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shall be established on top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow into it this issue of nations coming into the kingdom managing it is not an easy thing what it takes to manage a life church great ministries you have not done it keep your mind short and learn things from people who have done it because ordinary managing a family of four people and six people just managing your wife go and see how difficult it is go and manage a company that has opted to default staff and other and see how difficult human issues then they give you a minister when you're going to deal with a worldwide ministry and deal with a large ministry some of us and that's why you should be careful about criticizing people when you have not done what they have done be careful about that you can't talk about person the way you can talk about bishop you are talking about what you don't understand what it takes to manage certain things and you have not only humble yourself and learn first because there are many things at stake let me give you another you are given a ministry that is multi-tribe multiracial you are pastoring white indians and all that you have to be careful how you address racial issues if you have a minister that is going to cut across tribes of people and you have a mandate that riches nothingness house as you boast europe you have to be careful how you address tribal issues if not your ministry will be restricted to only people of your area there are certain areas of maturity and sensitivity that many of us lack and really means how far god can use us you can come into a platform and you can just say anything you like there huh uh i have an apostolic responsibility i'm not an apostle to everybody i'm an opposed to certain people and ministers who are heads of ministries and they're in thousands and it's important to me at every moment what we model because when this younger generation pick it up they will take it to another level and that's why it's important to me if a mistake is also made to find a way to correct it i told the lord just keep me alive if i make a mistake to correct it by myself because the next generation will take it to another level don't let me die with leaving a mistake behind that's the way adam it is it's only a big thing for me to say i'm sorry it's not a big thing at all because we are not the important thing we are taught in the priority there are two things god his glory his purposes his kingdom and far more important issues and so when these things are at stake let us bend and bend down like john who said i must decrease let god's proposed be carried out sometimes some of these things we can we will meet outside we can trash our issues if we have you know if it's important to us but when lives are at stake destiny goes for possessors the destinies of nations are at stake we really need to learn and beyond that there's even another thing you see like we are here if we come to new jersey and you invite us all of us must know that you are the one responsible do you know who how you know who has authority is who has the responsibility who is the thin on if you if i come to your house i'm not the one responsible for that house i'm not the one responsible for your wife or your children i don't pay their school fees now that do i pay their husband you are responsible so what i do is i code i don't understand no ministry of help anything i'm doing is to assist what god has called you to do and you understand these are attitude very important principles in ministry when i go it's different when i go to maybe this is another dominoes where i have certain authority you know and i can even add that i hope this helps these principles but behind the scenes there are some things i can get the pastor except where god's proposed is at stake and something is going off that one we have to leave the human being and bring it to other faiths and save this situation save lives and then after we can go and resolve are you understanding how these things are i can't get to maybe i've just seen one of our judges the guy is preaching deadly doctrines and lives are being destroyed i say you know he's my son you know this one brings good offering you live it and let lives god we deal with you so these are not difficult things and please we are in the bed bank of betting or move of god pray for us i'm begging you pray for me especially okay if we said a part of what we have studied in this is how god hates nigeria because of god's purpose that has come here then i can imagine what he thinks about me and what he thinks about you and i doing this you know the amount of i'm talking about saturn you know the amount of whatever you are causing now and it's not just that we are restraining it we are opening the eyes of millions all of you here need prayers this church needs prayer and you better believe that me that is sitting on these seats because it's not easy [Laughter] hey please go ahead sir you know can we go to first chronicles chapter 12 verses one and two first chronicles chapter 12 there's an example one what you are saying inside this is very important because particularly if the purpose of god is not going to suffer in our generation at this critical juncture we have to lend these protocols so he says these are they that came to david to zig lag while he kept himself closed because of saul the son of kish and they were among the mighty men helpers of the war now next verse there we are they were armed with bows and they could use both the right hand and the left in rolling stones shooting arrows out of a ball let's leave that part but look what the scripture says they we are of souls brethren from the tribe of benjamin so you see in verse one saul's brethren these assaults they went to support david now if you go down to verse if you go down to verse um 16 please go down to verse 16 and they came of the children of benjamin and judah to the hold on to david so david was shocked look at the next verse so you see what david said so david went out to meet them and answered and said to them if you people you have come peacefully to me to help me or my heart shall be unto you but if you have come to betray me to my enemies seeing there is no wrong in my hands the god of our fathers looked there on and rebuked it so even david himself was not sure what's going on you guys are sauce people but look at what happened in the next verse then the spirit of god came upon a messiah who was chief of the captains of benjamin and he said dying are we david and we are on your side son of jesse peace peace unto you and peace to your helpers for your god helped thee then david received them and made them captains in the band you see what's going on here sir is that these benjamites realize that the purpose of god for israel is bigger than tribal purpose it would have been more favorable for them to stay with their king's man you see their king's man is the king it is more profitable to go to saul and stay with saul but they have seen that the cloud of glory has moved from the house of saul to the house of david they realigned themselves to the purpose of god they forgot about tribalism they said look saul we are from the same tribe but what is at stake now is bigger than tribe god has a plan for israel and this is the man that god has appointed and we are going after david as soon as the captain prophesied by the way that's a picture of marketplace ministry he's an army general professor in general and the spirit of god the spirit of god came on him and he prophesied so there's nothing can come on unless you're on a military man on a general is prophesying accurate prophecy and as soon as as soon as david received this thing that he knew it was god and then he even appointed them captains to show that he was no longer afraid of them because making them captains means that now they are close they have weapons if they want to kill you they can kill you he trusted them and integrated them so this shows us that the purpose of god is bigger than our tribal issues he's bigger than our small small issues and once we can see that the cloud has moved we move with the cloud i i say to people sir i normally say to people don't follow the crowd follow the cloud cloud don't follow the crowd arrow follow the cloud l wow brother mike [Applause] if you want to say something to say because i'm the direction of tonight we are concluding this meeting by going towards the mission of god that's why we're all here actually so that my introduction is just to help claire because leadership is a critical thing you know and yes um i really want to thank god for you for your life and i want you to know that we are praying for you a understanding leadership and how to navigate it's one of the most difficult aspect of being called by god what happened this afternoon was a test of your matured leadership we do appreciate your maturity we do appreciate your ability and your wisdom to handle situations like that um we are praying for you and and this my brothers and sisters they are praying for you we are proud of your wisdom we are proud of your boldness we are proud of your upholding the curse of god and the faithfulness you have shown will not be in vain we love you truly we love you do not be bothered about what happened you did well we love you you did well you were able to seize the situation and let the spirit of god continued and we didn't lose anything we did not lose anything thank you so much thank you i stand by everything that bishop hussein has said totally wholeheartedly i was a witness all through and i left with joy that we have a leader in you and the hand of the law will continue to sustain me i don't know about being a leader just i will tell you what and and you help in cultivating that in me there's a course we did called perspective award mission and gradually we are going toward mission now and when one of the things we are taught there is about passion for god's glory in whatever it is even though god has already naturally me on that but that caused help to reinforce it on another level passion for god's glory it even comes before passion for his mission whatever we do please i beg you all of us let's put the pursuit of his glory his honor his praise first it will even affect the way we handle do other things because i know hi let's ask god to give us the revelation of what that means and then the other revelation is thy will be done thy kingdom come that issue of the pursuit of kingdom priorities even sometimes when it's difficult if you're from some parts of the country where there are hearts and wounds and there's a feeling of injustice another please don't be distracted by all of this still be able to rise beyond order to look on the cross and to look at what if jesus when he went away to other change the game yeah be hell because if we are not careful as ministers and god's children some of these other things would take away the great commission from us and give us another commission and you won't even know it's happening to many people and you can also move from being a minister of faith hope and love to a minister of hate and yet that does not stop the fact that we still have problems to solve in our country and we are not yet there and we have to be praying for our country and be playing our own unique roles until finally this country comes out of the woods come out of the wilderness and get to the land of promise there's a lot of work to be done [Laughter] okay tonight we're going to um i will start from the noon then we'll go to the unknown even though i don't think it's unknown because we don't have much time the unknown will be um a lot has been shared this week since wednesday night starting with doctor once who you know do you know i have here what we call the seven sevens of prophecy and uh uh we're trying to see if we can cover at least seven out of it we have the seven jewish feasts we covered it i don't know whether we did it in details we have the seven world empires these are the things that help you understand end time prophecy the seven world empires don't start you know and we did that in some of our morning sessions and doctor machu did a great job on it the seven restoration in church history oh what a night that was you know the seventh church age who will still have a return match on that that's one uh dr content is trying to tackle tonight is such a vast topic let me just show you some things under that one alone about five things for example there are several revelations of jesus so when you study those two chapters revelation 2 and 3 every time he makes introduction of himself before he talks to the church print out those things he said about himself he gave seven dimensions of who he was who in those two chapters because the book of revelation primarily is the revelation of jesus that's what verse one said the revelation of jesus which he gave john to give to the seven churches not just revelation of end time his revelation of jesus so in those two chapters there are several revelations of jesus and that helps you to know who is speaking it's not your uncle it's not even your pastor okay then there is a revelation of the seven churches shown in form of several lamps and there are two mysteries about the seventh church shown there one is seven lampstands or seven candlesticks and seven stars so take note of that that's a tough thing embedded in the message he was cracking tonight now you will see that jesus in chapter one was walking in the midst of the seven lamps and he later explained to john that those seven lamps are the seven churches so when we come like this and gather we think it's just us meanwhile he told us where two or three are gathered together in my name i will be right there in the midst of them so you wonder how he got all these informations that he was not given i know your works i know when you are good strong in charity where you are strong in faith when you are strong impatient but see some of the secret things going on among you people think god does not see it you think your ministry is just you and your people the man is walking in the midst observing and there are records one day i finished a message and the lord said to me do you know every service every the angels that take record of even the things you say what you're doing how you are running that ministry these are some of the things that will come up in the judgments of god people are going to be shocked and then he also said that not just that he's running walking in the midst of the seventh he has in his hand several stars which are the angels of the seven churches so each time he sends a message he said to the angel of the church in saudis to the angel of the church in philadelphia to the end and who are this and the leadership of those churches and where does he hold them in the palms of his hands that one gives me a lot of comfort except when you start reading the messages there are some things you do you get kicked out do you know there are things churches start doing their candle is put off didn't you hear what it threatened one church would i'll come and put off your candlestick and then that whole church goes blind the church as well as god is considered dead but he will see be in existence revelation goes revival goes the move of the holy spirit ceases but the organization continues and we have to be very careful about such things okay then we have the seven messages to the seven churches now he has been moving around and he took takes record and assesses each church so it doesn't matter how we assess ourselves out the big names we call ourselves the branding we give ourselves a media and our posters the issue now is how is the one that is going to judge us when this is over how does he access us how does he see us for we must all stand before the judgment seat of christ and everybody is going to give account of his work how does he see us see those several reports or seven months our report cards that we should use to go and examine ourselves examine our works if any of those things that he said he hates are going on you are in for it but thank god at every end he recommends repentance and changes not just saying i'm sorry making changes one time he said remember from where you falling repent and do your first work another one you say go back to your first love and so on and so forth that gives you something to assess yourself as a minister of god and your church and your ministry with before this assessment is now coming on the day of judgment with this we can make corrections now and then you have the several rewards to the overcomers at the end of every message to every church he lists a set of rewards that goes through and there is no go to overcomers there is no reward to those who don't overcome there is no reward for those who are defeated and and you overcome and so forth overcomers of the saints and those things that he listed there are things he told us to tackle if he's the spirit of jesus that is operating in your church find courage as a pastor even if you're among those that woman has messed up repent of yourself clean up yourself but don't leave that to be going on find courage and deal with it deal with your sin if you want that church to move forward you don't know what to do bring some other people who know what to do to help you but break that hold of jesus already look at the damage she did in the nation of prison and that spirit can come inside the church you think it's just that woman there you know and i i i i we do respect for my brother who did the preaching tonight you know doesn't have to be a celebrity or from a royal family anything spiritual jesus does not care i can tell you that this one might not come from any royal family anywhere as certain does you opening yourself it will get in you see like that immorality issue you see like another topic so you know deal with those things that are driving the lord crazy or it will be your turn to be dealt with because god's patience will run till why but you see the threats that jesus gave that's another thing you need to take note of see his strengths and warnings to churches for those who think he's just love he can bite he's just whatever see some of those straight one time he was saying our troll had threw them into a bed of affliction and they're talking about pastors and then he said i will kill her children and is this jesus that he said that cannot is only love and all that another time it warned a church i would remove your candlesticks and not tell me watch the threats when god will annoy god it gets to a point something will happen he is long look at the woman i was messing around he said how many years did he say i gave her okay he said i gave her a long time to repent but now i'm going to do something about it yeah the next verse verse 21 let me see how long he gave up but i gave her a space to repent he didn't tell us how long but it was a period where grace was hoping that changes will happen it wasn't forthcoming and now judgment was about to follow and these things have happened to ministries so we should take note of the kind of works that jesus commands when he's listening i know your work look at all those things they come and multiply it in your ministry in your church escalate it then watch those warranty condemn get rid of those things in your personal life and in your work in the church of course when he said i'll fight you with the son of my lips which is the word use the preaching and the teaching of the word to come against the things that he's coming against and of course you only comment the kind of things that he comments so there are seven of sevens in prophecy we have not even gotten into the seventh seal the seven trumpets the seven bowls of god's wrath we're not even got into all of those things so this week so much has come out and of course when the next one holds and i'm hoping that it won't be till next year that will be able to hold a few more before next year's prophecy summit that we'll be able to hold a few more some other regions of the country you know we'll be able to pick up from where we stopped now but i would like to know some of the amazing things that you think that as this closing session is here that we need to emphasize again before god's people remind them of some key things that the holy spirit said you don't want people to just forget it and just go you know and very soon i'm going to give a few people my accent to also emphasize certain things that touched you deeply or god used to awaken you or whatever so the others can pick up let's spend a few minutes on that before we go to issue of the mission of god and then close from there yes you know any emphasis that you think you know what do you think gentlemen anything yes i think a major one of the major things that has come out of this meeting is that the one person teaching on take heed that nobody deceive you deception is a major major issue of the end times and the fact actually is that satan is the father of lies and underneath every deception you are dealing with lies and those things that we are studying about very practical steps that we can take so that we are not deceived we are not deceived by saying we are not deceived by false doctrine we are not deceived by people who have an appearance that is not backed by reality i think those are major things that we must attend to and then that we are not deceived by ourselves because the heart the heart of man the bible says is deceitful and then he says be not deceived one of the things i found is that confronting ourselves with the truth is often a difficult thing something tells us that our case will be different we can do what other people did and not even though they were punished our case is different you know god understands and god is a merciful god we have a way of rationalizing that exempt us in our imagination from the demands of scripture and i normally say to myself as a fed man don't be too busy being a preacher that you forget to be a christian you see you can be so busy preaching that you are forgetting that this thing you are preaching is applicable to you and you need to apply the word of god to your own life so i think it's very serious if we take these steps we are going to find that all the deception flying around from pulpits on social media on all kinds of things we will be preserved by the grace of god uh in the truth and particularly we are talking the ladies about loving the truth loving the truth of the word of god and not engaging our hearts with all the things the bible says you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind his mind is saying not whose mind is stayed on tribal issues stayed on social media stayed on the terrorists and the more we meditate on all of these things our hearts are distracted thereby opening us to the deception that is floating in the area and there were two sessions on that that one but thought on deception there was a discussion session on how to protect yourself i think that's how they titled it for end time deception please those are resources we'll expose our people to when we get back to our different stations yes which other things do you one of the things that also minister a lot to me is the word fear not as we look at the events of the last days i have been i think i've been are burning some bit of fear uh you know looking at some some realities and managing some informations that are coming here and there so that word when it was read again in that matter 24 that these things will come to pass but fear not and i want to remind us you know if the devil likes let him appear in the sky and shake you know god is in control of history you know he's in control of history and let us not fear let us anchor ourselves on what we should do and keep on doing what god will offer us to do um pastor explain you know taking us back to history how that in the midst of the shakings in the midst of the prosecutions and all that has happened god's purposes have been advanced and god has also stayed with his people so the so one of the messages to me which has really ministered to my heart you know is fear not and i think i that is it wow god is in control of history doctor who said do you know how this so-called prophecy is unveiling if we are to study the seventh seal now you will see that what happened is that is the same our lord who died for us who rose again from the dead after he ascended to heaven he now went to the father and obtained the book that contains history from that time he paid the price to the time he will return even all the way to the end of the age to the new world of a new heaven and new head so what happened is that he opens one seal a set of prophetic events starts unveiling on the earth so the control of history is in his hands and you will notice for example look at the antichrist he emerged daniel said they allowed him this period of time to do whatever he was doing then he said judgment sat and they took away his domain so it was even god that gave the permission okay do we or was satan you think whatever the same god considered a court and daniel chapter 7 actually said it was a cause the ancient of them sat with wool his hell i would you know how judges sit with that white he sat his head like was like woo and thousands upon thousands ministered to him and the books were open and the court sessions started and then they took away his dominion and of course condemned him and sentenced him and the same content declared that the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the sins of the most high whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and whose dominion that shall never end so let's not be frightened by the enemy and whatever the person in charge of history is our father the person who is unfolding history is our master he's not just the head of the church he's not just the head of principalities and powers he's also the head of the king he's king of kings and lord of lords doesn't matter who is in authority what they are doing when god sees that you know how what he did with the wickedness let's not forget the sovereignty of god hey hey please can you find it for us it's daniel chapter 2 5 the 40 is it 41 somewhere down that god is the one that raises king and bring down kings daniel was explaining that and he was saying that in the presence i don't know what is the presence of devil from 21 please daniel chapter 2 verse 21 let me show them that there is sovereignty as we see and watch the unfolding let's not forget who the boss is look at it daniel is talking he said he changes talking about god times and season he removes kings and he sets up kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to them that have understanding so let's not forget amen and thank you sir for that that is a very big issue because yes yes the bible actually says that men's heart will fail in there because of your fear of all the things that are happening on the earth yeah there's dark what would be one outstanding thing for you over the week i think i would just say two things at one stage um the fact is that what happened today in the morning about the what god has said about nigeria the purpose of god for the idea is it's much like saying faith comes by hearing and hearing the word so some of us don't even know what is becoming of this country because we don't know what god has said consigned in this country and the fact that their voices came through different individuals who are not basically nigerians so it gives us this assurance that okay god is in control and we have a future we have brightness coming we are going to see better days coming so it's the kind of things that need to be emphasized and let the church know god has spoken concerning this country so for some of us who have been struggling let's say we don't have a path in this country there's nothing coming out of faith it's a kind of reassurance that we are in this god is in control and god has spoken and will surely come to pass and then that that's reminds me also about um creating the awareness of what we can do politically and leadership over the country and by that instance people owning up to responsibilities i want to be available for god i'm ready for leadership that they're coming out was a great move for them to own up to it for them to say okay i am available is something that needs to be emphasized more and more so that we can please ourselves where god can use us over this nation it is a club for he combined the morning session god's professor nigel with the political participation session we had yesterday and that ought to call for people to take responsibility you see there's a scripture he he read for us today god said that by that prophecy that have gone before you i think was poured right into timothy you are to war a good warfare when paris i hope i read some things this morning about the covenant god made with nigeria and god saying i'm giving you people the land what the lord said to me while i was sitting here and he was saying that is remember what i told joshua and the people of israel when i told them i've given you the land of canaan the next thing is rise up and fight for it it means we let's fight for our nation let's fight for the youths let's fight to fight to restore the educational sector let's fight to rebuild the economy let's fight to rebuild peace and security let's fight but of course we all have different areas find where god has placed you what he has called you to do some of us let's fight to rebuild the falling walls of the tabernacle of david raise back the standard in the church let's fight for the campuses let's fight for our secondary schools let's pay whatever price because once you have seen the purpose of god man's responsibility now is to use it to war let a new impetus come upon us to level vote to advance god's purpose god's kingdom and advance the well-being of the land you're called to serve in different take responsibility whether it's in the marketplace in your business in your industry make sure you are involved in the unfolding of god's plan be on god's side that's an amazing one dr hussein you know you want to say something because i'll ask the other guys yes there was something else that came up and we know we had that conversation further in from matthew 24 about the two kinds of servants yes yes sir that god will use to prepare his people at a time like this he said who then is that i think it's matthew 24 45 yes he said who then is that wise faithful and white servant woman's master made ruler over his household to give them food meat in due season and blessed is that servant and then you know you mentioned also about the evil servant yes who now says my master is delaying and then he's doing all kinds of things yes so i think that that's a very important thing that has come out this week weekend because food for this season we help to prepare the church for the season [Music] if if if the food that is coming from pastors from ministry from the pulpit to the people of god is not the food for the season it's like you are dressing out of season you you don't it's winter you come with your t-shirt actually a friend of mine told me a story true story of a brother in the uk he went out during winter he didn't look at the weather report he froze to death oh it it misreading the season is that very dangerous dangerous because if you don't get the season right you're going to do things elijah asked jesus you know after correcting him he said didn't my spirit follow you to this place he asked him a question that hit me he said he went to collect jesus he said is this the time to collect offerings or whatever of prophet offering so the question was not collecting things but he's collecting things out of time this thing you are collecting this is the time for this thing that you are doing so i believe that that if you don't mind so can we go to isaiah chapter 22. yes go ahead please come to isaiah 22 because when the people of god behave out of season it it can spell destruction now isaiah 22 from verse 12 you see and in that day yes god come come on in that day the lord god of host called you look at what god was calling for he said he was calling for weeping mourning shaving the hair in humiliation and to wearing cyclot that's what god was calling for in that time of repentance so that he could restore the country so that he could show mercy this was actually the word called there is one as i checked the thing is kara is a roar so if you tune to radio heaven this is what you will hear being broadcasted now put the next verse but instead instead instead of what god was calling for look what they did see the pleasure and the mouth killing oxen killing sheep eating flesh drinking water and then with the idea they say let us eat and drink for this because we shall die now so notice what god was calling for and what they were doing see the the see this is the body father for the church in nigeria in the nations a disconnection between what god is calling for and the season where the people are doing something different so it's no longer a question of whether what you are preaching is correct is is this the season for this thing that you are talking about look at the results in verse 14 see the result so he said 9 verse 14 and the lord of hosts whispered in my ear so this is no longer a public conversation now god is now talking to himself and he said surely put it in the new king james i want to show something there point out something there he says the lord of hosts revealed in my hearing he said surely for this iniquity there will be no attachment for you not the other iniquities even to your death even to your death for this iniquity this particular one not the other ones you committed the iniquity of doing something that does not fit into the season and ladies and gentlemen is this not what god is calling for in nigeria now a season of mourning a season of humility this is not broken a season of fasting it's you know weepiness this is not repentance instead something else look at what is going on across the majority of the pulpits and all the different places it's a massive that was the trouble with jerusalem jesus said jerusalem jerusalem you don't know this season that you are inside the time of your visitation has arrived and you are doing something [Applause] different i feel like this is the moment we should pray but but but somebody has not said something about the ten veggies yesterday because what happened yes yes yes exactly um thank you sir thank you sir the issue of getting [Music] god right as by his priorities as by his message for the season may the lord help us everybody that is a pastor please i beg you go and do a reassessment of what you're preaching please i know those things that are popular they pop like popcorn popcorn messages you know um that excites the flesh titillates this the the soul emotion but have no value in helping people have no value in advancing the kingdom of god you know paul said when i was a child i thought i i did some of those things in my early days too and i'm not going to lie i had as god dealing and encounters in my life there was a period i wept so much i looked at 10 years of ministry and i wept and i looked i couldn't find serious things that i would take to the judgment seat of christ and tell him to reward i cried so much i was in morning four months i think it took up to 120 days or something and at the end of it you know everything changed for me everything everything i don't know how to explain these things to you i don't know how to explain it to you i feel like i lost 10 years of my as if i died and just woke up again to realize you a minister can be blind a minister can be and you will know and these things are soft to speak because you see it has to do with trying to follow the trend there are some happening people you want to be in the club you want to be in the success club drive what they are driving dress like you know whatever and you have gone [Music] i'm begging everyone and i'm begging not only nigerian pastors i know we are in the news for others but i'm begging american preachers you are pastoring in europe your pastor in any country in africa i'm begging you go and reassess what you're doing that one that is called the wise and faithful servant not only understood the timing that the coming of his master is near and that would be a time of accountability and assessment and he fed the people with meat in due season all of us that are here when you go back to your cities to your territories please help if you have to find a way to share some of these links or do your own small meetings with other person because a pastor sits at a gate over the lives of people is like a captain or a flight captain of an aircraft he can crush the lives of so many people one pastor you help you have helped hundreds and some cases thousands of people thousands of people and i have found out that this issue of checking and constant reassessment is not something you do once we here now have a system where we do what is called a period of atonement every september october and it's a time of assessment and going before god in retreat in repent and checking through and then you know putting all kinds of things in order we we use it to do priesthood summit that's what we do that period but it's for ministers and i come together if you want to be part of these years and you can the dates will be i will come put it up out for you in the in the whatever so you can but it's also a period of of in re enforcing the foundation to be able to go further in carrying out the plan but it's all a time of self-assessment ministry assessment using god's standards [Music] let's sing that song i don't know i don't know if this is the moment we should pray but i would have loved to you know some of our friends that are also part of this meeting from the end this is the last day you know last session tomorrow morning we're gonna have a concluding service but i know there are a lot of pastors who start traveling to meet up with you know please let's sing that just my my soul says yes my soul says yes [Music] says yes i will follow when you call me i will answer oh my lord please teach me how to know your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] please teach me how to know your way my soul says yes my soul says yes [Applause] whatever [Music] oh my lord let your will be done what more makes you choose whatever your plans oh my lord let your will be done in [Music] says yes [Music] my soul says yes says yes says yes my soul says yes says yes to [Music] [Applause] my [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes says yes says yes my soul said yes said yes [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes says yes says [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my soul says yes my soul says yes says yes yes my soul says yes says yes to you my source says said yes said yes my soul says yes says yes we're going to pray but before we do that i want to get at least maybe three pastors what stood out for you this weekend how did the meeting help you so that other pastors can also hear and next time they will make sure that they are here who wants to say something you know the first three hands i see i will take okay it looks like there is no one okay god bless you sir please come i think i know come this one man came from lokoja please get me two mics one person on this side one person on this side can you come and get one of the mics on the street yes get him the mic you just introduce yourself tell us what you know praise the lord um benjamin sheppard from kogi state benjamin shepards i like that name shepard from kogi state now this moment this period is a period of repentance and regeneration for me because from the first day i began to know what ministry is and what ministry is not i i wish all pastors are uh should be here from defense they have shut down everything we thought we are doing because uh when that the speaking about deception that if rapture had sounded many people would not have gone uh wisdom told me to evaluate myself and i saw that from when he began to teach you know at the point he said you know yourself uh god the witness will be talking to you and that within me a lot of things were opening up that is one and when that he was speaking yesterday that he said something you quoted in evil a parable that was quoted in matthew 7 that's doing the work of god breaking the word of god and that's what stood out for me that it's possible to be doing the work of god and breaking the word of god even as a preacher i mean we preach us we we preach we don't actually take time to put to practice what we are preaching because we fail is for the flock and then also uh this this this testimony that they gave and then about a woman went to hell and then somebody told us 500 years there and that also gave instance of the pirate ball of that man sorry the story of the man who spent already two thousand years in hell and the question is lord should i be on earth and see my parents my brothers my family people in my territory go to hell then whatever it will take i i need to shut down everything i'm preaching and get back to preaching what will take people off hell to heaven because i can be teaching about keys and principles and secrets and their systems and structures and at the end of the day just making people happy and they are not the they yeah that is that we don't preach to make people happy we preach to make them holy and then we we try to i i i are you are you happy you know you me i don't even remember any other statement and these are things we see as preachers so i i saw that there's a shift between from holiness to happiness and we that is and i think that is what many many of us preachers do and we too we look at the outworld and not the heart and the parable of the 10 virgins struck me i saw that when the door is closed when the door is closed i was asking myself is there oil in my lamp it is not even being a preacher now because the emphasis from from being from the 10th version i saw that the it navigated to preach us because from dharma 2 25 then it now went to matthew 7 it became about the preachers now we're doing the work preaching prophesying and i said that it's possible now to do the work of god and at the end of the day the lord will stay away from me and i've got to say lord please anything which we take anything in it it is to start again i don't care about i think for me i called my wife yesterday this today i told yesterday i said uh please i'm not coming uh let the church go on because daddy last time one he told me he said uh if the church cannot continue without me then i'm not doing the right church so i told them they should continue the church i have to be here to finish what god has started and i think for be here tonight again something has happened so that you have learned the lord thank you daddy god bless you sir oh thank you thank you sir i'm also going to beg as many of us instead of being on the road tomorrow morning you miss out what we're going to be dealing with tomorrow is the climax i won't tell you what it is it is the climax yes so instead of being on the road and miss it stay finish it go from 12 31 go with afternoon you you'll be on the road um what's the use let's finish voting but i'm not commanding it to please you know and i'm also going to advise you can see this place in feed of you don't come on time because our people will come you know it's sunday now so so if you don't come on time let those people go and stand yes but let's finish what we have started okay yes that aside please you know yes okay good evening sir but thank you very much sir i am kevin sundermaker i i know he has a great ministry in nowhere i know him i've been there thank you sir i i when i had the prophecy strategy summit i said wow this is strategic i must be here with some of my men some of your pastors are here yes so i said okay let's start making the plans we did and in the process of that usually i like leaving for service saturday but i just got that witness in my spirit say you are not leaving saturday you have to stay here till the end of this strategy prophecy i said okay i told the man that was doing the i said richard put it in fact put it tuesday let me just relax because i don't know what the law was planning it was when we came in from what uh papa wachuku from the night there were certain things he was saying and it was as if for me we were starting all over again then you know pastor ferdinand i don't know if you say pastor i think he's a marketplace pastor he's a very good doctor around me each time he picked the man i said that is my man that is my man in fact the part of the country we are coming from i'm coming from is a place where fear has been instigated and every pastor is actually easy to preach fear not but you inside of you you know that there is this heavy fear in you so and because of what happened recently last month uh a a a lot of the pastors are living in fear at some point myself i started making plans for the family to you know to relocate you look at her you know i don't know sometimes i even called you about it and that was but you know while i was in this meeting i just said something why you say something say there was a woman in the u.s she was you know i just discovered that sometimes some people can give prophecy or give message based on their past heart or based on what is going on and all that but that message is not correct and sometimes in you know a lot of times is good prophecy should be tested no any prophecy that is not subject to tests does not come from god how can a prophecy tell all of us in the south east we should run and go to the bush in fact that even god has concluded to eliminate all of us that was the prophecy and insecurity so the book today you asked us to pick i've told my men we are going to pack it and get all the pastors i wish messenger the man would have swear gather some of his men to help us pastors in our place are in fear how do i know every monday because of what started happening every monday we we started a prayer meeting for mondays in fact the place we are using right now is the place where power is transited so we use that place to ask the lord to help us because a lot of things are going on pastors are in fear so but then our pastor god will help us we're going to come to that city dr fednan says something he said do not follow the crowd follow the cloud so i have resolved in my spirit today not to follow the crowd but to follow the cloud thank you sir [Laughter] hey okay passenger at every person i came from you know get the books god's prophetic purpose for nigeria get this section and make it available to as many many ministers as possible please it will help to you know solve get the whole conference too and share with as many pastors as possible you know share it the resources are free so make it available to them and god bless you sir thank you thank you thank you one more question i said three the first hand i see a minister because i know there's so many people here if there's a pastor raising hand there if i didn't pick you please forgive me but let me pick that one i saw him yeah let him come come come sir give him give him the mic yeah yeah thank you sir god bless you you know from this conference have like please introduce yourself you know okay my name is prince i'm from delta state okay i'm ncf pastor okay you came all the way from delta yes sir wow okay thank you thank you for this opportunity you know i've learned a lot of things but there was something that happened this morning you know we are young and we we are learning from the things we are seeing faster than the things we hear so um something happened and so you did something you did something i was sitting down there but i saw it and i was like wow so for me that was the most important thing for me for this meeting for whatever you do as a minister no matter who the person is no matter what relationship you share always look forward to pleasing god first always look forward to put in what god wants to do what god wants you to do because no matter who you are no matter what you try one with god is majority with all if you please man and you you don't please god you are failed but if you please god and you don't please man one way or the other man can see you fit in because god is the author also that is what i learned thank you sir okay but the part you don't know so that the learning can be complete it's at that time we all knelt down by the saguaro panel and everybody was here i was also repenting [Music] that's the sin now i was also repenting i'm asking god number one i'm supposed to have that one by here i wanted to honor my brother that's first thing i was the painting of that because even him too that i informed we are going to discuss this if i open my phone now if i have it here i will show you i'll forward that to all of you there was a rule i wanted to play with my brother but it was yesterday but his travel arrangement would not allow him but we have had a deal with that one on some other so that's number one number two um i violated the principle that we use when you travel because sometimes you don't blame the person that has been on the road who has been through all the hassles you don't know if i ever have been through you don't know how long i waited in the airport i don't know whether they cancel my flight when people travel we don't allow them on the pulpits they have to sit even if you're scared you have to wait if your style of ministry is that completely preach jump out he won't be here we don't you can't walk with us here we are nurturing and learning how to host god and manage god not just ourselves but god's presence and be good stewards of the mysteries of the kingdom it's not an easy thing so i also violated that principle so while you are thinking what you're thinking i wanted to know that me and god we're also settling our own kids so that you know what the learning needs to be complete because at the end of the day i'm the one who will hold responsible for that that's the truth so wow see how the time has gone so there is something major we are supposed to do today will do tomorrow let nobody miss it or if the time it's the climax of the whole conference and out of it commission i only pity jews that will be coming in to your joining us today but i think this has been a an amazing weekend oh i just said so much one more person who wants to say something let's take it and that will be it okay personal please give him a mic yes he will seal amen thank you sir yes sir this morning it's actually about this morning wow yes sir and as we're praying um several things came to my spirit and one of the things god spoke to me my heart was that the reason why this section happened this morning was because those of us that were here this morning session you know there was heavy rain that fell today but somehow some people were able to come in those of us that came into this session has a lot to do to bring in this prophecy concerning nigeria to come to pass and one of the things god was talking to me was that our ministry and pastor has a big role to play and the other thing is too which i don't think is something i would just you know share publicly but you see there's also going to be um a time where the messages pastor is preaching and coming out of um here is going to be you know the bible says that the the house of saul was getting weaker and the house of david was getting stronger so that's what's going to happen and the messages are going to become a rebuilding uh force in our nation and that every one of us every one of force must take care of our territory you know dominion has to do with domain which is territory for example you are in a city i'm in a city we must take complete control of trying to bet this prophecy we had today in our own territory another person would take care of his own territory but we must all know our territory and take responsibility that's why god opened this up this morning because god really is interested in what is going to happen to this nation and like the prophecy that came that was it something about 2023 so we have a window to be able to do everything possible the prophecies didn't just come just to give us information but to give us responsibility thank you sir we're going to go and pray but i want to also say something when it comes to nation beauty when it comes to god's mission when it comes to the global mandate is a joint responsibility you see what the we call it great co-mission co-mission joint mission one person can do it one church can do it one family can do it one organization can do it one mission agency cannot do it god has a remnant and we have to find such people and partner and network and and i'm also using that opportunity to beg all of us let's form an unbeatable team interministry partnership there's an organization i belong to it's an international organization association of related churches churches that are interested in god's mission and finishing the attacks let us forge a covenant-driven alliance because if the enemy thinks it's just you or me or one person he will focus and take you when he finds out that he's an army that's when that is a language set and understand let nobody ever assume that thing because i understand what the last days move is going to be it's different from moses generation is it joshua's that where is corporate effort bringing the glory of god carrying that act in the days of moses he will have to do something for the rest of strike or leave the road this one as they carried corporately the presence of god divides river judah as they approach him let everybody like that what prophetic word he just gave take charge of their territory and even in that place build alliance within the church find people i think it's doctor what i said 20 percent of the people you have in church are the ones that are sold out to what god is doing 20 are the detractors back biters who are working against what god is doing now you have 40. 60 percent are i do so he gave a strategy which is a strategy the past almost mobilized the 20 percent that are committed utilize them to wake up the 60 percent that are dormant that are inactive that's what the goal when you go sixty percent of people are not giving they are not praying they are just there they are not committed they are just i do die i don't inside but there is a twenty percent that is committed that are laboring that most you have a few calls that are carrying them but use them tell them open their eyes to go and awaken this other one and then the mighty army will arise so instead of dry bones you have a mighty army and then let that army be turned outward to the society to the city to go after the city go after the lost so what we have had today we have to take responsibility in prayer we have to take responsibility to start reaching the lost we have to take responsibility for their camp the campuses in our territory the secondary schools mobilize young people to go after young people mobilize you know those in university could go after and give them support we have to take responsibility and we have to activate the marketplace people to rise up and take their responsibilities and one of the things we have learned over this weekend when dr marin was talking is that we have to also activate a political group create that group all of those who have that body for politics who are active parties who are already playing in that field and those who want to shoot even if it's once in a moment that they meet well why shouldn't they be meeting maybe once every week on their own day and pray and discuss and study and look for resources to build themselves and prepare themselves and those that are ahead will help to mentor the upcoming ones and in a church irrespective of political parties thank you pastor nob for that word thank you and thank you and thank you and thank you all of us all of us what god needs is an army that is equipped an army the days of the one man shooting has ended long ago let us lift our hands and thank him for what he has done this week let's bless him let's honor let's thank him you know let's thank him for you know he said blessed are your eyes that you see this thing you're here that you hear these things many prophets desired to do that buddy you couldn't let's thank him for what he's doing in our time let's thank him for the prophetic destiny he has for nigeria for the church in nigeria for you and i let's thank him for the good plan that he has for us for counting his word in trusting us with his oracle so oh is this just be playing that song let me also let us know what you just heard personal do it's prophecy that he gave but unless you see somebody shake or maybe move his eyes one way and say thought said the lord that's a prophetic word he was telling you what the lord gave him now a lot of the things you have had here you have also had a lot of prophetic words this week you know until they roll on the floor maybe wave something in the air and then in the midst of all those prophetic words you heard some of the people who testify saying the words that god spoke to them directly you also need to know the rhema word that god spoke to you out of all of this put them down on document and make them where you live here use them to war a good warfare now let's lift our hands and make commitment to now take these messages that we have gotten this week that we are going to do something deuteronomy 29 29 i said the things that are revealed the things that are hidden belongs to the lord the things that are revealed belongs to us and our children's children that we might do the words of this lord we might do revelation is for function the end result is obedience using it practicing it that we might do that we might do prophecy is to produce certain action certain obedience in certain area let's lift our hands and ask god for grace to utilize these resources to implement them especially the issue of taking responsibility for praying and betting the plan of god for our nation the issue of pursuing god's mandate the mission of god pursuing his plan ask him for whatever grace that you need he's abundant at the throne of god whatever grace whatever help that you need make commitments of things that you're going to do when you leave here when you go back to your territory and like that last word said take charge of your own territory take charge of your own city take responsibility to bet god's plan in your city your own territory foreign maybe the captain north the horse god bless you dr fedman god bless you brother mike god bless you bishop said thank you and all of our friends god bless you and god bless every one of you [Music] i come before my [Music] he's the light for [Music] his name is [Music] [Applause] my bestie [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah remember tomorrow 8 00 a.m we have kicked off you need to be here on time tomorrow service is combined so all the chapters will be here if you don't come on time you will not have a seat inside here so try be here on time let's come in early because we are starting early hallelujah amen
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 3,740
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Id: pLvdN6i-HuI
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Length: 87min 29sec (5249 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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