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to lead us unprovided guidelines just know that nobody knows how to run society like the one that created the nations the man that made the universe understands the best way to run it so that we can be we can enjoy peace and prosperity in our own nation so you will understand that our responsibility goes beyond praying for our nation we have responsibility in choosing the kind of people that lead us we have a big responsibility in choosing the kind of people that lead us go and get your voters card and get yourself ready to play a part in selecting who leads this country from now forward so anytime we say okay we want to pick up somebody to lead us god said it's not just anybody there are criterias that must be followed number one we must make sure that the person that rules on earth is in line with the government of god in heaven let it be god that chooses the person so people say power comes from god even the politicians say but they also understand that power also come from the electorate from the people you need to to power source of power the power of god and the power of the people even if god has made you a leader if you are leading and nobody's following you you're only taking a walk yeah that god called to be president but they have to become governors first and that's what happened to david he became the governor of judah for several years and then mastered the art from there before god moved him to the national scene so the first criteria is it has to be whom god has chosen the question is how do you know that what this principle is telling us is that we should prayerfully choose the person we want to vote for we present in themselves of course we should be praying about this coming election but beyond that we should prayerfully because many times people are are not just what they are saying political campaigns and all those promises can be deceptive but remember this is not the only criteria there are seven of them so don't just tell me i've prayed god has told me is this person it's not enough the other things you have to consider a true one from among your brethren shall you said king over you and then he puts a law after stating it it has to be one of our own people that you should set king it has to be a genuine nigerian don't let a foreigner rule over you so that he can have compassion for his land and for his people it means you have to be patriotic for the kingdom of god one from among your brethren one from i see people who even believe in transformation helping nebuchadnezzars and pharaohs and at the same time they're talking about transformation meanwhile you believe that the mountain of the lord's house is what will change all the mountains how are you now importing babylonian values into politics and still expect change to occur values that don't care about human life the bible's religion is divinity with humanity the western ideology of man without god wrong there is an identity of god without man wrong the balance is god and man in unison you love the lord your god with all your heart you love man that is maybe he's in his image then your religion now gains sense religion must benefit god and benefit the people that worship him i always say that the god almighty that crafted the ten commandments only created four of those commandments for himself the rest of the six is for the benefit of the worshippers because when he said that shall not kill he's not god is protect him when he said thou shalt not steal it's not his property in heaven that you can steal his human properties when he said i shall not commit adult he's not god's wife you can abuse when they say there should not be a force witness against your neighbour he's trying to protect us but he put a few things for himself don't have another god remember the sabbath day to keep it whole even that one he is sharing it with us because sabbat is not just holy days there are holy days so it's not just for worship it's for rest so that employers of labor and all these guys driving the industries will not walk their staff to death god is customer focused god is thinking about us and that is the kind of government we need that craft constitution not just to protect those that are in government but the maturity of what they put down in the document over 70 should be for the benefit of the people the citizens that's what is called servant leadership and god did not give anybody dominion over another person's conscience god gave man among the liberty the liberty of conscience that's why he gave us the power of the way to make choices but your choices will have consequences so he gives us the choice whosoever will it whosoever believe it and anybody that understands marriage knows that he has to be whosoever you can't force love this at this point now removes you from partisan lawyers now we need this to selecting who lose nigeria who rules your state you should look beyond party lawyers to kingdom citizenship and kingdom lawyers can i can amen okay verse 16 third qualification because if you say one from among your brethren does it mean that just because somebody professes whatever he qualifies just because somebody is from since i'm a christian or claims to be a kingdom person who qualifies no there are criterias to assess even the so-called brethren which again number three he shall not multiply hosts for himself anyway in case you don't know what this is it's talking about security security security there are three things now the bible is going to list he will say the man must not multiply for himself this is about arms weapons in the aim to catch power in the quest to grab political power he must not fill the land with violence so you have to check don't put a violent person that is going to escalate violence in the land with your vote if somebody advocates is you know suppress any kind of ideology that supports violence that supports demonization of human life or whatever don't use your vote to put in there you don't know who will die next is one thing to end the use and nothing to recover the gun to get him back is the problem the first horses are instruments of war god did not say the man should not multiply horses for the states he didn't say he should not empower the police he should not empower the military he should not arm the agencies that is a good law and order no but when he's a private army for the people whatever he has consequences later investments not private militias everywhere the only person they listen to is a perfect petition you know we have a big problem in our hands third principle for choosing political leader third one fought one nor caused the people to return to egypt in order to multiply horses there are two sides to this particular statement these are the people that sell us back to our colonial masters for personal advantage god actually put another law there he said for i have said you shall not return that way again remember how the children of israel were colonized by the egyptians and they came out of egypt to become a nation so he said any politician that will send you back either for public power for money of whatever advantage he sends you back to don't put such a man over you to rule over you now this thing has a wider implication the same of our future some of our mineral resources there is no colonialism going on in of the colonial nigeria and they just find one or two person put money behind him and get him there too you have to check that don't use your vote to put somebody in office that will put us back in bondage sign deals they pay some money in his foreign account and he sends away the future of the nation this corruption or happening at the international scene is even more deadly but at the local level let me tell you what that scripture is saying don't put somebody in power that will lead the nation back to idolatry that's what god was worried about or baptism you don't know who would die next they use girls for rituals they use children for rituals they go to hospitals where they give back to babies and collect fresh bone babies for such a person you want to use your power to put him in office even if he goes to church even if he says i want to resign you know belong to this he want to because all these young people that are going to be disappearing from the streets the ascension drivers are pretend to be drivers they carry passengers spray social media they find themselves in the bush and they are used like ram for slaughter to service all that bloodshed so that somewhere they can retain power you don't know whether it will be your cousin that will be missing one day there are thousands of nigerians that are missing they cannot be found anywhere they are slaughtered to service or cultivate powers that keeps certain people in office this is the kind of thing that is going on in africa don't use your vote to put somebody in office you see all the that the gospel has achieved in a nation one person you vote in can eradicate that you just promote or courtesy promote also something some of them even arm can push courtesy promote one thing and then before you can come for contract you have to be initiated before you can be given an appointment you have to come for immediately in the night to be initiated meanwhile on sunday he comes to church he's not those kind of christians they are not christians so he's not just anyhow christian just because he answers his name you can't vote and give him what is god looking for here people of values because he knows that when such leaders come but he said when the righteous is in authority the people will rejoice when such leaders come the whole nation will benefit hey let me see if i can pick the other ones first uh verse 17. get the tip it's out there you know neither shall he multiply wives for himself now let me show you another thing again here this is where solomon had his own problem and it was also a big problem a letter the consequences of it affected the nation of israel a few years after he left office that nation fragmented into two countries politicians that keep concubines everywhere that immorality corrodes mentality it happened to solo king the wisest king started becoming stupid that's why some of them the policies that are making it with women all around them a call comes and says ah yeah inside the office inside the guest has inside this one is rubbing the other side the opening said a major he just makes one stupid decision he's destiny of a nation have you noticed that these christian nations when they held their values that a public officer involved in any form or whatever it's a big issue it's like you are treated like a pastor that is misbehaving am i correct a sinner or whatever because the strength of sin is secrecy privacy bring them to the to the reception the power is over bring their third party because that's another way to say call another person to come with power has broken even a six-year-old guy can cast a demon of immorality just open the door and come in all that demon will leave your head so is that you create a certain environment for the flesh the flesh becomes overbearing anyway coming back here the point is politicians that are multiplying wives and concubines this is concubines everywhere god knows that he's going to hinder their career in government and make good people turn back especially these free girls barita has finished giving contact to all his girlfriends and awarding them buying jeeps for them building houses for them i wonder how much money that is left to pursue development and each girl will go and get for the father get for the cousin get for the brother gate for i know you think prosperity makes people happy maybe political it makes people happy some families have destroyed it permanently because politics without headache destroys so it's not just that he's one of the brethren you can see the other conditions then of course now shall he greatly multiply silver and gold for himself remember he didn't say he shouldn't multiply the economy of the nation he's saying don't vote in people that are corrupt financially corrupt check his pedigree check his past check what he has been doing till now it is better to train a david than to start collecting a soul after he's in office then you come at somewhere to come and correct him he will tell your mantle as a prophet take the one that is not in power and train him when the things happen to him let him get there then he will help him i've never seen where david was corrected by any of the prophets and he had problems with them he will follow me on his face and repent soul was placed before he was trained david was trained before he was placed cake what he's been doing how he's earned his money how he's been anywhere living what he has been doing because a lizard in nigeria will not become a crocodile because she exported it to government house you know the way they say that the leopard hardly loses that sport karate is not built by laying hands on people you just pray for a politician he has just become good character is cultivated over time in conclusion 18 he said also it shall be the way he sits on the tone of his kingdom he shall write for him a copy of this law in the book from the one before the priest and the levite if you have a copy of the bible so that what will happen verse 19. [Music] yes yes yes he shall be with him so he can all the days of his life that he may learn to fear god the god of the lord is god and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statues verse 20 he needs to be a person of value that is governed by god's fear and by the principles of the scripture then the benefit for us that we through this kind of man is this that his heart may not be lifted up above his brethren he will not be an oppressor he won't taunt a nebuchadnezzar power will not corrupt him he starts oppressing the people he's asked to lead the people that helped him to come to power his heart will not be lifted up above his bread the pride won't get into him that he becomes uncontrollable unaccountable let him submit to the authority of god's word and to god's ultimate authority then he will not abuse the people that he leads he had a power corrupts this is one of the ways that god is saying people who almost hold power must be people that are accountable people that fear god he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left hand that he may prolong his days in his kingdom he and his children in the midst of israel i have come to realize when people lead this way god will allow them to have successors that will honor them they will have political children they will have people mentored in that way of life that will keep that system going i'm not talking about putting you immediate son to replace you and all those kind of things no values attract followership it attracts a good leader an ethical leader also steers up that moral principle in the people around him he will always be somebody leaders who want to do for guidance for counseling look at somebody like mandela that didn't even last he stepped down but till he gave up the ghost he remained a reference i haven't found that people like this can lead from the grave even after that death people will be referring to the awards putting their ultra you know repeating some of their quotes using it to govern their life even in their debts they are still in power you want to know how to lead even when you are not in office and how to lead even when you are is to dead a type of leadership that is value-based that's what they call seven leadership your influence goes beyond the period you're in power each succeeding generations of leaders will come they will making reference they will still want to come to you and honor you and learn okay conclusion because i was teaching this somewhere to a group of politicians and one of them got up and said what if you can't find somebody that meets all the criteria what if you have three people to choose from and you look at them this one has problem here the other one has problem here the other one has problem here i say yes the reason god gave us the standard is so that we look for people that are closest to it so i gave them a scripture that answered the question is second samurai chapter 23 verse one these are the last words of david you know a person's dying words are usually loaded with wisdom david the greatest king that ever lived in israel look at these are his last words those said david the son of jesus thom said the man raised up on high the anointed of the god of jacob the swiss summits of israel look at what he said is verse 2 the spirit of the lord spake by me his word was on my tongue so what did the holy ghost teach him about leadership verse 3 look at what the holy ghost taught david the god of israel said the rock of israel spoke to me he who rules over men must be just ruling in the fear of god can we all say it together he who rules over man must be just ruined in the fear of god let's say one more time he who rules over men must be just ruling in the fear of god that's the summary of everything i've told you that's the ultimate politician that's why you want to have an office when the righteous is an authority the people will rejoice the land will prosper and the book of proverbs said it's not just having one righteous man he said take the wicked former around the righteous the throne will be established but if you have a righteous man you surround your wicked advisors and wicked councilors they want to delay him so he's not just getting one good president or one good governor we have to also encourage more ethical people more righteous people to go into public service at least let's start with taking responsibility to voting the right people keep the violent people or those that sponsor it away from government keep corrupt people away from government take responsibility for your vote if you don't do that you are part of the responsibility you are helping to create the problem [Music] every nigerian that is up to 18 i challenge you to make sure that you are part of this change now don't just sit down and say you don't know what is happening no that's one foot
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 675
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Ji6Bq9mWhT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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