Day One In Resolve: Fairlight - Best Beginner Tips for DaVinci Resolve 17

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[Music] hey everybody casey ferris here today we're talking about day one in the fairlight page of davinci resolve so we're gonna go over what i would focus on if you're brand new to the fairlight page haven't really done anything maybe you don't even know that much about audio but you want to do something something fairlight where do i start this is where you start so here i have a project opened up in the fairlight page the way that you do that is you make a project in the edit page and then you just click on fairlight and that will bring up the timeline here in the fairlight page and you should be able to see all of your clips and everything that you would in the edit page but it's just in audio mode now so here we have the timeline over here we have the mixer this is where there's all kinds of effects and fancy things we'll get into in a second as well as the faders where you can make a whole track louder or quieter up here in the upper right we have our viewer and then we have a bunch of really intimidating looking little meters and stuff up here don't even worry about this right now it's okay the first thing that i would do if i were just jumping into fairlight is mess around with the timeline get used to zooming in zooming out changing the height of your tracks you can right click down here where it's empty and add a new track and just get used to doing that double click on a track name to rename it this one's called ambience this would be sound effects and this is dialog and i would start playing around with these tools and just cut things up move it around mess with stuff because the more familiar that you get with working with stuff in the timeline the easier time you're going to have one thing to mention is that there are a couple different modes to kind of move stuff around and edit them in the timeline the normal one is just selection mode this is exactly how things work in the edit page if you go over the edges of things you can fade clips by dragging these little white handles but there's also a mode in fairlight this range selection mode and what this does is it lets you drag a box around things so you can select just part of stuff and i can just hit backspace and get rid of it this is really great when you want to go in and do some detailed stuff with your audio like oh man i just want this one little part cut out of here and i don't want to feel like splitting all the clips and everything you can just select them and delete it there's also this third little mode which kind of combines those things basically when you're in the upper part of a track it turns into that kind of range selection mode and when you're on the bottom you can grab clips and just kind of move them around it's kind of a little hybrid if you want to select part of it you kind of click and drag on the top of the track if you want to select the whole thing grab towards the bottom so yeah that's it for the first tip is just move stuff around in the timeline mess with stuff ruin stuff make sure to just save a backup of your project but you have to get used to working in the timeline because that's a lot of fair light next thing i would start learning on day one is eq over here in the mixer you can adjust your eq for whatever track you're on in the mixer so if i want to adjust the eq of our dialog and go over here to track one our dialogue track and right here where it says eq there's this little blue line i can double click on that and that will open up our great big eq window i'm not going to teach you every single thing about eq because i don't know every single thing about eq but play things back and listen to how it changes the sound when you move these little points around if you want to learn a little bit about eq i would definitely check out this guy jason yadlovsky he has all kinds of awesome fair light tutorials definitely check him out if you want to learn fairlight in fact just don't don't even don't even worry about the stuff i'm telling you just go watch all of his videos that'd probably be the best thing to do i'll put a link to this video in the description next thing i would learn in fairlight would be the dynamics panel this is a really really useful part of fairlight right by the eq actually right under it there's this square which unintuitively if you double click it brings up the dynamics panel and this is where you can add a compressor a limiter and do all kinds of filters for your audio so we can add a compressor and what that does is just make the quieter things louder and the louder things quieter we can just tick this on and push our makeup up a little bit and that kind of just makes things so it's a little bit easier to hear over other stuff and that kind of just makes your dialogue a little bit easier to hear over other stuff this is way oversimplifying it there's a bunch of settings and stuff that you should pay attention to but this is a really important panel to learn again probably check out jason's channel for some more of this but with a combination of the dynamics and the eq we can get a little bit better sounding audio still eating my sour watermelon my final tip for day one in fairlight is to check out the sound library so up here in the upper left hand corner there's this little button called sound library and this is a great place to find sounds on your system so if you have a bunch of sound effects this can kind of index all of them and then you can add them really quickly all you have to do is go up to these three dots and say add library and tell this wherever your sound effects lives and select that folder and then you can actually search so something like um hit and now we list everything that's labeled hit on my system and so it's really easy for me to find exactly what i want so here's all my impacts different whooshes and whatever i want i can double click to preview these [Music] and i can just throw those into my timeline super helpful especially if you're doing something like laying in footsteps you can do something like just drag all the different footsteps in here and really quickly add footsteps to whatever you need so there you go there's a little overview of what i would dive into and start to learn day one inside of the fairlight page a lot of it is moving around in the timeline and getting used to the dynamics and the eq here as well as utilizing the sound library to do your sound design if you learn just those parts you're going to be doing really well inside of fairlight so i hope this was helpful if you guys want more fair light tutorials let me know i haven't done a whole lot of audio content on this channel but if it's something you guys want i can definitely look into doing that hey i hope you just have a super neat day i hope your day is sound get it because sounds like solid but it's like audio too it's both that's how english works
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 11,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, resolve 17 tutorial, how to use resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 for beginners, Fairlight, casey faris, blackmagic design, beginners, how to, basic davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, how to use fusion in davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, da vinci resolve, how to use davinci resolve 17, davinci tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners 2021, beginner tutorial
Id: 59MCmmcWzFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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