a zombie Harley Quinn like grabs a shotgun and like blows him in half right just like shoots him and kills him or at least you know seems to kill him now one of the things that that haven't really been it hasn't really been established here by Tom Taylor at least not outright specifically is that if a person has kind of turned into one of these quote-unquote zombies which he's kind of sitting there not really zombies but they basically are if a person's turn into a zombie and then in turn like they are killed by traditional means can they come back and I don't think that's explicitly been stated yet right I mean a person can be turned into a zombie but but there's no indication they can actually come back from that if they've been killed but still like it at the moment right now the Joker is just kind of shot and killed and that seems to be the end of that and then Harley's met by the birds of prey right so like Huntress and Catwoman and bat woman and Batgirl so basically like a majority of the superhero community are now being turned into these zombie things and that's why I say it's so cool it's because everybody's back really seems to be up against the wall it's the end times right like things are falling apart it almost kind of seems like a fast-tracked version of injustice right I mean and just as you know things pop off the Joker kills or really tricked Superman into killing Lois and their unborn child a bomb gets blown up or you know is detonated and wipes out metropolis and then over the course of like an entire year or really two years depending on how you want to look at it Superman goes from like this guy who was a superhero to like a a full-on villain and so it's kind of a cool thing because you look at that and it's like fast-tracked right it's like things are falling apart things are basically breaking apart exceedingly fast but it works because if this were to happen and if some kind of zombie plague were to manifest and be spread through digital information then it would happen this fast right I mean as office people are on their phones surfing the web looking at YouTube videos different things like that people are constantly wired and and connected and so if there if there were some kind of digital virus they could convert people into like these monstrous zombie things it would happen like that that the world would be conquered within a day and a half only rural villages and towns would be the ones would be the last affected because they're really more disconnected than than like major metropolitan areas but again it's a cool thing and so switching over to Damien this is a part of him that we usually never get to see when you have Damien like he's basically facing the fact that like his father's debt and for Damian Wayne historically speaking as a character he's almost seemed disconnected from his own humanity right I mean he was basically conceived by Talia al Ghul and basically like a pretty screwed up scenario with Batman and then in turn like raise among the the League of Assassins and then basically taught to be like this / digis Killer right like the human element was never really part of it he was just taught to kill and it wasn't until he was brought to Batman and raised by Bruce that Bruce tried to instill that human element in him right it's the nature of the progression of his character going from what was essentially a killing machine to becoming a killing machine who's also human and so because of that because we never really get to see this kind of moment in him it's actually pretty touching because Jonathan sits down with him and where Damian Wayne doesn't want to talk Jonathas response is okay well then I'll go ahead and just sit here so that you don't have to be alone it's a very important thing and on the surface it kind of seems like okay well that's interesting this is probably one of the most important displays of friendship that Jonathan's ever shown to Damian and the reason why is because sometimes it's not all about just being there and like giving the right answers all the time and saving it it's saying everything you need to say they just make a person feel better sometimes it's just being there like the knowledge of you being there is enough and that's all they need all they need is to know that you're there and that's that's it that's that's the only comfort they need everything else they can deal with internally and when the time comes when they're ready to talk they will it's a very important life lesson that I think not a few people not enough people learned being there is important that's the most important thing so again you know you have Superman you have Lois who actually stay hands off the same thing with with Oliver Queen and with Dinah Lance they kind of stay hands off and they're like we'll just leave them there and we'll just let them be friends and whatever happens happens it's a really really cool moment but Superman's response is also kind of focusing on other things because he kind of keeps mulling over him to himself you know how Damien's feeling Damian just lost his dad and then it clicks Superman's responses I have to go home I have to go to Smallville and initially it's kind of like okay you know Lois is like okay I understand you have to do that but Superman is kind of like okay what what we need to do is create a safe space for you guys and this is the this is one of the coolest moments in the story because when this happened Superman uses his x-ray vision he looks throughout the entirety of the Daily Planet and he has to differentiate between who's infected and who's not and what he says here is that those who are infected cannot be brought back and so he has to stop looking at them like they're human beings and look at them strictly as the enemy and that's a crushing thing for Superman to have to do right because he's the guy who always sees the best in things who always sees hope Superman and bodies hook and to suddenly thrust himself into a position where he has to look at people and say there is no hope is devastating their people he's worked with for years you know Jimmy Jimmy Olsen like Perry White their family and so with that being the case it's literally him having to eliminate his own family members because there's no way to save them it's it's an absolutely devastating role to have to take on the hardest part of this whole situation is separating himself from his own humanity it's the hardest thing to do and it's so cool to see it done that way right I mean it's things like this he's kind of cool introspective deconstructive stories with Superman in them that make him more interesting right I mean because Superman is easily original superhero he flies he punches that's not interesting what makes it interesting is when you focus on him as a character in these scenarios where he has to kind of cast aside everything he's known and become something different even if only for a brief amount of time it's a cool little moment here because then you switch over to Atlantis and you've got Mara and then you've got Darth burning how to use his powers as tempest or at least controlling them in a more finite level and Mara being the one to teach him right but remember Atlantis is for the most part isolated from the surface world and aside from Aquaman neo realizes it like the surface is going to pot and we haven't see what he's been doing nobody else in Atlantis knows what's going on there's no reason for them to be concerned but it's suddenly in the midst of all this the water starts turning dark and for me it was it was kind of confusing for us I don't like why in the world is the water turning dark like you know and it was kind of wild because when that happened like you literally find out that what Aquaman's been doing is attacking and killing everyone not only that like Aquaman presumably has been attacking like animal sharks and things like that because they're now consuming people either that or Aquaman is sending out like subtle commands to the shark saying like kill everyone so like it could be one of the other but literally like this is all just blood in the water and that's what Maher says like stay away from the blood like do not make contact with the blood but for Garth it's too late and so with Mary using her powers to essentially control water she makes her escape and it's actually kind of a cool little theme because what she could do here it's create a kind of safe pocket around herself everywhere she goes but remember Mira's powers can be mentally exhausting she's gonna have to make her way to the surface she's gonna have to seek out what's left of the superheroes but when she gets to the surface then she's gonna realize how dire things are that the world is essentially over as it was kind of cool because the Superman making his way one of the things he says is like like for him as a hero his job is to be there for as many people as he can but the problem he faces right now is that like everyone needs him and so of course he comes across black lightning it comes across yet comes across Jefferson Pierce Jefferson Pierce is actually kind of cool you never really him that much and like these crossover events I mean I think it's really he's more pronounced now than he has been before because he's got his own show it was Jefferson Pierce is kind of interesting it's kind of a combination of like like innate abilities or not really innate abilities but like abilities unto himself as well as using like some kind of magic and mysticism to create like black lightning but still it's kind of cool with this whole thing because when he shows up like it's basically him fighting fighting Clayface because Clayface is infected and is like turning in like this giant tentacle monster like attacking everything in sight we only see Jefferson Pierce for a short amount of time but it is kind of cool because you get to see they're like hey look there's some guys here one of the things that I dig about this is that this almost kind of feels like a movie is an interesting little scenario but when he gets back home to Smallville of course he's met by his mother Martha and she's like your father's inside I hit him over the head something's wrong with him and then of course when Superman gets in there it turns out that his father's infected now this kind of makes sense the idea of Jonathan of Jonathan Kent dying it's part and parcel to his character right I mean it's what happens with him and so when you have this scenario and for where like Superman gets home and like his father's infected it's one of the most touching moments in the story because usually whenever Jonathan Kent died he was circumstances outside of Superman's control right like either he wasn't there or it was something that he couldn't have helped whatever the case was whether it was in like the Man of Steel movie where he gets whisked away by a tornado and which of course is a result of him making one of the dumbest decisions ever like hey son like rescue them and rescue me because you're super fast and you could easily do it no just stay there and don't save me because the world doesn't need to know you exist okay I'm pretty sure that if Superman was like hey look guys I really had to do this I had to rescue my dad please just don't tell anybody who I am and it would be like yeah man we understand dude like it's cool I'm pretty sure they wouldn't run off to the paper and say hey man there's this guy who can fly in in like Smallville uh you guys should definitely write a report about it it was it was clearly like terrible writing on behalf of Zack Snyder which is what he usually does but but nonetheless like his father normally dies right and so like in those circumstances where it's outside Superman's control and this circumstance it is like Superman literally has to put his you put his humanity aside in the most extreme scenario ever and say okay like my father's here I'm going to leave him here you would expect like what I would have expected is that he would have killed him I know what a lot of people would have disagreed with that and a lot of people would have said no that's dumb that's stupid you know yadda yadda so on and so forth I think it would have been awesome because it would have been really one of these moments it really kind of doesn't really snap Superman but really shows how dire things are this Superman has to kill his own pops but leaving Smallville and leaving him there it kind of you know leaving him confined down in there unless he has a strength to break out which he doesn't Superman basically sealed it closed with us with his heat vision it kind of works because assuming that he didn't find a way out then he would just be kind of stuck down there forever but if he did find a way out well then there goes Smallville like everybody and Smallville is gonna be a be infected so potentially Superman's doomed his entire hometown assuming they weren't really dead already but it's kind of a cool thing it's a it's a it's a cool moment like this story's awesome and I think it's a lot better than people are giving it credit any credit for okay so we're picking up with DC's part four and I feel like Captain Atom fans are gonna be a little bit pissed because this actually reminds me of Kingdom Come if I'm being honest with you guys it reminds me a lot of Kingdom Come so deceased as we know is basically the anti-life equation turned into a viral form this infected the world and it was cool to see it used this way but like the only real implementation that we saw with the anti-life equation being used on a global scale was during Final Crisis and it was really more just like taking the will away from people but weaponizing it and turning it into a system to where it basically creates zombies more or less is actually pretty intriguing now we will get some clarification in terms of what all this is and how it works but again this sort of switches over to captain Adam and again captain Adams always kind of just been like a government man you know kind of part of Cadmus and all that kind of stuff basically like a government guy but what the world sort of popping off the way that it is and captain Adam is really sort of their ace in the hole insofar as he's a guy that can go toe-to-toe with Superman and there's no real knowledge or guarantee the Superman's actually survived out there and even if there was there's no real reason to believe the Superman would abandon everything and basically fight on behalf of the government right Island you have like Amanda Waller and all those folks there's no reason to believe that and he wouldn't and so basically they end up turning to Captain Atom which being a powerhouse a man made of living energy in and of himself is a pretty cool thing to do now what we also end up finding out here is that Ray Palmer the atom has actually gone directly into one of these monsters more or less one of these zombies and is essentially analyzing the whole thing in terms of what's going on inside of it and so as a result of this of course Captain Atom is sent out and basically said hey look try to curtail the threat as much as you can and he does the best he can but then suddenly we end up realizing what's going on and this is actually a genius move by Tom Taylor I never would have thought of this that what ended up happening here is that when the atom when Ray Palmer went into this zombie he was immediately infected right because he was just exposed to the to the equation and when that then he came out as the atom and then went into Captain Atom which is really cool it's actually a genius idea and immediately started infecting it the difference here is that instead of a Palmer killing Captain Atom in the traditional sense what he actually ended up doing was quote-unquote destabilizing him right because he's are being made of living energy so all you have to do is destabilize him and then suddenly he just turns into a giant bomb and that's why I say it's really reminiscent of the events of Kingdom Come right because in that story he was ripped open and so it was like all this atomic energy started pouring out and that's really what kind of led to the conclusion of the story right like captain Adam gets ripped open Superman flies him into the air as fast as he can oh sorry I think it's Shazam who does it uh well any one of the heroes does it and basically ends up dying in the process I think and basically like a kind of Usher's in a new era of peace for the world but is it's it's essentially the same thing like captain Adam is basically going nuclear he's getting ready to detonate and kill everyone and so this it's kind of a cool moment because then you switch back over to uh Superman and Green Arrow and the new Green Lantern if you look at it as each individual issue it seems like it takes place over the span of like days or weeks or something like that but if you just kind of focus on it in and kind of look at it as the greater whole almost like you're reading it in trade it takes place over the course of hours maybe five or six hours of house it's like the beginning of this whole thing and so when you see it that way no wonder they're all still hanging out of The Daily Planet but of course Superman showing up here the the real question here is if you go out there and you just try to start rescuing people you can be exposed to like a TV screen or some kind of digital device and you'll be exposed to the virus and you'll turn and this is actually again this is another genius moment it's a small thing see it's the small things that make Tom Taylor stories so cool it's the small little tidbits that make his story so awesome because what Superman said is there's no risk of that because I've been using my x-ray vision the entire time since this whole thing popped off and it's like man that's that's like that's actually pretty genius right because using his x-ray vision of course he's able to make out just enough of the the individuals costumes or what it is that they're wearing to know who they are but also probably just the sound of their voice different things like that it's small little things like that as that's why it's so cool is because it's like they end up sitting out basically like an SOS to the world and so you end up finding out that that like Beast Boy Hawkgirl Lex Luthor and presumably his sister Lena like they're alive and it's kind of like we all need to band together and try to save the world as best we can it's a cool moment because then you switch over to Wonder Woman on the mascara you know and her talking to to Hippolyta is just kinda like hey look I have to do this I can't stay here yes this is my home and I'm safe here but like my duty is to protect the world and of what hero am i if I don't protect the world and so then you basically end up having you know having Superman accompany travel over to Keystone City and meet with Barry Allen and meet with Wally West this is a cool thing because one of the things that they were told when this whole thing popped off Batman immediately got a hold of them and said do not go anywhere go somewhere where there is no technology of any kind stay there don't go anywhere and and it's actually it makes perfect sense right because if any of the Flash's if any other speedsters neo managed to contract this virus the world would be over like that there'd be no survivors I mean your talk about people who can move up to the speed of light and if they want to enter the Speed Force at the speed of light uh and then if they enter the Speed Force with us who the hell knows what's gonna happen right so you're talking about guys who can vibrate from one dimension to another so it would be it'd be catastrophic it would take this global pandemic and elevate it to becoming a multiversal pandemic the entire multiverse would just collapse because of the speedsters vibrating from one universe to the next and killing everything they see I love these little nuggets man I love these little tidbits it's so cool to see this and so what you end up getting of course is is basically like this sound of thunder right it's kind of emanating and making its way to them and that's when you actually find out you find out that this Giganta right like one of the villains of Wonder Woman it's just like a Lhasa woman now of course she's she's dealt with relatively quick insofar as like you know the batwing comes flying out of nowhere and crashes into or at least she grabs it and then crushes it now of course once Superman accompanied shows up Superman manages to knock her down Wonder Woman actually goes to killer and this is one of the things I disagree with with Superman you know Superman's like no wait you can't kill her yet Batman said they're only infected so maybe there's hope and it's like no Superman they're gone like they're they're dead man it's time to let go Supes but I get that you're the boy scout I get there's always a good there's always a way but sometimes there's not Homeslice sometimes there's nothing you can do and you just gotta let him go the cool thing about this is the work gets done form when sob or blows a hole in her head now can we just all like let's look at this for a second all right cyborg fans you're finally getting your do can we all just say this looks badass cyborg standing behind like like a giant woman's head and you just blew a hole in it like can we just say that's amazing like it looks awesome it really does like it looks and see this kind of stuff is why I love comics man because it's just it's the tits but it's it looks badass like let's not let's let's take a moment of silence for how awesome this is okay so having said that this is where we kind of get the explanation of what it is is going on right and in what side work really kind of clarifies here of course you do have Alfred who shows up and makes Damian Wayne the new Batman now this is a pretty sentimental thing one of the big things when it came to Damian assuming that the history between this version of his character and the main DC Universe history is that he's kind of been reforming himself after being trained to be just like this heartless assassin you know by by Talia al Ghul by his biological mother and yellow sue either that history is still relatively the same he's always been trying to work to become the best version of himself and for Batman to pass down the mantle to him solidifies a few things one it solidifies his father's faith in it Bruce Wayne believes that Damian is capable of becoming Batman but it also solidifies the fact that his father's dead that there's no coming back for Batman that he's gone he's out of the picture there's no other members of the bat family Damian is the last one left and that's kind of got to be a crushing sensation right to sit down like to wake up one day and realize that like you're your surrogate brothers and sisters are all dead that your biological father is dead everyone you know and love is dead shy of Alfred he's the only guy left and and is it's a it's a rough thing to see right because in the midst of all this he just cries in the arms of Alfred and that's its that's what I loved about this because it's so human right like Damian Wayne seems to be a kid who's so disconnected from his humanity and you see something like this and it's just so human and it's so cool and III dig like I love this I love writing like this I love writing that focuses so much on the characters the focus is so much on like who they are kind of at their core and so that's when cyborg chimes in and says okay so these guys aren't really dead in the traditional sense right they're not like Night of the Living Dead zombies they're affect similes is all they are there fact similes of the anti-life equation that the anti-life equation is exactly what it stands for anti-life and they will spread anti-life ie death everywhere they go now this is Tom Taylor taking the anti-life equation in the most literal sense right taking it and using it for its namesake and saying the anti-life equation is anti life it exists to basically replace life with death and again that flies in the face of the traditional census so I imagine there'll be some who is who kind of you know kind of snub at that and say no no no that's not what the anti-life equation is it was never meant to be that way it just dominates the Wills of people because that's what Jack Kirby wanted that's what it needs to be honestly I don't really care one way or the other it makes for a cool story but basically it's cyborg saying that like they're not human anymore there's no way to bring them back you can't fix them you can't save them there's nothing we can do they will find life anywhere there is life they will find it the only way for us to do that is to leave here is to get out of here as that's why it's kind of crazy because in the midst of all this suddenly they're met by the arrival of Hawkgirl who says hey look captain Adams is getting ready to explode he's getting ready to wipe everything out and so as a result of this captain Adams as soon as he soon as he detonates right you got Wonder Woman you've got Superman they whisk him up into the air as fast as they can but when he detonates all of Washington DC goes with it right so what's left of the government's gone now there's no organizing structure or force anymore there's no real military and if there is a military they don't know who they're taking their orders from so there's no real government left anymore there's nobody making the decisions all that stuff's basically gone the outlying territories Baltimore they're all basically gone and the last one to be hit as metropolis and so what this looks like is seemingly almost everybody's going to die now if I'm a betting man I'd probably bet here that basically the Green Lantern's gonna conjure a shield that will protect everyone but essentially what this will mean is that everybody in their immediate vicinity is gone all the heroes that were there are dead all the villains that were there are dead and they're gonna have to kind of go back out into the world and see if they can save who they can but again this is Tom Taylor and this is Warren Ellis I would say it's gonna be unnecessarily bleak and they're all gonna die these horridly like these horrendous radiated deaths you know where they all died of radiation sickness or something like that this is Tom Taylor there's usually light at the end of the tunnel so I'm curious to see where this goes I'm really excited to see how this ends okay so we are getting back into DC stand here's the thing we actually missed one of the tie-in stories there's actually you have the main DC stu title itself which is six issues and then you have a good day to die and initially I didn't really plan on covering a good day to die mostly because I didn't read it and then I sat down and read it and I was like this is amazing we need to cover this because deceased itself the main six issue limited series it deals largely with the most well known superheroes right the cool thing about the the good day to die is it deals with like some still pretty prominent superheroes but actually kind of takes it from a different direction so it's really really cool the way it goes down so initially this picks up with scot-free and big Barda now those you guys who are unfamiliar with this ring do a lot of explaining in this for people who are unfamiliar with it but firfer scot-free and and big Barda released mister miracle as a lot of you guys probably know I'm and big Barda their home is essentially apocalypse for mister miracle it was and then sometimes it is sometimes it's not the way this works in in DC Comics is you have two worlds more or less after the events like crisis on Infinite Earths they were actually in a singular universe as it exists now and the new vision - and it's part of DC rebirth they're actually out there in their own place really within the multiverse itself but you end up having the the planet of apocalypse and the planet of New Genesis and they're really designed to kind of represent good and evil that's how they were designed by Jack Kirby when he wrote the fourth world but the idea is that New Genesis is home to highfather and of course apocalypse is home to Darkseid and the initial basis behind this is that the two groups were basically at war with each other and so in order to broker a peace Abbey by the name of Metatron came along and basically had them swap sons so so essentially the son of hi father went over to went to apocalypse and the son of apocalypse went to New Genesis and so as a result it was a way to basically keep the peace so that neither would destroy the other's world in by virtue of that kill their own sons with scot-free would hit with him going over to apocalypse he basically does a live like this really crappy life where he was in a Cell all the time eventually he learned how to pick the lock and because this the the locks for a hawk that was so difficult to pick ultimately it meant that he basically became like the best lock picker ever but nonetheless big Bart it was part of the Furies and the fury was basically like an all-female team with some occasional guys in there that served as a special II like agents of apocalypse and were trained by granny goodness it was a pretty cool idea but essentially these two folks are basically like okay like Darkseid's dead apocalypse has been destroyed now we got to leave now there is no reference here to new Genesis there's no reference to it we can assume it exists I mean the two kind of exists in opposite poles to one another but no reference to it so we can just kind of you know roll with that but what it does is it switches over to Michael Holt also known as mr. terrific now again mr. terrific is one of the smartest people in the world I think he's probably in the top three but mr. terrific has basically been conducting experiments on Captain Boomerang right like an infected person he's an exposed him to another dose of the virus to see if there's any kind of change there's no stimulus no response to being touched or anything like that so essentially he's just sort of a nonhuman entity right like whatever sense of humanity he had his long since been gone now so where you wind up having scot-free and Barda who go back to their apartment they end up getting a knock on the door this is where the reasons why I love Scott free right because he's a humorous character if he's written correctly like he's supposed to be he's hilarious and initially like he makes this comment like when they hear a knock at the door it's like whoa maybe somebody with like a bloody stump I have no earthly clue of course once they answer it it turns out to be mr. terrific but as one of these things where he's essentially been analyzing the the whole situation now of course this is a role that would normally be reserved for Batman but as we know Bruce Wayne's basically dead he's he's out of the picture now and so because of this Michael Holt's been trying to deduce and trying to figure out what's going on and ultimately his initial idea was if the virus originated from apocalypse that we can travel there and we can basically try to find a cure no guarantees there but now it's basically out the window because apocalypse has been completely destroyed and so following that their response is well then we only have one other real choice that we can use we can basically try to invoke like the powers of magic and so what it does is it transitions over to court industries with Booster Gold and with with with Ted Kord himself the Blue Beetle now again this is kind of a cool thing but this is somebody else's sort of interesting here is because of the nature of the situation and the nature of the story normally we would expect Tom Taylor to write Booster Gold not so much in in a goofball way I mean he really is kind of a goofy character but we would expect him to be written in a way where he's more of like not only the comic relief but something close to it and this he's not written that way now the cool thing about that this is one of the reasons why so many fans love Booster Gold is because depending on who's writing the story he can be a very dynamic character if it's a rider that doesn't really care anything about him he's done in a throwaway fashion Mike's just kinda like here's the guy who's a goofball he's a buffoon and you throw him away that way but if he's written effectively he can be one of the more dynamic characters in the entirety of of DC right because he's the guy that everybody knows is basically a dude from the future who went to the Past and essentially faked being a hero from the future in order to try to be a hero in the present day because he was a loser in the future he's always kind of kind of a chip on his shoulder but in this instance it's one of these pretty hardcore situations because with everything sort of popping off the way that it is the response is like we basically need you guys like like we need you Booster Gold in order to help us you know achieve this particular goal but before we do this we're gonna see we can't find a way to cure it with magic and so of course what they end up doing is traveling to England and we pick up with John Constantine now the funny thing about this is that magic in DC is is sort of intriguing whether those are guys who were reading DC rebirth' right now or I guess really it's DC Universe now there was a big reference to to how magic works right especially in Doomsday Clock that initially magic was just a thing that existed in DC and it kind of had some some ties to a bit of reality warping and it was also sort of tried and true Witchcraft and Wizardry what dr. Manhattan revealed by virtue of Doomsday Clock is that all people who were doing when they manipulate magic is they're essentially manipulating reality but on a much smaller scale and they're doing it with what are essentially the leftovers of the various properties of the universe that are out there but the fact remains here that is kind of being treated in this situation or at least being viewed by mr. terrific it's kind of a catch-all right like if we have people who can use magic we can just sort of wish it all away and everything will be okay and then everything would be fine that'll be it you know of course picking up with Constantine we learned that's not the case and the reason why is because of this guy fleeing for his life if magic could easily be used or could be channeled in a way to where it could essentially solve solve all the problems well then all it would take is like dr. fate and cetana and a handful of other people probably Ettrick in to come along with Constantine and then go from city to city snapping their fingers and everything will be okay or one great big huge giant spell that they create in order to cure the world and everything would be done in like one issue but with Constantine fleeing for his life like this and then ultimately how need to incinerate his best friend Chas who's been converted it really kind of shows us that like there's no real hope here and that's what Constantine tells mr. terrific right when terrific shows up and says hey look like essentially like we need magic in order to basically cure this the response of Constantine is like what do you think I can do just snap my fingers and everything is fixed buddy if I could have done that I would have done it a long time ago it doesn't work that way like magic doesn't work that way and and even if it did these folks can't be saved in that fashion they're not human anymore the only thing you can really do is kill them and so as a results of this because magic is not an option they move on to Plan C and that involves Booster Gold basically going back in time and appealing in the timestream in order to keep the initial infection from breaking out and so everybody essentially shows up here and then all hell breaks loose as soon as they arrive right you got like big Barda and scot-free who basically fall they end up dying or at least being consumed by the zombies once Ted Kord and once mr. terrific and Booster Gold to get inside this room they're immediately met by wave rider now wave rider is an old-school character well not super old-school B's relatively old school he appear back in 1991 with a story called Armageddon 2001 and the idea behind this story as it was written by Archie Goodwin is it was basically designed to kind of show like possible futures right it was the first real instance of DCE basically portraying the possibility of time travel and even even sort of invoking to a degree the aspect of Hypertime which would later be sort of evolved even more by Mark Waid and N and Grant Morrison but sort of showing like possible futures for the various characters that were out there now it was a to issue miniseries with a whole bunch of clients to it but Waverider was basically a guy who came from a future where some hero in the modern day would basically go forward ended up killing all the superheroes and his goal was to prevent that and so after learning how to are really being endowed with the ability to manipulate the time stream this led to him becoming the character over a wave rider and then becoming one of the linear men and the linear men are basically like like time police is really what they are like their job is to monitor the time stream and to make sure nobody does anything that's supposed to screw stuff up and this is a really smart move by Tom Taylor because the reality is that DC's as it's written is exceedingly good and in truth Tom Taylor would have essentially just kind of pissed it all away had it turned into a situation where time-travel everything's fixed it really goes into a scenario where the Waverider says you cannot manipulate the time stream like this is the fate of your universe you can't escape this this is how it's supposed to unfold sorry about your luck I don't know what to tell you like it's kind of funny the way plays out it's kind of messed up the way it plays out but initially Constantine didn't want to have anything to do with this right he's like you guys go off and do your own thing I'm gonna go teleport to some place I'm gonna find a bar and I'm just gonna get drunk until everything around us comes crashing down and so as a result of this you know there really doesn't really seem to be an alternative or an ability to stop Waverider right I mean you're talking about a guy who can manipulate quantum energy he could incinerate Ted Kord and Booster Gold white that's right in the blink of an eye and his jaw here even is to basically arrest Booster Gold and take him back to the future and so because of this John Kazin team sitting in this bar basically sort of recants and says okay fine gotta go be a hero right I mean his conscience gets the better of him and so as a result of that he shows up he headbutts Waverider and then basically says I'll hold him off only for the entire group to be met with the arrival of big Barda who literally rips mr. terrific in half which is kind of insane to see and so all you really have left is Booster Gold Blue Beetle then you got Constantine holding off Waverider is best he can't but because of the fact that Michael Holt had been killed and because of the fact that in the next part of this video that we're gonna talk about here in a second that in events taking place and we'll cover that you know once we get to it that basically the future where Booster Gold comes from doesn't exist anymore humanity as it exists in his timeline is gone and so because of that it's kind of cool to see that like linear time is maintained meaning that whatever happens in the present day affects the future is an absolute outcome essentially Booster Gold ceases to be he basically fades from existence and so as a result of that there's no real means to travel back in time and to fix everything and then of course in response to that Constantine Bond's himself to Waverider and basically says where you go I go there's no way for you to escape from me but the problem with that is that basically wave riders out of the picture now wave riders been destroyed because he's killed by Ted Kord and so again it's a really good way for Tom Taylor to kind of say hey we're gonna use time travel no we're not and then just move on to the next thing Nick is following that with it all kind of going belly-up and all the plans and really all these superheroes being killed suddenly you have the arrival of Zatanna dr. fate Bobo and a couple a couple other people who basically say hey look like this world is doomed there's nothing you can do here come with us and we're just gonna move on to a better place and wait for whatever happens next and the response of Constantine is not a chance the world doesn't end until I say it does and so at this point we switch over to decease number 5 itself and this is one of the really cool things because what it does is it shows the response of humanity in the process of how all this went down specifically the government's and what it shows us is that like all the major released some of those you know three of the major cities in the US have been totally obliterated Washington d.c Baltimore and metropolis totally incinerated and completely gone and it's kind of crazy to see because the Green Lantern was able to save a handful of people here in there but for the most part virtually everybody in Metropolis is dead and one of the crazy things about this and it's one of the coolest moments in the story you know finding out that Lex Luthor is alive and where Superman shows up on his doorstep you know shows up there with the intention of kind of being like what's one more dead body Lex Luthor actually breaks down and it's a great moment here it's insanely cool the way it's written because when you have these two guys you know that the battles between Lex Luthor and Superman are timeless right there's some of the greatest conflicts you're ever going to see because it's the mind of Lex Luthor against the Brawn Superman right and despite how smart Superman is it usually comes down to a physical altercation although sometimes it does sort of focus on battles of the mind but here Lex Luthor just sort of begins to cry and just says like look what happened to our city and that's the most important you know the most important takeaway here is that more important than any one of these two guys is their allegiance how much they die you the city of Metropolis because it's their home and so it's a it's a beautiful moment here because they have common ground our entire city has been totally obliterated all we really have left is each other and so what Tom Taylor does is give us a kind of timeline and say over the course of the next few days and then the next few weeks various efforts are undertaken in order to sort of try to save what's left of humanity right like all these various servers are destroyed by the flash all around the world so the Internet is taken down as best as it can be you end up having like mass satellites that are out there that are broadcasting you know TV shows or radio signals or whatever it is those are taken out by Wonder Woman all these things are basically implemented by the superheroes in order to take down modern technology not only that what they also need is a refuge right because if Earth is almost completely overrun then what's left of humanity that has not been infected needs a place to stay otherwise it's only a matter of time before they're completely destroyed and so what it does is it leads to Wonder Woman traveling to Paradise Island and basically saying like we'd to house people here and for the most part this is a big no-no right Paradise Island is cut off from everything like it's one of these things were sort of like no one comes here people aren't allowed to be here we don't let men onto our island it's just something you don't do is something that you just don't see and it's kind of a cool theme because in response to this Wonder Woman's statement is basically I'm a protector of Earth I'm here to protect the world and if humanity has fallen as fast and there's superheroes around there and superheroes have fallen how long do you really think it'll be before people show up here and so in order to basically keep this place protected as best we can one we need to have individuals out there who are who are innocents who did nothing wrong and are just cut in the hole you know caught up in the whole circumstance we need to be able to house them here because it's the right thing to do and to really take what's left of the superhero community and provide some measure of protection right because we're the Amazons are powerful at the end of the day if you're talking about a vast amount of an infected or somehow find their way they're talking about just like a battle of attrition and so as a result of that you end up having Green Lantern's Superman and Wonder Woman who essentially lift the island up a little bit higher and then you go to Gotham and you get one of the coolest moments in the whole story right because what you end up learning is that over the course of a week an entire jungle grew throughout the entire city of Gotham and of course that's when you meant that is poison ivy that made that happen now of course Killer Croc tries to attack you know Batman and and and and Green Arrow and Dinah Lance the new the new Green Lantern tries to attack him he's taken out you know by poison ivy less we end up learning poison ivy used her power of the dream to create a kind of safe haven in the entirety of Gotham but the funny thing about this is the only people allowed in are the people she allows in and at the moment it only really seems to be Harley Quinn and in poison ivy herself and Harley is this kind of a cool moment Harley has actually been advocating to turning it into a refuge and saying look like you have all this stuff here right like you've grown vines here and there's this great big huge thorn wall and like none of the undead can get in here so I can let innocent people in and for the most part poison ivy does it really seem to have want to do it but then when you have Batman everybody's showing up and you have Damian Wayne basically saying look Bruce Wayne's dead right like my father's dead I'm the new Batman now poison ivy begins to kind of feel form because it really is a kind of realization of how bad things are and so as a result of that knowing that Bruce Wayne is gone knowing that Damian Wayne is taking up the mantle and realizing things are really just this dire ultimately poison ivy gives in and the response is you know of course don't harm any of the trees or anything like that and Damian Wayne answers like we'll agree to any terms and so what it does is it switches over to the fortress of solitude now the fortress of solitude itself is not really big enough to house all these innocent people otherwise I would have said like why not turn that place into a refuge it wasn't designed for that right it's just simply not that big but it is big enough to become a new Hall of Justice right for what's left of the superhero community to essentially work together and it's kind of a cool moment here because you have all these folks basically gathered around saying here's where things stand you've got firestorm Ronnie Raymond you've got Power Girl you've got a lot of these superheroes here who are basically doing the best they can to sort of keep everything under control to keep their heads level you got Lex Luthor who's starting some nonsense but one of the big things is basically being worked on here is the creation of arcs and the creation of arcs are a really cool idea because basically what it means is it allows humanity released it seems to allow humanity to basically sort of finding a way to escape and it's kind of crazy because initially the response to Superman is we're not leaving we're not going to leave this planet we're not going to abandon our home and Lex think they're sort of chimes in it's just kind of like you know the human race is in it isn't like a fight to survive but it has to leave the planet and it's kind of interesting because these are two opposing ideologies for Lex Luthor earth is his home right but it's kind of like in order for Humanity survive we have to leave here we have to go someplace else but Superman his home right his home was destroyed before he was old enough to really do anything about it and one of the big on running themes about Superman is trying to find a way to maintain his home trying to find a way to either reconnect with Krypton or protect earth as best he can and there's got to be a little bit of guilt here if Earth is destroyed that it's like Superman failed right in the idea of him failing and losing another home is really too much for him to deal with and so it's kind of like we can't simply just leave here but in the end you end up having like the mom of Superman and you know coming in Marth they're basically coming in and saying hey look it's the only real choice that we have they're able to kind of talk him down a little bit now of course Lex Luthor basically achons and you know like man losing two worlds in a lifetime it sucks to be you Lois Lane punches the heck out of him it's hilarious and she puts a haymaker on him and then she sees Jonathan when he when she realizes that he saw what she did and he's like aah violence is never the answer Jonathan and that that's true violence is never the answer that is a very true that is a very true statement however violence is a answer it is a very effective answer right like violence gets things done and so it's it's it's kind of crazy because with these arcs basically being built as a means to get humanity off the off the face of the planet and with these various refuges serving as a place for Humanity to reside until that time it really starts to give people hope it gives people the ability and really the belief that there's other places they can go to my community we are communing with a Green Lantern ring saying like where are other places we can go but ultimately what they end up realizing is that none of them were ever in control and the reason why is because while all this is going down suddenly they're met with this kind of buzzing sound and then it begins to get louder and louder and begins to drive them insane only for us to find out that when Lex Luthor dies this is the Martian Manhunter and the Martian Manhunter is infected now this is a big deal and the reason why is because if you go and you read the JLA stories by Grant Morrison one of the things that DC shows and actually states in in multiple instances is that the Martian Manhunter is the most powerful being on earth he has all the abilities of Superman plus he can shape-shift and he can read minds right now he is afraid of fire you know as well sometimes he is sometimes he's not it's just a weakness whatever the case is but like fire is basically the best way to combat it but having a somebody out there who can shape-shift into pretty much anything and then suddenly show up and attack the entirety of the superhero community almost guarantees destruction for all of them however they have Ronnie Raymond on their side they have firestorm who of course uses his powers and Talia's incinerates Martian Manhunter the problem with this is that when that happens the flash Barry Allen is attacked and he's infected and this is probably the worst case situation because he immediately takes off running and the reason why this is bad is because you're talking about the fastest man alive who can basically infect the world and he does it in the blink of an eye almost no survivors are left basically he just like runs around from place to place before they even realize there's anybody there they're infected you know and it's it's insane how fast it happens and so Superman isthat responds by saying hey look I can't really catch up with him but I can meet him on the other side and this is one of the coolest things because what do you does basically fly out you know to the moon and then fly back as fast as he possibly can and basically crash directly into Barry Allen and where Barry Allen's totally destroyed in the process he's cut in half the issue with this is that some of the bones end up ripping into Superman so now he's infected and is one of the saddest moments ever because what this means is the world is doomed there's no escape here humanity has Rashed and humanity to try to escape but Superman could eradicate those things in the blink of an eye a guy who could fly into space and hold his breath for a pretty lengthy amount of time and then of course has all those powers based on the abilities of solar radiation is is insanely cool the only way to really get around this would be to like retrofit the various ships with like green kryptonite but you would have to do it in such a way to where the area of effect of that green kryptonite is so far out the Superman can't even get remotely close but you're talking about a guy with telescopic vision so he could be far enough away that he could use his heat vision and then shoot them and then destroy them right so I mean it's kind of nuts now ultimately the goal is Superman seemingly you know seeming as an infected person would be to spread the infection not necessarily just kill people and so if Tom Taylor stays true to what he's been doing so far then retrofitting the ships with green kryptonite is the only real hope they have but at the moment they don't really seem to have any because as they sort of look around Superman starts meeting with everybody he knows his fates his fate is sealed and everybody else does too Lois really says her goodbyes and and she's like you know thank you for choosing me and it's it's such an incredibly touching moment thank you for choosing me thank you for making this place your home thank you for loving me and it's kind of crushing because in turn he speaks to John and says like you're the one running the show now you're the man of the house now like you have to make sure everybody stays safe the fate of humanity rests on your shoulders and it seems like it'd be a huge amount of pressure to bestow on a child and it is but it's also the reality of the situation that's really what's going on here is that it really all does come down to Jonathan but that's why I love DC so much is because this is things just getting insanely dire things are getting really really bad because what's basically happened here is that now that Martian Manhunter is gone the most powerful superhuman in the world is infected and that's literally what's said here is that with with the infection of Superman hope was gone along with the entirety of the world that there's no real saving anybody anymore okay so we are at the conclusion of deceased and here's the thing deceased is an amazing story it's ridiculous how good it is and to be honest I wasn't sure was gonna be this great right I was kind of on the fence [Music] but Tom Taylor does what Tom Taylor always does which has come out in spectacular fashion right so in the last video we basically ended with Superman being infected and it was like okay so this is basically the end of everybody right like nobody's gonna make it out alive here because you're talking about the Man of Steel like the most powerful superhero on earth after the Martian Manhunter and the Martian Manhunter was already destroyed that the crazy thing about this is is it's almost it's it's incredible the way this is done because it kind of parallels Superman as we know him as a superhero in comparison to Superman in terms of what's actually going on right so it's like you know faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive able to leap tall buildings in a single bound the amazing man who's gonna kill you all it's Superman but it's crazy because the way this narration is taught is like all hope was lost at 11:48 a.m. and it's kind of nuts because what we end up doing is jumping over to the fortress of solitude right which is where basically the last of the superheroes are all essentially gathered together it's cool to see Tom Taylor do this because what they end up doing is really Damian Wayne kind of pops up and says Batman always had a kind of back-up plan always has a plan to basically deal with superheroes and it turns out it was for pretty much everybody except uh Green Arrow Green Arrow was kind of disappointed because he's like that man didn't have a plan for me he didn't really consider me dangerous and it's like now a green arrow I'm sorry man now one of the things that I want to kind of point out here is a Damian Wayne it's not really a huge thing but Damian Wayne never refers to himself as Batman Damian Wayne always says like well he always you first a Batman is a wholly different person right like Batman had plans like he's just kind of a stand-in right there he's not really Batman he's just temporarily taking his place it's interesting there because it shows that one Damian Wayne is not accepted the fact that his father's actually dead and two Damian Wayne does not see him self as being Batman in the same way that Bruce Wayne was in so far as he's not really as good of a Batman is Bruce was which it's kind of a true statement but it's also it's also a great little kind of tribute to Bruce himself and so in addition to that we also end up learning that of course Damian Wayne has a piece of Kryptonite on him because you know how else you gonna defeat Superman and then also diana is the one like Wonder Woman is one who's been kind of sitting down and saying we have to find like miles don't have schemes and I have ideas on how to take down these various superheroes and so what she ends up doing is taking this kryptonite and merging it with essentially metal and then crafting a sword out of it which is a genius idea because when it comes to Wonder Woman here's the important thing to understand about Wonder Woman I wouldn't go as far as to say that people sleep on her that she's like less she says she's a character there's it's kind of like nobody really appreciates how capable she is but Wonder Woman fights to the end that's the nature of her character she fights threats head-on she doesn't really rest on her laurels and kind of wait to see how things unfold and so at the same time the idea here is okay and this is gonna be the case then basically we take the various guys and we fall back right like we fall back as best we can we're gonna take one group they're all gonna head to Gotham they're gonna grab as many of those survivors as they possibly can and they can only grab like a small number of them right like a very very small number of them comparatively speaking and then basically head out right so the end up going to Gotham and their guide as many of the survivors as they can and then they go to they go to end up going to the mascara to try to grab as many of the survivors as they possibly can the problem is that once this arc arrives at the mascara they don't arrive alone and it's actually one of the coolest things that go on here's when the coolest things that happens there's this tempest this massive storm that takes place outside of the island and when everybody's kind of gathering around waiting to see what it is ultimately it's the arrival of Aquaman who summoned the Kraken and this is one of the coolest things in the whole story right because it's like Aquaman should like Aquaman here's the thing about Aquaman I've until Dan Abnett wrote the character as part of like DC rebirth I never I was never really interested in it I was gonna like Aquaman is a guy who's there and he talks to fish and Aquaman fans hate it when you say that but it's true but like when you read Dan Abbott's run on Aquaman it's like one of the greatest Aquaman epics that I think that I've ever read either in hindsight or or having read more recently but like seeing Aquaman show up here with like an entire army of Atlanteans that in turn is channeling the Kraken is a sight to behold with the first question that I had here is how is he able to find famous spirit because the mists akyurek is an island that cannot be found except by those who already know where it is but then like Tom Taylor answers this in a like with a quickness what he says is that under normal circumstance no the mascara cannot be found instead what ended up happening here is that when famous Kira was turned into an island its boundaries were expanded in order to make way for all these refugees it took it out of its safe zone and it just brought it into the main world right land to the main DC Universe which technically was always kind of the case there's this kind of dimensional barrier that sort of permeates and exists around thermosphere that keeps people from finding it that was removed when they essentially turn it into a haven for anybody to be able to access and so because of that it was easily found by Aquaman and all of his forces and they just come rolling in here and tearing everything up Green Arrow gets his due which is kind of cool here because he shoots an arrow through the eye or through the head of Aquaman and he's like you see I'm dangerous I shot an arrow half a mile through like raging winds and then hit a guy in the head but basically it's calling in everybody they can right so a cassie sandsmark Wonder Girl is already here uh you end up having like all these Amazons that end up charging directly into the fray I can see Atlanteans and then half a world away you've got Wonder Woman that you've got the new Green Lantern Dino lance and you've got cyborg who go charging in against Superman and the cool thing about this is this is like a colossal fight and scale right I mean this is really a fight to save the world it's really what this is if Superman wins the Ark's will fall if the Amazons lose the arc in Atlantis will fall there's massive casualties on each side and the struggling thing about this for the Amazons right the biggest struggle about this is you're talking about a sisterhood these are women who have fought together for for eons right who have fought together as friends or lived together as friends for eons and eons and eons right imagine that you had a friend that you'd known for like a thousand years and then imagine like that you had to kill him rightly they turned against you and seemingly the blink of an eye and that's what's going on here is like these are our allies that have fought together forever and then suddenly they turn into enemies when they're bitten and they're converted into these you know undead anti-life zombies and so it's kind of crazy because what ends up happening here is basically once all these refugees are onto the arts and it's like we have to go we've got to bail we can't stay here if we do this art is going to be destroyed and so the order comes down from Hippolyta the leader of the Amazons who says flee get out of here leave us here like those of us who are not on the ark leave us here we'll fight it will hold off as best we can but essentially their sacrifice to their life is a suicide mission you're talking about with what amounts to at this point maybe three four possibly five Amazon's pulling off an army of of Atlanteans it's not gonna happen right and so ultimately we're kind of left with the idea that like all these differ these different Amazon's basically end up falling and the art makes it to safety following that and this is kind of a cool moment following that you kind of switch back to Superman and the and here's the thing about Dinah Lance as the Green Lantern she's capable but the issue with her as a Green Lantern is she doesn't really have the experience that the other Green Lantern's do she's literally flying by the seat of her pants so creating like a giant horn and then doing her her canary cry into the horn and then just like blowing it into Superman that's cool but in order to be an effective Green Lantern what you need is finesse you need the ability to understand how to bob and weave how to dodge various targets now at the same time you are also talking about a super fast guy who's astronomically strong so it's not an easy feat it's not an easy thing but the issue with this is a Superman almost gets the upper hand on Black Canary and almost kills her until his arm is cut off by Wonder Woman the problem with this is that while Wonder Woman does get the upper hand on Superman for a moment without hesitation he takes out Wonder Woman and that's what made Superman so dangerous as this this zombie monster thing is because in doing that Superman is he's not hesitating here like he wants to kill the imperative drive that he has to kill and destroy as much as he possibly can and so there's there's it's not like oh my god I'm getting ready to kill Wunderland it's not like that it's da BAM and then just like punches a hole in her and that's basically the end of that it's a crazy thing to kind of see because with Wonder Woman basically out of the picture now immediately Superman takes off and starts going after the arch and this is when you get to what's probably the greatest point in the story right like the greatest moment this story it's quick because basically like the arcs have made it off of Earth right they're out there by the moon they're on there they're essentially on their way out God Tom Taylor is so amazing at this this is why I want to see I want to see DC's to continue which you know well we'll talk about to talk about that once we get to the end but like they get outside of Earth they're over there by the moon they're basically taking off and you've got Jonathan and you've got Damien standing on one of the arcs and Jonathan's like my father's coming and Damien's like yeah you're your dad's on his way it's not some grandiose gesture it's nothing like that it's just like tell my mom I love her and look after her and then like he basically tells Lois like I know what I'm doing everything is gonna be okay I promise I know what I'm doing and then he just leave the ship and goes to confront his dad the issue with this is this like a moment right like like Superman's charging towards you arcs like Jonathan Kim goes charging towards Superman and in a moment is able to basically knock him unconscious and that's basically it that's all that we get but this is why this moment is so cool and this why this moment matters so much is because this is Jonathan Kent right this is what we would expect from the son of Superman we would expect the son of Superman to understand that what's important here is the valuation of life that this man is not his father this man used to be his father but it's not his father now and his task the last thing his father assigned him was to ensure the safety of everyone and that's the choice Jonathan has to make is racing in in fighting his dad which is a crushing situation right like if he killed Superman it be patricide but it's a cool thing to see because it's like this is what he has to do at the same time like for the most part it's a stopgap measure he's really what it what it appears to be because at the end of the day despite how capable Jonathan is he's not on the same level as his father and so once Superman comes to then presumably the fight would continue but Jonathan likely wouldn't be able to end it but none of that matters because wild wild Dinah Lance is sitting out do this wise love Tom Taylor well Dinah Lance is sitting out there right she suddenly hears attention Green Lantern of sector to 81 for the cavalry has arrived and the entire Green Lantern Corps comes racing in with ganthet and the guardians of the universe and it's like dude it is the coolest thing it's like one of the greatest things ever because like okay so like they're basically all saved because there's no way Superman could overcome every single one of these Green Lantern's and that's really kind of how it goes right plus they have ganthet who would be more than enough to destroy Superman just in his current form and so what is happening is they're just kind of standoff for a second why Superman just kind of stands there just sort of looks you know and tries to figure out how it is that he can destroy these guys and like yeah that initially holds off if Superman goes racing into the Sun and it's like what in the hell is he doing it was like he's feeding he's absorbing the energy of the Sun and basically that's when everything kind of gets cut off and that's when they're like we have to leave and the reason why is because if Superman drains out all that solar energy than one he's probably gonna be God - you're powerful right like Superman 1 million powerful but at the same time is gonna kill all life on earth because while the earth while the earth does have heat inside of it by a virtue of like the ozone layer that heat won't last forever is it's like having a warm house and then cutting off your heat eventually that heat is gonna dissipate through the windows and ultimately your house if you give it long enough is going to become as cold as the outside or pretty close to it and so as a result of that the earth is basically doomed and that's basically what they say is like the Green Lantern's the guardians of the universe our quarantine earth they're basically cutting earth off and so like everybody's they gotta go like there's there's there's no seam in the planet anymore because there's no way to sustain life on the planet anymore so all those humans who were left behind are all guaranteed to die there's no rescuing them there's no getting them out and so it kind of sucks here because what you end up doing is jamming back to earth itself and where cyborg has managed to use the lasso of truth around Wonder Woman this is actually genius by Tom Taylor like he comes to this realization the lasso of truth compels you to speak the truth right so we asked wonderful do you have a voice can you speak and she referred she said it says yes we have a voice right so what this indicates is that these zombies these anti-life monsters more or less have a hive mind and so following that the question becomes is there a cure is there a way to end this virus because it's basically what it is like you're still be just a viral infection is there a way to end it and the response is yes there is a way to end it so when cyborg asks like what's the way to cure this the response is that the cure is in you like you're the only way to cure this thing you're the cause of all that's right like your man in machine you are the the way by which the vector by which this was spread that it was a it was a mathematical equation that spread from your machine components into your human element and then spread throughout the rest of the world the problem with this is that where cyber begins to panic and realizes hey I need to tell somebody what's going on I need to go tell the people on the arch Wonderwoman rips his head off so no one knows that there's a cure for this thing no one knows that there's a cure for this for this infection and so ultimately what you end up having is is the guardians of the universe who guide the Earthlings back to their new home which they dub of Earth - which is a cool little nod to the earth - conduit II and basically this story ends but here's what I want to know is like if Superman was absorbing all that energy from the Sun what happens to Superman right like what goes on with that that's why stories like this are cool is because it's kind of left open-ended a possibility for a sequel to emerge or at the very least just kind of letting us as the as the as the reader sort of answer that question on our own kind of descent into debates and different things like that but without being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here - comments explain make sure you guys at the sub-1 to become part of the rob4 if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,235,519
Rating: 4.8575244 out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, DC Comics, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, DCeased, DC Zombies, Corssover, Event, What If, Elseworld, Lois Lane, Superboy, Damian Wayne, Injustice, Full Story, Compilation
Id: SIxPeFqtNXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 38sec (4718 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.