Day One In Resolve: Color - Best Beginner Tips for DaVinci Resolve 17

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[Music] hey everybody casey ferris here thanks for checking out this video today we're talking about the very first day in the color page like the most important things for you to know just stepping into the color page site unseen so you can know what the heck is going on and what the most useful things are to know so we are going to go over everything these are like the the first things i would get into and start learning if you're just getting into the color page i've had plenty of caffeine let's go here we are in the color page of davinci resolve and i guess probably the first thing you should know is how to actually get something into this page as you may know resolve shares a timeline in between all of the different pages and so whatever you have laid out in your edit page if you just go down here and click on the color page that will open up everything inside of color now this is the color interface anything that we have selected here is what we're actually going to end up adjusting when we mess with our color palettes down here so the first thing that i would get into after you kind of know that basic stuff is this lift gamma and gain down here in the lower left hand corner of our screen we have our primaries which is the fancy name for the color wheels if you're just learning color correction this is a great place to start there are four main sections here each one has a color wheel and a little slider down here and they're named lift gamma gain and offset easiest one to explain is offset so if you grab the middle of this color wheel and you push it towards a color that's going to colorize your image it's going to add that color into the image so if you push it towards blue it's going to make everything blue towards kind of orangish it makes everything kind of orangish the offset does that for the entire image but the lift gamma and gain split up the image into different brightnesses so the brighter parts of the image are going to be controlled with gain so if i want the brighter parts like these little highlights up here to be blue i can push those towards blue and everything that's lighter in the image starts to push towards blue gamma is the mid-tones and lift is the darkest parts the shadows so that's really how you change the colors of things how you change the brightness of things is this little slider down here and they're split up the same way offset if i grab this slider this is called the master wheel if i grab this master wheel and push it to the right that's going to brighten everything if i push it to the left it's going to darken everything for gain if i push it up it's just going to brighten mostly the brighter parts and not so much the darker parts gammas the midtones lift is the darker parts of the image so you can do a whole lot with lift gamma and gain and if you're just getting into color open this up and start playing with it see if you can look at the image and decide to do something like maybe taking the darker parts right here and say okay i want to do something with the darker parts i want those to look darker and a little bit blue then figure out how you would do that if it's the darker parts of the image you would go to lift if you want them to be blue you would push it towards blue like that and if you want it to be darker you take the master wheel and pull it to the left and now these parts right here and actually every part that is that same brightness in the image is darker and blue here's before and here's after lift gamma and gain you can do a ton with that learn it next major thing you should know in the color page day one is how to adjust saturation down here near the primary wheels towards the bottom we have a little slider called saturation if you grab this and move it to the right it's going to saturate your image you can also use this one over here called color boost and that will saturate things that are less saturated so it kind of evens out the saturation a little more and that can sometimes look a little bit nicer than just boosting up your saturation it depends on the shot but either saturation or color boost play around with those that is the main way that you can get more color into your footage there are also fancy ways to do this with boosting color channels and everything but that's for that's for down the road just to just stick with this the next thing i would learn how to do and this is really simple is how to copy and paste a grade to something else let's say we play with our lift gamut and gain here and we really like our image and we want to copy that over to this other shot the easiest way to do that is select the shot that you want to copy something to and then mouse over the one you want to copy something from and middle button mouse click that means click down on the scroll wheel and that will copy the color grade over to that other shot if that's a problem for whatever reason if you have a laptop or a mouse that doesn't do that you can right click on the shot and say apply grade that works too that said if you don't have a middle button on your mouse and you want to work with resolve you should buy a middle button mouse it is pretty much essential for working with resolve just buy one they're not that expensive go to the second hand store and get one they've been around for 30 years the next major thing you should learn in the davinci resolve color page is scopes in the lower right hand corner here if you click this little button that will bring up your scopes it may or may not look like this but i have a whole video on scopes you need to watch that video and learn how to use scopes because scopes are basically a way to tell what your image looks like technically so like technically how bright things actually are what color things actually are not just how it looks on your monitor this is really really important for color correction especially stuff like judging contrast because you might have a monitor that has really deep blacks and just looks really poppy all the time and if you color correct stuff to look really poppy on your monitor it might not actually have enough contrast and somebody with a monitor could look at it and it won't look as good scopes are a way to tell no matter what where things are in the signal range very very important there's a ton to go over in the color page but focus on that day one if you haven't ever done color before if you're just jumping into the color page play with the lift gamma and gain boost some saturation in copy and paste some color grades and learn how to use scopes very important stuff here's a link to the scopes video just in case you're lazy and you don't want to just click on the link in the description it's right there here here it is here that and buy this mouse literally go and buy this exact mouse okay this is the mouse you need this is the greatest tool for davinci resolve right here i promise you you could get a 30 pack if you really want to be good at davinci resolve get 30 mice
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 14,014
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Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, resolve 17 tutorial, how to use resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 for beginners, Day One In Resolve: Color - Best Beginner Tips for DaVinci Resolve 17, casey faris, davinci, resolve, beginner, tutorial, what to learn, blackmagic design, davinci resolve 17 free, davinci resolve 17 color grading tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 17 color grading, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, color correction, davinci resolve tutorial
Id: zjRPZSNh2zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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