DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial for Beginners 2021

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welcome to our davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners so in today's video i'll walk you through all the basics of how to use davinci resolve from downloading the software to exporting your first edited video the thing is davinci resolve isn't the easiest software to use but it's one of the most powerful and you can do almost everything you would want with just the free version if you have no time to learn about video editing and you need to do something quick you might want to use something like filmora or imovie but if you're willing to invest the time and after going through this tutorial you know quite a bit as well you'll be on your way to editing great videos with davinci resolve if you want to know more about anything we talk about today i'll put links down below in the description with that said let's hop on the computer and get started okay so here we are at the davinci resolve website if you just scroll down a little bit you'll see a download now button and then from now you want to download davinci resolve 17 the studio version is the paid version and the one that doesn't say studio is the free version i'd recommend using davinci resolve 17 the newest version of the software and then you can download it for mac windows or linux i've already downloaded on my mac computer but after you go through those steps download the software and get it opened up you'll be able to follow along with the rest of the tutorial and now let's open up the software okay so it's going to look something like this when you get started you're going to have all your different projects to open up a new project just click on the new project button right here and give it a name davinci tutorial video create and then you're going to see it's gonna open up on the cut page first the thing you're gonna notice with davinci resolve it's it's essentially designed from moving from the tabs left to right so the very first tab is the media tab so you're gonna see any media files that you add from there you have the the cut tab where you can essentially cut out the particular clips that you want to use in your video although i don't use that tab all that much i end up doing almost everything within the edit tab which is the next tab right here then you have the fusion tab where you do a lot of the animation so something like after effects for adobe is essentially what the fusion tab does the color grading is essentially where the color tab you can do all the color grading and adjustments to the color of your videos fairlight is an advanced audio editing software and then when you're done editing everything you can go to the deliver tab to export the final version of the video so with that said what i would do is go to the edit tab and then you're going to see along the side here you see no clips in media pool and so for me what i end up normally doing is just dragging and dropping the files that i want to use into the software so if these are all the things we want to use today i can drag those so you can see it's going to ask me change project frame rate so basically i think it was probably set up as a default for 24 frames per second these videos are in 30 frames per second so it's going to update that for me so i can click on change you can see that they're all added like so and so you can add them to the timeline in a bunch of different ways so i can just select it here drag it drag and drop on the timeline anything you want to undo you can hit command z so i could also highlight a couple things to include and do the same thing the other thing is if you double click anything it essentially shows up in this preview window so what you can do here is essentially find the section you want to include in the timeline so you have less editing to do once it's there you can hit the space bar to let a star plane then or to stop then you can hit the i to start where you want to include and then o for the out the end of the clip that you want to use so if i let it play i hit i and then o okay so you see the the selection i have right here and so i can drag and drop this to the timeline if i click here it's only going to add the video here only adds the audio again up here i can add the entire thing like so and let's say i want to add this entire video clip so i could add this to the end the thing is that what i wanted to actually do is this should be in the opposite order so if i select this like so you can essentially have it interrupt and and kind of go over top of a specific section you can add it kind of as another video layer or you can see here this is essentially how you can move stuff around on the timeline so let's add it to the end like so but then what you're going to notice here is hey there's a couple of seconds of the video and there's actually nothing there so you can highlight that section and hit backspace or delete and now you're all set to go with this if you want to zoom in at any point you can essentially click on the the plus or minus here so this would take you from zoomed in to seeing the entire timeline so if we zoom in a little bit you can see right here is there's a little bit before of me turning on the camera so what i can do here is i can just drag in the end to start right here but the thing is again there's a space so i select that and hit delete then the next thing you might want to look at is where are the parts where maybe i'm taking a deep breath and essentially go through the entire video once and just cut out all the pieces you don't want so what you can do here so this is called the this is essentially the selection tool and then you have a bunch of different ways to to trim the clips what i end up using a lot of cases is the blade so you notice beside any of the titles it gives you the shortcut so b is for blade and then the selection tool is a so now now you can see red i have the selection tool if i have b right now now i have the blade tool and so now everywhere i click is going to cut different sections so i could essentially start cutting clips like here here's another breath i want to cut out and then i essentially go through the entire clip or the entire video and do that if i want to start selecting stuff to get rid of i want to hit a again to go back to the selection tool the thing is if i just click on this and hit delete or backspace it leaves this space there i could then click again here hit delete and it closes the gap again if i hit control z control z it puts it back but if i hit shift and delete now after selecting that it's going to essentially do a ripple cut so it deletes it and moves the other clips to to come meet up with the previous clip so shift delete shift delete and then there's another way that you could do this where essentially let's say we hit b cut right here and if i hit a so if i was going through this clip and then i knew actually what i said at the end he from this point right here to the end of the clip i did not want the rest of it if i hit shift command and right bracket it's going to delete what's left of the playhead and if i hit shift command left bracket is going to delete the left side so it'll delete from this point to here or from this point to here so now if i hit shift command right bracket that whole section is gone and it pulled up the next section essentially i would go through the entire video once and clean up all the parts that you don't want okay so after finishing going through and editing down this clip let's just to make this video a little bit shorter let's say played here then hit shift delete let's okay so here let's say this is the the entire video okay so i found the point where i want to essentially cut the video clip so so seeing this part at the end of the video clip i essentially made a mistake here and so what i want to do is you know find the point where i can cut and then where i repeated this section so if i go back to blade tool cut here and then go back to a okay so i have the marker now so then i would need to go to essentially here and then i hit b and then trim this part a select shift delete okay and so here's essentially where i want the next clip to start so again if i hit command shift right bracket it's going to delete all the stuff after it and then you can see here that's the part where the view from over my shoulder so if we just back up a little bit so i needed to zoom in a bit and trim that right before i open the pen so i think that's going to be about right here again shift command right okay so i think that's essentially how you know you'd go through and trim up all the pieces and now i have something that makes sense from beginning to end now it's a matter of adding stuff onto it from there so let's say i wanted to add some b-roll so if i if i zoom all the way back out again and say at a certain point i wanted to i was talking about the animals that are outside my window so there's some deer and turkey that come by and visit me and so let's say i wanted to you know add that clip here and then you know i could trim that down if i wanted to say hey i only want you know this section to be showing essentially so there's a couple things that i can do here one is you know so this is just the the video two is going to be on top of video one so what's going to happen right here so it's going to switch from me speaking to transition completely to the other video and so what i could do here so i could zoom in a little bit if i wanted to fade into it i could essentially grab the corner and have it fade in like so so now if i click here what you're going to see there there's a slight couple frame so let's see that 22 frames now so you're going to see now that it it slowly fades in the other thing that i wanted if i wanted to do here is for some reason if i wanted this to be not full screen so like the picture in picture we have a video playing up above you can essentially so it's set on transform and then the thing is i can essentially grab the corners and shrink it down and what do you know the video of me is behind it still playing so i could have my little deer and turkey friends right here playing they will still have the fade in that we already set up but now something like that so that's one way how you can either add b-roll so what's happening is you're talking and you say hey i'm writing my my book or i'm writing a blog post and you switch to you know an overhead shot of you typing so you still have the the audio and everything but you're changing the camera angles you would essentially add it like so and then i showed you also how you can change it to picture and picture so for this tutorial video it's going to be the opposite of that where we have the full screen of the computer and the smaller screen is is me talking that you're seeing right now if we actually decided we did not want that one other thing that we may want to have is adding an image so let's say i want to go through and add say one we're talking about this video and i want to mention the thumbnail of another video so i could do to do that i could go to the create channel thumbnail and then so if i wanted to add that to the timeline essentially the same thing so again i probably want to zoom out a little bit and you know i don't need this to be on screen so long and so what you're going to see here again this is taking up the whole screen but if this is on which you see there's different options here if it's on transform and it's selected you can see this would essentially rotate it if you drag right here if you just grab one of the corners you're going to shrink the size so you know if i want to mention the how to create your channel on your phone video we can have it come on screen like so let's say i want to add a sound effect like a pop sound when it comes on and so i have the champagne pop sound champagne bottle opening pop okay so now what i want to do is make sure so this image and the pop sound line up when the this image comes on screen so what i want to do is zoom in a little further to make sure that the alignment makes sense so here's where it comes on you can see the sound is slightly before so i would probably want it to be something like that so now if we let this play let's go back here yeah so you hear the pops on right when the the image comes on screen so another thing you might want to add is music so we end up using epidemic sound for all of our music and sound effects you can use the youtube audio library if you're looking for something free but there's thousands of amazing songs and sound effects on epidemic sound if you're interested in checking out i'll put a link down below in the description but so i have this rainy sunday clip it is sunday today when i'm recording and it was raining earlier so i can add audio track number three like so on the bottom okay so now we have the third audio track so now we have music we have sound effects and we have the audio so now an important thing to take a look at is the audio levels so the thing is here is obviously a tutorial video let's say maybe there's a very slight music in the background but you don't want to be overpowering where the music is so loud that you can't hear me so it's something you want to go through each of the things individually to make sure the audio is loud enough so one of the things if you add this mixer right here so if you go up to the workspace and then you can see right here there's um show panel in workspace and you see mixer so if i unclick that it disappears so the great thing with davinci resolve there's a lot of different screens here but you can customize it to show the things that you're actually going to use so again if i go back to show panel and workspace mixer you can essentially see the audio levels you know as as the video's playing and so you want to make sure that essentially you're at the higher points you don't go above zero decibels and probably somewhere in the three to six range at higher points and so there's a couple things you can adjust an entire audio track so track one track two or track three where the music is or you can go into individual clips so what i could do here let's actually go where we can see the entire audio all at once and you have a better view of what this looks like so for audio one right now if i wanted to say if i could either when you see the arrows like this you can increase or decrease and so you can see if you start to go too loud it starts to just smash against the top and that means you're definitely going over you know the maximum loudness that you can have in the videos so let's say something like that probably looks about right so maybe a little bit louder than where i recorded it at and so you can go through that for each of the different things so the thing here as an example for the music you can see that you know if we play the music right here as an example you're going to see that it overpowers my voice so that doesn't quite work and so what you're going to want to do here obviously you could either you know go in here and lower this by 20 decibels or something along that range or you can just come in here and see all right if i go to something like that maybe let's see it's still a little bit loud so i would probably again come in here and go to something like that yeah so i think that something you can you can faintly hear the music but you can still hear me talking so i think that makes sense for the audio levels so what i mentioned before fusion is for somewhat advanced kind of animations it's really really powerful for this i'm not going to get into a ton in this tutorial but i recommend you check out our subscribe button animation video that walks you through step by step how to create this animation right here i think it's on this side and also i created this animation button using davinci resolve it took maybe an hour more to do but you can see it has our logo has our name it has the subscribe button being clicked on has the bell notification being clicked if you're interested in learning how to create the more advanced one write advanced animation down below in the comments i'd happily do a video on the topic with that said if you don't want to do animations let's say i can actually show you how to use a blue screen which is essentially what i created and shared with people in that other tutorial so here you can see we added another video clip let's zoom in on the timeline so you can see again i added another video level and the thing is it is over top of me speaking now so you can see that the subscribe button comes up on screen it clicks to change it to subscribed the thing is here let's zoom out a little bit okay here's what i want to do with this is there's a way to simply get rid of the blue or green screen and so what you need to do here is we're not going to get into this a lot in this video but it's in the effects library so in the effects library you want to go to open fx and then you scroll down to where it says 3d keyer and so if i take that on top of this clip so the first step is this right here is the transform option i want to go to open fx overlay i know this sounds complicated but just follow open fx overlay and then from there i want to go into inspector so from there i have this color selected and what i can do now is i just make a little drawing like so and essentially selected that color and we got rid of it so what we can do now with that being done is we could close the inspector and then we could change this back to just the normal version of it okay so now let's see what it looks like so that is how you easily get rid of a green or blue screen within davinci resolve the next thing i want to show you is how to create text so let's say at the very beginning of the video let's zoom back out again right say here i want to add have my name come up so what you can do here is again all the stuff up here if you don't want it on screen you can just click on and off so you can customize what you need to look at so what you can see here is the title section so the title section so fusion again gets into more advanced animations but we want here is just some basic text so if i say maybe a left lower third is probably what i would include for say my name so here's the sample text so i can click on this again the same with everything else if you want to edit something you can then click here and then go to inspector and what do you know we have here is the title so jeff phelan so i have open sands bold the size maybe i want to make it so i can drag it slightly larger so i can make it really big let's see 68 let's say and then if i scroll down further you're going to see so you saw here was rich text title and then here's the rich text for sample so code founder and then maybe this one i want to be quite a bit smaller so something like that and then if i want to go back up here let's see if i can do a little bit of line spacing and then you can see now the j is an over top of the fig co so something like that and the thing is again so let's close in the inspector and then if i want to zoom in slightly and say okay do i maybe i want this you know how long do i want it on screen for so maybe something like that and then again if you you can see if i want it to fade in or fade out you know i can make those changes like so okay and then so one last thing for the video which would be the transition to the end so if out here i wanted to add a transition what we could do is now so we see up along the side here we added a title and then up above you see video transition so if we want to add the cross dissolve we would basically highlight it and then add it on top of the video clip that we wanted and then from here right and so it's going to look something like that and so here you can see the cross dissolve so it highlights the two different sections and so what i could do here so i have the cross the dissolve highlighted again if i go up into inspector cross dissolve so right now it is cross dissolving over one second if i wanted to shorten that you can see if i only want it to be 0.4 seconds it's going to look like let's go from here something like that so that's essentially how you can go and add transitions i would say with transitions not to use a ton and the simpler the better if you're watching this tutorial because you want to create better videos for youtube and grow your channel we have a master class you might be interested in it's a free one hour train to help you grow on youtube in 2021 if you're interested in signing up i'll put a link down below in the description the very last thing that we want to do with this video is the color so this is one of the things where davinci resolve shines honestly they use this for movies and all sorts of crazy production so this looks there's a lot going on here right now so what you want to do here what you basically have is along the side here this is the low end of the colors kind of the the mids the highs and this is the overall lighting of the video along the side here you have different scope so parade shows red green and blue you can look at the waveform vector scope histogram just a normal waveform like so so basically to take a look at this um what you're gonna see is generally with your videos with colors and with just the lighting in general you're gonna want the brightest things to be up north near the top and then not a bunch of stuff kind of smashed at zero that means that you're not getting the proper color of things because it's basically making too many things black so what you're going to want to do here essentially is you know you can see also the brightest things aren't super bright and the there's not a lot essentially in the middle so how we could essentially adjust this is so the gain are the brightest things so if we go down here to this little dial and we move this up so something like that now you can see and this is basically horizontally in the video so you can see along the side here it's kind of dark the white is in the middle of the screen so you can see the white is almost near the top brightness now so that that was the gain so to make sure that the whites where they should be so maybe something like that and then you can see the the darker colors also are smashed against the bottom so what if we bring that up a little bring that up just the maybe actually no what i would say is we can probably leave the darkest things where they are the blacks are black so you don't have to worry about that but then everything in the middle could also be brought up a little bit so if i bring up kind of the mid tones a bit you can see now you know the the all the kind of middle of the line colors are a little bit brighter so you can actually see the texture on my desk now where if this is at essentially zero what you're going to see [Music] you know nowhere near as much if jump bouncing this up to six there something like that so that's kind of what i would do the other thing you can do is if you want to move the exposure of the entire of everything you can essentially adjust it right here and then the other the other main things would be the saturation so if that's at zero you're gonna have black and white and if it's at 100 too much color so something in the middle but if you wanted like a little bit more color you can increase the saturation the contrast is another thing to move here as well so you could slightly see what happens if i add a little bit of contrast potentially and if you want to see the before and after you have this little button right here and it says bi-color or bypass color grade and fusion effects so we can click so here's what it looked like before here's what it looked like now so with just a little bit of work you can make a pretty big difference so the thing is also with you know the the video clips of me speaking you could say it's kind of the same thing so you can see there's a little bit of color in the middle and not a lot on the rest of it and it's pretty far along the bottom so again the really dark things on screen probably don't need to be darker or lighter like they're already down there but probably some of the things that are bright could maybe be brought up a little bit like that and then maybe some of the mid-range could be increased slightly as well so let's look at the before and after so if you're interested in learning more about color grading with davinci resolve write color grading down below in the comment section and i gladly do another video as i learn more and more how to use it i'd love to share everything that i learned with all of you so obviously all the other clips of me are with the exact same lighting because i just basically cut them up into different sections so a smarter thing might have been to actually do this all at the beginning and color grade that one clip but i didn't do it that way but i'm going to show you how you can actually apply what i did to one of the clips to all of them okay and so what i can do here so if i have this node i can just hit command c and then if i click on this other pic this other video i can just hit command v and it applied the exact same things so you can see here this one has not been applied yet command v let's paste it here and so i can just go through all of these and within just you know i could go through so there's two more command v okay so now i applied the same color gradient across all those clips and color graded this one as well i think we're done with the video so the last step is the delivery so if we click on the delivery tab you're going to see something looks like this so there's all these fancy custom settings for exporting that i'm not smart enough to figure out yet but the good thing is they're going to help you if you're exporting for youtube vimeo or you know other different platforms you can see that up along the top so this would be a video for youtube so i can just click on youtube 1080p untitled say davinci tutorial video test or video and then you can see resolution 1080p frame rate do i want maybe not quicktime how about mp4 and that's file name location so where do i want it to be saved so let's say i want this in the downloads folder so i can save that so it's going to save to downloads and then if you all those settings are good you click on add to render queue that doesn't export your video yet you can see it comes up as a job so if you created 10 different videos and wanted to export all of them they would all show up here and then you can essentially go to render all and you can see actually the video that i recorded was in 4k and so it's converting it it's to 1080p and exporting a however many you know 10 minute long video or however long all these clips were so that is going to take a couple of minutes all right so what do you think are you ready to edit your first video with davinci resolve if there are other videos you want to see about how to use davinci resolve let me know down below in the comment section also if you want to see all the other videos we have related to video editing i'll link the playlist right here if you're looking to go on youtube we also have a playlist with tons of videos i'll link to those right here hope to see you in future videos bye
Channel: TheFigCo
Views: 10,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, da vinci resolve, free video editor, resolve tutorial, how to use davinci resolve, davinci tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorials, davinci resolve beginner tutorial, how to use resolve, how to edit with davinci resolve, davinci resolve guide, how to use davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci 17, resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial 2021, davinci resolve 2021
Id: dGs-Kd7lnhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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