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[Applause] jesus you silence the boss glory for you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now what a beautiful the name of jesus what a beautiful name jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] upon my soul jesus not a name like your name jesus glory to your holy name can you wave your hands to him tonight is a carol night we here to celebrate jesus and what he's done can you lift up your voice and say lord thank you for coming thank you for coming we make our balls see you some trusting chariots some trust in horses that will remember your name jesus i will celebrate your name tonight we give glory to your name tonight [Music] hallelujah hallelujah songwriter said mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters did you know that your baby boy has gone to make us new this child that you delivered will soon [Music] did you know that your baby boy will give sight to the line of man mary did you know that your baby though [Applause] [Music] with his hands did you know that jesus your baby [Music] is [Music] [Music] is mary did you know that your baby boy is the lord of all creation [Music] mary did you know that your baby boy wonder who the nations did you know that your baby boy [Music] is how you celebrate jesus hallelujah can you lift up those hands and give jesus praise in this place we give you praise and we honor you [Music] his name is king jesus and he's the reason why we're here can you lift up your hands and say king jesus king of righteousness [Music] king of solemn king of all the ages hallelujah [Music] eternally all praises to someone who conquered hair [Music] king forever righteousness jesus king of righteousness you [Music] eternally you were [Music] king jesus righteousness jesus king of righteousness lift up your voice and seeking jesus king jesus king of righteousness [Music] king jesus we worship you yes [Music] we say hallelujah [Music] say hallelujah [Music] who we are [Music] jesus king of righteousness [Music] king of all the ages can you say king jesus [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you be gracious to you the lord turns towards you and give you peace you and keep you make his face shine upon be gracious [Music] [Music] can you lift up your hands and say oh man [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] narration of your family of your children [Music] and behind you all around you [Music] oh okay [Music] can we say king jesus [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] hallelujah i'm so excited to be here tonight you can have your seats tonight is carol and gratitude service so you can sit down and relax amen has the lord been so good to someone tonight can you leave those hands has the lord been good to you in 2020 raise those hands and give him praise we bless you we all know you i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands [Music] i will sink off the goodness of god do i have a witness tonight i love you lord [Music] for your mercy never failed me oh my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that awakens until i lay my head why will you see of the goodness of god [Music] [Music] oh i will see all the [Music] you can join goodness [Applause] i will say [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i love your voice oh you have led me through the fire in darkest nights you are close like no worder i've known you as a father [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] and i will say [Music] is is [Applause] it's running out to you his mercy is surrendering [Music] [Music] is for all my life you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so so good with everybody that i am able i am able will sing of the goodness of god all the overwhelming never-ending reckless [Music] i [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can you just lift up your hands again and say father we thank you thank you for sending your son jesus thank you thank you you left your splendor and you came for us thank you just wave those hands to him tonight oh how beautiful that night he was born how divine that night he was born and when the wise men came they couldn't help but fall at their knees and worship him hallelujah [Music] oh holy night the stars are brightly shining it is the night of our dear savior's [Music] hope a new and glorious [Music] [Music] [Music] divine [Music] was born [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is is [Music] born [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] the hallelujah for the year 2020 god has kept us alive from january to february to march to april to may throughout the hawk of it to the end of the year let's give jesus praise hallelujah welcome to prayer prophetic conference 2020 amen it's going to be a life-changing life transforming program in jesus name i want to especially appreciate god's servant professor of vincent and the burglar you're welcome sir you're welcome you're welcome sir praise the lord hallelujah and our brothers and uncles from the south nigeria god bless you god bless jesus amen and all our senior pastors to take us on the first session this evening let's welcome god's servant from the intercessors for nigeria of nigeria brother okay emmanuel can we appreciate god for him as he comes all over the world as you are part of this program there is something new happening this year in jesus name let's appreciate the lord in jesus name hallelujah please you may be seated and then let's have a word of prayer father we thank you for this prophetic gathering thank you together father we ask that the heavens will testify that we have gathered to you and we ask that you will write your word in our hearts please [Music] world come water mary did you know that your baby boy will savor sons and daughters did you know that your baby boy has worked with angel's trot the shouted you delivered did you know that your baby boy would give sight to a blind mary did you know that your baby boy would come the song with his hand did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new this child that you delivered [Music] oh [Music] me baby boy is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] huh oh [Music] am [Music] hello hey [Music] uh [Music] hey hey [Music] ah hallelujah has the lord been good to you this year can i see those hands wave to him like i said tonight is the night of carol and gratitude so we'll be thanking god for his goodness towards us i love you lord for your mercy never failed me oh my days i've been held in your ways from the moment i'd awake up until i in my head i will sing of the goodness of god do i have a weakness oh all my life you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been [Music] oh i will see of the goodness of god i love your voice you have led me through the fire in darkest nights you are close like no order [Music] [Music] [Music] can you sing along with us [Music] oh i will say is is you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am able i am able oh i will sing of the coolness of god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you saying to yourself [Music] say [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh night the stars are brightly shining it is the night of our dear savior's birth is [Applause] [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] was born [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh god it is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] tears [Music] [Music] are you true you are true okay you repeated one you added jared to it okay all night [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me when christ was wrong [Music] let's start from the beginning [Music] is it his word [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] where christ was born [Music] is [Music] the angels [Music] [Music] where christ was born [Music] [Music] oh [Music] this year we are not starting the prophetic conference the usual way we usually open with a lot of prayer moments this year we are opening with a lot of thanksgiving moments this is that year that swept many off like flood and we are ending it and you are see here you are here help me bowser let's give [Music] fall on your knees [Music] is when christ was born [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated good evening prof again and happy christmas you know and of course my brother passed okay you know and brothers he's always with me we've sat on this kind of seat many times thank you guys for providing this by the way because there will be some of those moments where we need to sit down like someone on the mount and okay you know i think she's wrong coming you know this mass can do wonders sometimes i see my wife i won't recognize her but that is you know the professor you know you have prof the mother of nations please join me and give a big god bless you and of course my own uh confessor and priest you know we are going to confess all my sins yes he is my priest the one and only vulnerable oliver of abel please give me god bless you [Applause] i'm so grateful that in god's infinite wisdom there is a period like this when after we have toured around the world we can come home and be a blessing to our own people amen somebody was suggesting today that we need to be moving this prophetic conference because we wield it to the east it's not moving anywhere outside the easter let that one be clear yes now we should be rotating it around the five state that's a powerful suggestion another obviously said no i know brass i don't know i don't know about i will put it to foot proof i don't know what you think about it but we are grateful and grateful to the lord for the year 20 we just have about 30 minutes before pastor okay pastor nobody was in a rush to get the message but um i wanted us to have a little more moment of gratitude you know i don't know from your own side what god did for you this year but i will say something it will shock everybody nobody has heard me say this openly you guys might be shocked what is the truth this thing that is going down caught up with me proof i have not told anybody i didn't want to frighten the brethren knocked me out i left my house stayed alone in a building i didn't even tell personal warriors i had taught them how to stay safe taught the body spiritual and the physical protocols but i've also learned a secret that when the venom of the viper touches your physical body the the battle moves to the body where the pain is so you go there and when you fight it is a losing battle i know what i'm telling you but that inside you again inside your spirit man there is an anti-venom where jesus himself dwells where the holy spirit dwells and i'm not going to tell you that it took more than a day before this realization came because when this was going on i was wondering am i going to go you know whatever i'm just telling you i'm giving it as a testimony so i kept everyone that was locked myself in of course if you see the bed grew mood later because i came back a week after to come and look at that room and that bed the mattress was on the floor it wasn't on top of a bed that's where it was soaked with water i mean the heat the type of temperature yes because you know i didn't look locked down and i'm sorry please can you get me marks get me watch let me show them that i obey the rules please get me one face max and get me the whatever let me wash hands now i'm saying this to us so you know let us know we need to do our part and let god do his part see how they are looking at me that's why i'm giving you the story after we have defeated because i know what will have happened to some of them you know see how they are looking at them i'm telling you that there is covet you know the first thing about this thing is a lot of people don't even believe that he exists he does i spent two days there but after the second day some other things now came back to my mind and i've helped people around the world with it everywhere around the whole world doctors people in the front line u.s everywhere i don't just pray for them because our people are everywhere they come down with this and they call me i don't just pray for them i offer them the heat therapy there is the one they help you cover your face and you avoid that old prophet kills this stuff but that is when it is done on time before it gets in and then of course even the one about drinking you it's not just drinking hot water you can make it your morning tea get the bag of tea or something just make it hard for anyone that is already on your truth now there is a reason why i'm i'm doing this because we are now in the second wave and it's not just the second wave that is a problem there might even be a third god talked to us about the second wave and he's here but this one i said there might be a thought it's me as he remember because of the wickedness that's behind this thing is a goal they want to accomplish so they can do anything they might even introduce a thought just to be able to achieve because they want to lock down everywhere and then make sure that this vast same thing and and and you know we're not against vaseline if you get good vaccines out that's a blessing but it's the surprise veno we are warning people against especially the black people especially the black people africans and we have to trust god the people who are in authority will not sell out at least for that they will care about the lives of their citizens so just watch me you know it's not just that i do it i do it i have it in my house the only reason why you won't see my face covered is that people are watching us from all over the world there are no i can't make them the man in canada or somewhere somehow white some europeans wondering who is the person speaking that's why you're gonna have my faith if not i will preach like this for one reason not even for anything not to give you the wrong example and i'm also aware that people operate at different levels of faith so we don't i don't want if my faith is strong so i'll go and confuse you when i know your own is not strong there are those whose honor strong and they can handle and i confuse you and you go and do what i'm doing and get yourself into trouble so so what happened is that we were in the heat there was no break this whole year i ran on full speed but it's this time we got to the peak i was already stressed out because there were two people that before that week that sent me information i said pastor once watching you on tv you look tired i think you need to take a break or something you know but you know let me tell you how i escaped this i'm saying this to the glory of god that place where i invited the first time you were coming for a meeting two of you came two of you came i was living in that house staying away from my family upstairs you notice i came down to the video i was i was with some form of same person then sander that's where i was staying away from the people it happened that it was that weekend we're doing that week we're doing prophetic praying and all of that and you came and read one scripture do you remember the scripture you read it has something to do with the atonement and pro and the and the passover find that scripture do you remember it find it and read it i want them to hear what is in it when he read that scripture i came in i was sweating everybody saw me with a big a big toe well i stayed away from all of that i stayed on the altar i stayed away from with a big tower sweating and wiping every other person if you see the level of incident i was the only person sweating my whole clothes was so the moment he read that scripture i made a few comments on it this thing hit my head it was right right there right there on the whatever while you are doing all that that's when the breakthrough came that's where i got here right there i sent him some thank you whatever i didn't tell him what it was so it's the same medicine i offer to everybody because it has to do with passover again that you know you know exodus chapter 12 and all of that it was the year they celebrated the passover have you seen it get your mic i want you to read it let them see something of course let me let me also say this i've read my bible how many times i've never seen that verse in the bible i don't know for what reason i have never i am sure i read and pass it i have never seen it can you imagine how many years i've been born again it was that money and i was seeing that verse i was wondering whether you added it so i it's true if you get the video and watch no no normally i would look at the project i saw i opened my bible a friend activate us for faith the role of the word of god there's a part there anointed place and so on and so forth that was it yes all right i'm reading from ii chronicles chapter 30 from verse number 17. for there were many in the assembly who had not sanctified themselves therefore delivered they ate the passover contrary to what was written but hezekiah prayed for them saying may the good lord provide atonement for all who prepares his heart to seek god the lord god of his fathers though he is not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary and the lord listened to hezekiah and healed the people proof did you see since i was born physically then to the time i was born the second time born again to that very day i've never seen this scripture and i thought that there is nothing you can put in the bible i don't know because i might not understand but at least i know it i know that is there i was shocked here is the message here you don't go eat communion without first cleansing yourself it has a counter effect show them what i just said in first corinthians chapter 11 you can pick it up from verse 29 there is such a thing as eating that bread unworthy he now has a counter effect and sometimes you may not have done anything you know the way we normally call it sin or all of that no because when he read the scripture i want you to listen very carefully now we have communion and all of that and i have explained to everybody how that the passover protects you from plagues and we were following the ordinance but just there was a case somebody got on my case and got on my 18. you see how the devil sets up issues and that's how he sets up a court case against people and this person i felt this somebody that should know i have even taught him and warned him before and he got on the cage i said this guy i'm going to deal with you i carried it to communion at the communion finish cut we now enter this water we started you know there were a set of events that was happening that's where just either a day or two to that whatever even when i was lying down there i said holy spirit i know that the covenant protects he brought up this guy said let's leave this guy on the side let's leave his case he has crossed let's finish this thing we'll defeat one but we'll go and deal with him and i made that argument so he came i read this i don't know how the word of god comes to other people but there is a time when god gives a word and the word is for you so the thing hit me like thunder like like like lightning bolt everywhere i said what is this i say is this in the bible how come i have never seen it because see he that eaten and drinked unworldly eaten and drinked damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body verse 30 for this reason many of you are weak many are sick and some have even died towards the end of this year i did a tour around the country i kept explaining this principle i wasn't really using the scripture this principle of forgiveness to people everywhere when before we started anything i kept explaining it because i got the revelation first hand this is the minister of the gospel so right there i don't know what you were telling all that there was about five minutes i wasn't inside that meeting i was with god and this guy in court right there he was leading a prayer i was me and this guy inside courtroom and i said lord i let go of this case i let go of it [Applause] then all of a sudden it looks like somebody released strike you know you know what the anointing how he shits you and that was after that i went i ate my first meal within the and then that was the end of the case here is the point because these are lessons we are facing the angel of death in the world we are facing the venom of the serpent you can't afford anything that opens you up for the devil i don't care who the person is i don't care whether he's your wife or your husband or your business but no whatever i don't care whether is one brother or sister or even your pastor i don't care who the person is you can't afford anything anything to get into your inner space people don't does not sink by selling in the water a boat sinks by letting the water get inside it don't let your friends things are happening all over but don't let it get inside your heart when it gets inside your heart it blocks the flow of life and i also found out not the first time but that truth was reemphasized to me again the importance of team ministry importance of team minutes no matter how good as you as a footballer you cannot win a match because football is a team sports just you as fairly as ronaldo cannot do that because the enemy operates as a team and of course by this time the year was already winding down i think we had about two or something months to go if you observed you notice that most of my projects from then to the end it was a lot of huh you know and that's how we survived the remaining part of the year but of course finally i got one week or two weeks off out of this country i'm telling you it happened by the time we escaped our car around october i took about a group of people when you know in a house all of us not a hotel in a full house duplex all of us were leaving everybody had this room we were having by the time we had the rest every morning the workers of dream loss one hour this doctor calorie is dangerous and my friend charlie you are bad is she look at her please give charlie a big big big big big [Applause] you entered nigeria when yesterday she flew in from canada wow she is the one she will drill us this lady is dangerous if if she trains you you you she would drink one hour 30 minutes every you know what you used to do dream lost drills all those excess stress lifted or the body but you know exercise and this role and then enough time to rest by the time i entered nigeria i was ready to scatter all the goalposts that is left everywhere so because stress when the body too is over pushed and is stressed he gets to a point his his ability to resist until we stand is not there anymore and so why don't you lift your hands and join me to say special thanks to the lord you know thank we have you let prof talk so that you will hear you know that even though we carry the anointing we still have carried in 18 vessels and the eating vessel has to be taken care of proof glad to see you thank you so much pastor dave it's so good to see you is me the dominion city family and of course this whole country that god did that favor to when he preserved you it's true what are we going to be saying what are we going to be saying [Applause] good evening church so good to see all of you uh first of all pastor david i cast my vote that this conference should remain in another state [Applause] we have two votes for this and we see how you i'm only one person you know because it allows us to go home i mean this is home first i want to appreciate my wife one of the best gift god will give you is your partner your wife [Applause] in the middle of june this year in the middle of the lockdown uh the government of our weibo state felt that we needed to come and train their top leaders so they actually chatted a flight private jet for myself our team and flew us to you and we trained is it for two weeks three weeks can you imagine we would take we need to know more because i need to learn some of your tricks these are civil servants and we train them for five weeks i mean for five days each day from 5 45 a.m with a morning devotion then exercise and then they will shower we start classes by 8 30 in the morning we take a break by four they come back for dinner by six and we don't go to bed until 11 30 sometimes 12 midnight and then again by 5 45 they will be up so we're really training them stretching them and we will take each batch and train them for five days and we did this for three consecutive weeks and even during the saturday and sunday i'm supposed to rest i was still having meetings and you know just like pastor david we think we are invincible you know my friend i'm glad we are learning so so i had stretched myself for three weeks and then even when it was time for me to go back to lagos because the lockdown had eased and flights were now resumed i still accepted another invitation to preach for two days before i go back i knew i was tired but i kept saying when i get to lagos i will rest of course by that time i become weak i became sickly you know i will stand on stage i'll be shaking i had to cling to the podium i would take a deep breath i would even remind myself that i'm a ranger hello of course a god was next in our shivering and fever i didn't suspect kavit and then this tough man on top of that started fasting [Music] hello please don't use that word stupidity but i know you are thinking about it so one day but i always do something no matter where i go my wife will tell you i'm always i always carry anti-malaria drugs um anti-i mean anti-bacteria i always keep myself just in case of emergency so i started taking my antibacterial drugs just just in case on july 18th i was so weak my wife kept asking me go and shower i could do in fact i was now lying on the floor and i couldn't get up at about 3 34 p.m i struggled to go to the bathroom when i went in there i slumped it took my wife thank god that she was there to grab me and screamed at me and say you're not going anywhere get up and she started splashing cold water on me and then i opened my eyes and then i slumped again she screamed still splashing water on me she was calling doctor on the other phone and they immediately told her to rush me to the hospital and thank god the owner of the hotel was there so he provided the you know but when i got up the second time i knew the lord had intervened because suddenly i had strength and i started speaking in tongues the nun took me to the hospital this is july 18th i didn't live there until august 6th spent 20 years i mean 20 days in the recovery room now i was tested positive which meant my wife had to also be a carrier and when i was tested they would put me in isolation room but they wouldn't allow her to go there with me and i had to share them with somebody else my wife refused she's not going home and she will not allow me to share a room with somebody else do you know she started praying that she would test positive so they now tested her and he turns that she is positive but asymptomatic but no sign nothing was wrong with her nothing was happening my wife was so happy singing hallelujah that she had a copyrighted can you clap for my wife so we went oh you should have seen me entering that room i was totally wiped out i finally made it into the room and the battle started even that day or a few days later i collapsed again but this woman is a fighter she's a fighter she because she's also a nurse so she took over my care and she had thermometers she had things so she could monitor me she knows when to give me cold compressed because i had fever for six days non-stop it wouldn't come down but finally that breakthrough but i realized it wasn't so much the physical weakness i was actually dealing with the spiritual battle it was the spiritual battle but thank god for all your teachings you know especially remember last year daddy one bar had been emphasizing priesthood so i had to step in in fact my wife and i learned the power of holding and declaring that was really what what saved us i said lord i don't care we take our place in the spirit my wife will tell you even as i was weak in the body i was so bored in the spirit declaring fighting fighting fighting fighting fighting you know but let me tell you the lord said that not only by the way let me say this to you the lord said to me i delivered you from your foolishness he says you knew you were tired you were pushing your body to the limit he said i violated every aspect of shabbat he said that i don't understand the concept of shabbat and i'll be honest with you before then i don't understand shabbat it was after that i understood shabbat resting and allowing god to refresh you running by the grace of god not by your physical strength i didn't understand that he he's the lord now use that time to start speaking deeper things to me that's why he told me that some of us are so busy working for him but he's not part of it we're just busy running around and he even opened my eyes to understand we live what we call a horrid life he said some of us even when we eat we hurry our eating we don't even enjoy our food we don't enjoy our spouses when they are talking our mind is somewhere else we don't know how to enjoy moment by moment you know he said even when we breathe the air the air has flavor we don't even know the flavor of the air [Applause] he said we are so hurried we are so hurried we've actually hurried him out of our lives and i had to repent that's because david that's when i i learned to start eating with my hands i now realize that waiting eating with fork cheats my eating so i now use my hands as my wife you know that's when i stopped eating fried foods because when i feel it with my hands it's so rough i say my wife i can't eat this if if it's this rough with my hand only god knows what he's doing to my stomach unless when i started eating more natural food cooked food raw food before the lord had to teach me once more how to just begin to live and enjoy life and i can tell you today and to the glory of god i am far stronger today than i was even then thank you first today god bless you sir and everybody join me and say thank you man [Applause] wow please one more time that scripture just one more time there were many in the assembly who had not sanctified themselves therefore the levites had charge of the slaughter delivered who had charge of the slaughter of the passover lambs for everyone who was not clean to sanctify them to the lord verse 18 for multitude of the people many from ephraim manessa isaka and zebulun had not cleansed themselves yet they had the passover contrary to what was written but hezekiah prayed for them saying may the lord provide what atom may the lord provide what may the lord provide words for everyone verse 19 who who has prepared his heart to seek god and the lord god of his fathers though he is not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary and verse 20 and the lord listened to hezekiah and what did he do and he healed the people it's not just about covet it's about any form of enemies attack the key to the year that is coming is covenant clap well let it sink the key to the last days is covenant making and keeping covenant with god that is the master key to god's faithfulness working in the covenant he established for us when he offered the sun on calvary but you can see that the passover which is the symbol of christ's death and resurrection has protocols for observing it please because communion will soon be coming in the course of this meeting show them one more time that first corinthians 11. you started from verse 29 i think you should move back maybe one verse or two let everyone examine himself 28 okay let's read to disciple first whosoever shall eat of this bread and drink the cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the lord and verse 28 but let every man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup 29 for he that eated and drinked unworthily eaten and drinked damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body and then of course by steady for this reason three things happen some become weak some become sick and then of course some even die before their time the word sleep there is talking about his premature death and there might be many who are guilty of sins of the flesh sins of the tongue different things but a lot of believers who are even walking in righteousness and holiness is the sins of the heart like bitterness like unforgiveness it doesn't matter see me sin doesn't matter it will interfere with the covenant can we take a few minutes as we summit to apply this principle instead of letting hezekiah do the praying for you you can apply the principle of atonement but there are two dimensions that you're going to apply now the first is the issue of repentance where you are the one asking god for forgiveness the order is the issue of forgiveness where you are the one offering or releasing forgiveness to somebody else any of the two that is hanging can interfere with the flow of the power of the covenant and then it will look like the covenant is not working somebody died that shouldn't be dead somebody is sickness the enemy is having the upper hand that shouldn't happen i want to take a few minutes and do that i'm going to ask buddy after to pray just like he prayed that night i'm going to ask him to do that and the lord asked me to do this when we begin this conference because there are individuals here just to snatch the hand of the enemy and cut him off i learned that by experience whether it is where you have you know something has gone wrong in your work with god just repent of it and ask him to forgive you and ask for the blood of jesus to cleanse you and then this will also create the enabling ground for you to function as an intercessor this weekend this week and then if there is an offense somewhere let go of that person so so [Music] so [Music] so there is a very smart [Music] for there where many in the assembly who had not sanctified themselves therefore the levites had charged of the slaughter of the passover lamb for everyone who was not clean to sanctify them to the lord for a multitude of the people many from ephraim manasseh isakka and zebulon had not cleansed themselves yet the the passover contrary to what was written but hezekiah prayed for them saying may the good lord provide atonement for everyone who prepares his heart to seek god the lord god of his fathers though he is not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary and the lord listened to hezekiah and healed the people our god and our father the almighty god the king of the nation the one and only god of israel one whose throne is founded in righteousness and true justice the one who is of purer eyes than to behold evil the christ holy god we approach you today this 28th day in the month of december in the year of our god 2020 as we commence this prayer and prophetic conference for this year according to your leading lord we find in our heart to plead with you on behalf of all of us who are gathered here today especially those who are guilty before you whose hearts break them those who are being tormented those who are being accused those who are guilty of quarrelling those who fought with one another before they came for this conference many who told lies along the way many who muhammad even though they were coming for such a conference all who walked in rebellion father we present young men and women who defile themselves in this season through all kinds of immorality unprintable things lord we present those who have defied their bodies through pornography lesbianism homosexuality all forms of sexual perversion and yet we have gathered before you the holy god lord i stand here on behalf of all of us as hezekiah did in those days and i plead guilty on behalf of all of us and ask for mercy and ask that the door of mercy the door of grace the door to receive help from your presence will open onto this meeting and unto this we plead the blood of jesus christ the blood that draws us near down to you the blood that makes a way into your presence we plead the blood of jesus christ that blood that speaks better things than the blood of a bell we plead the blood of jesus the blood of jesus to cleanse our hearts to purge our thoughts we invite you holy father come and poach the sons of levi come and sit over this conference as a refiner of silver as a refiner of gold sit over this conference as a fuller soap to wash us the word says who will ascend unto the heel of the lord who will stand in his holy place he who has clean hands he has a pure heart duly we plead with you god seat of ours oh lord dismiss our accusers in the realm of the spirit oh lord release us from the bondage of guilt lord release us from all of those accusations the pictures that the enemy is bringing of all the filthy things we watched the filthy things we we expose the gates of our bodies too oh lord have mercy upon us lord have mercy upon us set our hearts free set our emotions free set our bodies free father let the blood of consecration as it was in the days with the priests of old let the blood touch the right tip the tip of our right ears the tip of our right thumbs and the tip of our right toes to make us consecrated to sanctifiers to purge us and to make us acceptable before your holy presence so that lord as we participate in this covenant lord we will not do it to our own injury we will no longer be sick we will no longer be weak we will no longer die prematurely oh father i see a stop sign in the realm of the spirit god is putting up a stop sign so that the avenger blood will cease to walk in the midst of the camp god is saying stop he's lifting up a stop sign to the powers of darkness to all the violent attacks from the pit of hell god is lifting up a sign and saying stop cease atonement has been made atonement has been made atonement has been made the people of god are sanctified they are consecrated they are welcome into the presence of god they are acceptable in this conference thank you our god would you like to lift up your right hand and give god a wave offering thank you for providing atonement for your people thank you for providing atonement for this conference thank you for opening the way into your presence bible says who will bring us into that strong city is it not you oh lord he said even though iniquities surround us but you will provide atonement for our sins thank you for doing same tonight we honor you and bless you we rejoice and celebrate we can sense the liberty in the spirit we can now enter into this conference we rejoice we sense liberty in the name of the spirit yakulu the heavens are open the hand of the lord will be upon this conference the visions of god will be released to this conference the word of god can now come expressly oh thank you our father honor and bless you in jesus powerful name we pray that let the people say yes hallelujah thank you our father that we have one more prayer our tumor before we receive the word i want to hear see what i sent out just before the conference to all my friends i'm going to go to your site because i remember i sent it to you you know [Music] okay this is second chronicles chapter 7 verse 13 and 14. so when i finish you're going to raise an altar here i know that there is it's a christian environment but it doesn't change anything yes you know yes whenever i shut the heavens and there is no red by application of this principle what i'm about to show you i'm going to say this to the glory of god he has enabled us because i know there are a lot of ministers of the gospel here he has enabled us in the dominicity family to be experiencing rainfall even in the middle of drought because i travel i know what is going on in ministries i go to other places and and each time i finish i come back it gives me vocation for thanksgiving and joy in the midst of droughts in the midst of desolation even in the church by the application is this atonement is this thing watch whenever i shut the heavens that there is no rain anytime i command locusts to devote the land that's the kind of thing that is happening in this last hour these last days wherever there is pestilence like covet or whatever else might come in the future and pestilence come among my people my friend you are jumping of course that's why you don't you know whenever there is precedence and it's even in the midst of my people watch if my people who are called by my name will observe these four protocols number one is humble themselves number two is prayer number three is seek my face and of course the one we just did now is the last mentioned tone from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven i will forgive their sins and i will heal their land and there are many many places in the bible where they practice this the daniel chapter nine case study is a very good case study there is nehemiah's case study there is ezra's case study every time there is desolation so this is what i sent out i'm reading the one i sent to you good evening my brothers based on ii chronicles chapter 7 verse 13 to 14 and the example of daniel in daniel chapter 9 verse 1-19 whenever a nation is facing desperate times like epidemics economic recession insecurity and other types of calamities humility repentance seeking god's face plus prayer and fasting you might not see prayer and fasting here but it's there is there a prince that proved that he's there and he brought it out and i don't want to go into that argument he proved with many scriptures that the scriptural way to humble oneself is through fasting and prayer david said i humbled my soul with fasting when you have tried by your own whatever is not working at first fasting is among other things that it does is a a key to self-humbling okay let's leave that for another time so whenever you observe this so you notice that every time daniel and code did it they added fasting and prayer with all these other protocols added then what you will see is that whenever these conditions are met it brings about national healing and restoration so this principle is what we need if we want to see a rebel and a transformation in our nation the kingly principles we're pursuing like running trainings reaching out to the youths doing all that is the construction on top of this foundation if the foundation is not there all those things will not make any sense the priest who lays the foundation with the the kingship builds on politicians and all of these programs of government is not the same thing with us who are into development we are heavy for example golden heart foundation we created a platform for development purpose there's so much we are doing that going after nigel all this development effort will amount to nothing if the foundation is not properly led so i wrote this is what i wrote i said my greatest challenge as we approach the prophetic conference 2020 is how to bring the spirit of humility and repentance and brokenness and of course supplication into the hearts of the men and women that were attained or watched by technology by whatever means so i all of the intercessors all over i said i plead with you to pray along with me as the days go by because if we meet god's condition we're going to have mind-boggling spiritual breakthroughs [Music] that's why we are starting the way we are starting and already there is a shift in the atmosphere i don't know those of you who have turned out there's already a shift but it's okay please take your mic let's raise an altar here this weekend can you please just join your hands just wherever you are just make sure you're just holding somebody heavenly father [Music] we acknowledge before you tonight that you started this conference the way you wanted it by your spirit every disruption in this conference has been because you want to get us right so that we do not destroy ourselves and we thank you for all that you've done touching our hearts to come humbly before you and to pray from the depths of our spirit we have therefore come to seek your face your presence and lord we want to acknowledge that your presence is everything so we want to raise this order acknowledging your presence who has started this meeting this way lord by the token of this anointing oil which we are pouring on this ground this holy ground today we acknowledge that we are raising an altar not just physical and altar of men and women and altar of ministers people that learned our resources our government all that we are all that we have all that we are aspiring to be as a nation as your church by this border in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit father let your presence come so powerfully so wonderfully long because atonement has been made now your presence will come and your power will be manifested and your people will be changed and our land will be changed and our nation will be changed and your kingdom will come accept oh god this prophetic prayer that we have prayed that this order be raised in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit and the church said amen hallelujah give him praise you may be seated there is one instruction the lord now wants me to give you so please put it up whenever [Applause] you want to go to toilet or easy yourself this is i'm paraphrasing but the book of deuteronomy said it he said remember that the lord is in the midst of your he's moving in the midst of you he does not want to see any unclean thing find me the particular text first he doesn't want to see anyone clearly project that place okay why don't you start from verse 13. yeah he said thou shall have a paddle upon your weapon and it shall be that when you ease yourself abroad you shall dig their wits and shall turn back and cover that which come out of you so is people eat themselves all sorts of things you know all sorts of things and this is a christian facility we are camping here all sorts of things you know from toilets women menstruating all sorts of things urinating then you eat something you buy something just throw them around make the place act like you know you're in the market instead of looking for a dustbin i'm putting it when we finish and leave this place should be cleaner than it was before we came every room where you stay make sure that place is clean you know you know even when i even if it's hotel before i leave a hotel the bed must be so made the toilet must be washed everything must be in order talk less of an environment where god meets with his people so that is cleanliness that is the first level that you move it up to the next level where you are now talking about purity at the next level the kind of words you speak the way you interact with people the way you interact with the opposition we're gonna have three days of accompanying god's presence a lot a lot of things will happen here a lot of things and there will be times when god will be meet with you his angels will we corner you in one god i'll be talking to you they were going to give you direction for the coming year and the coming seasons they're going to talk to you apart from talking to you in the service when the ministry is going on when you go home to sleep they're going to be showing up in your dreams they're going to be doing work of deliverance but you have to be careful because god has protocols he said you don't uncover that thing that's come out of your body after easing yourself that's one thing he said the reason is because the lord thy god walks about in the midst of your camp to deliver thee and to give up thy enemies before thee so deliverance healings and all kinds of supernatural work will be going on the angels will be operating visiting rooms visiting individuals and god will be active these three days and it's going to follow people beyond here but notice what he said he said therefore shall your camp be holy that he see no unclean thing indeed and turn away from you god is not just holy he's clean you know there is a saying that cleanliness is next to godliness that he see no unclean thing and turns away from you he's going to be moving to set people free to deliver people to provide direction to provide clarity he's also going to be moving to deal with your enemies i'm going to ask you to fast words while you are here any stupid thing and i'm going to advise you slow down under your phone reduce the time you give you sure you want to hear from god i have something i learned from dr mauricio and have kept it you know the prophetic has certain rules that go with it there are certain rules when the lord was beginning to introduce me there are some guidelines he gave me one of them is when i'm in a conference in a meeting or i'm under the anointing of god and sometimes it can be for a whole month a whole week and i'm whatever i don't turn on tv i don't know what is going on these people that tell me after he said because you cannot be listening and be listening you mix up the transmission you tune to god's channel you tuned and that's why once i zero in like you know you can see the change here once i hook in i'm in it's very hard to pull me out of that place i i i stay away from you know like january is coming people are going to be going on a fast you know one time we went to the first redemption camp and we are there and there's this brother every time tv is blasting from his room and then we're asking what kind of fast are you doing and he will put it on and even go to sleep people in the other rooms are complaining so i called him what kind of fasting he said no no no that you know that's how he taps from heaven that he watches what cnn and other stations are doing and i said you are living in self-deceit you cannot be on this channel and be on god's channel at the same time you can't slow down on the distractions stay away from every can you make some comments on this please yes this verse what are the kind of things we need to stay away from can make god turn away from people yes yeah you you know you know something um this scripture actually is telling us that god's presence in our midst is a is a continuous thing and there are enemies we don't know especially when we gather if you take an example was when israel was in their camp and balak had invited balaam to come get something and deal with these people all the while the entire drama was happening israel knew nothing about god what god was doing so we are reading a reported story that's why it sounds very easy now as we are here only heaven will tell us the type of arrows that we are flying that are flying in against us ah you have a man who shouldn't be in your midst because of that we will attack you you have a woman who shouldn't be here will attack you i mean you know when you ask abraham to bring this atonement is a great walk it the rebuke that went out against the enemy is unbelievable so when you see the lord moving amongst us so i've even spitting to spit out sputum and things like that so you don't just do things anyhow because you have an accuser who has access also to god's presence and is restless in capital letters he's restless he does not rest he's just looking for something to pick and to hit some of us can suffer because of the consequence of somebody else's mistakes so it's not just about you it's about us it's about us so if pastor david is asking us do this you are doing it both for the leadership and every other person who is part of this camp now this camp is one what anybody does affects everybody that's why we must take instructions very seriously that's my contribution to that yes sir you know it's so powerful i'm even seeing this in another dimension i call it the power of the environment in affecting god's presence actually there are four levels of environment spiritual environment and you have to create that using the word of god and then the emotional environment what do you react to and then there's the physical environment how do you dress your cleanliness and then there's the social environment so if we can strive to bring all these four dimensions in harmony in god we will experience far greater presence and greater manifestation of his power if we can become conscious of this and not speak or act carelessly that's just money so spiritual environment is number one you know emotional environments that's where all these both bitterness malice all those kind of matters of the heart comes physically environment like even how you do a addressing even cleanliness because you can see that god cares about cleanliness and then finally you know the social environment how you interact with other people what you said to them and all of that kindness being nice to people and other we're going to have a tremendous incubation of the presence of god here and even beyond if we learn the principle if we practice this at home you can host god he'll be comfortable to tabernacle in your home say something before we touch the final element for tonight okay let me add that in conferences like this there are some people who develop anointing for ambulating and moving around i mean they're always constantly moving around and you get the messages are going on they are discussing and chewing gums outside some outside and by the time you know it the conference is over and you don't you didn't connect with god god hates disorderliness it was pastor dave that told us that you need to establish order before you invite god so every form of disorderliness is a is a minor to this conference because we need all of god we can get in order to prepare you know effectively for the season ahead of us so we should also avoid all forms of exposures because this is a holy conference god hates nakedness in all forms every kind of provocative dressing whatever it is that would entice and pollute the atmosphere we must all avoid it so that god like he said would you know how god felt in the house of forbidden pastor you remember that that act started the journey from the house of ally and he killed two sons by the time he left he went to the the house of abinada and they lost a son the same act came to the house of obedient and blessed everything because god was comfortable god was comforted did you guys hear that he has been to the house of two priests in eli's house he killed his two sons in the other man's house they lost their soul now here even the rats got everything god bless it was told king david saying the lord has blessed the house of open please put up the scripture what is wrong with the guy and all that patented unto him because of what the act of god that's why david went to bring it now to the city of david the same thing is blessing other people and is there are protocols there are protocols people who want to deal with god must understand that amen how many of you have received something already tonight okay before we move forward there is one more element for this night's opening session is the five dimensions to the gospel revealed in the scripture of course we're going to pick this there are so many areas you can pick it from we're going to pick it from the christmas story isaiah chapter 9 the popular verse we all know verse 6 unto us a child is born but to us a son is given many years ago i will read this this is the verse i will start from please give put a mic in the hand hundred percent glory first this is the verse i will start from and then i will read it the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called wonderful but one year pastor glory came to a meeting and read it from verse five and then he opened up things here that i have never seen so instead of telling you i want him to come up and give us the five dimensions so we see what the holistic gospel and holistic ministry is because we are going to do our best to cover as much as we can within the three days that we have see the stage there you know where is the mic i asked to be giving to him okay thank you my peace you're welcome thank you okay i will read then he will read every battle of the warrior is with confused noise and garment rolled in blood but this one this particular one will be with burning and foils of fire by six for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace verse 7 of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of david upon his kingdom to order it to establish it with judgment with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the lord shall prove you were like this you will see how the dimension the phrases of the great commission is connected in these two or three verses past the glory yes you're welcome by the way thank you and meanwhile there is a way we we what we call him we call him the prophet of fire everyone say prophet of fire say you are welcome isaiah had an encounter with god uh he saw into the future okay when angels you know touched his uh uh he sleeps with coals of fire in uh chapter six okay in the year that king uzziah died and that experience made him a major prophet he actually saw the ministry of jesus that and that's what we can see from this scripture he said every battle of the warriors with confused noise and garments rolled in blood but this this one that is coming it's going to be a lot different it's not like the the former one where you use a spear you use arrows and people will be shouting as they confuse noise you know they use horses and spears and you hit somebody who say ah you know i don't just fall you know and all that i said no no no that's old school this one's going to be with burning and fall of fire now this described in fivefold the ministry of jesus and of course the ministry of the church all right and there are five components to this one gospel the first he said this will be with burning and a full of fire that's the activities of the spirit the fireworks of the spirit are prayer and the prophetic okay we shall say include you know you know prophetic uh declaration prophetic dominion and all that any work the people has always said here that without god man can't but without man god won't all right man needed to establish god's authority on earth to get anything done and whatever work of god you're doing that does not involve god you are you are even working against god because god needs you to get his job done but he wants to walk through you so now ladies and gentlemen i hope you are hearing the issue no matter the type of ministry you are called into because some people say intercessors is trying to assassinate for africa it's foreign it's the reason why i'm bringing up this i don't mind if he starts his administration tomorrow morning let's lay these foundations right there are some people who would say this is for passo que bodie honey by someone but this is intercessors meanwhile there is no ministry if he doesn't have his foundation in prayer it's going to go far do you know that for jesus to be born here god hired a team of intercessors there is one god a woman that lost her husband from the time she was even a young woman married woman still old age even the coming of the messiah was surrounded by the minister of intercession there was one that was simeon they prayed so much paid the price and prayer somehow that god promised him that he would not see death till he sees the baby anything god proposes in his heart is better first in prayer so it's not for you know there are modern day ministries where new generation ministry where psychedelic ministry leave all this prayer thing you're a joker and now you are hearing now that is not going to be by physical weapons that is not by the weapons cannot weapons like the normal battles where you use sword and garments rodent blood you know it's not fighting with men the weapons of our warfare are not cannon he said we wrestle not against flesh and blood this one is going to be with fulls of fire and burning so the holy spirit will not function till the ministry of prayer is installed that's the first thing and we who are in the movement for transformation there is no in church history no transformation has happened in the i'm not talking about churches in the history of this world no real transformation has happened that was not better than prayer whether it's potential reformation whether is he the pentagon someone whether it is the it doesn't matter which one it is actually prophet i have been on this journey for more than 10 years now if only preaching and teaching and doing all the program will do it nigeria were going to transform at least 100 times by now what is holding africa is more than what intellectualism can't handle pastor glory go ahead sir thank you very much sir and again we must realize that when god sends us on a mission he already has got a plan god already has a plan so in the pla in the place of intercession two things happen one we are transformed and two we legislate there are two things about the intercessor one uh it's called as permission and ad promotion you know the first is exposing a course by argument okay that's where are an advocate the second one is that you are actually you know enforcing all right now what and then that's why you also download we're not expected to run with our programs you don't get god's endorsement so that's why prayer that's our intercession is fundamental we've got to know god's will first download we don't just pray pray god do we do dude most times when you're praying tells you go and do it all right so that's so that's why it's so fundamental that's why it comes first the second is that the church is meant to go to to give birth to babies that's verse six that's basis and on unto us a child is born any work of god that is going out of prayer is likely to be it must be sustained true to prayer too so the church is to go to the next level ruth's evangelism winning source and i want to say that the bible never said as many uh okay when we win okay let me get to the point so i want us to close yes the second level is soul winning evangelist evangelism reaching out and winning the loss i don't know of course not just that they are coming in that's you're giving birth to new believers just like jesus was born a baby every one of us was also entered in through the new birth of course you also know that christ first is born in our hearts and that's how it happened you receive christ repent of your sin and receive the gospel you experience the regeneration so that's the second state prayer paves the will then we preach the gospel of salvation prophecy is where the preaching of the gospel of grace the gospel of salvation comes in and people are saved and they become god's children okay what is the next one the next stage is growing children into sonship and i want to say that in the new testament there's nothing like daughter of of god or daughter of zion's new testament expression anyone that is born again in history the bible said to them give him power to become sons of god whether you are male or female you are a son you are called you are given power to become a son so you are born a child you are given power to become a son now that is growth is by development now because a man whatever you all right a man lives in you his name is jesus and the bible says you have the spirit of sonship that called christ unto god abba father so okay let's make it clear the third stage of the gospel in the progression is discipleship people development human capital development in the kingdom you grow disciples and grow songs and this one is by development you don't just have given my life no it's not it's not something you just got is when you subject yourself to training to mentorship to fathering to nurturing and i does say the word to discipline a disciple is a disciplined person who lives a disciplined life that's why sometimes when you finish studying a course they say what is your discipline medicine you spend years being disciplined according to the precepts and the practices of that particular profession is training you become a disciple and this is development okay go ahead and his sons that are given inheritance not children okay so whether male or female you are given power to become a son all right okay so and there's no there's no gender discrimination a a woman can look at devil eyeball eyeball and the devil will blink it's the same no discrimination now and uh god never gives authority governance of society governance of nations to to to children he gives them two sons that's much even jesus himself bible says while he was still you know uh uh younger he was even subject to governance until he matured okay the fourth stage is dominion and the kingdom that's where the gospel of the kingdom comes in that's where the government shall be upon his shoulder so this is where we call it deployment why you know deliverance is salvation download is prayer d1 is download it's prayer let's upload and download d2 is deliverance coming out of egypt being born again some people call it discovery d3 is discipleship d4 now is deployment that's where you are released to go and begin to manifest the kingdom to manifest his dominion and manifest his influence over the earth his deployment the government shall be open so a sphere of influence is delivered to you and you have the capacity to influence to transform it because you have been discipled you've been trained you've been equipped go ahead sir and it's when a critical mass of the church gets to this level that jesus can begin thinking about coming he said matthew 24 14 said and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached for as a witness to all nations and then the end will come and the church in africa is spearheading this gospel of the kingdom actually that's one that's one battle god kept for the church in africa to shine please go back to the scripture we are studying we have not finished you have already switched if you show us a different scripture you go back this is how you do the fifth stage of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end that's verse seven the seventh order and establish it you know upon the throne of david and so on and so forth so the fifth and final stage is social transformation we want to see communities and nations change and it will go on all the way to the coming of jesus where he's going to set up his kingdom here for a thousand years what does that mean if we get a number of people saved which foundation will first be laid in prayer and properly disciple them then and deploy them they will reach the final stage of dominion social and national dominion that's where you have social influence the increase of his kingdom and of his government there will be no end and it can go all the way to becoming completely a complete global influence we know that we're not going to reach a point where we say it's a perfect word all the problems in it are solved until jesus returns but we're going to grow the kingdom of god will keep increasing in influence increasing in his dominion increasing in his ability to even bring solution to social ills including bringing peace go ahead and say the last time i want them to comment and then that's how we're going to close tonight yes and none of these components it's in isolation you know and uh some groups wrong with one in isolation it's like you you get what i mean it's not it's it's a five in one it's a penta gospel and that's what christ brought that is the ministry demonstrated that the ministry church is meant to demonstrate all this and all this you know gathering of the globalists now they are for the church to deal with the church is to overrun them is to crush them is to use to is to flock them to you know to break their heads with roads okay and this is left especially for the church in africa because they are leading the gospel of the kingdom so they don't get i want the role of the church in africa but before you do because he talks fast so i like to slow it down so that people can get it you see that statement he made none of this is in isolation you know sometimes like in the east here you see one ministry it's only fire fire fire fire fight that's level one prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer we will finish no discipleship no building of people no human capital development no training so and i i always do the illustration like this it's like laying foundation when you finish no construction no building 10 years after you come back they still no house but a great work was done here it's like clearing the bush when you finish no planting and of course what happens after some years all the bush will grow back again and it confuses people even sometimes people who pray after all the work we did in this city what happened because we did that foundational level we didn't build on it then you meet others the week no prayer take it out completely say prayer and then they run they want to you cannot disciple without deliverance you can use grammar to deal with demonic problems because some put intellectualism above spirituality you are joking so it's not you take this one you throw away for example you see some they go to level two unto us a son is more and just be preaching salvation gospel of salvation new beds new creation realities grace grace grace preach grace up and down until they push grace outside the boundary where it becomes now destructive they won't balance it with the gospel of the kingdom they keep everybody as babies 30 years they have seen babies there is no plan to move can you imagine if the school you went to kept you in nursery school or primary school you wanted to be a doctor you are studying to be a doctor they kept you recycling nursery rhymes for you after 30 years that's what we have seen in the church now big men with grey hair carrying through bottles and then there are some and there are few churches that are doing capacity building discipline making disciples but you have those who disciple they don't deploy you build an army the army is doing nothing sitting in the barracks they are afraid to deploy and so society is perishing no impact because everything is locked up in the barrack called church just before i let him go because i want this man to comment on this i wanted to talk about this thing you were you as you know you stop there that the role of africa in these last days yes go ahead sir god has a portion different dimensions of the battle to different you know we're all one body irrespective of the race okay but what is given to africa is this gospel of the kingdom and uh and the challenges that are coming up now in the world is for the african church to contend to contend with to contend with now god gave some science about this earlier on when joseph of siren was going to the cross i know when jesus was going to the cross jesus was serene courage uh he he carried across you know to the point of crucifixion and he said libyan this the second thing that's very very crucial is that when jesus life was in danger as a little boy god spoke to joseph take mary your your wife and the baby to africa to egypt now that was indicative of the fact that africa would provide security for this jesus project in the last days and africa and there was a discussion in heaven and david please say it again one more time yes africa will provide security for the jesus project for the jesus project as it provides today's project yes that's it provided for jesus all right and then finally in psalm 110 from verse 1 to the end you know god was discussing you know with jesus and david is dropping to it he said the lord said unto my lord sit down at my right hand just relax until i make your enemies your footstool how is this going to do it it's going to send the rod of your strength out of zion to rule in the midst of their enemies all right if they're vlogging in school you know where their primary school is called vlogging all right if military man flock is a different kind of flooding but they flogging with rot it's called what wounding or or killing who have been licensed to kill all these globalists leave them we're going to overrun them all right uh we're going to overrun them you also asked me to do some preparations praise god everyone say prophet of fire give me maybe god bless you thank you thank you sir thank you sir thank you sir yeah they removed the cap i'm just doing that as part of protocols yes remove the cap so you can use the normal so they watch the cap you see what i'm teaching i'm teaching about this so i don't know what you're practicing in your church or your ministry be taking note of that when people have spoken with other put another cap for another speaker or remove it let him use and when he finishes you see all these things whether it's this cup or this you can baptize it with do you know when people speak on mics and speak on man after when you bring it near your nose there is this smell like you are healing what is ultima tobacco you are healing tobacco people have gotten this thing through that in their health did you have a prophet he said that's how i got it that's not the first time he told me that when i went to visit him when he was discharged he told me he said you will come for a session you know he was trading politicians they will make speech this one will speak you know how they behave they will hand the mic to this one he will speak it will finish your hand because i noticed that that virus at one time sat among politicians the ordinary people were moving around free because this one will finish you will give to the other one by the time they finish okay you are now ready to start the training the whole thing is smelling like you are healing when i really listening to him i got him and now got the revelation he hand me the mic i'll baptize the mic in the name of hand sanitizer and the mic is certified oh hey did you hear what was just dropped here right now of course i think you're going to start your assignment tomorrow let's this background because we have opened the floodgates let's i want i want us to the five dimensions so probably start with you and then i'll go around and all of that i'm just sitting here really shaking my head why am i doing this pastor david you and i have started this journey a long time ago in 2006 2007 there's no way you hear this kind of conversation and i'm sitting here today you don't know how joyful i am please appreciate pastor david yes you you amaze me you amaze me you amaze me and just looking at this it's then telling my wife who tells me they brought it to me so i said to my wife let's go back to this isaiah 9 6 answer i said this is these are aspects of mature suns and then we connected them to isaiah 11 verse 1 and 2. you notice you see those aspects are the same so this and i said to my wife this christmas is not about celebrating a baby it's about babies becoming like songs i said this christmas this particular one is the emergence of sons the baby has left the manger a long time ago every one of you must leave the manger this week and begin to man look at the the aspects of the sun one wonderful my wife and i discussed about it and i prayed a radical prayer i'm still meditating on that prayer lord in this season let me manifest your wonders amen healing all kinds you know this time is not just teaching teaching politicians but seeing one that's weak and command the demon out of that one and continue the teaching while they are still wondering what's going on you are giving counsel about the you know economic policies you go back to give council you know yet another is sick you cast a demon said let me walk in your wonders let me walk in your counselor you know you know what a counselor is giving that was the prayer we prayed we took every one of them be dangerous i can tell you that everybody lifts up her health before they ever say ask god that you want to manifest his wonders his wisdom his peace his dominion merced his mighty arm his authority let it flow through you that you want to leave this stage of baby whose stage of christianity and move to sonship and move to maturity where you can manifest the fullness of the sacraments [Music] look yes oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] nice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] good [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hello [Music] um [Music] hello [Music] hallelujah remember the way the the prophetic survey flows 6 a.m the minister's sessions starts holding is another hall on the other side you know and there's registration for that we use that to keep away some people and ten thousand for those who are attending that six a.m to eight and they will come and join the open session here every morning glory be to the name of the lord we are going to be closing it here but you won't send any reason go ahead praise the lord pastor david thank you for being a man of the spirit look at what you have done to us tonight this this is not in the script this is not this is not the program the holy spirit have had his way i sit where and this is for me what you know following god is about it's not about doing i mean in another forum we would have been done longest time and shady grace but look at how the holy spirit has been given his expressway so i'm profoundly grateful to you so i will love you you don't know how much we love it i love you amen and when pastor glory now said that um um given what happened when jesus came here that we are not going to be providing security for the jesus project and then he also talked about the axis of global christian leadership shifting and tilting towards africa and i thought he made some strong points because the word says that in these end times that princess will come out of africa please read it read it yeah princess will come out of here let's read it psalm 68 verse 31 31 princess will come out of africa and pastor as i look at at this congregation and see the number of young people timing young number of young people and then god is saying something to them sons will come out of this life princes well-trained people who have capacity who who god will be using to bring to pass these purposes in this entire they will be coming from amongst us here all of us some of us here looking at me and then god the holy spirit reminded me that 24 years ago we were in this um city of nature where you know nature 1996 i'm sure you were there and something happened yesterday you know there is a sense in which you you are in a meeting and you see somebody prophesying and you know that this is 100 god yes i was in that meeting i can never forget it and i i knew when the holy spirit entered the place and the engineering test and began to prophesy i knew it was 100 god and i'm going to read that prophecy because italics with what we are hearing here and that is to say that the world is waiting for us initiative leadership initiative of what god will do in this end time is no longer going to come from america yes it's going to come from amongst us we better rise up with better because the time of incubation is passed if this is time to hatch this is time of manifestation that's where we are now so let let me just read it this was this happened in january 27 january 1996 it was a testament for nigeria uh east regional conference on nature this prophecy was given by engineer intention upon israel he says arise on nigeria says the lord arise from the north arise from the south arise from the west arise from the east the season of incubation is passed the day to hatch has come and i the lord bring upon you a visitation my marked visitation even though you have not known me yet i have chosen you in this day i pass through the land in mercy to renew the face of the nations even though the nations are despising you i have desired you as a place for my glory therefore i the lord have jealously watched over you to cause my purpose to be done i have brought you to the valley of decision there is no time to waste arise as a generation for i have waited for you i will desire of you genuine dedication i the lord will make my demands but i seek to raise out of you a generation of men who will make my glory known in the ends of the earth i have proposed it i will do it but i ask you to arise arise in this day there is no more time to waste arise arise from complacency arise from ignorance no me no me the god of destiny no me the god of covenants wow for i seek to exhibit you to the world wow i have come this day do i desire a commitment from you i desire not to wait any longer my time has come and you shall labor in the nations to bring up children therefore arise into this destiny for the world waits for you says the lord pastor david told me that i should compile all these prophecies because the young people who are coming they need to know they need to know what god has said so that they would not run a miss and i have done that at simon is here available yes that's that's where i'm reading from where are the remaining copies they're around there are please are they available let's use it and open or is it tomorrow maybe tomorrow okay tomorrow okay okay i'll wait you tomorrow but but i'm going to warn you you see like the day i brought that in one pass book he didn't go halfway once they open get your copy get your card i don't know how many copies you brought very important because from toronto this whole place will get filled up so i wish you that came on the opening night to get it first the prof is already negotiating for his copy [Music] so that's what i find in my heart to say that um as you you you heard all that you you see how it was resonating with what you were saying he was talking about covenant you know being the key into this and all of that rolled together so as i was sat here the holy spirit was reminding me this is 24 years you come back into this territory and god is happening on the same thing the world is waiting for us the initiative of what to do as far as god's purposes are concerned in this end time will come from amongst us no more from uk no more from the u.s the lord will depend on us amen the scripture will put it up again you know you first put it up he said egypt and ethiopia which are the prophetic names for africa in the bible yeah you see that remember but now you brought up the second scripture princes shall come out of egypt ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hand unto god give us that translation that said africa africa will send her noble envoys so it's time for us to start sending missions to the nations is not what you read that we will never in the nations of children and they will come running stretching out their hands in love to you he said that people shall be willing in the day of thy power go ahead sir whatever another thing i i would uh ask us to look back at the same scripture isaiah chapter 9 isaiah chapter 9 that isaiah chapter 9 are from verse five or six yeah yes this this particular verse you see i i i see uh if in fact it's in line with the prophecy i i see the lord perhaps will be pouring out the spirit in such a strange way in this gathering because one you notice that he says that a song is given and the government shall be upon is talking about a singular person his shoulder and his name shall be now look at all the names of one particular person and when jesus our lord when he was commanding the church to go out when he was asking them to go on what we call the great commission said baptizing them in the name it wasn't the names because it was making reference to the father the son and the holy spirit there are three persons but there are one name now baptizing them in the name not the names not the names now now that this is again his name so the mystery of this name is that these people that are coming out of africa you will notice that we will grow not just when prof was talking prof talked about the wonders we should displace his wonders but our understanding of wonders has been about financial breakthrough healing healing and all of this but the wonders will go to council can we imagine joseph a boy that at that time he was still a prisoner that you are brought out of prison does not mean you'll be released okay he just came to see pharaoh philip would say okay thank you very much go back to the prison but a prisoner came out and by giving council a nation was delivered he status changed a more dynamic problem over time more than 400 years of prophecy that god gave to abraham began with joseph at that moment god said your seed shall be they will serve joseph kick started that then by giving counsel i am i'm vibrating here because i sense that if you look at what god is doing with some african people especially nigerians i'm this not being particular but when you look at war trade organizations look at african development bank you look at some of these things and look at some of these wonderful main props who are coming and all of that the kind of thing they are doing it falls into council i mean we can give people counsel in families in businesses in in government i mean and most of the people we have today don't have counsel they can't sell the execute account cells from the same people we are supposed to go and give through council because these councillors are going to come from africa these are the baptism of manifestation that will come from this princess now look at that when they began to manifest mighty god in the book of acts there was this i won't call him a gentleman because he was a sorcerer but it was called the great power of god can you imagine now they will come out of these young people you see sitting here out of these people there's come as people they say this man is the mighty power of god this is these people they are the agents of the mighty god something like that now look at everlasting father it comes to the point where we are transformed from children that we are born like our pastor said they are children that we are born souls that we are giving then ask what would they do they start giving birth so they become fathers fathers like abraham you know they begin to go to that level from babies to sons yes for our sons to father fathers even fathers of nations the fathers of nations even fathers of many nations do you remember do you remember that joseph told his brethren to tell their father that god has made him a father pharaoh you can imagine what that means so there are many people here who will become fathers to presidents of nations you understand and one thing you will remember is that this will become prince of peace now the kind of thing that god did with the israelites when they came out of egypt was not ordinary okay egypt was the most noted superpower in the world at that time but god had to harmful egypt to the point where all the weapons that egypt had god sang them in the red sea so that nobody doubted that this battle was not fought by the weapons of men it was fought by god so the prince of peace wherever you see these princes manifesting from africa when they speak they will give people the recipe for lasting peace not just peace in nations in homes in businesses things that will promote peace so i believe that that this particular five dimension that the pastor mentioned that we the african people represented in this prophetic conference on this altar that we have raised to the law we should sign a kind of an agreement with god on this covenant because i was called the night in the core east at the time when this prophecy came in fact at that time we had gone on a mission to liberia and we did a job in liberia a walk in liberia at the peak of their civil war and return we gave a report of that mission at that and god spoke this word god is still waiting for us 24 years you can imagine he's still waiting for us to go to the nations and become princes of peace to those nations i believe that there's a lot that we can sign into by this prophecy thank you thank you if you are being led by the lord to set up a co you know when he said counselors i want to use a modern day language consulting to set up a consulting services a company for businesses or for governments go and register it and set it up and build capacity in that area because when we talk about after salvation there is capacity building or discipleship it's not just spiritual capacity build capacity to be able to operate like daniel like joseph in the government house in the economic territory and with the wisdom of god you can dismantle issues of holding a nation down or a state or a local government there will be those that will go into government properly but there will be those who will be there by the side but that they one deciding what is happening bringing the wisdom to steer the affairs of that community or nation or or government if you are here and there is a calling and a a yearning of god in you for community leadership for local government leadership for state leadership for national leadership for even interfere intervention in continental affairs or even global affairs don't pull back it's time to start moving into it and then if you have not developed capacity too much then of course you have to move fast to balance that gap further we thank you for what you have shown us tonight thank you for this holy moment thank you for this prophetic moment thank you lord let your presence follow every one of us into this night open up the fountains the windows of heaven and and open up the mysteries of your will to your people let the reign of revelation the reign of supernatural wisdom the reign of supernatural counsel and discernment come upon fall heavily upon everyone tonight and all throughout this this weekend let your angels follow each and every one let everybody have in jails assigned to them ministering to them breaking things down opening their understanding thank you because the blood has pushed our ears has punched our tongues have punched our toes has punched our hearts have punched our eyes now everyone can see they can hear they can perceive and understand your will your purpose and your cancer we give you praise we give you thanks glory be to your name in the highest in jesus mighty name amen person nobody come whatever you want to take off free whatever you want to do do that so we can god bless you sir thank you sir thank you thank you sir [Applause] hallelujah let's give our offerings and we'll be taking special offerings every service before we go let's give our offerings this evening father we thank you we give you praise we bless your name we thank you father for this evening in jesus precious name amen and if you're online accounts will be shown online for you in it and then also project on the screen on for the accounts amen bless the lord o my soul bless the lord i want you to [Music] you can also give to the account i think shown this is a wonderful evening just give generously this [Music] in evening [Music] remember tomorrow morning meeting 6 a.m if you're a minister you're a pastor you're a leader in any form the meeting is going to hold at the hall behind towards the hostel at the back there six a.m if you're a leader you're a minister you're a church pastor you're a church leader or you're a business leader or you're a leader in any form or you're aspiring to be a leader is a registered conference be there by 6 a.m but for the rest the oppo session starts by 6 8 a.m tomorrow here for everybody so if you're coming this evening make sure you come tomorrow morning make sure you come by 6 a.m please don't go without giving your offerings or shares make sure you're at the door to receive the offerings from people hallelujah father we thank you for tonight we give you praise will bless your name we thank you king of glory may your name and your name alone be glorified in jesus precious name amen surely god's goodness and mercies are following us all the days of our lives our dwelling in the house of the lord forever and ever amen [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 9,265
Rating: 4.9483871 out of 5
Id: fx8yT_k95hI
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Length: 201min 46sec (12106 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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