DaVinci Resolve 19 - TOP 5 NEW Features!

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so black magic just released the Venture resolve 19 and this update is jam-packed with a lot of new tools effects features and overall quality of life improvements and instead of going over every single thing that is new in Avent 19 I'm going to show you my top five new additions or new things that you can do in the v resolve 19 but first we have to do a little bit of housekeeping the V resolve 19 is still an open beat out which means that we might experience a couple hiccups here and there or a few crashes haven't had that happen to me in the few hours that I've used it so far but that doesn't mean that it's not going to happen or that it's going to happen at all during the open Beta And if you decide to upgrade to the vent soft 19 open Beta just make sure that you're going to back up your project databases and I do not recommend to update when you still have an edit going on currently but that's it here are my top five new features of the V off 19 no more audio ducking in the fairlight page because now you can do audio ducking right on the edit page and you have to do that on a track level places so that means you have to have one specific track or more specific tracks that are just your music in this case it's audio track number two because audio track number one is going to be my voice over and on audio track number two I'm just going to select the track itself and then under the audio tab you have a bunch of track level adjustment in this case I'm going to activate the Ducker the source is going to be audio one because that is my voice over and then I'm going to increase the Duck level just a bit that is the level of reduction in this case I'm going to go to around 13 but I also want to reduce the loudness of the music track itself roughly around Min -6 DB now if you watch closely to the mixer down here you can see that the music is loud when there's no talking in the beginning but once my voice kicks in the music will be reduced so this is the newest addition to my existing Canon FD C huge update that will save me personally a lot of time if you think about your typical music subscription services like Track Club audio or epidemic sound they all let you download the individual stems of a music track however if you think about art list they don't allow you to do so but that is not an issue anymore going to use the music remixer the music remixer also works on a track level basis but it allows you to fully customize the volume of each different instrument or the vocals for example you could up the vocals by a few dcbs you could reduce the drums by a few deciples you could increase the bass increase the guitar or and decrease the others but you could also solo different instruments by muting every other instrument for example if I just want to have the drums I'm just going to mute every other instrument so I just have the drums if I want to build this into real different stems what I have to do is in this case I just have the drums right here on my audio track number two I'm going to duplicate that to audio track number three again go to the track level basis I'm going to go to music remixer and then here I just want to have the vocals so I'm going to mute everything else now if you want to have the console you can hit this button right here and it brings up the console that I had just a few seconds ago so now I've have just the vocals on audio trackon number three and I've just the drums on audio track number two hey sorry for the abrupt Interruption but this might be really important for you if by any chance you would want to win this camera right here that's the Panasonic Lumix S5 Mark II or a 14-in M3 MacBook or a DJI RS Pro combo or any of the other amazing prices totaling in over $22,000 in value then you should pay very close attention for the next few seconds because motion bfx is hosting their annual editing contest starting April 8th you will have 4 weeks to craft your personal CH but please follow these steps to be eligible to win any of those amazing prices first of all post a video until the end of May 7th across your social media channels which include Facebook Instagram YouTube any other social media platform secondly you have to use the hasht M show challenge in the title of the video also you have to include a link to the challenge into the post as well as Tex tag motion be packs and once you've done all of that just head to the website and submit the form that you find there and the winners will be announced by May 14th plus there's a bonus as they always do they're giving away a pack for free that is specifically designed for this contest and you will find a link to that in description below this video but you better make those cuts quickly as you only have 4 weeks until the end of May 7th 2024 but I believe in you you got this and thank you motion VFX for sponsoring this video color rating on the edit page by just using the film look Creator which you can find our effects then open effects and then just search for film look Creator and just drag that on a single clip or drag it onto an adjustment clip and stretch it out over multiple clips now by default you have a couple different presets like 65 mm 35 cinematic bleach byass nostalgic default no effect and custom however the most exciting thing is that you have a color space transform built into this effect now if I'm going to select color space overrides because this is shot in a log profile I can choose my input color space which was white gamut 4 and input gamma which was log C4 output color space is going to be Rex 709 output gamma is going to be Rex 709a just like that now under color settings I could change my exposure this is photometric exposure so that works really really good and then under split toning you can enable split toning can increase the amount and change the pivot then you have a bunch of different effects like Ving halation Bloom grain flicker gate weave or film gate which is pretty exciting because if we enable this you have those like cinematic retro boxes so preset 35 mm you could use a super 16 you could choose a Super 8 you could choose 2.4 to one or you can make your custom border and increase the padding just a little bit so that is a really really cool effect which I'm super stoked about just use the transform and let's just create a nice push in animation just like that and then just increase the zoom value uh at around here and now you can choose the curve button down here and select each of those and just ease those key frames in and you could create any curve that you like for example example like shoot it up overshoot it and then go back like this so that's a huge update for me personally because I prefer using the transform ofx compared to the transform that is built into your inspector and now being able to adjust the spline on any key frames is just a massive massive plus I'm just going to demonstrate how powerful this tool is for example this guy in this shot looks a little bit too dull for my liking so I want to give a little bit more life to that first of all I'm going to go to my blue six Vector down here see the selection that it has that is okay so I'm going to activate my highlight tool and I'm going to push the center around to see if I can include a little bit more of that sky and that right here looks perfectly fine then you can shift the Hue of justest that sky around for example if you want to have it like pink you could do so using the Hue slider down here here or you have two more sliders down here the left one is going to be density the right one is going to be saturation I want to make the sky a lot more dense so I'm just going to up that like so and I want to bring in just a little bit more saturation like this and if I'm going to activate that and deactivate that you can see the massive difference that this has next I just want to bring in a little bit more richness into the grass right here in the foreground so I'm going to choose my yellow preset and activate my highlighting tool shift around the center point to see if I can include just a little bit more and right there is perfect so going to deactivate the highlighter tool and I'm going to bring in a little bit more density but I'm also going to desaturate it just a little bit now if I'm going to deactivate this note you can see the massive difference that we've already made however the skin looks just a little bit too saturated and this is where the skin Vector comes in so I'm going to check my highlighter tool well we could refine that a little bit so I'm activating my highlighter and I'm going to shift these center around so I can just have the skin tones now that is perfect and I'm going to reduce the saturation just a little bit probably like so and if I'm going to deactivate that and activate it we have a very good image with just the color slice tool so if you come over to your motion effects under spatial noise reduction under mode you now have access to ultra noise reduction and that basically lets AI analyze your shot and then sets the Aluma and chroma values based off of that analysis so I'm going to analyze that so I have Luma 3.5 and chroma 2.3 however if I'm going to hit play right now you can see that we're getting a maximum of three frames in playback so keep that in mind because now I'm going to switch to enhanced and I'm going to set the exact values that the ultra noise reduction gave me so I'm going to set Luma 3.5 I'm going to break the chain and I'm going to put in 2.3 on chroma and if I'm now going to hit play you can see that we're getting massively improved playback speed 16 17 or 18 frames per second Ultra noise reduction will slow down your computer a lot but using it to get the values into the ballpark is actually pretty good and then using those values in the enhanced mode will actually improve the playback speed so so just keep that in mind so big thanks for watching this video also let me know in a comment below this video what was your most favorite new addition to dentur of9 and also make sure to subscribe if you want to see more future videos like that or more in-depth tutorials on any of those new effects or implementations of the vure resol 19 otherwise hope you're having a great day and I'm going to see you next time bye
Channel: Sebastian Friedrich
Views: 3,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sebastian friedrich, davinci resolve 19, davinci resolve 19 effects, davinci resolve 19 new features, davinci resolve 19 music remixer, davinci resolve 19 film look, davinci resolve 19 tutorial, davinci resolve 19 top new features, davinci resolv 19 new features
Id: cp7JLDwZWkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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