WHO'S TELLING THE TRUTH? | Simulacra - Part 3

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(Whoopsh~!) Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to this bullshit! Welcome back to "Simulacra". Last episode didn't go so good for me. I mean as a video.. It was phenomenal because scared the shit out of me, but as a personal experience. I now live 10 years shorter, so it was a lot of fun to play though, so we're back in it. I didn't even realize- I was too shaken up from last time that Anna is now looking directly at me. Right at the end of the last episode the phone glitched out and her eyes went from looking down to looking up all this other. Time she's been looking down, now she's looking directly at me. Very unsettling also the- the The game realizing that My name was Seán William McLoughlin is an Easter Egg that the game developers put in they mentioned it on Twitter After somebody had asked them, cuz I had no idea how to game did that but apparently because I put in my name is JackSepticeye. They put up my full real name. Um So.. Kudos to them, it got me, scared the shit out of me, so we're back in it. Let's go to Vloggr first Wait 'Rejection it sucks', man. There's a lot of videos- not likin' these! Okay [Anna:] From the Office of Admissions the University of Cunningham we have received your application to the school of veterinary science We regret to inform you that you have *not* been shortlisted blah blah. Blah. We thank you blah blah blah They didn't even say why and they have to take three months for this? Ugh! this is not helping! [Jack:] I-I get it. You're confused you're frustrated you need an outlet Vlogging! It helps. Sorry you didn't get into veterinary school though Um- Spark? I'm gonna go here for a minute because I feel like the text message chats are where the story's gonna progress so I wanna get these outta the way first. [reading texts] [Jack:] What? Uh-It's wrong to share personal info Taylor [Reads Response then replies] Neither are you! Your jokes are fuckin' terrible and I hope you- don't find love on spark? Ah, Greg-o! So everything seems to be back to normal it- Don't let me leave Murv! [Reading Texts] [Mocking:] "I canna lose Anna okay." Well you know what Greg fuck you Data is still here, I think [Reading Texts] [Jack:] Haha like a video game. Don't worry Greg. Nothing's gonna happen to you Um It restored itself automatically It was a little strange and creepy, and I think there's a demon in the phone, but we're okay! [Reading Texts] FuuUUCK it so muUUUCH!!! *Giggle* [Reading Options] I think I'm gonna go with "Clues" [Reading Texts] [Continues Reading] Oh, by all means! Use whimsical emojis in this situation, Greg. [Goes back to Reading] Great Let's get started! Okay- TOWAH! I was just about to say I'm being wary of this shit right now a [Various chimes as messages are restored] That was a lot of stuff.. [Reading Text] Pretty sure I did I'm like I'm being on edge now trying to figure out what the hell is going on with this I still don't know why there's like mouth sounds and breathing in my ears every now and then and why the door knock happened! Great more of anna to see- Got a whole chunk of stuff! [Reading Texts] [Continues Reading] Me? I don't know shit dog! What are you implying? [Reading Texts] Yeah, it's Taylor [Reading Texts] Oh, okay! I thought you were gonna say something like, "she met you on spark." I'm like. I don't even know who I am Nothing much [Reading Texts, stutters] [Continues Reading] Did anyone teach you English? [Continues Reading] Surprised you know about it then Greg. Um... You're a stranger too. Boom roasted! [Reading Texts] [Yells Text] [Continues Reading] Um, excuse me Greg-o, I do not take orders from you. Okay, so- is this all new shit? Oh my god 99 messages from Greg?! That's how many red balloons there are! Wait! what's going on what's going on what's going on what's going on. Okay? [Reading Texts] Oh- I thought it was something serious going on? [Reading:] "Hey, are we boring?" [laughs] what a great way to start a conversation! [Continues Reading] Okay, I should be reading all this, but I want to get to the bottom of stuff. And this is all just boring shit! 65 messages from Ashley... UGH! [Reading Texts] So this is after the incident, because the incident happened on... Was it June or July? [Reading Texts] See this is the stuff I want! I want to find out what happened. [Reading Texts] You should say something like Toby is the only love in my life right now or something like that- the only lover? That's- implicit-implying something and I don't like it [Reading Texts] [Anna:] "Do you Anna take Tobias the cat as your lawfully wedded husband?" "To have and to hold from this day forward?" "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us part?" "Yes, I do!" [Jack:] Yeah, this is how you stop having friends... [Reading Texts] Are you feeling pretty out there? Nah, I feel like a bag of cats being swung against the wall-Why do you ask? [Reading Texts] Okay Weird [Laughs] [Reading Texts] [Continues Reading, Mimics Joey] Someone's been watching friends [Continues Reading] How far apart is this? Fourth? Third, okay, yeah. Um....- [Loud knocking/banging on door!] Again- Again! with this fucking knocking! I Swear to God- That is legitimately fucking scary! I don't like it! That was a long knock as well and only for the fact if I... Seriously, don't-didn't turn my head to that and the fact that I heard it at the back of the room then when I turned I would seriously think there was somebody at my door. [Sighs] It's freaking me out! [Starts reading, stops] and now you make me not want to read! you make me just wanna get to the fucking bottom of this [Continues Reading] But my day blah blah blah blah blah. Okay? What's this? [Ashley:] "Hey um?" "God-" "I just read my text. I am so so sorry" "Can you do me a favor and just ignore all of it" "Heh.." "I had a wee bit too much to drink last night, and I have no idea what I was saying" "I'll make it up to you, okay" "I'm going back to sleep, so I'll catch you soon, right?" [Jack:] I'm having the hardest time placing that accent. I'm usually good with accents. It's like the first thing I pick up on when people are talking, but, can't place that one. Okay, I read those Let's go into her emails! [Reads Email Aloud] "I am following up the application on my two-weeks study leave"- Blah blah blah blah blah.. Ooh 'The Rainforest' [Reads Email Aloud] 'Please log into your Rainforest account.' That supposed to be like Amazon Murv-Oh fuck. I don't like the broken stuff, I don't like the glitchy shit why you doing to me?! It's also the fact that jumpscares, like In and of themselves startle me every now and then, an they make me spooked and I'm like "oh god. What's happening?!" But, two seconds later I'm fine. Sometimes I laugh at them. These ones are legitimately creeping me out, and they're making me feel so uneasy [Reading Email Aloud] [Static Error noise] Oh god. This is a lot of them. Um, any of them have capitals to start? No...'Pick'? 'The' 'Perfect' 'Dress' 'For' 'Your' 'Body' 'And' Oh, wait wait wait wait wait- 'Pick' 'The' 'Perfect' 'Dress' 'Size' 'For' 'Your' 'Body' 'And' Shit- So, 'You' is the last one. 'And' 'I' 'Will' 'Me' 'Tell' 'The' 'You'! [Chuckles] The Perfect English man! 'And I will me tell the you!' 'I'll just pick the fucking perfect dress for your body size and I will me tell the you!' [Fast Speaking] 'And' 'Tell' 'Me' 'I' 'Will' 'The' 'You'-[Whispers] I don't fucking know. Can I go- [Static 2x] Okay, let's just try this again 'Tell' 'Me' 'The' 'Perfect' 'Dress' 'Size' 'For' 'Your' 'Body' 'And' 'I' 'Will' 'Pick' 'You' 'Tell me the perfect dress size for your body'? 'Tell me' 'your body size, and I will pick the perfect dress for you.' Okay, I knew-I knew the sentence that was trying to get out. I knew the-the implication that was trying to be get out- to get out there, but I couldn't fuckin think of it Um- [Reads Email Aloud] Okay, I spent all that time trying to figure out nonsense! [Reading Email Aloud] [Continues Reading] Okay, I don't know how any of this helps me Okay, let's go in and read some of Greg's messages then. Oh, some of it's corrupt- A lot of it's corrupt, okay. Where did we get to? Dodging the question we got all the way back down here. Cause I wanna- I want to figure out what's happening. Okay, this is this seems important. [Reading Text] So this is when she read the messages. [Reading Texts] At 9 a.m., Damn [Reading Texts] "Tell what?" [Static Noise] Oh... Shit! Um- No, that's not it. Sometimes I get these instantly and sometimes Imma stupid. This- no That's not it. That..that and that..and shite Dammit! C'mon man I'm so close, most of the picture's there I can- I can see what it is! Um- Okay this one, this one, this on- no can't be that one. Shite balls, man. There we go, got it! I don't even know what it says it looks like 'Ferris and Keane'? Yolanda, anyway. [Static Noise] 'Who the hell is Yolanda?' [Reading Texts] So he did cheat, it seems- Hey now I can go back and text him and be like, "Hey, I found out!" [Begins Reading, interrupted by creaking door noise!] Creaky doors! That one didn't get me as badly, but don't try that shit again. It's always in my left ear as well. I wonder why that is??? I'm trying to figure out where my character actually is. In relevant to everything because it was as soon as Gregg went at the door. I heard a knock, but anyway [Continues Reading] [Static Noise] Ohhh /no/!! A Prego Nancy, 'It is it's inconclusive have to try again tomorrow.' [Static Noise] Ohh 'You cheated on me and almost got her pregnant!' Oh Greg! [Reading Texts] What?! [Anna Speaking:] You're not allowed to *fuck* clients!! Pretty good answer. [Continues Reading] Greg-o in a bit-a little bit of trouble-o! Huha? Um. Fuckin Taylor. I'm so paranoid now. I keep looking around me. [Reading Texts:] "Titanic" "what?" "It's my icebreaker" Okay, I'll give you that one Taylor. That's pretty good. [Continues Reading] [Laughs] [Reading Texts] Ah, we get to see some fuckin' Taylor action. Let's see what you got Taylor boy T-dawg! [Taylor Singing] "I've got my eyes on you, you're everything that I see I want your hot love and emotion" "endlessly" "I can't get over you, you left your mark on me. I want your hot love and emotion" "endlessly ;)" To be honest that was not half bad.. It was pretty damn good! And I like that you came out from behind the shower curtain that takes ini- initiative [Reading Texts] [Laughs] [Continues Reading] -_- My chair is not hard enough to beat away the memories of reading that! [Reading Texts] No, Anna no you're better than this! ...well you are missing, so I don't know if you're better than this. [Reading Texts] Okay, the game's gonna jumpscare me with something in a second like a call or something, because I'm running out of notifications. [Expected Glitch} Like that! Pretty eye makeup! "Today is gonna be an interesting day. I can feel it" Oh shit haven't seen you for a while where have you been? Wait, was this now??? 17 minutes ago! Oh shit, it's happening again Yeah, where have you been? It's not like mr.. Jim. I'm fine. Just got caught up with work That's all going to take a short break. Don't worry about me. [gibberish] No! Last time that happened I got jump-scare the fucking biggest one. I don't like it.. Oh, so why are there things not going into each other? [Reads Texts] I wish that was true [Reading Texts] /Taylor/. You're a decent singer. Okay. You're not that bad-looking. But shut the fuck up, okay. With your fucking winky emojis! Wow no wonder you're single. Fucking get him ROAST him [Singing] Taylor's- roasting on an open fire. [Reading Texts] He did but no sign of her. [Continues Reading] Cam. Augh I made a bad! Simplest answer is most often correct, easiest answer's most often right, the obvious answer's [trails off] [Reading Texts] Greg's too much of an emotional lil whiny bitch! I don't think Greg's gonna do anything to anybody. Oh god.. [Taylor:] "Just a random thought" "What if Anna is deliberately trying to get away from Greg?" "Maybe he" "Bombarded her with calls and messages to the point where she just went screw it and chucked the phone away" [Jack:] Sure but on someone's doorstep? Not likely. What if the iris software that's on the phone is a demon?! Got in Anna's phone, possessed her! Then did all this weird shit with the cult, then they put the phone on the thing. An now I'm being possessed by the fucking thing. I don't want that-I don't want to be possessed. I don't want- it's creepy! Go on. I'll fucking tolerate your to the stupid theory. As you can tell I don't like Taylor. Okay, Don't like Greg At this moment I barely even like Anna cuz I don't know much about her... [Reading Aloud] The phone's data was almost deleted when she checked her laptop, he mentioned that he got blocked from her apartment. I mean he is kind of a dick. [Reading Aloud] Don't be doing these things to me. He is kind of a dick [Reading Aloud] Well. Verbally abusive is still pretty bad, but it depends on how badly physical abuse can get cuz that-that shit can brake some bones. The phone's data was-I have to choose all of 'em. [Reading Aloud] Ah? Maybe Greg-o DID know what he was doing maybe that's why he actually wanted to get into the apartment. Maybe Greg's part of the cult! I dunno, was there even a cult, am I remembering wrong? It was an accident [Reading Texts] [Continues Reading] And I met someone on spark yeah, it's you D-uh T-dog. [Reading Texts] Okay now I don't know if the sounds are actually happening in the real world or in my head Said a crazy person Could be you [Reading Texts] Yeah, I don't think anyone who makes those shitty puns and try so hard is all that bad, at their core. [Reading Texts] That's not a scout's honor! That's scouts honor. This is just like hey okie dokie pal Call him out okay Some new data, just got restored [Reading Texts] Okay, let's let's talk to Greg-o. What's up, Greg-o? Greg, I need to ask you something. Let's talk about your relationship with Anna. [Reads Response] [Continues Reading] Are you both still together mayhaps I ask? [Reading Texts] [Knocking on wall or possibly glass?] Okay, the knock was on my right side this time ...Kay oh fuck I hate this game [Reading Texts] Ohh do I just drop this fucking bomb imma drop this bomb on Greg, and then he's gonna be 'FuuUUCK this so muuUUCH' [Reads Texts] I'm not gonna know that until I go through the messages now Greg am I, oh? Greej You're not getting away that easily. You screwed up real bad. You really did Greg. [Reading Text] Let's talk about your attitude [Reading Texts] Yeah I see, but that's it. That's the 'tude' I'm talking about That's not a positive mental attitude! You need to have your PMA. Okay Greg you got to get it through your head! Don't you come off as rude. Can you be a little lazy you were verbally abusive Just gonna say it.. [Reading Texts] Deal with my fist up your ass That would be unpleasant for me. I don't know why I said that "THE FUCK" Nani?! [Reading Texts] I didn't say physically [Reading Texts] [Loud Phone Call!] Police?! [Detective Speaking Clearly] "Hello, I'm looking for Anna. I believe this is her number" "Hello?" [away from mic] "I think this is the answering machine. I'll just leave a message first" "This is detective Murillo from the police department we received a report from one of your neighbors" "She mentioned that there was a suspicious-looking guy entering and exiting your residence-" Greg "can you confirm if this is true?" "Call us if you wish to report a burglary. Thank you and good day" Greg I'm gonna get you arrested! Let's talk about Ana's place perfect time Did you activate the phone reset here we go Also this phone has the world's best battery [Reading Texts] That is true Cuz you screwed up! [Reading Texts] [Reading Texts] [Continues Reading] You're right I'm sorry let's just move on [Reading Texts] You're not completely honest with me, and that's true [Reading Texts] Okay, I will [Reading Texts] O-kay we have a new Vlog-o from Ann-o! "I Looked Through" oh, this is right after the the Greg thing oh [Anna Speaking] "My god what if I didn't?" "What if I just went on living a lie" "And he can do it looking me dead in the eyes" "God and he hasn't stopped texting me since" "What what does that mean?" "Does he still love me?" "Then why would he- you know what I hope it's positive I hope she's pregnant" "Yeah, he always wanted a family, now everyone's happy" "Everyone's happy" Poor Anna poor sweet little Anna looking me right in my soul [Taylor Speaking:] "Another random thought what if Greg killed Anna" "Well maybe kill is a strong word but-" "What if he hurt her or something and tried to cover it up and all you hear from him is a lie?" "Huh." I dunno know about that. I don't even know if either of these dudes were involved in it [Reading Texts] Yolanda- I like that name [Reading Texts] That's a good idea [Reading Texts] Okay, but how? Is Yolanda even in the phone? Yusof Kitt? Oh how the hell am I gonna find Yolanda's number? Oh! Duh who's in the fucking messages? 0405 do I just call 0405? [Ringing] Don't think this is gonna work then [Heavy Static, muffled speech] Nah that-that's DEMONS! That's demons right there! Okay... Um... That didn't help Okay, so is this the the company then Ferris and keen or gene or lean or something? Do I have any reference to that Hmm I don't think so I haven't seen the name anyway Because I think that's part of like the company and obviously her extension is how you get to her through that ah Faris and Kane Okay all I need is a contact Hello Call now 1880 ferris cane okay 1880 I've never called something like this- Far-is Ka-ane? That's not, right is it? Aha! [Phone Bot:] "Welcome to Faris & Kane, your personal shopper directory" Thanks "Press one to request for a shopper press 2 to ask about being a patron" "press 3 to find out more about our latest promo if you wish to return to the main menu and" "Thank you! to help us select a personal shopper for you. Please indicate what you would like to purchase" "press 1 for robes and cloaks" [Jack] I don't know? "press 2 for dresses press 3 for innerwear" "press 4 for shoes and footwear" "press 5 for gowns if you wish to return to the main menu at any time please press 0" Should I have put in the extension after that because this this is like- So American to me like we don't have numbers over here that say 1880 Faris Kane kind of thing It's not really the way we put our numbers It's just the number, and we don't like I've never used work extensions or anything like that. I don't know how this shit works. [Phone Bot:] "Welcome to Faris & Kane, your personal shop-" ok what if I can I go through my? recents Ok let me just do this again. I want to try 1880 Cane oh four oh five. I can't put anything else damn it [Phone Bot:] "Welcome to Faris and Kane your personal shopper director- welcome to Faris & Kane" just keep doing that Your personal shopper directory Press 1 to request for a shopper press 2 to ask about being a patron press 3 to find out more about our latest promo if you wish to return to the main menu at any time please press 0 Okay, so I'm looking for somebody who works there, so I need a shopper But I don't know what she specializes in Thank you to help us select a personal shopper for you Please indicate what you would like to pitch ok. I'm getting nowhere like this Let me Check maybe your Landa is somewhere here I can't go up for some reason Is it either of these lovely ladies we are proud to introduce new service, please welcome, Lisa and Hayley, okay? The breathing's back. We've improved our contact avenues, please update Fuck Maybe as your search. I need your fingerprint to get in and just search Patron family patron organization Damnit to help us select a personal shopper for you, please indicate Let's try all the shoppers and see if it has if you know the extension number of your favorite shopper Please press the four digit extension number just on this Thank you your personal shopper assigned to you is Yolanda yeah Due to our increasing demand we can only take a limited amount of clients at a time I was just going to go through all of them until I found your londa Please wait for us to text you at our latest convenience. Thank you for picking Ferris and Kane have a nice day I Just got your Lander anyway You learned that you're very pretty Thanks for using ferris and cane my name is Yolanda, and I will be your sharper today. How may I assist you Um I need your help for other matters I'm afraid we do not do returns You have to contact HQ for then I want to talk to you about Greg Greg Sommers who is this? What did that asshole put you up to? So we both agree on something that Greg he's an asshole can I get it on the board? ding-ding-ding-ding!! So he ruined your life, too. What else is new look if you're looking for dirt on Greg. I'm not getting involved with him again Shit He just broke into Anna's apartment Kinda true, but I don't know I don't want to mess this up. He's looking for Anna Why do you need me for that I think he's fully capable of finding that perfect little bitch Yo crew As In missing we need to call the police kind of missing oh I see it now if you're implying that he actually did something to Ana. I highly doubt it He didn't even have the balls to break up with me face to face He's too chickenshit to be a real criminal or to be a criminal a real criminal So you two dated huh more like a side girl booty call He cheated oh, yeah I Am all in for some casual fun, but having a girlfriend all this time. That's a low blow When she found out about me all hell broke loose The fuck is that and I ended up being the other Girl, you'll under you're giving up a lot of information for someone who could be lying How did it end When it comes down to making a choice of course he went for Anna and if I get a half-assed voicemail and I get a half-ass voicemail breakup, oh Hey, Yolanda got your text so you know now that the scare is over I Think we should stop seeing each other like immediately It's not just that it's you know. It's been fun, but I haven't been completely honest with you. I Have a girlfriend, and I want to make things work with her Yeah, we agreed to keep it casual right. I hope you're not mad or anything yeah No hard feelings Could old Craig. Oh all he needs to put in there was like we could keep doing this, but fuck his swatch uh So he is a two-timing bastard So he is at the end of the day He still cares about her. If only he knows how to show it Now everyone thinks I'm a bad person That's not your fault you didn't know if I knew he had a girlfriend would have stopped immediately stupid me I Hope that was helpful. I gotta get back to work now It was helpful Like Gregg's you don't think I failed help Greg stop the memory Wipe focus this I miss the days where opinions can only go as far as you can yell Short of not shit shut up, dude, that's dumb hey Sorry you don't read don't reply like that, but it's a video game. I can do whatever the fuck. I want. We've a new vlog What is love baby don't hurt me Love is being there That is being honest Love is being belonging Love is Patience Love is Love is blankets What is love it hurts? Yeah, it can woo for vlogs left Getting down to it Hey Greg What's uh? What is your deal? Seriously? Where is your head on your land adjust called me? Oh, I'm sorry little Greg a little scared Little bitch finally having to wake up and smell the smell the punches in the face It's ready know the full story Greg I wanted what's going on afraid of you I Don't care about your excuses You have crossed a line She is pissed and confused and you brought her into this mess. I'm sorry I Thought you brought her into this mess when you put a bunch of baby batter all up inside her and almost got a break Oh Greg oh No, you're gonna tonight that hands up who hates Greg But a lot of hands of the air aah agreed Had to be sure my Personal affairs has nothing to do with you Whoop-dee-doo I cheated on Anna Now that it's out in the open would you stop digging into my life and get back on track? I'm sorry you are suspect number one. Okay, whatever somebody in a relationship. Goes missing gets hurt Can't be found anything like that the spouse or the significant other is always the first go-to because you know them the best Fine But I swear just stop and use your head for just a second Have you ever considered that what's-his-face on spark is just dicking you around come on What do you really know about him? How do you know that I'm talking to him? Excuse me She fucking dare me I can do it, too Okay, I'm starting to get a little more used to them You did sidetrack the investigation Supporting the finger at me was his idea all along and you thought that I'm the one things to hide Makes a lot of lewd jokes. I thought it would be good to talk to him Kind of nutcase will joke about someone going missing It's like he lacks any kind of empathy. I won't be surprised if he had some kind of criminal record A nice guy if you can overlook those things yeah you disagree I'm not the only one who thinks he's dangerous look what I found What Spark related crimes soar as increasing number of felons use dating apps to target victims Dating apps have been linked to more than 500 crimes in and almost a third are sex offences figures show More if I is there anything here about Taylor? Okay nationals sex felon website. Let's go here and search for him First name Taylor search crap I need I need the second name. (Screams!) Fuck!! Jesus man who was that? That was not on his face this time. Yes you Anna Corey Santa whatever fuck oh, I'm getting used to now she's We're still things showed up here, so I could fuck is he not you Toby going We hurt man fuck Hey, what's up? Yeah? No? Oh, yes he says he He says he's Batman wait. I won't go back. I want Where's Taylor Taylor Caffeine I was fuckin second him Taylor Pereira Two R's one are okay No, no no no Here Okay this is fun Taylor Found six matches, ooh Age and location god damn it come on Okay, I'll go searching into a shit again Okay, I'm taking a picture of this so I can just have the information there. I don't have to dick around with this too much Check out my updates. He says. I'll check him out all right check him out and figure out your sexy boy Tattler no Search okay, he's a his age is 22 and where was he located Tonight where's my picture there Works at fine studios Hmm, that's not really helpful That's not his location No records found yeah, but I could have just put the information in wrong You Can I ask him hmm to read from just as a matter of interest, so I don't know if you wanna hang I have some beers Say something nice to Bruce hey Hey cool name cool beard Where did you get it? my parents To give it to me weird, huh? That what you will be called for the rest of your life is forever branded by our parents, I'm not talking to you I'm sorry. I have more important matters to get through Oh it is talking about the recent races by related crimes. There's a link at the bottom that brings you to a registry Sounds horrible could be fake news nice Trump reference and true He said that Anna matched with several people on spark and his notebook mentioned that she met someone I can feel it We are getting close. Oh, maybe I can go to his jabber Punching all the names of rhetoric match to see what you can find I'm not punching in all the names of all those guys fuck off Taylor Damn it Hmm How do I find out his location Oh Taylor from Springwood Okay, okay, this this should work, right? Taylor hey 22 from Springwood No Open and gross lewdness and lascivious our last civis last giveth lascivious behavior Lascivious behavior, I can't read speak indecent exposure and public sexual indecency Taylor Pereira Find your Londa find the truth Spoke to Yolanda Dick already cheated on with you did it buddy, so what is it? It's too much of a coward to hurt Ana Seriously That's what she said That's what she said I can say that now without it being a joke that's literally what she said He gets my theory about Greg McKee and his fears too far-fetched An asshole, but not a criminal You sure Greg didn't let anything slide Just 10 what are you doing here can your source even be trusted? Yeah you're normally in these types of scenarios whoever starts accusing first Or gets very in on the accusatory stuff He's guilty Obsessed is a pretty strong word I Just think he's hiding something that's all He is not the only one there taillow I are nothing to hide and Find anything. Did you have something to say spill it link him to the website? The fuck Sheesh oh Those are some fucking loud knocks as well. What the hell is going on where am I in this game? Shit I knew it You found the damn registry didn't you I know it looks really bad a Guy on spark being a sex offender is as bad as it gets but hear me out, please Game horror fuck face the hell. Did you do let's just hear is a good explanation? You have to believe me. It's an accident. I'll make it quick 20 words or less So too long didn't read it was all a misunderstanding someone caught me with my pants down in a public place. End of story, okay I changed my mind tell me more Okay, I was at a mall, and I had like a huge glass of iced tea right before and I got a pee real bad The bathroom was closed on the floor. I was on and the next one was really far away Did you just piss openly and I'm like mall? and then So I went into the stairway and peed there then this lady with her kid came through the door I was exposed next thing you know lawyers are involved and I was charged So you have nothing to do with Ana Get up got to believe me, you can technically call me a criminal, but I would never harm another person Come on. You can trust me I said every guilty person ever. I'm not I know it sounds weird boy This is not about me now I Have to follow so many strict rules from the NSFW That I am practically branded. Do you know how hard it is to find a job? But I was late, but well, no you can't they search you up, don't they Nope, no way I'm not pushing my luck if I mess up Its straight to jail for me. I would never do anything remotely illegal, so let's keep this between you and me eh Real conversations to hurt don't play with me on this I'm serious Are we done Okay posted on jabber just Okay, scrolling up goes down and scrolling down goes what? Someone walked by me on the sidewalk and said hello freak Maybe you're the Freak Love messing with people Shit shit, I can't believe you actually did it. I just told you not to tell anyone I didn't tell anybody Didn't do anything Gregg He added me on jabbers. Oh He's definitely pissed how the hell he find me I might have told him about you goddamnit, oh Shit, he added me on his phone. Oh We're in a group together Hey buddies Taylor don't you know you sex maniac what the who is this how the hell did you get my number? shut up rebound guy reboot guy I Am the one Anna should be with do you stay out of this? Greg Oh here we go You're gonna sit back here and grab the popcorn and see where these fireworks go How the hell'd you get my number the Internet is a resourceful place especially for finding pervs like you Wow from cheating to stalking can someone hand him the best boyfriend of the Year award What I do in my private life is none of your business You're the one who drove her away in the first place how about I Drive my foot up your dickhole ouch? also, no ice You guys are missing the point Put your dicks away for a second We were all on point until shit-for-brains showed up look man, and I wanted to move on why can't you respect that? She would be better with literally anyone else, but you so mister I can't keep my pants up is somehow an acceptable choice for her at least. I don't have a criminal record That's a low blow, man eats popcorn enough I'm only adding you here to be a witness so shut it what the hell. Did you do to Ana if you touch her? How can I do anything if I haven't even met her yet She mentioned that she is meeting someone from spark on her notebook. You never fucking told me that Greg Have you ever considered that there are literally millions of other lonely single men out there of course I did and I'm starting with you That is not working smart. I just want her back a Smarter way to do this we are wasting time here Now that you made it so clear don't we all want the same thing same thing different reasons Finally we are agreeing on something No, I'm not agreeing with you Greg you're such a child You're the one that accused me and threw everyone off hey It's not my fault that she left you Okay calm down Greg I Will not be cam with him in the picture. She were to be like this then fine. I can prove I thought I didn't meet Ana fan-fucking-tastic show me My spark messages. It's all there It will prove, and I never planned to meet telling the truth No, I want to see with my own eyes Can you be any more insecure her phone she cleared some dad a lot not long ago and she backed it up on her home computer and the one at work if I can access it will have all the proof I Need whoa I? Think you were onto something If you do that she might be able to know who she met on spec damn. That's true My boys working together at last finally focus on what matters You guys didn't fighting No Yes, oh my god What not until I see the messages geez fine, or should I say guess fine Maybe you can somehow call her office ask around for help get someone to get her a computer or something kind of shitty IDs come on Greg I Say, I will just walk right in and get it turned myself. It's gonna be easy You don't know Fuck it walk in see what happens oh? No, I'm allergic to bad ideas this is a mistake We were already in plenty of trouble as it is If you are too much of a pussy to do it then fuck off. I know her she works She works at a security company. Oh, yeah Do you think they're just gonna let you waltz in are you doubting me? I'm just proposing alternatives Should we discuss this yeah, maybe not walking is a good idea right now I've done listening to you. Have you done English? I'm just gonna walk in and get the job done plain and simple. That's too reckless. Let's find a more indirect way He's called one of her work friends. I know her better. She has no work friends How makes you think you can use your computer so easy, this is actually not a work friend Taylor's idea is the best Oh? Taylor Who do one favor and that's how democracy works I? feel like we are becoming in sync I Get it fine. Be that way I'm not playing games with you. Joker's anymore. Do as you please going anyways? We're making so much progress emotionally physically Not working with the reboot guy Going to find Anna by myself go get the backup from a workplace your way. I'll do mine I swear if she did end up meeting you you won't hear the end of it, right Left best thing this game has said all day Okay, so that just happened sure did Oh? God Look Sorry for the outburst It's not meant for you. I just want to make things right and I got to do it on my own Well if we met under other circumstances Maybe we would have got along I doubt it, but there is a possibility. This is boss there. I said it Cool thanks Greg that was exciting You're enjoying this a bit too much a lead is a lead or a late is a lead We need to know who Anna who is Anna close with at work Did you manage to check her emails if you can read them all that would be great? That went from here all the way across to here and then breathe again Her boss is kind of an asshole Not the boss he won't have much leverage Sure there. Isn't anyone else there was that the girl You Grassman nailed it. We can use this are you up for some blackmail? only always I'm thinking what you're thinking Use the email against him tell him that you were turning him in threaten him make him feel bad. I don't know Ask him to do your bidding exchange for the harassment email I Can work with that that might work? If he is in the contacts get started Okay oh It works Sorry, sorry. No need to respond. I just want to try to call Ana's phone. See if it's working Been trying to get it and I finally did I guess next is to find her Yeah so yeah Bye Fucking hate you Anyway, we've got some nice juicy leads coming up next an outpost. We are to the end of this game I don't know how long this game actually is think we might be rounding it out in the next episode or two Which is exciting because I want to know what the hell is going on. We're still no closer Whatsoever at all as to who got Ana? Where she is what happened to her who's going on? Why do who's the bad guy I? Don't know hopefully we can get to a workplace next time and figure out what's going on, but for now Thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it punch that like button! in the face! LIKE A BOSS!! And High Five all-round!!! (Whoopsh x2) But, Thank you Guys! And I will See you Dudes , IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!~~ (Outros - I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe) No no no that was not spit that you saw coming out of my mouth it was it was epic awesome
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,492,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Simulacra, simulacra game, simulacra gameplay, simulacra walkthrough, simulacra playthrough, sara is missing, phone game, scary game, lets play, let's play, glitch, virus, scary phone game, funny, fun game, free game, free phone game, download link, horror game, jumpscare, jumpscare reaction, jacksepticeye jumpscare, funny jumpscare, creepy, creepypasta game, hacked, hacked game, hacked phone, ending, endings, characters, puzzle, biggest jumpscare, Taylor, Greg
Id: EQ68hkHgYfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 58sec (4078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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