Daz Plays Sarah Is Missing

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let's go and dadless welcome back to does games and today we are playing a very cool looking game and a lot of you have been requesting this on Twitter and on snapchat etc and it's called Sarah is missing and a phone screen just popped up here with a very beautiful young lady and a cats so I guess we okay we can interact with the phone let's play this let's do this your device right into a problem it needs to restart do you want to restore your device into an earlier time if you'd like to know more you can search online for this error okay oh is this like a choice that will affect the whole gameplay do you want arrests yeah like let's restore it to an earlier time okay I hate it when updates screw up your phone so annoying so as a Sarah's phone or I don't actually know I don't even know the story behind her is Sarah Sarah Young is the rightful owner of this phone please return it to her oh so we view it hi how are you no no wish I could but how but she's not here they've suddenly response I assume she is not with you well no [ __ ] I don't even know her seems at the last video she took implies that she is in danger would you like to watch it and help me verify oh god yeah send it Oh God oh [ __ ] yeah she doesn't sound too great this is the only file left at this moment the rest of the content seems to be deleted or intentionally damaged how badly is the phone damaged it appears that only fourteen point three percent of the device is operational okay Sarah looks like she needs help damn right yes it would appear to be so who the [ __ ] is this I am the Mobile's personal assistant intelligent recognizes all right so it's like an AI it is the best it is my best interest to locate her and it would be in your good conscience to help me find her okay why do you care hmm she is my owner this is [ __ ] weird I want to make sure she's safe was my prime directive you're not the [ __ ] terminator you're a phone you sound human yes I want we are wasting precious time here hmm will you help me find Sarah yes I got a feeling those choices I need to restore as much of the content on the photos but I'll [ __ ] please press the back button then tap and hold anywhere on the home screen to proceed okay I believe I can recover some of the phone's data all right choose a reply yes I'm starting the restore process I've got a feeling I'm making all the wrong choices here remember you can tap in holes at any part of and asked me for help of anything but if something's out okay so who are these guys Wayne gallery's been restored all [ __ ] a falsity up stop working please countenance of it okay so that's not male okay okay for coffee try only flavored coffee beans [ __ ] off spam three matches okay uh she met someone on ten down she's had her face ripped off ghost on the virus that I was refreshing that okay what's she been searching up on our computer Oris we got the mayor at Allmusic who's this say oh Sh it's not stopping okay all right moment over all right I had a bit of fun notes Eden it's no place I call home as well static you love me yes David a note sir okay oh no I don't add I don't add some [ __ ] oh god this is someone else about who's in a phone book why not you know what the [ __ ] else would you do in this situation apparently the police are not very good in Sarah's area well let's go back to the here as I calculated it earlier minor portion of the folks contents are available where should I start perhaps going through her messages would help conversation okay I'll do that okay what if I need help check that you may tap and hold on anything interesting or suspicious I will lend my assistance look into it all right okay Gallery is just not right that's suspicious to me unfortunately the Apatow [ __ ] off right let's go into messages suspicious conversation what's this chat unavailable what's this hey you said I could help Oh coffee sex oh this looks like we got a location no one gives a [ __ ] okay I don't know forget him Sarah you're on your own now we have our ups and downs it's normal he's so annoying I'm so over him Oh Sarah's left someone a [ __ ] novel here have a good flight it looks like she's gone on a flight somewhere I should probably take more time to read all this so how was a trip it was terrible oh why terrible sigh Derek broke up with me hashtag I'm not over it sorry to hear that by the way free this week no I'm pretty busy got my final thesis to deliver what about it do you really want to know buddy yeah sure I'm doing a research on relativity of ghosts culture okay and how it transcends from verbal tails handed down through the generations to a digital and cyberspace hauntings by the way are you in - but stuff I got to go buddy and no even if I am you're not in oh my god no problem poke you later what the [ __ ] wrong with buddy nice weather today this is the next day could be better when doesn't feel as nice as it was yesterday can I send you some pics I don't think so buddy I bet you like them no I don't think so it's off my penis yes I figured it's big I don't really care what would you like to see it no would you like to sit on it no can I see you not at the moment can I see yours I don't have a penis buddy I mean your tits I bet you have nice tits I do actually can I see them nope bend over for me no thanks sorry I'm just bored go [ __ ] read a comic or something buddy I know buddy go watch porn into the hair slow not my problem well have fun there thanks buddy I don't know why I'm friends of you really lucky me huh oh the creep can I just know okay hey do you like tapes and CDs yeah I've been a while since I had them though good because I'm gonna tape my penis on your head you can see Deez Nuts I mean come on that's that's quite funny okay buddy that was actually funny I wasn't really joking and I'm out okay so buddy here is a little bit inappropriate Anna you're not normally like this oh my god there's so many [ __ ] conversations to go through she's been trying to get hold of her how would you know this isn't what wise this first calculation says regular activities and choices that she makes in her daily life seeing as Sarah usually like a reason behavior shows that she is suffering from an abrupt and a parody uncomfortable change of moods possibly due to her relationship issue my god I agree with you but I'm no doctor yeah have you seen here like she's been trying to get hold of her thanks I'll catch up with you so over time and don't overdo it watch your calories hey where have you been so where were these messages sent 27th of April and she didn't hear from her till May the first and all these messages look with no reply from Sarah mm-hmm yeah well we found something unusual anywhere we've got some dates so we just click on here there's nothing in here that's not have any interest so I'm not gonna bother reading all the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not my phone you know hi mom just wanted to check in Derrick and I decided to end things things were not working out so but I'm okay I'm sorry to hear that Sarah but I've always known that Derrick can we just like okay so there's nothing suspicious in here just normal messages to Mum what are you up to this weekend swamped with my work actually whose faith why I need a favor you always ask favor what's new hey don't be mean [ __ ] I really want to go to this gathering you mean a party here yeah I'm not really up for it but it's sort of thing that your own Toto what do you mean it's vulgar peckish not important what the [ __ ] that what what Parker gosh sniffer fashion it hungers I don't know what that means isn't that the witches festival how is that my thing you're a pagan you're the pagan hey I follow you to church too right what's the big deal that's weird anyway you like into all these supernatural stuff - yeah but I don't party with ghosts I'm not going to fall for one of your conv okay oh and I was a joke come on plus it's our real witches I bet I'm the only real one around here her funny just some guys playing convent we all do it you know Halloween hell I'll I don't know faith maybe not ask me again tomorrow or something so we just check this conversation oh I woke up Irish note curiosity is that German what is this what is this [ __ ] word well Kappa gosh - assault or Walpurgis night is in English vote snacks is one of them now [ __ ] so it's called with the eve of the feast of the saint wall purge our gardener Boone and ape surgery abyss in Francia is believed to be the night of witches meeting who maybe she was sacrificed I fear that Sarah is involved in something deeper yes she went to the register oh hey I got oh my gardener go back I'm missing these things go in I think there might be more clues Oh whereabouts if we look through her pictures I believe the gallery is corrupted would you kindly tap and hold on the Gallery icon [ __ ] right I will I've already done this please wait why I find what's going on by the way does you look spiffing today oh [ __ ] it seems Sarah I kept it laughs you'll need said to the passcode to proceed further it possible for me to unlock it for me I'm afraid I can't reveal personal information yeah well you've just done that you will need to find that out for yourself why should I start looking for a birthdate perhaps it is somewhere in this device well this is great ah all right it's a four-digit combination mmm notes that's where I would keep it not don't go frame a phone all right all right and I giggled any numbers no there's no numbers in their phone contacts wait let's go down to P no no no no whoo food shall take away skill knows she knows okay she doesn't have a lot of friends does she resent her mum [ __ ] it's probably dead all right I'm looking for a number music mail I'm not getting any clothes I need to find this password so you can find out if the witches did sacrifices on her in the woods and [ __ ] happy birthday Sarah right 14th of February 2016 43rd birthday so it's not her birthday so the date here 14th of February 14:02 maybe I don't know 14:02 [ __ ] genius okay what's all this Wow no matter I feel I've really feel like there's take a look at it What did he say What did he say there is a strange photo in the gallery take a closer look at it alright I don't really know which one you mean but they all have pretty good to me that's how having coffee with some weird [ __ ] all right do you all look like normal photos normal photos tickling each other that's not weird possibly she's turning into a cannibal there but that will ignore that what's this one hmm tada we've got [ __ ] that are you doing Sarah okay oh but this well I mean that's that's quite unsightly isn't it it seems that this photo curds with the video and messaging thread that Sarah recently deleted yes please wait a moment while I restore the phone data for you okay just do this to begin with huh I've successfully restored the messaging flow between Sarah and one of our contacts James okay so we've got a weird guy in a mask there's some videos and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don't care about all this baby upon whatever you're doing it's out a day oh messages James okay no messages yo me up to you [ __ ] busy alright remember he told me you wanted to start a blog write about our ghost and cast research got something for you if you're interested hey Jam she calls him Jam yeah I am better be good kind of there's this thing called the Red Room oh there have been reports of people dying for our weird circumstances like after checking out the weird website you can answer some stuff and then BAM okay keep going so yeah they say that if you visit the site your computer or phone or whatever starts freakin bless me freaking out pop-ups will start appearing and the visitors will go insane hang on let me find the link to the bit of a cough jam I don't see it Oh God okay jam we can no longer be friends that I'm the funk that no no ha ha what is this the 90s sounds pretty lame oh now my phone's freaking out [ __ ] it you are late to class what's wrong with you I chose my functioning I can't seem to well great that's it now the ring girls gonna come get me what what do you mean by red room I know what red rooms are a red room a comps site urban legend so where basically people get kidnapped and they let their like killed in front of everyone as your website of a deep web when you can see and they have participated out to a tour a murder iris you're losing me I found another message the message really deleted this might hold some clues I was able to restore would you like Kylie to okay yeah yeah let's have a look through the text I should never have played that [ __ ] video all right here we go hello there is this Sarah I am it is ooh a resume I received your contact from faith she told me you're coming for one of our little parties a special gathering hires ooh ah yeah I'm supposed to meet her here what's going on I apologize but the reception here is undesirably terrible my [ __ ] camera just ran out one second back at you and besides we have a rule no Bible phones allowed yeah okay I'm here to escort you safely to the venue escort yes my dear it is hard to navigate in the dark alone it is part of our experience I'm not so sure about this can I talk to faith no you may not I apologize but like I said phones are not allowed she is safe they're probably drunk already drunk faith doesn't drink how do you know you're a hurry Fran I have known her since high school really I don't think she ever mention yeah I keep a little profile I'm not sure about that I I think I'll leave leave surely you jest why I am almost there faith will be disappointed that you didn't show up she has made reservations for you on a spare to where you are of course how do you know where I have faith told me she was meeting you there I prefer it if you didn't come here please [ __ ] weirdo I'm almost there please stop wherever you are don't worry you're safe I'm going to ring you please pick up I'm a cop's wife [Music] [Applause] right oh [ __ ] hmm hey sir why aren't you speaking I need to talk to you but it's not are you there yes [Applause] you can't even hear me oh gods [ __ ] Wang's dead oh um Oh James is typing it's urgent where are you you've been missing for almost a day did you go to the party please tell me you didn't it's real bad news oh [ __ ] I'm not Sarah what who are you just someone trying to help you find Sarah the I don't sound suspicious at all I guess I have to trust you we'll get back to you who you are later here check this out I'll [ __ ] off Wang as opposed who are trying to prepare themselves for entry into like these videos James hey James what does this mean this is disturbing [ __ ] I see them you better [ __ ] run oh my god stop texting and run oh my [ __ ] god you won't believe this got okay James it's not teasing me what is it James let me help you oh [ __ ] I think they saw me then why are you texting me did you run James what's going on who [ __ ] James Oh God you do all right he's replying no they didn't Jesus that was [ __ ] close I'm hiding behind this I don't know what this is [ __ ] I hear a sound what's happening James James you okay good hello hello there welcome dear I'm invited friend oh [ __ ] that's not James who's this I apologize for the sudden urgency I'm about to bestow on to you okay what are you talking about who are you say hello hello to James hello oh [ __ ] Oh James [ __ ] James just got [ __ ] by the masked man listen you hurt my new friend James I'm gonna go [ __ ] kung-fu on your ass with what share this link with an anyone or say goodbye to be brief acquainted Oh God you have two minutes doing this what the [ __ ] you do don't share the link share it no oh [ __ ] I oh god what what what was the memo mail research materials I thought this man written to [ __ ] oh god they put a sack on his head there's no god but turning him exact boy please whoever you are do not do this I feel like I must okay I got to share it right I probably shouldn't he's telling me not to should I send it to mmm [ __ ] I'm sending it the cast is is now why have you done this don't share the link memo closed well you know I saw the ring and when you send it on to someone else the curse gets lifted so [ __ ] you sir oh god all [ __ ] mighty what's James - wait I don't know no I never think oh [ __ ] oh gods oh gods you told me he'd be all right if I sent it to someone [ __ ] light no I never think that people die they just go to the department store what the [ __ ] are you talking about now what downloads the [ __ ] this oh great these look like satanic symbols of some [ __ ] what saw this male sacrifice okay she's got some weird [ __ ] on her phone I don't know what to do now James sent a photo okay I think James is dead I'm honest why did you do that hello what the [ __ ] just happened jadon do you know what you shared I have got a [ __ ] clue and I don't care no what is this it's a death curse oh good then I don't get it but I don't care then there's no such thing though don't tell me what whatever you believe or not there's not the consequence you shared it it's done thank you Wow you're welcome who are you people okay I think he's gone I mean as long as it skipped me then I don't you [ __ ] I already don't care all right what is all this what who's oh [ __ ] it's thingy ah hello it's me again I apologize for not introducing myself how rude of me [ __ ] are you who the hell are you your appearance was not expected but here you are nonetheless my name is is zu e zu zu is resumed whatever the [ __ ] I one of the how do you say leaders of tonight ceremony we have met on a very fortunate night charrisse's member stranger friend he [ __ ] crazy you just killed someone me kill never do not take me as a lowly murderer please do not misunderstand my intentions then why why as I said before I do not kill and that man was anything but poor he was a deceiver these options mean what are you talking about did he lie to you or something that doesn't mean he should die many have died for less the [ __ ] each other round many times quick where are my manners I told you my but not what I do I fear my age has somewhat dulled me to these simple talk small talk as you call it it does not matter much what I do but what's important for you to know my young friend is that you like everything in this world you have a choice I am here to offer you that choice you didn't offer James much appetite trust me he had made his choices long ago time is of the essence not reason what are you offering ah now you understand you must make the right what ask the right questions the choice is simple yet not well what what is it then I'm listening you've piqued my interest leap of faith we are almost out of time so here it is hmm not sure would you like to join us I believe you have potential it is rare for me to offer this to someone who is inherited yes or no simple how about [ __ ] know what if life itself was in the balance say these two young ravishing woman [ __ ] my life wait is one of those Sara fine Sara you choose between them who lives to see the sunrise tomorrow [ __ ] you maniac you said you do not kill but I do not it is not my choice sacrifice is not the act of pure destruction it is merely transformation life is beautiful I leave it to you God Himself I'll [ __ ] time would it raise some of the world far I can't read properly Sara or faith their names mean nothing to you but to us they are once binds them to his flesh and mud say one of their names and know that it will be their last breath there is no sweeter invite than a last breath to welcome you one passes and another comes what you say I love this what the [ __ ] why would I type that why me why why not [ __ ] you know it's fun no it's not since you are here anyway why not choose I really I've got everything in life as a choice whether you join us or not it makes no difference yes or no say our faith you have 10 seconds oh [ __ ] we know oh I'm gonna I'm gonna save Sarah wait no did I just go [ __ ] have I [ __ ] up did I save a real killer I think I just killed her did I just kill her by accident oh my lord I'm not really good at this [ __ ] oh yeah there we go mm-hmm the deed is done welcome my child I knew you were special oh yeah I accidentally killed Sarah I thought I was saving Sarah [ __ ] sake oh [ __ ] answer me this why did you choose Sarah cuz I much SWOTs I wanted to see what you'd do to her I had no choice I felt somewhat she deserve it more I know that the answer there is not there it's because I'm a [ __ ] you sounded weak willed many of us started weak but you will find the strength soon through guidance you know what I'm more of a Wikipedia kind of guy [ __ ] the phone is gonna be really pissed off with me now I didn't save it so no now what she's dead and that's it oh [ __ ] here comes the phone why did you pick Sarah I'm sorry you know I messed up I really did mess up why not faith you shall pay for that what you gonna do your [ __ ] phone I just put you in my pocket and sit on you I'll bend you like an iPhone 6 [ __ ] phone die but don't don't play that song you've made it this far too bad she won't make it much further but know that you have now become part of something much larger all will be revealed in due time but not the system and in our sweats as you humans are so fond of leaving words behind I feel empty oh I said [Music] Wow I mean Wow right wow that was so good I [ __ ] up but you know that was really good I don't know what I was thinking because they said choose who dies but after reading all that I forgot oh it's like I save Serah but then I realized that I actually selected for her to die I'm pretty sure there's multiple endings there's loads of different choices that I guess lead in different directions but overall I'm happy with the experience other than the fact that I chose for Sara to die I didn't mean for that to happen so it's basically never rely on me to save your life don't don't leave that [ __ ] in my hands please that was amazing thank you guys so much for suggesting this like if that was so good and if there's any other games like this my god send them to me I'd love to play them because this is so cool I love this [ __ ] felt real you know it felt like you know at the end there when as I prepare to die I kind of just felt something in my shoulders I almost wanted to look behind me it just I forgot that I was in a game might because the phone screen was it's just so convincing I loved it so much that was some scary [ __ ] now cross my channel don't go to any parties in the woods where they wear masks and do witch [ __ ] don't do it and I'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,527,156
Rating: 4.9456749 out of 5
Keywords: daz games, daz black, daz, sarah is missing, simlator, horror, scary, is this real, curse, death, murder, creepy, phone messages
Id: 5EeKC6u3TXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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