Daz Watches Annie96 Is Typing

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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to Daz games and another Daz Watchers kind of a Daz Watchers I am technically watching but it's not a video you guys for ages have been sending me these tweets and messages in the comments section here on YouTube saying I should react to a WhatsApp history conversation that goes by the name of annie96 the whole conversation has been named annie96 is watching and apparently it's one of the most creepiest um WhatsApp conversations found um ever but so many of you been asking for this and I'm going to do it so we got the conversation here basically this is the first message from uh Annie uh you asleep and every time I hit this button it brings up the next message so if I tap it okay there we go so yeah it says no guess you're not either can't it's the wind sounds like cats fighting what's the excuse every time I hit the button it basically um puts the next message up so let's read this conversation and hopefully my recording software will stop messing up C it's the win sound s like cats fighting what's your excuse studying so she's talking to someone called MC Davy okay that's interesting so that's what they call porn now tongueout face you don't do that in real life Annie what the [ __ ] not denying it Davey is typing I still can't believe what Johnny did today me neither that boy has issues who's Johnny what the [ __ ] the wind so loud that doesn't sound normal laugh out loud no wind here just rain lucky you I need my beauty sleep damn right you do if you guys I hope you guys can see the names either side cuz I'm not announcing which name it is what you mean I look [ __ ] I think I heard footsteps on the gravel outside oh my God is this actually real get your crazy dad to check it out I'm home alone the farmer on holiday remember I told you this why would they leave her at home on their own really till when we should hang out smiley face he wants some there really sound like footsteps but there's something odd about them I I should look out the window but my bed is so warm sure you want to look out the window when you're alone What If there really is someone there in the garden looking up at you oh man I really hope this isn't real not funny David wow chill I'm sure it's nothing going to check be right back oh my God if there's something strange in your neighborhood man Davey is a prick who are you going to call any 96 is typing David there's someone in the garden oh my God what really yes I can see a man's back nah what's he doing call the Poli any6 is typing he's looking for something on his hands and knees in the bushes Dave is typing hi he must be high probably looking for his drugs Dave is not a good friend Dave this is serious what should I do nothing he's probably go away by himself call the police Jesus oh my God now he's digging with his bare hands he's ruining the garden [ __ ] he's turning around what does he look like annie96 is typing David what the [ __ ] this isn't funny what how are you doing that what are you talking about annie96 is typing I can see that it's you in my garden how are you writing here without touching your phone look up I'm by the window can't you hear me banging on it [ __ ] Annie Now you're scaring me too oh I'm definitely not in your garden that's not me it glitched then I'm really getting quite frightened now stop playing around I can see your face and you're wearing that stupid football jacket you so proud of Dave is typing it must be someone who looks like me honestly Annie I'm at home I wouldn't play around like that smiley face it has to be a friend of yours David playing a sick prank how else could he be wearing your jacket there are loads of jackets like that my friends don't look like anything like me you just have me on your mind winky face he's digging again [ __ ] leave already Annie do you have a gun in your house annie96 is typ don't be stupid David I couldn't shoot anyone you may have to Annie you don't have to use it just show that you're carrying annie96 is typing doesn't that jacket have your name on the back DAV is typing yeah the team will got one with their name on it I can see your [ __ ] name oh man oh man fake or not this is really scary what what the hell is this David Annie that jacket is in my closet what [ __ ] he's seen me why is he smiling like that he's coming oh my God call the cops uh should have done that a while ago Annie Annie pick up Dave is typing I've called the cops told them there's a break in attempted your place they said they're on their way but it'll take about half an hour what Annie are you there an6 is's typing it's in the house can't talk I have to be quiet lights off I'm in my closet with a knife hard to stop shaking too much oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hang in there Annie the police will be there in 20 minutes do you know where he is it's not he the look it had when I it saw me David no person could look like that Jesus Christ does it know where you are no I grabbed the knife when I saw it running towards the house and got in the closet when I heard it breaking in okay good you'll be fine a dry doesn't have the brains to find someone hiding in the closet the police will be there soon why do it Tak you 20 minutes to get there oh God it's calling out to me it doesn't sound like you David its voice is so deep filling the house filling my head what is it saying any 96 is typing come out Annie oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] I don't know why this is so scary it's just text messages oh man I just want to look at you oh [ __ ] it keeps repeating that over and over and he is typing have I gone mad David is this what that feels like just 10 more minutes Annie keep it together you are so strong you will get through this it's coming up the stairs but so slowly irregular steps why does it look like you David why you I don't know Annie please believe me can you make it stop no he can't make it stop I would if I could promise you it's at the end of the hall oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Dave I didn't say it anything to my parents when they left I was listening to music is that the last time I see them Annie and he's typing this has to be something to do with you David only you could make it stop think fast I don't know Annie God please please Dave is typing it might be because I think about you so much I think about you all the time Annie is typing so stop I don't know how it's scraping something on the walls getting closer please David I'm trying I'm trying so hard an he is typing it's slowing down try harder Annie is typing whatever you're doing it's working Annie is typing it's stopped I can't hear anything really don't go out yet stay put until the police get there what should I tell them if he's gone everything Annie everything you've told me I didn't know you felt that way about me David I'm so glad it's stopped can you come over in the morning David I really need to see you of course Annie I'll be there great can't wait what David's typing [Music] Annie Annie how do you I know this is you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] me and he went offline was that it no no I need to know what happened no no no I want more like oh my god oh man I I seriously doubt that's uh real but um that was so good like are there other others of these like the cuz it's a cool way of like telling like a creepy story cuz they pop up like normal texts I don't know man I wasn't expecting to be like that scared I kept like wanting to look behind me I felt like I was in like a a a group chat or something I'm so man that was that was weird that was really weird but so amazing at the same time I I need closure I I want to click next like I actually want to go to Annie's house and see what the [ __ ] happened like they can't leave it like that that was so good thank you so much guys for like showing me that I am now proper freaks out and I I feel very claustrophobic as well like it's so strange that was creepy as [ __ ] guys update I know you guys like creepy and uh conspiracy things and haunted things I am trying uh to get access to the London Underground and also some more caves and stuff cuz you guys love these types of videos you like these uh scary kind of vids I love horror you guys know that so why don't we make some horror happen with some haunted and creepy [ __ ] I try and keep this stuff coming guys like love CR my channel do not text me at all I don't I don't want to be text ever again and I'll see you in the next video Stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,443,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Annie96 is typing, horror, scary, whats app, conversation, daz, daz games, daz black, funny, comedy, annie, dave, story, ghost, true story, top 10, creepy
Id: _c0TAqqAVsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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