Billy Has Problems

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billy goodness ready [Music] swear he's gonna kill someone with those nunchucks sorry's gonna kill someone with those nunchucks now remember tom i just want a nice family dinner okay no no drama i'm not gonna say anything okay just like the therapist said just as the therapist says yes i know i know mom dad oh billy there's my boy why don't you come down have some dinner can i invite a friend over for dinner oh you have friends stop it what yes sweetie of course you can okay did billy make friends i i don't know i mean as long as he's not in his room painting pictures of blood using his dick i don't care god damn it tom you said you weren't gonna bring that up again all right all right i'm sorry i'm sorry remember what the therapist said he said to let him express himself and find himself no matter how hard we think it is so how was school billy you mean prison oh it can't it can't be that that bad surely i'd rather eat an infected [ __ ] and go back to that school billy what what's up what's with the bird son tom his name is darkness flies oh that's nice that's nice isn't it he's dying okay okay you think the other boys are out doing this sort of thing honey i'm not a boy what do you what do you mean you're not a boy i don't identify as a boy or a girl or anything else so so you're nothing at all i'm not even nothing oh wait i know what this is i read about it somewhere in q weekly um it's such a fluidy fluidity transit no no no trans trans fluid trans fluid the [ __ ] sheila no mom i'm not trans fluid for what i have there is no given title i'm simply nothing at all oh from now on i want you to use my correct pronouns nothing and what the [ __ ] is that that's it that's it tom stop bully why don't you just go outside and play football like the other boys you mean normal dad yes tom yes that's exactly what i'm saying because there's a dead [ __ ] bird on my table and now you're nothing no jesus that's dead what the [ __ ] is wrong with you no no no remember what we just have to let him express himself let him find out who he is ah well i'll be [ __ ] [Music] bye
Channel: Off The Hook
Views: 4,320,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goth, daz black, daz_black, daz, daz games, sketch, comedy, dark, funny, Tumblr, emo, family, offensive, mom, mum, dad, son, Billy
Id: PrFjzJLRp4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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